blob: a0ab74df6d98caad0d67f59c226c81b56a80b569 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StringUTF8.swift - A UTF8 view of _StringCore --------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// _StringCore currently has three representations: Native ASCII,
// Native UTF-16, and Opaque Cocoa. Expose each of these as UTF-8 in a
// way that will hopefully be efficient to traverse
// FIXME(ABI): The UTF-8 string view should conform to
// `BidirectionalCollection`.
// FIXME(ABI): The UTF-8 string view should have a custom iterator type to
// allow performance optimizations of linear traversals.
extension _StringCore {
/// An integral type that holds a sequence of UTF-8 code units, starting in
/// its low byte.
internal typealias _UTF8Chunk = UInt64
/// Encode text starting at `i` as UTF-8. Returns a pair whose first
/// element is the index of the text following whatever got encoded,
/// and the second element contains the encoded UTF-8 starting in its
/// low byte. Any unused high bytes in the result will be set to
/// 0xFF.
func _encodeSomeUTF8(from i: Int) -> (Int, _UTF8Chunk) {
_sanityCheck(i <= count)
if _fastPath(elementWidth == 1) {
// How many UTF-16 code units might we use before we've filled up
// our _UTF8Chunk with UTF-8 code units?
let utf16Count = Swift.min(MemoryLayout<_UTF8Chunk>.size, count - i)
var result: _UTF8Chunk = ~0 // Start with all bits set
dest: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Builtin.addressof(&result)),
src: startASCII + i,
size: numericCast(utf16Count))
// Convert the _UTF8Chunk into host endianness.
return (i + utf16Count, _UTF8Chunk(littleEndian: result))
} else if _fastPath(_baseAddress != nil) {
// Transcoding should return a _UTF8Chunk in host endianness.
return _encodeSomeContiguousUTF16AsUTF8(from: i)
} else {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return _encodeSomeNonContiguousUTF16AsUTF8(from: i)
_sanityCheckFailure("_encodeSomeUTF8: Unexpected cocoa string")
/// Helper for `_encodeSomeUTF8`, above. Handles the case where the
/// storage is contiguous UTF-16.
func _encodeSomeContiguousUTF16AsUTF8(from i: Int) -> (Int, _UTF8Chunk) {
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 2)
_sanityCheck(_baseAddress != nil)
let storage = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: startUTF16, count: self.count)
return _transcodeSomeUTF16AsUTF8(storage, i)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// Helper for `_encodeSomeUTF8`, above. Handles the case where the
/// storage is non-contiguous UTF-16.
func _encodeSomeNonContiguousUTF16AsUTF8(from i: Int) -> (Int, _UTF8Chunk) {
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 2)
_sanityCheck(_baseAddress == nil)
let storage = _CollectionOf<Int, UInt16>(
_startIndex: 0, endIndex: self.count
) {
(i: Int) -> UInt16 in
return _cocoaStringSubscript(self, i)
return _transcodeSomeUTF16AsUTF8(storage, i)
extension String {
/// A view of a string's contents as a collection of UTF-8 code units.
/// You can access a string's view of UTF-8 code units by using its `utf8`
/// property. A string's UTF-8 view encodes the string's Unicode scalar
/// values as 8-bit integers.
/// let flowers = "Flowers 💐"
/// for v in flowers.utf8 {
/// print(v)
/// }
/// // 70
/// // 108
/// // 111
/// // 119
/// // 101
/// // 114
/// // 115
/// // 32
/// // 240
/// // 159
/// // 146
/// // 144
/// A string's Unicode scalar values can be up to 21 bits in length. To
/// represent those scalar values using 8-bit integers, more than one UTF-8
/// code unit is often required.
/// let flowermoji = "💐"
/// for v in flowermoji.unicodeScalars {
/// print(v, v.value)
/// }
/// // 💐 128144
/// for v in flowermoji.utf8 {
/// print(v)
/// }
/// // 240
/// // 159
/// // 146
/// // 144
/// In the encoded representation of a Unicode scalar value, each UTF-8 code
/// unit after the first is called a *continuation byte*.
/// UTF8View Elements Match Encoded C Strings
/// =========================================
/// Swift streamlines interoperation with C string APIs by letting you pass a
/// `String` instance to a function as an `Int8` or `UInt8` pointer. When you
/// call a C function using a `String`, Swift automatically creates a buffer
/// of UTF-8 code units and passes a pointer to that buffer. The code units
/// of that buffer match the code units in the string's `utf8` view.
/// The following example uses the C `strncmp` function to compare the
/// beginning of two Swift strings. The `strncmp` function takes two
/// `const char*` pointers and an integer specifying the number of characters
/// to compare. Because the strings are identical up to the 14th character,
/// comparing only those characters results in a return value of `0`.
/// let s1 = "They call me 'Bell'"
/// let s2 = "They call me 'Stacey'"
/// print(strncmp(s1, s2, 14))
/// // Prints "0"
/// print(String(s1.utf8.prefix(14)))
/// // Prints "They call me '"
/// Extending the compared character count to 15 includes the differing
/// characters, so a nonzero result is returned.
/// print(strncmp(s1, s2, 15))
/// // Prints "-17"
/// print(String(s1.utf8.prefix(15)))
/// // Prints "They call me 'B"
public struct UTF8View
: Collection,
CustomDebugStringConvertible {
internal let _core: _StringCore
internal let _startIndex: Index
internal let _endIndex: Index
init(_ _core: _StringCore) {
self._core = _core
self._endIndex = Index(_coreIndex: _core.endIndex, Index._emptyBuffer)
if _fastPath(_core.count != 0) {
let (_, buffer) = _core._encodeSomeUTF8(from: 0)
self._startIndex = Index(_coreIndex: 0, buffer)
} else {
self._startIndex = self._endIndex
init(_ _core: _StringCore, _ s: Index, _ e: Index) {
self._core = _core
self._startIndex = s
self._endIndex = e
/// A position in a string's `UTF8View` instance.
/// You can convert between indices of the different string views by using
/// conversion initializers and the `samePosition(in:)` method overloads.
/// For example, the following code sample finds the index of the first
/// space in the string's character view and then converts that to the same
/// position in the UTF-8 view.
/// let hearts = "Hearts <3 ♥︎ 💘"
/// if let i = hearts.characters.index(of: " ") {
/// let j = i.samePosition(in: hearts.utf8)
/// print(Array(hearts.utf8.prefix(upTo: j)))
/// print(hearts.utf8.prefix(upTo: j))
/// }
/// // Prints "[72, 101, 97, 114, 116, 115]"
/// // Prints "Hearts"
public struct Index {
internal typealias Buffer = _StringCore._UTF8Chunk
init(_coreIndex: Int, _ _buffer: Buffer) {
self._coreIndex = _coreIndex
self._buffer = _buffer
/// True iff the index is at the end of its view or if the next
/// byte begins a new UnicodeScalar.
internal func _isOnUnicodeScalarBoundary(in core: _StringCore) -> Bool {
let buffer = UInt32(truncatingBitPattern: _buffer)
let (codePoint, _) = UTF8._decodeOne(buffer)
return codePoint != nil || _isEndIndex(of: core)
/// True iff the index is at the end of its view
internal func _isEndIndex(of core: _StringCore) -> Bool {
return _buffer == Index._emptyBuffer
&& _coreIndex == core.endIndex
/// The number of UTF-8 code units remaining in the buffer before the
/// next unicode scalar value is reached. This simulates calling
/// `index(after: i)` until `i._coreIndex` is incremented, but doesn't
/// need a `_core` reference.
internal var _utf8ContinuationBytesUntilNextUnicodeScalar: Int {
var buffer = _buffer
var count = 0
while true {
let currentUnit = UTF8.CodeUnit(truncatingBitPattern: buffer)
if currentUnit & 0b1100_0000 != 0b1000_0000 {
count += 1
buffer = Index._nextBuffer(after: buffer)
return count
/// The value of the buffer when it is empty
internal static var _emptyBuffer: Buffer {
return ~0
/// A Buffer value with the high byte set
internal static var _bufferHiByte: Buffer {
return 0xFF << numericCast((MemoryLayout<Buffer>.size &- 1) &* 8)
/// Consume a byte of the given buffer: shift out the low byte
/// and put FF in the high byte
internal static func _nextBuffer(after thisBuffer: Buffer) -> Buffer {
return (thisBuffer >> 8) | _bufferHiByte
/// The position of `self`, rounded up to the nearest unicode
/// scalar boundary, in the underlying UTF-16.
internal let _coreIndex: Int
/// If `self` is at the end of its `_core`, has the value `_emptyBuffer`.
/// Otherwise, the low byte contains the value of the UTF-8 code unit
/// at this position.
internal let _buffer: Buffer
public typealias IndexDistance = Int
/// The position of the first code unit if the UTF-8 view is
/// nonempty.
/// If the UTF-8 view is empty, `startIndex` is equal to `endIndex`.
public var startIndex: Index {
return self._startIndex
/// The "past the end" position---that is, the position one
/// greater than the last valid subscript argument.
/// In an empty UTF-8 view, `endIndex` is equal to `startIndex`.
public var endIndex: Index {
return self._endIndex
/// Returns the next consecutive position after `i`.
/// - Precondition: The next position is representable.
public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: range check i?
let currentUnit = UTF8.CodeUnit(truncatingBitPattern: i._buffer)
let hiNibble = currentUnit >> 4
// Amounts to increment the UTF-16 index based on the high nibble of a
// UTF-8 code unit. If the high nibble is:
// - 0b0000-0b0111: U+0000...U+007F: increment the UTF-16 pointer by 1
// - 0b1000-0b1011: UTF-8 continuation byte, do not increment
// the UTF-16 pointer
// - 0b1100-0b1110: U+0080...U+FFFF: increment the UTF-16 pointer by 1
// - 0b1111: U+10000...U+1FFFFF: increment the UTF-16 pointer by 2
let u16Increments = Int(bitPattern:
// 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 0111 0110 0101 0100 0011 0010 0001 0000
// Map the high nibble of the current code unit into the
// amount by which to increment the UTF-16 index.
let increment = (u16Increments >> numericCast(hiNibble << 1)) & 0x3
let nextCoreIndex = i._coreIndex &+ increment
let nextBuffer = Index._nextBuffer(after: i._buffer)
// If the nextBuffer is nonempty, we have all we need
if _fastPath(nextBuffer != Index._emptyBuffer) {
return Index(_coreIndex: nextCoreIndex, nextBuffer)
// If the underlying UTF16 isn't exhausted, fill a new buffer
else if _fastPath(nextCoreIndex < _core.endIndex) {
let (_, freshBuffer) = _core._encodeSomeUTF8(from: nextCoreIndex)
return Index(_coreIndex: nextCoreIndex, freshBuffer)
else {
// Produce the endIndex
nextCoreIndex == _core.endIndex,
"Can't increment past endIndex of String.UTF8View")
return Index(_coreIndex: nextCoreIndex, nextBuffer)
/// Accesses the code unit at the given position.
/// The following example uses the subscript to print the value of a
/// string's first UTF-8 code unit.
/// let greeting = "Hello, friend!"
/// let i = greeting.utf8.startIndex
/// print("First character's UTF-8 code unit: \(greeting.utf8[i])")
/// // Prints "First character's UTF-8 code unit: 72"
/// - Parameter position: A valid index of the view. `position`
/// must be less than the view's end index.
public subscript(position: Index) -> UTF8.CodeUnit {
let result = UTF8.CodeUnit(truncatingBitPattern: position._buffer & 0xFF)
_precondition(result != 0xFF, "cannot subscript using endIndex")
return result
/// Accesses the contiguous subrange of elements enclosed by the specified
/// range.
/// - Complexity: O(*n*) if the underlying string is bridged from
/// Objective-C, where *n* is the length of the string; otherwise, O(1).
public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> UTF8View {
return UTF8View(_core, bounds.lowerBound, bounds.upperBound)
public var description: String {
return String._fromCodeUnitSequenceWithRepair(UTF8.self, input: self).0
public var debugDescription: String {
return "UTF8View(\(self.description.debugDescription))"
/// A UTF-8 encoding of `self`.
public var utf8: UTF8View {
get {
return UTF8View(self._core)
set {
self = String(describing: newValue)
public var _contiguousUTF8: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF8.CodeUnit>? {
return _core.elementWidth == 1 ? _core.startASCII : nil
/// A contiguously stored null-terminated UTF-8 representation of the string.
/// To access the underlying memory, invoke `withUnsafeBufferPointer` on the
/// array.
/// let s = "Hello!"
/// let bytes = s.utf8CString
/// print(bytes)
/// // Prints "[72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 33, 0]"
/// bytes.withUnsafeBufferPointer { ptr in
/// print(strlen(ptr.baseAddress!))
/// }
/// // Prints "6"
public var utf8CString: ContiguousArray<CChar> {
var result = ContiguousArray<CChar>()
result.reserveCapacity(utf8.count + 1)
for c in utf8 {
result.append(CChar(bitPattern: c))
return result
internal func _withUnsafeBufferPointerToUTF8<R>(
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<UTF8.CodeUnit>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
let ptr = _contiguousUTF8
if ptr != nil {
return try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: ptr, count: _core.count))
var nullTerminatedUTF8 = ContiguousArray<UTF8.CodeUnit>()
nullTerminatedUTF8.reserveCapacity(utf8.count + 1)
nullTerminatedUTF8 += utf8
return try nullTerminatedUTF8.withUnsafeBufferPointer(body)
/// Creates a string corresponding to the given sequence of UTF-8 code units.
/// If `utf8` is an ill-formed UTF-8 code sequence, the result is `nil`.
/// You can use this initializer to create a new string from a slice of
/// another string's `utf8` view.
/// let picnicGuest = "Deserving porcupine"
/// if let i = picnicGuest.utf8.index(of: 32) {
/// let adjective = String(picnicGuest.utf8.prefix(upTo: i))
/// print(adjective)
/// }
/// // Prints "Optional(Deserving)"
/// The `adjective` constant is created by calling this initializer with a
/// slice of the `picnicGuest.utf8` view.
/// - Parameter utf8: A UTF-8 code sequence.
public init?(_ utf8: UTF8View) {
let wholeString = String(utf8._core)
if let start = utf8.startIndex.samePosition(in: wholeString),
let end = utf8.endIndex.samePosition(in: wholeString) {
self = wholeString[start..<end]
return nil
/// The index type for subscripting a string's `utf8` view.
public typealias UTF8Index = UTF8View.Index
extension String.UTF8View.Index : Comparable {
// FIXME: swift-3-indexing-model: add complete set of forwards for Comparable
// assuming String.UTF8View.Index continues to exist
public static func == (
lhs: String.UTF8View.Index,
rhs: String.UTF8View.Index
) -> Bool {
// If the underlying UTF16 index differs, they're unequal
if lhs._coreIndex != rhs._coreIndex {
return false
// Match up bytes in the buffer
var buffer = (lhs._buffer, rhs._buffer)
var isContinuation: Bool
repeat {
let unit = (
UTF8.CodeUnit(truncatingBitPattern: buffer.0),
UTF8.CodeUnit(truncatingBitPattern: buffer.1))
isContinuation = UTF8.isContinuation(unit.0)
if !isContinuation {
// We don't check for unit equality in this case because one of
// the units might be an 0xFF read from the end of the buffer.
return !UTF8.isContinuation(unit.1)
// Continuation bytes must match exactly
else if unit.0 != unit.1 {
return false
// Move the buffers along.
buffer = (
String.UTF8Index._nextBuffer(after: buffer.0),
String.UTF8Index._nextBuffer(after: buffer.1))
while true
public static func < (
lhs: String.UTF8View.Index,
rhs: String.UTF8View.Index
) -> Bool {
if lhs._coreIndex == rhs._coreIndex && lhs._buffer != rhs._buffer {
// The index with more continuation bytes remaining before the next
return lhs._utf8ContinuationBytesUntilNextUnicodeScalar >
return lhs._coreIndex < rhs._coreIndex
// Index conversions
extension String.UTF8View.Index {
internal init(_ core: _StringCore, _utf16Offset: Int) {
let (_, buffer) = core._encodeSomeUTF8(from: _utf16Offset)
self.init(_coreIndex: _utf16Offset, buffer)
/// Creates an index in the given UTF-8 view that corresponds exactly to the
/// specified `UTF16View` position.
/// The following example finds the position of a space in a string's `utf16`
/// view and then converts that position to an index in the string's
/// `utf8` view.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let utf16Index = cafe.utf16.index(of: 32)!
/// let utf8Index = String.UTF8View.Index(utf16Index, within: cafe.utf8)!
/// print(Array(cafe.utf8.prefix(upTo: utf8Index)))
/// // Prints "[67, 97, 102, 195, 169]"
/// If the position passed in `utf16Index` doesn't have an exact
/// corresponding position in `utf8`, the result of the initializer is
/// `nil`. For example, because UTF-8 and UTF-16 represent high Unicode code
/// points differently, an attempt to convert the position of the trailing
/// surrogate of a UTF-16 surrogate pair fails.
/// The next example attempts to convert the indices of the two UTF-16 code
/// points that represent the teacup emoji (`"🍵"`). The index of the lead
/// surrogate is successfully converted to a position in `utf8`, but the
/// index of the trailing surrogate is not.
/// let emojiHigh = cafe.utf16.index(after: utf16Index)
/// print(String.UTF8View.Index(emojiHigh, within: cafe.utf8))
/// // Prints "Optional(String.Index(...))"
/// let emojiLow = cafe.utf16.index(after: emojiHigh)
/// print(String.UTF8View.Index(emojiLow, within: cafe.utf8))
/// // Prints "nil"
/// - Parameters:
/// - utf16Index: A position in a `UTF16View` instance. `utf16Index` must
/// be an element in `String(utf8).utf16.indices`.
/// - utf8: The `UTF8View` in which to find the new position.
public init?(_ utf16Index: String.UTF16Index, within utf8: String.UTF8View) {
let utf16 = String.UTF16View(utf8._core)
if utf16Index != utf16.startIndex
&& utf16Index != utf16.endIndex {
utf16Index >= utf16.startIndex
&& utf16Index <= utf16.endIndex,
"Invalid String.UTF16Index for this UTF-8 view")
// Detect positions that have no corresponding index. Note that
// we have to check before and after, because an unpaired
// surrogate will be decoded as a single replacement character,
// thus making the corresponding position valid in UTF8.
if UTF16.isTrailSurrogate(utf16[utf16Index])
&& UTF16.isLeadSurrogate(utf16[utf16.index(before: utf16Index)]) {
return nil
self.init(utf8._core, _utf16Offset: utf16Index._offset)
/// Creates an index in the given UTF-8 view that corresponds exactly to the
/// specified `UnicodeScalarView` position.
/// The following example converts the position of the Unicode scalar `"e"`
/// into its corresponding position in the string's `utf8` view.
/// let cafe = "Cafe\u{0301}"
/// let scalarsIndex = cafe.unicodeScalars.index(of: "e")!
/// let utf8Index = String.UTF8View.Index(scalarsIndex, within: cafe.utf8)
/// print(Array(cafe.utf8.prefix(through: utf8Index)))
/// // Prints "[67, 97, 102, 101]"
/// - Parameters:
/// - unicodeScalarIndex: A position in a `UnicodeScalarView` instance.
/// `unicodeScalarIndex` must be an element of
/// `String(utf8).unicodeScalars.indices`.
/// - utf8: The `UTF8View` in which to find the new position.
public init(
_ unicodeScalarIndex: String.UnicodeScalarIndex,
within utf8: String.UTF8View
) {
self.init(utf8._core, _utf16Offset: unicodeScalarIndex._position)
/// Creates an index in the given UTF-8 view that corresponds exactly to the
/// specified string position.
/// The following example converts the position of the teacup emoji (`"🍵"`)
/// into its corresponding position in the string's `utf8` view.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let characterIndex = cafe.characters.index(of: "🍵")!
/// let utf8Index = String.UTF8View.Index(characterIndex, within: cafe.utf8)
/// print(Array(cafe.utf8.suffix(from: utf8Index)))
/// // Prints "[240, 159, 141, 181]"
/// - Parameters:
/// - characterIndex: A position in a `CharacterView` instance.
/// `characterIndex` must be an element of
/// `String(utf8).characters.indices`.
/// - utf8: The `UTF8View` in which to find the new position.
public init(_ characterIndex: String.Index, within utf8: String.UTF8View) {
self.init(utf8._core, _utf16Offset: characterIndex._base._position)
/// Returns the position in the given UTF-16 view that corresponds exactly to
/// this index.
/// The index must be a valid index of `String(utf16).utf8`.
/// This example first finds the position of a space (UTF-8 code point `32`)
/// in a string's `utf8` view and then uses this method to find the same
/// position in the string's `utf16` view.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let i = cafe.utf8.index(of: 32)!
/// let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe.utf16)!
/// print(cafe.utf16.prefix(upTo: j))
/// // Prints "Café"
/// - Parameter utf16: The view to use for the index conversion.
/// - Returns: The position in `utf16` that corresponds exactly to this
/// index. If this index does not have an exact corresponding position in
/// `utf16`, this method returns `nil`. For example, an attempt to convert
/// the position of a UTF-8 continuation byte returns `nil`.
public func samePosition(
in utf16: String.UTF16View
) -> String.UTF16View.Index? {
return String.UTF16View.Index(self, within: utf16)
/// Returns the position in the given view of Unicode scalars that
/// corresponds exactly to this index.
/// This index must be a valid index of `String(unicodeScalars).utf8`.
/// This example first finds the position of a space (UTF-8 code point `32`)
/// in a string's `utf8` view and then uses this method to find the same position
/// in the string's `unicodeScalars` view.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let i = cafe.utf8.index(of: 32)!
/// let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe.unicodeScalars)!
/// print(cafe.unicodeScalars.prefix(upTo: j))
/// // Prints "Café"
/// - Parameter unicodeScalars: The view to use for the index conversion.
/// - Returns: The position in `unicodeScalars` that corresponds exactly to
/// this index. If this index does not have an exact corresponding
/// position in `unicodeScalars`, this method returns `nil`. For example,
/// an attempt to convert the position of a UTF-8 continuation byte
/// returns `nil`.
public func samePosition(
in unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView
) -> String.UnicodeScalarIndex? {
return String.UnicodeScalarIndex(self, within: unicodeScalars)
/// Returns the position in the given string that corresponds exactly to this
/// index.
/// This index must be a valid index of `characters.utf8`.
/// This example first finds the position of a space (UTF-8 code point `32`)
/// in a string's `utf8` view and then uses this method find the same position
/// in the string.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let i = cafe.utf8.index(of: 32)!
/// let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe)!
/// print(cafe[cafe.startIndex ..< j])
/// // Prints "Café"
/// - Parameter characters: The string to use for the index conversion.
/// - Returns: The position in `characters` that corresponds exactly to
/// this index. If this index does not have an exact corresponding
/// position in `characters`, this method returns `nil`. For example,
/// an attempt to convert the position of a UTF-8 continuation byte
/// returns `nil`.
public func samePosition(
in characters: String
) -> String.Index? {
return String.Index(self, within: characters)
// Reflection
extension String.UTF8View : CustomReflectable {
/// Returns a mirror that reflects the UTF-8 view of a string.
public var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, unlabeledChildren: self)
extension String.UTF8View : CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
public var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook {
return .text(description)
extension String {
@available(*, unavailable, message: "Please use String.utf8CString instead.")
public var nulTerminatedUTF8: ContiguousArray<UTF8.CodeUnit> {