blob: 428632216787a4d579f81260fc98e81672870adf [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRES: plus_zero_runtime
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -module-name existential_erasure -emit-silgen -enable-sil-ownership %s | %FileCheck %s
protocol P {
func downgrade(_ m68k: Bool) -> Self
func upgrade() throws -> Self
protocol Q {}
struct X: P, Q {
func downgrade(_ m68k: Bool) -> X {
return self
func upgrade() throws -> X {
return self
func makePQ() -> P & Q { return X() }
func useP(_ x: P) { }
func throwingFunc() throws -> Bool { return true }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$S19existential_erasure5PQtoPyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
func PQtoP() {
// CHECK: [[PQ_PAYLOAD:%.*]] = open_existential_addr immutable_access [[PQ:%.*]] : $*P & Q to $*[[OPENED_TYPE:@opened(.*) P & Q]]
// CHECK: [[P_PAYLOAD:%.*]] = init_existential_addr [[P:%.*]] : $*P, $[[OPENED_TYPE]]
// CHECK: copy_addr [[PQ_PAYLOAD]] to [initialization] [[P_PAYLOAD]]
// CHECK: destroy_addr [[PQ]]
// CHECK-NOT: destroy_addr [[P]]
// CHECK-NOT: destroy_addr [[P_PAYLOAD]]
// CHECK-NOT: deinit_existential_addr [[PQ]]
// CHECK-NOT: destroy_addr [[PQ_PAYLOAD]]
// Make sure uninitialized existentials are properly deallocated when we
// have an early return.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$S19existential_erasure19openExistentialToP1yyAA1P_pKF
func openExistentialToP1(_ p: P) throws {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : @trivial $*P):
// CHECK: [[OPEN:%.*]] = open_existential_addr immutable_access %0 : $*P to $*[[OPEN_TYPE:@opened\(.*\) P]]
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = alloc_stack $P
// CHECK: [[RESULT_ADDR:%.*]] = init_existential_addr [[RESULT]] : $*P, $[[OPEN_TYPE]]
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @$S19existential_erasure12throwingFuncSbyKF
// CHECK: try_apply [[FUNC]]()
// CHECK: bb1([[SUCCESS:%.*]] : @trivial $Bool):
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%.*]] = witness_method $[[OPEN_TYPE]], #P.downgrade!1 : {{.*}}, [[OPEN]]
// CHECK: apply [[METHOD]]<[[OPEN_TYPE]]>([[RESULT_ADDR]], [[SUCCESS]], [[OPEN]])
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: return
// CHECK: bb2([[FAILURE:%.*]] : @owned $Error):
// CHECK: deinit_existential_addr [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: throw [[FAILURE]]
try useP(p.downgrade(throwingFunc()))
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$S19existential_erasure19openExistentialToP2yyAA1P_pKF
func openExistentialToP2(_ p: P) throws {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : @trivial $*P):
// CHECK: [[OPEN:%.*]] = open_existential_addr immutable_access %0 : $*P to $*[[OPEN_TYPE:@opened\(.*\) P]]
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = alloc_stack $P
// CHECK: [[RESULT_ADDR:%.*]] = init_existential_addr [[RESULT]] : $*P, $[[OPEN_TYPE]]
// CHECK: [[METHOD:%.*]] = witness_method $[[OPEN_TYPE]], #P.upgrade!1 : {{.*}}, [[OPEN]]
// CHECK: try_apply [[METHOD]]<[[OPEN_TYPE]]>([[RESULT_ADDR]], [[OPEN]])
// CHECK: bb1
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: return
// CHECK: bb2([[FAILURE:%.*]]: @owned $Error):
// CHECK: deinit_existential_addr [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: throw [[FAILURE]]
try useP(p.upgrade())
// Same as above but for boxed existentials
extension Error {
func returnOrThrowSelf() throws -> Self {
throw self
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$S19existential_erasure12errorHandlerys5Error_psAC_pKF
func errorHandler(_ e: Error) throws -> Error {
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] : @guaranteed $Error):
// CHECK: debug_value [[ARG]] : $Error
// CHECK: [[OPEN:%.*]] = open_existential_box [[ARG]] : $Error to $*[[OPEN_TYPE:@opened\(.*\) Error]]
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = alloc_existential_box $Error, $[[OPEN_TYPE]]
// CHECK: [[ADDR:%.*]] = project_existential_box $[[OPEN_TYPE]] in [[RESULT]] : $Error
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @$Ss5ErrorP19existential_erasureE17returnOrThrowSelf{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
// CHECK: try_apply [[FUNC]]<[[OPEN_TYPE]]>([[ADDR]], [[OPEN]])
// CHECK: bb1
// CHECK: return [[RESULT]] : $Error
// CHECK: bb2([[FAILURE:%.*]] : @owned $Error):
// CHECK: dealloc_existential_box [[RESULT]]
// CHECK: throw [[FAILURE]] : $Error
return try e.returnOrThrowSelf()
// rdar://problem/22003864 -- SIL verifier crash when init_existential_addr
// references dynamic Self type
class EraseDynamicSelf {
required init() {}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden @$S19existential_erasure16EraseDynamicSelfC7factoryACXDyFZ : $@convention(method) (@thick EraseDynamicSelf.Type) -> @owned EraseDynamicSelf
// CHECK: [[ANY:%.*]] = alloc_stack $Any
// CHECK: init_existential_addr [[ANY]] : $*Any, $@dynamic_self EraseDynamicSelf
class func factory() -> Self {
let instance = self.init()
let _: Any = instance
return instance