blob: 19891ae69a372d467d70d27189e92d59601a0337 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Parser.h - Swift Language Parser -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the Parser interface.
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTNode.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsParse.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/LayoutConstraint.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/Basic/OptionSet.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h"
#include "swift/Parse/LocalContext.h"
#include "swift/Parse/PersistentParserState.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Token.h"
#include "swift/Parse/ParserPosition.h"
#include "swift/Parse/ParserResult.h"
#include "swift/Parse/SyntaxParserResult.h"
#include "swift/Parse/SyntaxParsingContext.h"
#include "swift/Config.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
namespace llvm {
template <typename PT1, typename PT2, typename PT3> class PointerUnion3;
namespace swift {
class DefaultArgumentInitializer;
class DiagnosticEngine;
class Lexer;
class ScopeInfo;
struct TypeLoc;
class TupleType;
class SILParserTUStateBase;
class SourceManager;
class PersistentParserState;
class CodeCompletionCallbacks;
class DelayedParsingCallbacks;
struct EnumElementInfo;
namespace syntax {
class AbsolutePosition;
class RawSyntax;
enum class SyntaxKind;
class TypeSyntax;
}// end of syntax namespace
/// Different contexts in which BraceItemList are parsed.
enum class BraceItemListKind {
/// A statement list terminated by a closing brace. The default.
/// A statement list in a case block. The list is terminated
/// by a closing brace or a 'case' or 'default' label.
/// The top-level of a file, when not in parse-as-library mode (i.e. the
/// repl or a script).
/// The top-level of a file, when in parse-as-library mode.
/// The body of the inactive clause of an #if/#else/#endif block
/// The body of the active clause of an #if/#else/#endif block
/// The receiver will be fed with consumed tokens while parsing. The main purpose
/// is to generate a corrected token stream for tooling support like syntax
/// coloring.
class ConsumeTokenReceiver {
/// This is called when a token is consumed.
virtual void receive(Token Tok) {}
/// This is called to update the kind of a token whose start location is Loc.
virtual void registerTokenKindChange(SourceLoc Loc, tok NewKind) {};
/// This is called when a source file is fully parsed.
virtual void finalize() {};
virtual ~ConsumeTokenReceiver() = default;
/// The main class used for parsing a source file (.swift or .sil).
/// Rather than instantiating a Parser yourself, use one of the parsing APIs
/// provided in Subsystems.h.
class Parser {
Parser(const Parser&) = delete;
void operator=(const Parser&) = delete;
bool IsInputIncomplete = false;
SourceLoc DelayedDeclEnd;
std::vector<Token> SplitTokens;
SourceManager &SourceMgr;
DiagnosticEngine &Diags;
SourceFile &SF;
Lexer *L;
SILParserTUStateBase *SIL; // Non-null when parsing a .sil file.
PersistentParserState *State;
std::unique_ptr<PersistentParserState> OwnedState;
DeclContext *CurDeclContext;
ASTContext &Context;
CodeCompletionCallbacks *CodeCompletion = nullptr;
std::vector<std::pair<SourceLoc, std::vector<ParamDecl*>>> AnonClosureVars;
bool IsParsingInterfaceTokens = false;
/// DisabledVars is a list of variables for whom local name lookup is
/// disabled. This is used when parsing a PatternBindingDecl to reject self
/// uses and to disable uses of the bound variables in a let/else block. The
/// diagnostic to emit is stored in DisabledVarReason.
ArrayRef<VarDecl *> DisabledVars;
Diag<> DisabledVarReason;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<Decl *, 2> AlreadyHandledDecls;
enum {
/// InVarOrLetPattern has this value when not parsing a pattern.
/// InVarOrLetPattern has this value when we're in a matching pattern, but
/// not within a var/let pattern. In this phase, identifiers are references
/// to the enclosing scopes, not a variable binding.
/// InVarOrLetPattern has this value when parsing a pattern in which bound
/// variables are implicitly immutable, but allowed to be marked mutable by
/// using a 'var' pattern. This happens in for-each loop patterns.
/// When InVarOrLetPattern has this value, bound variables are mutable, and
/// nested let/var patterns are not permitted. This happens when parsing a
/// 'var' decl or when parsing inside a 'var' pattern.
/// When InVarOrLetPattern has this value, bound variables are immutable,and
/// nested let/var patterns are not permitted. This happens when parsing a
/// 'let' decl or when parsing inside a 'let' pattern.
} InVarOrLetPattern = IVOLP_NotInVarOrLet;
bool InPoundLineEnvironment = false;
bool InPoundIfEnvironment = false;
bool InSwiftKeyPath = false;
Expr* SwiftKeyPathRoot = nullptr;
SourceLoc SwiftKeyPathSlashLoc = SourceLoc();
LocalContext *CurLocalContext = nullptr;
DelayedParsingCallbacks *DelayedParseCB = nullptr;
bool isDelayedParsingEnabled() const { return DelayedParseCB != nullptr; }
void setDelayedParsingCallbacks(DelayedParsingCallbacks *DelayedParseCB) {
this->DelayedParseCB = DelayedParseCB;
void setCodeCompletionCallbacks(CodeCompletionCallbacks *Callbacks) {
CodeCompletion = Callbacks;
bool isCodeCompletionFirstPass() {
return L->isCodeCompletion() && !CodeCompletion;
bool allowTopLevelCode() const {
return SF.isScriptMode();
const std::vector<Token> &getSplitTokens() { return SplitTokens; }
void markSplitToken(tok Kind, StringRef Txt);
/// Returns true if the parser reached EOF with incomplete source input, due
/// for example, a missing right brace.
bool isInputIncomplete() const { return IsInputIncomplete; }
void checkForInputIncomplete() {
IsInputIncomplete = IsInputIncomplete ||;
/// \brief This is the current token being considered by the parser.
Token Tok;
/// \brief leading trivias for \c Tok.
/// Always empty if !SF.shouldBuildSyntaxTree().
syntax::Trivia LeadingTrivia;
/// \brief trailing trivias for \c Tok.
/// Always empty if !SF.shouldBuildSyntaxTree().
syntax::Trivia TrailingTrivia;
/// \brief The receiver to collect all consumed tokens.
ConsumeTokenReceiver *TokReceiver;
/// \brief The location of the previous token.
SourceLoc PreviousLoc;
/// Stop parsing immediately.
void cutOffParsing() {
// Cut off parsing by acting as if we reached the end-of-file.
/// A RAII object for temporarily changing CurDeclContext.
class ContextChange {
Parser &P;
DeclContext *OldContext; // null signals that this has been popped
LocalContext *OldLocal;
ContextChange(const ContextChange &) = delete;
ContextChange &operator=(const ContextChange &) = delete;
ContextChange(Parser &P, DeclContext *DC,
LocalContext *newLocal = nullptr)
: P(P), OldContext(P.CurDeclContext), OldLocal(P.CurLocalContext) {
assert(DC && "pushing null context?");
P.CurDeclContext = DC;
P.CurLocalContext = newLocal;
/// Prematurely pop the DeclContext installed by the constructor.
/// Makes the destructor a no-op.
void pop() {
assert(OldContext && "already popped context!");
OldContext = nullptr;
~ContextChange() {
if (OldContext) popImpl();
void popImpl() {
P.CurDeclContext = OldContext;
P.CurLocalContext = OldLocal;
/// A RAII object for parsing a new local context.
class ParseFunctionBody : public LocalContext {
ContextChange CC;
ParseFunctionBody(Parser &P, DeclContext *DC) : CC(P, DC, this) {
assert(!isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(DC) &&
"top-level code should be parsed using TopLevelCodeContext!");
void pop() {
/// Describes the kind of a lexical structure marker, indicating
/// what kind of structural element we started parsing at a
/// particular location.
enum class StructureMarkerKind : uint8_t {
/// The start of a declaration.
/// The start of a statement.
/// An open parentheses.
/// An open brace.
/// An open square bracket.
/// An #if conditional clause.
/// A structure marker, which identifies the location at which the
/// parser saw an entity it is parsing.
struct StructureMarker {
/// The location at which the marker occurred.
SourceLoc Loc;
/// The kind of marker.
StructureMarkerKind Kind;
/// The leading whitespace for this marker, if it has already been
/// computed.
Optional<StringRef> LeadingWhitespace;
/// An RAII object that notes when we have seen a structure marker.
class StructureMarkerRAII {
Parser &P;
/// Max nesting level
// TODO: customizable.
enum { MaxDepth = 256 };
void diagnoseOverflow();
StructureMarkerRAII(Parser &parser, SourceLoc loc,
StructureMarkerKind kind)
: P(parser) {
P.StructureMarkers.push_back({loc, kind, None});
if (P.StructureMarkers.size() >= MaxDepth) {
StructureMarkerRAII(Parser &parser, const Token &tok);
~StructureMarkerRAII() {
friend class StructureMarkerRAII;
/// The stack of structure markers indicating the locations of
/// structural elements actively being parsed, including the start
/// of declarations, statements, and opening operators of various
/// kinds.
/// This vector is managed by \c StructureMarkerRAII objects.
llvm::SmallVector<StructureMarker, 16> StructureMarkers;
/// Current syntax parsing context where call backs should be directed to.
SyntaxParsingContext *SyntaxContext;
Parser(unsigned BufferID, SourceFile &SF, SILParserTUStateBase *SIL,
PersistentParserState *PersistentState = nullptr);
Parser(std::unique_ptr<Lexer> Lex, SourceFile &SF,
SILParserTUStateBase *SIL = nullptr,
PersistentParserState *PersistentState = nullptr);
bool isInSILMode() const { return SIL != nullptr; }
/// Calling this function to finalize libSyntax tree creation without destroying
/// the parser instance.
void finalizeSyntaxTree() {
assert( && "not done parsing yet");
// Routines to save and restore parser state.
ParserPosition getParserPosition() {
return ParserPosition(L->getStateForBeginningOfToken(Tok, LeadingTrivia),
ParserPosition getParserPosition(const PersistentParserState::ParserPos &Pos){
return ParserPosition(L->getStateForBeginningOfTokenLoc(Pos.Loc),
void restoreParserPosition(ParserPosition PP, bool enableDiagnostics = false) {
L->restoreState(PP.LS, enableDiagnostics);
// We might be at tok::eof now, so ensure that consumeToken() does not
// assert about lexing past eof.
PreviousLoc = PP.PreviousLoc;
void backtrackToPosition(ParserPosition PP) {
// We might be at tok::eof now, so ensure that consumeToken() does not
// assert about lexing past eof.
PreviousLoc = PP.PreviousLoc;
/// RAII object that, when it is destructed, restores the parser and lexer to
/// their positions at the time the object was constructed. Will not jump
/// forward in the token stream.
class BacktrackingScope {
Parser &P;
ParserPosition PP;
DiagnosticTransaction DT;
/// This context immediately deconstructed with transparent accumulation
/// on cancelBacktrack().
llvm::Optional<SyntaxParsingContext> SynContext;
bool Backtrack = true;
BacktrackingScope(Parser &P)
: P(P), PP(P.getParserPosition()), DT(P.Diags) {
void cancelBacktrack() {
Backtrack = false;
/// RAII object that, when it is destructed, restores the parser and lexer to
/// their positions at the time the object was constructed.
struct ParserPositionRAII {
Parser &P;
ParserPosition PP;
ParserPositionRAII(Parser &P) : P(P), PP(P.getParserPosition()) {}
~ParserPositionRAII() {
// Utilities
/// \brief Return the next token that will be installed by \c consumeToken.
const Token &peekToken();
/// Consume a token that we created on the fly to correct the original token
/// stream from lexer.
void consumeExtraToken(Token K);
SourceLoc consumeTokenWithoutFeedingReceiver();
SourceLoc consumeToken();
SourceLoc consumeToken(tok K) {
assert( && "Consuming wrong token kind");
return consumeToken();
SourceLoc consumeIdentifier(Identifier *Result = nullptr) {
assert(Tok.isAny(tok::identifier, tok::kw_self, tok::kw_Self,
/* for Swift3 */tok::kw_throws, tok::kw_rethrows));
if (Result)
*Result = Context.getIdentifier(Tok.getText());
return consumeToken();
/// \brief Retrieve the location just past the end of the previous
/// source location.
SourceLoc getEndOfPreviousLoc();
/// \brief If the current token is the specified kind, consume it and
/// return true. Otherwise, return false without consuming it.
bool consumeIf(tok K) {
if (Tok.isNot(K)) return false;
return true;
/// \brief If the current token is the specified kind, consume it and
/// return true. Otherwise, return false without consuming it.
bool consumeIf(tok K, SourceLoc &consumedLoc) {
if (Tok.isNot(K)) return false;
consumedLoc = consumeToken(K);
return true;
bool consumeIfNotAtStartOfLine(tok K) {
if (Tok.isAtStartOfLine()) return false;
return consumeIf(K);
/// \brief Read tokens until we get to one of the specified tokens, then
/// return without consuming it. Because we cannot guarantee that the token
/// will ever occur, this skips to some likely good stopping point.
void skipUntil(tok T1, tok T2 = tok::NUM_TOKENS);
void skipUntilAnyOperator();
/// \brief Skip until a token that starts with '>', and consume it if found.
/// Applies heuristics that are suitable when trying to find the end of a list
/// of generic parameters, generic arguments, or list of types in a protocol
/// composition.
SourceLoc skipUntilGreaterInTypeList(bool protocolComposition = false);
/// skipUntilDeclStmtRBrace - Skip to the next decl or '}'.
void skipUntilDeclRBrace();
void skipUntilDeclStmtRBrace(tok T1);
void skipUntilDeclStmtRBrace(tok T1, tok T2);
void skipUntilDeclRBrace(tok T1, tok T2);
/// Skip a single token, but match parentheses, braces, and square brackets.
/// Note: this does \em not match angle brackets ("<" and ">")! These are
/// matched in the source when they refer to a generic type,
/// but not when used as comparison operators.
void skipSingle();
/// \brief Skip until the next '#else', '#endif' or until eof.
void skipUntilConditionalBlockClose();
/// Parse an #endif.
bool parseEndIfDirective(SourceLoc &Loc);
InFlightDiagnostic diagnose(SourceLoc Loc, Diagnostic Diag) {
if (Diags.isDiagnosticPointsToFirstBadToken(Diag.getID()) &&
Loc == Tok.getLoc() && Tok.isAtStartOfLine())
Loc = getEndOfPreviousLoc();
return Diags.diagnose(Loc, Diag);
InFlightDiagnostic diagnose(Token Tok, Diagnostic Diag) {
return diagnose(Tok.getLoc(), Diag);
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
InFlightDiagnostic diagnose(SourceLoc Loc, Diag<DiagArgTypes...> DiagID,
ArgTypes &&...Args) {
return diagnose(Loc, Diagnostic(DiagID, std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...));
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
InFlightDiagnostic diagnose(Token Tok, Diag<DiagArgTypes...> DiagID,
ArgTypes &&...Args) {
return diagnose(Tok.getLoc(),
Diagnostic(DiagID, std::forward<ArgTypes>(Args)...));
void diagnoseRedefinition(ValueDecl *Prev, ValueDecl *New);
/// Add a fix-it to remove the space in consecutive identifiers.
/// Add a camel-cased option if it is different than the first option.
void diagnoseConsecutiveIDs(StringRef First, SourceLoc FirstLoc,
StringRef DeclKindName);
bool startsWithSymbol(Token Tok, char symbol) {
return (Tok.isAnyOperator() || Tok.isPunctuation()) &&
Tok.getText()[0] == symbol;
/// \brief Check whether the current token starts with '<'.
bool startsWithLess(Token Tok) { return startsWithSymbol(Tok, '<'); }
/// \brief Check whether the current token starts with '>'.
bool startsWithGreater(Token Tok) { return startsWithSymbol(Tok, '>'); }
/// \brief Consume the starting '<' of the current token, which may either
/// be a complete '<' token or some kind of operator token starting with '<',
/// e.g., '<>'.
SourceLoc consumeStartingLess();
/// \brief Consume the starting '>' of the current token, which may either
/// be a complete '>' token or some kind of operator token starting with '>',
/// e.g., '>>'.
SourceLoc consumeStartingGreater();
/// \brief Consume the starting character of the current token, and split the
/// remainder of the token into a new token (or tokens).
consumeStartingCharacterOfCurrentToken(tok Kind = tok::oper_binary_unspaced,
size_t Len = 1);
swift::ScopeInfo &getScopeInfo() { return State->getScopeInfo(); }
/// \brief Add the given Decl to the current scope.
void addToScope(ValueDecl *D) {
getScopeInfo().addToScope(D, *this);
ValueDecl *lookupInScope(DeclName Name) {
if (Context.LangOpts.EnableASTScopeLookup)
return nullptr;
return getScopeInfo().lookupValueName(Name);
// Primitive Parsing
/// \brief Consume an identifier (but not an operator) if present and return
/// its name in \p Result. Otherwise, emit an error.
/// \returns false on success, true on error.
bool parseIdentifier(Identifier &Result, SourceLoc &Loc, const Diagnostic &D);
/// Consume an identifier with a specific expected name. This is useful for
/// contextually sensitive keywords that must always be present.
bool parseSpecificIdentifier(StringRef expected, SourceLoc &Loc,
const Diagnostic &D);
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseIdentifier(Identifier &Result, Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID,
ArgTypes... Args) {
SourceLoc L;
return parseIdentifier(Result, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseIdentifier(Identifier &Result, SourceLoc &L,
Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID, ArgTypes... Args) {
return parseIdentifier(Result, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseSpecificIdentifier(StringRef expected,
Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID, ArgTypes... Args) {
SourceLoc L;
return parseSpecificIdentifier(expected, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
/// \brief Consume an identifier or operator if present and return its name
/// in \p Result. Otherwise, emit an error and return true.
bool parseAnyIdentifier(Identifier &Result, SourceLoc &Loc,
const Diagnostic &D);
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseAnyIdentifier(Identifier &Result, Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID,
ArgTypes... Args) {
SourceLoc L;
return parseAnyIdentifier(Result, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseAnyIdentifier(Identifier &Result, SourceLoc &L,
Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID, ArgTypes... Args) {
return parseAnyIdentifier(Result, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
/// \brief The parser expects that \p K is next token in the input. If so,
/// it is consumed and false is returned.
/// If the input is malformed, this emits the specified error diagnostic.
bool parseToken(tok K, SourceLoc &TokLoc, const Diagnostic &D);
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseToken(tok K, Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID, ArgTypes... Args) {
SourceLoc L;
return parseToken(K, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
template<typename ...DiagArgTypes, typename ...ArgTypes>
bool parseToken(tok K, SourceLoc &L,
Diag<DiagArgTypes...> ID, ArgTypes... Args) {
return parseToken(K, L, Diagnostic(ID, Args...));
/// \brief Parse the specified expected token and return its location
/// on success. On failure, emit the specified error diagnostic, and
/// a note at the specified note location.
bool parseMatchingToken(tok K, SourceLoc &TokLoc, Diag<> ErrorDiag,
SourceLoc OtherLoc);
/// \brief Parse a comma separated list of some elements.
ParserStatus parseList(tok RightK, SourceLoc LeftLoc, SourceLoc &RightLoc,
bool AllowSepAfterLast, Diag<> ErrorDiag,
syntax::SyntaxKind Kind,
std::function<ParserStatus()> callback);
void consumeTopLevelDecl(ParserPosition BeginParserPosition,
TopLevelCodeDecl *TLCD);
ParserStatus parseBraceItems(SmallVectorImpl<ASTNode> &Decls,
BraceItemListKind Kind =
BraceItemListKind ConditionalBlockKind =
ParserResult<BraceStmt> parseBraceItemList(Diag<> ID);
void parseTopLevelCodeDeclDelayed();
// Decl Parsing
/// Return true if parser is at the start of a decl or decl-import.
bool isStartOfDecl();
bool parseTopLevel();
/// Flags that control the parsing of declarations.
enum ParseDeclFlags {
PD_Default = 0,
PD_AllowTopLevel = 1 << 1,
PD_HasContainerType = 1 << 2,
PD_DisallowInit = 1 << 3,
PD_AllowDestructor = 1 << 4,
PD_AllowEnumElement = 1 << 5,
PD_InProtocol = 1 << 6,
PD_InClass = 1 << 7,
PD_InExtension = 1 << 8,
PD_InStruct = 1 << 9,
PD_InEnum = 1 << 10,
/// Options that control the parsing of declarations.
typedef OptionSet<ParseDeclFlags> ParseDeclOptions;
void delayParseFromBeginningToHere(ParserPosition BeginParserPosition,
ParseDeclOptions Flags);
void consumeDecl(ParserPosition BeginParserPosition, ParseDeclOptions Flags,
bool IsTopLevel);
// When compiling for the Debugger, some Decl's need to be moved from the
// current scope. In which case although the Decl will be returned in the
// ParserResult, it should not be inserted into the Decl list for the current
// context. markWasHandled asserts that the Decl is already where it
// belongs, and declWasHandledAlready is used to check this assertion.
// To keep the handled decl array small, we remove the Decl when it is
// checked, so you can only call declWasAlreadyHandled once for a given
// decl.
void markWasHandled(Decl *D) {
bool declWasHandledAlready(Decl *D) {
return AlreadyHandledDecls.erase(D);
ParserResult<Decl> parseDecl(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> Handler);
void parseDeclDelayed();
ParserResult<TypeDecl> parseDeclTypeAlias(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
ParserResult<TypeDecl> parseDeclAssociatedType(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
/// Parse a #if ... #endif directive.
/// Delegate callback function to parse elements in the blocks.
ParserResult<IfConfigDecl> parseIfConfig(
llvm::function_ref<void(SmallVectorImpl<ASTNode> &, bool)> parseElements);
/// Parse a #error or #warning diagnostic.
ParserResult<PoundDiagnosticDecl> parseDeclPoundDiagnostic();
/// Parse a #line/#sourceLocation directive.
/// 'isLine = true' indicates parsing #line instead of #sourcelocation
ParserStatus parseLineDirective(bool isLine = false);
void setLocalDiscriminator(ValueDecl *D);
/// Parse the optional attributes before a declaration.
bool parseDeclAttributeList(DeclAttributes &Attributes,
bool &FoundCodeCompletionToken);
/// Parse the @_specialize attribute.
/// \p closingBrace is the expected closing brace, which can be either ) or ]
/// \p Attr is where to store the parsed attribute
bool parseSpecializeAttribute(swift::tok ClosingBrace, SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc Loc, SpecializeAttr *&Attr);
/// Parse the @_implements attribute.
/// \p Attr is where to store the parsed attribute
ParserResult<ImplementsAttr> parseImplementsAttribute(SourceLoc AtLoc,
SourceLoc Loc);
/// Parse a specific attribute.
bool parseDeclAttribute(DeclAttributes &Attributes, SourceLoc AtLoc);
bool parseNewDeclAttribute(DeclAttributes &Attributes, SourceLoc AtLoc,
DeclAttrKind DK);
/// Parse a version tuple of the form x[.y[.z]]. Returns true if there was
/// an error parsing.
bool parseVersionTuple(clang::VersionTuple &Version, SourceRange &Range,
const Diagnostic &D);
bool parseTypeAttributeList(VarDecl::Specifier &Specifier,
SourceLoc &SpecifierLoc,
TypeAttributes &Attributes) {
if (Tok.isAny(tok::at_sign, tok::kw_inout) ||
( &&
(Tok.getRawText().equals("__shared") ||
return parseTypeAttributeListPresent(Specifier, SpecifierLoc, Attributes);
return false;
bool parseTypeAttributeListPresent(VarDecl::Specifier &Specifier,
SourceLoc &SpecifierLoc,
TypeAttributes &Attributes);
bool parseTypeAttribute(TypeAttributes &Attributes,
bool justChecking = false);
ParserResult<ImportDecl> parseDeclImport(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
ParserStatus parseInheritance(SmallVectorImpl<TypeLoc> &Inherited,
bool allowClassRequirement,
bool allowAnyObject);
ParserStatus parseDeclItem(bool &PreviousHadSemi,
Parser::ParseDeclOptions Options,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> handler);
bool parseDeclList(SourceLoc LBLoc, SourceLoc &RBLoc,
Diag<> ErrorDiag, ParseDeclOptions Options,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> handler);
ParserResult<ExtensionDecl> parseDeclExtension(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
ParserResult<EnumDecl> parseDeclEnum(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
parseDeclEnumCase(ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &decls);
parseDeclStruct(ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes);
parseDeclClass(SourceLoc ClassLoc,
ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes);
parseDeclVar(ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls,
SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
SourceLoc TryLoc);
void consumeGetSetBody(AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD, SourceLoc LBLoc);
struct ParsedAccessors {
SourceLoc LBLoc, RBLoc;
AccessorDecl *Get = nullptr;
AccessorDecl *Set = nullptr;
AccessorDecl *Addressor = nullptr;
AccessorDecl *MutableAddressor = nullptr;
AccessorDecl *WillSet = nullptr;
AccessorDecl *DidSet = nullptr;
void record(Parser &P, AbstractStorageDecl *storage, bool invalid,
ParseDeclOptions flags, SourceLoc staticLoc,
const DeclAttributes &attrs,
TypeLoc elementTy, ParameterList *indices,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &decls);
void parseAccessorAttributes(DeclAttributes &Attributes);
bool parseGetSetImpl(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
ParameterList *Indices,
TypeLoc ElementTy,
ParsedAccessors &accessors,
AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
SourceLoc &LastValidLoc,
SourceLoc StaticLoc, SourceLoc VarLBLoc,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls);
bool parseGetSet(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
ParameterList *Indices,
TypeLoc ElementTy,
ParsedAccessors &accessors,
AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
SourceLoc StaticLoc, SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls);
void recordAccessors(AbstractStorageDecl *storage, ParseDeclOptions flags,
TypeLoc elementTy, const DeclAttributes &attrs,
SourceLoc staticLoc, ParsedAccessors &accessors);
void parseAccessorBodyDelayed(AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD);
VarDecl *parseDeclVarGetSet(Pattern *pattern, ParseDeclOptions Flags,
SourceLoc StaticLoc, SourceLoc VarLoc,
bool hasInitializer,
const DeclAttributes &Attributes,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls);
void consumeAbstractFunctionBody(AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD,
const DeclAttributes &Attrs);
ParserResult<FuncDecl> parseDeclFunc(SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
bool parseAbstractFunctionBodyDelayed(AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD);
ParserResult<ProtocolDecl> parseDeclProtocol(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
parseDeclSubscript(ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes,
SmallVectorImpl<Decl *> &Decls);
parseDeclInit(ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes);
parseDeclDeinit(ParseDeclOptions Flags, DeclAttributes &Attributes);
void addPatternVariablesToScope(ArrayRef<Pattern *> Patterns);
void addParametersToScope(ParameterList *PL);
ParserResult<OperatorDecl> parseDeclOperator(ParseDeclOptions Flags,
DeclAttributes &Attributes);
ParserResult<OperatorDecl> parseDeclOperatorImpl(SourceLoc OperatorLoc,
Identifier Name,
SourceLoc NameLoc,
DeclAttributes &Attrs);
parseDeclPrecedenceGroup(ParseDeclOptions flags, DeclAttributes &attributes);
// Type Parsing
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseType();
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseType(Diag<> MessageID,
bool HandleCodeCompletion = true,
bool IsSILFuncDecl = false);
parseTypeSimpleOrComposition(Diag<> MessageID,
bool HandleCodeCompletion = true);
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseTypeSimple(Diag<> MessageID,
bool HandleCodeCompletion = true);
/// \brief Parse layout constraint.
LayoutConstraint parseLayoutConstraint(Identifier LayoutConstraintID);
bool parseGenericArguments(SmallVectorImpl<TypeRepr*> &Args,
SourceLoc &LAngleLoc,
SourceLoc &RAngleLoc);
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseTypeIdentifier();
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseOldStyleProtocolComposition();
ParserResult<CompositionTypeRepr> parseAnyType();
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseSILBoxType(GenericParamList *generics,
const TypeAttributes &attrs,
Optional<Scope> &GenericsScope);
ParserResult<TupleTypeRepr> parseTypeTupleBody();
ParserResult<TypeRepr> parseTypeArray(TypeRepr *Base);
/// Parse a collection type.
/// type-simple:
/// '[' type ']'
/// '[' type ':' type ']'
SyntaxParserResult<syntax::TypeSyntax, TypeRepr> parseTypeCollection();
SyntaxParserResult<syntax::TypeSyntax, OptionalTypeRepr>
parseTypeOptional(TypeRepr *Base);
SyntaxParserResult<syntax::TypeSyntax, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeRepr>
parseTypeImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional(TypeRepr *Base);
bool isOptionalToken(const Token &T) const;
SourceLoc consumeOptionalToken();
bool isImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalToken(const Token &T) const;
SourceLoc consumeImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalToken();
TypeRepr *applyAttributeToType(TypeRepr *Ty, const TypeAttributes &Attr,
VarDecl::Specifier Specifier,
SourceLoc SpecifierLoc);
// Pattern Parsing
/// A structure for collecting information about the default
/// arguments of a context.
struct DefaultArgumentInfo {
llvm::SmallVector<DefaultArgumentInitializer *, 4> ParsedContexts;
unsigned NextIndex : 31;
/// Track whether or not one of the parameters in a signature's argument
/// list accepts a default argument.
unsigned HasDefaultArgument : 1;
/// Claim the next argument index. It's important to do this for
/// all the arguments, not just those that have default arguments.
unsigned claimNextIndex() { return NextIndex++; }
/// Set the parsed context for all the initializers to the given
/// function.
void setFunctionContext(AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD);
DefaultArgumentInfo(bool inTypeContext) {
NextIndex = inTypeContext ? 1 : 0;
HasDefaultArgument = false;
/// Describes a parsed parameter.
struct ParsedParameter {
/// Any declaration attributes attached to the parameter.
DeclAttributes Attrs;
/// The location of the 'inout' keyword, if present.
SourceLoc SpecifierLoc;
/// The parsed specifier kind, if present.
VarDecl::Specifier SpecifierKind = VarDecl::Specifier::Default;
/// The location of the first name.
/// \c FirstName is the name.
SourceLoc FirstNameLoc;
/// The location of the second name, if present.
/// \p SecondName is the name.
SourceLoc SecondNameLoc;
/// The location of the '...', if present.
SourceLoc EllipsisLoc;
/// The first name.
Identifier FirstName;
/// The second name, the presence of which is indicated by \c SecondNameLoc.
Identifier SecondName;
/// The type following the ':'.
TypeRepr *Type = nullptr;
/// The default argument for this parameter.
Expr *DefaultArg = nullptr;
/// True if we emitted a parse error about this parameter.
bool isInvalid = false;
/// Describes the context in which the given parameter is being parsed.
enum class ParameterContextKind {
/// An operator.
/// A function.
/// An initializer.
/// A closure.
/// A subscript.
/// A curried argument clause.
/// Parse a parameter-clause.
/// \verbatim
/// parameter-clause:
/// '(' ')'
/// '(' parameter (',' parameter)* '...'? )'
/// parameter:
/// 'inout'? ('let' | 'var')? '`'? identifier-or-none identifier-or-none?
/// (':' type)? ('...' | '=' expr)?
/// identifier-or-none:
/// identifier
/// '_'
/// \endverbatim
ParserStatus parseParameterClause(SourceLoc &leftParenLoc,
SmallVectorImpl<ParsedParameter> &params,
SourceLoc &rightParenLoc,
DefaultArgumentInfo *defaultArgs,
ParameterContextKind paramContext);
ParserResult<ParameterList> parseSingleParameterClause(
ParameterContextKind paramContext,
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> *namePieces = nullptr,
DefaultArgumentInfo *defaultArgs = nullptr);
ParserStatus parseFunctionArguments(SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &NamePieces,
SmallVectorImpl<ParameterList*> &BodyParams,
ParameterContextKind paramContext,
DefaultArgumentInfo &defaultArgs);
ParserStatus parseFunctionSignature(Identifier functionName,
DeclName &fullName,
SmallVectorImpl<ParameterList *> &bodyParams,
DefaultArgumentInfo &defaultArgs,
SourceLoc &throws,
bool &rethrows,
TypeRepr *&retType);
// Pattern Parsing
ParserResult<Pattern> parseTypedPattern();
ParserResult<Pattern> parsePattern();
/// \brief Parse a tuple pattern element.
/// \code
/// pattern-tuple-element:
/// pattern ('=' expr)?
/// \endcode
/// \returns The tuple pattern element, if successful.
std::pair<ParserStatus, Optional<TuplePatternElt>>
ParserResult<Pattern> parsePatternTuple();
parseOptionalPatternTypeAnnotation(ParserResult<Pattern> P,
bool isOptional);
ParserResult<Pattern> parseMatchingPattern(bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Pattern> parseMatchingPatternAsLetOrVar(bool isLet,
SourceLoc VarLoc,
bool isExprBasic);
Pattern *createBindingFromPattern(SourceLoc loc, Identifier name,
VarDecl::Specifier specifier);
/// \brief Determine whether this token can only start a matching pattern
/// production and not an expression.
bool isOnlyStartOfMatchingPattern();
// Speculative type list parsing
/// Returns true if we can parse a generic argument list at the current
/// location in expression context. This parses types without generating
/// AST nodes from the '<' at the current location up to a matching '>'. If
/// the type list parse succeeds, and the closing '>' is followed by one
/// of the following tokens:
/// lparen_following rparen lsquare_following rsquare lbrace rbrace
/// period_following comma semicolon
/// then this function returns true, and the expression will parse as a
/// generic parameter list. If the parse fails, or the closing '>' is not
/// followed by one of the above tokens, then this function returns false,
/// and the expression will parse with the '<' as an operator.
bool canParseAsGenericArgumentList();
bool canParseType();
bool canParseTypeIdentifier();
bool canParseTypeIdentifierOrTypeComposition();
bool canParseOldStyleProtocolComposition();
bool canParseTypeTupleBody();
bool canParseTypeAttribute();
bool canParseGenericArguments();
bool canParseTypedPattern();
// Expression Parsing
ParserResult<Expr> parseExpr(Diag<> ID) {
return parseExprImpl(ID, /*isExprBasic=*/false);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprBasic(Diag<> ID) {
return parseExprImpl(ID, /*isExprBasic=*/true);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprImpl(Diag<> ID, bool isExprBasic = false);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprIs();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprAs();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprArrow();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprSequence(Diag<> ID,
bool isExprBasic,
bool isForConditionalDirective = false);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprSequenceElement(Diag<> ID,
bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprPostfixSuffix(ParserResult<Expr> inner,
bool isExprBasic,
bool periodHasKeyPathBehavior,
bool &hasBindOptional);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprPostfix(Diag<> ID, bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprPostfixWithoutSuffix(Diag<> ID, bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprUnary(Diag<> ID, bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprKeyPathObjC();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprKeyPath();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprSelector();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprSuper(bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprConfiguration();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprStringLiteral();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprTypeOf();
ParserStatus parseStringSegments(SmallVectorImpl<Lexer::StringSegment> &Segments,
SmallVectorImpl<Expr*> &Exprs,
Token EntireTok);
/// Parse an argument label `identifier ':'`, if it exists.
/// \param name The parsed name of the label (empty if it doesn't exist, or is
/// _)
/// \param loc The location of the label (empty if it doesn't exist)
void parseOptionalArgumentLabel(Identifier &name, SourceLoc &loc);
/// Parse an unqualified-decl-name.
/// unqualified-decl-name:
/// identifier
/// identifier '(' ((identifier | '_') ':') + ')'
/// \param afterDot Whether this identifier is coming after a period, which
/// enables '.init' and '.default' like expressions.
/// \param loc Will be populated with the location of the name.
/// \param diag The diagnostic to emit if this is not a name.
/// \param allowOperators Whether to allow operator basenames too.
/// \param allowZeroArgCompoundNames Whether to allow empty argument lists.
DeclName parseUnqualifiedDeclName(bool afterDot, DeclNameLoc &loc,
const Diagnostic &diag,
bool allowOperators=false,
bool allowZeroArgCompoundNames=false);
Expr *parseExprIdentifier();
Expr *parseExprEditorPlaceholder(Token PlaceholderTok,
Identifier PlaceholderId);
/// \brief Parse a closure expression after the opening brace.
/// \verbatim
/// expr-closure:
/// '{' closure-signature? brace-item-list* '}'
/// closure-signature:
/// '|' closure-signature-arguments? '|' closure-signature-result?
/// closure-signature-arguments:
/// pattern-tuple-element (',' pattern-tuple-element)*
/// closure-signature-result:
/// '->' type
/// \endverbatim
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprClosure();
/// \brief Parse the closure signature, if present.
/// \verbatim
/// closure-signature:
/// parameter-clause func-signature-result? 'in'
/// identifier (',' identifier)* func-signature-result? 'in'
/// \endverbatim
/// \param captureList The entries in the capture list.
/// \param params The parsed parameter list, or null if none was provided.
/// \param arrowLoc The location of the arrow, if present.
/// \param explicitResultType The explicit result type, if specified.
/// \param inLoc The location of the 'in' keyword, if present.
/// \returns true if an error occurred, false otherwise.
bool parseClosureSignatureIfPresent(
SmallVectorImpl<CaptureListEntry> &captureList,
ParameterList *&params,
SourceLoc &throwsLoc,
SourceLoc &arrowLoc,
TypeRepr *&explicitResultType,
SourceLoc &inLoc);
Expr *parseExprAnonClosureArg();
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprList(tok LeftTok, tok RightTok,
syntax::SyntaxKind Kind);
/// Parse an expression list, keeping all of the pieces separated.
ParserStatus parseExprList(tok leftTok, tok rightTok,
bool isPostfix,
bool isExprBasic,
SourceLoc &leftLoc,
SmallVectorImpl<Expr *> &exprs,
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &exprLabels,
SmallVectorImpl<SourceLoc> &exprLabelLocs,
SourceLoc &rightLoc,
Expr *&trailingClosure,
syntax::SyntaxKind Kind);
ParserResult<Expr> parseTrailingClosure(SourceRange calleeRange);
// NOTE: used only for legacy support for old object literal syntax.
// Will be removed in the future.
bool isCollectionLiteralStartingWithLSquareLit();
/// Parse an object literal.
/// \param LK The literal kind as determined by the first token.
/// \param NewName New name for a legacy literal.
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteralExpr::LiteralKind LK,
bool isExprBasic,
StringRef NewName = StringRef());
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprCallSuffix(ParserResult<Expr> fn,
bool isExprBasic);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprCollection(SourceLoc LSquareLoc = SourceLoc());
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprArray(SourceLoc LSquareLoc);
ParserResult<Expr> parseExprDictionary(SourceLoc LSquareLoc);
UnresolvedDeclRefExpr *parseExprOperator();
// Statement Parsing
bool isStartOfStmt();
bool isTerminatorForBraceItemListKind(BraceItemListKind Kind,
ArrayRef<ASTNode> ParsedDecls);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmt();
ParserStatus parseExprOrStmt(ASTNode &Result);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtBreak();
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtContinue();
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtReturn(SourceLoc tryLoc);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtThrow(SourceLoc tryLoc);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtDefer();
parseStmtConditionElement(SmallVectorImpl<StmtConditionElement> &result,
Diag<> DefaultID, StmtKind ParentKind,
StringRef &BindingKindStr);
ParserStatus parseStmtCondition(StmtCondition &Result, Diag<> ID,
StmtKind ParentKind);
ParserResult<PoundAvailableInfo> parseStmtConditionPoundAvailable();
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtIf(LabeledStmtInfo LabelInfo);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtGuard();
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtWhile(LabeledStmtInfo LabelInfo);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtRepeat(LabeledStmtInfo LabelInfo);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtDo(LabeledStmtInfo LabelInfo);
ParserResult<CatchStmt> parseStmtCatch();
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtForEach(LabeledStmtInfo LabelInfo);
ParserResult<Stmt> parseStmtSwitch(LabeledStmtInfo LabelInfo);
ParserStatus parseStmtCases(SmallVectorImpl<ASTNode> &cases, bool IsActive);
ParserResult<CaseStmt> parseStmtCase(bool IsActive);
// Generics Parsing
ParserResult<GenericParamList> parseGenericParameters();
ParserResult<GenericParamList> parseGenericParameters(SourceLoc LAngleLoc);
ParserStatus parseGenericParametersBeforeWhere(SourceLoc LAngleLoc,
SmallVectorImpl<GenericTypeParamDecl *> &GenericParams);
ParserResult<GenericParamList> maybeParseGenericParams();
diagnoseWhereClauseInGenericParamList(const GenericParamList *GenericParams);
enum class WhereClauseKind : unsigned {
parseFreestandingGenericWhereClause(GenericParamList *&GPList,
WhereClauseKind kind=WhereClauseKind::Declaration);
ParserStatus parseGenericWhereClause(
SourceLoc &WhereLoc, SmallVectorImpl<RequirementRepr> &Requirements,
bool &FirstTypeInComplete, bool AllowLayoutConstraints = false);
parseProtocolOrAssociatedTypeWhereClause(TrailingWhereClause *&trailingWhere,
bool isProtocol);
// Availability Specification Parsing
/// Parse a comma-separated list of availability specifications.
parseAvailabilitySpecList(SmallVectorImpl<AvailabilitySpec *> &Specs);
ParserResult<AvailabilitySpec> parseAvailabilitySpec();
/// Describes a parsed declaration name.
struct ParsedDeclName {
/// The name of the context of which the corresponding entity should
/// become a member.
StringRef ContextName;
/// The base name of the declaration.
StringRef BaseName;
/// The argument labels for a function declaration.
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> ArgumentLabels;
/// Whether this is a function name (vs. a value name).
bool IsFunctionName = false;
/// Whether this is a getter for the named property.
bool IsGetter = false;
/// Whether this is a setter for the named property.
bool IsSetter = false;
/// For a declaration name that makes the declaration into an
/// instance member, the index of the "Self" parameter.
Optional<unsigned> SelfIndex;
/// Determine whether this is a valid name.
explicit operator bool() const { return !BaseName.empty(); }
/// Whether this declaration name turns the declaration into a
/// member of some named context.
bool isMember() const { return !ContextName.empty(); }
/// Whether the result is translated into an instance member.
bool isInstanceMember() const {
return isMember() && static_cast<bool>(SelfIndex);
/// Whether the result is translated into a static/class member.
bool isClassMember() const {
return isMember() && !static_cast<bool>(SelfIndex);
/// Whether this is a property accessor.
bool isPropertyAccessor() const { return IsGetter || IsSetter; }
/// Whether this is an operator.
bool isOperator() const {
return Lexer::isOperator(BaseName);
/// Form a declaration name from this parsed declaration name.
DeclName formDeclName(ASTContext &ctx) const;
/// Parse a stringified Swift declaration name,
/// e.g. "Foo.translateBy(self:x:y:)".
ParsedDeclName parseDeclName(StringRef name) LLVM_READONLY;
/// Form a Swift declaration name from its constituent parts.
DeclName formDeclName(ASTContext &ctx,
StringRef baseName,
ArrayRef<StringRef> argumentLabels,
bool isFunctionName);
/// Parse a stringified Swift declaration name, e.g. "init(frame:)".
DeclName parseDeclName(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef name);
/// Whether a given token can be the start of a decl.
bool isKeywordPossibleDeclStart(const Token &Tok);
/// \brief Lex and return a vector of `TokenSyntax` tokens, which include
/// leading and trailing trivia.
tokenizeWithTrivia(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
const SourceManager &SM,
unsigned BufferID,
unsigned Offset = 0,
unsigned EndOffset = 0,
DiagnosticEngine *Diags = nullptr);
} // end namespace swift