blob: f92b6bf2e881a355a21aa3f4d22307b5d2a66ae5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift -parse-stdlib %s -o %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/a.out
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// FIXME: rdar://problem/19648117 Needs splitting objc parts out
// XFAIL: linux
import Swift
import SwiftShims
class C {
deinit { print("deallocated") }
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
// We have no ObjC tagged pointers, and two low spare bits due to alignment.
let NATIVE_SPARE_BITS: UInt = 0x0000_0003
#elseif arch(x86_64)
// We have ObjC tagged pointers in the lowest and highest bit
let NATIVE_SPARE_BITS: UInt = 0x7F00_0000_0000_0006
let OBJC_TAGGED_POINTER_BITS: UInt = 0x8000_0000_0000_0001
#elseif arch(arm64)
// We have ObjC tagged pointers in the highest bit
let NATIVE_SPARE_BITS: UInt = 0x7F00_0000_0000_0007
let OBJC_TAGGED_POINTER_BITS: UInt = 0x8000_0000_0000_0000
#elseif arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le)
// We have no ObjC tagged pointers, and three low spare bits due to alignment.
let NATIVE_SPARE_BITS: UInt = 0x0000_0000_0000_0007
#elseif arch(s390x)
// We have no ObjC tagged pointers, and three low spare bits due to alignment.
let NATIVE_SPARE_BITS: UInt = 0x0000_0000_0000_0007
func bitPattern(_ x: Builtin.BridgeObject) -> UInt {
return UInt(Builtin.castBitPatternFromBridgeObject(x))
func nonPointerBits(_ x: Builtin.BridgeObject) -> UInt {
return bitPattern(x) & NATIVE_SPARE_BITS
// Try without any bits set.
if true {
let x = C()
let bo = Builtin.castToBridgeObject(x, 0._builtinWordValue)
let bo2 = bo
let x1: C = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo)
let x2: C = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo2)
// CHECK: true
print(x === x1)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x2)
print(nonPointerBits(bo) == 0)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
var bo3 = Builtin.castToBridgeObject(C(), 0._builtinWordValue)
print(Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isUnique(&bo3)))
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let bo4 = bo3
print(Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isUnique(&bo3)))
// CHECK-NEXT: false
// CHECK-NEXT: deallocated
// CHECK-NEXT: deallocated
// Try with all spare bits set.
if true {
let x = C()
let bo = Builtin.castToBridgeObject(x, NATIVE_SPARE_BITS._builtinWordValue)
let bo2 = bo
let x1: C = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo)
let x2: C = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo2)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x1)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x2)
print(nonPointerBits(bo) == NATIVE_SPARE_BITS)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
var bo3 = Builtin.castToBridgeObject(C(), NATIVE_SPARE_BITS._builtinWordValue)
print(Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isUnique(&bo3)))
// CHECK-NEXT: true
let bo4 = bo3
print(Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isUnique(&bo3)))
// CHECK-NEXT: false
// CHECK-NEXT: deallocated
// CHECK-NEXT: deallocated
import Foundation
func nonNativeBridgeObject(_ o: AnyObject) -> Builtin.BridgeObject {
let tagged = ((Builtin.reinterpretCast(o) as UInt) & OBJC_TAGGED_POINTER_BITS) != 0
return Builtin.castToBridgeObject(
o, tagged ? 0._builtinWordValue : NATIVE_SPARE_BITS._builtinWordValue)
// Try with a (probably) tagged pointer. No bits may be masked into a
// non-native object.
if true {
let x = NSNumber(value: 22)
let bo = nonNativeBridgeObject(x)
let bo2 = bo
let x1: NSNumber = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo)
let x2: NSNumber = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo2)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x1)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x2)
var bo3 = nonNativeBridgeObject(NSNumber(value: 22))
print(Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isUnique(&bo3)))
// CHECK-NEXT: false
var unTaggedString: NSString {
return NSString(format: "A long string that won't fit in a tagged pointer")
// Try with an un-tagged pointer.
if true {
let x = unTaggedString
let bo = nonNativeBridgeObject(x)
let bo2 = bo
let x1: NSString = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo)
let x2: NSString = Builtin.castReferenceFromBridgeObject(bo2)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x1)
// CHECK-NEXT: true
print(x === x2)
var bo3 = nonNativeBridgeObject(unTaggedString)
print(Bool(_builtinBooleanLiteral: Builtin.isUnique(&bo3)))
// CHECK-NEXT: false
func hitOptionalGenerically<T>(_ x: T?) {
switch x {
case .some:
case .none:
func hitOptionalSpecifically(_ x: Builtin.BridgeObject?) {
switch x {
case .some:
case .none:
if true {
// CHECK-NEXT: true
== MemoryLayout<Builtin.BridgeObject>.size)
var bo: Builtin.BridgeObject?
// CHECK-NEXT: none
// CHECK-NEXT: none
bo = Builtin.castToBridgeObject(C(), 0._builtinWordValue)
// CHECK-NEXT: some
// CHECK: some