blob: bbf8ce516e3a59f6bca6a9342b1e1b3a8d7f194d [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ===--- -------------------------------------------===//
# This source file is part of the open source project
# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
# Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
# See for license information
# See for the list of Swift project authors
# ===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//
This script compares performance test logs and issues a formatted report.
Invoke `$ -h ` for complete list of options.
class `Sample` is single benchmark measurement.
class `PerformanceTestSamples` is collection of `Sample`s and their statistics.
class `PerformanceTestResult` is a summary of performance test execution.
class `LogParser` converts log files into `PerformanceTestResult`s.
class `ResultComparison` compares new and old `PerformanceTestResult`s.
class `TestComparator` analyzes changes betweeen the old and new test results.
class `ReportFormatter` creates the test comparison report in specified format.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import re
import sys
from bisect import bisect, bisect_left, bisect_right
from collections import namedtuple
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_EVEN
from math import sqrt
class Sample(namedtuple('Sample', 'i num_iters runtime')):
u"""Single benchmark measurement.
Initialized with:
`i`: ordinal number of the sample taken,
`num-num_iters`: number or iterations used to compute it,
`runtime`: in microseconds (μs).
def __repr__(self):
"""Shorter Sample formating for debugging purposes."""
return 's({0.i!r}, {0.num_iters!r}, {0.runtime!r})'.format(self)
class PerformanceTestSamples(object):
"""Collection of runtime samples from the benchmark execution.
Computes the sample population statistics.
def __init__(self, name, samples=None):
"""Initialize with benchmark name and optional list of Samples.""" = name # Name of the performance test
self.samples = []
self.outliers = []
self._runtimes = []
self.mean = 0.0
self.S_runtime = 0.0 # For computing running variance
for sample in samples or []:
def __str__(self):
"""Text summary of benchmark statisctics."""
return (
'{!s} n={0.count!r} '
'Min={0.min!r} Q1={0.q1!r} M={0.median!r} Q3={0.q3!r} '
'Max={0.max!r} '
'R={0.range!r} {0.spread:.2%} IQR={0.iqr!r} '
'Mean={0.mean:.0f} SD={} CV={}'
.format(self) if self.samples else
'{!s} n=0'.format(self))
def add(self, sample):
"""Add sample to collection and recompute statistics."""
assert isinstance(sample, Sample)
i = bisect(self._runtimes, sample.runtime)
self._runtimes.insert(i, sample.runtime)
self.samples.insert(i, sample)
def _update_stats(self, sample):
old_stats = (self.count, self.mean, self.S_runtime)
_, self.mean, self.S_runtime = (
self.running_mean_variance(old_stats, sample.runtime))
def exclude_outliers(self, top_only=False):
"""Exclude outliers by applying Interquartile Range Rule.
Moves the samples outside of the inner fences
(Q1 - 1.5*IQR and Q3 + 1.5*IQR) into outliers list and recomputes
statistics for the remaining sample population. Optionally apply
only the top inner fence, preserving the small outliers.
Experimentally, this rule seems to perform well-enough on the
benchmark runtimes in the microbenchmark range to filter out
the environment noise caused by preemtive multitasking.
lo = (0 if top_only else
bisect_left(self._runtimes, int(self.q1 - 1.5 * self.iqr)))
hi = bisect_right(self._runtimes, int(self.q3 + 1.5 * self.iqr))
outliers = self.samples[:lo] + self.samples[hi:]
samples = self.samples[lo:hi]
self.__init__( # re-initialize
for sample in samples: # and
self.add(sample) # re-compute stats
self.outliers = outliers
def count(self):
"""Number of samples used to compute the statistics."""
return len(self.samples)
def num_samples(self):
"""Number of all samples in the collection."""
return len(self.samples) + len(self.outliers)
def all_samples(self):
"""List of all samples in ascending order."""
return sorted(self.samples + self.outliers, key=lambda s: s.i)
def min(self):
"""Minimum sampled value."""
return self.samples[0].runtime
def max(self):
"""Maximum sampled value."""
return self.samples[-1].runtime
def quantile(self, q):
"""Return runtime of a sample nearest to the quantile.
Explicitly uses round-half-to-even rounding algorithm to match the
behavior of numpy's quantile(interpolation='nearest') and quantile
estimate type R-3, SAS-2. See:
index = int(Decimal((self.count - 1) * Decimal(q))
.quantize(0, ROUND_HALF_EVEN))
return self.samples[index].runtime
def median(self):
"""Median sampled value."""
return self.quantile(0.5)
def q1(self):
"""First Quartile (25th Percentile)."""
return self.quantile(0.25)
def q3(self):
"""Third Quartile (75th Percentile)."""
return self.quantile(0.75)
def iqr(self):
"""Interquartile Range."""
return self.q3 - self.q1
def sd(self):
u"""Standard Deviation (μs)."""
return (0 if self.count < 2 else
sqrt(self.S_runtime / (self.count - 1)))
def running_mean_variance((k, M_, S_), x):
"""Compute running variance, B. P. Welford's method.
See Knuth TAOCP vol 2, 3rd edition, page 232, or
M is mean, Standard Deviation is defined as sqrt(S/k-1)
k = float(k + 1)
M = M_ + (x - M_) / k
S = S_ + (x - M_) * (x - M)
return (k, M, S)
def cv(self):
"""Coeficient of Variation (%)."""
return ( / self.mean) if self.mean else 0
def range(self):
"""Range of samples values (Max - Min)."""
return self.max - self.min
def spread(self):
"""Sample Spread; i.e. Range as (%) of Min."""
return self.range / float(self.min) if self.min else 0
class PerformanceTestResult(object):
u"""Result from executing an individual Swift Benchmark Suite benchmark.
Reported by the test driver (Benchmark_O, Benchmark_Onone, Benchmark_Osize
or Benchmark_Driver).
It depends on the log format emitted by the test driver in the form:
The last column, MAX_RSS, is emitted only for runs instrumented by the
Benchmark_Driver to measure rough memory use during the execution of the
def __init__(self, csv_row):
"""Initialize from a row with 8 or 9 columns with benchmark summary.
The row is an iterable, such as a row provided by the CSV parser.
self.test_num = csv_row[0] # Ordinal number of the test = csv_row[1] # Name of the performance test
self.num_samples = ( # Number of measurement samples taken
self.min = int(csv_row[3]) # Minimum runtime (μs)
self.max = int(csv_row[4]) # Maximum runtime (μs)
self.mean = float(csv_row[5]) # Mean (average) runtime (μs) = float(csv_row[6]) # Standard Deviation (μs)
self.median = int(csv_row[7]) # Median runtime (μs)
self.max_rss = ( # Maximum Resident Set Size (B)
int(csv_row[8]) if len(csv_row) > 8 else None)
self.samples = None
def __repr__(self):
"""Short summary for debugging purposes."""
return (
'<PerformanceTestResult name:{!r} '
'samples:{0.num_samples!r} min:{0.min!r} max:{0.max!r} '
'mean:{0.mean:.0f} sd:{} median:{0.median!r}>'
def merge(self, r):
"""Merge two results.
Recomputes min, max and mean statistics. If all `samples` are
avaliable, it recomputes all the statistics.
The use case here is comparing test results parsed from concatenated
log files from multiple runs of benchmark driver.
if self.samples and r.samples:
map(self.samples.add, r.samples.samples)
sams = self.samples
self.num_samples = sams.num_samples
self.min, self.max, self.median, self.mean, = \
sams.min, sams.max, sams.median, sams.mean,
self.min = min(self.min, r.min)
self.max = max(self.max, r.max)
self.mean = ( # pooled mean is the weighted sum of means
(self.mean * self.num_samples) + (r.mean * r.num_samples)
) / float(self.num_samples + r.num_samples)
self.num_samples += r.num_samples
self.max_rss = min(self.max_rss, r.max_rss)
self.median, = 0, 0
class ResultComparison(object):
"""ResultComparison compares MINs from new and old PerformanceTestResult.
It computes speedup ratio and improvement delta (%).
def __init__(self, old, new):
"""Initialize with old and new `PerformanceTestResult`s to compare."""
self.old = old = new
assert == = # Test name, convenience accessor
# Speedup ratio
self.ratio = (old.min + 0.001) / (new.min + 0.001)
# Test runtime improvement in %
ratio = (new.min + 0.001) / (old.min + 0.001) = ((ratio - 1) * 100)
# Indication of dubious changes: when result's MIN falls inside the
# (MIN, MAX) interval of result they are being compared with.
self.is_dubious = ((old.min < new.min and new.min < old.max) or
(new.min < old.min and old.min < new.max))
class LogParser(object):
"""Converts log outputs into `PerformanceTestResult`s.
Supports various formats produced by the `Benchmark_Driver` and
`Benchmark_O`('Onone', 'Osize'). It can also merge together the
results from concatenated log files.
def __init__(self):
"""Create instance of `LogParser`."""
self.results = []
def _reset(self):
"""Reset parser to the default state for reading a new result."""
self.samples, self.num_iters = [], 1
self.max_rss, self.mem_pages = None, None
self.voluntary_cs, self.involuntary_cs = None, None
# Parse lines like this
# #,TEST,SAMPLES,MIN(μs),MAX(μs),MEAN(μs),SD(μs),MEDIAN(μs)
results_re = re.compile(r'( *\d+[, \t]*[\w.]+[, \t]*' +
r'[, \t]*'.join([r'[\d.]+'] * 6) +
r'[, \t]*[\d.]*)') # optional MAX_RSS(B)
def _append_result(self, result):
columns = result.split(',')
if len(columns) < 8:
columns = result.split()
r = PerformanceTestResult(columns)
if self.max_rss:
r.max_rss = self.max_rss
r.mem_pages = self.mem_pages
r.voluntary_cs = self.voluntary_cs
r.involuntary_cs = self.involuntary_cs
if self.samples:
r.samples = PerformanceTestSamples(, self.samples)
def _store_memory_stats(self, max_rss, mem_pages):
self.max_rss = int(max_rss)
self.mem_pages = int(mem_pages)
# Regular expression and action to take when it matches the parsed line
state_actions = {
results_re: _append_result,
# Verbose mode adds new productions:
# Adaptively determined N; test loop multiple adjusting runtime to ~1s
re.compile(r'\s+Measuring with scale (\d+).'):
(lambda self, num_iters: setattr(self, 'num_iters', num_iters)),
re.compile(r'\s+Sample (\d+),(\d+)'):
(lambda self, i, runtime:
Sample(int(i), int(self.num_iters), int(runtime)))),
# Environmental statistics: memory usage and context switches
re.compile(r'\s+MAX_RSS \d+ - \d+ = (\d+) \((\d+) pages\)'):
re.compile(r'\s+VCS \d+ - \d+ = (\d+)'):
(lambda self, vcs: setattr(self, 'voluntary_cs', int(vcs))),
re.compile(r'\s+ICS \d+ - \d+ = (\d+)'):
(lambda self, ics: setattr(self, 'involuntary_cs', int(ics))),
def parse_results(self, lines):
"""Parse results from the lines of the log output from Benchmark*.
Returns a list of `PerformanceTestResult`s.
for line in lines:
for regexp, action in LogParser.state_actions.items():
match = regexp.match(line)
if match:
action(self, *match.groups())
break # stop after 1st match
else: # If none matches, skip the line.
# print('skipping: ' + line.rstrip('\n'))
return self.results
def _results_from_lines(lines):
tests = LogParser().parse_results(lines)
def add_or_merge(names, r):
if not in names:
names[] = r
return names
return reduce(add_or_merge, tests, dict())
def results_from_string(log_contents):
"""Parse `PerformanceTestResult`s from the supplied string.
Returns dictionary of test names and `PerformanceTestResult`s.
return LogParser._results_from_lines(log_contents.splitlines())
def results_from_file(log_file):
"""Parse `PerformanceTestResult`s from the log file.
Returns dictionary of test names and `PerformanceTestResult`s.
with open(log_file) as f:
return LogParser._results_from_lines(f.readlines())
class TestComparator(object):
"""Analyzes changes betweeen the old and new test results.
It determines which tests were `added`, `removed` and which can be
compared. It then splits the `ResultComparison`s into 3 groups according to
the `delta_threshold` by the change in performance: `increased`,
`descreased` and `unchanged`. Whole computaion is performed during
initialization and results are provided as properties on this object.
The lists of `added`, `removed` and `unchanged` tests are sorted
alphabetically. The `increased` and `decreased` lists are sorted in
descending order by the amount of change.
def __init__(self, old_results, new_results, delta_threshold):
"""Initialize with dictionaries of old and new benchmark results.
Dictionary keys are benchmark names, values are
old_tests = set(old_results.keys())
new_tests = set(new_results.keys())
comparable_tests = new_tests.intersection(old_tests)
added_tests = new_tests.difference(old_tests)
removed_tests = old_tests.difference(new_tests)
self.added = sorted([new_results[t] for t in added_tests],
key=lambda r:
self.removed = sorted([old_results[t] for t in removed_tests],
key=lambda r:
def compare(name):
return ResultComparison(old_results[name], new_results[name])
comparisons = map(compare, comparable_tests)
def partition(l, p):
return reduce(lambda x, y: x[not p(y)].append(y) or x, l, ([], []))
decreased, not_decreased = partition(
comparisons, lambda c: c.ratio < (1 - delta_threshold))
increased, unchanged = partition(
not_decreased, lambda c: c.ratio > (1 + delta_threshold))
# sorted partitions
names = [ for c in comparisons]
comparisons = dict(zip(names, comparisons))
self.decreased = [comparisons[]
for c in sorted(decreased, key=lambda c:]
self.increased = [comparisons[]
for c in sorted(increased, key=lambda c:]
self.unchanged = [comparisons[]
for c in sorted(unchanged, key=lambda c:]
class ReportFormatter(object):
"""Creates the report from perfromance test comparison in specified format.
`ReportFormatter` formats the `PerformanceTestResult`s and
`ResultComparison`s provided by `TestComparator` into report table.
Supported formats are: `markdown` (used for displaying benchmark results on
GitHub), `git` and `html`.
def __init__(self, comparator, old_branch, new_branch, changes_only,
"""Initialize with `TestComparator` and names of branches."""
self.comparator = comparator
self.old_branch = old_branch
self.new_branch = new_branch
self.changes_only = changes_only
self.single_table = single_table
<details {3}>
<summary>{0} ({1})</summary>
{0} ({1}): {2}"""
def header_for(result):
"""Column labels for header row in results table."""
if isinstance(result, PerformanceTestResult) else
# isinstance(result, ResultComparison)
def values(result):
"""Format values from PerformanceTestResult or ResultComparison.
Returns tuple of strings to display in the results table.
return (
str(result.min), str(result.max), str(int(result.mean)),
str(result.max_rss) if result.max_rss else '—')
if isinstance(result, PerformanceTestResult) else
# isinstance(result, ResultComparison)
str(result.old.min), str(,
' (?)' if result.is_dubious else ''))
def markdown(self):
"""Report results of benchmark comparisons in Markdown format."""
return self._formatted_text(
ROW='{0} | {1} | {2} | {3} | {4} \n',
def git(self):
"""Report results of benchmark comparisons in 'git' format."""
return self._formatted_text(
ROW='{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} \n',
def _column_widths(self):
changed = self.comparator.decreased + self.comparator.increased
results = (changed if self.changes_only else
changed + self.comparator.unchanged)
results += self.comparator.added + self.comparator.removed
widths = [
map(len, columns) for columns in
[ReportFormatter.values(r) for r in results]
def max_widths(maximum, widths):
return tuple(map(max, zip(maximum, widths)))
return reduce(max_widths, widths, tuple([0] * 5))
def _formatted_text(self, ROW, HEADER_SEPARATOR, DETAIL):
widths = self._column_widths()
self.header_printed = False
def justify_columns(contents):
return tuple([c.ljust(w) for w, c in zip(widths, contents)])
def row(contents):
return ROW.format(*justify_columns(contents))
def header(header):
return '\n' + row(header) + row(tuple([HEADER_SEPARATOR] * 5))
def format_columns(r, strong):
return (r if not strong else
r[:-1] + ('**{0}**'.format(r[-1]), ))
def table(title, results, is_strong=False, is_open=False):
rows = [
row(format_columns(ReportFormatter.values(r), is_strong))
for r in results
if not rows:
return ''
if self.single_table:
t = ''
if not self.header_printed:
t += header(ReportFormatter.header_for(results[0]))
self.header_printed = True
t += row(('**' + title + '**', '', '', '', ''))
t += ''.join(rows)
return t
return DETAIL.format(
title, len(results),
(header(ReportFormatter.header_for(results[0])) +
('open' if is_open else '')
return ''.join([
# FIXME print self.old_branch, self.new_branch
table('Regression', self.comparator.decreased, True, True),
table('Improvement', self.comparator.increased, True),
('' if self.changes_only else
table('No Changes', self.comparator.unchanged)),
table('Added', self.comparator.added, is_open=True),
table('Removed', self.comparator.removed, is_open=True)
HTML = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
body {{ font-family: -apple-system, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; }}
table {{ border-spacing: 2px; border-color: gray; border-spacing: 0;
border-collapse: collapse; }}
table tr {{ background-color: #fff; border-top: 1px solid #c6cbd1; }}
table th, table td {{ padding: 6px 13px; border: 1px solid #dfe2e5; }}
th {{ text-align: center; padding-top: 130px; }}
td {{ text-align: right; }}
table td:first-child {{ text-align: left; }}
tr:nth-child(even) {{ background-color: #000000; }}
tr:nth-child(2n) {{ background-color: #f6f8fa; }}
<th align='left'>{0} ({1})</th>
<th align='left'>{2}</th>
<th align='left'>{3}</th>
<th align='left'>{4}</th>
<th align='left'>{5}</th>
HTML_ROW = """
<td align='left'>{0}</td>
<td align='left'>{1}</td>
<td align='left'>{2}</td>
<td align='left'>{3}</td>
<td align='left'><font color='{4}'>{5}</font></td>
def html(self):
"""Report results of benchmark comparisons in HTML format."""
def row(name, old, new, delta, speedup, speedup_color):
return self.HTML_ROW.format(
name, old, new, delta, speedup_color, speedup)
def header(contents):
return self.HTML_HEADER_ROW.format(* contents)
def table(title, results, speedup_color):
rows = [
row(*(ReportFormatter.values(r) + (speedup_color,)))
for r in results
return ('' if not rows else
header((title, len(results)) +
ReportFormatter.header_for(results[0])[1:]) +
return self.HTML.format(
# FIXME print self.old_branch, self.new_branch
table('Regression', self.comparator.decreased, 'red'),
table('Improvement', self.comparator.increased, 'green'),
('' if self.changes_only else
table('No Changes', self.comparator.unchanged, 'black')),
table('Added', self.comparator.added, ''),
table('Removed', self.comparator.removed, '')
def parse_args(args):
"""Parse command line arguments and set default values."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compare Performance tests.')
help='Baseline performance test suite (csv file)',
help='New performance test suite (csv file)',
choices=['markdown', 'git', 'html'],
help='Output format. Default is markdown.',
parser.add_argument('--output', help='Output file name')
help='Output only affected tests', action='store_true')
help='Combine data in a single table in git and markdown formats',
help='Name of the new branch', default='NEW_MIN')
help='Name of the old branch', default='OLD_MIN')
help='Delta threshold. Default 0.05.',
type=float, default=0.05)
return parser.parse_args(args)
def main():
"""Compare benchmarks for changes in a formatted report."""
args = parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
comparator = TestComparator(LogParser.results_from_file(args.old_file),
formatter = ReportFormatter(comparator, args.old_branch, args.new_branch,
args.changes_only, args.single_table)
formats = {
'markdown': formatter.markdown,
'git': formatter.git,
'html': formatter.html
report = formats[args.format]()
if args.output:
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':