blob: b2f4ba2058d47501982fee96802e37ae2d04befd [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- UnsafeBufferPointer.swift.gyb ------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// An iterator for the elements in the buffer referenced by
/// `UnsafeBufferPointer` or `UnsafeMutableBufferPointer`.
public struct UnsafeBufferPointerIterator<Element>
: IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
/// Advances to the next element and returns it, or `nil` if no next element
/// exists.
/// Once `nil` has been returned, all subsequent calls return `nil`.
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
if _position == _end { return nil }
let result = _position!.pointee
_position! += 1
return result
internal var _position, _end: UnsafePointer<Element>?
%for Mutable in ('Mutable', ''):
/// A non-owning pointer to a buffer of ${Mutable.lower()} elements stored
/// contiguously in memory, presenting a collection interface to the
/// underlying elements.
/// The pointer should be aligned to `MemoryLayout<Element>.alignment`.
public struct Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer<Element>
: ${Mutable}Indexable, ${Mutable}Collection, RandomAccessCollection {
public typealias Index = Int
public typealias IndexDistance = Int
public typealias Iterator =
/// Always zero, which is the index of the first element in a
/// non-empty buffer.
public var startIndex: Int {
return 0
/// The "past the end" position---that is, the position one greater than the
/// last valid subscript argument.
/// The `endIndex` property of an `Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer` instance is
/// always identical to `count`.
public var endIndex: Int {
return count
public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
return i + 1
public func formIndex(after i: inout Int) {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
i += 1
public func index(before i: Int) -> Int {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
return i - 1
public func formIndex(before i: inout Int) {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
i -= 1
public func index(_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int) -> Int {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
return i + n
public func index(
_ i: Int, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Int
) -> Int? {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
let l = limit - i
if n > 0 ? l >= 0 && l < n : l <= 0 && n < l {
return nil
return i + n
public func distance(from start: Int, to end: Int) -> Int {
// NOTE: this is a manual specialization of index movement for a Strideable
// index that is required for UnsafeBufferPointer performance. The
// optimizer is not capable of creating partial specializations yet.
// NOTE: Range checks are not performed here, because it is done later by
// the subscript function.
return end - start
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(_ index: Int, bounds: Range<Int>) {
// NOTE: This method is a no-op for performance reasons.
public func _failEarlyRangeCheck(_ range: Range<Int>, bounds: Range<Int>) {
// NOTE: This method is a no-op for performance reasons.
public typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
public var indices: Indices {
return startIndex..<endIndex
/// Accesses the `i`th element in the buffer.
public subscript(i: Int) -> Element {
get {
_debugPrecondition(i >= 0)
_debugPrecondition(i < endIndex)
return _position![i]
%if Mutable:
nonmutating set {
_debugPrecondition(i >= 0)
_debugPrecondition(i < endIndex)
_position![i] = newValue
public subscript(bounds: Range<Int>)
-> ${Mutable}RandomAccessSlice<Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer<Element>>
get {
_debugPrecondition(bounds.lowerBound >= startIndex)
_debugPrecondition(bounds.upperBound <= endIndex)
return ${Mutable}RandomAccessSlice(
base: self, bounds: bounds)
% if Mutable:
set {
_debugPrecondition(bounds.lowerBound >= startIndex)
_debugPrecondition(bounds.upperBound <= endIndex)
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: tests.
_writeBackMutableSlice(&self, bounds: bounds, slice: newValue)
% end
/// Creates an Unsafe${Mutable}Pointer over the `count` contiguous
/// `Element` instances beginning at `start`.
/// If `start` is nil, `count` must be 0. However, `count` may be 0 even for
/// a nonzero `start`.
public init(start: Unsafe${Mutable}Pointer<Element>?, count: Int) {
count >= 0, "Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer with negative count")
count == 0 || start != nil,
"Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer has a nil start and nonzero count")
_position = start
_end = { $0 + count }
/// Returns an iterator over the elements of this sequence.
/// - Complexity: O(1).
public func makeIterator() -> UnsafeBufferPointerIterator<Element> {
return UnsafeBufferPointerIterator(_position: _position, _end: _end)
/// A pointer to the first element of the buffer.
public var baseAddress: Unsafe${Mutable}Pointer<Element>? {
return _position
/// The number of elements in the buffer.
public var count: Int {
if let pos = _position {
return _end! - pos
return 0
let _position, _end: Unsafe${Mutable}Pointer<Element>?
extension Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of `self`, suitable for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return "Unsafe${Mutable}BufferPointer"
+ "(start: \( ?? "nil"), count: \(count))"
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "UnsafeBufferPointerIterator")
public struct UnsafeBufferPointerGenerator<Element> {}
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: