blob: 6cc91c901460f12c1e6de60fac69055c6d8c23f9 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Exclusivity.cpp - Exclusivity tracking ---------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This implements the runtime support for dynamically tracking exclusivity.
#include "swift/Runtime/Config.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Exclusivity.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Metadata.h"
#include <memory>
#include <stdio.h>
// Pick an implementation strategy.
// If we're using Clang, and Clang claims not to support thread_local,
// it must be because we're on a platform that doesn't support it.
// Use pthreads.
#if __clang__ && !__has_feature(cxx_thread_local)
#include <pthread.h>
// Pick a return-address strategy
#if __GNUC__
#define get_return_address() __builtin_return_address(0)
#elif _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
#define get_return_address() _ReturnAddress()
#error missing implementation for get_return_address
#define get_return_address() ((void*) 0)
using namespace swift;
bool swift::_swift_disableExclusivityChecking = false;
static const char *getAccessName(ExclusivityFlags flags) {
switch (flags) {
case ExclusivityFlags::Read: return "read";
case ExclusivityFlags::Modify: return "modification";
default: return "unknown";
static void reportExclusivityConflict(ExclusivityFlags oldAction, void *oldPC,
ExclusivityFlags newFlags, void *newPC,
void *pointer) {
static std::atomic<long> reportedConflicts{0};
constexpr unsigned maxReportedConflicts = 100;
// Don't report more that 100 conflicts. Hopefully, this will improve
// performance in case there are conflicts inside a tight loop.
if (reportedConflicts.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) >=
maxReportedConflicts) {
constexpr unsigned maxMessageLength = 100;
constexpr unsigned maxAccessDescriptionLength = 50;
char message[maxMessageLength];
snprintf(message, sizeof(message),
"Simultaneous accesses to 0x%lx, but modification requires "
"exclusive access",
fprintf(stderr, "%s.\n", message);
char oldAccess[maxAccessDescriptionLength];
snprintf(oldAccess, sizeof(oldAccess),
"Previous access (a %s) started at", getAccessName(oldAction));
fprintf(stderr, "%s ", oldAccess);
if (oldPC) {
dumpStackTraceEntry(0, oldPC, /*shortOutput=*/true);
fprintf(stderr, " (0x%lx).\n", (uintptr_t)oldPC);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "<unknown>.\n");
char newAccess[maxAccessDescriptionLength];
snprintf(newAccess, sizeof(newAccess), "Current access (a %s) started at",
fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", newAccess);
// The top frame is in swift_beginAccess, don't print it.
constexpr unsigned framesToSkip = 1;
bool keepGoing = isWarningOnly(newFlags);
RuntimeErrorDetails::Thread secondaryThread = {
.description = oldAccess,
.numFrames = 1,
.frames = &oldPC
RuntimeErrorDetails details = {
.version = 1,
.errorType = "exclusivity-violation",
.currentStackDescription = newAccess,
.framesToSkip = framesToSkip,
.memoryAddress = pointer,
.numExtraThreads = 1,
.threads = &secondaryThread
reportToDebugger(!keepGoing, message, &details);
if (keepGoing) {
// 0 means no backtrace will be printed.
fatalError(0, "Fatal access conflict detected.\n");
namespace {
/// A single access that we're tracking.
struct Access {
void *Pointer;
void *PC;
uintptr_t NextAndAction;
enum : uintptr_t {
ActionMask = (uintptr_t)ExclusivityFlags::ActionMask,
NextMask = ~ActionMask
Access *getNext() const {
return reinterpret_cast<Access*>(NextAndAction & NextMask);
void setNext(Access *next) {
NextAndAction =
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(next) | (NextAndAction & ActionMask);
ExclusivityFlags getAccessAction() const {
return ExclusivityFlags(NextAndAction & ActionMask);
void initialize(void *pc, void *pointer, Access *next,
ExclusivityFlags action) {
Pointer = pointer;
PC = pc;
NextAndAction = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(next) | uintptr_t(action);
static_assert(sizeof(Access) <= sizeof(ValueBuffer) &&
alignof(Access) <= alignof(ValueBuffer),
"Access doesn't fit in a value buffer!");
/// A set of accesses that we're tracking. Just a singly-linked list.
class AccessSet {
Access *Head = nullptr;
constexpr AccessSet() {}
void insert(Access *access, void *pc, void *pointer, ExclusivityFlags flags) {
auto action = getAccessAction(flags);
for (Access *cur = Head; cur != nullptr; cur = cur->getNext()) {
// Ignore accesses to different values.
if (cur->Pointer != pointer)
// If both accesses are reads, it's not a conflict.
if (action == ExclusivityFlags::Read &&
action == cur->getAccessAction())
// Otherwise, it's a conflict.
reportExclusivityConflict(cur->getAccessAction(), cur->PC,
flags, pc, pointer);
// If we're only warning, don't report multiple conflicts.
// Insert to the front of the array so that remove tends to find it faster.
access->initialize(pc, pointer, Head, action);
Head = access;
void remove(Access *access) {
auto cur = Head;
// Fast path: stack discipline.
if (cur == access) {
Head = cur->getNext();
Access *last = cur;
for (cur = cur->getNext(); cur != nullptr;
last = cur, cur = cur->getNext()) {
assert(last->getNext() == cur);
if (cur == access) {
swift_runtime_unreachable("access not found in set");
/// A set of independent access sets. This is not designed to put
/// the access sets on different cache lines, so it's fine for
/// thread-local sets and probably not fine for concurrent sets.
class AccessSets {
enum { NumAccessSets = 8 };
AccessSet Sets[NumAccessSets];
constexpr AccessSets() = default;
AccessSets(const AccessSets &) = delete;
AccessSets &operator=(const AccessSets &) = delete;
AccessSet &get(void *pointer) {
size_t index = std::hash<void*>()(pointer) % NumAccessSets;
return Sets[index];
} // end anonymous namespace
// Each of these cases should define a function with this prototype:
// AccessSets &getAllSets();
// Use direct language support for thread-locals.
static_assert(LLVM_ENABLE_THREADS, "LLVM_THREAD_LOCAL will use a global?");
static LLVM_THREAD_LOCAL AccessSets ExclusivityAccessSets;
static AccessSets &getAllSets() {
return ExclusivityAccessSets;
// Use pthread_getspecific.
static pthread_key_t createAccessSetPthreadKey() {
pthread_key_t key;
int result = pthread_key_create(&key, [](void *pointer) {
delete static_cast<AccessSets*>(pointer);
if (result != 0) {
fatalError(0, "couldn't create pthread key for exclusivity: %s\n",
return key;
static AccessSets &getAllSets() {
static pthread_key_t key = createAccessSetPthreadKey();
AccessSets *sets = static_cast<AccessSets*>(pthread_getspecific(key));
if (!sets) {
sets = new AccessSets();
pthread_setspecific(key, sets);
return *sets;
/** An access set accessed via pthread_get_specific. *************************/
#error No implementation chosen for exclusivity!
/// Return the right access set for the given pointer.
static AccessSet &getAccessSet(void *pointer) {
return getAllSets().get(pointer);
/// Begin tracking a dynamic access.
/// This may cause a runtime failure if an incompatible access is
/// already underway.
void swift::swift_beginAccess(void *pointer, ValueBuffer *buffer,
ExclusivityFlags flags, void *pc) {
assert(pointer && "beginning an access on a null pointer?");
Access *access = reinterpret_cast<Access*>(buffer);
// If exclusivity checking is disabled, record in the access
// buffer that we didn't track anything.
if (_swift_disableExclusivityChecking) {
access->Pointer = nullptr;
if (!pc) pc = get_return_address();
getAccessSet(pointer).insert(access, pc, pointer, flags);
/// End tracking a dynamic access.
void swift::swift_endAccess(ValueBuffer *buffer) {
Access *access = reinterpret_cast<Access*>(buffer);
auto pointer = access->Pointer;
// If the pointer in the access is null, we must've declined
// to track it because exclusivity tracking was disabled.
if (!pointer) {