blob: bcd93da4d432f448f8f6b7c7597da56f5dc3fd61 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DropLast.swift ---------------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
% # Ignore the following warning. This _is_ the correct file to edit.
// WARNING: This file is manually generated from .gyb template and should not
// be directly modified. Instead, make changes to DropLast.swift.gyb and run
// scripts/generate_harness/ to regenerate this file.
import TestsUtils
let sequenceCount = 4096
let prefixCount = 1024
let dropCount = sequenceCount - prefixCount
let sumCount = prefixCount * (prefixCount - 1) / 2
# Name and Expression pairs for Sequences to test.
Sequences = [
('CountableRange', '0..<sequenceCount'),
'sequence(first: 0) { $0 < sequenceCount - 1 ? $0 &+ 1 : nil }'),
'AnySequence(sequence(first: 0) { $0 < sequenceCount - 1 ? $0 &+ 1 : nil })'),
('AnySeqCntRange', 'AnySequence(0..<sequenceCount)'),
('AnySeqCRangeIter', 'AnySequence((0..<sequenceCount).makeIterator())'),
('AnyCollection', 'AnyCollection(0..<sequenceCount)'),
('Array', 'Array(0..<sequenceCount)'),
def lazy ((Name, Expr)) : return (Name + 'Lazy', '(' + Expr + ').lazy')
Sequences = Sequences + map(lazy, Sequences)
public let DropLast = [
% for (Name, Expr) in Sequences:
name: "DropLast${Name}",
runFunction: run_DropLast${Name},
tags: [.validation, .api${
', .Array, .unstable' if Name == 'Array' or Name == 'ArrayLazy' else
', .unstable' if 'CountableRange' in Name else ''}]),
% end
% for (Name, Expr) in Sequences:
public func run_DropLast${Name}(_ N: Int) {
let s = ${Expr}
for _ in 1...20*N {
var result = 0
for element in s.dropLast(dropCount) {
result += element
CheckResults(result == sumCount)
% end
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: