blob: f69f6711b1dad400eb73114848ed22202038d311 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -enable-sil-ownership -module-name protocol_with_superclass %s | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-ir -enable-sil-ownership %s
// Protocols with superclass-constrained Self, written using a 'where' clause.
class Concrete {
typealias ConcreteAlias = String
func concreteMethod(_: ConcreteAlias) {}
class Generic<T> : Concrete {
typealias GenericAlias = (T, T)
func genericMethod(_: GenericAlias) {}
protocol BaseProto {}
protocol ProtoRefinesClass where Self : Generic<Int>, Self : BaseProto {
func requirementUsesClassTypes(_: ConcreteAlias, _: GenericAlias)
extension ProtoRefinesClass {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass17ProtoRefinesClassPAAE019extensionMethodUsesF5TypesyySS_Si_SittF : $@convention(method) <Self where Self : ProtoRefinesClass> (@guaranteed String, Int, Int, @guaranteed Self) -> ()
func extensionMethodUsesClassTypes(_ x: ConcreteAlias, _ y: GenericAlias) {
_ = ConcreteAlias.self
_ = GenericAlias.self
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST:%.*]] = upcast [[SELF]] : $Self to $Generic<Int>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST2:%.*]] = upcast [[UPCAST]] : $Generic<Int> to $Concrete
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METHOD:%.*]] = class_method [[UPCAST2]] : $Concrete, #Concrete.concreteMethod!1 : (Concrete) -> (String) -> (), $@convention(method) (@guaranteed String, @guaranteed Concrete) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[METHOD]](%0, [[UPCAST2]])
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value [[UPCAST2]]
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST:%.*]] = upcast [[SELF]] : $Self to $Generic<Int>
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%.*]] = class_method [[UPCAST]] : $Generic<Int>, #Generic.genericMethod!1 : <T> (Generic<T>) -> ((T, T)) -> (), $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0, @in_guaranteed τ_0_0, @guaranteed Generic<τ_0_0>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[METHOD]]<Int>({{.*}}, [[UPCAST]])
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value [[UPCAST]]
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST:%.*]] = upcast [[SELF]] : $Self to $Generic<Int>
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value [[UPCAST]] : $Generic<Int>
let _: Generic<Int> = self
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST:%.*]] = upcast [[SELF]] : $Self to $Generic<Int>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST2:%.*]] = upcast [[UPCAST]] : $Generic<Int> to $Concrete
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value [[UPCAST2]] : $Concrete
let _: Concrete = self
// CHECK: [[BOX:%.*]] = alloc_stack $BaseProto
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[ADDR:%.*]] = init_existential_addr [[BOX]] : $*BaseProto, $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[SELF]] to [init] [[ADDR]] : $*Self
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[BOX]] : $*BaseProto
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[BOX]] : $*BaseProto
let _: BaseProto = self
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[EXISTENTIAL:%.*]] = init_existential_ref [[SELF]] : $Self : $Self, $Generic<Int> & BaseProto
let _: BaseProto & Generic<Int> = self
// CHECK: [[SELF:%.*]] = copy_value %3 : $Self
// CHECK-NEXT: [[EXISTENTIAL:%.*]] = init_existential_ref [[SELF]] : $Self : $Self, $Concrete & BaseProto
let _: BaseProto & Concrete = self
// CHECK: return
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass22usesProtoRefinesClass1yyAA0eF5Class_pF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed ProtoRefinesClass) -> ()
func usesProtoRefinesClass1(_ t: ProtoRefinesClass) {
let x: ProtoRefinesClass.ConcreteAlias = "hi"
_ = ProtoRefinesClass.ConcreteAlias.self
let y: ProtoRefinesClass.GenericAlias = (1, 2)
_ = ProtoRefinesClass.GenericAlias.self
t.requirementUsesClassTypes(x, y)
let _: Generic<Int> = t
let _: Concrete = t
let _: BaseProto = t
let _: BaseProto & Generic<Int> = t
let _: BaseProto & Concrete = t
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass22usesProtoRefinesClass2yyxAA0eF5ClassRzlF : $@convention(thin) <T where T : ProtoRefinesClass> (@guaranteed T) -> ()
func usesProtoRefinesClass2<T : ProtoRefinesClass>(_ t: T) {
let x: T.ConcreteAlias = "hi"
_ = T.ConcreteAlias.self
let y: T.GenericAlias = (1, 2)
_ = T.GenericAlias.self
t.requirementUsesClassTypes(x, y)
let _: Generic<Int> = t
let _: Concrete = t
let _: BaseProto = t
let _: BaseProto & Generic<Int> = t
let _: BaseProto & Concrete = t
class GoodConformingClass : Generic<Int>, ProtoRefinesClass {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass19GoodConformingClassC015requirementUsesF5TypesyySS_Si_SittF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed String, Int, Int, @guaranteed GoodConformingClass) -> ()
func requirementUsesClassTypes(_ x: ConcreteAlias, _ y: GenericAlias) {
_ = ConcreteAlias.self
_ = GenericAlias.self
protocol ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass where Self : ProtoRefinesClass {}
extension ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass012ProtoRefinesD9WithClassPAAE026anotherExtensionMethodUsesG5TypesyySS_Si_SittF : $@convention(method) <Self where Self : ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass> (@guaranteed String, Int, Int, @guaranteed Self) -> ()
func anotherExtensionMethodUsesClassTypes(_ x: ConcreteAlias, _ y: GenericAlias) {
_ = ConcreteAlias.self
_ = GenericAlias.self
let _: Generic<Int> = self
let _: Concrete = self
let _: BaseProto = self
let _: BaseProto & Generic<Int> = self
let _: BaseProto & Concrete = self
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass016usesProtoRefinesE10WithClass1yyAA0efeG5Class_pF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass) -> ()
func usesProtoRefinesProtoWithClass1(_ t: ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass) {
let x: ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass.ConcreteAlias = "hi"
_ = ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass.ConcreteAlias.self
let y: ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass.GenericAlias = (1, 2)
_ = ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass.GenericAlias.self
t.requirementUsesClassTypes(x, y)
let _: Generic<Int> = t
let _: Concrete = t
let _: BaseProto = t
let _: BaseProto & Generic<Int> = t
let _: BaseProto & Concrete = t
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass016usesProtoRefinesE10WithClass2yyxAA0efeG5ClassRzlF : $@convention(thin) <T where T : ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass> (@guaranteed T) -> ()
func usesProtoRefinesProtoWithClass2<T : ProtoRefinesProtoWithClass>(_ t: T) {
let x: T.ConcreteAlias = "hi"
_ = T.ConcreteAlias.self
let y: T.GenericAlias = (1, 2)
_ = T.GenericAlias.self
t.requirementUsesClassTypes(x, y)
let _: Generic<Int> = t
let _: Concrete = t
let _: BaseProto = t
let _: BaseProto & Generic<Int> = t
let _: BaseProto & Concrete = t
class ClassWithInits<T> {
init(notRequiredInit: ()) {}
required init(requiredInit: ()) {}
protocol ProtocolWithClassInits where Self : ClassWithInits<Int> {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass26useProtocolWithClassInits1yyAA0efG5Inits_pXpF : $@convention(thin) (@thick ProtocolWithClassInits.Type) -> ()
func useProtocolWithClassInits1(_ t: ProtocolWithClassInits.Type) {
// CHECK: [[OPENED:%.*]] = open_existential_metatype %0 : $@thick ProtocolWithClassInits.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: [[UPCAST:%.*]] = upcast [[OPENED]] : $@thick (@opened("{{.*}}") ProtocolWithClassInits).Type to $@thick ClassWithInits<Int>.Type
// CHECK-NEXT: [[METHOD:%.*]] = class_method [[UPCAST]] : $@thick ClassWithInits<Int>.Type, #ClassWithInits.init!allocator.1 : <T> (ClassWithInits<T>.Type) -> (()) -> ClassWithInits<T>, $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@thick ClassWithInits<τ_0_0>.Type) -> @owned ClassWithInits<τ_0_0>
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RESULT:%.*]] = apply [[METHOD]]<Int>([[UPCAST]])
// CHECK-NEXT: [[CAST:%.*]] = unchecked_ref_cast [[RESULT]] : $ClassWithInits<Int> to $@opened("{{.*}}") ProtocolWithClassInits
// CHECK-NEXT: [[EXISTENTIAL:%.*]] = init_existential_ref [[CAST]] : $@opened("{{.*}}") ProtocolWithClassInits : $@opened("{{.*}}") ProtocolWithClassInits, $ProtocolWithClassInits
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_value [[EXISTENTIAL]]
let _: ProtocolWithClassInits = t.init(requiredInit: ())
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass26useProtocolWithClassInits2yyxmAA0efG5InitsRzlF : $@convention(thin) <T where T : ProtocolWithClassInits> (@thick T.Type) -> ()
func useProtocolWithClassInits2<T : ProtocolWithClassInits>(_ t: T.Type) {
let _: T = T(requiredInit: ())
let _: T = t.init(requiredInit: ())
protocol ProtocolRefinesClassInits where Self : ProtocolWithClassInits {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass29useProtocolRefinesClassInits1yyAA0efG5Inits_pXpF : $@convention(thin) (@thick ProtocolRefinesClassInits.Type) -> ()
func useProtocolRefinesClassInits1(_ t: ProtocolRefinesClassInits.Type) {
let _: ProtocolRefinesClassInits = t.init(requiredInit: ())
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass29useProtocolRefinesClassInits2yyxmAA0efG5InitsRzlF : $@convention(thin) <T where T : ProtocolRefinesClassInits> (@thick T.Type) -> ()
func useProtocolRefinesClassInits2<T : ProtocolRefinesClassInits>(_ t: T.Type) {
let _: T = T(requiredInit: ())
let _: T = t.init(requiredInit: ())
class ClassWithDefault<T> {
func makeT() -> T { while true {} }
protocol SillyDefault where Self : ClassWithDefault<Int> {
func makeT() -> Int
class ConformsToSillyDefault : ClassWithDefault<Int>, SillyDefault {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [transparent] [thunk] @$s24protocol_with_superclass22ConformsToSillyDefaultCAA0fG0A2aDP5makeTSiyFTW : $@convention(witness_method: SillyDefault) (@guaranteed ConformsToSillyDefault) -> Int
// CHECK: class_method %1 : $ClassWithDefault<Int>, #ClassWithDefault.makeT!1 : <T> (ClassWithDefault<T>) -> () -> T, $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@guaranteed ClassWithDefault<τ_0_0>) -> @out τ_0_0
// CHECK: return
class BaseClass : BaseProto {}
protocol RefinedProto where Self : BaseClass {}
func takesBaseProtocol(_: BaseProto) {}
func passesRefinedProtocol(_ r: RefinedProto) {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$s24protocol_with_superclass21passesRefinedProtocolyyAA0E5Proto_pF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed RefinedProto) -> ()
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : @guaranteed $RefinedProto):
// CHECK: [[OPENED:%.*]] = open_existential_ref %0 : $RefinedProto to $@opened("{{.*}}") RefinedProto
// CHECK-NEXT: [[BASE:%.*]] = alloc_stack $BaseProto
// CHECK-NEXT: [[BASE_PAYLOAD:%.*]] = init_existential_addr [[BASE]] : $*BaseProto, $@opened("{{.*}}") RefinedProto
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OPENED_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[OPENED]] : $@opened("{{.*}}") RefinedProto
// CHECK-NEXT: store [[OPENED_COPY]] to [init] [[BASE_PAYLOAD]] : $*@opened("{{.*}}") RefinedProto
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @$s24protocol_with_superclass17takesBaseProtocolyyAA0E5Proto_pF : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed BaseProto) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: apply [[FUNC]]([[BASE]]) : $@convention(thin) (@in_guaranteed BaseProto) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: destroy_addr [[BASE]] : $*BaseProto
// CHECK-NEXT: dealloc_stack [[BASE]] : $*BaseProto
// CHECK-NEXT: [[RESULT:%.*]] = tuple ()
// CHECK-NEXT: return [[RESULT]] : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table hidden ConformsToSillyDefault: SillyDefault module protocol_with_superclass {
// CHECK-NEXT: method #SillyDefault.makeT!1: <Self where Self : SillyDefault> (Self) -> () -> Int : @$s24protocol_with_superclass22ConformsToSillyDefaultCAA0fG0A2aDP5makeTSiyFTW