blob: 71fe220ff6f8d713592fe805888d54caa504b46b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FrontendTool.cpp - Swift Compiler Frontend -----------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// \brief This is the entry point to the swift -frontend functionality, which
/// implements the core compiler functionality along with a number of additional
/// tools for demonstration and testing purposes.
/// This is separate from the rest of libFrontend to reduce the dependencies
/// required by that library.
#include "swift/FrontendTool/FrontendTool.h"
#include "ImportedModules.h"
#include "ReferenceDependencies.h"
#include "TBD.h"
#include "TextualInterfaceGeneration.h"
#include "swift/Subsystems.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTScope.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsFrontend.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSema.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericSignatureBuilder.h"
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/ReferencedNameTracker.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeRefinementContext.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Dwarf.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Edit.h"
#include "swift/Basic/FileSystem.h"
#include "swift/Basic/JSONSerialization.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVMContext.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVMInitialize.h"
#include "swift/Basic/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Timer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/UUID.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/DiagnosticVerifier.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/PrintingDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/SerializedDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/Immediate/Immediate.h"
#include "swift/Index/IndexRecord.h"
#include "swift/Option/Options.h"
#include "swift/Migrator/FixitFilter.h"
#include "swift/Migrator/Migrator.h"
#include "swift/PrintAsObjC/PrintAsObjC.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/SerializationOptions.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/SerializedModuleLoader.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Serialization/SyntaxSerialization.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxNodes.h"
#include "swift/TBDGen/TBDGen.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <io.h>
using namespace swift;
static std::string displayName(StringRef MainExecutablePath) {
std::string Name = llvm::sys::path::stem(MainExecutablePath);
Name += " -frontend";
return Name;
/// Emits a Make-style dependencies file.
static bool emitMakeDependenciesIfNeeded(DiagnosticEngine &diags,
DependencyTracker *depTracker,
const FrontendOptions &opts,
const InputFile &input) {
const std::string &dependenciesFilePath = input.dependenciesFilePath();
if (dependenciesFilePath.empty())
return false;
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(dependenciesFilePath, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
if (out.has_error() || EC) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_opening_output,
dependenciesFilePath, EC.message());
return true;
// Declare a helper for escaping file names for use in Makefiles.
llvm::SmallString<256> pathBuf;
auto escape = [&](StringRef raw) -> StringRef {
static const char badChars[] = " $#:\n";
size_t prev = 0;
for (auto index = raw.find_first_of(badChars); index != StringRef::npos;
index = raw.find_first_of(badChars, index+1)) {
pathBuf.append(raw.slice(prev, index));
if (raw[index] == '$')
prev = index;
return pathBuf;
// FIXME: Xcode can't currently handle multiple targets in a single
// dependency line.
opts.forAllOutputPaths(input, [&](const StringRef targetName) {
out << escape(targetName) << " :";
// First include all other files in the module. Make-style dependencies
// need to be conservative!
for (auto const &path :
out << ' ' << escape(path);
// Then print dependencies we've picked up during compilation.
for (auto const &path :
out << ' ' << escape(path);
out << '\n';
return false;
static bool emitMakeDependenciesIfNeeded(DiagnosticEngine &diags,
DependencyTracker *depTracker,
const FrontendOptions &opts) {
return opts.InputsAndOutputs.forEachInputProducingSupplementaryOutput(
[&](const InputFile &f) -> bool {
return emitMakeDependenciesIfNeeded(diags, depTracker, opts, f);
namespace {
struct LoadedModuleTraceFormat {
std::string Name;
std::string Arch;
std::vector<std::string> SwiftModules;
namespace swift {
namespace json {
template <> struct ObjectTraits<LoadedModuleTraceFormat> {
static void mapping(Output &out, LoadedModuleTraceFormat &contents) {
out.mapRequired("name", contents.Name);
out.mapRequired("arch", contents.Arch);
out.mapRequired("swiftmodules", contents.SwiftModules);
static bool emitLoadedModuleTraceIfNeeded(ASTContext &ctxt,
DependencyTracker *depTracker,
StringRef loadedModuleTracePath,
StringRef moduleName) {
if (loadedModuleTracePath.empty())
return false;
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(loadedModuleTracePath, EC, llvm::sys::fs::F_Append);
if (out.has_error() || EC) {
ctxt.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_opening_output,
loadedModuleTracePath, EC.message());
return true;
llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 16> swiftModules;
// Canonicalise all the paths by opening them.
for (auto &dep : depTracker->getDependencies()) {
llvm::SmallString<256> buffer;
StringRef realPath;
int FD;
// FIXME: appropriate error handling
if (llvm::sys::fs::openFileForRead(dep, FD, llvm::sys::fs::OF_None,
&buffer)) {
// Couldn't open the file now, so let's just assume the old path was
// canonical (enough).
realPath = dep;
} else {
realPath = buffer.str();
// Not much we can do about failing to close.
// Decide if this is a swiftmodule based on the extension of the raw
// dependency path, as the true file may have a different one.
auto ext = llvm::sys::path::extension(dep);
if (file_types::lookupTypeForExtension(ext) ==
file_types::TY_SwiftModuleFile) {
LoadedModuleTraceFormat trace = {
// raw_fd_ostream is unbuffered, and we may have multiple processes writing,
// so first write the whole thing into memory and dump out that buffer to the
// file.
std::string stringBuffer;
llvm::raw_string_ostream memoryBuffer(stringBuffer);
json::Output jsonOutput(memoryBuffer, /*UserInfo=*/{},
json::jsonize(jsonOutput, trace, /*Required=*/true);
stringBuffer += "\n";
out << stringBuffer;
return true;
static bool
emitLoadedModuleTraceForAllPrimariesIfNeeded(ASTContext &ctxt,
DependencyTracker *depTracker,
const FrontendOptions &opts) {
return opts.InputsAndOutputs.forEachInputProducingSupplementaryOutput(
[&](const InputFile &input) -> bool {
return emitLoadedModuleTraceIfNeeded(
ctxt, depTracker, input.loadedModuleTracePath(), opts.ModuleName);
/// Gets an output stream for the provided output filename, or diagnoses to the
/// provided AST Context and returns null if there was an error getting the
/// stream.
static std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream>
getFileOutputStream(StringRef OutputFilename, ASTContext &Ctx) {
std::error_code errorCode;
auto os = llvm::make_unique<llvm::raw_fd_ostream>(
OutputFilename, errorCode, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
if (errorCode) {
Ctx.Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_opening_output,
OutputFilename, errorCode.message());
return nullptr;
return os;
/// Writes the Syntax tree to the given file
static bool emitSyntax(SourceFile *SF, LangOptions &LangOpts,
SourceManager &SM, StringRef OutputFilename) {
auto bufferID = SF->getBufferID();
assert(bufferID && "frontend should have a buffer ID "
"for the main source file");
auto os = getFileOutputStream(OutputFilename, SF->getASTContext());
if (!os) return true;
json::Output jsonOut(*os, /*UserInfo=*/{}, /*PrettyPrint=*/false);
auto Root = SF->getSyntaxRoot().getRaw();
jsonOut << *Root;
*os << "\n";
return false;
/// Writes SIL out to the given file.
static bool writeSIL(SILModule &SM, ModuleDecl *M, bool EmitVerboseSIL,
StringRef OutputFilename, bool SortSIL) {
auto OS = getFileOutputStream(OutputFilename, M->getASTContext());
if (!OS) return true;
SM.print(*OS, EmitVerboseSIL, M, SortSIL);
return false;
static bool writeSIL(SILModule &SM, const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs,
CompilerInstance &Instance,
CompilerInvocation &Invocation) {
const FrontendOptions &opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
return writeSIL(SM, Instance.getMainModule(), opts.EmitVerboseSIL,
PSPs.OutputFilename, opts.EmitSortedSIL);
/// A wrapper around swift::atomicallyWritingToFile that handles diagnosing any
/// filesystem errors and ignores empty output paths.
/// \returns true if there were any errors, either from the filesystem
/// operations or from \p action returning true.
static bool atomicallyWritingToTextFile(
StringRef outputPath, DiagnosticEngine &diags,
llvm::function_ref<bool(llvm::raw_pwrite_stream &)> action) {
bool actionFailed = false;
std::error_code EC =
[&](llvm::raw_pwrite_stream &out) {
actionFailed = action(out);
if (EC) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_opening_output,
outputPath, EC.message());
return true;
return actionFailed;
/// Prints the Objective-C "generated header" interface for \p M to \p
/// outputPath.
/// ...unless \p outputPath is empty, in which case it does nothing.
/// \returns true if there were any errors
/// \see swift::printAsObjC
static bool printAsObjCIfNeeded(StringRef outputPath, ModuleDecl *M,
StringRef bridgingHeader, bool moduleIsPublic) {
if (outputPath.empty())
return false;
return atomicallyWritingToTextFile(outputPath, M->getDiags(),
[&](raw_ostream &out) -> bool {
auto requiredAccess = moduleIsPublic ? AccessLevel::Public
: AccessLevel::Internal;
return printAsObjC(out, M, bridgingHeader, requiredAccess);
/// Prints the stable textual interface for \p M to \p outputPath.
/// ...unless \p outputPath is empty, in which case it does nothing.
/// \returns true if there were any errors
/// \see swift::emitModuleInterface
static bool printModuleInterfaceIfNeeded(StringRef outputPath, ModuleDecl *M) {
if (outputPath.empty())
return false;
return atomicallyWritingToTextFile(outputPath, M->getDiags(),
[M](raw_ostream &out) -> bool {
return swift::emitModuleInterface(out, M);
/// Returns the OutputKind for the given Action.
static IRGenOutputKind getOutputKind(FrontendOptions::ActionType Action) {
switch (Action) {
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitIR:
return IRGenOutputKind::LLVMAssembly;
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitBC:
return IRGenOutputKind::LLVMBitcode;
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitAssembly:
return IRGenOutputKind::NativeAssembly;
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitObject:
return IRGenOutputKind::ObjectFile;
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::Immediate:
return IRGenOutputKind::Module;
llvm_unreachable("Unknown ActionType which requires IRGen");
return IRGenOutputKind::ObjectFile;
namespace {
/// If there is an error with fixits it writes the fixits as edits in json
/// format.
class JSONFixitWriter
: public DiagnosticConsumer, public migrator::FixitFilter {
std::string FixitsOutputPath;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_ostream> OSPtr;
bool FixitAll;
std::vector<SingleEdit> AllEdits;
JSONFixitWriter(std::string fixitsOutputPath,
const DiagnosticOptions &DiagOpts)
: FixitsOutputPath(fixitsOutputPath),
FixitAll(DiagOpts.FixitCodeForAllDiagnostics) {}
void handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc,
DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef FormatString,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticArgument> FormatArgs,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) override {
if (!(FixitAll || shouldTakeFixit(Kind, Info)))
for (const auto &Fix : Info.FixIts) {
AllEdits.push_back({SM, Fix.getRange(), Fix.getText()});
bool finishProcessing() override {
std::error_code EC;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> OS;
OS.reset(new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(FixitsOutputPath,
if (EC) {
// Create a temporary diagnostics engine to print the error to stderr.
SourceManager dummyMgr;
DiagnosticEngine DE(dummyMgr);
PrintingDiagnosticConsumer PDC;
DE.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::cannot_open_file,
FixitsOutputPath, EC.message());
return true;
swift::writeEditsInJson(llvm::makeArrayRef(AllEdits), *OS);
return false;
} // anonymous namespace
// This is a separate function so that it shows up in stack traces.
static void debugFailWithAssertion() {
// Per the user's request, this assertion should always fail in
// builds with assertions enabled.
// This should not be converted to llvm_unreachable, as those are
// treated as optimization hints in builds where they turn into
// __builtin_unreachable().
assert((0) && "This is an assertion!");
// This is a separate function so that it shows up in stack traces.
static void debugFailWithCrash() {
/// \return true on error.
static bool emitIndexDataIfNeeded(SourceFile *PrimarySourceFile,
const CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance);
static void countStatsOfSourceFile(UnifiedStatsReporter &Stats,
CompilerInstance &Instance,
SourceFile *SF) {
auto &C = Stats.getFrontendCounters();
auto &SM = Instance.getSourceMgr();
C.NumDecls += SF->Decls.size();
C.NumLocalTypeDecls += SF->LocalTypeDecls.size();
C.NumObjCMethods += SF->ObjCMethods.size();
C.NumInfixOperators += SF->InfixOperators.size();
C.NumPostfixOperators += SF->PostfixOperators.size();
C.NumPrefixOperators += SF->PrefixOperators.size();
C.NumPrecedenceGroups += SF->PrecedenceGroups.size();
C.NumUsedConformances += SF->getUsedConformances().size();
auto bufID = SF->getBufferID();
if (bufID.hasValue()) {
C.NumSourceLines +=
static void countStatsPostSema(UnifiedStatsReporter &Stats,
CompilerInstance& Instance) {
auto &C = Stats.getFrontendCounters();
auto &SM = Instance.getSourceMgr();
C.NumSourceBuffers = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr().getNumBuffers();
C.NumLinkLibraries = Instance.getLinkLibraries().size();
auto const &AST = Instance.getASTContext();
C.NumLoadedModules = AST.LoadedModules.size();
C.NumImportedExternalDefinitions = AST.ExternalDefinitions.size();
C.NumASTBytesAllocated = AST.getAllocator().getBytesAllocated();
if (auto *D = Instance.getDependencyTracker()) {
C.NumDependencies = D->getDependencies().size();
for (auto SF : Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles()) {
if (auto *R = SF->getReferencedNameTracker()) {
C.NumReferencedTopLevelNames += R->getTopLevelNames().size();
C.NumReferencedDynamicNames += R->getDynamicLookupNames().size();
C.NumReferencedMemberNames += R->getUsedMembers().size();
if (!Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles().empty()) {
for (auto SF : Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles())
countStatsOfSourceFile(Stats, Instance, SF);
} else if (auto *M = Instance.getMainModule()) {
// No primary source file, but a main module; this is WMO-mode
for (auto *F : M->getFiles()) {
if (auto *SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(F)) {
countStatsOfSourceFile(Stats, Instance, SF);
static void countStatsPostSILGen(UnifiedStatsReporter &Stats,
const SILModule& Module) {
auto &C = Stats.getFrontendCounters();
// FIXME: calculate these in constant time, via the dense maps.
C.NumSILGenFunctions += Module.getFunctionList().size();
C.NumSILGenVtables += Module.getVTableList().size();
C.NumSILGenWitnessTables += Module.getWitnessTableList().size();
C.NumSILGenDefaultWitnessTables += Module.getDefaultWitnessTableList().size();
C.NumSILGenGlobalVariables += Module.getSILGlobalList().size();
static void countStatsPostSILOpt(UnifiedStatsReporter &Stats,
const SILModule& Module) {
auto &C = Stats.getFrontendCounters();
// FIXME: calculate these in constant time, via the dense maps.
C.NumSILOptFunctions += Module.getFunctionList().size();
C.NumSILOptVtables += Module.getVTableList().size();
C.NumSILOptWitnessTables += Module.getWitnessTableList().size();
C.NumSILOptDefaultWitnessTables += Module.getDefaultWitnessTableList().size();
C.NumSILOptGlobalVariables += Module.getSILGlobalList().size();
static std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream>
createOptRecordFile(StringRef Filename, DiagnosticEngine &DE) {
if (Filename.empty())
return nullptr;
std::error_code EC;
auto File = llvm::make_unique<llvm::raw_fd_ostream>(Filename, EC,
if (EC) {
DE.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::cannot_open_file, Filename, EC.message());
return nullptr;
return File;
struct PostSILGenInputs {
std::unique_ptr<SILModule> TheSILModule;
bool ASTGuaranteedToCorrespondToSIL;
ModuleOrSourceFile ModuleOrPrimarySourceFile;
PrimarySpecificPaths PSPs;
static bool precompileBridgingHeader(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance) {
auto clangImporter = static_cast<ClangImporter *>(
auto &ImporterOpts = Invocation.getClangImporterOptions();
auto &PCHOutDir = ImporterOpts.PrecompiledHeaderOutputDir;
if (!PCHOutDir.empty()) {
ImporterOpts.BridgingHeader =
// Create or validate a persistent PCH.
auto SwiftPCHHash = Invocation.getPCHHash();
auto PCH = clangImporter->getOrCreatePCH(ImporterOpts, SwiftPCHHash);
return !PCH.hasValue();
return clangImporter->emitBridgingPCH(
static bool compileLLVMIR(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance,
UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats) {
auto &LLVMContext = getGlobalLLVMContext();
// Load in bitcode file.
assert(Invocation.getFrontendOptions().InputsAndOutputs.hasSingleInput() &&
"We expect a single input for bitcode input!");
llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> FileBufOrErr =
if (!FileBufOrErr) {
SourceLoc(), diag::error_open_input_file,
return true;
llvm::MemoryBuffer *MainFile = FileBufOrErr.get().get();
llvm::SMDiagnostic Err;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> Module =
llvm::parseIR(MainFile->getMemBufferRef(), Err, LLVMContext);
if (!Module) {
// TODO: Translate from the diagnostic info to the SourceManager location
// if available.
SourceLoc(), diag::error_parse_input_file,
return true;
IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts = Invocation.getIRGenOptions();
// TODO: remove once the frontend understands what action it should perform
IRGenOpts.OutputKind =
return performLLVM(IRGenOpts, Instance.getASTContext(), Module.get(),
static void verifyGenericSignaturesIfNeeded(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
ASTContext &Context) {
auto verifyGenericSignaturesInModule =
if (verifyGenericSignaturesInModule.empty())
if (auto module = Context.getModuleByName(verifyGenericSignaturesInModule))
static void dumpOneScopeMapLocation(unsigned bufferID,
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> lineColumn,
SourceManager &sourceMgr, ASTScope &scope) {
SourceLoc loc =
sourceMgr.getLocForLineCol(bufferID, lineColumn.first, lineColumn.second);
if (loc.isInvalid())
llvm::errs() << "***Scope at " << lineColumn.first << ":" << lineColumn.second
<< "***\n";
auto locScope = scope.findInnermostEnclosingScope(loc);
locScope->print(llvm::errs(), 0, false, false);
// Dump the AST context, too.
if (auto dc = locScope->getDeclContext()) {
// Grab the local bindings introduced by this scope.
auto localBindings = locScope->getLocalBindings();
if (!localBindings.empty()) {
llvm::errs() << "Local bindings: ";
interleave(localBindings.begin(), localBindings.end(),
[&](ValueDecl *value) { llvm::errs() << value->getFullName(); },
[&]() { llvm::errs() << " "; });
llvm::errs() << "\n";
static void dumpAndPrintScopeMap(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance, SourceFile *SF) {
ASTScope &scope = SF->getScope();
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().DumpScopeMapLocations.empty()) {
} else if (auto bufferID = SF->getBufferID()) {
SourceManager &sourceMgr = Instance.getSourceMgr();
// Probe each of the locations, and dump what we find.
for (auto lineColumn :
dumpOneScopeMapLocation(*bufferID, lineColumn, sourceMgr, scope);
llvm::errs() << "***Complete scope map***\n";
// Print the resulting map.
static SourceFile *getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance) {
SourceFile *SF = Instance.getPrimarySourceFile();
if (!SF) {
SourceFileKind Kind = Invocation.getSourceFileKind();
SF = &Instance.getMainModule()->getMainSourceFile(Kind);
return SF;
/// We may have been told to dump the AST (either after parsing or
/// type-checking, which is already differentiated in
/// CompilerInstance::performSema()), so dump or print the main source file and
/// return.
static Optional<bool> dumpASTIfNeeded(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance) {
FrontendOptions &opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
FrontendOptions::ActionType Action = opts.RequestedAction;
ASTContext &Context = Instance.getASTContext();
switch (Action) {
return None;
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::PrintAST:
getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(Invocation, Instance)
->print(llvm::outs(), PrintOptions::printEverything());
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::DumpScopeMaps:
dumpAndPrintScopeMap(Invocation, Instance,
getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(Invocation, Instance));
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::DumpTypeRefinementContexts:
getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(Invocation, Instance)
->dump(llvm::errs(), Context.SourceMgr);
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::DumpInterfaceHash:
getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(Invocation, Instance)
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSyntax:
emitSyntax(getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(Invocation, Instance),
Invocation.getLangOptions(), Instance.getSourceMgr(),
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::DumpParse:
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::DumpAST:
getPrimaryOrMainSourceFile(Invocation, Instance)->dump();
case FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitImportedModules:
emitImportedModules(Context, Instance.getMainModule(), opts);
return Context.hadError();
static void emitReferenceDependenciesForAllPrimaryInputsIfNeeded(
CompilerInvocation &Invocation, CompilerInstance &Instance) {
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions()
.InputsAndOutputs.hasReferenceDependenciesPath() &&
Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles().empty()) {
SourceLoc(), diag::emit_reference_dependencies_without_primary_file);
for (auto *SF : Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles()) {
const std::string &referenceDependenciesFilePath =
if (!referenceDependenciesFilePath.empty())
(void)emitReferenceDependencies(Instance.getASTContext().Diags, SF,
static bool writeTBDIfNeeded(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance) {
const auto &frontendOpts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
const auto &tbdOpts = Invocation.getTBDGenOptions();
if (!frontendOpts.InputsAndOutputs.hasTBDPath())
return false;
if (!frontendOpts.InputsAndOutputs.isWholeModule()) {
return false;
const std::string &TBDPath = Invocation.getTBDPathForWholeModule();
return writeTBD(Instance.getMainModule(), TBDPath, tbdOpts);
static std::deque<PostSILGenInputs>
generateSILModules(CompilerInvocation &Invocation, CompilerInstance &Instance) {
auto mod = Instance.getMainModule();
if (auto SM = Instance.takeSILModule()) {
std::deque<PostSILGenInputs> PSGIs;
const PrimarySpecificPaths PSPs =
PSGIs.push_back(PostSILGenInputs{std::move(SM), false, mod, PSPs});
return PSGIs;
SILOptions &SILOpts = Invocation.getSILOptions();
FrontendOptions &opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
auto fileIsSIB = [](const FileUnit *File) -> bool {
auto SASTF = dyn_cast<SerializedASTFile>(File);
return SASTF && SASTF->isSIB();
if (!opts.InputsAndOutputs.hasPrimaryInputs()) {
// If there are no primary inputs the compiler is in WMO mode and builds one
// SILModule for the entire module.
auto SM = performSILGeneration(mod, SILOpts, true);
std::deque<PostSILGenInputs> PSGIs;
const PrimarySpecificPaths PSPs =
std::move(SM), llvm::none_of(mod->getFiles(), fileIsSIB), mod, PSPs});
return PSGIs;
// If there are primary source files, build a separate SILModule for
// each source file, and run the remaining SILOpt-Serialize-IRGen-LLVM
// once for each such input.
std::deque<PostSILGenInputs> PSGIs;
for (auto *PrimaryFile : Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles()) {
auto SM = performSILGeneration(*PrimaryFile, SILOpts, None);
const PrimarySpecificPaths PSPs =
PSGIs.push_back(PostSILGenInputs{std::move(SM), true, PrimaryFile, PSPs});
if (!PSGIs.empty())
return PSGIs;
// If there are primary inputs but no primary _source files_, there might be
// a primary serialized input.
for (FileUnit *fileUnit : mod->getFiles()) {
if (auto SASTF = dyn_cast<SerializedASTFile>(fileUnit))
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().InputsAndOutputs.isInputPrimary(
SASTF->getFilename())) {
assert(PSGIs.empty() && "Can only handle one primary AST input");
auto SM = performSILGeneration(*SASTF, SILOpts, None);
const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs =
PostSILGenInputs{std::move(SM), !fileIsSIB(SASTF), mod, PSPs});
return PSGIs;
/// Emits index data for all primary inputs, or the main module.
static bool
emitIndexData(CompilerInvocation &Invocation, CompilerInstance &Instance) {
bool hadEmitIndexDataError = false;
if (Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles().empty())
return emitIndexDataIfNeeded(nullptr, Invocation, Instance);
for (SourceFile *SF : Instance.getPrimarySourceFiles())
hadEmitIndexDataError = emitIndexDataIfNeeded(SF, Invocation, Instance) ||
return hadEmitIndexDataError;
/// Emits the request-evaluator graph to the given file in GraphViz format.
void emitRequestEvaluatorGraphViz(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef graphVizPath) {
std::error_code error;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream out(graphVizPath, error, llvm::sys::fs::F_Text);
static bool performCompileStepsPostSILGen(
CompilerInstance &Instance, CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
std::unique_ptr<SILModule> SM, bool astGuaranteedToCorrespondToSIL,
ModuleOrSourceFile MSF, const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs,
bool moduleIsPublic, int &ReturnValue, FrontendObserver *observer,
UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats);
/// Performs the compile requested by the user.
/// \param Instance Will be reset after performIRGeneration when the verifier
/// mode is NoVerify and there were no errors.
/// \returns true on error
static bool performCompile(CompilerInstance &Instance,
CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
int &ReturnValue,
FrontendObserver *observer,
UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats) {
FrontendOptions opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
FrontendOptions::ActionType Action = opts.RequestedAction;
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSyntax) {
Instance.getASTContext().LangOpts.BuildSyntaxTree = true;
Instance.getASTContext().LangOpts.VerifySyntaxTree = true;
// We've been asked to precompile a bridging header; we want to
// avoid touching any other inputs and just parse, emit and exit.
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitPCH)
return precompileBridgingHeader(Invocation, Instance);
if (Invocation.getInputKind() == InputFileKind::LLVM)
return compileLLVMIR(Invocation, Instance, Stats);
if (FrontendOptions::shouldActionOnlyParse(Action)) {
Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitImportedModules);
} else if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::ResolveImports) {
} else {
// Emit request-evaluator graph via GraphViz, if requested.
if (!Invocation.getFrontendOptions().RequestEvaluatorGraphVizPath.empty() &&
Instance.hasASTContext()) {
ASTContext &ctx = Instance.getASTContext();
ASTContext &Context = Instance.getASTContext();
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::Parse)
return Context.hadError();
Instance.getDependencyTracker(), opts);
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::ResolveImports)
return Context.hadError();
if (observer)
if (Stats)
countStatsPostSema(*Stats, Instance);
FrontendOptions::DebugCrashMode CrashMode = opts.CrashMode;
if (CrashMode == FrontendOptions::DebugCrashMode::AssertAfterParse)
else if (CrashMode == FrontendOptions::DebugCrashMode::CrashAfterParse)
verifyGenericSignaturesIfNeeded(Invocation, Context);
(void)migrator::updateCodeAndEmitRemapIfNeeded(&Instance, Invocation);
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::REPL) {
runREPL(Instance, ProcessCmdLine(Args.begin(), Args.end()),
return Context.hadError();
if (auto r = dumpASTIfNeeded(Invocation, Instance))
return *r;
// If we were asked to print Clang stats, do so.
if (opts.PrintClangStats && Context.getClangModuleLoader())
emitReferenceDependenciesForAllPrimaryInputsIfNeeded(Invocation, Instance);
Context, Instance.getDependencyTracker(), opts);
if (Context.hadError()) {
// Emit the index store data even if there were compiler errors.
(void)emitIndexData(Invocation, Instance);
return true;
if (writeTBDIfNeeded(Invocation, Instance))
return true;
// FIXME: This is still a lousy approximation of whether the module file will
// be externally consumed.
bool moduleIsPublic =
!Instance.getMainModule()->hasEntryPoint() &&
opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath.empty() &&
// We've just been told to perform a typecheck, so we can return now.
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::Typecheck) {
const bool hadPrintAsObjCError =
.InputsAndOutputs.hasObjCHeaderOutputPath() &&
Instance.getMainModule(), opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath,
const bool hadEmitIndexDataError = emitIndexData(Invocation, Instance);
return hadPrintAsObjCError || hadEmitIndexDataError || Context.hadError();
assert(FrontendOptions::doesActionGenerateSIL(Action) &&
"All actions not requiring SILGen must have been handled!");
std::deque<PostSILGenInputs> PSGIs = generateSILModules(Invocation, Instance);
while (!PSGIs.empty()) {
auto PSGI = std::move(PSGIs.front());
if (performCompileStepsPostSILGen(Instance, Invocation,
ReturnValue, observer, Stats))
return true;
return false;
/// Perform "stable" optimizations that are invariant across compiler versions.
static bool performMandatorySILPasses(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
SILModule *SM,
FrontendObserver *observer) {
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().RequestedAction ==
FrontendOptions::ActionType::MergeModules) {
// Don't run diagnostic passes at all.
} else if (!Invocation.getDiagnosticOptions().SkipDiagnosticPasses) {
if (runSILDiagnosticPasses(*SM))
return true;
if (observer) {
} else {
// Even if we are not supposed to run the diagnostic passes, we still need
// to run the ownership evaluator.
if (runSILOwnershipEliminatorPass(*SM))
return true;
if (Invocation.getSILOptions().MergePartialModules)
return false;
static SerializationOptions
computeSerializationOptions(const CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
const SupplementaryOutputPaths &outs,
bool moduleIsPublic) {
const FrontendOptions &opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
SerializationOptions serializationOpts;
serializationOpts.OutputPath = outs.ModuleOutputPath.c_str();
serializationOpts.DocOutputPath = outs.ModuleDocOutputPath.c_str();
serializationOpts.GroupInfoPath = opts.GroupInfoPath.c_str();
if (opts.SerializeBridgingHeader && !outs.ModuleOutputPath.empty())
serializationOpts.ImportedHeader = opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath;
serializationOpts.ModuleLinkName = opts.ModuleLinkName;
serializationOpts.ExtraClangOptions =
serializationOpts.EnableNestedTypeLookupTable =
if (!Invocation.getIRGenOptions().ForceLoadSymbolName.empty())
serializationOpts.AutolinkForceLoad = true;
// Options contain information about the developer's computer,
// so only serialize them if the module isn't going to be shipped to
// the public.
serializationOpts.SerializeOptionsForDebugging =
!moduleIsPublic || opts.AlwaysSerializeDebuggingOptions;
return serializationOpts;
/// Perform SIL optimization passes if optimizations haven't been disabled.
/// These may change across compiler versions.
static void performSILOptimizations(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
SILModule *SM) {
SharedTimer timer("SIL optimization");
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().RequestedAction ==
FrontendOptions::ActionType::MergeModules ||
!Invocation.getSILOptions().shouldOptimize()) {
StringRef CustomPipelinePath =
if (!CustomPipelinePath.empty()) {
runSILOptimizationPassesWithFileSpecification(*SM, CustomPipelinePath);
} else {
/// Get the main source file's private discriminator and attach it to
/// the compile unit's flags.
static void setPrivateDiscriminatorIfNeeded(IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts,
ModuleOrSourceFile MSF) {
if (IRGenOpts.DebugInfoLevel == IRGenDebugInfoLevel::None ||
!<SourceFile *>())
Identifier PD = MSF.get<SourceFile *>()->getPrivateDiscriminator();
if (!PD.empty()) {
if (!IRGenOpts.DebugFlags.empty())
IRGenOpts.DebugFlags += " ";
IRGenOpts.DebugFlags += ("-private-discriminator " + PD.str()).str();
static bool serializeSIB(SILModule *SM, const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs,
ASTContext &Context, ModuleOrSourceFile MSF) {
const std::string &moduleOutputPath =
assert(!moduleOutputPath.empty() && "must have an output path");
SerializationOptions serializationOpts;
serializationOpts.OutputPath = moduleOutputPath.c_str();
serializationOpts.SerializeAllSIL = true;
serializationOpts.IsSIB = true;
serialize(MSF, serializationOpts, SM);
return Context.hadError();
static void generateIR(IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts, std::unique_ptr<SILModule> SM,
const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs,
StringRef OutputFilename, ModuleOrSourceFile MSF,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> &IRModule,
llvm::GlobalVariable *&HashGlobal,
ArrayRef<std::string> parallelOutputFilenames) {
// FIXME: We shouldn't need to use the global context here, but
// something is persisting across calls to performIRGeneration.
auto &LLVMContext = getGlobalLLVMContext();
IRModule =<SourceFile *>()
? performIRGeneration(IRGenOpts, *MSF.get<SourceFile *>(),
std::move(SM), OutputFilename, PSPs,
LLVMContext, 0, &HashGlobal)
: performIRGeneration(IRGenOpts, MSF.get<ModuleDecl *>(),
std::move(SM), OutputFilename, PSPs,
LLVMContext, parallelOutputFilenames,
static bool processCommandLineAndRunImmediately(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance,
std::unique_ptr<SILModule> SM,
ModuleOrSourceFile MSF,
FrontendObserver *observer,
int &ReturnValue) {
FrontendOptions &opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
assert(!<SourceFile *>() && "-i doesn't work in -primary-file mode");
IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts = Invocation.getIRGenOptions();
IRGenOpts.UseJIT = true;
IRGenOpts.DebugInfoLevel = IRGenDebugInfoLevel::Normal;
IRGenOpts.DebugInfoFormat = IRGenDebugInfoFormat::DWARF;
const ProcessCmdLine &CmdLine =
ProcessCmdLine(opts.ImmediateArgv.begin(), opts.ImmediateArgv.end());
if (observer)
ReturnValue =
RunImmediately(Instance, CmdLine, IRGenOpts, Invocation.getSILOptions());
return Instance.getASTContext().hadError();
static bool validateTBDIfNeeded(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
ModuleOrSourceFile MSF,
bool astGuaranteedToCorrespondToSIL,
llvm::Module &IRModule) {
if (!astGuaranteedToCorrespondToSIL ||
return false;
const auto &frontendOpts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
auto mode = frontendOpts.ValidateTBDAgainstIR;
// Ensure all cases are covered by using a switch here.
switch (mode) {
case FrontendOptions::TBDValidationMode::Default:
#ifndef NDEBUG
// When a debug compiler is targeting an apple platform, we do some
// validation by default.
if (Invocation.getLangOptions().Target.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::Apple) {
mode = FrontendOptions::TBDValidationMode::MissingFromTBD;
// Otherwise, the default is to do nothing.
case FrontendOptions::TBDValidationMode::None:
return false;
case FrontendOptions::TBDValidationMode::All:
case FrontendOptions::TBDValidationMode::MissingFromTBD:
const bool allSymbols = mode == FrontendOptions::TBDValidationMode::All;
return<SourceFile *>()
? validateTBD(MSF.get<SourceFile *>(), IRModule,
Invocation.getTBDGenOptions(), allSymbols)
: validateTBD(MSF.get<ModuleDecl *>(), IRModule,
Invocation.getTBDGenOptions(), allSymbols);
static bool generateCode(CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance, StringRef OutputFilename,
llvm::Module *IRModule,
llvm::GlobalVariable *HashGlobal,
UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats) {
std::unique_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> TargetMachine = createTargetMachine(
Invocation.getIRGenOptions(), Instance.getASTContext());
version::Version EffectiveLanguageVersion =
if (!Stats) {
// Free up some compiler resources now that we have an IRModule.
// If there are multiple primary inputs it is too soon to free
// the ASTContext, etc.. OTOH, if this compilation generates code for > 1
// primary input, then freeing it after processing the last primary is
// unlikely to reduce the peak heap size. So, only optimize the
// single-primary-case (or WMO).
if (!Invocation.getFrontendOptions()
// Now that we have a single IR Module, hand it over to performLLVM.
return performLLVM(Invocation.getIRGenOptions(), &Instance.getDiags(),
nullptr, HashGlobal, IRModule, TargetMachine.get(),
EffectiveLanguageVersion, OutputFilename, Stats);
static bool performCompileStepsPostSILGen(
CompilerInstance &Instance, CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
std::unique_ptr<SILModule> SM, bool astGuaranteedToCorrespondToSIL,
ModuleOrSourceFile MSF, const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs,
bool moduleIsPublic, int &ReturnValue, FrontendObserver *observer,
UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats) {
FrontendOptions opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
FrontendOptions::ActionType Action = opts.RequestedAction;
ASTContext &Context = Instance.getASTContext();
SILOptions &SILOpts = Invocation.getSILOptions();
IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts = Invocation.getIRGenOptions();
if (observer)
if (Stats)
countStatsPostSILGen(*Stats, *SM);
// We've been told to emit SIL after SILGen, so write it now.
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSILGen) {
return writeSIL(*SM, PSPs, Instance, Invocation);
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSIBGen) {
serializeSIB(SM.get(), PSPs, Instance.getASTContext(), MSF);
return Context.hadError();
std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_fd_ostream> OptRecordFile =
createOptRecordFile(SILOpts.OptRecordFile, Instance.getDiags());
if (OptRecordFile)
*OptRecordFile, &Instance.getSourceMgr()),
if (performMandatorySILPasses(Invocation, SM.get(), observer))
return true;
SharedTimer timer("SIL verification, pre-optimization");
// This is the action to be used to serialize SILModule.
// It may be invoked multiple times, but it will perform
// serialization only once. The serialization may either happen
// after high-level optimizations or after all optimizations are
// done, depending on the compiler setting.
auto SerializeSILModuleAction = [&]() {
const SupplementaryOutputPaths &outs = PSPs.SupplementaryOutputs;
if (outs.ModuleOutputPath.empty())
SerializationOptions serializationOpts =
computeSerializationOptions(Invocation, outs, moduleIsPublic);
serialize(MSF, serializationOpts, SM.get());
// Set the serialization action, so that the SIL module
// can be serialized at any moment, e.g. during the optimization pipeline.
performSILOptimizations(Invocation, SM.get());
if (observer)
if (Stats)
countStatsPostSILOpt(*Stats, *SM);
SharedTimer timer("SIL verification, post-optimization");
setPrivateDiscriminatorIfNeeded(IRGenOpts, MSF);
opts.ImplicitObjCHeaderPath, moduleIsPublic);
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSIB)
return serializeSIB(SM.get(), PSPs, Instance.getASTContext(), MSF);
const bool haveModulePath = PSPs.haveModuleOrModuleDocOutputPaths();
if (haveModulePath && !SM->isSerialized())
if (haveModulePath) {
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::MergeModules ||
Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitModuleOnly) {
// What if MSF is a module?
// emitIndexDataIfNeeded already handles that case;
// it'll index everything.
return emitIndexDataIfNeeded(MSF.dyn_cast<SourceFile *>(), Invocation,
Instance) ||
assert(Action >= FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSIL &&
"All actions not requiring SILPasses must have been handled!");
// We've been told to write canonical SIL, so write it now.
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitSIL)
return writeSIL(*SM, PSPs, Instance, Invocation);
assert(Action >= FrontendOptions::ActionType::Immediate &&
"All actions not requiring IRGen must have been handled!");
assert(Action != FrontendOptions::ActionType::REPL &&
"REPL mode must be handled immediately after Instance->performSema()");
// Check if we had any errors; if we did, don't proceed to IRGen.
if (Context.hadError())
return true;
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::DumpTypeInfo)
return performDumpTypeInfo(IRGenOpts, *SM, getGlobalLLVMContext());
// TODO: remove once the frontend understands what action it should perform
IRGenOpts.OutputKind = getOutputKind(Action);
if (Action == FrontendOptions::ActionType::Immediate)
return processCommandLineAndRunImmediately(
Invocation, Instance, std::move(SM), MSF, observer, ReturnValue);
StringRef OutputFilename = PSPs.OutputFilename;
std::vector<std::string> ParallelOutputFilenames =
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> IRModule;
llvm::GlobalVariable *HashGlobal;
IRGenOpts, std::move(SM), PSPs, OutputFilename, MSF, IRModule, HashGlobal,
// Walk the AST for indexing after IR generation. Walking it before seems
// to cause miscompilation issues.
if (emitIndexDataIfNeeded(MSF.dyn_cast<SourceFile *>(), Invocation, Instance))
return true;
// Just because we had an AST error it doesn't mean we can't performLLVM.
bool HadError = Instance.getASTContext().hadError();
// If the AST Context has no errors but no IRModule is available,
// parallelIRGen happened correctly, since parallel IRGen produces multiple
// modules.
if (!IRModule)
return HadError;
if (validateTBDIfNeeded(Invocation, MSF, astGuaranteedToCorrespondToSIL,
return true;
return generateCode(Invocation, Instance, OutputFilename, IRModule.get(),
HashGlobal, Stats) ||
static bool emitIndexDataIfNeeded(SourceFile *PrimarySourceFile,
const CompilerInvocation &Invocation,
CompilerInstance &Instance) {
const FrontendOptions &opts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
if (opts.IndexStorePath.empty())
return false;
// FIXME: provide index unit token(s) explicitly and only use output file
// paths as a fallback.
bool isDebugCompilation;
switch (Invocation.getSILOptions().OptMode) {
case OptimizationMode::NotSet:
case OptimizationMode::NoOptimization:
isDebugCompilation = true;
case OptimizationMode::ForSpeed:
case OptimizationMode::ForSize:
isDebugCompilation = false;
if (PrimarySourceFile) {
const PrimarySpecificPaths &PSPs =
if (index::indexAndRecord(PrimarySourceFile, PSPs.OutputFilename,
opts.IndexStorePath, opts.IndexSystemModules,
isDebugCompilation, Invocation.getTargetTriple(),
*Instance.getDependencyTracker())) {
return true;
} else {
std::string moduleToken =
if (moduleToken.empty())
moduleToken = opts.InputsAndOutputs.getSingleOutputFilename();
if (index::indexAndRecord(Instance.getMainModule(), opts.InputsAndOutputs.copyOutputFilenames(),
moduleToken, opts.IndexStorePath,
isDebugCompilation, Invocation.getTargetTriple(),
*Instance.getDependencyTracker())) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if an error occurred.
static bool dumpAPI(ModuleDecl *Mod, StringRef OutDir) {
using namespace llvm::sys;
auto getOutPath = [&](SourceFile *SF) -> std::string {
SmallString<256> Path = OutDir;
StringRef Filename = SF->getFilename();
path::append(Path, path::filename(Filename));
return Path.str();
std::unordered_set<std::string> Filenames;
auto dumpFile = [&](SourceFile *SF) -> bool {
SmallString<512> TempBuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream TempOS(TempBuf);
PrintOptions PO = PrintOptions::printInterface();
PO.PrintOriginalSourceText = true;
PO.Indent = 2;
PO.PrintAccess = false;
PO.SkipUnderscoredStdlibProtocols = true;
SF->print(TempOS, PO);
if (TempOS.str().trim().empty())
return false; // nothing to show.
std::string OutPath = getOutPath(SF);
bool WasInserted = Filenames.insert(OutPath).second;
if (!WasInserted) {
llvm::errs() << "multiple source files ended up with the same dump API "
"filename to write to: " << OutPath << '\n';
return true;
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream OS(OutPath, EC, fs::FA_Read | fs::FA_Write);
if (EC) {
llvm::errs() << "error opening file '" << OutPath << "': "
<< EC.message() << '\n';
return true;
OS << TempOS.str();
return false;
std::error_code EC = fs::create_directories(OutDir);
if (EC) {
llvm::errs() << "error creating directory '" << OutDir << "': "
<< EC.message() << '\n';
return true;
for (auto *FU : Mod->getFiles()) {
if (auto *SF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(FU))
if (dumpFile(SF))
return true;
return false;
static StringRef
silOptModeArgStr(OptimizationMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case OptimizationMode::ForSpeed:
return "O";
case OptimizationMode::ForSize:
return "Osize";
return "Onone";
static std::unique_ptr<UnifiedStatsReporter>
computeStatsReporter(const CompilerInvocation &Invocation, CompilerInstance *Instance) {
const std::string &StatsOutputDir =
std::unique_ptr<UnifiedStatsReporter> StatsReporter;
if (StatsOutputDir.empty())
return std::unique_ptr<UnifiedStatsReporter>();
auto &FEOpts = Invocation.getFrontendOptions();
auto &LangOpts = Invocation.getLangOptions();
auto &SILOpts = Invocation.getSILOptions();
std::string InputName =
StringRef OptType = silOptModeArgStr(SILOpts.OptMode);
const std::string &OutFile =
StringRef OutputType = llvm::sys::path::extension(OutFile);
std::string TripleName = LangOpts.Target.normalize();
auto Trace = Invocation.getFrontendOptions().TraceStats;
auto ProfileEvents = Invocation.getFrontendOptions().ProfileEvents;
auto ProfileEntities = Invocation.getFrontendOptions().ProfileEntities;
SourceManager *SM = &Instance->getSourceMgr();
clang::SourceManager *CSM = nullptr;
if (auto *clangImporter = static_cast<ClangImporter *>(
Instance->getASTContext().getClangModuleLoader())) {
CSM = &clangImporter->getClangASTContext().getSourceManager();
return llvm::make_unique<UnifiedStatsReporter>(
"swift-frontend", FEOpts.ModuleName, InputName, TripleName, OutputType,
OptType, StatsOutputDir, SM, CSM, Trace,
ProfileEvents, ProfileEntities);
/// Creates a diagnostic consumer that handles dispatching diagnostics to
/// multiple output files, based on the supplementary output paths specified by
/// \p inputsAndOutputs.
/// If no output files are needed, returns null.
static std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer>
const FrontendInputsAndOutputs &inputsAndOutputs,
llvm::function_ref<std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer>(const InputFile &)>
maybeCreateConsumerForDiagnosticsFrom) {
// The "4" here is somewhat arbitrary. In practice we're going to have one
// sub-consumer for each diagnostic file we're trying to output, which (again
// in practice) is going to be 1 in WMO mode and equal to the number of
// primary inputs in batch mode. That in turn is going to be "the number of
// files we need to recompile in this build, divided by the number of jobs".
// So a value of "4" here means that there would be no heap allocation on a
// clean build of a module with up to 32 files on an 8-core machine, if the
// user doesn't customize anything.
SmallVector<FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::Subconsumer, 4> subconsumers;
[&](const InputFile &input) -> bool {
if (auto consumer = maybeCreateConsumerForDiagnosticsFrom(input))
subconsumers.emplace_back(input.file(), std::move(consumer));
return false;
// For batch mode, the compiler must swallow diagnostics pertaining to
// non-primary files in order to avoid Xcode showing the same diagnostic
// multiple times. So, create a diagnostic "eater" for those non-primary
// files.
// To avoid introducing bugs into WMO or single-file modes, test for multiple
// primaries.
if (inputsAndOutputs.hasMultiplePrimaryInputs()) {
[&](const InputFile &input) -> bool {
subconsumers.emplace_back(input.file(), nullptr);
return false;
return FileSpecificDiagnosticConsumer::consolidateSubconsumers(subconsumers);
/// Creates a diagnostic consumer that handles serializing diagnostics, based on
/// the supplementary output paths specified by \p inputsAndOutputs.
/// The returned consumer will handle producing multiple serialized diagnostics
/// files if necessary, by using sub-consumers for each file and dispatching to
/// the right one.
/// If no serialized diagnostics are being produced, returns null.
static std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer>
const FrontendInputsAndOutputs &inputsAndOutputs) {
return createDispatchingDiagnosticConsumerIfNeeded(
[](const InputFile &input) -> std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> {
std::string serializedDiagnosticsPath = input.serializedDiagnosticsPath();
if (serializedDiagnosticsPath.empty())
return nullptr;
return serialized_diagnostics::createConsumer(serializedDiagnosticsPath);
/// Creates a diagnostic consumer that handles serializing diagnostics, based on
/// the supplementary output paths specified in \p options.
/// The returned consumer will handle producing multiple serialized diagnostics
/// files if necessary, by using sub-consumers for each file and dispatching to
/// the right one.
/// If no serialized diagnostics are being produced, returns null.
static std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer>
const CompilerInvocation &invocation) {
return createDispatchingDiagnosticConsumerIfNeeded(
[&](const InputFile &input) -> std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> {
std::string fixItsOutputPath = input.fixItsOutputPath();
if (fixItsOutputPath.empty())
return nullptr;
return llvm::make_unique<JSONFixitWriter>(
fixItsOutputPath, invocation.getDiagnosticOptions());
int swift::performFrontend(ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
const char *Argv0, void *MainAddr,
FrontendObserver *observer) {
PrintingDiagnosticConsumer PDC;
// Hopefully we won't trigger any LLVM-level fatal errors, but if we do try
// to route them through our usual textual diagnostics before crashing.
// Unfortunately it's not really safe to do anything else, since very
// low-level operations in LLVM can trigger fatal errors.
auto diagnoseFatalError = [&PDC](const std::string &reason, bool shouldCrash){
static const std::string *recursiveFatalError = nullptr;
if (recursiveFatalError) {
// Report the /original/ error through LLVM's default handler, not
// whatever we encountered.
llvm::report_fatal_error(*recursiveFatalError, shouldCrash);
recursiveFatalError = &reason;
SourceManager dummyMgr;
PDC.handleDiagnostic(dummyMgr, SourceLoc(), DiagnosticKind::Error,
"fatal error encountered during compilation; please "
"file a bug report with your project and the crash "
"log", {},
PDC.handleDiagnostic(dummyMgr, SourceLoc(), DiagnosticKind::Note, reason,
{}, DiagnosticInfo());
if (shouldCrash)
llvm::ScopedFatalErrorHandler handler([](void *rawCallback,
const std::string &reason,
bool shouldCrash) {
auto *callback = static_cast<decltype(&diagnoseFatalError)>(rawCallback);
(*callback)(reason, shouldCrash);
}, &diagnoseFatalError);
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInstance> Instance =
struct FinishDiagProcessingCheckRAII {
bool CalledFinishDiagProcessing = false;
~FinishDiagProcessingCheckRAII() {
assert(CalledFinishDiagProcessing && "returned from the function "
"without calling finishDiagProcessing");
} FinishDiagProcessingCheckRAII;
auto finishDiagProcessing = [&](int retValue) -> int {
FinishDiagProcessingCheckRAII.CalledFinishDiagProcessing = true;
bool err = Instance->getDiags().finishProcessing();
return retValue ? retValue : err;
if (Args.empty()) {
Instance->getDiags().diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_no_frontend_args);
return finishDiagProcessing(1);
CompilerInvocation Invocation;
std::string MainExecutablePath = llvm::sys::fs::getMainExecutable(Argv0,
SmallString<128> workingDirectory;
// Parse arguments.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>, 4> configurationFileBuffers;
if (Invocation.parseArgs(Args, Instance->getDiags(),
&configurationFileBuffers, workingDirectory)) {
return finishDiagProcessing(1);
// Make an array of PrettyStackTrace objects to dump the configuration files
// we used to parse the arguments. These are RAII objects, so they and the
// buffers they refer to must be kept alive in order to be useful. (That is,
// we want them to be alive for the entire rest of performFrontend.)
// This can't be a SmallVector or similar because PrettyStackTraces can't be
// moved (or copied)...and it can't be an array of non-optionals because
// PrettyStackTraces can't be default-constructed. So we end up with a
// dynamically-sized array of optional PrettyStackTraces, which get
// initialized by iterating over the buffers we collected above.
auto configurationFileStackTraces =
for_each(configurationFileBuffers.begin(), configurationFileBuffers.end(),
[](const std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> &buffer,
Optional<PrettyStackTraceFileContents> &trace) {
// Setting DWARF Version depend on platform
IRGenOptions &IRGenOpts = Invocation.getIRGenOptions();
IRGenOpts.DWARFVersion = swift::DWARFVersion;
// The compiler invocation is now fully configured; notify our observer.
if (observer) {
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().PrintHelp ||
Invocation.getFrontendOptions().PrintHelpHidden) {
unsigned IncludedFlagsBitmask = options::FrontendOption;
unsigned ExcludedFlagsBitmask =
Invocation.getFrontendOptions().PrintHelpHidden ? 0 :
std::unique_ptr<llvm::opt::OptTable> Options(createSwiftOptTable());
Options->PrintHelp(llvm::outs(), displayName(MainExecutablePath).c_str(),
"Swift frontend", IncludedFlagsBitmask,
ExcludedFlagsBitmask, /*ShowAllAliases*/false);
return finishDiagProcessing(0);
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().RequestedAction ==
FrontendOptions::ActionType::NoneAction) {
return finishDiagProcessing(1);
// Because the serialized diagnostics consumer is initialized here,
// diagnostics emitted above, within CompilerInvocation::parseArgs, are never
// serialized. This is a non-issue because, in nearly all cases, frontend
// arguments are generated by the driver, not directly by a user. The driver
// is responsible for emitting diagnostics for its own errors. See SR-2683
// for details.
std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> SerializedConsumerDispatcher =
if (SerializedConsumerDispatcher)
std::unique_ptr<DiagnosticConsumer> FixItsConsumer =
if (FixItsConsumer)
if (Invocation.getDiagnosticOptions().UseColor)
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().DebugTimeCompilation)
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions().PrintStats) {
const DiagnosticOptions &diagOpts = Invocation.getDiagnosticOptions();
if (diagOpts.VerifyMode != DiagnosticOptions::NoVerify) {
if (Invocation.getFrontendOptions()
.InputsAndOutputs.hasDependencyTrackerPath() ||
if (Instance->setup(Invocation)) {
return finishDiagProcessing(1);
std::unique_ptr<UnifiedStatsReporter> StatsReporter =
computeStatsReporter(Invocation, Instance.get());
if (StatsReporter) {
// Install stats-reporter somewhere visible for subsystems that
// need to bump counters as they work, rather than measure
// accumulated work on completion (mostly: TypeChecker).
// The compiler instance has been configured; notify our observer.
if (observer) {
int ReturnValue = 0;
bool HadError =
performCompile(*Instance, Invocation, Args, ReturnValue, observer,
if (!HadError) {
if (!HadError && !Invocation.getFrontendOptions().DumpAPIPath.empty()) {
HadError = dumpAPI(Instance->getMainModule(),
if (diagOpts.VerifyMode != DiagnosticOptions::NoVerify) {
HadError = verifyDiagnostics(
diagOpts.VerifyMode == DiagnosticOptions::VerifyAndApplyFixes,
DiagnosticEngine &diags = Instance->getDiags();
if (diags.hasFatalErrorOccurred() &&
!Invocation.getDiagnosticOptions().ShowDiagnosticsAfterFatalError) {
diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::verify_encountered_fatal);
HadError = true;
auto r = finishDiagProcessing(HadError ? 1 : ReturnValue);
if (StatsReporter)
return r;
void FrontendObserver::parsedArgs(CompilerInvocation &invocation) {}
void FrontendObserver::configuredCompiler(CompilerInstance &instance) {}
void FrontendObserver::performedSemanticAnalysis(CompilerInstance &instance) {}
void FrontendObserver::performedSILGeneration(SILModule &module) {}
void FrontendObserver::performedSILDiagnostics(SILModule &module) {}
void FrontendObserver::performedSILOptimization(SILModule &module) {}
void FrontendObserver::aboutToRunImmediately(CompilerInstance &instance) {}