blob: 22451b3c9e90e86c793f5a8acf44f5602be5eb82 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------------------- SwiftLang.swift -------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides Swift language support by invoking SourceKit internally.
enum SourceKitdError: Error, CustomStringConvertible {
case EditorOpenError(message: String)
case EditorCloseError(message: String)
var description: String {
switch self {
case .EditorOpenError(let message):
return "cannot open document: \(message)"
case .EditorCloseError(let message):
return "cannot close document: \(message)"
public class SwiftLang {
fileprivate static func parse(content: String, name: String, isURL: Bool) throws -> String {
let Service = SourceKitdService()
let Request = SourceKitdRequest(uid: .request_EditorOpen)
if isURL {
Request.addParameter(.key_SourceFile, value: content)
} else {
Request.addParameter(.key_SourceText, value: content)
Request.addParameter(.key_Name, value: name)
value: .kind_SyntaxTreeFull)
Request.addParameter(.key_EnableSyntaxMap, value: 0)
Request.addParameter(.key_EnableStructure, value: 0)
Request.addParameter(.key_SyntacticOnly, value: 1)
// FIXME: SourceKitd error handling.
let Resp = Service.sendSyn(request: Request)
if Resp.isError {
throw SourceKitdError.EditorOpenError(message: Resp.description)
let CloseReq = SourceKitdRequest(uid: .request_EditorClose)
CloseReq.addParameter(.key_Name, value: name)
let CloseResp = Service.sendSyn(request: CloseReq)
if CloseResp.isError {
throw SourceKitdError.EditorCloseError(message: CloseResp.description)
return Resp.value.getString(.key_SerializedSyntaxTree)
/// Parses the Swift file at the provided URL into a `Syntax` tree in Json
/// serialization format by querying SourceKitd service. This function isn't
/// thread safe.
/// - Parameter url: The URL you wish to parse.
/// - Returns: The syntax tree in Json format string.
public static func parse(path: String) throws -> String {
return try parse(content: path, name: path, isURL: true)
/// Parses a given source buffer into a `Syntax` tree in Json serialization
/// format by querying SourceKitd service. This function isn't thread safe.
/// - Parameter source: The source buffer you wish to parse.
/// - Returns: The syntax tree in Json format string.
public static func parse(source: String) throws -> String {
return try parse(content: source, name: "foo", isURL: false)