blob: e2491ad97d2a18df8f24c9d1132dccd1a87c8fde [file] [log] [blame]
from gyb_syntax_support import *
# -*- mode: Swift -*-
# Ignore the following admonition it applies to the resulting .swift file only
//// Automatically Generated From SyntaxCollections.swift.gyb.
//// Do Not Edit Directly!
//===------------ SyntaxCollections.swift.gyb - Syntax Collection ---------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% if node.collection_element:
/// `${}` represents a collection of one or more
/// `${node.collection_element_type}` nodes. ${} behaves
/// as a regular Swift collection, and has accessors that return new
/// versions of the collection with different children.
public struct ${}: _SyntaxBase {
let _root: SyntaxData
unowned let _data: SyntaxData
/// Creates a Syntax node from the provided root and data.
internal init(root: SyntaxData, data: SyntaxData) {
self._root = root
self._data = data
/// Creates a new `${}` by replacing the underlying layout with
/// a different set of raw syntax nodes.
/// - Parameter layout: The new list of raw syntax nodes underlying this
/// collection.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with the new layout underlying it.
internal func replacingLayout(
_ layout: [RawSyntax?]) -> ${} {
let newRaw = data.raw.replacingLayout(layout)
let (newRoot, newData) = data.replacingSelf(newRaw)
return ${}(root: newRoot, data: newData)
/// Creates a new `${}` by appending the provided syntax element
/// to the children.
/// - Parameter syntax: The element to append.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with that element appended to the end.
public func appending(
_ syntax: ${node.collection_element_type}) -> ${} {
var newLayout = data.raw.layout
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
/// Creates a new `${}` by prepending the provided syntax element
/// to the children.
/// - Parameter syntax: The element to prepend.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with that element prepended to the
/// beginning.
public func prepending(
_ syntax: ${node.collection_element_type}) -> ${} {
return inserting(syntax, at: 0)
/// Creates a new `${}` by inserting the provided syntax element
/// at the provided index in the children.
/// - Parameters:
/// - syntax: The element to insert.
/// - index: The index at which to insert the element in the collection.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with that element appended to the end.
public func inserting(_ syntax: ${node.collection_element_type},
at index: Int) -> ${} {
var newLayout = data.raw.layout
/// Make sure the index is a valid insertion index (0 to 1 past the end)
"inserting node at invalid index \(index)")
newLayout.insert(syntax.raw, at: index)
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
/// Creates a new `${}` by removing the syntax element at the
/// provided index.
/// - Parameter index: The index of the element to remove from the collection.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with the element at the provided index
/// removed.
public func removing(childAt index: Int) -> ${} {
var newLayout = data.raw.layout
newLayout.remove(at: index)
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
/// Creates a new `${}` by removing the first element.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with the first element removed.
public func removingFirst() -> ${} {
var newLayout = data.raw.layout
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
/// Creates a new `${}` by removing the last element.
/// - Returns: A new `${}` with the last element removed.
public func removingLast() -> ${} {
var newLayout = data.raw.layout
return replacingLayout(newLayout)
/// Returns an iterator over the elements of this syntax collection.
public func makeIterator() -> ${}Iterator {
return ${}Iterator(collection: self)
/// Conformance for `${}`` to the Collection protocol.
extension ${}: Collection {
public var startIndex: Int {
return data.childCaches.startIndex
public var endIndex: Int {
return data.childCaches.endIndex
public func index(after i: Int) -> Int {
return data.childCaches.index(after: i)
public subscript(_ index: Int) -> ${node.collection_element_type} {
% cast = '' if node.collection_element_type == 'Syntax' \
% else 'as! ' + node.collection_element_type
return child(at: index)! ${cast}
/// A type that iterates over a `${}` using its indices.
public struct ${}Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
public typealias Element = ${node.collection_element_type}
private let collection: ${}
private var index: ${}.Index
fileprivate init(collection: ${}) {
self.collection = collection
self.index = collection.startIndex
public mutating func next() -> Element? {
!(self.collection.isEmpty || self.index == self.collection.endIndex)
else {
return nil
let result = collection[index]
collection.formIndex(after: &index)
return result
% end
% end