blob: ee4e6ef52f68aec8159d9059d432a8b887516245 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// Swift's String bridges NSString via this protocol and these
// variables, allowing the core stdlib to remain decoupled from
// Foundation.
/// Effectively an untyped NSString that doesn't require foundation.
public typealias _CocoaString = AnyObject
public // @testable
func _stdlib_binary_CFStringCreateCopy(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> _CocoaString {
let result = _swift_stdlib_CFStringCreateCopy(nil, source) as AnyObject
return result
public // @testable
func _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> Int {
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetLength(source)
public // @testable
func _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF16.CodeUnit>? {
return UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(source))
/// Bridges `source` to `Swift.String`, assuming that `source` has non-ASCII
/// characters (does not apply ASCII optimizations).
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
func _cocoaStringToSwiftString_NonASCII(
_ source: _CocoaString
) -> String {
let cfImmutableValue = _stdlib_binary_CFStringCreateCopy(source)
let length = _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetLength(cfImmutableValue)
let start = _stdlib_binary_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cfImmutableValue)
return String(_StringCore(
baseAddress: start,
count: length,
elementShift: 1,
hasCocoaBuffer: true,
owner: unsafeBitCast(cfImmutableValue, to: Optional<AnyObject>.self)))
/// Loading Foundation initializes these function variables
/// with useful values
/// Produces a `_StringBuffer` from a given subrange of a source
/// `_CocoaString`, having the given minimum capacity.
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
internal func _cocoaStringToContiguous(
source: _CocoaString, range: Range<Int>, minimumCapacity: Int
) -> _StringBuffer {
_sanityCheck(_swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(source) == nil,
"Known contiguously stored strings should already be converted to Swift")
let startIndex = range.lowerBound
let count = range.upperBound - startIndex
let buffer = _StringBuffer(capacity: max(count, minimumCapacity),
initialSize: count, elementWidth: 2)
source, _swift_shims_CFRange(location: startIndex, length: count),
buffer.start.assumingMemoryBound(to: _swift_shims_UniChar.self))
return buffer
/// Reads the entire contents of a _CocoaString into contiguous
/// storage of sufficient capacity.
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
internal func _cocoaStringReadAll(
_ source: _CocoaString, _ destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<UTF16.CodeUnit>
) {
source, _swift_shims_CFRange(
location: 0, length: _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetLength(source)), destination)
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
internal func _cocoaStringSlice(
_ target: _StringCore, _ bounds: Range<Int>
) -> _StringCore {
let cfSelf: _swift_shims_CFStringRef = target.cocoaBuffer.unsafelyUnwrapped
_swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cfSelf) == nil,
"Known contiguously stored strings should already be converted to Swift")
let cfResult = _swift_stdlib_CFStringCreateWithSubstring(
nil, cfSelf, _swift_shims_CFRange(
location: bounds.lowerBound, length: bounds.count)) as AnyObject
return String(_cocoaString: cfResult)._core
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
internal func _cocoaStringSubscript(
_ target: _StringCore, _ position: Int
) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
let cfSelf: _swift_shims_CFStringRef = target.cocoaBuffer.unsafelyUnwrapped
_sanityCheck(_swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cfSelf) == nil,
"Known contiguously stored strings should already be converted to Swift")
return _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(cfSelf, position)
// Conversion from NSString to Swift's native representation
internal var kCFStringEncodingASCII : _swift_shims_CFStringEncoding {
return 0x0600
extension String {
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
public // SPI(Foundation)
init(_cocoaString: AnyObject) {
if let wrapped = _cocoaString as? _NSContiguousString {
self._core = wrapped._core
// "copy" it into a value to be sure nobody will modify behind
// our backs. In practice, when value is already immutable, this
// just does a retain.
let cfImmutableValue
= _stdlib_binary_CFStringCreateCopy(_cocoaString) as AnyObject
let length = _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetLength(cfImmutableValue)
// Look first for null-terminated ASCII
// Note: the code in clownfish appears to guarantee
// nul-termination, but I'm waiting for an answer from Chris Kane
// about whether we can count on it for all time or not.
let nulTerminatedASCII = _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCStringPtr(
cfImmutableValue, kCFStringEncodingASCII)
// start will hold the base pointer of contiguous storage, if it
// is found.
var start: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
let isUTF16 = (nulTerminatedASCII == nil)
if isUTF16 {
let utf16Buf = _swift_stdlib_CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cfImmutableValue)
start = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: utf16Buf)
} else {
start = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: nulTerminatedASCII)
self._core = _StringCore(
baseAddress: start,
count: length,
elementShift: isUTF16 ? 1 : 0,
hasCocoaBuffer: true,
owner: cfImmutableValue)
// At runtime, this class is derived from `_SwiftNativeNSStringBase`,
// which is derived from `NSString`.
// The @_swift_native_objc_runtime_base attribute
// This allows us to subclass an Objective-C class and use the fast Swift
// memory allocator.
@objc @_swift_native_objc_runtime_base(_SwiftNativeNSStringBase)
public class _SwiftNativeNSString {}
public protocol _NSStringCore :
_NSCopying, _NSFastEnumeration {
// The following methods should be overridden when implementing an
// NSString subclass.
func length() -> Int
func characterAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> UInt16
// We also override the following methods for efficiency.
/// An `NSString` built around a slice of contiguous Swift `String` storage.
public final class _NSContiguousString : _SwiftNativeNSString {
public init(_ _core: _StringCore) {
"_NSContiguousString requires contiguous storage")
self._core = _core
init(coder aDecoder: AnyObject) {
_sanityCheckFailure("init(coder:) not implemented for _NSContiguousString")
func length() -> Int {
return _core.count
func characterAtIndex(_ index: Int) -> UInt16 {
return _core[index]
@inline(__always) // Performance: To save on reference count operations.
func getCharacters(
_ buffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>,
range aRange: _SwiftNSRange) {
_precondition(aRange.location + aRange.length <= Int(_core.count))
if _core.elementWidth == 2 {
source: _core.startUTF16 + aRange.location,
destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>(buffer),
count: aRange.length)
else {
source: _core.startASCII + aRange.location,
destination: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>(buffer),
count: aRange.length)
func _fastCharacterContents() -> UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt16>? {
return _core.elementWidth == 2 ? _core.startUTF16 : nil
// Implement sub-slicing without adding layers of wrapping
func substringFromIndex(_ start: Int) -> _NSContiguousString {
return _NSContiguousString(_core[Int(start)..<Int(_core.count)])
func substringToIndex(_ end: Int) -> _NSContiguousString {
return _NSContiguousString(_core[0..<Int(end)])
func substringWithRange(_ aRange: _SwiftNSRange) -> _NSContiguousString {
return _NSContiguousString(
_core[Int(aRange.location)..<Int(aRange.location + aRange.length)])
func copy() -> AnyObject {
// Since this string is immutable we can just return ourselves.
return self
/// The caller of this function guarantees that the closure 'body' does not
/// escape the object referenced by the opaque pointer passed to it or
/// anything transitively reachable form this object. Doing so
/// will result in undefined behavior.
func _unsafeWithNotEscapedSelfPointer<Result>(
_ body: (OpaquePointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
let selfAsPointer = unsafeBitCast(self, to: OpaquePointer.self)
defer {
return try body(selfAsPointer)
/// The caller of this function guarantees that the closure 'body' does not
/// escape either object referenced by the opaque pointer pair passed to it or
/// transitively reachable objects. Doing so will result in undefined
/// behavior.
func _unsafeWithNotEscapedSelfPointerPair<Result>(
_ rhs: _NSContiguousString,
_ body: (OpaquePointer, OpaquePointer) throws -> Result
) rethrows -> Result {
let selfAsPointer = unsafeBitCast(self, to: OpaquePointer.self)
let rhsAsPointer = unsafeBitCast(rhs, to: OpaquePointer.self)
defer {
return try body(selfAsPointer, rhsAsPointer)
public let _core: _StringCore
extension String {
/// Same as `_bridgeToObjectiveC()`, but located inside the core standard
/// library.
public func _stdlib_binary_bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() -> AnyObject {
if let ns = _core.cocoaBuffer,
_swift_stdlib_CFStringGetLength(ns) == _core.count {
return ns
return _NSContiguousString(_core)
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only") // Hide the CF dependency
public func _bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() -> AnyObject {
return _stdlib_binary_bridgeToObjectiveCImpl()