blob: c3a294a1b07f370d54eaec9d9a069abaef402cbc [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
struct _StringBufferIVars {
internal init(_elementWidth: Int) {
_sanityCheck(_elementWidth == 1 || _elementWidth == 2)
usedEnd = nil
capacityAndElementShift = _elementWidth - 1
internal init(
_usedEnd: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
byteCapacity: Int,
elementWidth: Int
) {
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 1 || elementWidth == 2)
_sanityCheck((byteCapacity & 0x1) == 0)
self.usedEnd = _usedEnd
self.capacityAndElementShift = byteCapacity + (elementWidth - 1)
// This stored property should be stored at offset zero. We perform atomic
// operations on it using _HeapBuffer's pointer.
var usedEnd: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
var capacityAndElementShift: Int
var byteCapacity: Int {
return capacityAndElementShift & ~0x1
var elementShift: Int {
return capacityAndElementShift & 0x1
// FIXME: Wanted this to be a subclass of
// _HeapBuffer<_StringBufferIVars, UTF16.CodeUnit>, but
// <rdar://problem/15520519> (Can't call static method of derived
// class of generic class with dependent argument type) prevents it.
public struct _StringBuffer {
// Make this a buffer of UTF-16 code units so that it's properly
// aligned for them if that's what we store.
typealias _Storage = _HeapBuffer<_StringBufferIVars, UTF16.CodeUnit>
typealias HeapBufferStorage
= _HeapBufferStorage<_StringBufferIVars, UTF16.CodeUnit>
init(_ storage: _Storage) {
_storage = storage
public init(capacity: Int, initialSize: Int, elementWidth: Int) {
_sanityCheck(elementWidth == 1 || elementWidth == 2)
_sanityCheck(initialSize <= capacity)
// We don't check for elementWidth overflow and underflow because
// elementWidth is known to be 1 or 2.
let elementShift = elementWidth &- 1
// We need at least 1 extra byte if we're storing 8-bit elements,
// because indexing will always grab 2 consecutive bytes at a
// time.
let capacityBump = 1 &- elementShift
// Used to round capacity up to nearest multiple of 16 bits, the
// element size of our storage.
let divRound = 1 &- elementShift
_storage = _Storage(
_StringBufferIVars(_elementWidth: elementWidth),
(capacity + capacityBump + divRound) >> divRound
// This conditional branch should fold away during code gen.
if elementShift == 0 {
start.bindMemory(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self, capacity: initialSize)
else {
start.bindMemory(to: UTF16.CodeUnit.self, capacity: initialSize)
self.usedEnd = start + (initialSize << elementShift)
= ((_storage._capacity() - capacityBump) << 1) + elementShift
static func fromCodeUnits<Input, Encoding>(
_ input: Input, encoding: Encoding.Type, repairIllFormedSequences: Bool,
minimumCapacity: Int = 0
) -> (_StringBuffer?, hadError: Bool)
Input : Collection, // Sequence?
Encoding : UnicodeCodec,
Input.Iterator.Element == Encoding.CodeUnit {
// Determine how many UTF-16 code units we'll need
let inputStream = input.makeIterator()
guard let (utf16Count, isAscii) = UTF16.transcodedLength(
of: inputStream,
decodedAs: encoding,
repairingIllFormedSequences: repairIllFormedSequences) else {
return (nil, true)
// Allocate storage
let result = _StringBuffer(
capacity: max(utf16Count, minimumCapacity),
initialSize: utf16Count,
elementWidth: isAscii ? 1 : 2)
if isAscii {
var p = result.start.assumingMemoryBound(to: UTF8.CodeUnit.self)
let sink: (UTF32.CodeUnit) -> Void = {
p.pointee = UTF8.CodeUnit($0)
p += 1
let hadError = transcode(
from: encoding, to: UTF32.self,
stoppingOnError: true,
into: sink)
_sanityCheck(!hadError, "string cannot be ASCII if there were decoding errors")
return (result, hadError)
else {
var p = result._storage.baseAddress
let sink: (UTF16.CodeUnit) -> Void = {
p.pointee = $0
p += 1
let hadError = transcode(
from: encoding, to: UTF16.self,
stoppingOnError: !repairIllFormedSequences,
into: sink)
return (result, hadError)
/// A pointer to the start of this buffer's data area.
public // @testable
var start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(_storage.baseAddress)
/// A past-the-end pointer for this buffer's stored data.
var usedEnd: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
get {
return _storage.value.usedEnd!
set(newValue) {
_storage.value.usedEnd = newValue
var usedCount: Int {
return (usedEnd - start) >> elementShift
/// A past-the-end pointer for this buffer's available storage.
var capacityEnd: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return start + _storage.value.byteCapacity
/// The number of elements that can be stored in this buffer.
public var capacity: Int {
return _storage.value.byteCapacity >> elementShift
/// 1 if the buffer stores UTF-16; 0 otherwise.
var elementShift: Int {
return _storage.value.elementShift
/// The number of bytes per element.
var elementWidth: Int {
return elementShift + 1
// Return `true` iff we have the given capacity for the indicated
// substring. This is what we need to do so that users can call
// reserveCapacity on String and subsequently use that capacity, in
// two separate phases. Operations with one-phase growth should use
// "grow()," below.
func hasCapacity(
_ cap: Int, forSubRange r: Range<UnsafeRawPointer>
) -> Bool {
// The substring to be grown could be pointing in the middle of this
// _StringBuffer.
let offset = (r.lowerBound - UnsafeRawPointer(start)) >> elementShift
return cap + offset <= capacity
/// Attempt to claim unused capacity in the buffer.
/// Operation succeeds if there is sufficient capacity, and either:
/// - the buffer is uniquely-referenced, or
/// - `oldUsedEnd` points to the end of the currently used capacity.
/// - parameter bounds: Range of the substring that the caller tries
/// to extend.
/// - parameter newUsedCount: The desired size of the substring.
mutating func grow(
oldBounds bounds: Range<UnsafeRawPointer>, newUsedCount: Int
) -> Bool {
var newUsedCount = newUsedCount
// The substring to be grown could be pointing in the middle of this
// _StringBuffer. Adjust the size so that it covers the imaginary
// substring from the start of the buffer to `oldUsedEnd`.
+= (bounds.lowerBound - UnsafeRawPointer(start)) >> elementShift
if _slowPath(newUsedCount > capacity) {
return false
let newUsedEnd = start + (newUsedCount << elementShift)
if _fastPath(self._storage.isUniquelyReferenced()) {
usedEnd = newUsedEnd
return true
// Optimization: even if the buffer is shared, but the substring we are
// trying to grow is located at the end of the buffer, it can be grown in
// place. The operation should be implemented in a thread-safe way,
// though.
// if usedEnd == bounds.upperBound {
// usedEnd = newUsedEnd
// return true
// }
// &StringBufferIVars.usedEnd
let usedEndPhysicalPtr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(_storage._value)
.assumingMemoryBound(to: Optional<UnsafeRawPointer>.self)
// Create a temp var to hold the exchanged `expected` value.
var expected : UnsafeRawPointer? = bounds.upperBound
if _stdlib_atomicCompareExchangeStrongPtr(
object: usedEndPhysicalPtr, expected: &expected,
desired: UnsafeRawPointer(newUsedEnd)) {
return true
return false
var _anyObject: AnyObject? {
return != nil ?! : nil
var _storage: _Storage