blob: 878e6a88902e75e7f05ed47c8a5235b898941a67 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- - Options for swift -frontend -----------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the options accepted by swift -frontend.
let Flags = [FrontendOption, NoDriverOption] in {
def triple : Separate<["-"], "triple">, Alias<target>;
def color_diagnostics : Flag<["-"], "color-diagnostics">,
HelpText<"Print diagnostics in color">;
def delayed_function_body_parsing :
Flag<["-"], "delayed-function-body-parsing">,
HelpText<"Delay function body parsing until the end of all files">;
def primary_file : Separate<["-"], "primary-file">,
HelpText<"Produce output for this file, not the whole module">;
def filelist : Separate<["-"], "filelist">,
HelpText<"Specify source inputs in a file rather than on the command line">;
def output_filelist : Separate<["-"], "output-filelist">,
HelpText<"Specify outputs in a file rather than on the command line">;
def emit_module_doc : Flag<["-"], "emit-module-doc">,
HelpText<"Emit a module documentation file based on documentation "
def emit_module_doc_path
: Separate<["-"], "emit-module-doc-path">, MetaVarName<"<path>">,
HelpText<"Output module documentation file <path>">;
def emit_dependencies_path
: Separate<["-"], "emit-dependencies-path">, MetaVarName<"<path>">,
HelpText<"Output basic Make-compatible dependencies file to <path>">;
def emit_reference_dependencies : Flag<["-"], "emit-reference-dependencies">,
HelpText<"Emit a Swift-style dependencies file">;
def emit_reference_dependencies_path
: Separate<["-"], "emit-reference-dependencies-path">, MetaVarName<"<path>">,
HelpText<"Output Swift-style dependencies file to <path>">;
def serialize_diagnostics_path
: Separate<["-"], "serialize-diagnostics-path">, MetaVarName<"<path>">,
HelpText<"Output serialized diagnostics to <path>">;
def emit_fixits_path
: Separate<["-"], "emit-fixits-path">, MetaVarName<"<path>">,
HelpText<"Output compiler fixits as source edits to <path>">;
def verify : Flag<["-"], "verify">,
HelpText<"Verify diagnostics against expected-{error|warning|note} "
def show_diagnostics_after_fatal : Flag<["-"], "show-diagnostics-after-fatal">,
HelpText<"Keep emitting subsequent diagnostics after a fatal error">;
def enable_objc_interop :
Flag<["-"], "enable-objc-interop">,
HelpText<"Enable Objective-C interop code generation and config directives">;
def disable_objc_interop :
Flag<["-"], "disable-objc-interop">,
HelpText<"Disable Objective-C interop code generation and config directives">;
def enable_swiftcall : Flag<["-"], "enable-swiftcall">,
HelpText<"Enable the use of LLVM swiftcall support">;
def enable_objc_attr_requires_foundation_module :
Flag<["-"], "enable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module">,
HelpText<"Enable requiring uses of @objc to require importing the "
"Foundation module">;
def disable_objc_attr_requires_foundation_module :
Flag<["-"], "disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module">,
HelpText<"Disable requiring uses of @objc to require importing the "
"Foundation module">;
def enable_testable_attr_requires_testable_module :
Flag<["-"], "enable-testable-attr-requires-testable-module">,
HelpText<"Enable checking of @testable">;
def disable_testable_attr_requires_testable_module :
Flag<["-"], "disable-testable-attr-requires-testable-module">,
HelpText<"Disable checking of @testable">;
def suppress_argument_labels_in_types :
Flag<["-"], "suppress-argument-labels-in-types">,
HelpText<"SE-0111: Suppress argument labels in types">;
def enable_target_os_checking :
Flag<["-"], "enable-target-os-checking">,
HelpText<"Enable checking the target OS of serialized modules">;
def disable_target_os_checking :
Flag<["-"], "disable-target-os-checking">,
HelpText<"Disable checking the target OS of serialized modules">;
def print_clang_stats : Flag<["-"], "print-clang-stats">,
HelpText<"Print Clang importer statistics">;
def serialize_debugging_options : Flag<["-"], "serialize-debugging-options">,
HelpText<"Always serialize options for debugging (default: only for apps)">;
def autolink_library : Separate<["-"], "autolink-library">,
HelpText<"Add dependent library">, Flags<[FrontendOption]>;
} // end let Flags = [FrontendOption, NoDriverOption]
def debug_crash_Group : OptionGroup<"<automatic crashing options>">;
class DebugCrashOpt : Group<debug_crash_Group>;
let Flags = [FrontendOption, NoDriverOption, HelpHidden] in {
def debug_constraints : Flag<["-"], "debug-constraints">,
HelpText<"Debug the constraint-based type checker">;
def debug_constraints_attempt : Separate<["-"], "debug-constraints-attempt">,
HelpText<"Debug the constraint solver at a given attempt">;
def iterative_type_checker : Flag<["-"], "iterative-type-checker">,
HelpText<"Enable the iterative type checker">;
def debug_generic_signatures : Flag<["-"], "debug-generic-signatures">,
HelpText<"Debug generic signatures">;
def debug_forbid_typecheck_prefix : Separate<["-"], "debug-forbid-typecheck-prefix">,
HelpText<"Triggers llvm fatal_error if typechecker tries to typecheck a decl "
"with the provided prefix name">;
def debug_time_compilation : Flag<["-"], "debug-time-compilation">,
HelpText<"Prints the time taken by each compilation phase">;
def debug_time_function_bodies : Flag<["-"], "debug-time-function-bodies">,
HelpText<"Dumps the time it takes to type-check each function body">;
def debug_assert_immediately : Flag<["-"], "debug-assert-immediately">,
DebugCrashOpt, HelpText<"Force an assertion failure immediately">;
def debug_assert_after_parse : Flag<["-"], "debug-assert-after-parse">,
DebugCrashOpt, HelpText<"Force an assertion failure after parsing">;
def debug_crash_immediately : Flag<["-"], "debug-crash-immediately">,
DebugCrashOpt, HelpText<"Force a crash immediately">;
def debug_crash_after_parse : Flag<["-"], "debug-crash-after-parse">,
DebugCrashOpt, HelpText<"Force a crash after parsing">;
def debugger_support : Flag<["-"], "debugger-support">,
HelpText<"Process swift code as if running in the debugger">;
def disable_arc_opts : Flag<["-"], "disable-arc-opts">,
HelpText<"Don't run SIL ARC optimization passes.">;
def enable_guaranteed_closure_contexts : Flag<["-"], "enable-guaranteed-closure-contexts">,
HelpText<"Use @guaranteed convention for closure context">;
def remove_runtime_asserts : Flag<["-"], "remove-runtime-asserts">,
HelpText<"Remove runtime asserts.">;
def disable_access_control : Flag<["-"], "disable-access-control">,
HelpText<"Don't respect access control restrictions">;
def enable_access_control : Flag<["-"], "enable-access-control">,
HelpText<"Respect access control restrictions">;
def code_complete_inits_in_postfix_expr : Flag<["-"], "code-complete-inits-in-postfix-expr">,
HelpText<"Include initializers when completing a postfix expression">;
def disable_autolink_framework : Separate<["-"],"disable-autolink-framework">,
HelpText<"Disable autolinking against the provided framework">;
def disable_diagnostic_passes : Flag<["-"], "disable-diagnostic-passes">,
HelpText<"Don't run diagnostic passes">;
def disable_llvm_optzns : Flag<["-"], "disable-llvm-optzns">,
HelpText<"Don't run LLVM optimization passes">;
def disable_sil_perf_optzns : Flag<["-"], "disable-sil-perf-optzns">,
HelpText<"Don't run SIL performance optimization passes">;
def disable_llvm_arc_opts : Flag<["-"], "disable-llvm-arc-opts">,
HelpText<"Don't run LLVM ARC optimization passes.">;
def disable_llvm_slp_vectorizer : Flag<["-"], "disable-llvm-slp-vectorizer">,
HelpText<"Don't run LLVM SLP vectorizer">;
def disable_llvm_verify : Flag<["-"], "disable-llvm-verify">,
HelpText<"Don't run the LLVM IR verifier.">;
def disable_llvm_value_names : Flag<["-"], "disable-llvm-value-names">,
HelpText<"Don't add names to local values in LLVM IR">;
def enable_llvm_value_names : Flag<["-"], "enable-llvm-value-names">,
HelpText<"Add names to local values in LLVM IR">;
def disable_reflection_metadata : Flag<["-"], "disable-reflection-metadata">,
HelpText<"Disable emission of reflection metadata for nominal types">;
def disable_reflection_names : Flag<["-"], "disable-reflection-names">,
HelpText<"Disable emission of names of stored properties and enum cases in"
"reflection metadata">;
def stack_promotion_checks : Flag<["-"], "emit-stack-promotion-checks">,
HelpText<"Emit runtime checks for correct stack promotion of objects.">;
def stack_promotion_limit : Separate<["-"], "stack-promotion-limit">,
HelpText<"Limit the size of stack promoted objects to the provided number "
"of bytes.">;
def disable_sil_linking : Flag<["-"], "disable-sil-linking">,
HelpText<"Don't link SIL functions">;
def dump_clang_diagnostics : Flag<["-"], "dump-clang-diagnostics">,
HelpText<"Dump Clang diagnostics to stderr">;
def emit_verbose_sil : Flag<["-"], "emit-verbose-sil">,
HelpText<"Emit locations during SIL emission">;
def enable_experimental_property_behaviors :
Flag<["-"], "enable-experimental-property-behaviors">,
HelpText<"Enable experimental property behaviors">;
def enable_experimental_nested_generic_types :
Flag<["-"], "enable-experimental-nested-generic-types">,
HelpText<"Enable experimental support for nested generic types">;
def enable_experimental_collection_casts :
Flag<["-"], "enable-experimental-collection-casts">,
HelpText<"Enable experimental support for general collection casting">;
def disable_availability_checking : Flag<["-"],
HelpText<"Disable checking for potentially unavailable APIs">;
def enable_infer_import_as_member :
Flag<["-"], "enable-infer-import-as-member">,
HelpText<"Infer when a global could be imported as a member">;
def enable_swift_newtype :
Flag<["-"], "enable-swift-newtype">,
HelpText<"Enable the swift_newtype attribute">;
def swift3_migration :
Flag<["-"], "swift3-migration">,
HelpText<"Enable Fix-It based migration aids for Swift 3">;
def warn_long_function_bodies : Separate<["-"], "warn-long-function-bodies">,
HelpText<"Warns when type-checking a function takes longer than <n> ms">;
def warn_long_function_bodies_EQ : Joined<["-"], "warn-long-function-bodies=">,
def warn_omit_needless_words :
Flag<["-"], "Womit-needless-words">,
HelpText<"Warn about needless words in names">;
def enable_source_import : Flag<["-"], "enable-source-import">,
HelpText<"Enable importing of Swift source files">;
def enable_throw_without_try : Flag<["-"], "enable-throw-without-try">,
HelpText<"Allow throwing function calls without 'try'">;
def import_module : Separate<["-"], "import-module">,
HelpText<"Implicitly import the specified module">;
def print_stats : Flag<["-"], "print-stats">,
HelpText<"Print various statistics">;
def playground : Flag<["-"], "playground">,
HelpText<"Apply the playground semantics and transformation">;
def playground_high_performance : Flag<["-"], "playground-high-performance">,
HelpText<"Omit instrumentation that has a high runtime performance impact">;
def disable_playground_transform : Flag<["-"], "disable-playground-transform">,
HelpText<"Disable playground transformation">;
def use_jit : Flag<["-"], "use-jit">,
HelpText<"Register Objective-C classes as if the JIT were in use">;
def sil_inline_threshold : Separate<["-"], "sil-inline-threshold">,
HelpText<"Controls the aggressiveness of performance inlining">;
def sil_link_all : Flag<["-"], "sil-link-all">,
HelpText<"Link all SIL functions">;
def sil_serialize_all : Flag<["-"], "sil-serialize-all">,
HelpText<"Serialize all generated SIL">;
def sil_verify_all : Flag<["-"], "sil-verify-all">,
HelpText<"Verify SIL after each transform">;
def sil_debug_serialization : Flag<["-"], "sil-debug-serialization">,
HelpText<"Do not eliminate functions in Mandatory Inlining/SILCombine dead "
"functions. (for debugging only)">;
def print_inst_counts : Flag<["-"], "print-inst-counts">,
HelpText<"Before IRGen, count all the various SIL instructions. Must be used "
"in conjunction with -print-stats.">;
def debug_on_sil : Flag<["-"], "gsil">,
HelpText<"Write the SIL into a file and generate debug-info to debug on SIL "
" level.">;
def print_llvm_inline_tree : Flag<["-"], "print-llvm-inline-tree">,
HelpText<"Print the LLVM inline tree.">;
def disable_incremental_llvm_codegeneration :
Flag<["-"], "disable-incremental-llvm-codegen">,
HelpText<"Disable incremental llvm code generation.">;
def emit_sorted_sil : Flag<["-"], "emit-sorted-sil">,
HelpText<"When printing SIL, print out all sil entities sorted by name to "
"ease diffing">;
def use_malloc : Flag<["-"], "use-malloc">,
HelpText<"Allocate internal data structures using malloc "
"(for memory debugging)">;
def interpret : Flag<["-"], "interpret">, HelpText<"Immediate mode">, ModeOpt;
def verify_type_layout : JoinedOrSeparate<["-"], "verify-type-layout">,
HelpText<"Verify compile-time and runtime type layout information for type">,
def external_pass_pipeline_filename : Separate<["-"], "external-pass-pipeline-filename">,
HelpText<"Use the pass pipeline defined by <pass_pipeline_file>">,
def dump_interface_hash : Flag<["-"], "dump-interface-hash">,
HelpText<"Parse input file(s) and dump interface token hash(es)">,
def dump_api_path : Separate<["-"], "dump-api-path">,
HelpText<"The path to output swift interface files for the compiled source files">;
def enable_resilience : Flag<["-"], "enable-resilience">,
HelpText<"Compile the module to export resilient interfaces for all "
"public declarations by default">;
def group_info_path : Separate<["-"], "group-info-path">,
HelpText<"The path to collect the group information of the compiled module">;
def enable_id_as_any: Flag<["-"], "enable-id-as-any">,
HelpText<"Enable importing ObjC 'id' as Swift 'Any' type">;
} // end let Flags = [FrontendOption, NoDriverOption, HelpHidden]