blob: bdbe22853f25372e503ffe98993975c5dbd29463 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// C Primitive Types
/// The C 'char' type.
/// This will be the same as either `CSignedChar` (in the common
/// case) or `CUnsignedChar`, depending on the platform.
public typealias CChar = Int8
/// The C 'unsigned char' type.
public typealias CUnsignedChar = UInt8
/// The C 'unsigned short' type.
public typealias CUnsignedShort = UInt16
/// The C 'unsigned int' type.
public typealias CUnsignedInt = UInt32
/// The C 'unsigned long' type.
#if os(Windows) && arch(x86_64)
public typealias CUnsignedLong = UInt32
public typealias CUnsignedLong = UInt
/// The C 'unsigned long long' type.
public typealias CUnsignedLongLong = UInt64
/// The C 'signed char' type.
public typealias CSignedChar = Int8
/// The C 'short' type.
public typealias CShort = Int16
/// The C 'int' type.
public typealias CInt = Int32
/// The C 'long' type.
#if os(Windows) && arch(x86_64)
public typealias CLong = Int32
public typealias CLong = Int
/// The C 'long long' type.
public typealias CLongLong = Int64
/// The C 'float' type.
public typealias CFloat = Float
/// The C 'double' type.
public typealias CDouble = Double
/// The C 'long double' type.
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
// On Darwin, long double is Float80 on x86, and Double otherwise.
#if arch(x86_64) || arch(i386)
public typealias CLongDouble = Float80
public typealias CLongDouble = Double
#elseif os(Windows)
// On Windows, long double is always Double.
public typealias CLongDouble = Double
#elseif os(Linux)
// On Linux/x86, long double is Float80.
// TODO: Fill in definitions for additional architectures as needed. IIRC
// armv7 should map to Double, but arm64 and ppc64le should map to Float128,
// which we don't yet have in Swift.
#if arch(x86_64) || arch(i386)
public typealias CLongDouble = Float80
// TODO: Fill in definitions for other OSes.
#if arch(s390x)
// On s390x '-mlong-double-64' option with size of 64-bits makes the
// Long Double type equivalent to Double type.
public typealias CLongDouble = Double
// FIXME: Is it actually UTF-32 on Darwin?
/// The C++ 'wchar_t' type.
public typealias CWideChar = Unicode.Scalar
// FIXME: Swift should probably have a UTF-16 type other than UInt16.
/// The C++11 'char16_t' type, which has UTF-16 encoding.
public typealias CChar16 = UInt16
/// The C++11 'char32_t' type, which has UTF-32 encoding.
public typealias CChar32 = Unicode.Scalar
/// The C '_Bool' and C++ 'bool' type.
public typealias CBool = Bool
/// A wrapper around an opaque C pointer.
/// Opaque pointers are used to represent C pointers to types that
/// cannot be represented in Swift, such as incomplete struct types.
public struct OpaquePointer {
internal var _rawValue: Builtin.RawPointer
@usableFromInline @_transparent
internal init(_ v: Builtin.RawPointer) {
self._rawValue = v
/// Creates an `OpaquePointer` from a given address in memory.
public init?(bitPattern: Int) {
if bitPattern == 0 { return nil }
self._rawValue = Builtin.inttoptr_Word(bitPattern._builtinWordValue)
/// Creates an `OpaquePointer` from a given address in memory.
public init?(bitPattern: UInt) {
if bitPattern == 0 { return nil }
self._rawValue = Builtin.inttoptr_Word(bitPattern._builtinWordValue)
/// Converts a typed `UnsafePointer` to an opaque C pointer.
public init<T>(_ from: UnsafePointer<T>) {
self._rawValue = from._rawValue
/// Converts a typed `UnsafePointer` to an opaque C pointer.
/// The result is `nil` if `from` is `nil`.
public init?<T>(_ from: UnsafePointer<T>?) {
guard let unwrapped = from else { return nil }
/// Converts a typed `UnsafeMutablePointer` to an opaque C pointer.
public init<T>(_ from: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>) {
self._rawValue = from._rawValue
/// Converts a typed `UnsafeMutablePointer` to an opaque C pointer.
/// The result is `nil` if `from` is `nil`.
public init?<T>(_ from: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>?) {
guard let unwrapped = from else { return nil }
extension OpaquePointer: Equatable {
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public static func == (lhs: OpaquePointer, rhs: OpaquePointer) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.cmp_eq_RawPointer(lhs._rawValue, rhs._rawValue))
extension OpaquePointer: Hashable {
/// Hashes the essential components of this value by feeding them into the
/// given hasher.
/// - Parameter hasher: The hasher to use when combining the components
/// of this instance.
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
extension OpaquePointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the pointer, suitable for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return _rawPointerToString(_rawValue)
extension Int {
/// Creates a new value with the bit pattern of the given pointer.
/// The new value represents the address of the pointer passed as `pointer`.
/// If `pointer` is `nil`, the result is `0`.
/// - Parameter pointer: The pointer to use as the source for the new
/// integer.
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public init(bitPattern pointer: OpaquePointer?) {
self.init(bitPattern: UnsafeRawPointer(pointer))
extension UInt {
/// Creates a new value with the bit pattern of the given pointer.
/// The new value represents the address of the pointer passed as `pointer`.
/// If `pointer` is `nil`, the result is `0`.
/// - Parameter pointer: The pointer to use as the source for the new
/// integer.
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public init(bitPattern pointer: OpaquePointer?) {
self.init(bitPattern: UnsafeRawPointer(pointer))
/// A wrapper around a C `va_list` pointer.
#if arch(arm64) && os(Linux)
public struct CVaListPointer {
@usableFromInline // unsafe-performance
internal var value: (__stack: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?,
__gr_top: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?,
__vr_top: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?,
__gr_off: Int32,
__vr_off: Int32)
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public // @testable
init(__stack: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?,
__gr_top: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?,
__vr_top: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?,
__gr_off: Int32,
__vr_off: Int32) {
value = (__stack, __gr_top, __vr_top, __gr_off, __vr_off)
public struct CVaListPointer {
@usableFromInline // unsafe-performance
internal var _value: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
@inlinable // unsafe-performance
public // @testable
init(_fromUnsafeMutablePointer from: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
_value = from
extension CVaListPointer : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of the pointer, suitable for debugging.
public var debugDescription: String {
return _value.debugDescription
internal func _memcpy(
dest destination: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
src: UnsafeRawPointer,
size: UInt
) {
let dest = destination._rawValue
let src = src._rawValue
let size = UInt64(size)._value
dest, src, size,
/*volatile:*/ false._value)
/// Copy `count` bytes of memory from `src` into `dest`.
/// The memory regions `source..<source + count` and
/// `dest..<dest + count` may overlap.
internal func _memmove(
dest destination: UnsafeMutableRawPointer,
src: UnsafeRawPointer,
size: UInt
) {
let dest = destination._rawValue
let src = src._rawValue
let size = UInt64(size)._value
dest, src, size,
/*volatile:*/ false._value)