blob: 7f9e48b11fff36d986d5d700cc07061f48ebaf5a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Statistic.h - Helpers for llvm::Statistic --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Timer.h"
do { \
static llvm::Statistic FStat = \
{DEBUG_TYPE, __func__, __func__, {0}, false}; \
++FStat; \
} while (0)
// Helper class designed to consolidate reporting of LLVM statistics and timers
// across swift compilations that typically invoke many drivers, each running
// many frontends. Additionally collects some cheap "always-on" statistics,
// beyond those that are (compile-time) parameterized by -DLLVM_ENABLE_STATS
// (LLVM's stats are global and involve some amount of locking and mfences).
// Assumes it's given a process name and target name (the latter used as
// decoration for its self-timer), and a directory to collect stats into, then:
// - On construction:
// - Calls llvm::EnableStatistics(/*PrintOnExit=*/false)
// - Calls swift::enableCompilationTimers()
// - Starts an llvm::NamedRegionTimer for this process
// - On destruction:
// - Add any standard always-enabled stats about the process as a whole
// - Opens $dir/stats-$timestamp-$name-$random.json for writing
// - Calls llvm::PrintStatisticsJSON(ostream) and/or its own writer
// Generally we make one of these per-process: either early in the life of the
// driver, or early in the life of the frontend.
namespace clang {
class Decl;
class SourceManager;
namespace swift {
class Decl;
class ProtocolConformance;
class Expr;
class SILFunction;
class FrontendStatsTracer;
class SourceManager;
class UnifiedStatsReporter {
struct AlwaysOnDriverCounters
#define DRIVER_STATISTIC(ID) int64_t ID;
#include "Statistics.def"
struct AlwaysOnFrontendCounters
#include "Statistics.def"
// To trace an entity, you have to provide a TraceFormatter for it. This is a
// separate type since we do not have retroactive conformances in C++, and it
// is a type that takes void* arguments since we do not have existentials
// separate from objects in C++. Pity us.
struct TraceFormatter {
virtual void traceName(const void *Entity, raw_ostream &OS) const = 0;
virtual void traceLoc(const void *Entity,
SourceManager *SourceMgr,
clang::SourceManager *ClangSourceMgr,
raw_ostream &OS) const = 0;
virtual ~TraceFormatter();
struct FrontendStatsEvent
uint64_t TimeUSec;
uint64_t LiveUSec;
bool IsEntry;
StringRef EventName;
StringRef CounterName;
int64_t CounterDelta;
int64_t CounterValue;
const void *Entity;
const TraceFormatter *Formatter;
// We only write fine-grained trace entries when the user passed
// -trace-stats-events, but we recycle the same FrontendStatsTracers to give
// us some free recursion-save phase timings whenever -trace-stats-dir is
// active at all. Reduces redundant machinery.
class RecursionSafeTimers;
// We also keep a few banks of optional hierarchical profilers for times and
// statistics, activated with -profile-stats-events and
// -profile-stats-entities, which are part way between the detail level of the
// aggregate statistic JSON files and the fine-grained CSV traces. Naturally
// these are written in yet a different file format: the input format for
// flamegraphs.
struct StatsProfilers;
bool currentProcessExitStatusSet;
int currentProcessExitStatus;
SmallString<128> StatsFilename;
SmallString<128> TraceFilename;
SmallString<128> ProfileDirname;
llvm::TimeRecord StartedTime;
// This is unique_ptr because NamedRegionTimer is non-copy-constructable.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::NamedRegionTimer> Timer;
SourceManager *SourceMgr;
clang::SourceManager *ClangSourceMgr;
Optional<AlwaysOnDriverCounters> DriverCounters;
Optional<AlwaysOnFrontendCounters> FrontendCounters;
Optional<AlwaysOnFrontendCounters> LastTracedFrontendCounters;
Optional<std::vector<FrontendStatsEvent>> FrontendStatsEvents;
// These are unique_ptr so we can use incomplete types here.
std::unique_ptr<RecursionSafeTimers> RecursiveTimers;
std::unique_ptr<StatsProfilers> EventProfilers;
std::unique_ptr<StatsProfilers> EntityProfilers;
void publishAlwaysOnStatsToLLVM();
void printAlwaysOnStatsAndTimers(raw_ostream &OS);
UnifiedStatsReporter(StringRef ProgramName,
StringRef AuxName,
StringRef Directory,
SourceManager *SM,
clang::SourceManager *CSM,
bool TraceEvents,
bool ProfileEvents,
bool ProfileEntities);
UnifiedStatsReporter(StringRef ProgramName,
StringRef ModuleName,
StringRef InputName,
StringRef TripleName,
StringRef OutputType,
StringRef OptType,
StringRef Directory,
SourceManager *SM=nullptr,
clang::SourceManager *CSM=nullptr,
bool TraceEvents=false,
bool ProfileEvents=false,
bool ProfileEntities=false);
AlwaysOnDriverCounters &getDriverCounters();
AlwaysOnFrontendCounters &getFrontendCounters();
void noteCurrentProcessExitStatus(int);
void saveAnyFrontendStatsEvents(FrontendStatsTracer const &T, bool IsEntry);
// This is a non-nested type just to make it less work to write at call sites.
class FrontendStatsTracer
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter,
StringRef EventName,
const void *Entity,
const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter *Formatter);
// In the general case we do not know how to format an entity for tracing.
template<typename T> static
const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter *getTraceFormatter() {
return nullptr;
UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter;
llvm::TimeRecord SavedTime;
StringRef EventName;
const void *Entity;
const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter *Formatter;
FrontendStatsTracer(FrontendStatsTracer&& other);
FrontendStatsTracer& operator=(FrontendStatsTracer&&);
FrontendStatsTracer(const FrontendStatsTracer&) = delete;
FrontendStatsTracer& operator=(const FrontendStatsTracer&) = delete;
/// These are the convenience constructors you want to be calling throughout
/// the compiler: they select an appropriate trace formatter for the provided
/// entity type, and produce a tracer that's either active or inert depending
/// on whether the provided \p Reporter is null (nullptr means "tracing is
/// disabled").
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, StringRef EventName);
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, StringRef EventName,
const Decl *D);
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, StringRef EventName,
const ProtocolConformance *P);
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, StringRef EventName,
const clang::Decl *D);
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, StringRef EventName,
const Expr *E);
FrontendStatsTracer(UnifiedStatsReporter *Reporter, StringRef EventName,
const SILFunction *F);
// In particular cases, we do know how to format traced entities: we declare
// explicit specializations of getTraceFormatter() here, matching the overloaded
// constructors of FrontendStatsTracer above, where the _definitions_ live in
// the upper-level files (in libswiftAST or libswiftSIL), and provide tracing
// for those entity types. If you want to trace those types, it's assumed you're
// linking with the object files that define the tracer.
template<> const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const Decl *>();
template<> const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const ProtocolConformance *>();
template<> const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const clang::Decl *>();
template<> const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const Expr *>();
template<> const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const SILFunction *>();