blob: 13edba15665143dc1f024f4703a07850e98a4a8a [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@_exported import Foundation // Clang module
import CoreFoundation
import CoreGraphics
// NSObject
// These conformances should be located in the `ObjectiveC` module, but they can't
// be placed there because string bridging is not available there.
extension NSObject : CustomStringConvertible {}
extension NSObject : CustomDebugStringConvertible {}
public let NSNotFound: Int = .max
// NSLocalizedString
/// Returns a localized string, using the main bundle if one is not specified.
func NSLocalizedString(_ key: String,
tableName: String? = nil,
bundle: Bundle = Bundle.main,
value: String = "",
comment: String) -> String {
return bundle.localizedString(forKey: key, value:value, table:tableName)
// NSLog
public func NSLog(_ format: String, _ args: CVarArg...) {
withVaList(args) { NSLogv(format, $0) }
// AnyHashable
extension AnyHashable : _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
public func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> NSObject {
// This is unprincipled, but pretty much any object we'll encounter in
// Swift is NSObject-conforming enough to have -hash and -isEqual:.
return unsafeBitCast(base as AnyObject, to: NSObject.self)
public static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(
_ x: NSObject,
result: inout AnyHashable?
) {
result = AnyHashable(x)
public static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(
_ x: NSObject,
result: inout AnyHashable?
) -> Bool {
self._forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(x, result: &result)
return result != nil
public static func _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(
_ source: NSObject?
) -> AnyHashable {
// `nil` has historically been used as a stand-in for an empty
// string; map it to an empty string.
if _slowPath(source == nil) { return AnyHashable(String()) }
return AnyHashable(source!)
// CVarArg for bridged types
extension CVarArg where Self: _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
/// Default implementation for bridgeable types.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
let object = self._bridgeToObjectiveC()
return _encodeBitsAsWords(object)
// Runtime support for NSKeyedArchives
public func _registerClassNameForArchiving(_ nameForClass: UnsafePointer<CChar>,
_ classType: AnyClass) {
// If it's not possible to create a String from the name, it should abort
// and not fail silently.
let nameStr = String(utf8String: nameForClass)!
// Register the class name mapping for archiving and unarchiving.
NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName(nameStr, for: classType)
NSKeyedUnarchiver.setClass(classType, forClassName: nameStr)