blob: 1821572a1c1157ea159e1fb2e02bafd6995906ca [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct MyType<TyA, TyB> {
var a : TyA, b : TyB
// Type aliases that reference unbound generic types -- not really generic,
// but they behave as such, in the sense that you can apply generic
// arguments to them.
typealias OurType = MyType
typealias YourType = Swift.Optional
struct Container {
typealias YourType = Swift.Optional
let _: OurType<Int, String>
let _: YourType<Int>
let _: Container.YourType<Int>
// Bona-fide generic type aliases
typealias DS<T> = MyType<String, T>
typealias BadA<T : Int> = MyType<String, T> // expected-error {{type 'T' constrained to non-protocol, non-class type 'Int'}}
typealias BadB<T where T == Int> = MyType<String, T> // expected-error {{associated types must not have a generic parameter list}}
// expected-error@-1 {{same-type requirement makes generic parameter 'T' non-generic}}
typealias BadC<T,T> = MyType<String, T> // expected-error {{definition conflicts with previous value}}
// expected-note @-1 {{previous definition of 'T' is here}}
typealias Tuple2<T1, T2> = (T1, T2)
typealias Tuple3<T1> = (T1, T1) where T1 : Hashable
let _ : Tuple2<Int, String> = (1, "foo")
let _ : Tuple2 = (1, "foo")
let _ : Tuple2<Int, String> = ("bar", // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'String' to specified type 'Int'}}
func f() {
typealias Tuple2b<T1, T2> = (T1, T2)
let _ : Tuple2b = (1, "foo")
typealias A<T1, T2> = MyType<T2, T1> // expected-note {{generic type 'A' declared here}}
typealias B<T1> = MyType<T1, T1> // expected-note {{'T1' declared as parameter to type 'B'}}
typealias C<T> = MyType<String, T>
// Type aliases with unused generic params.
typealias D<T1, T2, T3> = MyType<T2, T1> // expected-note {{'T3' declared as parameter to type 'D'}}
typealias E<T1, T2> = Int // expected-note {{generic type 'E' declared here}}
typealias F<T1, T2> = (T1) -> T2
// Type alias of type alias.
typealias G<S1, S2> = A<S1, S2>
let _ : E<Int, Float> = 42
let _ : E<Float> = 42 // expected-error {{generic type 'E' specialized with too few type parameters (got 1, but expected 2)}}
let _ : E = 42 // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'E'}}
let _ : D = D(a: 1, b: 2) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Int, Int>' to specified type 'D'}}
let _ : D<Int, Int, Float> = D<Int, Int, Float>(a: 1, b: 2)
// FIXME: This is not a great error.
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot convert value of type 'D<Int, Int, Float>' (aka 'MyType<Int, Int>') to specified type 'D'}}
let _ : D = D<Int, Int, Float>(a: 1, b: 2)
// expected-error @+2 {{generic parameter 'T3' could not be inferred}}
// expected-note @+1 {{explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue}} {{31-31=<Any, Any, Any>}}
let _ : D<Int, Int, Float> = D(a: 1, b: 2)
let _ : F = { (a : Int) -> Int in a } // Infer the types of F
// TODO QoI: Cannot infer T1/T2.
let _ : F = { a in a } // expected-error {{type of expression is ambiguous without more context}}
_ = MyType(a: "foo", b: 42)
_ = A(a: "foo", b: 42)
_ = A<Int, String>(a: "foo", b: 42)
_ = A<String, Int>(a: "foo", // expected-error {{'String' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
b: 42)
_ = B(a: 12, b: 42)
_ = B(a: 12, b: 42 as Float)
_ = B(a: "foo", b: 42) // expected-error {{generic parameter 'T1' could not be inferred}} expected-note {{explicitly specify the generic arguments to fix this issue}} {{6-6=<Any>}}
_ = C(a: "foo", b: 42)
_ = C(a: 42, // expected-error {{'Int' is not convertible to 'String'}}
b: 42)
_ = G(a: "foo", b: 42)
_ = G<Int, String>(a: "foo", b: 42)
struct MyTypeWithHashable<TyA, TyB : Hashable> {
typealias MTWHInt<HT : Hashable> = MyTypeWithHashable<Int, HT>
typealias MTWHInt2<HT> = MyTypeWithHashable<Int, HT> // expected-error {{type 'HT' does not conform to protocol 'Hashable'}}
func f(a : MyTypeWithHashable<Int, Int>) {
f(a: MyTypeWithHashable<Int, Int>())
f(a: MTWHInt<Int>())
// Unqualified lookup of generic typealiases nested inside generic contexts
class GenericClass<T> {
typealias TA<U> = MyType<T, U>
typealias TAI<U> = MyType<Int, U>
func testCapture<S>(s: S, t: T) -> TA<S> {
return TA<S>(a: t, b: s)
func testCaptureUnbound<S>(s: S, t: T) -> TA<S> {
return TA(a: t, b: s)
func testConcrete1(s: Int, t: T) -> TA<Int> {
return TA<Int>(a: t, b: s)
func testConcreteUnbound1(s: Int, t: T) -> TA<Int> {
return TA(a: t, b: s)
func testConcrete2(s: Float, t: Int) -> TAI<Float> {
return TAI<Float>(a: t, b: s)
func testConcreteUnbound2(s: Float, t: Int) -> TAI<Float> {
return TAI(a: t, b: s)
func testCaptureInvalid1<S>(s: S, t: T) -> TA<Int> {
return TA<S>(a: t, b: s) // expected-error {{cannot convert return expression of type 'GenericClass<T>.TA<S>' (aka 'MyType<T, S>') to return type 'MyType<T, Int>'}}
func testCaptureInvalid2<S>(s: Int, t: T) -> TA<S> {
return TA(a: t, b: s) // expected-error {{cannot convert return expression of type 'MyType<T, Int>' to return type 'MyType<T, S>'}}
struct NestedStruct<U> {
typealias TA<V> = MyType<(T, V), (U, V)>
func testCapture<S>(x: (T, S), y: (U, S)) -> TA<S> {
return TA(a: x, b: y)
// Stupid corner case -- underlying type is not dependent
typealias NotDependent<T> = Int
func misleadingCode(_: NotDependent<String>) {}
let gc = GenericClass<Double>()
let fn: MyType<Double, Int> = gc.testCapture(s: 1, t: 1.0)
func use<T>(_ t: T) {}
// Make sure we apply base substitutions to the interface type of the typealias
class ConcreteClass : GenericClass<String> {
func testSubstitutedCapture1<S>(s: S, t: String) -> TA<S> {
return TA<S>(a: t, b: s)
func testSubstitutedCapture2<S>(s: S, t: String) -> TA<S> {
return TA(a: t, b: s)
func testSubstitutedCapture3(s: Int, t: String) -> TA<Int> {
return TA<Int>(a: t, b: s)
func testSubstitutedCapture4(s: Int, t: String) -> TA<Int> {
return TA(a: t, b: s)
func testSubstitutedCapture5(s: Float, t: Int) -> TAI<Float> {
return TAI<Float>(a: t, b: s)
func testSubstitutedCapture6(s: Float, t: Int) -> TAI<Float> {
return TAI(a: t, b: s)
// Qualified lookup of generic typealiases nested inside concrete contexts
struct ConcreteStruct {
typealias O<T> = Optional<T>
func takesUnsugaredType1(m: MyType<String, Float>) {}
func takesSugaredType1(m: ConcreteClass.TA<Float>) {
takesUnsugaredType1(m: m)
let _ = ConcreteStruct.O(123)
let _ = ConcreteStruct.O<Int>(123)
let _: ConcreteStruct.O = ConcreteStruct.O(123)
let _: ConcreteStruct.O = ConcreteStruct.O<Int>(123)
let _: ConcreteStruct.O<Int> = ConcreteStruct.O(123)
let _: ConcreteStruct.O<Int> = ConcreteStruct.O<Int>(123)
// Qualified lookup of generic typealiases nested inside generic contexts
// FIXME marks cases which still don't work correctly, and either produce a
// spurious diagnostic, or are actually invalid and do not diagnose.
// This occurs because the constraint solver does the wrong thing with an
// UnresolvedSpecializeExpr applied to a generic typealias.
// In the other cases, we manage to fold the UnresolvedSpecializeExpr in the
// precheckExpression() phase, which handles generic typealiases correctly.
let _ = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // FIXME
let _ = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _ = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _ = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _ = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _ = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1)
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // FIXME
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _: GenericClass.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Double, Int>' to specified type 'GenericClass<Int>.TA'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Float, Int>' to specified type 'GenericClass<Int>.TA'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0) // FIXME // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Float, Double>' to specified type 'GenericClass<Int>.TA'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Double, Int>' to specified type 'GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>' (aka 'MyType<Int, Float>')}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Float, Int>' to specified type 'GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>' (aka 'MyType<Int, Float>')}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0) // FIXME // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'MyType<Float, Double>' to specified type 'GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>' (aka 'MyType<Int, Float>')}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass<Int>.TA(a: 1, b: 4.0)
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 4.0, b: 1) // expected-error {{'Double' is not convertible to 'Int'}}
let _: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float> = GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>(a: 1, b: 4.0)
func takesUnsugaredType2(m: MyType<Int, Float>) {}
func takesSugaredType2(m: GenericClass<Int>.TA<Float>) {
takesUnsugaredType2(m: m)
// Error paths
// This works, but in the body of the extension we see the original type
// parameters of A<>'s underlying type MyType<>, rather than the type
// parameters of A<>.
extension A {}
extension A<T> {} // expected-error {{generic type 'A' specialized with too few type parameters (got 1, but expected 2)}}
extension A<Float,Int> {} // expected-error {{constrained extension must be declared on the unspecialized generic type 'A' with constraints specified by a 'where' clause}}
extension C<T> {} // expected-error {{constrained extension must be declared on the unspecialized generic type 'C' with constraints specified by a 'where' clause}}
extension C<Int> {} // expected-error {{constrained extension must be declared on the unspecialized generic type 'C' with constraints specified by a 'where' clause}}
protocol ErrorQ {
associatedtype Y
protocol ErrorP {
associatedtype X: ErrorQ // expected-note {{protocol requires nested type 'X'; do you want to add it?}}
typealias ErrorA<T: ErrorP> = T.X.Y
struct ErrorB : ErrorP { // expected-error {{type 'ErrorB' does not conform to protocol 'ErrorP'}}
typealias X = ErrorC // expected-note {{possibly intended match 'ErrorB.X' (aka 'ErrorC') does not conform to 'ErrorQ'}}
struct ErrorC {
typealias Y = Int
typealias Y = ErrorA<ErrorB>
typealias Id<T> = T
extension Id {} // expected-error {{non-nominal type 'Id' cannot be extended}}
class OuterGeneric<T> {
typealias Alias<T> = AnotherGeneric<T>
// expected-note@-1 {{generic type 'Alias' declared here}}
class InnerNonGeneric : Alias {}
// expected-error@-1 {{reference to generic type 'OuterGeneric<T>.Alias' requires arguments in <...>}}
class AnotherGeneric<T> {}
// Generic typealiases in protocols
protocol P {
associatedtype A
typealias G1<T> = MyType<Self, T>
typealias G2<T> = MyType<T, A>
typealias G3<T> = () -> ()
typealias G4<T> = (T) -> ()
func firstRequirement(_: G1<Int>)
func secondRequirement(_: G2<Int>)
func thirdRequirement(_: G3<Int>)
func fourthRequirement(_: G4<Int>)
func firstRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G1<T>)
func secondRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G2<T>)
func thirdRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G3<T>, _: T)
func fourthRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G4<T>)
struct S : P {
typealias A = Float
func shouldFail(fn: (Int) -> ()) {
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '(Int) -> ()' to expected argument type '() -> ()'}}
func firstRequirement(_: G1<Int>) {}
func secondRequirement(_: G2<Int>) {}
func thirdRequirement(_: G3<Int>) {}
func fourthRequirement(_: G4<Int>) {}
func firstRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G1<T>) {
_ = G1<T>.self
func secondRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G2<T>) {
_ = G2<T>.self
func thirdRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G3<T>, _: T) {
_ = G3<T>.self
func fourthRequirementGeneric<T>(_: G4<T>) {
_ = G4<T>.self
func expressionContext() {
let _: G1 = MyType<S, Int>(a: S(), b: 3)
let _: G1<Int> = MyType<S, Int>(a: S(), b: 3)
let _: S.G1 = MyType<S, Int>(a: S(), b: 3)
let _: S.G1<Int> = MyType<S, Int>(a: S(), b: 3)
let _: G2 = MyType<Int, Float>(a: 3, b: 1.0)
let _: G2<Int> = MyType<Int, Float>(a: 3, b: 1.0)
let _: S.G2 = MyType<Int, Float>(a: 3, b: 1.0)
let _: S.G2<Int> = MyType<Int, Float>(a: 3, b: 1.0)
func takesMyType(x: MyType<S, Int>) {}
func takesMyType(y: MyType<Int, Float>) {}
func f(x: S.G1<Int>, y: S.G2<Int>) {
takesMyType(x: x)
takesMyType(y: y)
// Generic typealiases with requirements
typealias Element<S> = S.Iterator.Element where S : Sequence
func takesInt(_: Element<[Int]>) {}
func failsRequirementCheck(_: Element<Int>) {}
// expected-error@-1 {{type 'Int' does not conform to protocol 'Sequence'}}
// Sugar in base types of a typealias.
struct X<T, U> {
typealias GY<V> = [V]
typealias GX<T> = X<T, T>
func testSugar(_ gx: GX<Int>, _ gy: GX<Int>.GY<Double>, gz: GX<Int>.GY<Double>.Element) {
let i: Int = gx // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'GX<Int>' (aka 'X<Int, Int>') to specified type 'Int'}}
let i2: Int = gy // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'GX<Int>.GY<Double>' (aka 'Array<Double>') to specified type 'Int'}}
let i3: Int = gz // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'GX<Int>.GY<Double>.Element' (aka 'Double') to specified type 'Int'}}