blob: 3c47f49712b90010fae2cb1fc2d096610ca69ca7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 3
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
func myMap<T1, T2>(_ array: [T1], _ fn: (T1) -> T2) -> [T2] {}
var intArray : [Int]
_ = myMap(intArray, { String($0) })
_ = myMap(intArray, { x -> String in String(x) } )
// Closures with too few parameters.
func foo(_ x: (Int, Int) -> Int) {}
foo({$0}) // expected-error{{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> Int' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
foo({ [intArray] in $0}) // expected-error{{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> Int' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
struct X {}
func mySort(_ array: [String], _ predicate: (String, String) -> Bool) -> [String] {}
func mySort(_ array: [X], _ predicate: (X, X) -> Bool) -> [X] {}
var strings : [String]
_ = mySort(strings, { x, y in x < y })
// Closures with inout arguments.
func f0<T, U>(_ t: T, _ f: (inout T) -> U) -> U {
var t2 = t
return f(&t2)
struct X2 {
func g() -> Float { return 0 }
_ = f0(X2(), {$0.g()})
// Closures with inout arguments and '__shared' conversions.
func inoutToSharedConversions() {
func fooOW<T, U>(_ f : (__owned T) -> U) {}
fooOW({ (x : Int) in return Int(5) }) // '__owned'-to-'__owned' allowed
fooOW({ (x : __shared Int) in return Int(5) }) // '__shared'-to-'__owned' allowed
fooOW({ (x : inout Int) in return Int(5) }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(inout Int) -> Int' to expected argument type '(_) -> _'}}
func fooIO<T, U>(_ f : (inout T) -> U) {}
fooIO({ (x : inout Int) in return Int(5) }) // 'inout'-to-'inout' allowed
fooIO({ (x : __shared Int) in return Int(5) }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(__shared Int) -> Int' to expected argument type '(inout _) -> _'}}
fooIO({ (x : Int) in return Int(5) }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(inout Int) -> Int' to expected argument type '(inout _) -> _'}}
func fooSH<T, U>(_ f : (__shared T) -> U) {}
fooSH({ (x : __shared Int) in return Int(5) }) // '__shared'-to-'__shared' allowed
fooSH({ (x : inout Int) in return Int(5) }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(inout Int) -> Int' to expected argument type '(__shared _) -> _'}}
fooSH({ (x : Int) in return Int(5) }) // '__owned'-to-'__shared' allowed
// Autoclosure
func f1(f: @autoclosure () -> Int) { }
func f2() -> Int { }
f1(f: f2) // expected-error{{function produces expected type 'Int'; did you mean to call it with '()'?}}{{9-9=()}}
f1(f: 5)
// Ternary in closure
var evenOrOdd : (Int) -> String = {$0 % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd"}
// <rdar://problem/15367882>
func foo() {
not_declared({ $0 + 1 }) // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'not_declared'}}
// <rdar://problem/15536725>
struct X3<T> {
init(_: (T) -> ()) {}
func testX3(_ x: Int) {
var x = x
_ = X3({ x = $0 })
_ = x
// <rdar://problem/13811882>
func test13811882() {
var _ : (Int) -> (Int, Int) = {($0, $0)}
var x = 1
var _ : (Int) -> (Int, Int) = {($0, x)}
x = 2
// <rdar://problem/21544303> QoI: "Unexpected trailing closure" should have a fixit to insert a 'do' statement
// <>
func r21544303() {
var inSubcall = true
} // expected-error {{computed property must have accessors specified}}
inSubcall = false
// This is a problem, but isn't clear what was intended.
var somethingElse = true {
} // expected-error {{computed property must have accessors specified}}
inSubcall = false
var v2 : Bool = false
v2 = inSubcall
{ // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type 'Bool'}} expected-note {{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{3-3=do }}
// <>
func SR3671() {
let n = 42
func consume(_ x: Int) {}
{ consume($0) }(42)
({ $0(42) } { consume($0) }) // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ print(42) } // expected-warning {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}} expected-note {{did you mean to use a 'do' statement?}} {{3-3=do }} expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
({ $0(42) } { consume($0) }) // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ print($0) } // expected-warning {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}} expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
({ $0(42) } { consume($0) }) // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ [n] in print(42) } // expected-warning {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}} expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
({ $0(42) } { consume($0) }) // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ consume($0) }(42) // expected-warning {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}} expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
({ $0(42) } { consume($0) }) // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ (x: Int) in consume(x) }(42) // expected-warning {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}} expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
// This is technically a valid call, so nothing goes wrong until (42)
{ $0(3) }
{ consume($0) }(42) // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
({ $0(42) })
{ consume($0) }(42) // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
{ $0(3) }
{ [n] in consume($0) }(42) // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
({ $0(42) })
{ [n] in consume($0) }(42) // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
// Equivalent but more obviously unintended.
{ $0(3) } // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ consume($0) }(42) // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}}
({ $0(3) }) // expected-note {{callee is here}}
{ consume($0) }(42) // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{braces here form a trailing closure separated from its callee by multiple newlines}}
// Also a valid call (!!)
{ $0 { $0 } } { $0 { 1 } } // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
// <rdar://problem/22162441> Crash from failing to diagnose nonexistent method access inside closure
func r22162441(_ lines: [String]) {
_ = { line in line.fooBar() } // expected-error {{value of type 'String' has no member 'fooBar'}}
_ = { $0.fooBar() } // expected-error {{value of type 'String' has no member 'fooBar'}}
func testMap() {
let a = 42
[1,a].map { $0 + 1.0 } // expected-error {{binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for '+' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: }}
// <rdar://problem/22414757> "UnresolvedDot" "in wrong phase" assertion from verifier
[].reduce { $0 + $1 } // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'reduce' with an argument list of type '((_, _) -> _)'}}
// <rdar://problem/22333281> QoI: improve diagnostic when contextual type of closure disagrees with arguments
var _: () -> Int = {0}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{24-24=_ in }}
var _: (Int) -> Int = {0}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{24-24= _ in}}
var _: (Int) -> Int = { 0 }
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual type for closure argument list expects 2 arguments, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{29-29=_,_ in }}
var _: (Int, Int) -> Int = {0}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> Int' expects 2 arguments, but 3 were used in closure body}}
var _: (Int,Int) -> Int = {$0+$1+$2}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int, Int) -> Int' expects 3 arguments, but 2 were used in closure body}}
var _: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int = {$0+$1}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual closure type '(Int) -> Int' expects 1 argument, but 2 were used in closure body}}
var _: (Int) -> Int = {a,b in 0}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual closure type '(Int) -> Int' expects 1 argument, but 3 were used in closure body}}
var _: (Int) -> Int = {a,b,c in 0}
// expected-error @+1 {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int, Int) -> Int' expects 3 arguments, but 2 were used in closure body}}
var _: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int = {a, b in a+b}
// <rdar://problem/15998821> Fail to infer types for closure that takes an inout argument
func r15998821() {
func take_closure(_ x : (inout Int) -> ()) { }
func test1() {
take_closure { (a : inout Int) in
a = 42
func test2() {
take_closure { a in
a = 42
func withPtr(_ body: (inout Int) -> Int) {}
func f() { withPtr { p in return p } }
let g = { x in x = 3 }
// <rdar://problem/22602657> better diagnostics for closures w/o "in" clause
var _: (Int,Int) -> Int = {$0+$1+$2} // expected-error {{contextual closure type '(Int, Int) -> Int' expects 2 arguments, but 3 were used in closure body}}
// Crash when re-typechecking bodies of non-single expression closures
struct CC {}
func callCC<U>(_ f: (CC) -> U) -> () {}
func typeCheckMultiStmtClosureCrash() {
callCC { // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{11-11= () -> Int in }}
_ = $0
return 1
// SR-832 - both these should be ok
func someFunc(_ foo: ((String) -> String)?,
bar: @escaping (String) -> String) {
let _: (String) -> String = foo != nil ? foo! : bar
let _: (String) -> String = foo ?? bar
func verify_NotAC_to_AC_failure(_ arg: () -> ()) {
func takesAC(_ arg: @autoclosure () -> ()) {}
takesAC(arg) // expected-error {{function produces expected type '()'; did you mean to call it with '()'?}}
// SR-1069 - Error diagnostic refers to wrong argument
class SR1069_W<T> {
func append<Key: AnyObject>(value: T, forKey key: Key) where Key: Hashable {}
class SR1069_C<T> { let w: SR1069_W<(AnyObject, T) -> ()> = SR1069_W() }
struct S<T> {
let cs: [SR1069_C<T>] = []
func subscribe<Object: AnyObject>(object: Object?, method: (Object, T) -> ()) where Object: Hashable {
let wrappedMethod = { (object: AnyObject, value: T) in }
// expected-error @+1 {{value of optional type 'Object?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?}}
cs.forEach { $0.w.append(value: wrappedMethod, forKey: object) }
// Make sure we cannot infer an () argument from an empty parameter list.
func acceptNothingToInt (_: () -> Int) {}
func testAcceptNothingToInt(ac1: @autoclosure () -> Int) {
// expected-error@-1{{contextual closure type '() -> Int' expects 0 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
// <rdar://problem/23570873> QoI: Poor error calling map without being able to infer "U" (closure result inference)
struct Thing {
init?() {}
// This throws a compiler error
let things = Thing().map { thing in // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{34-34=-> (Thing) }}
// Commenting out this makes it compile
_ = thing
return thing
// <rdar://problem/21675896> QoI: [Closure return type inference] Swift cannot find members for the result of inlined lambdas with branches
func r21675896(file : String) {
let x: String = { // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{20-20= () -> String in }}
if true {
return "foo"
else {
return file
// <rdar://problem/19870975> Incorrect diagnostic for failed member lookups within closures passed as arguments ("(_) -> _")
func ident<T>(_ t: T) -> T {}
var c = ident({1.DOESNT_EXIST}) // error: expected-error {{value of type 'Int' has no member 'DOESNT_EXIST'}}
// <rdar://problem/20712541> QoI: Int/UInt mismatch produces useless error inside a block
var afterMessageCount : Int?
func uintFunc() -> UInt {}
func takeVoidVoidFn(_ a : () -> ()) {}
takeVoidVoidFn { () -> Void in
afterMessageCount = uintFunc() // expected-error {{cannot assign value of type 'UInt' to type 'Int?'}}
// <rdar://problem/19997471> Swift: Incorrect compile error when calling a function inside a closure
func f19997471(_ x: String) {}
func f19997471(_ x: Int) {}
func someGeneric19997471<T>(_ x: T) {
takeVoidVoidFn {
f19997471(x) // expected-error {{cannot invoke 'f19997471' with an argument list of type '(T)'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for 'f19997471' exist with these partially matching parameter lists: (String), (Int)}}
// <rdar://problem/20921068> Swift fails to compile: [0].map() { _ in let r = (1,2).0; return r }
[0].map { // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{5-5=-> Int }}
_ in
let r = (1,2).0
return r
// <rdar://problem/21078316> Less than useful error message when using map on optional dictionary type
func rdar21078316() {
var foo : [String : String]?
var bar : [(String, String)]?
bar = { ($0, $1) } // expected-error {{contextual closure type '([String : String]) -> [(String, String)]' expects 1 argument, but 2 were used in closure body}}
// <rdar://problem/20978044> QoI: Poor diagnostic when using an incorrect tuple element in a closure
var numbers = [1, 2, 3]
zip(numbers, numbers).filter { $0.2 > 1 } // expected-error {{value of tuple type '(Int, Int)' has no member '2'}}
// <rdar://problem/20868864> QoI: Cannot invoke 'function' with an argument list of type 'type'
func foo20868864(_ callback: ([String]) -> ()) { }
func rdar20868864(_ s: String) {
var s = s
foo20868864 { (strings: [String]) in
s = strings // expected-error {{cannot assign value of type '[String]' to type 'String'}}
// <rdar://problem/22058555> crash in cs diags in withCString
func r22058555() {
var firstChar: UInt8 = 0
"abc".withCString { chars in
firstChar = chars[0] // expected-error {{cannot assign value of type 'Int8' to type 'UInt8'}}
// <rdar://problem/20789423> Unclear diagnostic for multi-statement closure with no return type
func r20789423() {
class C {
func f(_ value: Int) { }
let p: C
print(p.f(p)()) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'C' to expected argument type 'Int'}}
let _f = { (v: Int) in // expected-error {{unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate}} {{23-23=-> String }}
return "hi"
// Make sure that behavior related to allowing trailing closures to match functions
// with Any as a final parameter is the same after the changes made by SR-2505, namely:
// that we continue to select function that does _not_ have Any as a final parameter in
// presence of other possibilities.
protocol SR_2505_Initable { init() }
struct SR_2505_II : SR_2505_Initable {}
protocol P_SR_2505 {
associatedtype T: SR_2505_Initable
extension P_SR_2505 {
func test(it o: (T) -> Bool) -> Bool {
return o(T.self())
class C_SR_2505 : P_SR_2505 {
typealias T = SR_2505_II
func test(_ o: Any) -> Bool {
return false
func call(_ c: C_SR_2505) -> Bool {
// Note: no diagnostic about capturing 'self', because this is a
// non-escaping closure -- that's how we know we have selected
// test(it:) and not test(_)
return c.test { o in test(o) }
let _ = C_SR_2505().call(C_SR_2505())
// <rdar://problem/28909024> Returning incorrect result type from method invocation can result in nonsense diagnostic
extension Collection {
func r28909024(_ predicate: (Iterator.Element)->Bool) -> Index {
return startIndex
func fn_r28909024(n: Int) {
return (0..<10).r28909024 { // expected-error {{unexpected non-void return value in void function}}
_ in true
// SR-2994: Unexpected ambiguous expression in closure with generics
struct S_2994 {
var dataOffset: Int
class C_2994<R> {
init(arg: (R) -> Void) {}
func f_2994(arg: String) {}
func g_2994(arg: Int) -> Double {
return 2
C_2994<S_2994>(arg: { (r: S_2994) in f_2994(arg: g_2994(arg: r.dataOffset)) }) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to expected argument type 'String'}}
let _ = { $0[$1] }(1, 1) // expected-error {{cannot subscript a value of incorrect or ambiguous type}}
let _ = { $0 = ($0 = {}) } // expected-error {{assigning a variable to itself}}
let _ = { $0 = $0 = 42 } // expected-error {{assigning a variable to itself}}
// The () -> T => () -> () implicit conversion was kicking in anywhere
// inside a closure result, not just at the top-level.
let mismatchInClosureResultType : (String) -> ((Int) -> Void) = {
(String) -> ((Int) -> Void) in
return { }
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored}}
// SR-3520: Generic function taking closure with inout parameter can result in a variety of compiler errors or EXC_BAD_ACCESS
func sr3520_1<T>(_ g: (inout T) -> Int) {}
sr3520_1 { $0 = 1 } // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '()' to closure result type 'Int'}}
// This test makes sure that having closure with inout argument doesn't crash with member lookup
struct S_3520 {
var number1: Int
func sr3520_set_via_closure<S, T>(_ closure: (inout S, T) -> ()) {}
sr3520_set_via_closure({ $0.number1 = $1 }) // expected-error {{type of expression is ambiguous without more context}}
// SR-3073: UnresolvedDotExpr in single expression closure
struct SR3073Lense<Whole, Part> {
let set: (inout Whole, Part) -> ()
struct SR3073 {
var number1: Int
func lenses() {
let _: SR3073Lense<SR3073, Int> = SR3073Lense(
set: { $0.number1 = $1 } // ok
// SR-3479: Segmentation fault and other error for closure with inout parameter
func sr3497_unfold<A, B>(_ a0: A, next: (inout A) -> B) {}
func sr3497() {
let _ = sr3497_unfold((0, 0)) { s in 0 } // ok
// SR-3758: Swift 3.1 fails to compile 3.0 code involving closures and IUOs
let _: ((Any?) -> Void) = { (arg: Any!) in }
// This example was rejected in 3.0 as well, but accepting it is correct.
let _: ((Int?) -> Void) = { (arg: Int!) in }
// rdar://30429709 - We should not attempt an implicit conversion from
// () -> T to () -> Optional<()>.
func returnsArray() -> [Int] { return [] }
returnsArray().flatMap { $0 }.flatMap { }
// expected-warning@-1 {{expression of type 'Int' is unused}}
// expected-warning@-2 {{result of call to 'flatMap' is unused}}
// rdar://problem/30271695
_ = ["hi"].flatMap { $0.isEmpty ? nil : $0 }
// rdar://problem/32432145 - compiler should emit fixit to remove "_ in" in closures if 0 parameters is expected
func r32432145(_ a: () -> ()) {}
r32432145 { _,_ in
// expected-error@-1 {{contextual closure type '() -> ()' expects 0 arguments, but 2 were used in closure body}} {{13-19=}}
print("answer is 42")
// rdar://problem/30106822 - Swift ignores type error in closure and presents a bogus error about the caller
[1, 2].first { $ = 3 }
// expected-error@-1 {{value of type 'Int' has no member 'foo'}}
// rdar://problem/32433193, SR-5030 - Higher-order function diagnostic mentions the wrong contextual type conversion problem
protocol A_SR_5030 {
associatedtype Value
func map<U>(_ t : @escaping (Self.Value) -> U) -> B_SR_5030<U>
struct B_SR_5030<T> : A_SR_5030 {
typealias Value = T
func map<U>(_ t : @escaping (T) -> U) -> B_SR_5030<U> { fatalError() }
func sr5030_exFalso<T>() -> T {
extension A_SR_5030 {
func foo() -> B_SR_5030<Int> {
let tt : B_SR_5030<Int> = sr5030_exFalso()
return { x in (idx: x) }
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type '(idx: (Int))' to closure result type 'Int'}}
// rdar://problem/33296619
let u = rdar33296619().element //expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'rdar33296619'}}
[1].forEach { _ in
_ = "\(u)"
_ = 1 + "hi" // expected-error {{binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'String'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{overloads for '+' exist with these partially matching parameter lists}}
class SR5666 {
var property: String?
func testSR5666(cs: [SR5666?]) -> [String?] {
return{ c in
let a = c.propertyWithTypo ?? "default"
// expected-error@-1 {{value of type 'SR5666?' has no member 'propertyWithTypo'}}
let b = "\(a)"
return b
// Ensure that we still do the appropriate pointer conversion here.
_ = "".withCString { UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: $0) }
// rdar://problem/34077439 - Crash when pre-checking bails out and
// leaves us with unfolded SequenceExprs inside closure body.
_ = { (offset) -> T in // expected-error {{use of undeclared type 'T'}}
return offset ? 0 : 0
struct SR5202<T> {
func map<R>(fn: (T) -> R) {}
SR5202<()>().map{ return 0 }
SR5202<()>().map{ _ in return 0 }
SR5202<Void>().map{ return 0 }
SR5202<Void>().map{ _ in return 0 }
func sr3520_2<T>(_ item: T, _ update: (inout T) -> Void) {
var x = item
var sr3250_arg = 42
sr3520_2(sr3250_arg) { $0 += 3 } // ok
// SR-1976/SR-3073: Inference of inout
func sr1976<T>(_ closure: (inout T) -> Void) {}
sr1976({ $0 += 2 }) // ok