blob: d0fdbb555de47566016769603be06a0410dd0409 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// The core implementation of a highly-optimizable String that
/// can store both ASCII and UTF-16, and can wrap native Swift
/// _StringBuffer or NSString instances.
/// Usage note: when elements are 8 bits wide, this code may
/// dereference one past the end of the byte array that it owns, so
/// make sure that storage is allocated! You want a null terminator
/// anyway, so it shouldn't be a burden.
// Implementation note: We try hard to avoid branches in this code, so
// for example we use integer math to avoid switching on the element
// size with the ternary operator. This is also the cause of the
// extra element requirement for 8 bit elements. See the
// implementation of subscript(Int) -> UTF16.CodeUnit below for details.
public struct _StringCore {
// Internals
public var _baseAddress: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
var _countAndFlags: UInt
public var _owner: AnyObject?
/// (private) create the implementation of a string from its component parts.
baseAddress: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
_countAndFlags: UInt,
owner: AnyObject?
) {
self._baseAddress = baseAddress
self._countAndFlags = _countAndFlags
self._owner = owner
func _invariantCheck() {
// Note: this code is intentionally #if'ed out. It unconditionally
// accesses lazily initialized globals, and thus it is a performance burden
// in non-checked builds.
_sanityCheck(count >= 0)
if _baseAddress == nil {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
"Only opaque cocoa strings may have a null base pointer")
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 2,
"Opaque cocoa strings should have an elementWidth of 2")
else if _baseAddress == _emptyStringBase {
_sanityCheck(count == 0, "Empty string storage with non-zero count")
_sanityCheck(_owner == nil, "String pointing at empty storage has owner")
else if let buffer = nativeBuffer {
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == buffer.elementWidth,
"_StringCore elementWidth doesn't match its buffer's")
_sanityCheck(_baseAddress! >= buffer.start)
_sanityCheck(_baseAddress! <= buffer.usedEnd)
_sanityCheck(_pointer(toElementAt: count) <= buffer.usedEnd)
/// Bitmask for the count part of `_countAndFlags`.
var _countMask: UInt {
return UInt.max >> 2
/// Bitmask for the flags part of `_countAndFlags`.
var _flagMask: UInt {
return ~_countMask
/// Value by which to multiply a 2nd byte fetched in order to
/// assemble a UTF-16 code unit from our contiguous storage. If we
/// store ASCII, this will be zero. Otherwise, it will be 0x100.
var _highByteMultiplier: UTF16.CodeUnit {
return UTF16.CodeUnit(elementShift) << 8
/// Returns a pointer to the Nth element of contiguous
/// storage. Caveats: The string must have contiguous storage; the
/// element may be 1 or 2 bytes wide, depending on elementWidth; the
/// result may be null if the string is empty.
func _pointer(toElementAt n: Int) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
_sanityCheck(hasContiguousStorage && n >= 0 && n <= count)
return _baseAddress! + (n << elementShift)
static func _copyElements(
_ srcStart: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, srcElementWidth: Int,
dstStart: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, dstElementWidth: Int,
count: Int
) {
// Copy the old stuff into the new storage
if _fastPath(srcElementWidth == dstElementWidth) {
// No change in storage width; we can use memcpy
dest: dstStart,
src: srcStart,
size: UInt(count << (srcElementWidth - 1)))
else if (srcElementWidth < dstElementWidth) {
// Widening ASCII to UTF-16; we need to copy the bytes manually
var dest = dstStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
var src = srcStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)
let srcEnd = src + count
while (src != srcEnd) {
dest.pointee = UTF16.CodeUnit(src.pointee)
dest += 1
src += 1
else {
// Narrowing UTF-16 to ASCII; we need to copy the bytes manually
var dest = dstStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)
var src = srcStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
let srcEnd = src + count
while (src != srcEnd) {
dest.pointee = UTF8.CodeUnit(src.pointee)
dest += 1
src += 1
// Initialization
public init(
baseAddress: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?,
count: Int,
elementShift: Int,
hasCocoaBuffer: Bool,
owner: AnyObject?
) {
_sanityCheck(elementShift == 0 || elementShift == 1)
self._baseAddress = baseAddress
= (UInt(elementShift) << (UInt._sizeInBits - 1))
| ((hasCocoaBuffer ? 1 : 0) << (UInt._sizeInBits - 2))
| UInt(count)
self._owner = owner
_sanityCheck(UInt(count) & _flagMask == 0, "String too long to represent")
/// Create a _StringCore that covers the entire length of the _StringBuffer.
init(_ buffer: _StringBuffer) {
self = _StringCore(
baseAddress: buffer.start,
count: buffer.usedCount,
elementShift: buffer.elementShift,
hasCocoaBuffer: false,
owner: buffer._anyObject
/// Create the implementation of an empty string.
/// - Note: There is no null terminator in an empty string.
public init() {
self._baseAddress = _emptyStringBase
self._countAndFlags = 0
self._owner = nil
// Properties
/// The number of elements stored
/// - Complexity: O(1).
public var count: Int {
get {
return Int(_countAndFlags & _countMask)
set(newValue) {
_sanityCheck(UInt(newValue) & _flagMask == 0)
_countAndFlags = (_countAndFlags & _flagMask) | UInt(newValue)
/// Left shift amount to apply to an offset N so that when
/// added to a UnsafeMutableRawPointer, it traverses N elements.
var elementShift: Int {
return Int(_countAndFlags >> (UInt._sizeInBits - 1))
/// The number of bytes per element.
/// If the string does not have an ASCII buffer available (including the case
/// when we don't have a utf16 buffer) then it equals 2.
public var elementWidth: Int {
return elementShift &+ 1
public var hasContiguousStorage: Bool {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return _fastPath(_baseAddress != nil)
return true
/// Are we using an `NSString` for storage?
public var hasCocoaBuffer: Bool {
return Int((_countAndFlags << 1)._value) < 0
public var startASCII: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF8.CodeUnit> {
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 1, "String does not contain contiguous ASCII")
return _baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)
/// True iff a contiguous ASCII buffer available.
public var isASCII: Bool {
return elementWidth == 1
public var startUTF16: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF16.CodeUnit> {
count == 0 || elementWidth == 2,
"String does not contain contiguous UTF-16")
return _baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
/// the native _StringBuffer, if any, or `nil`.
public var nativeBuffer: _StringBuffer? {
if !hasCocoaBuffer {
return {
unsafeBitCast($0, to: _StringBuffer.self)
return nil
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
/// the Cocoa String buffer, if any, or `nil`.
public var cocoaBuffer: _CocoaString? {
if hasCocoaBuffer {
return {
unsafeBitCast($0, to: _CocoaString.self)
return nil
// slicing
/// Returns the given sub-`_StringCore`.
public subscript(bounds: Range<Int>) -> _StringCore {
bounds.lowerBound >= 0,
"subscript: subrange start precedes String start")
bounds.upperBound <= count,
"subscript: subrange extends past String end")
let newCount = bounds.upperBound - bounds.lowerBound
_sanityCheck(UInt(newCount) & _flagMask == 0)
if hasContiguousStorage {
return _StringCore(
baseAddress: _pointer(toElementAt: bounds.lowerBound),
_countAndFlags: (_countAndFlags & _flagMask) | UInt(newCount),
owner: _owner)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return _cocoaStringSlice(self, bounds)
_sanityCheckFailure("subscript: non-native string without objc runtime")
/// Get the Nth UTF-16 Code Unit stored.
func _nthContiguous(_ position: Int) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
let p =
UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(_pointer(toElementAt: position)._rawValue)
// Always dereference two bytes, but when elements are 8 bits we
// multiply the high byte by 0.
// FIXME(performance): use masking instead of multiplication.
return UTF16.CodeUnit(p.pointee)
+ UTF16.CodeUnit((p + 1).pointee) * _highByteMultiplier
/// Get the Nth UTF-16 Code Unit stored.
public subscript(position: Int) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
get {
position >= 0,
"subscript: index precedes String start")
position <= count,
"subscript: index points past String end")
if _fastPath(_baseAddress != nil) {
return _nthContiguous(position)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return _cocoaStringSubscript(self, position)
_sanityCheckFailure("subscript: non-native string without objc runtime")
/// Write the string, in the given encoding, to output.
func encode<Encoding: UnicodeCodec>(
_ encoding: Encoding.Type,
into processCodeUnit: (Encoding.CodeUnit) -> Void)
if _fastPath(_baseAddress != nil) {
if _fastPath(elementWidth == 1) {
for x in UnsafeBufferPointer(
start: _baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self),
count: count
) {
Encoding.encode(UnicodeScalar(x), into: processCodeUnit)
else {
let hadError = transcode(
start: _baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self),
count: count
from: UTF16.self,
to: encoding,
stoppingOnError: true,
into: processCodeUnit
_sanityCheck(!hadError, "Swift.String with native storage should not have unpaired surrogates")
else if (hasCocoaBuffer) {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
source: cocoaBuffer!, range: 0..<count, minimumCapacity: 0)
).encode(encoding, into: processCodeUnit)
_sanityCheckFailure("encode: non-native string without objc runtime")
/// Attempt to claim unused capacity in the String's existing
/// native buffer, if any. Return zero and a pointer to the claimed
/// storage if successful. Otherwise, returns a suggested new
/// capacity and a null pointer.
/// - Note: If successful, effectively appends garbage to the String
/// until it has newSize UTF-16 code units; you must immediately copy
/// valid UTF-16 into that storage.
/// - Note: If unsuccessful because of insufficient space in an
/// existing buffer, the suggested new capacity will at least double
/// the existing buffer's storage.
mutating func _claimCapacity(
_ newSize: Int, minElementWidth: Int) -> (Int, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
if _fastPath((nativeBuffer != nil) && elementWidth >= minElementWidth) {
var buffer = nativeBuffer!
// In order to grow the substring in place, this _StringCore should point
// at the substring at the end of a _StringBuffer. Otherwise, some other
// String is using parts of the buffer beyond our last byte.
let usedStart = _pointer(toElementAt:0)
let usedEnd = _pointer(toElementAt:count)
// Attempt to claim unused capacity in the buffer
if _fastPath(
oldBounds: UnsafeRawPointer(usedStart)..<UnsafeRawPointer(usedEnd),
newUsedCount: newSize)
) {
count = newSize
return (0, usedEnd)
else if newSize > buffer.capacity {
// Growth failed because of insufficient storage; double the size
return (Swift.max(_growArrayCapacity(buffer.capacity), newSize), nil)
return (newSize, nil)
/// Ensure that this String references a _StringBuffer having
/// a capacity of at least newSize elements of at least the given width.
/// Effectively appends garbage to the String until it has newSize
/// UTF-16 code units. Returns a pointer to the garbage code units;
/// you must immediately copy valid data into that storage.
mutating func _growBuffer(
_ newSize: Int, minElementWidth: Int
) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
let (newCapacity, existingStorage)
= _claimCapacity(newSize, minElementWidth: minElementWidth)
if _fastPath(existingStorage != nil) {
return existingStorage!
let oldCount = count
newSize: newSize,
newCapacity: newCapacity,
minElementWidth: minElementWidth)
return _pointer(toElementAt:oldCount)
/// Replace the storage of self with a native _StringBuffer having a
/// capacity of at least newCapacity elements of at least the given
/// width. Effectively appends garbage to the String until it has
/// newSize UTF-16 code units.
mutating func _copyInPlace(
newSize: Int, newCapacity: Int, minElementWidth: Int
) {
_sanityCheck(newCapacity >= newSize)
let oldCount = count
// Allocate storage.
let newElementWidth =
minElementWidth >= elementWidth
? minElementWidth
: isRepresentableAsASCII() ? 1 : 2
let newStorage = _StringBuffer(capacity: newCapacity, initialSize: newSize,
elementWidth: newElementWidth)
if hasContiguousStorage {
_baseAddress!, srcElementWidth: elementWidth,
dstStart: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(newStorage.start),
dstElementWidth: newElementWidth, count: oldCount)
else {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// Opaque cocoa buffers might not store ASCII, so assert that
// we've allocated for 2-byte elements.
// FIXME: can we get Cocoa to tell us quickly that an opaque
// string is ASCII? Do we care much about that edge case?
_sanityCheck(newStorage.elementShift == 1)
newStorage.start.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self))
_sanityCheckFailure("_copyInPlace: non-native string without objc runtime")
self = _StringCore(newStorage)
/// Append `c` to `self`.
/// - Complexity: O(1) when amortized over repeated appends of equal
/// character values.
mutating func append(_ c: UnicodeScalar) {
let width = UTF16.width(c)
width == 2 ? UTF16.leadSurrogate(c) : UTF16.CodeUnit(c.value),
width == 2 ? UTF16.trailSurrogate(c) : nil
/// Append `u` to `self`.
/// - Complexity: Amortized O(1).
public mutating func append(_ u: UTF16.CodeUnit) {
append(u, nil)
mutating func append(_ u0: UTF16.CodeUnit, _ u1: UTF16.CodeUnit?) {
let minBytesPerCodeUnit = u0 <= 0x7f ? 1 : 2
let utf16Width = u1 == nil ? 1 : 2
let destination = _growBuffer(
count + utf16Width, minElementWidth: minBytesPerCodeUnit)
if _fastPath(elementWidth == 1) {
_sanityCheck(_pointer(toElementAt:count) == destination + 1)
destination.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)[0]
= UTF8.CodeUnit(u0)
else {
let destination16
= destination.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
destination16[0] = u0
if u1 != nil {
destination16[1] = u1!
mutating func append(_ rhs: _StringCore) {
let minElementWidth
= elementWidth >= rhs.elementWidth
? elementWidth
: rhs.isRepresentableAsASCII() ? 1 : 2
let destination = _growBuffer(
count + rhs.count, minElementWidth: minElementWidth)
if _fastPath(rhs.hasContiguousStorage) {
rhs._baseAddress!, srcElementWidth: rhs.elementWidth,
dstStart: destination, dstElementWidth:elementWidth, count: rhs.count)
else {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 2)
destination.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self))
_sanityCheckFailure("subscript: non-native string without objc runtime")
/// Returns `true` iff the contents of this string can be
/// represented as pure ASCII.
/// - Complexity: O(N) in the worst case.
func isRepresentableAsASCII() -> Bool {
if _slowPath(!hasContiguousStorage) {
return false
if _fastPath(elementWidth == 1) {
return true
let unsafeBuffer =
start: _baseAddress!.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self),
count: count)
return !unsafeBuffer.contains { $0 > 0x7f }
extension _StringCore : RandomAccessCollection {
public typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
public // @testable
var startIndex: Int {
return 0
public // @testable
var endIndex: Int {
return count
extension _StringCore : RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Replace the elements within `bounds` with `newElements`.
/// - Complexity: O(`bounds.count`) if `bounds.upperBound
/// == self.endIndex` and `newElements.isEmpty`, O(N) otherwise.
public mutating func replaceSubrange<C>(
_ bounds: Range<Int>,
with newElements: C
) where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == UTF16.CodeUnit {
bounds.lowerBound >= 0,
"replaceSubrange: subrange start precedes String start")
bounds.upperBound <= count,
"replaceSubrange: subrange extends past String end")
let width = elementWidth == 2 || newElements.contains { $0 > 0x7f } ? 2 : 1
let replacementCount = numericCast(newElements.count) as Int
let replacedCount = bounds.count
let tailCount = count - bounds.upperBound
let growth = replacementCount - replacedCount
let newCount = count + growth
// Successfully claiming capacity only ensures that we can modify
// the newly-claimed storage without observably mutating other
// strings, i.e., when we're appending. Already-used characters
// can only be mutated when we have a unique reference to the
// buffer.
let appending = bounds.lowerBound == endIndex
let existingStorage = !hasCocoaBuffer && (
appending || isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_owner)
) ? _claimCapacity(newCount, minElementWidth: width).1 : nil
if _fastPath(existingStorage != nil) {
let rangeStart = _pointer(toElementAt:bounds.lowerBound)
let tailStart = rangeStart + (replacedCount << elementShift)
if growth > 0 {
(tailStart + (growth << elementShift)).copyBytes(
from: tailStart, count: tailCount << elementShift)
if _fastPath(elementWidth == 1) {
var dst = rangeStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)
for u in newElements {
dst.pointee = UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: u)
dst += 1
else {
var dst = rangeStart.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
for u in newElements {
dst.pointee = u
dst += 1
if growth < 0 {
(tailStart + (growth << elementShift)).copyBytes(
from: tailStart, count: tailCount << elementShift)
else {
var r = _StringCore(
capacity: newCount,
initialSize: 0,
width == 1 ? 1
: isRepresentableAsASCII() && !newElements.contains { $0 > 0x7f } ? 1
: 2
r.append(contentsOf: self[0..<bounds.lowerBound])
r.append(contentsOf: newElements)
r.append(contentsOf: self[bounds.upperBound..<count])
self = r
public mutating func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {
if _fastPath(!hasCocoaBuffer) {
if _fastPath(isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&_owner)) {
let bounds: Range<UnsafeRawPointer>
= UnsafeRawPointer(_pointer(toElementAt:0))
..< UnsafeRawPointer(_pointer(toElementAt:count))
if _fastPath(nativeBuffer!.hasCapacity(n, forSubRange: bounds)) {
newSize: count,
newCapacity: Swift.max(count, n),
minElementWidth: 1)
public mutating func append<S : Sequence>(contentsOf s: S)
where S.Iterator.Element == UTF16.CodeUnit {
var width = elementWidth
if width == 1 {
if let hasNonAscii = s._preprocessingPass({
s.contains { $0 > 0x7f }
}) {
width = hasNonAscii ? 2 : 1
let growth = s.underestimatedCount
var iter = s.makeIterator()
if _fastPath(growth > 0) {
let newSize = count + growth
let destination = _growBuffer(newSize, minElementWidth: width)
if elementWidth == 1 {
let destination8
= destination.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)
for i in 0..<growth {
destination8[i] = UTF8.CodeUnit(!)
else {
let destination16
= destination.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self)
for i in 0..<growth {
destination16[i] =!
// Append any remaining elements
for u in IteratorSequence(iter) {
// Used to support a tighter invariant: all strings with contiguous
// storage have a non-NULL base address.
var _emptyStringStorage: UInt32 = 0
var _emptyStringBase: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Builtin.addressof(&_emptyStringStorage))