blob: 2f45401998077103cb501ccb9dbc2056baa47992 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- MiscDiagnostics.cpp - AST-Level Diagnostics ----------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements AST-level diagnostics.
#include "MiscDiagnostics.h"
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "TypeCheckAvailability.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Defer.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SaveAndRestore.h"
using namespace swift;
/// Return true if this expression is an implicit promotion from T to T?.
static Expr *isImplicitPromotionToOptional(Expr *E) {
if (E->isImplicit())
if (auto IIOE = dyn_cast<InjectIntoOptionalExpr>(
return IIOE->getSubExpr();
return nullptr;
/// Diagnose syntactic restrictions of expressions.
/// - Module values may only occur as part of qualification.
/// - Metatype names cannot generally be used as values: they need a "T.self"
/// qualification unless used in narrow case (e.g. T() for construction).
/// - '_' may only exist on the LHS of an assignment expression.
/// - warn_unqualified_access values must not be accessed except via qualified
/// lookup.
/// - Partial application of some decls isn't allowed due to implementation
/// limitations.
/// - "&" (aka InOutExpressions) may only exist directly in function call
/// argument lists.
/// - 'self.init' and 'super.init' cannot be wrapped in a larger expression
/// or statement.
/// - Warn about promotions to optional in specific syntactic forms.
/// - Error about collection literals that default to Any collections in
/// invalid positions.
static void diagSyntacticUseRestrictions(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E,
const DeclContext *DC,
bool isExprStmt) {
class DiagnoseWalker : public ASTWalker {
SmallPtrSet<Expr*, 4> AlreadyDiagnosedMetatypes;
SmallPtrSet<DeclRefExpr*, 4> AlreadyDiagnosedNoEscapes;
SmallPtrSet<DeclRefExpr*, 4> AlreadyDiagnosedBitCasts;
// Keep track of acceptable DiscardAssignmentExpr's.
SmallPtrSet<DiscardAssignmentExpr*, 2> CorrectDiscardAssignmentExprs;
/// Keep track of InOutExprs
SmallPtrSet<InOutExpr*, 2> AcceptableInOutExprs;
/// Keep track of the arguments to CallExprs.
SmallPtrSet<Expr *, 2> CallArgs;
bool IsExprStmt;
TypeChecker &TC;
const DeclContext *DC;
DiagnoseWalker(TypeChecker &TC, const DeclContext *DC, bool isExprStmt)
: IsExprStmt(isExprStmt), TC(TC), DC(DC) {}
// Selector for the partial_application_of_function_invalid diagnostic
// message.
struct PartialApplication {
enum : unsigned {
enum : unsigned {
unsigned compatibilityWarning: 1;
unsigned kind : 2;
unsigned level : 29;
// Partial applications of functions that are not permitted. This is
// tracked in post-order and unraveled as subsequent applications complete
// the call (or not).
llvm::SmallDenseMap<Expr*, PartialApplication,2> InvalidPartialApplications;
~DiagnoseWalker() override {
for (auto &unapplied : InvalidPartialApplications) {
unsigned kind = unapplied.second.kind;
if (unapplied.second.compatibilityWarning) {
} else {
/// methods are fully applied when they can't support partial application.
void checkInvalidPartialApplication(Expr *E) {
if (auto AE = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(E)) {
Expr *fnExpr = AE->getSemanticFn();
if (auto forceExpr = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(fnExpr))
fnExpr = forceExpr->getSubExpr()->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto dotSyntaxExpr = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(fnExpr))
fnExpr = dotSyntaxExpr->getRHS();
// Check to see if this is a potentially unsupported partial
// application of a constructor delegation.
if (isa<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(fnExpr)) {
auto kind = AE->getArg()->isSuperExpr()
? PartialApplication::SuperInit
: PartialApplication::SelfInit;
// Partial applications of delegated initializers aren't allowed, and
// don't really make sense to begin with.
{E, {PartialApplication::Error, kind, 1}});
// If this is adding a level to an active partial application, advance
// it to the next level.
auto foundApplication = InvalidPartialApplications.find(fnExpr);
if (foundApplication == InvalidPartialApplications.end())
unsigned level = foundApplication->second.level;
auto kind = foundApplication->second.kind;
assert(level > 0);
if (level > 1) {
// We have remaining argument clauses.
// Partial applications were always diagnosed in Swift 4 and before,
// so there's no need to preserve the compatibility warning bit.
{AE, {PartialApplication::Error, kind, level - 1}});
/// If this is a reference to a mutating method, it cannot be partially
/// applied or even referenced without full application, so arrange for
/// us to check that it gets fully applied.
auto fnDeclRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E);
if (!fnDeclRef)
auto fn = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(fnDeclRef->getDecl());
if (!fn || !fn->isInstanceMember() || !fn->isMutating())
// Swift 4 and earlier failed to diagnose a reference to a mutating method
// without any applications at all, which would get miscompiled into a
// function with undefined behavior. Warn for source compatibility.
auto errorBehavior = TC.Context.LangOpts.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5)
? PartialApplication::Error
: PartialApplication::CompatibilityWarning;
{fnDeclRef, {errorBehavior,
PartialApplication::MutatingMethod, 2}});
// Not interested in going outside a basic expression.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
return { false, S };
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
return { false, P };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override { return false; }
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override { return true; }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
// See through implicit conversions of the expression. We want to be able
// to associate the parent of this expression with the ultimate callee.
auto Base = E;
while (auto Conv = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(Base))
Base = Conv->getSubExpr();
// Record call arguments.
if (auto Call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(Base))
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(Base)) {
// Verify metatype uses.
if (isa<TypeDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
if (isa<ModuleDecl>(DRE->getDecl()))
// Verify noescape parameter uses.
checkNoEscapeParameterUse(DRE, Parent.getAsExpr(), OperandKind::None);
// Verify warn_unqualified_access uses.
// Verify that special decls are eliminated.
// Verify that `unsafeBitCast` isn't misused.
checkForSuspiciousBitCasts(DRE, nullptr);
if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(Base)) {
if (isa<TypeDecl>(MRE->getMember().getDecl()))
if (isa<TypeExpr>(Base))
if (auto *SE = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
// Implicit InOutExpr's are allowed in the base of a subscript expr.
if (auto *IOE = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(SE->getBase()))
if (IOE->isImplicit())
visitIndices(SE, [&](unsigned argIndex, Expr *arg) {
arg = lookThroughArgument(arg);
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(arg))
checkNoEscapeParameterUse(DRE, SE, OperandKind::Argument);
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(E)) {
visitCollectionElements(AE, [&](unsigned argIndex, Expr *arg) {
arg = lookThroughArgument(arg);
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(arg))
checkNoEscapeParameterUse(DRE, AE, OperandKind::Argument);
// Check decl refs in withoutActuallyEscaping blocks.
if (auto MakeEsc = dyn_cast<MakeTemporarilyEscapableExpr>(E)) {
if (auto DRE =
checkNoEscapeParameterUse(DRE, MakeEsc, OperandKind::MakeEscapable);
// Check function calls, looking through implicit conversions on the
// function and inspecting the arguments directly.
if (auto *Call = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(E)) {
// Warn about surprising implicit optional promotions.
// Check the callee, looking through implicit conversions.
auto base = Call->getFn();
unsigned uncurryLevel = 0;
while (auto conv = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(base))
base = conv->getSubExpr();
const auto findDynamicMemberRefExpr =
[](Expr *e) -> DynamicMemberRefExpr* {
if (auto open = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(e)) {
return dyn_cast<DynamicMemberRefExpr>(open->getSubExpr());
return nullptr;
if (auto force = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(base)) {
if (auto ref = findDynamicMemberRefExpr(force->getSubExpr()))
base = ref;
} else if (auto bind = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(base)) {
if (auto ref = findDynamicMemberRefExpr(bind->getSubExpr()))
base = ref;
while (auto ignoredBase = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(base))
base = ignoredBase->getRHS();
ConcreteDeclRef callee;
if (auto *calleeDRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(base)) {
checkNoEscapeParameterUse(calleeDRE, Call, OperandKind::Callee);
checkForSuspiciousBitCasts(calleeDRE, Call);
callee = calleeDRE->getDeclRef();
// Otherwise, try to drill down through member calls for the purposes
// of argument-matching code below.
} else if (auto selfApply = dyn_cast<SelfApplyExpr>(base)) {
base = selfApply->getSemanticFn();
if (auto calleeDRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(base))
callee = calleeDRE->getDeclRef();
// Otherwise, check for a dynamic member.
} else if (auto dynamicMRE = dyn_cast<DynamicMemberRefExpr>(base)) {
callee = dynamicMRE->getMember();
visitArguments(Call, [&](unsigned argIndex, Expr *arg) {
// InOutExpr's are allowed in argument lists directly.
if (auto *IOE = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(arg)) {
if (isa<CallExpr>(Call))
// InOutExprs can be wrapped in some implicit casts.
Expr *unwrapped = arg;
if (auto *IIO = dyn_cast<InjectIntoOptionalExpr>(arg))
unwrapped = IIO->getSubExpr();
if (isa<InOutToPointerExpr>(unwrapped) ||
isa<ArrayToPointerExpr>(unwrapped) ||
isa<ErasureExpr>(unwrapped)) {
auto operand =
if (auto *IOE = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(operand)) {
operand = IOE->getSubExpr();
// Also do some additional work based on how the function uses
// the argument.
if (callee) {
checkConvertedPointerArgument(callee, uncurryLevel, argIndex,
unwrapped, operand);
// Also give special treatment to noescape function arguments.
arg = lookThroughArgument(arg);
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(arg))
checkNoEscapeParameterUse(DRE, Call, OperandKind::Argument);
// If we have an assignment expression, scout ahead for acceptable _'s.
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E))
/// Diagnose a '_' that isn't on the immediate LHS of an assignment.
if (auto *DAE = dyn_cast<DiscardAssignmentExpr>(E)) {
if (!CorrectDiscardAssignmentExprs.count(DAE) &&
TC.diagnose(DAE->getLoc(), diag::discard_expr_outside_of_assignment);
// Diagnose an '&' that isn't in an argument lists.
if (auto *IOE = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(E)) {
if (!IOE->isImplicit() && !AcceptableInOutExprs.count(IOE) &&
TC.diagnose(IOE->getLoc(), diag::inout_expr_outside_of_call)
// Diagnose 'self.init' or 'super.init' nested in another expression
// or closure.
if (auto *rebindSelfExpr = dyn_cast<RebindSelfInConstructorExpr>(E)) {
if (!Parent.isNull() || !IsExprStmt || DC->getParent()->isLocalContext()) {
bool isChainToSuper;
TC.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::init_delegation_nested,
isChainToSuper, !IsExprStmt);
return { true, E };
/// Visit the argument/s represented by either a ParenExpr or TupleExpr,
/// unshuffling if needed. If any other kind of expression, will pass it
/// straight back.
static void argExprVisitArguments(Expr* arg,
<void(unsigned, Expr*)> fn) {
// The argument could be shuffled if it includes default arguments,
// label differences, or other exciting things like that.
if (auto *TSE = dyn_cast<TupleShuffleExpr>(arg))
arg = TSE->getSubExpr();
// The argument is either a ParenExpr or TupleExpr.
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(arg)) {
auto elts = TE->getElements();
for (auto i : indices(elts))
fn(i, elts[i]);
} else if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg)) {
fn(0, PE->getSubExpr());
} else {
fn(0, arg);
static void visitIndices(SubscriptExpr *subscript,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, Expr*)> fn) {
auto *indexArgs = subscript->getIndex();
argExprVisitArguments(indexArgs, fn);
static void visitArguments(ApplyExpr *apply,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, Expr*)> fn) {
auto *arg = apply->getArg();
argExprVisitArguments(arg, fn);
static void visitCollectionElements(CollectionExpr *collection,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned, Expr*)> fn) {
auto elts = collection->getElements();
for (auto i : indices(elts))
fn(i, elts[i]);
static Expr *lookThroughArgument(Expr *arg) {
while (1) {
if (auto conv = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(arg))
arg = conv->getSubExpr();
else if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg))
arg = PE->getSubExpr();
return arg;
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *E) override {
return E;
void checkConvertedPointerArgument(ConcreteDeclRef callee,
unsigned uncurryLevel,
unsigned argIndex,
Expr *pointerExpr,
Expr *storage) {
if (!isPointerIdentityArgument(callee, uncurryLevel, argIndex))
// Flag that the argument is non-accessing.
if (auto inout = dyn_cast<InOutToPointerExpr>(pointerExpr)) {
} else if (auto array = dyn_cast<ArrayToPointerExpr>(pointerExpr)) {
// TODO: warn if taking the address of 'storage' will definitely
// yield a temporary address.
/// Is the given call argument, known to be of pointer type, just used
/// for its pointer identity?
bool isPointerIdentityArgument(ConcreteDeclRef ref, unsigned uncurryLevel,
unsigned argIndex) {
// FIXME: derive this from an attribute instead of hacking it based
// on the target name!
auto decl = ref.getDecl();
// Assume that == and != are non-accessing uses.
if (decl->isOperator()) {
auto op = decl->getBaseName();
if (op == "==" || op == "!=")
return true;
return false;
// NSObject.addObserver(_:forKeyPath:options:context:)
if (uncurryLevel == 1 && argIndex == 3) {
return decl->getFullName().isCompoundName("addObserver",
{ "", "forKeyPath",
"options", "context" });
// NSObject.removeObserver(_:forKeyPath:context:)
if (uncurryLevel == 1 && argIndex == 2) {
return decl->getFullName().isCompoundName("removeObserver",
{ "", "forKeyPath",
"context" });
return false;
/// We have a collection literal with a defaulted type, e.g. of [Any]. Emit
/// an error if it was inferred to this type in an invalid context, which is
/// one in which the parent expression is not itself a collection literal.
void checkTypeDefaultedCollectionExpr(CollectionExpr *c) {
// If the parent is a non-expression, or is not itself a literal, then
// produce an error with a fixit to add the type as an explicit
// annotation.
if (c->getNumElements() == 0)
TC.diagnose(c->getLoc(), diag::collection_literal_empty)
else {
TC.diagnose(c->getLoc(), diag::collection_literal_heterogeneous,
.fixItInsertAfter(c->getEndLoc(), " as " + c->getType()->getString());
/// Scout out the specified destination of an AssignExpr to recursively
/// identify DiscardAssignmentExpr in legal places. We can only allow them
/// in simple pattern-like expressions, so we reject anything complex here.
void markAcceptableDiscardExprs(Expr *E) {
if (!E) return;
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(E))
return markAcceptableDiscardExprs(PE->getSubExpr());
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(E)) {
for (auto &elt : TE->getElements())
if (auto *DAE = dyn_cast<DiscardAssignmentExpr>(E))
// Otherwise, we can't support this.
void checkUseOfModule(DeclRefExpr *E) {
// Allow module values as a part of:
// - ignored base expressions;
// - expressions that failed to type check.
if (auto *ParentExpr = Parent.getAsExpr()) {
if (isa<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(ParentExpr) ||
TC.diagnose(E->getStartLoc(), diag::value_of_module_type);
class NoEscapeArgument {
llvm::PointerIntPair<ParamDecl*, 1, bool> ParamAndIsCapture;
NoEscapeArgument() {}
NoEscapeArgument(ParamDecl *param, bool isCapture)
: ParamAndIsCapture(param, isCapture) {
explicit operator bool() const {
return ParamAndIsCapture.getPointer() != nullptr;
ParamDecl *getDecl() const { return ParamAndIsCapture.getPointer(); }
bool isDeclACapture() const { return ParamAndIsCapture.getInt(); }
static NoEscapeArgument find(TypeChecker &tc, ValueDecl *decl,
bool isCapture) {
if (auto param = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(decl)) {
if (auto fnType =
param->getInterfaceType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
if (fnType->isNoEscape())
return { param, isCapture };
return {};
if (auto fn = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)) {
if (fn->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext()) {
return findInCaptures(tc, fn);
return {};
// FIXME: captures of computed local vars? Can these be non-escaping?
return {};
static NoEscapeArgument findInCaptures(TypeChecker &tc,
AnyFunctionRef fn) {
// Ensure we have accurate capture information for the function.
for (const auto &capture : fn.getCaptureInfo().getCaptures()) {
if (capture.isDynamicSelfMetadata()) continue;
if (auto param = find(tc, capture.getDecl(), true))
return param;
return {};
/// Enforce the exclusivity rule against calling a non-escaping
/// function parameter with another non-escaping function parameter
/// as an argument.
void checkNoEscapeParameterCall(ApplyExpr *apply) {
NoEscapeArgument noescapeArgument;
Expr *problematicArg = nullptr;
visitArguments(apply, [&](unsigned argIndex, Expr *arg) {
// Just find the first problematic argument.
if (noescapeArgument) return;
// Remember the expression which used the argument.
problematicArg = arg;
// Look through the same set of nodes that we look through when
// checking for no-escape functions.
arg = lookThroughArgument(arg);
// If the argument isn't noescape, ignore it.
auto fnType = arg->getType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!fnType || !fnType->isNoEscape())
// Okay, it should be a closure or a decl ref.
if (auto declRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(arg)) {
noescapeArgument =
NoEscapeArgument::find(TC, declRef->getDecl(), false);
} else if (auto closure = dyn_cast<AbstractClosureExpr>(arg)) {
noescapeArgument =
NoEscapeArgument::findInCaptures(TC, closure);
} else {
// This can happen with withoutActuallyEscaping.
assert(isa<OpaqueValueExpr>(arg) &&
"unexpected expression yielding noescape closure");
if (!noescapeArgument) return;
enum class OperandKind {
/// The DRE argument is a reference to a noescape parameter. Verify that
/// its uses are ok.
void checkNoEscapeParameterUse(DeclRefExpr *DRE, Expr *parent,
OperandKind useKind) {
// This only cares about declarations of noescape function type.
auto AFT = DRE->getDecl()->getInterfaceType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (!AFT || !AFT->isNoEscape())
// Only diagnose this once. If we check and accept this use higher up in
// the AST, don't recheck here.
if (!AlreadyDiagnosedNoEscapes.insert(DRE).second)
// The only valid use of the noescape parameter is an immediate call,
// either as the callee or as an argument (in which case, the typechecker
// validates that the noescape bit didn't get stripped off), or as
// a special case, e.g. in the binding of a withoutActuallyEscaping block
// or the argument of a type(of: ...).
if (parent) {
if (auto apply = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(parent)) {
if (isa<ParamDecl>(DRE->getDecl()) && useKind == OperandKind::Callee)
} else if (isa<SubscriptExpr>(parent)
&& useKind == OperandKind::Argument) {
} else if (isa<MakeTemporarilyEscapableExpr>(parent)) {
} else if (isa<DynamicTypeExpr>(parent)) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getStartLoc(), diag::invalid_noescape_use,
// If we're a parameter, emit a helpful fixit to add @escaping
auto paramDecl = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
if (paramDecl) {
TC.diagnose(paramDecl->getStartLoc(), diag::noescape_parameter,
"@escaping ");
// Diagnose metatype values that don't appear as part of a property,
// method, or constructor reference.
void checkUseOfMetaTypeName(Expr *E) {
// If we've already checked this at a higher level, we're done.
if (!AlreadyDiagnosedMetatypes.insert(E).second)
// Allow references to types as a part of:
// - member references, T.Type, T.self, etc.
// - constructor calls T()
if (auto *ParentExpr = Parent.getAsExpr()) {
// This is an exhaustive list of the accepted syntactic forms.
if (isa<ErrorExpr>(ParentExpr) ||
isa<DotSelfExpr>(ParentExpr) || // T.self
isa<CallExpr>(ParentExpr) || // T()
isa<MemberRefExpr>(ParentExpr) || //
isa<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(ParentExpr) ||
isa<SelfApplyExpr>(ParentExpr) || // T()
isa<UnresolvedDotExpr>(ParentExpr) ||
isa<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(ParentExpr) ||
isa<UnresolvedSpecializeExpr>(ParentExpr) ||
isa<OpenExistentialExpr>(ParentExpr)) {
// Is this a protocol metatype?
TC.diagnose(E->getStartLoc(), diag::value_of_metatype_type);
// Add fix-it to insert '()', only if this is a metatype of
// non-existential type and has any initializers.
bool isExistential = false;
if (auto metaTy = E->getType()->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
auto instanceTy = metaTy->getInstanceType();
isExistential = instanceTy->isExistentialType();
if (!isExistential &&
instanceTy->mayHaveMembers() &&
!TC.lookupConstructors(const_cast<DeclContext *>(DC),
instanceTy).empty()) {
TC.diagnose(E->getEndLoc(), diag::add_parens_to_type)
.fixItInsertAfter(E->getEndLoc(), "()");
// Add fix-it to insert ".self".
auto diag = TC.diagnose(E->getEndLoc(), diag::add_self_to_type);
if (E->canAppendPostfixExpression()) {
diag.fixItInsertAfter(E->getEndLoc(), ".self");
} else {
diag.fixItInsert(E->getStartLoc(), "(");
diag.fixItInsertAfter(E->getEndLoc(), ").self");
void checkUnqualifiedAccessUse(const DeclRefExpr *DRE) {
const Decl *D = DRE->getDecl();
if (!D->getAttrs().hasAttribute<WarnUnqualifiedAccessAttr>())
if (auto *parentExpr = Parent.getAsExpr()) {
if (auto *ignoredBase = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(parentExpr)){
if (!ignoredBase->isImplicit())
if (auto *calledBase = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(parentExpr)) {
if (!calledBase->isImplicit())
const auto *VD = cast<ValueDecl>(D);
const TypeDecl *declParent =
if (!declParent) {
// If the declaration has been validated but not fully type-checked,
// the attribute might be applied to something invalid.
if (!VD->getDeclContext()->isModuleScopeContext())
declParent = VD->getDeclContext()->getParentModule();
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::warn_unqualified_access,
VD->getBaseName().getIdentifier(), VD->getDescriptiveKind(),
declParent->getDescriptiveKind(), declParent->getFullName());
TC.diagnose(VD, diag::decl_declared_here, VD->getFullName());
if (VD->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::fix_unqualified_access_member)
.fixItInsert(DRE->getStartLoc(), "self.");
DeclContext *topLevelContext = DC->getModuleScopeContext();
UnqualifiedLookup lookup(VD->getBaseName(), topLevelContext, &TC,
// Group results by module. Pick an arbitrary result from each module.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<const ModuleDecl*,const ValueDecl*,4> resultsByModule;
for (auto &result : lookup.Results) {
const ValueDecl *value = result.getValueDecl();
// Sort by module name.
using ModuleValuePair = std::pair<const ModuleDecl *, const ValueDecl *>;
SmallVector<ModuleValuePair, 4> sortedResults{
resultsByModule.begin(), resultsByModule.end()
llvm::array_pod_sort(sortedResults.begin(), sortedResults.end(),
[](const ModuleValuePair *lhs,
const ModuleValuePair *rhs) {
return lhs->first->getName().compare(rhs->first->getName());
auto topLevelDiag = diag::fix_unqualified_access_top_level;
if (sortedResults.size() > 1)
topLevelDiag = diag::fix_unqualified_access_top_level_multi;
for (const ModuleValuePair &pair : sortedResults) {
DescriptiveDeclKind k = pair.second->getDescriptiveKind();
SmallString<32> namePlusDot = pair.first->getName().str();
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), topLevelDiag,
namePlusDot, k, pair.first->getName())
.fixItInsert(DRE->getStartLoc(), namePlusDot);
void checkForDeclWithSpecialTypeCheckingSemantics(const DeclRefExpr *DRE) {
// Referencing type(of:) and other decls with special type-checking
// behavior as functions is not implemented. Maybe we could wrap up the
// special-case behavior in a closure someday...
if (TC.getDeclTypeCheckingSemantics(DRE->getDecl())
!= DeclTypeCheckingSemantics::Normal) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::unsupported_special_decl_ref,
enum BitcastableNumberKind {
BNK_None = 0,
BitcastableNumberKind getBitcastableNumberKind(Type t) const {
auto decl = t->getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal();
#define MATCH_DECL(type) \
if (decl == TC.Context.get##type##Decl()) \
return BNK_##type;
return BNK_None;
static constexpr unsigned BNKPair(BitcastableNumberKind a,
BitcastableNumberKind b) {
return (a << 8) | b;
void checkForSuspiciousBitCasts(DeclRefExpr *DRE,
Expr *Parent = nullptr) {
if (DRE->getDecl() != TC.Context.getUnsafeBitCast())
if (DRE->getDeclRef().getSubstitutions().empty())
// Don't check the same use of unsafeBitCast twice.
if (!AlreadyDiagnosedBitCasts.insert(DRE).second)
auto subMap = DRE->getDeclRef().getSubstitutions();
auto fromTy =
Type(GenericTypeParamType::get(0, 0, TC.Context)).subst(subMap);
auto toTy =
Type(GenericTypeParamType::get(0, 1, TC.Context)).subst(subMap);
// Warn about `unsafeBitCast` formulations that are undefined behavior
// or have better-defined alternative APIs that can be used instead.
// If we have a parent ApplyExpr that calls bitcast, extract the argument
// for fixits.
Expr *subExpr = nullptr;
CharSourceRange removeBeforeRange, removeAfterRange;
if (auto apply = dyn_cast_or_null<ApplyExpr>(Parent)) {
if (auto args = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(apply->getArg())) {
subExpr = args->getElement(0);
// Determine the fixit range from the start of the application to
// the first argument, `unsafeBitCast(`
removeBeforeRange = CharSourceRange(TC.Context.SourceMgr,
// Determine the fixit range from the end of the first argument to
// the end of the application, `, to: T.self)`
removeAfterRange = CharSourceRange(TC.Context.SourceMgr,
// Casting to the same type or a superclass is a no-op.
if (toTy->isEqual(fromTy) ||
toTy->isExactSuperclassOf(fromTy)) {
auto d = TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::bitcasting_is_no_op,
fromTy, toTy);
if (subExpr) {
if (auto fromFnTy = fromTy->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
if (auto toFnTy = toTy->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
// Casting a nonescaping function to escaping is UB.
// `withoutActuallyEscaping` ought to be used instead.
if (fromFnTy->isNoEscape() && !toFnTy->isNoEscape()) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::bitcasting_away_noescape,
fromTy, toTy);
// Changing function representation (say, to try to force a
// @convention(c) function pointer to exist) is also unlikely to work.
if (fromFnTy->getRepresentation() != toFnTy->getRepresentation()) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::bitcasting_to_change_function_rep,
fromTy, toTy);
// Unchecked casting to a subclass is better done by unsafeDowncast.
if (fromTy->isBindableToSuperclassOf(toTy)) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::bitcasting_to_downcast,
fromTy, toTy)
// Casting among pointer types should use the Unsafe*Pointer APIs for
// rebinding typed memory or accessing raw memory instead.
PointerTypeKind fromPTK, toPTK;
Type fromPointee = fromTy->getAnyPointerElementType(fromPTK);
Type toPointee = toTy->getAnyPointerElementType(toPTK);
if (fromPointee && toPointee) {
// Casting to a pointer to the same type or UnsafeRawPointer can use
// normal initializers on the destination type.
if (toPointee->isEqual(fromPointee)
|| isRawPointerKind(toPTK)) {
auto d = TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(),
fromTy, toTy,
if (subExpr) {
StringRef before, after;
switch (toPTK) {
case PTK_UnsafePointer:
// UnsafePointer(mutablePointer)
before = "UnsafePointer(";
after = ")";
case PTK_UnsafeMutablePointer:
case PTK_AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer:
before = "UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ";
after = ")";
case PTK_UnsafeRawPointer:
// UnsafeRawPointer(pointer)
before = "UnsafeRawPointer(";
after = ")";
case PTK_UnsafeMutableRawPointer:
// UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: rawPointer)
before = fromPTK == PTK_UnsafeMutablePointer
? "UnsafeMutableRawPointer("
: "UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: ";
after = ")";
// Casting to a different typed pointer type should use
// withMemoryRebound.
if (!isRawPointerKind(fromPTK) && !isRawPointerKind(toPTK)) {
fromTy, toTy);
// Casting a raw pointer to a typed pointer should bind the memory
// (or assume it's already bound).
assert(isRawPointerKind(fromPTK) && !isRawPointerKind(toPTK)
&& "unhandled cast combo?!");
fromTy, toTy);
if (subExpr) {
SmallString<64> fixitBuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(fixitBuf);
os << ".assumingMemoryBound(to: ";
os << ".self)";
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(fixitBuf);
os << ".bindMemory(to: ";
os << ".self, capacity: <""#capacity#"">)";
StringRef replaceBefore, replaceAfter;
Optional<Diag<Type, Type>> diagID;
SmallString<64> replaceBeforeBuf;
// Bitcasting among numeric types should use `bitPattern:` initializers.
auto fromBNK = getBitcastableNumberKind(fromTy);
auto toBNK = getBitcastableNumberKind(toTy);
if (fromBNK && toBNK) {
switch (BNKPair(fromBNK, toBNK)) {
// Combos that can be bitPattern-ed with a constructor
case BNKPair(BNK_Int8, BNK_UInt8):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt8, BNK_Int8):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int16, BNK_UInt16):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt16, BNK_Int16):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int32, BNK_UInt32):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt32, BNK_Int32):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int64, BNK_UInt64):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt64, BNK_Int64):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_UInt):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_Int):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt32, BNK_Float):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt64, BNK_Double):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ")";
// Combos that can be bitPattern-ed with a constructor and sign flip
case BNKPair(BNK_Int32, BNK_Float):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int64, BNK_Double):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
if (fromBNK == BNK_Int32)
os << "UInt32(bitPattern: ";
os << "UInt64(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = "))";
// Combos that can be bitPattern-ed with a property
case BNKPair(BNK_Float, BNK_UInt32):
case BNKPair(BNK_Double, BNK_UInt64):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_property;
replaceAfter = ".bitPattern";
// Combos that can be bitPattern-ed with a property and sign flip
case BNKPair(BNK_Float, BNK_Int32):
case BNKPair(BNK_Double, BNK_Int64):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_property;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ")";
// Combos that can be bitPattern-ed with a constructor once (U)Int is
// converted to a sized type.
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_Float):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_UInt32):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_Int32):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_UInt64):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_Int64):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_Double):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
if (fromBNK == BNK_Int)
os << "Int";
os << "UInt";
if (toBNK == BNK_Float
|| toBNK == BNK_Int32
|| toBNK == BNK_UInt32)
os << "32(";
os << "64(";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = "))";
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_Float):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_Double):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: UInt";
if (toBNK == BNK_Float
|| toBNK == BNK_Int32
|| toBNK == BNK_UInt32)
os << "32(bitPattern: Int32(";
os << "64(bitPattern: Int64(";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ")))";
// Combos that can be bitPattern-ed then converted from a sized type
// to (U)Int.
case BNKPair(BNK_Int32, BNK_UInt):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt32, BNK_Int):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int64, BNK_UInt):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt64, BNK_Int):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(";
if (toBNK == BNK_UInt)
os << "UInt";
os << "Int";
if (fromBNK == BNK_Int32 || fromBNK == BNK_UInt32)
os << "32(bitPattern: ";
os << "64(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = "))";
case BNKPair(BNK_Float, BNK_UInt):
case BNKPair(BNK_Double, BNK_UInt):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_property;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ".bitPattern)";
case BNKPair(BNK_Float, BNK_Int):
case BNKPair(BNK_Double, BNK_Int):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_property;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: UInt(";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ".bitPattern))";
// Combos that should be done with a value-preserving initializer.
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_Int32):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int, BNK_Int64):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_UInt32):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt, BNK_UInt64):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int32, BNK_Int):
case BNKPair(BNK_Int64, BNK_Int):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt32, BNK_UInt):
case BNKPair(BNK_UInt64, BNK_UInt):
diagID = diag::bitcasting_to_change_from_unsized_to_sized_int;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << '(';
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ")";
// Leave other combos alone.
// Casting a pointer to an int or back should also use bitPattern
// initializers.
if (fromPointee && toBNK) {
switch (toBNK) {
case BNK_UInt:
case BNK_Int:
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ")";
case BNK_UInt64:
case BNK_UInt32:
case BNK_Int64:
case BNK_Int32:
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << '(';
if (toBNK == BNK_UInt32 || toBNK == BNK_UInt64)
os << "UInt(bitPattern: ";
os << "Int(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = "))";
if (fromBNK && toPointee) {
switch (fromBNK) {
case BNK_UInt:
case BNK_Int:
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = ")";
case BNK_UInt64:
case BNK_UInt32:
case BNK_Int64:
case BNK_Int32:
diagID = diag::bitcasting_for_number_bit_pattern_init;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(replaceBeforeBuf);
os << "(bitPattern: ";
if (fromBNK == BNK_Int32 || fromBNK == BNK_Int64)
os << "Int(";
os << "UInt(";
replaceBefore = replaceBeforeBuf;
replaceAfter = "))";
if (diagID) {
auto d = TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), *diagID, fromTy, toTy);
if (subExpr) {
/// Return true if this is a 'nil' literal. This looks
/// like this if the type is Optional<T>:
/// (dot_syntax_call_expr implicit type='Int?'
/// (declref_expr implicit decl=Optional.none)
/// (type_expr type=Int?))
/// Or like this if it is any other ExpressibleByNilLiteral type:
/// (dot_syntax_call_expr implicit type='Int?'
/// (declref_expr implicit decl=Optional.none)
/// (type_expr type=Int?))
bool isTypeCheckedOptionalNil(Expr *E) {
auto CE = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr());
if (!CE || !CE->isImplicit())
return false;
// First case -- Optional.none
if (auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CE->getSemanticFn()))
return DRE->getDecl() == TC.Context.getOptionalNoneDecl();
// Second case -- init(nilLiteral:)
auto CRCE = dyn_cast<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(CE->getSemanticFn());
if (!CRCE || !CRCE->isImplicit()) return false;
if (auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CRCE->getSemanticFn())) {
SmallString<32> NameBuffer;
auto name = DRE->getDecl()->getFullName().getString(NameBuffer);
return name == "init(nilLiteral:)";
return false;
/// Warn about surprising implicit optional promotions involving operands to
/// calls. Specifically, we warn about these expressions when the 'x'
/// operand is implicitly promoted to optional:
/// x ?? y
/// x == nil // also !=
void checkOptionalPromotions(ApplyExpr *call) {
// We only care about binary expressions.
if (!isa<BinaryExpr>(call)) return;
// Dig out the function we're calling.
auto fnExpr = call->getSemanticFn();
if (auto dotSyntax = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(fnExpr))
fnExpr = dotSyntax->getSemanticFn();
auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(fnExpr);
auto args = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(call->getArg());
if (!DRE || !DRE->getDecl()->isOperator() ||
!args || args->getNumElements() != 2)
auto lhs = args->getElement(0);
auto rhs = args->getElement(1);
auto calleeName = DRE->getDecl()->getBaseName();
Expr *subExpr = nullptr;
if (calleeName == "??" &&
(subExpr = isImplicitPromotionToOptional(lhs))) {
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::use_of_qq_on_non_optional_value,
.fixItRemove(SourceRange(DRE->getLoc(), rhs->getEndLoc()));
if (calleeName == "==" || calleeName == "!=" ||
calleeName == "===" || calleeName == "!==") {
if (((subExpr = isImplicitPromotionToOptional(lhs)) &&
isTypeCheckedOptionalNil(rhs)) ||
(isTypeCheckedOptionalNil(lhs) &&
(subExpr = isImplicitPromotionToOptional(rhs)))) {
bool isTrue = calleeName == "!=" || calleeName == "!==";
TC.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::nonoptional_compare_to_nil,
subExpr->getType(), isTrue)
DiagnoseWalker Walker(TC, DC, isExprStmt);
const_cast<Expr *>(E)->walk(Walker);
// Diagnose uses of collection literals with defaulted types at the top
// level.
if (auto collection
= dyn_cast<CollectionExpr>(E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr())) {
if (collection->isTypeDefaulted()) {
const_cast<CollectionExpr *>(collection));
/// Diagnose recursive use of properties within their own accessors
static void diagRecursivePropertyAccess(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E,
const DeclContext *DC) {
auto fn = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(DC);
if (!fn)
auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(fn->getStorage());
if (!var) // Ignore subscripts
class DiagnoseWalker : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
VarDecl *Var;
const AccessorDecl *Accessor;
explicit DiagnoseWalker(TypeChecker &TC, VarDecl *var,
const AccessorDecl *Accessor)
: TC(TC), Var(var), Accessor(Accessor) {}
/// Return true if this is an implicit reference to self.
static bool isImplicitSelfUse(Expr *E) {
auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E);
return DRE && DRE->isImplicit() && isa<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl()) &&
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
Expr *subExpr;
bool isStore = false;
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E)) {
subExpr = AE->getDest();
// If we couldn't flatten this expression, don't explode.
if (!subExpr)
return { true, E };
isStore = true;
} else if (auto *IOE = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(E)) {
subExpr = IOE->getSubExpr();
isStore = true;
} else {
subExpr = E;
if (auto *BOE = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(subExpr))
subExpr = BOE;
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(subExpr)) {
if (DRE->getDecl() == Var) {
// Handle local and top-level computed variables.
if (DRE->getAccessSemantics() == AccessSemantics::Ordinary) {
bool shouldDiagnose = false;
// Warn about any property access in the getter.
if (Accessor->isGetter())
shouldDiagnose = !isStore;
// Warn about stores in the setter, but allow loads.
if (Accessor->isSetter())
shouldDiagnose = isStore;
// But silence the warning if the base was explicitly qualified.
auto parentAsExpr = Parent.getAsExpr();
if (parentAsExpr && isa<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(parentAsExpr))
shouldDiagnose = false;
if (shouldDiagnose) {
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getLoc(), diag::recursive_accessor_reference,
Var->getName(), Accessor->isSetter());
// If this is a direct store in a "willSet", we reject this because
// it is about to get overwritten.
if (isStore &&
DRE->getAccessSemantics() == AccessSemantics::DirectToStorage &&
Accessor->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::WillSet) {
TC.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::store_in_willset, Var->getName());
} else if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(subExpr)) {
// Handle instance and type computed variables.
// Find MemberRefExprs that have an implicit "self" base.
if (MRE->getMember().getDecl() == Var &&
isa<DeclRefExpr>(MRE->getBase()) &&
isImplicitSelfUse(MRE->getBase())) {
if (MRE->getAccessSemantics() == AccessSemantics::Ordinary) {
bool shouldDiagnose = false;
// Warn about any property access in the getter.
if (Accessor->isGetter())
shouldDiagnose = !isStore;
// Warn about stores in the setter, but allow loads.
if (Accessor->isSetter())
shouldDiagnose = isStore;
if (shouldDiagnose) {
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getLoc(), diag::recursive_accessor_reference,
Var->getName(), Accessor->isSetter());
.fixItInsert(subExpr->getStartLoc(), "self.");
// If this is a direct store in a "willSet", we reject this because
// it is about to get overwritten.
if (isStore &&
MRE->getAccessSemantics() == AccessSemantics::DirectToStorage &&
Accessor->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::WillSet) {
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getLoc(), diag::store_in_willset,
return { true, E };
DiagnoseWalker walker(TC, var, fn);
const_cast<Expr *>(E)->walk(walker);
/// Look for any property references in closures that lack a "self." qualifier.
/// Within a closure, we require that the source code contain "self." explicitly
/// because 'self' is captured, not the property value. This is a common source
/// of confusion, so we force an explicit self.
static void diagnoseImplicitSelfUseInClosure(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E,
const DeclContext *DC) {
class DiagnoseWalker : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
unsigned InClosure;
explicit DiagnoseWalker(TypeChecker &TC, bool isAlreadyInClosure)
: TC(TC), InClosure(isAlreadyInClosure) {}
/// Return true if this is an implicit reference to self.
static bool isImplicitSelfUse(Expr *E) {
auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E);
return DRE && DRE->isImplicit() && isa<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl()) &&
cast<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl())->isSelfParameter() &&
// Metatype self captures don't extend the lifetime of an object.
/// Return true if this is a closure expression that will require "self."
/// qualification of member references.
static bool isClosureRequiringSelfQualification(
const AbstractClosureExpr *CE) {
// If the closure's type was inferred to be noescape, then it doesn't
// need qualification.
return !AnyFunctionRef(const_cast<AbstractClosureExpr *>(CE))
// Don't walk into nested decls.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
return false;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<AbstractClosureExpr>(E)) {
if (!CE->hasSingleExpressionBody())
return { false, E };
// If this is a potentially-escaping closure expression, start looking
// for references to self if we aren't already.
if (isClosureRequiringSelfQualification(CE))
// If we aren't in a closure, no diagnostics will be produced.
if (!InClosure)
return { true, E };
// If we see a property reference with an implicit base from within a
// closure, then reject it as requiring an explicit "self." qualifier. We
// do this in explicit closures, not autoclosures, because otherwise the
// transparence of autoclosures is lost.
if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(E))
if (isImplicitSelfUse(MRE->getBase())) {
.fixItInsert(MRE->getLoc(), "self.");
return { false, E };
// Handle method calls with a specific diagnostic + fixit.
if (auto *DSCE = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(E))
if (isImplicitSelfUse(DSCE->getBase()) &&
isa<DeclRefExpr>(DSCE->getFn())) {
auto MethodExpr = cast<DeclRefExpr>(DSCE->getFn());
.fixItInsert(DSCE->getLoc(), "self.");
return { false, E };
// Catch any other implicit uses of self with a generic diagnostic.
if (isImplicitSelfUse(E))
TC.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::implicit_use_of_self_in_closure);
return { true, E };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *E) override {
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<AbstractClosureExpr>(E)) {
if (isClosureRequiringSelfQualification(CE)) {
return E;
bool isAlreadyInClosure = false;
if (DC->isLocalContext()) {
while (DC->getParent()->isLocalContext() && !isAlreadyInClosure) {
if (auto *closure = dyn_cast<AbstractClosureExpr>(DC))
if (DiagnoseWalker::isClosureRequiringSelfQualification(closure))
isAlreadyInClosure = true;
DC = DC->getParent();
const_cast<Expr *>(E)->walk(DiagnoseWalker(TC, isAlreadyInClosure));
bool TypeChecker::getDefaultGenericArgumentsString(
SmallVectorImpl<char> &buf,
const swift::GenericTypeDecl *typeDecl,
llvm::function_ref<Type(const GenericTypeParamDecl *)> getPreferredType) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream genericParamText{buf};
genericParamText << "<";
auto printGenericParamSummary =
[&](GenericTypeParamType *genericParamTy) {
const GenericTypeParamDecl *genericParam = genericParamTy->getDecl();
if (Type result = getPreferredType(genericParam)) {
auto contextTy = typeDecl->mapTypeIntoContext(genericParamTy);
if (auto archetypeTy = contextTy->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
SmallVector<Type, 2> members;
bool hasExplicitAnyObject = archetypeTy->requiresClass();
if (auto superclass = archetypeTy->getSuperclass()) {
hasExplicitAnyObject = false;
for (auto proto : archetypeTy->getConformsTo()) {
if (proto->requiresClass())
hasExplicitAnyObject = false;
if (hasExplicitAnyObject)
auto type = ProtocolCompositionType::get(typeDecl->getASTContext(),
members, hasExplicitAnyObject);
if (type->isObjCExistentialType() || type->isAny()) {
genericParamText << type;
genericParamText << "<#" << genericParam->getName() << ": ";
genericParamText << type << "#>";
genericParamText << contextTy;
printGenericParamSummary, [&]{ genericParamText << ", "; });
genericParamText << ">";
return true;
/// Diagnose an argument labeling issue, returning true if we successfully
/// diagnosed the issue.
bool swift::diagnoseArgumentLabelError(ASTContext &ctx,
const Expr *expr,
ArrayRef<Identifier> newNames,
bool isSubscript,
InFlightDiagnostic *existingDiag) {
Optional<InFlightDiagnostic> diagOpt;
auto getDiag = [&]() -> InFlightDiagnostic & {
if (existingDiag)
return *existingDiag;
return *diagOpt;
auto &diags = ctx.Diags;
auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(expr);
if (!tuple) {
if (newNames[0].empty()) {
// We don't know what to do with this.
return false;
llvm::SmallString<16> str;
// If the diagnostic is local, flush it before returning.
// This makes sure it's emitted before 'str' is destroyed.
SWIFT_DEFER { diagOpt.reset(); };
// This is a scalar-to-tuple conversion. Add the name. We "know"
// that we're inside a ParenExpr, because ParenExprs are required
// by the syntax and locator resolution looks through on level of
// them.
// Look through the paren expression, if there is one.
if (auto parenExpr = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(expr))
expr = parenExpr->getSubExpr();
str += newNames[0].str();
str += ": ";
if (!existingDiag) {
false, str.str().drop_back(),
getDiag().fixItInsert(expr->getStartLoc(), str);
return true;
// Figure out how many extraneous, missing, and wrong labels are in
// the call.
unsigned numExtra = 0, numMissing = 0, numWrong = 0;
unsigned n = std::max(tuple->getNumElements(), (unsigned)newNames.size());
llvm::SmallString<16> missingBuffer;
llvm::SmallString<16> extraBuffer;
for (unsigned i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
Identifier oldName;
if (i < tuple->getNumElements())
oldName = tuple->getElementName(i);
Identifier newName;
if (i < newNames.size())
newName = newNames[i];
if (oldName == newName ||
(tuple->hasTrailingClosure() && i == tuple->getNumElements()-1))
if (oldName.empty()) {
missingBuffer += newName.str();
missingBuffer += ":";
} else if (newName.empty()) {
extraBuffer += oldName.str();
extraBuffer += ':';
} else
// Emit the diagnostic.
assert(numMissing > 0 || numExtra > 0 || numWrong > 0);
llvm::SmallString<16> haveBuffer; // note: diagOpt has references to this
llvm::SmallString<16> expectedBuffer; // note: diagOpt has references to this
// If we had any wrong labels, or we have both missing and extra labels,
// emit the catch-all "wrong labels" diagnostic.
if (!existingDiag) {
bool plural = (numMissing + numExtra + numWrong) > 1;
if (numWrong > 0 || (numMissing > 0 && numExtra > 0)) {
for (unsigned i = 0, n = tuple->getNumElements(); i != n; ++i) {
auto haveName = tuple->getElementName(i);
if (haveName.empty())
haveBuffer += '_';
haveBuffer += haveName.str();
haveBuffer += ':';
for (auto expected : newNames) {
if (expected.empty())
expectedBuffer += '_';
expectedBuffer += expected.str();
expectedBuffer += ':';
StringRef haveStr = haveBuffer;
StringRef expectedStr = expectedBuffer;
plural, haveStr, expectedStr,
} else if (numMissing > 0) {
StringRef missingStr = missingBuffer;
plural, missingStr, isSubscript));
} else {
assert(numExtra > 0);
StringRef extraStr = extraBuffer;
plural, extraStr, isSubscript));
// Emit Fix-Its to correct the names.
auto &diag = getDiag();
for (unsigned i = 0, n = tuple->getNumElements(); i != n; ++i) {
Identifier oldName = tuple->getElementName(i);
Identifier newName;
if (i < newNames.size())
newName = newNames[i];
if (oldName == newName || (i == n-1 && tuple->hasTrailingClosure()))
if (newName.empty()) {
// Delete the old name.
bool newNameIsReserved = !canBeArgumentLabel(newName.str());
llvm::SmallString<16> newStr;
if (newNameIsReserved)
newStr += "`";
newStr += newName.str();
if (newNameIsReserved)
newStr += "`";
if (oldName.empty()) {
// Insert the name.
newStr += ": ";
diag.fixItInsert(tuple->getElement(i)->getStartLoc(), newStr);
// Change the name.
diag.fixItReplace(tuple->getElementNameLocs()[i], newStr);
// If the diagnostic is local, flush it before returning.
// This makes sure it's emitted before the message text buffers are destroyed.
return true;
static const Expr *lookThroughExprsToImmediateDeallocation(const Expr *E) {
// Look through various expressions that don't affect the fact that the user
// will be assigning a class instance that will be immediately deallocated.
while (true) {
E = E->getValueProvidingExpr();
// We don't currently deal with tuple shuffles.
if (isa<TupleShuffleExpr>(E))
return E;
// If we have a TupleElementExpr with a child TupleExpr, dig into that
// element.
if (auto *TEE = dyn_cast<TupleElementExpr>(E)) {
auto *subExpr = lookThroughExprsToImmediateDeallocation(TEE->getBase());
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(subExpr)) {
auto *element = TE->getElements()[TEE->getFieldNumber()];
return lookThroughExprsToImmediateDeallocation(element);
return subExpr;
if (auto *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(E)) {
E = ICE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(E)) {
E = CE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *OEE = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(E)) {
E = OEE->getSubExpr();
// Look through optional evaluations, we still want to diagnose on
// things like initializers called through optional chaining and the
// unwrapping of failable initializers.
if (auto *OEE = dyn_cast<OptionalEvaluationExpr>(E)) {
E = OEE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *OBE = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(E)) {
E = OBE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *FOE = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(E)) {
E = FOE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *ATE = dyn_cast<AnyTryExpr>(E)) {
E = ATE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *DSBIE = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(E)) {
E = DSBIE->getRHS();
return E;
static void diagnoseUnownedImmediateDeallocationImpl(TypeChecker &TC,
const VarDecl *varDecl,
const Expr *initExpr,
SourceLoc diagLoc,
SourceRange diagRange) {
auto *ownershipAttr =
if (!ownershipAttr || ownershipAttr->isInvalid())
// Only diagnose for non-owning ownerships such as 'weak' and 'unowned'.
// Zero is the default/strong ownership strength.
if (ReferenceOwnership::Strong == ownershipAttr->get() ||
isLessStrongThan(ReferenceOwnership::Strong, ownershipAttr->get()))
// Try to find a call to a constructor.
initExpr = lookThroughExprsToImmediateDeallocation(initExpr);
auto *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(initExpr);
if (!CE)
auto *CRCE = dyn_cast<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(CE->getFn());
if (!CRCE)
auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(CRCE->getFn());
if (!DRE)
auto *constructorDecl = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
if (!constructorDecl)
// Make sure the constructor constructs an instance that allows ownership.
// This is to ensure we don't diagnose on constructors such as
// Optional.init(nilLiteral:).
auto selfType = constructorDecl->getDeclContext()->getSelfTypeInContext();
if (!selfType->allowsOwnership())
// This must stay in sync with
// diag::unowned_assignment_immediate_deallocation.
enum {
SK_Variable = 0,
} storageKind = SK_Variable;
if (varDecl->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext())
storageKind = SK_Property;
TC.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::unowned_assignment_immediate_deallocation,
varDecl->getName(), ownershipAttr->get(), unsigned(storageKind))
TC.diagnose(diagLoc, diag::unowned_assignment_requires_strong)
TC.diagnose(varDecl, diag::decl_declared_here, varDecl->getFullName());
void swift::diagnoseUnownedImmediateDeallocation(TypeChecker &TC,
const AssignExpr *assignExpr) {
auto *destExpr = assignExpr->getDest()->getValueProvidingExpr();
auto *initExpr = assignExpr->getSrc();
// Try to find a referenced VarDecl.
const VarDecl *VD = nullptr;
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(destExpr)) {
VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl());
} else if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(destExpr)) {
VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(MRE->getMember().getDecl());
if (VD)
diagnoseUnownedImmediateDeallocationImpl(TC, VD, initExpr,
void swift::diagnoseUnownedImmediateDeallocation(TypeChecker &TC,
const Pattern *pattern,
SourceLoc equalLoc,
const Expr *initExpr) {
pattern = pattern->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
if (auto *TP = dyn_cast<TuplePattern>(pattern)) {
initExpr = lookThroughExprsToImmediateDeallocation(initExpr);
// If we've found a matching tuple initializer with the same number of
// elements as our pattern, diagnose each element individually.
auto TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(initExpr);
if (TE && TE->getNumElements() == TP->getNumElements()) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TP->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
const TuplePatternElt &elt = TP->getElement(i);
const Pattern *subPattern = elt.getPattern();
Expr *subInitExpr = TE->getElement(i);
diagnoseUnownedImmediateDeallocation(TC, subPattern, equalLoc,
} else if (auto *NP = dyn_cast<NamedPattern>(pattern)) {
diagnoseUnownedImmediateDeallocationImpl(TC, NP->getDecl(), initExpr,
bool swift::fixItOverrideDeclarationTypes(InFlightDiagnostic &diag,
ValueDecl *decl,
const ValueDecl *base) {
// For now, just rewrite cases where the base uses a value type and the
// override uses a reference type, and the value type is bridged to the
// reference type. This is a way to migrate code that makes use of types
// that previously were not bridged to value types.
auto checkValueReferenceType =
[&](Type overrideTy, VarDecl::Specifier overrideSpec,
Type baseTy, VarDecl::Specifier baseSpec,
SourceRange typeRange) -> bool {
if (typeRange.isInvalid())
return false;
auto normalizeType = [](Type &ty, VarDecl::Specifier spec) -> Type {
Type normalizedTy = ty;
if (Type unwrappedTy = normalizedTy->getOptionalObjectType())
normalizedTy = unwrappedTy;
if (spec == VarDecl::Specifier::InOut)
ty = InOutType::get(ty);
return normalizedTy;
// Is the base type bridged?
Type normalizedBaseTy = normalizeType(baseTy, baseSpec);
const DeclContext *DC = decl->getDeclContext();
ASTContext &ctx = decl->getASTContext();
// ...and just knowing that it's bridged isn't good enough if we don't
// know what it's bridged /to/. Also, don't do this check for trivial
// bridging---that doesn't count.
Type bridged;
if (normalizedBaseTy->isAny()) {
bridged = ctx.getAnyObjectType();
} else {
bridged = ctx.getBridgedToObjC(DC, normalizedBaseTy);
if (!bridged || bridged->isEqual(normalizedBaseTy))
return false;
// ...and is it bridged to the overridden type?
Type normalizedOverrideTy = normalizeType(overrideTy, overrideSpec);
if (!bridged->isEqual(normalizedOverrideTy)) {
// If both are nominal types, check again, ignoring generic arguments.
auto *overrideNominal = normalizedOverrideTy->getAnyNominal();
if (!overrideNominal || bridged->getAnyNominal() != overrideNominal) {
return false;
Type newOverrideTy = baseTy;
// Preserve optionality if we're dealing with a simple type.
if (Type unwrappedTy = newOverrideTy->getOptionalObjectType())
newOverrideTy = unwrappedTy;
if (overrideTy->getOptionalObjectType())
newOverrideTy = OptionalType::get(newOverrideTy);
SmallString<32> baseTypeBuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream baseTypeStr(baseTypeBuf);
PrintOptions options;
options.SynthesizeSugarOnTypes = true;
newOverrideTy->print(baseTypeStr, options);
diag.fixItReplace(typeRange, baseTypeStr.str());
return true;
// Check if overriding fails because we lack @escaping attribute on the function
// type repr.
auto checkTypeMissingEscaping = [&](Type overrideTy, Type baseTy,
SourceRange typeRange) -> bool {
// Fix-it needs position to apply.
if (typeRange.isInvalid())
return false;
auto overrideFnTy = overrideTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
auto baseFnTy = baseTy->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
// Both types should be function.
if (overrideFnTy && baseFnTy &&
// The overriding function type should be no escaping.
overrideFnTy->getExtInfo().isNoEscape() &&
// The overridden function type should be escaping.
!baseFnTy->getExtInfo().isNoEscape()) {
diag.fixItInsert(typeRange.Start, "@escaping ");
return true;
return false;
auto checkType = [&](Type overrideTy, VarDecl::Specifier overrideSpec,
Type baseTy, VarDecl::Specifier baseSpec,
SourceRange typeRange) -> bool {
return checkValueReferenceType(overrideTy, overrideSpec,
baseTy, baseSpec, typeRange) ||
checkTypeMissingEscaping(overrideTy, baseTy, typeRange);
if (auto *var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(decl)) {
SourceRange typeRange = var->getTypeSourceRangeForDiagnostics();
auto *baseVar = cast<VarDecl>(base);
return checkType(var->getInterfaceType(), var->getSpecifier(),
baseVar->getInterfaceType(), var->getSpecifier(),
if (auto *fn = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)) {
auto *baseFn = cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(base);
bool fixedAny = false;
if (fn->getParameters()->size() ==
baseFn->getParameters()->size()) {
[&](ParamDecl *param, const ParamDecl *baseParam) {
fixedAny |= fixItOverrideDeclarationTypes(diag, param, baseParam);
if (auto *method = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl)) {
auto resultType = method->mapTypeIntoContext(
auto *baseMethod = cast<FuncDecl>(base);
auto baseResultType = baseMethod->mapTypeIntoContext(
fixedAny |= checkType(resultType, VarDecl::Specifier::Default,
baseResultType, VarDecl::Specifier::Default,
return fixedAny;
if (auto *subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(decl)) {
auto *baseSubscript = cast<SubscriptDecl>(base);
bool fixedAny = false;
if (subscript->getIndices()->size() ==
baseSubscript->getIndices()->size()) {
[&](ParamDecl *param, const ParamDecl *baseParam) {
fixedAny |= fixItOverrideDeclarationTypes(diag, param, baseParam);
auto resultType = subscript->getDeclContext()->mapTypeIntoContext(
auto baseResultType = baseSubscript->getDeclContext()->mapTypeIntoContext(
fixedAny |= checkType(resultType, VarDecl::Specifier::Default,
baseResultType, VarDecl::Specifier::Default,
return fixedAny;
llvm_unreachable("unknown overridable member");
// Per func/init diagnostics
namespace {
class VarDeclUsageChecker : public ASTWalker {
DiagnosticEngine &Diags;
// Keep track of some information about a variable.
enum {
RK_Read = 1, ///< Whether it was ever read.
RK_Written = 2, ///< Whether it was ever written or passed inout.
RK_CaptureList = 4 ///< Var is an entry in a capture list.
/// These are all of the variables that we are tracking. VarDecls get added
/// to this when the declaration is seen. We use a MapVector to keep the
/// diagnostics emission in deterministic order.
llvm::SmallMapVector<VarDecl*, unsigned, 32> VarDecls;
/// This is a mapping from an OpaqueValue to the expression that initialized
/// it.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<OpaqueValueExpr*, Expr*> OpaqueValueMap;
/// The getter associated with a setter function declaration.
const VarDecl *AssociatedGetter = nullptr;
/// The first reference to the associated getter.
const DeclRefExpr *AssociatedGetterDeclRef = nullptr;
/// This is a mapping from VarDecls to the if/while/guard statement that they
/// occur in, when they are in a pattern in a StmtCondition.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<VarDecl*, LabeledConditionalStmt*> StmtConditionForVD;
bool sawError = false;
VarDeclUsageChecker(const VarDeclUsageChecker &) = delete;
void operator=(const VarDeclUsageChecker &) = delete;
VarDeclUsageChecker(TypeChecker &TC, AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD) : Diags(TC.Diags) {
// If this AFD is a setter, track the parameter and the getter for
// the containing property so if newValue isn't used but the getter is used
// an error can be reported.
if (auto FD = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(AFD)) {
if (FD->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::Set) {
if (auto getter = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(FD->getStorage())) {
auto arguments = FD->getParameters();
VarDecls[arguments->get(0)] = 0;
AssociatedGetter = getter;
VarDeclUsageChecker(DiagnosticEngine &Diags) : Diags(Diags) {}
VarDeclUsageChecker(TypeChecker &TC, VarDecl *VD) : Diags(TC.Diags) {
// Track a specific VarDecl
VarDecls[VD] = 0;
void suppressDiagnostics() {
sawError = true; // set this flag so that no diagnostics will be emitted on delete.
// After we have scanned the entire region, diagnose variables that could be
// declared with a narrower usage kind.
~VarDeclUsageChecker() override;
/// Check to see if the specified VarDecl is part of a larger
/// PatternBindingDecl, where some other bound variable was mutated. In this
/// case we don't want to generate a "variable never mutated" warning, because
/// it would require splitting up the destructuring of the tuple, which is
/// more code turmoil than the warning is worth.
bool isVarDeclPartOfPBDThatHadSomeMutation(VarDecl *VD) {
auto *PBD = VD->getParentPatternBinding();
if (!PBD) return false;
bool sawMutation = false;
for (const auto &PBE : PBD->getPatternList()) {
PBE.getPattern()->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
auto it = VarDecls.find(VD);
sawMutation |= it != VarDecls.end() && (it->second & RK_Written);
return sawMutation;
bool isVarDeclEverWritten(VarDecl *VD) {
return (VarDecls[VD] & RK_Written) != 0;
bool shouldTrackVarDecl(VarDecl *VD) {
// If the variable is implicit, ignore it.
if (VD->isImplicit() || VD->getLoc().isInvalid())
return false;
// If the variable is computed, ignore it.
if (!VD->hasStorage())
return false;
// If the variable was invalid, ignore it and notice that the code is
// malformed.
if (VD->isInvalid() || !VD->hasType()) {
sawError = true;
return false;
// If the variable is already unnamed, ignore it.
if (!VD->hasName() || VD->getName().str() == "_")
return false;
return true;
void addMark(Decl *D, unsigned Flag) {
auto *vd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D);
if (!vd) return;
auto vdi = VarDecls.find(vd);
if (vdi != VarDecls.end())
vdi->second |= Flag;
void markBaseOfAbstractStorageDeclStore(Expr *E, ConcreteDeclRef decl);
void markStoredOrInOutExpr(Expr *E, unsigned Flags);
// We generally walk into declarations, other than types and nested functions.
// FIXME: peek into capture lists of nested functions.
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override {
if (isa<TypeDecl>(D))
return false;
// The body of #if clauses are not walked into, we need custom processing
// for them.
if (auto *ICD = dyn_cast<IfConfigDecl>(D))
// If this is a VarDecl, then add it to our list of things to track.
if (auto *vd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(D))
if (shouldTrackVarDecl(vd)) {
unsigned defaultFlags = 0;
// If this VarDecl is nested inside of a CaptureListExpr, remember that
// fact for better diagnostics.
auto parentAsExpr = Parent.getAsExpr();
if (parentAsExpr && isa<CaptureListExpr>(parentAsExpr))
defaultFlags = RK_CaptureList;
VarDecls[vd] |= defaultFlags;
if (auto *afd = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D)) {
// If this is a nested function with a capture list, mark any captured
// variables.
if (afd->isBodyTypeChecked()) {
for (const auto &capture : afd->getCaptureInfo().getCaptures())
addMark(capture.getDecl(), RK_Read|RK_Written);
} else {
// If the body hasn't been type checked yet, be super-conservative and
// mark all variables as used. This can be improved later, e.g. by
// walking the untype-checked body to look for things that could
// possibly be used.
// Don't walk into it though, it may not even be type checked yet.
return false;
if (auto *TLCD = dyn_cast<TopLevelCodeDecl>(D)) {
// If this is a TopLevelCodeDecl, scan for global variables
auto *body = TLCD->getBody();
for (auto node : body->getElements()) {
if (<Decl *>()) {
// Flag all variables in a PatternBindingDecl
Decl *D = node.get<Decl *>();
auto *PBD = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(D);
if (!PBD) continue;
for (PatternBindingEntry PBE : PBD->getPatternList()) {
PBE.getPattern()->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
VarDecls[VD] = RK_Read|RK_Written;
} else if (<Stmt *>()) {
// Flag all variables in guard statements
Stmt *S = node.get<Stmt *>();
auto *GS = dyn_cast<GuardStmt>(S);
if (!GS) continue;
for (StmtConditionElement SCE : GS->getCond()) {
if (auto pattern = SCE.getPatternOrNull()) {
pattern->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
VarDecls[VD] = RK_Read|RK_Written;
// Note that we ignore the initialization behavior of PatternBindingDecls,
// but we do want to walk into them, because we want to see any uses or
// other things going on in the initializer expressions.
return true;
/// The heavy lifting happens when visiting expressions.
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override;
/// handle #if directives.
void handleIfConfig(IfConfigDecl *ICD);
/// Custom handling for statements.
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
// Keep track of an association between vardecls and the StmtCondition that
// they are bound in for IfStmt, GuardStmt, WhileStmt, etc.
if (auto LCS = dyn_cast<LabeledConditionalStmt>(S)) {
for (auto &cond : LCS->getCond())
if (auto pat = cond.getPatternOrNull()) {
pat->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
StmtConditionForVD[VD] = LCS;
// A fallthrough dest case's bound variable means the source case's
// var of the same name is read.
if (auto *fallthroughStmt = dyn_cast<FallthroughStmt>(S)) {
if (auto *sourceCase = fallthroughStmt->getFallthroughSource()) {
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 4> sourceVars;
auto sourcePattern = sourceCase->getCaseLabelItems()[0].getPattern();
auto destCase = fallthroughStmt->getFallthroughDest();
auto destPattern = destCase->getCaseLabelItems()[0].getPattern();
destPattern->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *V) {
if (!V->hasName())
for (auto *var : sourceVars) {
if (var->hasName() && var->getName() == V->getName()) {
VarDecls[var] |= RK_Read;
return { true, S };
} // end anonymous namespace
// After we have scanned the entire region, diagnose variables that could be
// declared with a narrower usage kind.
VarDeclUsageChecker::~VarDeclUsageChecker() {
// If we saw an ErrorExpr somewhere in the body, then we have a malformed AST
// and we know stuff got dropped. Instead of producing these diagnostics,
// lets let the bigger issues get resolved first.
if (sawError)
for (auto elt : VarDecls) {
auto *var = elt.first;
unsigned access = elt.second;
// If this is a 'let' value, any stores to it are actually initializations,
// not mutations.
auto isWrittenLet = false;
if (var->isImmutable()) {
isWrittenLet = (access & RK_Written) != 0;
access &= ~RK_Written;
// If this variable has WeakStorageType, then it can be mutated in ways we
// don't know.
if (var->getType()->is<WeakStorageType>())
access |= RK_Written;
// If this is a vardecl with 'inout' type, then it is an inout argument to a
// function, never diagnose anything related to it.
if (var->isInOut())
// If the setter parameter is not used, but the property is read, report
// a warning. Otherwise, parameters should not generate usage warnings. It
// is common to name a parameter and not use it (e.g. because you are an
// override or want the named keyword, etc). Warning to rewrite it to _ is
// more annoying than it is useful.
if (auto param = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(var)) {
auto FD = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(param->getDeclContext());
if (FD && FD->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::Set) {
auto getter = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(FD->getStorage());
if ((access & RK_Read) == 0 && AssociatedGetter == getter) {
if (auto DRE = AssociatedGetterDeclRef) {
Diags.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::unused_setter_parameter,
Diags.diagnose(DRE->getLoc(), diag::fixit_for_unused_setter_parameter,
.fixItReplace(DRE->getSourceRange(), var->getName().str());
// Diagnose variables that were never used (other than their
// initialization).
if ((access & (RK_Read|RK_Written)) == 0) {
// If this is a member in a capture list, just say it is unused. We could
// produce a fixit hint with a parent map, but this is a lot of effort for
// a narrow case.
if (access & RK_CaptureList) {
Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(), diag::capture_never_used,
// If the source of the VarDecl is a trivial PatternBinding with only a
// single binding, rewrite the whole thing into an assignment.
// let x = foo()
// ->
// _ = foo()
if (auto *pbd = var->getParentPatternBinding())
if (pbd->getSingleVar() == var && pbd->getInit(0) != nullptr &&
!isa<TypedPattern>(pbd->getPatternList()[0].getPattern())) {
unsigned varKind = var->isLet();
SourceRange replaceRange(
Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(), diag::pbd_never_used,
var->getName(), varKind)
.fixItReplace(replaceRange, "_");
// If the variable is defined in a pattern in an if/while/guard statement,
// see if we can produce a tuned fixit. When we have something like:
// if let x = <expr> {
// we prefer to rewrite it to:
// if <expr> != nil {
if (auto SC = StmtConditionForVD[var]) {
// We only handle the "if let" case right now, since it is vastly the
// most common situation that people run into.
if (SC->getCond().size() == 1) {
auto pattern = SC->getCond()[0].getPattern();
if (auto OSP = dyn_cast<OptionalSomePattern>(pattern))
if (auto LP = dyn_cast<VarPattern>(OSP->getSubPattern()))
if (isa<NamedPattern>(LP->getSubPattern())) {
auto initExpr = SC->getCond()[0].getInitializer();
if (initExpr->getStartLoc().isValid()) {
unsigned noParens = initExpr->canAppendPostfixExpression();
// If the subexpr is an "as?" cast, we can rewrite it to
// be an "is" test.
bool isIsTest = false;
if (isa<ConditionalCheckedCastExpr>(initExpr) &&
!initExpr->isImplicit()) {
noParens = isIsTest = true;
auto diagIF = Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(),
auto introducerLoc = SC->getCond()[0].getIntroducerLoc();
if (isIsTest) {
// If this was an "x as? T" check, rewrite it to "x is T".
auto CCE = cast<ConditionalCheckedCastExpr>(initExpr);
} else {
&") != nil"[noParens]);
// Otherwise, this is something more complex, perhaps
// let (a,b) = foo()
if (isWrittenLet) {
} else {
unsigned varKind = var->isLet();
// Just rewrite the one variable with a _.
Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(), diag::variable_never_used,
var->getName(), varKind)
.fixItReplace(var->getLoc(), "_");
// If this is a mutable 'var', and it was never written to, suggest
// upgrading to 'let'. We do this even for a parameter.
if (!var->isImmutable() && (access & RK_Written) == 0 &&
// Don't warn if we have something like "let (x,y) = ..." and 'y' was
// never mutated, but 'x' was.
!isVarDeclPartOfPBDThatHadSomeMutation(var)) {
SourceLoc FixItLoc;
// Try to find the location of the 'var' so we can produce a fixit. If
// this is a simple PatternBinding, use its location.
if (auto *PBD = var->getParentPatternBinding()) {
if (PBD->getSingleVar() == var)
FixItLoc = PBD->getLoc();
} else if (auto *pattern = var->getParentPattern()) {
VarPattern *foundVP = nullptr;
pattern->forEachNode([&](Pattern *P) {
if (auto *VP = dyn_cast<VarPattern>(P))
if (VP->getSingleVar() == var)
foundVP = VP;
if (foundVP && !foundVP->isLet())
FixItLoc = foundVP->getLoc();
// If this is a parameter explicitly marked 'var', remove it.
unsigned varKind = isa<ParamDecl>(var);
if (FixItLoc.isInvalid())
Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(), diag::variable_never_mutated,
var->getName(), varKind);
else {
bool suggestLet = true;
if (auto *stmt = var->getParentPatternStmt()) {
// Don't try to suggest 'var' -> 'let' conversion
// in case of 'for' loop because it's an implicitly
// immutable context.
suggestLet = !isa<ForEachStmt>(stmt);
auto diag = Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(), diag::variable_never_mutated,
var->getName(), varKind);
if (suggestLet)
diag.fixItReplace(FixItLoc, "let");
// If this is a variable that was only written to, emit a warning.
if ((access & RK_Read) == 0) {
Diags.diagnose(var->getLoc(), diag::variable_never_read, var->getName(),
/// Handle a store to "x.y" where 'base' is the expression for x and 'decl' is
/// the decl for 'y'.
void VarDeclUsageChecker::
markBaseOfAbstractStorageDeclStore(Expr *base, ConcreteDeclRef decl) {
// If the base is a class or an rvalue, then this store just loads the base.
if (base->getType()->isAnyClassReferenceType() ||
!(base->getType()->hasLValueType() || base->isSemanticallyInOutExpr())) {
// If the store is to a non-mutating member, then this is just a load, even
// if the base is an inout expr.
auto *ASD = cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(decl.getDecl());
if (ASD->isSettable(nullptr) && !ASD->isSetterMutating()) {
// Sema conservatively converts the base to inout expr when it is an lvalue.
// Look through it because we know it isn't actually doing a load/store.
if (auto *ioe = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(base))
base = ioe->getSubExpr();
// Otherwise this is a read and write of the base.
return markStoredOrInOutExpr(base, RK_Written|RK_Read);
void VarDeclUsageChecker::markStoredOrInOutExpr(Expr *E, unsigned Flags) {
// Sema leaves some subexpressions null, which seems really unfortunate. It
// should replace them with ErrorExpr.
if (E == nullptr || !E->getType() || E->getType()->hasError()) {
sawError = true;
// Ignore parens and other easy cases.
E = E->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
// If we found a decl that is being assigned to, then mark it.
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)) {
addMark(DRE->getDecl(), Flags);
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(E)) {
for (auto &elt : TE->getElements())
markStoredOrInOutExpr(elt, Flags);
// If this is an assignment into a mutating subscript lvalue expr, then we
// are mutating the base expression. We also need to visit the index
// expressions as loads though.
if (auto *SE = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
// The index of the subscript is evaluated as an rvalue.
if (SE->hasDecl())
markBaseOfAbstractStorageDeclStore(SE->getBase(), SE->getDecl());
else // FIXME: Should not be needed!
markStoredOrInOutExpr(SE->getBase(), RK_Written|RK_Read);
// Likewise for key path applications. An application of a WritableKeyPath
// reads and writes its base.
if (auto *KPA = dyn_cast<KeyPathApplicationExpr>(E)) {
auto &C = KPA->getType()->getASTContext();
if (KPA->getKeyPath()->getType()->getAnyNominal()
== C.getWritableKeyPathDecl())
markStoredOrInOutExpr(KPA->getBase(), RK_Written|RK_Read);
if (KPA->getKeyPath()->getType()->getAnyNominal()
== C.getReferenceWritableKeyPathDecl())
markStoredOrInOutExpr(KPA->getBase(), RK_Read);
if (auto *ioe = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(E))
return markStoredOrInOutExpr(ioe->getSubExpr(), RK_Written|RK_Read);
if (auto *MRE = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(E)) {
markBaseOfAbstractStorageDeclStore(MRE->getBase(), MRE->getMember());
if (auto *TEE = dyn_cast<TupleElementExpr>(E))
return markStoredOrInOutExpr(TEE->getBase(), Flags);
if (auto *FVE = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(E))
return markStoredOrInOutExpr(FVE->getSubExpr(), Flags);
if (auto *BOE = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(E))
return markStoredOrInOutExpr(BOE->getSubExpr(), Flags);
// If this is an OpaqueValueExpr that we've seen a mapping for, jump to the
// mapped value.
if (auto *OVE = dyn_cast<OpaqueValueExpr>(E))
if (auto *expr = OpaqueValueMap[OVE])
return markStoredOrInOutExpr(expr, Flags);
// If we don't know what kind of expression this is, assume it's a reference
// and mark it as a read.
/// The heavy lifting happens when visiting expressions.
std::pair<bool, Expr *> VarDeclUsageChecker::walkToExprPre(Expr *E) {
// Sema leaves some subexpressions null, which seems really unfortunate. It
// should replace them with ErrorExpr.
if (E == nullptr || !E->getType() || E->getType()->hasError()) {
sawError = true;
return { false, E };
// If this is a DeclRefExpr found in a random place, it is a load of the
// vardecl.
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E)) {
addMark(DRE->getDecl(), RK_Read);
// If the Decl is a read of a getter, track the first DRE for diagnostics
if (auto VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
if (AssociatedGetter == VD && AssociatedGetterDeclRef == nullptr)
AssociatedGetterDeclRef = DRE;
// If this is an AssignExpr, see if we're mutating something that we know
// about.
if (auto *assign = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(E)) {
markStoredOrInOutExpr(assign->getDest(), RK_Written);
// Don't walk into the LHS of the assignment, only the RHS.
return { false, E };
// '&x' is a read and write of 'x'.
if (auto *io = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(E)) {
markStoredOrInOutExpr(io->getSubExpr(), RK_Read|RK_Written);
// Don't bother walking into this.
return { false, E };
// If we see an OpenExistentialExpr, remember the mapping for its OpaqueValue.
if (auto *oee = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(E))
OpaqueValueMap[oee->getOpaqueValue()] = oee->getExistentialValue();
// If we saw an ErrorExpr, take note of this.
if (isa<ErrorExpr>(E))
sawError = true;
return { true, E };
/// handle #if directives. All of the active clauses are already walked by the
/// AST walker, but we also want to handle the inactive ones to avoid false
/// positives.
void VarDeclUsageChecker::handleIfConfig(IfConfigDecl *ICD) {
struct ConservativeDeclMarker : public ASTWalker {
VarDeclUsageChecker &VDUC;
ConservativeDeclMarker(VarDeclUsageChecker &VDUC) : VDUC(VDUC) {}
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *E) override {
// If we see a bound reference to a decl in an inactive #if block, then
// conservatively mark it read and written. This will silence "variable
// unused" and "could be marked let" warnings for it.
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E))
VDUC.addMark(DRE->getDecl(), RK_Read|RK_Written);
return E;
for (auto &clause : ICD->getClauses()) {
// Active clauses are handled by the normal AST walk.
if (clause.isActive) continue;
for (auto elt : clause.Elements)
/// Apply the warnings managed by VarDeclUsageChecker to the top level
/// code declarations that haven't been checked yet.
void swift::
performTopLevelDeclDiagnostics(TypeChecker &TC, TopLevelCodeDecl *TLCD) {
VarDeclUsageChecker checker(TC.Diags);
/// Perform diagnostics for func/init/deinit declarations.
void swift::performAbstractFuncDeclDiagnostics(TypeChecker &TC,
AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD) {
assert(AFD->getBody() && "Need a body to check");
// Don't produce these diagnostics for implicitly generated code.
if (AFD->getLoc().isInvalid() || AFD->isImplicit() || AFD->isInvalid())
// Check for unused variables, as well as variables that are could be
// declared as constants.
AFD->getBody()->walk(VarDeclUsageChecker(TC, AFD));
// Perform MiscDiagnostics on Switch Statements.
static void checkSwitch(TypeChecker &TC, const SwitchStmt *stmt) {
// We want to warn about "case .Foo, .Bar where 1 != 100:" since the where
// clause only applies to the second case, and this is surprising.
for (auto cs : stmt->getCases()) {
// The case statement can have multiple case items, each can have a where.
// If we find a "where", and there is a preceding item without a where, and
// if they are on the same source line, then warn.
auto items = cs->getCaseLabelItems();
// Don't do any work for the vastly most common case.
if (items.size() == 1) continue;
// Ignore the first item, since it can't have preceding ones.
for (unsigned i = 1, e = items.size(); i != e; ++i) {
// Must have a where clause.
auto where = items[i].getGuardExpr();
if (!where)
// Preceding item must not.
if (items[i-1].getGuardExpr())
// Must be on the same source line.
auto prevLoc = items[i-1].getStartLoc();
auto thisLoc = items[i].getStartLoc();
if (prevLoc.isInvalid() || thisLoc.isInvalid())
auto &SM = TC.Context.SourceMgr;
auto prevLineCol = SM.getLineAndColumn(prevLoc);
if (SM.getLineNumber(thisLoc) != prevLineCol.first)
TC.diagnose(items[i].getWhereLoc(), diag::where_on_one_item)
// Whitespace it out to the same column as the previous item.
std::string whitespace(prevLineCol.second-1, ' ');
TC.diagnose(thisLoc, diag::add_where_newline)
.fixItInsert(thisLoc, "\n"+whitespace);
auto whereRange = SourceRange(items[i].getWhereLoc(),
auto charRange = Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(SM, whereRange);
auto whereText = SM.extractText(charRange);
TC.diagnose(prevLoc, diag::duplicate_where)
.fixItInsertAfter(items[i-1].getEndLoc(), " " + whereText.str())
void swift::fixItEncloseTrailingClosure(TypeChecker &TC,
InFlightDiagnostic &diag,
const CallExpr *call,
Identifier closureLabel) {
auto argsExpr = call->getArg();
if (auto TSE = dyn_cast<TupleShuffleExpr>(argsExpr))
argsExpr = TSE->getSubExpr();
SmallString<32> replacement;
SourceLoc lastLoc;
SourceRange closureRange;
if (auto PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(argsExpr)) {
assert(PE->hasTrailingClosure() && "must have trailing closure");
closureRange = PE->getSubExpr()->getSourceRange();
lastLoc = PE->getLParenLoc(); // e.g funcName() { 1 }
if (!lastLoc.isValid()) {
// Bare trailing closure: e.g. funcName { 1 }
replacement = "(";
lastLoc = call->getFn()->getEndLoc();
} else if (auto TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argsExpr)) {
// Tuple + trailing closure: e.g. funcName(x: 1) { 1 }
assert(TE->hasTrailingClosure() && "must have trailing closure");
auto numElements = TE->getNumElements();
assert(numElements >= 2 && "Unexpected num of elements in TupleExpr");
closureRange = TE->getElement(numElements - 1)->getSourceRange();
lastLoc = TE->getElement(numElements - 2)->getEndLoc();
replacement = ", ";
} else {
// Can't be here.
// Add argument label of the closure.
if (!closureLabel.empty()) {
replacement += closureLabel.str();
replacement += ": ";
lastLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(TC.Context.SourceMgr, lastLoc);
.fixItReplaceChars(lastLoc, closureRange.Start, replacement)
.fixItInsertAfter(closureRange.End, ")");
// Perform checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure for single expression.
static void checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E) {
if (E == nullptr || isa<ErrorExpr>(E)) return;
// Shallow walker. just dig into implicit expression.
class DiagnoseWalker : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
void diagnoseIt(const CallExpr *E) {
if (!E->hasTrailingClosure()) return;
auto argsExpr = E->getArg();
auto argsTy = argsExpr->getType();
// Ignore invalid argument type. Some diagnostics are already emitted.
if (!argsTy || argsTy->hasError()) return;
if (auto TSE = dyn_cast<TupleShuffleExpr>(argsExpr))
argsExpr = TSE->getSubExpr();
SourceLoc closureLoc;
if (auto PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(argsExpr))
closureLoc = PE->getSubExpr()->getStartLoc();
else if (auto TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argsExpr))
closureLoc = TE->getElements().back()->getStartLoc();
Identifier closureLabel;
if (auto TT = argsTy->getAs<TupleType>()) {
assert(TT->getNumElements() != 0 && "Unexpected empty TupleType");
closureLabel = TT->getElement(TT->getNumElements() - 1).getName();
auto diag = TC.diagnose(closureLoc,
fixItEncloseTrailingClosure(TC, diag, E, closureLabel);
DiagnoseWalker(TypeChecker &tc) : TC(tc) { }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
// Dig into implicit expression.
if (E->isImplicit()) return { true, E };
// Diagnose call expression.
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E))
// Don't dig any further.
return { false, E };
DiagnoseWalker Walker(TC);
const_cast<Expr *>(E)->walk(Walker);
/// Diagnose trailing closure in statement-conditions.
/// Conditional statements, including 'for' or `switch` doesn't allow ambiguous
/// trailing closures in these conditions part. Even if the parser can recover
/// them, we force them to disambiguate.
/// E.g.:
/// if let _ = arr?.map {$0+1} { ... }
/// for _ in numbers.filter {$0 > 4} { ... }
static void checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TypeChecker &TC, const Stmt *S) {
if (auto LCS = dyn_cast<LabeledConditionalStmt>(S)) {
for (auto elt : LCS->getCond()) {
if (elt.getKind() == StmtConditionElement::CK_PatternBinding)
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, elt.getInitializer());
else if (elt.getKind() == StmtConditionElement::CK_Boolean)
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, elt.getBoolean());
// No trailing closure for CK_Availability: e.g. `if #available() {}`.
} else if (auto SS = dyn_cast<SwitchStmt>(S)) {
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, SS->getSubjectExpr());
} else if (auto FES = dyn_cast<ForEachStmt>(S)) {
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, FES->getSequence());
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, FES->getWhere());
} else if (auto DCS = dyn_cast<DoCatchStmt>(S)) {
for (auto CS : DCS->getCatches())
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, CS->getGuardExpr());
static Optional<ObjCSelector>
parseObjCSelector(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef string) {
// Find the first colon.
auto colonPos = string.find(':');
// If there is no colon, we have a nullary selector.
if (colonPos == StringRef::npos) {
if (string.empty() || !Lexer::isIdentifier(string)) return None;
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, { ctx.getIdentifier(string) });
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> pieces;
do {
// Check whether we have a valid selector piece.
auto piece = string.substr(0, colonPos);
if (piece.empty()) {
} else {
if (!Lexer::isIdentifier(piece)) return None;
// Move to the next piece.
string = string.substr(colonPos+1);
colonPos = string.find(':');
} while (colonPos != StringRef::npos);
// If anything remains of the string, it's not a selector.
if (!string.empty()) return None;
return ObjCSelector(ctx, pieces.size(), pieces);
namespace {
class ObjCSelectorWalker : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
const DeclContext *DC;
Type SelectorTy;
/// Determine whether a reference to the given method via its
/// enclosing class/protocol is ambiguous (and, therefore, needs to
/// be disambiguated with a coercion).
bool isSelectorReferenceAmbiguous(AbstractFunctionDecl *method) {
// Determine the name we would search for. If there are no
// argument names, our lookup will be based solely on the base
// name.
DeclName lookupName = method->getFullName();
if (lookupName.getArgumentNames().empty())
lookupName = lookupName.getBaseName();
// Look for members with the given name.
auto nominal = method->getDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
auto result = TC.lookupMember(const_cast<DeclContext *>(DC),
(defaultMemberLookupOptions |
// If we didn't find multiple methods, there is no ambiguity.
if (result.size() < 2) return false;
// If we found more than two methods, it's ambiguous.
if (result.size() > 2) return true;
// Dig out the methods.
auto firstMethod = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(result[0].getValueDecl());
auto secondMethod = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(result[1].getValueDecl());
if (!firstMethod || !secondMethod) return true;
// If one is a static/class method and the other is not...
if (firstMethod->isStatic() == secondMethod->isStatic()) return true;
// ... overload resolution will prefer the static method. Check
// that it has the correct selector. We don't even care that it's
// the same method we're asking for, just that it has the right
// selector.
FuncDecl *staticMethod =
firstMethod->isStatic() ? firstMethod : secondMethod;
return staticMethod->getObjCSelector() != method->getObjCSelector();
ObjCSelectorWalker(TypeChecker &tc, const DeclContext *dc, Type selectorTy)
: TC(tc), DC(dc), SelectorTy(selectorTy) { }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
auto *stringLiteral = dyn_cast<StringLiteralExpr>(expr);
bool fromStringLiteral = false;
bool hadParens = false;
if (stringLiteral) {
// Is this a string literal that has type 'Selector'.
if (!stringLiteral->getType() ||
return { true, expr };
fromStringLiteral = true;
// FIXME: hadParens
} else {
// Is this an initialization of 'Selector'?
auto call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(expr);
if (!call) return { true, expr };
// That produce Selectors.
if (!call->getType() || !call->getType()->isEqual(SelectorTy))
return { true, expr };
// Via a constructor.
ConstructorDecl *ctor = nullptr;
if (auto ctorRefCall = dyn_cast<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(call->getFn())) {
if (auto ctorRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(ctorRefCall->getFn()))
ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(ctorRef->getDecl());
else if (auto otherCtorRef =
ctor = otherCtorRef->getDecl();
if (!ctor) return { true, expr };
// Make sure the constructor is within Selector.
auto ctorContextType = ctor->getDeclContext()
if (!ctorContextType || !ctorContextType->isEqual(SelectorTy))
return { true, expr };
auto argNames = ctor->getFullName().getArgumentNames();
if (argNames.size() != 1) return { true, expr };
// Is this the init(stringLiteral:) initializer or init(_:) initializer?
if (argNames[0] == TC.Context.Id_stringLiteral)
fromStringLiteral = true;
else if (!argNames[0].empty())
return { true, expr };
Expr *arg = call->getArg();
if (auto paren = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg))
arg = paren->getSubExpr();
else if (auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(arg))
arg = tuple->getElement(0);
return { true, expr };
// Track whether we had parentheses around the string literal.
if (auto paren = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg)) {
hadParens = true;
arg = paren->getSubExpr();
// Check whether we have a string literal.
stringLiteral = dyn_cast<StringLiteralExpr>(arg);
if (!stringLiteral) return { true, expr };
/// Retrieve the parent expression that coerces to Selector, if
/// there is one.
auto getParentCoercion = [&]() -> CoerceExpr * {
auto parentExpr = Parent.getAsExpr();
if (!parentExpr) return nullptr;
auto coerce = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(parentExpr);
if (!coerce) return nullptr;
if (coerce->getType() && coerce->getType()->isEqual(SelectorTy))
return coerce;
return nullptr;
// Local function that adds the constructor syntax around string
// literals implicitly treated as a Selector.
auto addSelectorConstruction = [&](InFlightDiagnostic &diag) {
if (!fromStringLiteral) return;
// Introduce the beginning part of the Selector construction.
diag.fixItInsert(stringLiteral->getLoc(), "Selector(");
if (auto coerce = getParentCoercion()) {
// If the string literal was coerced to Selector, replace the
// coercion with the ")".
SourceLoc endLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(TC.Context.SourceMgr,
diag.fixItReplace(SourceRange(endLoc, coerce->getEndLoc()), ")");
} else {
// Otherwise, just insert the closing ")".
diag.fixItInsertAfter(stringLiteral->getEndLoc(), ")");
// Try to parse the string literal as an Objective-C selector, and complain
// if it isn't one.
auto selector = parseObjCSelector(TC.Context, stringLiteral->getValue());
if (!selector) {
auto diag = TC.diagnose(stringLiteral->getLoc(),
return { true, expr };
// Look for methods with this selector.
SmallVector<AbstractFunctionDecl *, 8> allMethods;
DC->lookupAllObjCMethods(*selector, allMethods);
// If we didn't find any methods, complain.
if (allMethods.empty()) {
// If this was Selector(("selector-name")), suppress, the
// diagnostic.
if (!fromStringLiteral && hadParens)
return { true, expr };
auto diag = TC.diagnose(stringLiteral->getLoc(),
// If the result was from a Selector("selector-name"), add a
// separate note that suggests wrapping the selector in
// parentheses to silence the warning.
if (!fromStringLiteral) {
.fixItInsert(stringLiteral->getStartLoc(), "(")
.fixItInsertAfter(stringLiteral->getEndLoc(), ")");
return { true, expr };
// Find the "best" method that has this selector, so we can report
// that.
AbstractFunctionDecl *bestMethod = nullptr;
for (auto method : allMethods) {
// If this is the first method, use it.
if (!bestMethod) {
bestMethod = method;
// If referencing the best method would produce an ambiguity and
// referencing the new method would not, we have a new "best".
if (isSelectorReferenceAmbiguous(bestMethod) &&
!isSelectorReferenceAmbiguous(method)) {
bestMethod = method;
// If this method is within a protocol...
if (auto proto = method->getDeclContext()->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
// If the best so far is not from a protocol, or is from a
// protocol that inherits this protocol, we have a new best.
auto bestProto = bestMethod->getDeclContext()->getSelfProtocolDecl();
if (!bestProto || bestProto->inheritsFrom(proto))
bestMethod = method;
// This method is from a class.
auto classDecl = method->getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl();
// If the best method was from a protocol, keep it.
auto bestClassDecl = bestMethod->getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl();
if (!bestClassDecl) continue;
// If the best method was from a subclass of the place where
// this method was declared, we have a new best.
while (auto superclassDecl = bestClassDecl->getSuperclassDecl()) {
if (classDecl == superclassDecl) {
bestMethod = method;
bestClassDecl = superclassDecl;
// If we have a best method, reference it.
if (bestMethod) {
// Form the replacement #selector expression.
SmallString<32> replacement;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream out(replacement);
auto nominal = bestMethod->getDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
out << "#selector(";
DeclName name;
auto bestAccessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(bestMethod);
if (bestAccessor) {
switch (bestAccessor->getAccessorKind()) {
case AccessorKind::Get:
out << "getter: ";
name = bestAccessor->getStorage()->getFullName();
case AccessorKind::Set:
case AccessorKind::WillSet:
case AccessorKind::DidSet:
out << "setter: ";
name = bestAccessor->getStorage()->getFullName();
case AccessorKind::Address:
case AccessorKind::MutableAddress:
case AccessorKind::Read:
case AccessorKind::Modify:
llvm_unreachable("cannot be @objc");
} else {
name = bestMethod->getFullName();
out << nominal->getName().str() << "." << name.getBaseName();
auto argNames = name.getArgumentNames();
// Only print the parentheses if there are some argument
// names, because "()" would indicate a call.
if (!argNames.empty()) {
out << "(";
for (auto argName : argNames) {
if (argName.empty()) out << "_";
else out << argName.str();
out << ":";
out << ")";
// If there will be an ambiguity when referring to the method,
// introduce a coercion to resolve it to the method we found.
if (!bestAccessor && isSelectorReferenceAmbiguous(bestMethod)) {
if (auto fnType =
bestMethod->getInterfaceType()->getAs<FunctionType>()) {
// For static/class members, drop the metatype argument.
if (bestMethod->isStatic())
fnType = fnType->getResult()->getAs<FunctionType>();
// Coerce to this type.
out << " as ";
out << ")";
// Emit the diagnostic.
SourceRange replacementRange = expr->getSourceRange();
if (auto coerce = getParentCoercion())
replacementRange.End = coerce->getEndLoc();
fromStringLiteral ? diag::selector_literal_deprecated_suggest
: diag::selector_construction_suggest)
.fixItReplace(replacementRange, replacement);
return { true, expr };
// If we couldn't pick a method to use for #selector, just wrap
// the string literal in Selector(...).
if (fromStringLiteral) {
auto diag = TC.diagnose(stringLiteral->getLoc(),
return { true, expr };
return { true, expr };
} // end anonymous namespace
static void diagDeprecatedObjCSelectors(TypeChecker &tc, const DeclContext *dc,
const Expr *expr) {
auto selectorTy = tc.getObjCSelectorType(const_cast<DeclContext *>(dc));
if (!selectorTy) return;
const_cast<Expr *>(expr)->walk(ObjCSelectorWalker(tc, dc, selectorTy));
/// Diagnose things like this, where 'i' is an Int, not an Int?
/// if let x: Int = i {
static void
checkImplicitPromotionsInCondition(const StmtConditionElement &cond,
TypeChecker &TC) {
auto *p = cond.getPatternOrNull();
if (!p) return;
if (auto *subExpr = isImplicitPromotionToOptional(cond.getInitializer())) {
// If the subexpression was actually optional, then the pattern must be
// checking for a type, which forced it to be promoted to a double optional
// type.
if (auto ooType = subExpr->getType()->getOptionalObjectType()) {
if (auto TP = dyn_cast<TypedPattern>(p))
// Check for 'if let' to produce a tuned diagnostic.
if (isa<OptionalSomePattern>(TP->getSubPattern()) &&
TP->getSubPattern()->isImplicit()) {
TC.diagnose(cond.getIntroducerLoc(), diag::optional_check_promotion,
subExpr->getType(), cond.getInitializer()->getType())
TC.diagnose(cond.getIntroducerLoc(), diag::optional_check_nonoptional,
static void diagnoseUnintendedOptionalBehavior(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E,
const DeclContext *DC) {
if (!E || isa<ErrorExpr>(E) || !E->getType())
class UnintendedOptionalBehaviorWalker : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
SmallPtrSet<Expr *, 16> IgnoredExprs;
class OptionalToAnyCoercion {
Type DestType;
CoerceExpr *ParentCoercion;
bool shouldSuppressDiagnostic() {
// If we have a parent CoerceExpr that has the same type as our
// Optional-to-Any coercion, don't emit a diagnostic.
return ParentCoercion && ParentCoercion->getType()->isEqual(DestType);
/// Returns true iff a coercion from srcType to destType is an
/// Optional-to-Any coercion.
bool isOptionalToAnyCoercion(Type srcType, Type destType) {
size_t difference = 0;
return isOptionalToAnyCoercion(srcType, destType, difference);
/// Returns true iff a coercion from srcType to destType is an
/// Optional-to-Any coercion. On returning true, the value of 'difference'
/// will be the difference in the levels of optionality.
bool isOptionalToAnyCoercion(Type srcType, Type destType,
size_t &difference) {
SmallVector<Type, 4> destOptionals;
auto destValueType =
if (!destValueType->isAny())
return false;
SmallVector<Type, 4> srcOptionals;
if (srcOptionals.size() > destOptionals.size()) {
difference = srcOptionals.size() - destOptionals.size();
return true;
} else {
return false;
/// Returns true iff the collection upcast coercion is an Optional-to-Any
/// coercion.
bool isOptionalToAnyCoercion(CollectionUpcastConversionExpr::ConversionPair
conversion) {
if (!conversion.OrigValue || !conversion.Conversion)
return false;
auto srcType = conversion.OrigValue->getType();
auto destType = conversion.Conversion->getType();
return isOptionalToAnyCoercion(srcType, destType);
/// Looks through OptionalEvaluationExprs and InjectIntoOptionalExprs to
/// find a child ErasureExpr, returning nullptr if no such child is found.
/// Any intermediate OptionalEvaluationExprs will be marked as ignored.
ErasureExpr *findErasureExprThroughOptionalInjections(Expr *E) {
while (true) {
if (auto *next = dyn_cast<OptionalEvaluationExpr>(E)) {
// We don't want to re-visit any intermediate optional evaluations.
E = next->getSubExpr();
} else if (auto *next = dyn_cast<InjectIntoOptionalExpr>(E)) {
E = next->getSubExpr();
} else {
return dyn_cast<ErasureExpr>(E);
void emitSilenceOptionalAnyWarningWithCoercion(Expr *E, Type destType) {
SmallString<16> coercionString;
coercionString += " as ";
coercionString += destType->getWithoutParens()->getString();
TC.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::silence_optional_to_any,
destType, coercionString.substr(1))
.fixItInsertAfter(E->getEndLoc(), coercionString);
static bool hasImplicitlyUnwrappedResult(Expr *E) {
auto getDeclForExpr = [&](Expr *E) -> ValueDecl * {
if (auto *call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(E))
E = call->getDirectCallee();
if (auto *subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(E)) {
if (subscript->hasDecl())
return subscript->getDecl().getDecl();
return nullptr;
if (auto *memberRef = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(E))
return memberRef->getMember().getDecl();
if (auto *declRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E))
return declRef->getDecl();
if (auto *apply = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(E))
return apply->getCalledValue();
return nullptr;
// Look through implicit conversions like loads, derived-to-base
// conversion, etc.
if (auto *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(E))
E = ICE->getSubExpr();
auto *decl = getDeclForExpr(E);
return decl
&& decl->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalAttr>();
void visitErasureExpr(ErasureExpr *E, OptionalToAnyCoercion coercion) {
if (coercion.shouldSuppressDiagnostic())
auto subExpr = E->getSubExpr();
// Look through any BindOptionalExprs, as the coercion may have started
// from a higher level of optionality.
while (auto *bindExpr = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(subExpr))
subExpr = bindExpr->getSubExpr();
// Do not warn on coercions from implicitly unwrapped optionals
// for Swift versions less than 5.
if (!TC.Context.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5) &&
// We're taking the source type from the child of any BindOptionalExprs,
// and the destination from the parent of any
// (InjectIntoOptional/OptionalEvaluation)Exprs in order to take into
// account any bindings that need to be done for nested Optional-to-Any
// coercions, e.g Int??? to Any?.
auto srcType = subExpr->getType();
auto destType = coercion.DestType;
size_t optionalityDifference = 0;
if (!isOptionalToAnyCoercion(srcType, destType, optionalityDifference))
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getStartLoc(), diag::optional_to_any_coercion,
/* from */ srcType, /* to */ destType)
if (optionalityDifference == 1) {
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getLoc(), diag::default_optional_to_any)
.fixItInsertAfter(subExpr->getEndLoc(), " ?? <#default value#>");
SmallString<4> forceUnwrapString;
for (size_t i = 0; i < optionalityDifference; i++)
forceUnwrapString += "!";
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getLoc(), diag::force_optional_to_any)
.fixItInsertAfter(subExpr->getEndLoc(), forceUnwrapString);
emitSilenceOptionalAnyWarningWithCoercion(subExpr, destType);
void visitCollectionUpcastExpr(CollectionUpcastConversionExpr *E,
OptionalToAnyCoercion coercion) {
// We only need to consider the valueConversion, as the Key type of a
// Dictionary cannot be implicitly coerced to Any.
auto valueConversion = E->getValueConversion();
// We're handling the coercion of the entire collection, so we don't need
// to re-visit a nested ErasureExpr for the value.
if (auto conversionExpr = valueConversion.Conversion)
if (auto *erasureExpr =
if (coercion.shouldSuppressDiagnostic() ||
auto subExpr = E->getSubExpr();
TC.diagnose(subExpr->getStartLoc(), diag::optional_to_any_coercion,
/* from */ subExpr->getType(), /* to */ E->getType())
emitSilenceOptionalAnyWarningWithCoercion(subExpr, E->getType());
void visitPossibleOptionalToAnyExpr(Expr *E,
OptionalToAnyCoercion coercion) {
if (auto *upcastExpr =
dyn_cast<CollectionUpcastConversionExpr>(E)) {
visitCollectionUpcastExpr(upcastExpr, coercion);
} else if (auto *erasureExpr = dyn_cast<ErasureExpr>(E)) {
visitErasureExpr(erasureExpr, coercion);
} else if (auto *optionalEvalExpr = dyn_cast<OptionalEvaluationExpr>(E)) {
// The ErasureExpr could be nested within optional injections and
// bindings, such as is the case for e.g Int??? to Any?. Try and find
// and visit it directly, making sure we don't re-visit it later.
auto subExpr = optionalEvalExpr->getSubExpr();
if (auto *erasureExpr =
findErasureExprThroughOptionalInjections(subExpr)) {
visitErasureExpr(erasureExpr, coercion);
enum class UnintendedInterpolationKind: bool {
void visitInterpolatedStringLiteralExpr(InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr *E) {
[&](bool isInterpolation, CallExpr *segment) -> void {
if (isInterpolation) {
void diagnoseIfUnintendedInterpolation(CallExpr *segment,
UnintendedInterpolationKind kind) {
if (interpolationWouldBeUnintended(segment->getCalledValue(), kind))
if (auto firstArg =
getFirstArgIfUnintendedInterpolation(segment->getArg(), kind))
diagnoseUnintendedInterpolation(firstArg, kind);
bool interpolationWouldBeUnintended(ConcreteDeclRef appendMethod,
UnintendedInterpolationKind kind) {
ValueDecl * fnDecl = appendMethod.getDecl();
// If things aren't set up right, just hope for the best.
if (!fnDecl || !fnDecl->getInterfaceType() ||
return false;
// If the decl expects an optional, that's fine.
auto uncurriedType = fnDecl->getInterfaceType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
auto curriedType = uncurriedType->getResult()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
// I don't know why you'd use a zero-arg interpolator, but it obviously
// doesn't interpolate an optional.
if (curriedType->getNumParams() == 0)
return false;
// If the first parameter explicitly accepts the type, this method
// presumably doesn't want us to warn about optional use.
auto firstParamType =
if (kind == UnintendedInterpolationKind::Optional) {
if (firstParamType->getOptionalObjectType())
return false;
} else {
if (firstParamType->is<AnyFunctionType>())
return false;
return true;
Expr *
getFirstArgIfUnintendedInterpolation(Expr *args,
UnintendedInterpolationKind kind) {
// Just check the first argument, which is usually the value
// being interpolated.
Expr *firstArg;
if (auto parenExpr = dyn_cast_or_null<ParenExpr>(args)) {
firstArg = parenExpr->getSubExpr();
} else if (auto tupleExpr = dyn_cast_or_null<TupleExpr>(args)) {
if (tupleExpr->getNumElements())
firstArg = tupleExpr->getElement(0);
return nullptr;
else {
firstArg = args;
// Allow explicit casts.
if (isa<ExplicitCastExpr>(firstArg->getSemanticsProvidingExpr()))
return nullptr;
// If we don't have a type, assume the best.
if (!firstArg->getType() || firstArg->getType()->hasError())
return nullptr;
// Bail out if we don't have an optional.
if (kind == UnintendedInterpolationKind::Optional) {
if (!firstArg->getType()->getRValueType()->getOptionalObjectType())
return nullptr;
else if (kind == UnintendedInterpolationKind::Function) {
if (!firstArg->getType()->getRValueType()->is<AnyFunctionType>())
return nullptr;
return firstArg;
void diagnoseUnintendedInterpolation(Expr * arg, UnintendedInterpolationKind kind) {
// Suggest 'String(describing: <expr>)'.
auto argStart = arg->getStartLoc();
.fixItInsert(argStart, "String(describing: ")
.fixItInsertAfter(arg->getEndLoc(), ")");
if (kind == UnintendedInterpolationKind::Optional) {
// Suggest inserting a default value.
TC.diagnose(arg->getLoc(), diag::default_optional_to_any)
.fixItInsertAfter(arg->getEndLoc(), " ?? <#default value#>");
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (!E || isa<ErrorExpr>(E) || !E->getType())
return { false, E };
if (auto *CE = dyn_cast<AbstractClosureExpr>(E))
if (!CE->hasSingleExpressionBody())
return { false, E };
if (IgnoredExprs.count(E))
return { true, E };
if (auto *literal = dyn_cast<InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr>(E)) {
} else if (auto *coercion = dyn_cast<CoerceExpr>(E)) {
// If we come across a CoerceExpr, visit its subExpr with the coercion
// as the parent, making sure we don't re-visit the subExpr later.
auto subExpr = coercion->getSubExpr();
{ subExpr->getType(), coercion });
} else {
visitPossibleOptionalToAnyExpr(E, { E->getType(), nullptr });
return { true, E };
UnintendedOptionalBehaviorWalker(TypeChecker &tc) : TC(tc) { }
UnintendedOptionalBehaviorWalker Walker(TC);
const_cast<Expr *>(E)->walk(Walker);
static void diagnoseDeprecatedWritableKeyPath(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E,
const DeclContext *DC) {
if (!E || isa<ErrorExpr>(E) || !E->getType())
class DeprecatedWritableKeyPathWalker : public ASTWalker {
TypeChecker &TC;
const DeclContext *DC;
void visitKeyPathApplicationExpr(KeyPathApplicationExpr *E) {
bool isWrite = false;
if (auto *P = Parent.getAsExpr())
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(P))
if (AE->getDest() == E)
isWrite = true;
if (!isWrite)
if (auto *keyPathExpr = dyn_cast<KeyPathExpr>(E->getKeyPath())) {
auto *decl = keyPathExpr->getType()->getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal();
if (decl != TC.Context.getWritableKeyPathDecl() &&
decl != TC.Context.getReferenceWritableKeyPathDecl())
assert(keyPathExpr->getComponents().size() > 0);
auto &component = keyPathExpr->getComponents().back();
if (component.getKind() == KeyPathExpr::Component::Kind::Property) {
auto *storage =
if (!storage->isSettable(nullptr) ||
!storage->isSetterAccessibleFrom(DC)) {
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (!E || isa<ErrorExpr>(E) || !E->getType())
return {false, E};
if (auto *KPAE = dyn_cast<KeyPathApplicationExpr>(E)) {
return {true, E};
return {true, E};
DeprecatedWritableKeyPathWalker(TypeChecker &TC, const DeclContext *DC)
: TC(TC), DC(DC) {}
DeprecatedWritableKeyPathWalker Walker(TC, DC);
const_cast<Expr *>(E)->walk(Walker);
// High-level entry points.
/// Emit diagnostics for syntactic restrictions on a given expression.
void swift::performSyntacticExprDiagnostics(TypeChecker &TC, const Expr *E,
const DeclContext *DC,
bool isExprStmt) {
diagSyntacticUseRestrictions(TC, E, DC, isExprStmt);
diagRecursivePropertyAccess(TC, E, DC);
diagnoseImplicitSelfUseInClosure(TC, E, DC);
diagnoseUnintendedOptionalBehavior(TC, E, DC);
if (!TC.Context.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5))
diagnoseDeprecatedWritableKeyPath(TC, E, DC);
if (!TC.getLangOpts().DisableAvailabilityChecking)
diagAvailability(TC, E, const_cast<DeclContext*>(DC));
if (TC.Context.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop)
diagDeprecatedObjCSelectors(TC, DC, E);
void swift::performStmtDiagnostics(TypeChecker &TC, const Stmt *S) {
TC.checkUnsupportedProtocolType(const_cast<Stmt *>(S));
if (auto switchStmt = dyn_cast<SwitchStmt>(S))
checkSwitch(TC, switchStmt);
checkStmtConditionTrailingClosure(TC, S);
// Check for implicit optional promotions in stmt-condition patterns.
if (auto *lcs = dyn_cast<LabeledConditionalStmt>(S))
for (const auto &elt : lcs->getCond())
checkImplicitPromotionsInCondition(elt, TC);
// Utility functions
void swift::fixItAccess(InFlightDiagnostic &diag, ValueDecl *VD,
AccessLevel desiredAccess, bool isForSetter,
bool shouldUseDefaultAccess) {
StringRef fixItString;
switch (desiredAccess) {
case AccessLevel::Private: fixItString = "private "; break;
case AccessLevel::FilePrivate: fixItString = "fileprivate "; break;
case AccessLevel::Internal: fixItString = "internal "; break;
case AccessLevel::Public: fixItString = "public "; break;
case AccessLevel::Open: fixItString = "open "; break;
DeclAttributes &attrs = VD->getAttrs();
AbstractAccessControlAttr *attr;
if (isForSetter) {
attr = attrs.getAttribute<SetterAccessAttr>();
} else {
attr = attrs.getAttribute<AccessControlAttr>();
if (auto *ASD = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(VD)) {
if (auto *getter = ASD->getGetter())
if (auto *setterAttr = attrs.getAttribute<SetterAccessAttr>()) {
if (setterAttr->getAccess() > desiredAccess)
fixItAccess(diag, VD, desiredAccess, true);
} else {
if (isForSetter && VD->getFormalAccess() == desiredAccess) {
// Remove the setter attribute.
} else if (attr) {
// If the formal access already matches the desired access, the problem
// must be in a parent scope. Don't emit a fix-it.
// FIXME: It's also possible for access to already be /broader/ than what's
// desired, in which case the problem is also in a parent scope. However,
// this function is sometimes called to make access narrower, so assuming
// that a broader scope is acceptable breaks some diagnostics.
if (attr->getAccess() != desiredAccess) {
if (shouldUseDefaultAccess) {
// Remove the attribute if replacement is not preferred.
} else {
// This uses getLocation() instead of getRange() because we don't want to
// replace the "(set)" part of a setter attribute.
diag.fixItReplace(attr->getLocation(), fixItString.drop_back());
} else if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(VD)) {
if (auto PBD = var->getParentPatternBinding())
diag.fixItInsert(PBD->getStartLoc(), fixItString);
} else {
diag.fixItInsert(VD->getStartLoc(), fixItString);
/// Retrieve the type name to be used for determining whether we can
/// omit needless words.
static OmissionTypeName getTypeNameForOmission(Type type) {
if (!type)
return "";
ASTContext &ctx = type->getASTContext();
Type boolType;
if (auto boolDecl = ctx.getBoolDecl())
boolType = boolDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
Type objcBoolType;
if (auto objcBoolDecl = ctx.getObjCBoolDecl())
objcBoolType = objcBoolDecl->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
/// Determine the options associated with the given type.
auto getOptions = [&](Type type) {
// Look for Boolean types.
OmissionTypeOptions options;
// Look for Boolean types.
if (boolType && type->isEqual(boolType)) {
// Swift.Bool
options |= OmissionTypeFlags::Boolean;
} else if (objcBoolType && type->isEqual(objcBoolType)) {
// ObjectiveC.ObjCBool
options |= OmissionTypeFlags::Boolean;
return options;
do {
// Look through typealiases.
if (auto aliasTy = dyn_cast<NameAliasType>(type.getPointer())) {
type = aliasTy->getSinglyDesugaredType();
// Strip off lvalue/inout types.
Type newType = type->getWithoutSpecifierType();
if (newType.getPointer() != type.getPointer()) {
type = newType;
// Look through reference-storage types.
newType = type->getReferenceStorageReferent();
if (newType.getPointer() != type.getPointer()) {
type = newType;
// Look through parentheses.
type = type->getWithoutParens();
// Look through optionals.
if (auto optObjectTy = type->getOptionalObjectType()) {
type = optObjectTy;
} while (true);
// Nominal types.
if (auto nominal = type->getAnyNominal()) {
// If we have a collection, get the element type.
if (auto bound = type->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
ASTContext &ctx = nominal->getASTContext();
auto args = bound->getGenericArgs();
if (!args.empty() &&
(bound->getDecl() == ctx.getArrayDecl() ||
bound->getDecl() == ctx.getSetDecl())) {
return OmissionTypeName(nominal->getName().str(),
// AnyObject -> "Object".
if (type->isAnyObject())
return "Object";
return OmissionTypeName(nominal->getName().str(), getOptions(type));
// Generic type parameters.
if (auto genericParamTy = type->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
if (auto genericParam = genericParamTy->getDecl())
return genericParam->getName().str();
return "";
// Dependent members.
if (auto dependentMemberTy = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
return dependentMemberTy->getName().str();
// Archetypes.
if (auto archetypeTy = type->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
return archetypeTy->getName().str();
// Function types.
if (auto funcTy = type->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
if (funcTy->getRepresentation() == AnyFunctionType::Representation::Block)
return "Block";
return "Function";
return "";
Optional<DeclName> TypeChecker::omitNeedlessWords(AbstractFunctionDecl *afd) {
auto &Context = afd->getASTContext();
if (!afd->hasInterfaceType())
if (afd->isInvalid() || isa<DestructorDecl>(afd))
return None;
DeclName name = afd->getFullName();
if (!name)
return None;
// String'ify the arguments.
StringRef baseNameStr = name.getBaseName().userFacingName();
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> argNameStrs;
for (auto arg : name.getArgumentNames()) {
if (arg.empty())
// String'ify the parameter types.
SmallVector<OmissionTypeName, 4> paramTypes;
// Always look at the parameters in the last parameter list.
for (auto param : *afd->getParameters()) {
// Handle contextual type, result type, and returnsSelf.
Type contextType = afd->getDeclContext()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
Type resultType;
bool returnsSelf = false;
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(afd)) {
resultType = func->getResultInterfaceType();
resultType = func->mapTypeIntoContext(resultType);
returnsSelf = func->hasDynamicSelf();
} else if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(afd)) {
resultType = contextType;
returnsSelf = true;
// Figure out the first parameter name.
StringRef firstParamName;
auto params = afd->getParameters();
if (params->size() != 0 && !params->get(0)->getName().empty())
firstParamName = params->get(0)->getName().str();
StringScratchSpace scratch;
if (!swift::omitNeedlessWords(baseNameStr, argNameStrs, firstParamName,
paramTypes, returnsSelf, false,
/*allPropertyNames=*/nullptr, scratch))
return None;
/// Retrieve a replacement identifier.
auto getReplacementIdentifier = [&](StringRef name,
DeclBaseName old) -> DeclBaseName{
if (name.empty())
return Identifier();
if (!old.empty() && name == old.userFacingName())
return old;
return Context.getIdentifier(name);
auto newBaseName = getReplacementIdentifier(
baseNameStr, name.getBaseName());
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> newArgNames;
auto oldArgNames = name.getArgumentNames();
for (unsigned i = 0, n = argNameStrs.size(); i != n; ++i) {
auto argBaseName = getReplacementIdentifier(argNameStrs[i],
return DeclName(Context, newBaseName, newArgNames);
Optional<Identifier> TypeChecker::omitNeedlessWords(VarDecl *var) {
auto &Context = var->getASTContext();
if (!var->hasInterfaceType())
if (var->isInvalid() || !var->hasInterfaceType())
return None;
if (var->getName().empty())
return None;
auto name = var->getName().str();
// Dig out the context type.
Type contextType = var->getDeclContext()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
if (!contextType)
return None;
// Dig out the type of the variable.
Type type = var->getInterfaceType()->getReferenceStorageReferent()
while (auto optObjectTy = type->getOptionalObjectType())
type = optObjectTy;
// Omit needless words.
StringScratchSpace scratch;
OmissionTypeName typeName = getTypeNameForOmission(var->getInterfaceType());
OmissionTypeName contextTypeName = getTypeNameForOmission(contextType);
if (::omitNeedlessWords(name, { }, "", typeName, contextTypeName, { },
/*returnsSelf=*/false, true,
/*allPropertyNames=*/nullptr, scratch)) {
return Context.getIdentifier(name);
return None;