blob: 3b1690625d1afc850f5aaa0c3d4774b736c66d1c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/weak_import_native_helper.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/weak_import_native_helper.swift -enable-resilience
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -primary-file %s -I %t -emit-ir | %FileCheck %s
import weak_import_native_helper
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper23ProtocolWithWeakMembersP1TAC_AA05OtherE0Tn" = extern_weak global %swift.protocol_requirement
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s1T25weak_import_native_helper23ProtocolWithWeakMembersPTl" = extern_weak global %swift.protocol_requirement
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper23ProtocolWithWeakMembersP1fyyFTq" = extern_weak global %swift.method_descriptor
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc void @"$s25weak_import_native_helper23ProtocolWithWeakMembersPAAE1fyyF"(%swift.type*, i8**, %swift.opaque* noalias nocapture swiftself)
struct ConformsToProtocolWithWeakMembers : ProtocolWithWeakMembers {}
func testTopLevel() {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper2fnyyF"()
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper12globalStoredSivg"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper12globalStoredSivs"
let x = globalStored
globalStored = x
globalStored += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper14globalComputedSivg"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper14globalComputedSivs"
let y = globalComputed
globalComputed = y
globalComputed += 1
func testStruct() {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SVACycfC"
var s = S()
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV2fnyyF"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV10storedPropSivg"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV10storedPropSivs"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV10storedPropSivM"
let x = s.storedProp
s.storedProp = x
s.storedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV12computedPropSivg"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV12computedPropSivs"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SV12computedPropSivM"
let y = s.computedProp
s.computedProp = y
s.computedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SVyS2icig"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SVyS2icis"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SVyS2iciM"
let z = s[0]
s[0] = z
s[0] += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper5WeakSV0A6MemberyyF"
let w = WeakS()
func testEnum() {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO6strongyA2CmFWC" = external constant i32
_ = E.strong
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO0A0yA2CmFWC" = extern_weak constant i32
_ = E.weak
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO11strongAssocyACSicACmFWC" = external constant i32
_ = E.strongAssoc(0)
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO0A5AssocyACSicACmFWC" = extern_weak constant i32
_ = E.weakAssoc(0)
func testClass() {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CCACycfC"
let c = C()
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC2fnyyFTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC10storedPropSivgTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC10storedPropSivsTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC10storedPropSivMTj"
let x = c.storedProp
c.storedProp = x
c.storedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC12computedPropSivgTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC12computedPropSivsTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CC12computedPropSivMTj"
let y = c.computedProp
c.computedProp = y
c.computedProp += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CCyS2icigTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CCyS2icisTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CCyS2iciMTj"
let z = c[0]
c[0] = z
c[0] += 1
class Sub : C {
deinit {
// This is correctly a strong symbol reference; the class is not declared
// weak.
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1CCfd"
func testProtocolExistential(_ p: P) {
var mutP = p
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PP2fnyyFTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PP4propSivgTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PP4propSivsTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PP4propSivMTj"
let x = p.prop
mutP.prop = x
mutP.prop += 1
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PPyS2icigTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PPyS2icisTj"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PPyS2iciMTj"
let z = p[0]
mutP[0] = z
mutP[0] += 1
func testProtocolGeneric<Impl: P>(_ type: Impl.Type) {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1PPxycfCTj"
var mutP = type.init()
let x = mutP.prop
mutP.prop = x
mutP.prop += 1
let z = mutP[0]
mutP[0] = z
mutP[0] += 1
func testWeakTypes() -> [Any.Type] {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc %swift.metadata_response @"$s25weak_import_native_helper5WeakSVMa"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc %swift.metadata_response @"$s25weak_import_native_helper5WeakEOMa"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc %swift.metadata_response @"$s25weak_import_native_helper5WeakCCMa"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper5WeakPMp" = extern_weak global %swift.protocol
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc %swift.metadata_response @"$s25weak_import_native_helper8GenericSVMa"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc %swift.metadata_response @"$s25weak_import_native_helper8GenericEOMa"
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc %swift.metadata_response @"$s25weak_import_native_helper8GenericCCMa"
return [WeakS.self, WeakE.self, WeakC.self, WeakP.self, GenericS<Int>.self, GenericE<Int>.self, GenericC<Int>.self]
class WeakSub: WeakC {
deinit {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper5WeakCCfd"
class WeakGenericSub: GenericC<Int> {
deinit {
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: declare extern_weak swiftcc {{.+}} @"$s25weak_import_native_helper8GenericCCfd"
protocol RefinesP : BaseP {}
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1SVAA5BasePAAWP" = extern_weak global i8*
extension S : RefinesP {}
// We should not hoist the metadata accessor accross the version check.
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @"$s18weak_import_native28test_not_hoist_weakly_linkedyyF"()
// CHECK-NOT: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: getVersion
// CHECK: br
// CHECK: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: ret
public func test_not_hoist_weakly_linked() {
if getVersion() == 1 {
var _ = ResilientStruct()
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @"$s18weak_import_native29test_not_hoist_weakly_linked2yyF"()
// CHECK-NOT: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: getVersion
// CHECK: br
// CHECK: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: ret
public func test_not_hoist_weakly_linked2() {
if getVersion() == 1 {
var _ = (ResilientStruct(), 1)
struct One<T> {
var elt : T?
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @"$s18weak_import_native29test_not_hoist_weakly_linked3yyF"()
// CHECK-NOT: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: getVersion
// CHECK: br
// CHECK: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: ret
public func test_not_hoist_weakly_linked3() {
if getVersion() == 1 {
var _ = One(elt:ResilientStruct())
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: define{{.*}} void @"$s18weak_import_native29test_not_hoist_weakly_linked4yyF"()
// CHECK-NOT: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: getVersion
// CHECK: br
// CHECK: 15ResilientStructVMa
// CHECK: ret
public func test_not_hoist_weakly_linked4() {
if getVersion() == 1 {
var _ = One(elt:(ResilientStruct(), 1))
// CHECK-DAG-LABEL: define{{.*}} @"$s18weak_import_native29test_weakly_linked_enum_cases1eSi0a1_b1_C7_helper1EO_t
// CHECK: [[TAG:%.*]] = call i32 %getEnumTag(
// CHECK: [[STRONG_CASE:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO6strongyA2CmFWC"
// CHECK: [[IS_STRONG:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TAG]], [[STRONG_CASE]]
// CHECK: br i1 [[IS_STRONG]], label %[[BB0:[0-9]+]], label %[[BB1:[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: <label>:[[BB1]]:
// CHECK: br i1 icmp eq ({{.*}} ptrtoint (i32* @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO0A0yA2CmFWC" to {{.*}}), {{.*}} 0), label %[[BB2:[0-9]+]], label %[[BB3:[0-9]+]]
// CHECK:; <label>:[[BB3]]:
// CHECK: [[WEAK_CASE:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @"$s25weak_import_native_helper1EO0A0yA2CmFWC"
// CHECK: [[IS_WEAK:%.*]] = icmp eq i32 [[TAG]], [[WEAK_CASE]]
// CHECK: br label %21
// CHECK:; <label>:[[BB2]]:
// CHECK: = phi i1 [ false, %[[BB1]] ], [ [[IS_WEAK]], %[[BB3]] ]
public func test_weakly_linked_enum_cases(e: E) -> Int {
switch e {
case .strong:
return 1
case .weak:
return 2
return 3