blob: 389a71ada30afef7a1c48a63843c247538e9ac11 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import SwiftPrivatePthreadExtras
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux)
import Glibc
var StringTestSuite = TestSuite("String")
extension String {
var capacity: Int {
return _guts.capacity
// Swift.String used to hsve an optimization that allowed us to append to a
// shared string buffer. However, as lock-free programming invariably does, it
// introduced a race condition [rdar://25398370 Data Race in StringBuffer.append
// (found by TSan)].
// These tests verify that it works correctly when two threads try to append to
// different non-shared strings that point to the same shared buffer. They used
// to verify that the first append could succeed without reallocation even if
// the string was held by another thread, but that has been removed. This could
// still be an effective thread-safety test, though.
enum ThreadID {
case Primary
case Secondary
var barrierVar: UnsafeMutablePointer<_stdlib_pthread_barrier_t>?
var sharedString: String = ""
var secondaryString: String = ""
func barrier() {
var ret = _stdlib_pthread_barrier_wait(barrierVar!)
expectTrue(ret == 0 || ret == _stdlib_PTHREAD_BARRIER_SERIAL_THREAD)
func sliceConcurrentAppendThread(_ tid: ThreadID) {
for i in 0..<100 {
if tid == .Primary {
// Get a fresh buffer.
sharedString = ""
expectLE(16, sharedString.capacity)
// Get a private string.
var privateString = sharedString
// Append to the private string.
if tid == .Primary {
} else {
// Verify that contents look good.
if tid == .Primary {
expectEqual("abcdef", privateString)
} else {
expectEqual("abcghi", privateString)
expectEqual("abc", sharedString)
// Verify that only one thread took ownership of the buffer.
if tid == .Secondary {
secondaryString = privateString
StringTestSuite.test("SliceConcurrentAppend") {
barrierVar = UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate(capacity: 1)
barrierVar!.initialize(to: _stdlib_pthread_barrier_t())
var ret = _stdlib_pthread_barrier_init(barrierVar!, nil, 2)
expectEqual(0, ret)
let (createRet1, tid1) = _stdlib_pthread_create_block(
nil, sliceConcurrentAppendThread, .Primary)
let (createRet2, tid2) = _stdlib_pthread_create_block(
nil, sliceConcurrentAppendThread, .Secondary)
expectEqual(0, createRet1)
expectEqual(0, createRet2)
let (joinRet1, _) = _stdlib_pthread_join(tid1!, Void.self)
let (joinRet2, _) = _stdlib_pthread_join(tid2!, Void.self)
expectEqual(0, joinRet1)
expectEqual(0, joinRet2)
ret = _stdlib_pthread_barrier_destroy(barrierVar!)
expectEqual(0, ret)
barrierVar!.deinitialize(count: 1)