blob: b47fa10910cdadb1401e6d8db8602d96e54247cd [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ConstantFolding.h - Utilities for SIL constant folding -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines utility functions for constant folding.
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/Analysis.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include <functional>
namespace swift {
/// Evaluates the constant result of a binary bit-operation.
/// The \p ID must be the ID of a binary bit-operation builtin.
APInt constantFoldBitOperation(APInt lhs, APInt rhs, BuiltinValueKind ID);
/// Evaluates the constant result of an integer comparison.
/// The \p ID must be the ID of an integer builtin operation.
APInt constantFoldComparison(APInt lhs, APInt rhs, BuiltinValueKind ID);
/// Evaluates the constant result of a binary operation with overflow.
/// The \p ID must be the ID of a binary operation with overflow.
APInt constantFoldBinaryWithOverflow(APInt lhs, APInt rhs, bool &Overflow,
llvm::Intrinsic::ID ID);
/// Evaluates the constant result of a division operation.
/// The \p ID must be the ID of a division operation.
APInt constantFoldDiv(APInt lhs, APInt rhs, bool &Overflow, BuiltinValueKind ID);
/// Evaluates the constant result of an integer cast operation.
/// The \p ID must be the ID of a trunc/sext/zext builtin.
APInt constantFoldCast(APInt val, const BuiltinInfo &BI);
/// A utility class to do constant folding.
class ConstantFolder {
/// The worklist of the constants that could be folded into their users.
llvm::SetVector<SILInstruction *> WorkList;
/// The assert configuration of SILOptions.
unsigned AssertConfiguration;
/// Print diagnostics as part of mandatory constant propagation.
bool EnableDiagnostics;
/// Called for each constant folded instruction.
std::function<void (SILInstruction *)> Callback;
bool constantFoldStringConcatenation(ApplyInst *AI);
/// The constructor.
/// \param AssertConfiguration The assert configuration of SILOptions.
/// \param EnableDiagnostics Print diagnostics as part of mandatory constant
/// propagation.
/// \param Callback Called for each constant folded instruction.
ConstantFolder(unsigned AssertConfiguration,
bool EnableDiagnostics = false,
std::function<void (SILInstruction *)> Callback =
[](SILInstruction *){}) :
Callback(Callback) { }
/// Initialize the worklist with all instructions of the function \p F.
void initializeWorklist(SILFunction &F);
/// Initialize the worklist with a single instruction \p I.
void addToWorklist(SILInstruction *I) {
/// Constant fold everything in the worklist and transitively all uses of
/// folded instructions.
SILAnalysis::InvalidationKind processWorkList();
} // end namespace swift