blob: d682f790262774d9fd854d078f986ccd208502a2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ParseableInterfaceSupport.cpp - swiftinterface files ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "textual-module-interface"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsFrontend.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSema.h"
#include "swift/AST/ExistentialLayout.h"
#include "swift/AST/FileSystem.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/Frontend.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/ParseableInterfaceSupport.h"
#include "swift/Frontend/PrintingDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "swift/Serialization/SerializationOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/xxhash.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
using namespace swift;
using FileDependency = SerializationOptions::FileDependency;
#define SWIFT_INTERFACE_FORMAT_VERSION_KEY "swift-interface-format-version"
#define SWIFT_TOOLS_VERSION_KEY "swift-tools-version"
#define SWIFT_MODULE_FLAGS_KEY "swift-module-flags"
static swift::version::Version InterfaceFormatVersion({1, 0});
static bool
extractSwiftInterfaceVersionAndArgs(DiagnosticEngine &Diags, SourceLoc DiagLoc,
clang::vfs::FileSystem &FS,
StringRef SwiftInterfacePathIn,
swift::version::Version &Vers,
llvm::StringSaver &SubArgSaver,
SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &SubArgs) {
auto FileOrError = swift::vfs::getFileOrSTDIN(FS, SwiftInterfacePathIn);
if (!FileOrError) {
Diags.diagnose(DiagLoc, diag::error_open_input_file,
SwiftInterfacePathIn, FileOrError.getError().message());
return true;
auto SB = FileOrError.get()->getBuffer();
auto VersRe = getSwiftInterfaceFormatVersionRegex();
auto FlagRe = getSwiftInterfaceModuleFlagsRegex();
SmallVector<StringRef, 1> VersMatches, FlagMatches;
if (!VersRe.match(SB, &VersMatches)) {
return true;
if (!FlagRe.match(SB, &FlagMatches)) {
return true;
assert(VersMatches.size() == 2);
assert(FlagMatches.size() == 2);
Vers = swift::version::Version(VersMatches[1], SourceLoc(), &Diags);
llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine(FlagMatches[1], SubArgSaver, SubArgs);
return false;
static std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>
getBufferOfDependency(clang::vfs::FileSystem &FS,
StringRef ModulePath, StringRef DepPath,
DiagnosticEngine &Diags, SourceLoc DiagLoc) {
auto DepBuf = FS.getBufferForFile(DepPath, /*FileSize=*/-1,
if (!DepBuf) {
DepPath, ModulePath, DepBuf.getError().message());
return nullptr;
return std::move(DepBuf.get());
/// Construct a cache key for the .swiftmodule being generated. There is a
/// balance to be struck here between things that go in the cache key and
/// things that go in the "up to date" check of the cache entry. We want to
/// avoid fighting over a single cache entry too much when (say) running
/// different compiler versions on the same machine or different inputs
/// that happen to have the same short module name, so we will disambiguate
/// those in the key. But we want to invalidate and rebuild a cache entry
/// -- rather than making a new one and potentially filling up the cache
/// with dead entries -- when other factors change, such as the contents of
/// the .swiftinterface input or its dependencies.
static std::string getCacheHash(ASTContext &Ctx,
const CompilerInvocation &SubInvocation,
StringRef InPath) {
// Start with the compiler version (which will be either tag names or revs).
std::string vers = swift::version::getSwiftFullVersion(
llvm::hash_code H = llvm::hash_value(vers);
// Simplest representation of input "identity" (not content) is just a
// pathname, and probably all we can get from the VFS in this regard anyways.
H = llvm::hash_combine(H, InPath);
// ClangImporterOpts does include the target CPU, which is redundant: we
// already have separate .swiftinterface files per target due to expanding
// preprocessing directives, but further specializing the cache key to that
// target is harmless and will not make any extra cache entries, so allow it.
H = llvm::hash_combine(
H, SubInvocation.getClangImporterOptions().getPCHHashComponents());
return llvm::APInt(64, H).toString(36, /*Signed=*/false);
static CompilerInvocation
createInvocationForBuildingFromInterface(ASTContext &Ctx, StringRef ModuleName,
StringRef CacheDir) {
auto &SearchPathOpts = Ctx.SearchPathOpts;
auto &LangOpts = Ctx.LangOpts;
CompilerInvocation SubInvocation;
// Start with a SubInvocation that copies various state from our
// invoking ASTContext.
// Inhibit warnings from the SubInvocation since we are assuming the user
// is not in a position to fix them.
SubInvocation.getDiagnosticOptions().SuppressWarnings = true;
// Inherit this setting down so that it can affect error diagnostics (mostly
// by making them non-fatal).
SubInvocation.getLangOptions().DebuggerSupport = LangOpts.DebuggerSupport;
// Disable this; deinitializers always get printed with `@objc` even in
// modules that don't import Foundation.
SubInvocation.getLangOptions().EnableObjCAttrRequiresFoundation = false;
return SubInvocation;
/// Calculate an output filename in \p SubInvocation's cache path that includes
/// a hash of relevant key data.
static void computeCachedOutputPath(ASTContext &Ctx,
const CompilerInvocation &SubInvocation,
StringRef InPath,
llvm::SmallString<128> &OutPath) {
OutPath = SubInvocation.getClangModuleCachePath();
llvm::sys::path::append(OutPath, SubInvocation.getModuleName());
OutPath.append(getCacheHash(Ctx, SubInvocation, InPath));
auto OutExt = file_types::getExtension(file_types::TY_SwiftModuleFile);
void ParseableInterfaceModuleLoader::configureSubInvocationInputsAndOutputs(
CompilerInvocation &SubInvocation, StringRef InPath, StringRef OutPath) {
auto &SubFEOpts = SubInvocation.getFrontendOptions();
SubFEOpts.RequestedAction = FrontendOptions::ActionType::EmitModuleOnly;
SubFEOpts.EnableParseableModuleInterface = true;
SupplementaryOutputPaths SOPs;
SOPs.ModuleOutputPath = OutPath.str();
// Pick a primary output path that will cause problems to use.
StringRef MainOut = "/<unused>";
SubFEOpts.InputsAndOutputs.setMainAndSupplementaryOutputs({MainOut}, {SOPs});
// Check that the output .swiftmodule file is at least as new as all the
// dependencies it read when it was built last time.
static bool
swiftModuleIsUpToDate(clang::vfs::FileSystem &FS,
std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc> ModuleID,
StringRef OutPath,
DiagnosticEngine &Diags,
DependencyTracker *OuterTracker) {
auto OutBuf = FS.getBufferForFile(OutPath);
if (!OutBuf)
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Validating deps of " << OutPath << "\n");
SmallVector<FileDependency, 16> AllDeps;
auto VI = serialization::validateSerializedAST(
/*ExtendedValidationInfo=*/nullptr, &AllDeps);
if (VI.status != serialization::Status::Valid)
return false;
assert( == ModuleID.first.str() &&
"we built a module at this path with a different name?");
for (auto In : AllDeps) {
if (OuterTracker)
OuterTracker->addDependency(In.Path, /*IsSystem=*/false);
auto DepBuf = getBufferOfDependency(FS, OutPath, In.Path, Diags,
if (!DepBuf ||
DepBuf->getBufferSize() != In.Size ||
xxHash64(DepBuf->getBuffer()) != In.Hash) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Dep " << In.Path
<< " is directly out of date\n");
return false;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Dep " << In.Path << " is up to date\n");
return true;
/// Populate the provided \p Deps with \c FileDependency entries including:
/// - \p InPath - The .swiftinterface input file
/// - All the dependencies mentioned by \p SubInstance's DependencyTracker,
/// that were read while compiling the module.
/// - For any file in the latter set that is itself a .swiftmodule
/// living in \p ModuleCachePath, all of _its_ dependencies, copied
/// out to avoid having to do recursive scanning when rechecking this
/// dependency in the future.
static bool
collectDepsForSerialization(clang::vfs::FileSystem &FS,
CompilerInstance &SubInstance,
StringRef InPath, StringRef ModuleCachePath,
SmallVectorImpl<FileDependency> &Deps,
DiagnosticEngine &Diags, SourceLoc DiagLoc,
DependencyTracker *OuterTracker) {
auto DTDeps = SubInstance.getDependencyTracker()->getDependencies();
SmallVector<StringRef, 16> InitialDepNames(DTDeps.begin(), DTDeps.end());
llvm::StringSet<> AllDepNames;
for (auto const &DepName : InitialDepNames) {
if (AllDepNames.insert(DepName).second && OuterTracker) {
OuterTracker->addDependency(DepName, /*IsSystem=*/false);
auto DepBuf = getBufferOfDependency(FS, InPath, DepName, Diags, DiagLoc);
if (!DepBuf) {
return true;
uint64_t Size = DepBuf->getBufferSize();
uint64_t Hash = xxHash64(DepBuf->getBuffer());
Deps.push_back(FileDependency{Size, Hash, DepName});
if (ModuleCachePath.empty())
// If Dep is itself a .swiftmodule in the cache dir, pull out its deps
// and include them in our own, so we have a single-file view of
// transitive deps: removes redundancies, and avoids opening and reading
// multiple swiftmodules during future loads.
auto Ext = llvm::sys::path::extension(DepName);
auto Ty = file_types::lookupTypeForExtension(Ext);
if (Ty == file_types::TY_SwiftModuleFile &&
DepName.startswith(ModuleCachePath)) {
SmallVector<FileDependency, 16> SubDeps;
auto VI = serialization::validateSerializedAST(
/*ExtendedValidationInfo=*/nullptr, &SubDeps);
if (VI.status != serialization::Status::Valid) {
return true;
for (auto const &SubDep : SubDeps) {
if (AllDepNames.insert(SubDep.Path).second) {
if (OuterTracker)
OuterTracker->addDependency(SubDep.Path, /*IsSystem=*/false);
return false;
static bool buildSwiftModuleFromSwiftInterface(
clang::vfs::FileSystem &FS, DiagnosticEngine &Diags, SourceLoc DiagLoc,
CompilerInvocation &SubInvocation, StringRef ModuleCachePath,
DependencyTracker *OuterTracker) {
bool SubError = false;
bool RunSuccess = llvm::CrashRecoveryContext().RunSafelyOnThread([&] {
// Note that we don't assume ModuleCachePath is the same as the Clang
// module cache path at this point.
if (!ModuleCachePath.empty())
FrontendOptions &FEOpts = SubInvocation.getFrontendOptions();
const auto &InputInfo = FEOpts.InputsAndOutputs.firstInput();
StringRef InPath = InputInfo.file();
const auto &OutputInfo =
StringRef OutPath = OutputInfo.ModuleOutputPath;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator SubArgsAlloc;
llvm::StringSaver SubArgSaver(SubArgsAlloc);
SmallVector<const char *, 16> SubArgs;
swift::version::Version Vers;
if (extractSwiftInterfaceVersionAndArgs(Diags, DiagLoc, FS, InPath, Vers,
SubArgSaver, SubArgs)) {
SubError = true;
// For now: we support anything with the same "major version" and assume
// minor versions might be interesting for debugging, or special-casing a
// compatible field variant.
if (Vers.asMajorVersion() != InterfaceFormatVersion.asMajorVersion()) {
InPath, Vers);
SubError = true;
SmallString<32> ExpectedModuleName = SubInvocation.getModuleName();
if (SubInvocation.parseArgs(SubArgs, Diags)) {
SubError = true;
if (SubInvocation.getModuleName() != ExpectedModuleName) {
auto DiagKind = diag::serialization_name_mismatch;
if (SubInvocation.getLangOptions().DebuggerSupport)
DiagKind = diag::serialization_name_mismatch_repl;
Diags.diagnose(DiagLoc, DiagKind, SubInvocation.getModuleName(),
SubError = true;
// Optimize emitted modules. This has to happen after we parse arguments,
// because parseSILOpts would override the current optimization mode.
SubInvocation.getSILOptions().OptMode = OptimizationMode::ForSpeed;
// Build the .swiftmodule; this is a _very_ abridged version of the logic in
// performCompile in libFrontendTool, specialized, to just the one
// module-serialization task we're trying to do here.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Setting up instance to compile "
<< InPath << " to " << OutPath << "\n");
CompilerInstance SubInstance;
ForwardingDiagnosticConsumer FDC(Diags);
if (SubInstance.setup(SubInvocation)) {
SubError = true;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Performing sema\n");
if (SubInstance.getASTContext().hadError()) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "encountered errors\n");
SubError = true;
SILOptions &SILOpts = SubInvocation.getSILOptions();
auto Mod = SubInstance.getMainModule();
auto SILMod = performSILGeneration(Mod, SILOpts);
if (!SILMod) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "SILGen did not produce a module\n");
SubError = true;
// Setup the callbacks for serialization, which can occur during the
// optimization pipeline.
SerializationOptions SerializationOpts;
std::string OutPathStr = OutPath;
SerializationOpts.OutputPath = OutPathStr.c_str();
SerializationOpts.ModuleLinkName = FEOpts.ModuleLinkName;
SmallVector<FileDependency, 16> Deps;
if (collectDepsForSerialization(FS, SubInstance, InPath, ModuleCachePath,
Deps, Diags, DiagLoc, OuterTracker)) {
SubError = true;
SerializationOpts.Dependencies = Deps;
SILMod->setSerializeSILAction([&]() {
serialize(Mod, SerializationOpts, SILMod.get());
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Running SIL processing passes\n");
if (SubInstance.performSILProcessing(SILMod.get())) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "encountered errors\n");
SubError = true;
SubError = Diags.hadAnyError();
return !RunSuccess || SubError;
static bool serializedASTLooksValidOrCannotBeRead(clang::vfs::FileSystem &FS,
StringRef ModPath) {
auto ModBuf = FS.getBufferForFile(ModPath, /*FileSize=*/-1,
if (!ModBuf)
return ModBuf.getError() != std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory;
auto VI = serialization::validateSerializedAST(ModBuf.get()->getBuffer());
return VI.status == serialization::Status::Valid;
/// Load a .swiftmodule associated with a .swiftinterface either from a
/// cache or by converting it in a subordinate \c CompilerInstance, caching
/// the results.
std::error_code ParseableInterfaceModuleLoader::openModuleFiles(
AccessPathElem ModuleID, StringRef DirName, StringRef ModuleFilename,
StringRef ModuleDocFilename,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> *ModuleBuffer,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> *ModuleDocBuffer,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &Scratch) {
// If running in OnlySerialized mode, ParseableInterfaceModuleLoader
// should not have been constructed at all.
assert(LoadMode != ModuleLoadingMode::OnlySerialized);
auto &FS = *Ctx.SourceMgr.getFileSystem();
auto &Diags = Ctx.Diags;
llvm::SmallString<128> ModPath, InPath, OutPath;
// First check to see if the .swiftinterface exists at all. Bail if not.
ModPath = DirName;
llvm::sys::path::append(ModPath, ModuleFilename);
auto Ext = file_types::getExtension(file_types::TY_SwiftParseableInterfaceFile);
InPath = ModPath;
llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(InPath, Ext);
if (!FS.exists(InPath))
return std::make_error_code(std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory);
// Next, if we're in the load mode that prefers .swiftmodules, see if there's
// one here we can _likely_ load (validates OK). If so, bail early with
// errc::not_supported, so the next (serialized) loader in the chain will load
// it. Alternately, if there's a .swiftmodule present but we can't even read
// it (for whatever reason), we should let the other module loader diagnose
// it.
if (LoadMode == ModuleLoadingMode::PreferSerialized &&
serializedASTLooksValidOrCannotBeRead(FS, ModPath)) {
return std::make_error_code(std::errc::not_supported);
// At this point we're either in PreferParseable mode or there's no credible
// adjacent .swiftmodule so we'll go ahead and start trying to convert the
// .swiftinterface.
// Set up a _potential_ sub-invocation to consume the .swiftinterface and emit
// the .swiftmodule.
CompilerInvocation SubInvocation =
createInvocationForBuildingFromInterface(Ctx, ModuleID.first.str(), CacheDir);
computeCachedOutputPath(Ctx, SubInvocation, InPath, OutPath);
configureSubInvocationInputsAndOutputs(SubInvocation, InPath, OutPath);
// Evaluate if we need to run this sub-invocation, and if so run it.
if (!swiftModuleIsUpToDate(FS, ModuleID, OutPath, Diags, dependencyTracker)) {
if (::buildSwiftModuleFromSwiftInterface(FS, Diags, ModuleID.second,
SubInvocation, CacheDir,
return std::make_error_code(std::errc::invalid_argument);
// Finish off by delegating back up to the SerializedModuleLoaderBase
// routine that can load the recently-manufactured serialized module.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Loading " << OutPath
<< " via normal module loader\n");
auto ErrorCode = SerializedModuleLoaderBase::openModuleFiles(
ModuleID, CacheDir, llvm::sys::path::filename(OutPath),
ModuleDocFilename, ModuleBuffer, ModuleDocBuffer, Scratch);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Loaded " << OutPath
<< " via normal module loader");
if (ErrorCode) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " with error: " << ErrorCode.message());
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n");
return ErrorCode;
ASTContext &Ctx, StringRef CacheDir, StringRef ModuleName,
StringRef InPath, StringRef OutPath) {
CompilerInvocation SubInvocation =
createInvocationForBuildingFromInterface(Ctx, ModuleName, CacheDir);
configureSubInvocationInputsAndOutputs(SubInvocation, InPath, OutPath);
auto &FS = *Ctx.SourceMgr.getFileSystem();
auto &Diags = Ctx.Diags;
return ::buildSwiftModuleFromSwiftInterface(FS, Diags, /*DiagLoc*/SourceLoc(),
SubInvocation, /*CachePath*/"",
/// Diagnose any scoped imports in \p imports, i.e. those with a non-empty
/// access path. These are not yet supported by parseable interfaces, since the
/// information about the declaration kind is not preserved through the binary
/// serialization that happens as an intermediate step in non-whole-module
/// builds.
/// These come from declarations like `import class FooKit.MainFooController`.
static void diagnoseScopedImports(DiagnosticEngine &diags,
ArrayRef<ModuleDecl::ImportedModule> imports){
for (const ModuleDecl::ImportedModule &importPair : imports) {
if (importPair.first.empty())
/// Prints to \p out a comment containing a format version number, tool version
/// string as well as any relevant command-line flags in \p Opts used to
/// construct \p M.
static void printToolVersionAndFlagsComment(raw_ostream &out,
ParseableInterfaceOptions const &Opts,
ModuleDecl *M) {
auto &Ctx = M->getASTContext();
auto ToolsVersion = swift::version::getSwiftFullVersion(
<< InterfaceFormatVersion << "\n";
out << "// " SWIFT_TOOLS_VERSION_KEY ": "
<< ToolsVersion << "\n";
out << "// " SWIFT_MODULE_FLAGS_KEY ": "
<< Opts.ParseableInterfaceFlags << "\n";
llvm::Regex swift::getSwiftInterfaceFormatVersionRegex() {
": ([0-9\\.]+)$", llvm::Regex::Newline);
llvm::Regex swift::getSwiftInterfaceModuleFlagsRegex() {
return llvm::Regex("^// " SWIFT_MODULE_FLAGS_KEY ": (.*)$",
/// Extract the specified-or-defaulted -module-cache-path that winds up in
/// the clang importer, for reuse as the .swiftmodule cache path when
/// building a ParseableInterfaceModuleLoader.
swift::getModuleCachePathFromClang(const clang::CompilerInstance &Clang) {
if (!Clang.hasPreprocessor())
return "";
std::string SpecificModuleCachePath = Clang.getPreprocessor()
// The returned-from-clang module cache path includes a suffix directory
// that is specific to the clang version and invocation; we want the
// directory above that.
return llvm::sys::path::parent_path(SpecificModuleCachePath);
/// Prints the imported modules in \p M to \p out in the form of \c import
/// source declarations.
static void printImports(raw_ostream &out, ModuleDecl *M) {
// FIXME: This is very similar to what's in Serializer::writeInputBlock, but
// it's not obvious what higher-level optimization would be factored out here.
SmallVector<ModuleDecl::ImportedModule, 8> allImports;
M->getImportedModules(allImports, ModuleDecl::ImportFilter::All);
diagnoseScopedImports(M->getASTContext().Diags, allImports);
// Collect the public imports as a subset so that we can mark them with
// '@_exported'.
SmallVector<ModuleDecl::ImportedModule, 8> publicImports;
M->getImportedModules(publicImports, ModuleDecl::ImportFilter::Public);
llvm::SmallSet<ModuleDecl::ImportedModule, 8,
ModuleDecl::OrderImportedModules> publicImportSet;
publicImportSet.insert(publicImports.begin(), publicImports.end());
for (auto import : allImports) {
if (import.second->isOnoneSupportModule() ||
import.second->isBuiltinModule()) {
if (publicImportSet.count(import))
out << "@_exported ";
out << "import ";
// Write the access path we should be honoring but aren't.
// (See diagnoseScopedImports above.)
if (!import.first.empty()) {
out << "/*";
for (const auto &accessPathElem : import.first)
out << "." << accessPathElem.first;
out << "*/";
out << "\n";
// FIXME: Copied from ASTPrinter.cpp...
static bool isPublicOrUsableFromInline(const ValueDecl *VD) {
AccessScope scope =
return scope.isPublic();
static bool isPublicOrUsableFromInline(Type ty) {
// Note the double negative here: we're looking for any referenced decls that
// are *not* public-or-usableFromInline.
return !ty.findIf([](Type typePart) -> bool {
// FIXME: If we have an internal typealias for a non-internal type, we ought
// to be able to print it by desugaring.
if (auto *aliasTy = dyn_cast<NameAliasType>(typePart.getPointer()))
return !isPublicOrUsableFromInline(aliasTy->getDecl());
if (auto *nominal = typePart->getAnyNominal())
return !isPublicOrUsableFromInline(nominal);
return false;
namespace {
/// Collects protocols that are conformed to by a particular nominal. Since
/// ASTPrinter will only print the public ones, the non-public ones get left by
/// the wayside. This is a problem when a non-public protocol inherits from a
/// public protocol; the generated parseable interface still needs to make that
/// dependency public.
/// The solution implemented here is to generate synthetic extensions that
/// declare the extra conformances. This isn't perfect (it loses the sugared
/// spelling of the protocol type, as well as the locality in the file), but it
/// does work.
class InheritedProtocolCollector {
static const StringLiteral DummyProtocolName;
/// Protocols that will be included by the ASTPrinter without any extra work.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 8> IncludedProtocols;
/// Protocols that will not be printed by the ASTPrinter.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 8> ExtraProtocols;
/// Protocols that can be printed, but whose conformances are constrained with
/// something that \e can't be printed.
SmallVector<const ProtocolType *, 8> ConditionalConformanceProtocols;
/// For each type in \p directlyInherited, classify the protocols it refers to
/// as included for printing or not, and record them in the appropriate
/// vectors.
void recordProtocols(ArrayRef<TypeLoc> directlyInherited) {
for (TypeLoc inherited : directlyInherited) {
Type inheritedTy = inherited.getType();
if (!inheritedTy || !inheritedTy->isExistentialType())
bool canPrintNormally = isPublicOrUsableFromInline(inheritedTy);
SmallVectorImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &whichProtocols =
canPrintNormally ? IncludedProtocols : ExtraProtocols;
ExistentialLayout layout = inheritedTy->getExistentialLayout();
for (ProtocolType *protoTy : layout.getProtocols())
// FIXME: This ignores layout constraints, but currently we don't support
// any of those besides 'AnyObject'.
/// For each type in \p directlyInherited, record any protocols that we would
/// have printed in ConditionalConformanceProtocols.
void recordConditionalConformances(ArrayRef<TypeLoc> directlyInherited) {
for (TypeLoc inherited : directlyInherited) {
Type inheritedTy = inherited.getType();
if (!inheritedTy || !inheritedTy->isExistentialType())
ExistentialLayout layout = inheritedTy->getExistentialLayout();
for (ProtocolType *protoTy : layout.getProtocols())
if (isPublicOrUsableFromInline(protoTy))
// FIXME: This ignores layout constraints, but currently we don't support
// any of those besides 'AnyObject'.
using PerTypeMap = llvm::MapVector<const NominalTypeDecl *,
/// Given that we're about to print \p D, record its protocols in \p map.
/// \sa recordProtocols
static void collectProtocols(PerTypeMap &map, const Decl *D) {
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> directlyInherited;
const NominalTypeDecl *nominal;
const IterableDeclContext *memberContext;
if ((nominal = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(D))) {
directlyInherited = nominal->getInherited();
memberContext = nominal;
} else if (auto *extension = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D)) {
if (extension->isConstrainedExtension()) {
// Conditional conformances never apply to inherited protocols, nor
// can they provide unconditional conformances that might be used in
// other extensions.
nominal = extension->getExtendedNominal();
directlyInherited = extension->getInherited();
memberContext = extension;
} else {
if (!isPublicOrUsableFromInline(nominal))
// Recurse to find any nested types.
for (const Decl *member : memberContext->getMembers())
collectProtocols(map, member);
/// If \p D is an extension providing conditional conformances, record those
/// in \p map.
/// \sa recordConditionalConformances
static void collectSkippedConditionalConformances(PerTypeMap &map,
const Decl *D) {
auto *extension = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D);
if (!extension || !extension->isConstrainedExtension())
const NominalTypeDecl *nominal = extension->getExtendedNominal();
if (!isPublicOrUsableFromInline(nominal))
// No recursion here because extensions are never nested.
/// Returns true if the conformance of \p nominal to \p proto is declared in
/// module \p M.
static bool conformanceDeclaredInModule(ModuleDecl *M,
const NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ProtocolDecl *proto) {
SmallVector<ProtocolConformance *, 4> conformances;
nominal->lookupConformance(M, proto, conformances);
return llvm::all_of(conformances,
[M](const ProtocolConformance *conformance) -> bool {
return M == conformance->getDeclContext()->getParentModule();
/// If there were any public protocols that need to be printed (i.e. they
/// weren't conformed to explicitly or inherited by another printed protocol),
/// do so now by printing a dummy extension on \p nominal to \p out.
printSynthesizedExtensionIfNeeded(raw_ostream &out,
const PrintOptions &printOptions,
ModuleDecl *M,
const NominalTypeDecl *nominal) const {
if (ExtraProtocols.empty())
SmallPtrSet<ProtocolDecl *, 16> handledProtocols;
// First record all protocols that have already been handled.
for (ProtocolDecl *proto : IncludedProtocols) {
[&handledProtocols](ProtocolDecl *inherited) -> TypeWalker::Action {
return TypeWalker::Action::Continue;
// Then walk the remaining ones, and see what we need to print.
// Note: We could do this in one pass, but the logic is easier to
// understand if we build up the list and then print it, even if it takes
// a bit more memory.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 16> protocolsToPrint;
for (ProtocolDecl *proto : ExtraProtocols) {
[&](ProtocolDecl *inherited) -> TypeWalker::Action {
if (!handledProtocols.insert(inherited).second)
return TypeWalker::Action::SkipChildren;
if (isPublicOrUsableFromInline(inherited) &&
conformanceDeclaredInModule(M, nominal, inherited)) {
return TypeWalker::Action::SkipChildren;
return TypeWalker::Action::Continue;
if (protocolsToPrint.empty())
out << "extension ";
nominal->getDeclaredType().print(out, printOptions);
out << " : ";
[&out, &printOptions](ProtocolDecl *proto) {
proto->getDeclaredType()->print(out, printOptions);
}, [&out] { out << ", "; });
out << " {}\n";
/// If there were any conditional conformances that couldn't be printed,
/// make a dummy extension that conforms to all of them, constrained by a
/// fake protocol.
bool printInaccessibleConformanceExtensionIfNeeded(
raw_ostream &out, const PrintOptions &printOptions,
const NominalTypeDecl *nominal) const {
if (ConditionalConformanceProtocols.empty())
return false;
out << "extension ";
nominal->getDeclaredType().print(out, printOptions);
out << " : ";
[&out, &printOptions](const ProtocolType *protoTy) {
protoTy->print(out, printOptions);
}, [&out] { out << ", "; });
out << " where "
<< nominal->getGenericSignature()->getGenericParams().front()->getName()
<< " : " << DummyProtocolName << " {}\n";
return true;
/// Print a fake protocol declaration for use by
/// #printInaccessibleConformanceExtensionIfNeeded.
static void printDummyProtocolDeclaration(raw_ostream &out) {
out << "\n@usableFromInline\ninternal protocol " << DummyProtocolName
<< " {}\n";
const StringLiteral InheritedProtocolCollector::DummyProtocolName =
} // end anonymous namespace
bool swift::emitParseableInterface(raw_ostream &out,
ParseableInterfaceOptions const &Opts,
ModuleDecl *M) {
printToolVersionAndFlagsComment(out, Opts, M);
printImports(out, M);
const PrintOptions printOptions = PrintOptions::printParseableInterfaceFile();
InheritedProtocolCollector::PerTypeMap inheritedProtocolMap;
SmallVector<Decl *, 16> topLevelDecls;
for (const Decl *D : topLevelDecls) {
if (!D->shouldPrintInContext(printOptions) ||
!printOptions.CurrentPrintabilityChecker->shouldPrint(D, printOptions)){
inheritedProtocolMap, D);
D->print(out, printOptions);
out << "\n";
InheritedProtocolCollector::collectProtocols(inheritedProtocolMap, D);
// Print dummy extensions for any protocols that were indirectly conformed to.
bool needDummyProtocolDeclaration = false;
for (const auto &nominalAndCollector : inheritedProtocolMap) {
const NominalTypeDecl *nominal = nominalAndCollector.first;
const InheritedProtocolCollector &collector = nominalAndCollector.second;
collector.printSynthesizedExtensionIfNeeded(out, printOptions, M, nominal);
needDummyProtocolDeclaration |=
if (needDummyProtocolDeclaration)
return false;