blob: 73da043cb45d9116bcdf25e2c4210312d54b6205 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DependencyGraph.h - Track intra-module dependencies ----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/OptionSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PointerLikeTypeTraits.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class MemoryBuffer;
namespace swift {
class UnifiedStatsReporter;
/// The non-templated implementation of DependencyGraph.
/// \see DependencyGraph
class DependencyGraphImpl {
/// Possible dependency kinds.
/// Clients of DependencyGraph should have no reason to use this type.
/// It is only used in the implementation.
enum class DependencyKind : uint8_t;
/// Describes the result of loading a dependency file for a particular node.
enum class LoadResult {
/// There was an error loading the file; the entire graph should be
/// considered suspect.
/// The file was loaded successfully; with current information the node
/// does not need to be rebuilt.
/// The file was loaded successfully; anything that depends on the node
/// should be considered out of date.
/// The non-templated implementation of DependencyGraph::MarkTracer.
/// \see DependencyGraph::MarkTracer
class MarkTracerImpl {
class Entry;
llvm::DenseMap<const void *, SmallVector<Entry, 4>> Table;
UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats;
friend class DependencyGraphImpl;
explicit MarkTracerImpl(UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats);
void countStatsForNodeMarking(const OptionSet<DependencyKind> &Kind,
bool Cascading) const;
void printPath(raw_ostream &out, const void *item,
llvm::function_ref<void(const void *)> printItem) const;
enum class DependencyFlags : uint8_t;
using DependencyMaskTy = OptionSet<DependencyKind>;
using DependencyFlagsTy = OptionSet<DependencyFlags>;
struct DependencyEntryTy {
const void *node;
DependencyMaskTy kindMask;
DependencyFlagsTy flags;
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<DependencyEntryTy>::value, "");
struct ProvidesEntryTy {
std::string name;
DependencyMaskTy kindMask;
static_assert(std::is_move_constructible<ProvidesEntryTy>::value, "");
/// The "outgoing" edge map. This lists all outgoing (kind, string) edges
/// representing satisfied dependencies from a particular node.
/// For multiple outgoing edges with the same string, the kinds are combined
/// into one field.
/// \sa DependencyMaskTy
llvm::DenseMap<const void *, std::vector<ProvidesEntryTy>> Provides;
/// The "incoming" edge map. Semantically this maps incoming (kind, string)
/// edges representing dependencies to the nodes that depend on them, as
/// well as a flag marking whether that (kind, string) pair has been marked
/// dirty.
/// The representation is a map from strings to kind mask / node pairs, plus
/// a mask of kinds that have been marked dirty. This is because it is
/// unusual (though not impossible) for dependencies of different kinds to
/// have the same strings. In the case of multiple incoming edges with the
/// same string, the kinds are combined into the one field.
/// \sa DependencyMaskTy
llvm::StringMap<std::pair<std::vector<DependencyEntryTy>, DependencyMaskTy>> Dependencies;
/// The set of marked nodes.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const void *, 16> Marked;
/// A list of all external dependencies that cannot be resolved from just this
/// dependency graph. Each member of the set is the name of a file which is
/// not in the module. These files' contents may (or may not) have affected
/// the module's compilation. This list may even include the paths of
/// non-existent files whose absence is significant.
/// Furthermore, this set might not exhaustive. It only includes dependencies
/// that will be checked by the driver's incremental mode.
/// For example, it might excludes headers in the SDK if the cost
/// of `stat`ing them were to outweigh the likelihood that they would change.
llvm::StringSet<> ExternalDependencies;
/// The interface hash for each node. This determines if the interface of
/// a modified file has changed.
/// \sa SourceFile::getInterfaceHash
llvm::DenseMap<const void *, std::string> InterfaceHashes;
LoadResult loadFromBuffer(const void *node, llvm::MemoryBuffer &buffer);
LoadResult loadFromString(const void *node, StringRef data);
LoadResult loadFromPath(const void *node, StringRef path);
void addIndependentNode(const void *node) {
bool newlyInserted = Provides.insert({node, {}}).second;
assert(newlyInserted && "node is already in graph");
void markTransitive(SmallVectorImpl<const void *> &visited,
const void *node, MarkTracerImpl *tracer = nullptr);
bool markIntransitive(const void *node) {
assert(Provides.count(node) && "node is not in the graph");
return Marked.insert(node).second;
void markExternal(SmallVectorImpl<const void *> &visited,
StringRef externalDependency);
bool isMarked(const void *node) const {
assert(Provides.count(node) && "node is not in the graph");
return Marked.count(node);
decltype(ExternalDependencies.keys()) getExternalDependencies() const {
return ExternalDependencies.keys();
/// Tracks dependencies between opaque nodes.
/// This is implemented in terms of separate "depends" and "provides" sets
/// that together represent edges between nodes. Abstractly, each edge is
/// labeled with a (kind, string) pair, where the "kind" distinguishes
/// different kinds of dependencies. A node's "provides" set is matched up
/// with other nodes' "depends" sets to form a traversable directed graph.
/// Information on a particular node can be updated at any time, which will
/// affect any following operations. The "depends" entries can be "cascading"
/// or "non-cascading", which describes whether or not downstream nodes should
/// be traversed after following a particular dependency edge.
/// The graph also supports a "mark" operation, which is intended to track
/// nodes that have been not just visited but transitively marked through.
template <typename T>
class DependencyGraph : public DependencyGraphImpl {
using Traits = llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits<T>;
static_assert(Traits::NumLowBitsAvailable >= 0, "not a pointer-like type");
static void copyBack(SmallVectorImpl<T> &result,
ArrayRef<const void *> rawNodes) {
result.reserve(result.size() + rawNodes.size());
std::transform(rawNodes.begin(), rawNodes.end(), std::back_inserter(result),
[](const void *rawNode) {
return Traits::getFromVoidPointer(const_cast<void *>(rawNode));
/// Traces the graph traversal performed in DependencyGraph::markTransitive.
/// This is intended to be a debugging aid.
class MarkTracer : public MarkTracerImpl {
explicit MarkTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Stats)
: MarkTracerImpl(Stats) {}
/// Dump the path that led to \p node.
void printPath(raw_ostream &out, T node,
llvm::function_ref<void(raw_ostream &, T)> printItem) const {
MarkTracerImpl::printPath(out, Traits::getAsVoidPointer(node),
[printItem, &out](const void *n) {
printItem(out, Traits::getFromVoidPointer(n));
/// Load "depends" and "provides" data for \p node from the file at the given
/// path.
/// If \p node is already in the graph, outgoing edges ("provides") are
/// cleared and replaced with the newly loaded data. Incoming edges
/// ("depends") are not cleared; new dependencies are considered additive.
/// If \p node has already been marked, only its outgoing edges are updated.
LoadResult loadFromPath(T node, StringRef path) {
return DependencyGraphImpl::loadFromPath(Traits::getAsVoidPointer(node),
/// Load "depends" and "provides" data for \p node from a plain string.
/// This is only intended for testing purposes.
/// \sa loadFromPath
LoadResult loadFromString(T node, StringRef data) {
return DependencyGraphImpl::loadFromString(Traits::getAsVoidPointer(node),
/// Adds \p node to the dependency graph without any connections.
/// This can be used for new nodes that may be updated later.
void addIndependentNode(T node) {
/// Marks \p node and all nodes that depend on \p node, and places any nodes
/// that get transitively marked into \p visited.
/// Nodes that have been previously marked are not included in \p newlyMarked,
/// nor are their successors traversed, <em>even if their "provides" set has
/// been updated since it was marked.</em> (However, nodes that depend on the
/// given \p node are always traversed.)
/// Nodes that are only reachable through "non-cascading" edges are added to
/// the \p visited set, but are \em not added to the graph's marked set.
/// If you want to see how each node gets added to \p visited, pass a local
/// MarkTracer instance to \p tracer.
template <unsigned N>
void markTransitive(SmallVector<T, N> &visited, T node,
MarkTracer *tracer = nullptr) {
SmallVector<const void *, N> rawMarked;
// FIXME: How can we avoid this copy?
copyBack(visited, rawMarked);
template <unsigned N>
void markExternal(SmallVector<T, N> &visited, StringRef externalDependency) {
SmallVector<const void *, N> rawMarked;
DependencyGraphImpl::markExternal(rawMarked, externalDependency);
// FIXME: How can we avoid this copy?
copyBack(visited, rawMarked);
/// Marks \p node without marking any dependencies.
/// \returns true if the node is newly marked, false if not.
/// \sa #markTransitive
bool markIntransitive(T node) {
/// Returns true if \p node has been marked (directly or transitively).
bool isMarked(T node) const {
return DependencyGraphImpl::isMarked(Traits::getAsVoidPointer(node));
} // end namespace swift