blob: e2499922d7e8c3a0600cb9c79224f7b29e339273 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FixedPoint.swift.gyb ---------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
from SwiftIntTypes import all_integer_types, int_max_bits, should_define_truncating_bit_pattern_init
# Utility code for later in this template
def hexify(n):
"""Return a legible hex representation of n, using '_' separators """
z = '%X' % n
l = len(z)
r = []
while z:
r.insert(0, z[-4:])
z = z[:-4]
return '0x' + '_'.join(r)
# Number of bits in the Builtin.Word type
word_bits = int(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) * 8
# Number of bits in integer literals.
builtinIntLiteralBits = 2048
def maskBits(n):
"""Return an n-bit mask in hex"""
return hexify((1 << n) - 1)
IntMax = 'Int%s' % int_max_bits
UIntMax = 'UInt%s' % int_max_bits
/// The largest native signed integer type.
public typealias IntMax = ${IntMax}
/// The largest native unsigned integer type.
public typealias UIntMax = ${UIntMax}
/// This protocol is an implementation detail of `Integer`; do
/// not use it directly.
public protocol _Integer
: _ExpressibleByBuiltinIntegerLiteral,
/// A set of common requirements for Swift's integer types.
public protocol Integer : _Integer, Strideable {}
/// This protocol is an implementation detail of `SignedInteger`;
/// do not use it directly.
public protocol _SignedInteger : _Integer, SignedNumber {
/// Represent this number using Swift's widest native signed integer
/// type.
func toIntMax() -> IntMax
/// Convert from Swift's widest signed integer type, trapping on
/// overflow.
init(_: IntMax)
/// A set of common requirements for Swift's signed integer types.
public protocol SignedInteger : _SignedInteger, Integer {
/// Represent this number using Swift's widest native signed integer
/// type.
func toIntMax() -> IntMax
/// Convert from Swift's widest signed integer type, trapping on
/// overflow.
init(_: IntMax)
extension SignedInteger {
// FIXME(ABI): using Int as the return value is wrong.
public func distance(to other: Self) -> Int {
return numericCast((numericCast(other) as IntMax) - numericCast(self))
// FIXME(ABI): using Int as the return value is wrong.
public func advanced(by n: Int) -> Self {
return numericCast((numericCast(self) as IntMax) + numericCast(n))
/// This protocol is an implementation detail of `UnsignedInteger`;
/// do not use it directly.
public protocol _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic : _Integer {
// Used to create a deliberate ambiguity in cases like UInt(1) +
// Int(1), which would otherwise compile due to the arithmetic
// operators defined for Strideable types (unsigned types are
// Strideable).
associatedtype _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic : SignedInteger = Int
/// A set of common requirements for Swift's unsigned integer types.
public protocol UnsignedInteger : _DisallowMixedSignArithmetic, Integer {
/// Represent this number using Swift's widest native unsigned
/// integer type.
func toUIntMax() -> UIntMax
/// Convert from Swift's widest unsigned integer type, trapping on
/// overflow.
init(_: UIntMax)
extension UnsignedInteger {
// FIXME(ABI): using Int as the return value is wrong.
public func distance(to other: Self) -> Int {
return numericCast((numericCast(other) as IntMax) - numericCast(self))
// FIXME(ABI): using Int as the return value is wrong.
public func advanced(by n: Int) -> Self {
return numericCast((numericCast(self) as IntMax) + numericCast(n))
/// Convert `x` to type `U`, trapping on overflow in -Onone and -O
/// builds.
/// Typically used to do conversion to any contextually-deduced
/// integer type:
/// func f(_ x: Int32) {}
/// func g(_ x: Int64) { f(numericCast(x)) }
public func numericCast<
T : _SignedInteger, U : _SignedInteger
>(_ x: T) -> U {
return U(x.toIntMax())
/// Convert `x` to type `U`, trapping on overflow in -Onone and -O
/// builds.
/// Typically used to do conversion to any contextually-deduced
/// integer type:
/// func f(_ x: UInt32) {}
/// func g(_ x: UInt64) { f(numericCast(x)) }
public func numericCast<
T : UnsignedInteger, U : UnsignedInteger
>(_ x: T) -> U {
return U(x.toUIntMax())
/// Convert `x` to type `U`, trapping on overflow in -Onone and -O
/// builds.
/// Typically used to do conversion to any contextually-deduced
/// integer type:
/// func f(_ x: UInt32) {}
/// func g(_ x: Int64) { f(numericCast(x)) }
public func numericCast<
T : _SignedInteger, U : UnsignedInteger
>(_ x: T) -> U {
return U(UIntMax(x.toIntMax()))
/// Convert `x` to type `U`, trapping on overflow in -Onone and -O
/// builds.
/// Typically used to do conversion to any contextually-deduced
/// integer type:
/// func f(_ x: Int32) {}
/// func g(_ x: UInt64) { f(numericCast(x)) }
public func numericCast<
T : UnsignedInteger, U : _SignedInteger
>(_ x: T) -> U {
return U(IntMax(x.toUIntMax()))
//===--- Loop over all integer types --------------------------------------===//
% for self_ty in all_integer_types(word_bits):
% bits = self_ty.bits
% signed = self_ty.is_signed
% (sign, ext) = ('s', 'sext') if signed else ('u', 'zext')
% Self = self_ty.stdlib_name
% BuiltinName = self_ty.builtin_name
% OtherSelf = self_ty.get_opposite_signedness().stdlib_name
% Article = 'An' if bits == 8 else 'A'
% if self_ty.is_word:
/// ${'An un' if sign == 'u' else 'A '}signed integer value type.
/// On 32-bit platforms, `${Self}` is the same size as `${Self}32`, and
/// on 64-bit platforms, `${Self}` is the same size as `${Self}64`.
% else:
/// ${Article} ${bits}-bit ${'un' if sign == 'u' else ''}signed integer value
/// type.
% end
public struct ${Self}
: ${'SignedInteger' if sign == 's' else 'UnsignedInteger'},
Comparable, Equatable {
public // @testable
var _value: Builtin.${BuiltinName}
// FIXME: this declaration should be inferred.
// <rdar://problem/18379938> Type checker refuses to use the default for
// Int.Distance associated type
/// Create an instance initialized to zero.
@_transparent public
init() {
let maxWidthZero: IntMax = 0
self._value = Builtin.truncOrBitCast_Int${int_max_bits}_${BuiltinName}(
@_transparent public
init(_ _v: Builtin.${BuiltinName}) {
self._value = _v
@_transparent public
init(_bits: Builtin.${BuiltinName}) {
self._value = _bits
% if self_ty.is_word:
public // @testable
init(_ _v: Builtin.Word) {
% if BuiltinName == 'Int32':
self._value = Builtin.truncOrBitCast_Word_Int32(_v)
% elif BuiltinName == 'Int64':
self._value = Builtin.zextOrBitCast_Word_Int64(_v)
% end
public // @testable
var _builtinWordValue: Builtin.Word {
% if BuiltinName == 'Int32':
return Builtin.zextOrBitCast_Int32_Word(_value)
% elif BuiltinName == 'Int64':
return Builtin.truncOrBitCast_Int64_Word(_value)
% end
% end
% if bits > 8:
/// Creates an integer from its big-endian representation, changing the
/// byte order if necessary.
@_transparent public
init(bigEndian value: ${Self}) {
#if _endian(big)
self = value
self = ${Self}(Builtin.int_bswap_${BuiltinName}(value._value) )
/// Creates an integer from its little-endian representation, changing the
/// byte order if necessary.
@_transparent public
init(littleEndian value: ${Self}) {
#if _endian(little)
self = value
self = ${Self}(Builtin.int_bswap_${BuiltinName}(value._value) )
% end
@_transparent public
init(_builtinIntegerLiteral value: Builtin.Int${builtinIntLiteralBits}) {
self = ${Self}(Builtin.s_to_${sign}_checked_trunc_Int${builtinIntLiteralBits}_${BuiltinName}(value).0)
/// Create an instance initialized to `value`.
@_transparent public
init(integerLiteral value: ${Self}) {
self = value
% if bits > 8:
/// Returns the big-endian representation of the integer, changing the
/// byte order if necessary.
public var bigEndian: ${Self} {
#if _endian(big)
return self
return ${Self}(Builtin.int_bswap_${BuiltinName}(_value))
/// Returns the little-endian representation of the integer, changing the
/// byte order if necessary.
public var littleEndian: ${Self} {
#if _endian(little)
return self
return ${Self}(Builtin.int_bswap_${BuiltinName}(_value))
% end
% if bits > 8:
/// Returns the current integer with the byte order swapped.
public var byteSwapped: ${Self} {
return ${Self}(Builtin.int_bswap_${BuiltinName}(_value))
% end
% max = maskBits((bits - 1) if signed else bits)
@_transparent public
static var max: ${Self} { return ${max} }
@_transparent public
static var min: ${Self} { return ${'-%s-1' % max if signed else '0'} }
public static var _sizeInBits: ${Self} { return ${bits} }
public static var _sizeInBytes: ${Self} { return ${bits}/8 }
extension ${Self} : Hashable {
/// The hash value.
/// **Axiom:** `x == y` implies `x.hashValue == y.hashValue`.
/// - Note: The hash value is not guaranteed to be stable across
/// different invocations of the same program. Do not persist the
/// hash value across program runs.
public var hashValue: Int {
get {
% if bits <= word_bits and signed:
// Sign extend the value.
return Int(self)
% elif bits <= word_bits and not signed:
// Sign extend the value.
return Int(${OtherSelf}(bitPattern: self))
% elif bits == word_bits * 2:
// We have twice as many bits as we need to return.
Int(truncatingBitPattern: self) ^
Int(truncatingBitPattern: self >> 32)
% else:
% end
extension ${Self} : CustomStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of `self`.
public var description: String {
% if signed:
return _int64ToString(self.toIntMax())
% else:
return _uint64ToString(self.toUIntMax())
% end
// Operations that return an overflow bit in addition to a partial result,
// helpful for checking for overflow when you want to handle it.
extension ${Self} {
% for Method, op in [('add', 'add'), ('subtract', 'sub'), ('multiply', 'mul')]:
/// ${Method.capitalize()} `lhs` and `rhs`, returning a result and a
/// `Bool` that is `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic
/// overflow.
@_transparent public
static func ${Method}WithOverflow(_ lhs: ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) -> (${Self}, overflow: Bool) {
let tmp = Builtin.${sign}${op}_with_overflow_${BuiltinName}(lhs._value, rhs._value, false._value)
return (${Self}(tmp.0), Bool(tmp.1))
% end
% for Method, op in [('divide', 'div'), ('remainder', 'rem')]:
/// Divide `lhs` and `rhs`, returning
/// ${'a result' if op == 'div' else 'the remainder'} and a `Bool`
/// that is `true` iff the operation caused an arithmetic overflow.
@_transparent public
static func ${Method}WithOverflow(_ lhs: ${Self}, _ rhs: ${Self}) -> (${Self}, overflow: Bool) {
if rhs == 0 {
return (0, true)
% if signed:
if lhs == ${Self}.min && rhs == -1 {
return (0, true)
% end
// FIXME: currently doesn't detect overflow -- blocked by:
// <rdar://15735295> Need [su]{div,rem}_with_overflow IR
let tmp = Builtin.${sign}${op}_${BuiltinName}(lhs._value, rhs._value)
return (${Self}(tmp), false)
% (U, un) = ('','') if signed else ('U','un')
/// Represent this number using Swift's widest native ${un}signed
/// integer type.
@_transparent public
func to${U}IntMax() -> ${U}IntMax {
return ${'self' if Self == U+'Int%s'%int_max_bits else U+'IntMax(self)'}
% if not signed:
/// Explicitly convert to `IntMax`${', trapping on overflow (except in -Ounchecked builds)' if bits == int_max_bits else ''}.
@_transparent public
func toIntMax() -> IntMax {
return IntMax(toUIntMax())
% end
% if signed:
extension ${Self} : SignedNumber {}
% end
import gyb
fixed_fixed_conversion_function = gyb.parse_template("fixed_fixed_conversion_function",
let src = value._value
let result: (value: Builtin.${BuiltinName}, error: Builtin.Int1)
% if srcBits == bits and srcSign == sign: # Exact same size/signedness.
result = (src, false._value)
% elif srcBits == bits: # Same size, switching signs.
result = Builtin.${srcSign}_to_${sign}_checked_conversion_Int${srcBits}(src)
% elif srcBits > bits: # Larger input, check for truncation.
result = Builtin.${srcSign}_to_${sign}_checked_trunc_Int${srcBits}_Int${bits}(src)
% elif srcSigned and not signed: # Smaller size input, signed going to unsigned.
let (tmp, signError) = Builtin.s_to_u_checked_conversion_Int${srcBits}(src)
result = (Builtin.${srcExt}_Int${srcBits}_Int${bits}(tmp), signError)
% else: # Smaller size input, unsigned to signed or unsigned to unsigned.
result = (Builtin.${srcExt}_Int${srcBits}_Int${bits}(src), false._value)
% end
% if not safelyConvertible:
% end
self._value = result.value
% for src_ty in all_integer_types(word_bits):
% srcBits = src_ty.bits
% srcSigned = src_ty.is_signed
% Src = src_ty.stdlib_name
% (srcSign, srcExt) = ('s', 'sext') if srcSigned else ('u', 'zext')
% safelyConvertible = (srcBits < bits and (srcSign == sign or signed)) or (srcBits == bits and srcSign == sign)
extension ${Self} {
public init(_ value: ${Src}) {
% if safelyConvertible:
@available(*, message: "Converting ${Src} to ${Self} will always succeed.")
% end
public init?(exactly value: ${Src}) {
error_check="if Bool(result.error) == true { return nil }",
% if should_define_truncating_bit_pattern_init(src_ty=src_ty, dst_ty=self_ty):
/// Construct a `${Self}` having the same bitwise representation as
/// the least significant bits of the provided bit pattern.
/// No range or overflow checking occurs.
public init(truncatingBitPattern: ${Src}) {
let src = truncatingBitPattern._value
% if self_ty.bits == src_ty.bits:
let dstNotWord = src
% else:
let dstNotWord = Builtin.trunc_Int${srcBits}_Int${bits}(src)
% end
self._value = dstNotWord
% end
% end
extension ${Self} {
/// Construct a `${Self}` having the same memory representation as
/// the `${OtherSelf}` `bitPattern`. No range or overflow checking
/// occurs, and the resulting `${Self}` may not have the same numeric
/// value as `bitPattern`--it is only guaranteed to use the same
/// pattern of bits.
public init(bitPattern: ${OtherSelf}) {
self._value = bitPattern._value
// Operations with potentially-static overflow checking
// FIXME: must use condfail in these operators, rather than
// overflowChecked, pending <rdar://problem/16271923> so that we don't
// foil static checking for numeric overflows.
% for op, method in ('+','add'), ('*','mul'), ('-','sub'):
public func ${op} (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
let (result, error) = Builtin.${sign}${method}_with_overflow_${BuiltinName}(
lhs._value, rhs._value, true._value)
// return overflowChecked((${Self}(result), Bool(error)))
return ${Self}(result)
% end
% for op, inst in [('/', 'div'), ('%', 'rem')]:
public func ${op}(lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
Builtin.condfail((rhs == 0)._value)
% if signed:
Builtin.condfail(((lhs == ${Self}.min) && (rhs == -1))._value)
% end
// FIXME: currently doesn't detect overflow -- blocked by:
// <rdar://15735295> Need [su]{div,rem}_with_overflow IR
let tmp = Builtin.${sign}${inst}_${BuiltinName}(lhs._value, rhs._value)
return ${Self}(tmp)
// Bitwise negate
/// Returns the inverse of the bits set in the argument.
/// - SeeAlso: `BitwiseOperations`
public prefix func ~ (rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
let mask = ${Self}.subtractWithOverflow(0, 1).0
return ${Self}(Builtin.xor_${BuiltinName}(rhs._value, mask._value))
% for op, name, comment in (
% ('==', 'eq', 'the two arguments have equal values'),
% ('!=', 'ne', 'the two arguments have unequal values'),
% ('<', sign + 'lt', 'the first argument is less than the second argument'),
% ('<=', sign + 'le', 'the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument'),
% ('>', sign + 'gt', 'the first argument is greater than the second argument'),
% ('>=', sign + 'ge', 'the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument'),
% ):
/// Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether
/// ${comment}.
/// - SeeAlso: `Equatable`, `Comparable`
public func ${op} (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.cmp_${name}_${BuiltinName}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
% end
% for op, name in (('<<','shl'), ('>>','ashr' if signed else 'lshr')):
public func ${op} (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
% if signed:
_precondition(U${Self}(rhs) < U${Self}._sizeInBits,
"shift amount is larger than type size in bits")
% else:
_precondition(rhs < ${Self}._sizeInBits,
"shift amount is larger than type size in bits")
% end
return ${Self}(Builtin.${name}_${BuiltinName}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
% end
% for op, name, comment in (
% ('&', 'and', 'intersection of bits set in'),
% ('^', 'xor', 'bits that are set in exactly one of'),
% ('|', 'or', 'union of bits set in'),
% ):
/// Returns the ${comment} the two arguments.
/// - SeeAlso: `BitwiseOperations`
public func ${op} (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(Builtin.${name}_${BuiltinName}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
/// Calculates the ${comment} the two arguments
/// and stores the result in the first argument.
/// - SeeAlso: `BitwiseOperations`
public func ${op}=(lhs: inout ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) {
lhs = lhs ${op} rhs
% end
// Bitwise operations
extension ${Self} : BitwiseOperations {
/// The empty bitset of type `${Self}`.
public static var allZeros: ${Self} { return 0 }
// Compound assignments
% for op in '+', '-', '*', '<<', '>>':
public func ${op}=(lhs: inout ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) {
lhs = lhs ${op} rhs
% end
// Create an ambiguity when indexing or slicing
// Range[OfStrideable]<${Self}> outside a generic context. See
// Range.swift for details.
extension ${Self} {
public typealias _DisabledRangeIndex = ${Self}
// Prefix and postfix increment and decrement.
@available(*, unavailable, message: "it has been removed in Swift 3")
public prefix func ++ (x: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
x = x + 1
return x
@available(*, unavailable, message: "it has been removed in Swift 3")
public postfix func ++ (x: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
let ret = x
x = x + 1
return ret
@available(*, unavailable, message: "it has been removed in Swift 3")
public prefix func -- (x: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
x = x - 1
return x
@available(*, unavailable, message: "it has been removed in Swift 3")
public postfix func -- (x: inout ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
let ret = x
x = x - 1
return ret
% if signed:
// TODO: Consider removing the underscore.
/// Returns the argument and specifies that the value is not negative.
/// It has only an effect if the argument is a load or call.
public func _assumeNonNegative(_ x: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
_sanityCheck(x >= 0)
return ${Self}(Builtin.assumeNonNegative_${BuiltinName}(x._value))
% end
% end
% fixedBitWidths = [2**x for x in range(3, 8) if 2**x <= 2 * word_bits]
% for bits in fixedBitWidths:
public func _leadingZeros(_ x: Builtin.Int${bits}) -> Builtin.Int${bits} {
return Builtin.int_ctlz_Int${bits}(x, true._value)
% end
//===--- End loop over all integer types ----------------------------------===//
internal func _unsafePlus(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> Int {
return lhs + rhs
return lhs &+ rhs
internal func _unsafeMinus(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> Int {
return lhs - rhs
return lhs &- rhs
internal func _unsafeMultiply(_ lhs: Int, _ rhs: Int) -> Int {
return lhs * rhs
return lhs &* rhs
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "Integer")
public typealias IntegerType = Integer
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "SignedInteger")
public typealias SignedIntegerType = SignedInteger
@available(*, unavailable, renamed: "UnsignedInteger")
public typealias UnsignedIntegerType = UnsignedInteger
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: