blob: f9dc6ed01d02a47cfb8aa1cd790915b808973d49 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILModule.h - Defines the SILModule class --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SILModule class.
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Builtins.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/SILOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/SILLayout.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILCoverageMap.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDeclRef.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILDefaultWitnessTable.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILFunction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILGlobalVariable.h"
#include "swift/SIL/Notifications.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVTable.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILWitnessTable.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILPrintContext.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ilist.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <functional>
namespace swift {
class AnyFunctionType;
class ASTContext;
class FuncDecl;
class KeyPathPattern;
class SILUndef;
class SourceFile;
class SerializedSILLoader;
namespace Lowering {
class SILGenModule;
/// \brief A stage of SIL processing.
enum class SILStage {
/// \brief "Raw" SIL, emitted by SILGen, but not yet run through guaranteed
/// optimization and diagnostic passes.
/// Raw SIL does not have fully-constructed SSA and may contain undiagnosed
/// dataflow errors.
/// \brief Canonical SIL, which has been run through at least the guaranteed
/// optimization and diagnostic passes.
/// Canonical SIL has stricter invariants than raw SIL. It must not contain
/// dataflow errors, and some instructions must be canonicalized to simpler
/// forms.
/// \brief Lowered SIL, which has been prepared for IRGen and will no longer
/// be passed to canonical SIL transform passes.
/// In lowered SIL, the SILType of all SILValues is its SIL storage
/// type. Explicit storage is required for all address-only and resilient
/// types.
/// Generating the initial Raw SIL is typically referred to as lowering (from
/// the AST). To disambiguate, refer to the process of generating the lowered
/// stage of SIL as "address lowering".
/// \brief A SIL module. The SIL module owns all of the SILFunctions generated
/// when a Swift compilation context is lowered to SIL.
class SILModule {
using FunctionListType = llvm::ilist<SILFunction>;
using GlobalListType = llvm::ilist<SILGlobalVariable>;
using VTableListType = llvm::ilist<SILVTable>;
using WitnessTableListType = llvm::ilist<SILWitnessTable>;
using DefaultWitnessTableListType = llvm::ilist<SILDefaultWitnessTable>;
using CoverageMapListType = llvm::ilist<SILCoverageMap>;
using LinkingMode = SILOptions::LinkingMode;
friend KeyPathPattern;
friend SILBasicBlock;
friend SILCoverageMap;
friend SILDefaultWitnessTable;
friend SILFunction;
friend SILGlobalVariable;
friend SILLayout;
friend SILType;
friend SILVTable;
friend SILUndef;
friend SILWitnessTable;
friend Lowering::SILGenModule;
friend Lowering::TypeConverter;
class SerializationCallback;
/// Allocator that manages the memory of all the pieces of the SILModule.
mutable llvm::BumpPtrAllocator BPA;
/// The swift Module associated with this SILModule.
ModuleDecl *TheSwiftModule;
/// A specific context for AST-level declarations associated with this SIL
/// module.
/// \sa getAssociatedContext
const DeclContext *AssociatedDeclContext;
/// Lookup table for SIL functions. This needs to be declared before \p
/// functions so that the destructor of \p functions is called first.
llvm::StringMap<SILFunction *> FunctionTable;
llvm::StringMap<SILFunction *> ZombieFunctionTable;
/// The list of SILFunctions in the module.
FunctionListType functions;
/// Functions, which are dead (and not in the functions list anymore),
/// but kept alive for debug info generation.
FunctionListType zombieFunctions;
/// Stores the names of zombie functions.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator zombieFunctionNames;
/// Lookup table for SIL vtables from class decls.
llvm::DenseMap<const ClassDecl *, SILVTable *> VTableMap;
/// The list of SILVTables in the module.
VTableListType vtables;
/// This is a cache of vtable entries for quick look-up
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<const SILVTable *, SILDeclRef>, SILVTable::Entry>
/// Lookup table for SIL witness tables from conformances.
llvm::DenseMap<const NormalProtocolConformance *, SILWitnessTable *>
/// The list of SILWitnessTables in the module.
WitnessTableListType witnessTables;
/// Lookup table for SIL default witness tables from protocols.
llvm::DenseMap<const ProtocolDecl *, SILDefaultWitnessTable *>
/// The list of SILDefaultWitnessTables in the module.
DefaultWitnessTableListType defaultWitnessTables;
/// Lookup table for SIL Global Variables.
llvm::StringMap<SILGlobalVariable *> GlobalVariableMap;
/// The list of SILGlobalVariables in the module.
GlobalListType silGlobals;
// The list of SILCoverageMaps in the module.
CoverageMapListType coverageMaps;
/// This is a cache of intrinsic Function declarations to numeric ID mappings.
llvm::DenseMap<Identifier, IntrinsicInfo> IntrinsicIDCache;
/// This is a cache of builtin Function declarations to numeric ID mappings.
llvm::DenseMap<Identifier, BuiltinInfo> BuiltinIDCache;
/// This is the set of undef values we've created, for uniquing purposes.
llvm::DenseMap<SILType, SILUndef *> UndefValues;
/// The stage of processing this module is at.
SILStage Stage;
/// The callback used by the SILLoader.
std::unique_ptr<SerializationCallback> Callback;
// Callbacks registered by the SIL optimizer to run on each deserialized
// function body. This is intentionally a stateless type because the
// ModuleDecl and SILFunction should be sufficient context.
typedef void (*SILFunctionBodyCallback)(ModuleDecl *, SILFunction *F);
SmallVector<SILFunctionBodyCallback, 0> DeserializationCallbacks;
/// The SILLoader used when linking functions into this module.
/// This is lazily initialized the first time we attempt to
/// deserialize. Previously this was created when the SILModule was
/// constructed. In certain cases this was before all Modules had been loaded
/// causing us to not
std::unique_ptr<SerializedSILLoader> SILLoader;
/// True if this SILModule really contains the whole module, i.e.
/// optimizations can assume that they see the whole module.
bool wholeModule;
/// The options passed into this SILModule.
SILOptions &Options;
/// A list of clients that need to be notified when an instruction
/// invalidation message is sent.
llvm::SetVector<DeleteNotificationHandler*> NotificationHandlers;
// Intentionally marked private so that we need to use 'constructSIL()'
// to construct a SILModule.
SILModule(ModuleDecl *M, SILOptions &Options, const DeclContext *associatedDC,
bool wholeModule);
SILModule(const SILModule&) = delete;
void operator=(const SILModule&) = delete;
/// Method which returns the SerializedSILLoader, creating the loader if it
/// has not been created yet.
SerializedSILLoader *getSILLoader();
/// Folding set for key path patterns.
llvm::FoldingSet<KeyPathPattern> KeyPathPatterns;
/// Add a callback for each newly deserialized SIL function body.
void registerDeserializationCallback(SILFunctionBodyCallback callBack);
/// Return set of registered deserialization callbacks.
ArrayRef<SILFunctionBodyCallback> getDeserializationCallbacks();
/// Add a delete notification handler \p Handler to the module context.
void registerDeleteNotificationHandler(DeleteNotificationHandler* Handler);
/// Remove the delete notification handler \p Handler from the module context.
void removeDeleteNotificationHandler(DeleteNotificationHandler* Handler);
/// Send the invalidation message that \p V is being deleted to all
/// registered handlers. The order of handlers is deterministic but arbitrary.
void notifyDeleteHandlers(ValueBase *V);
/// \brief This converts Swift types to SILTypes.
mutable Lowering::TypeConverter Types;
/// Look up the TypeLowering for a SILType.
const Lowering::TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(SILType t) {
return Types.getTypeLowering(t);
/// Invalidate cached entries in SIL Loader.
void invalidateSILLoaderCaches();
/// Erase a function from the module.
void eraseFunction(SILFunction *F);
/// Invalidate a function in SILLoader cache.
void invalidateFunctionInSILCache(SILFunction *F);
/// Specialization can cause a function that was erased before by dead function
/// elimination to become alive again. If this happens we need to remove it
/// from the list of zombies.
void removeFromZombieList(StringRef Name);
/// Erase a global SIL variable from the module.
void eraseGlobalVariable(SILGlobalVariable *G);
/// Construct a SIL module from an AST module.
/// The module will be constructed in the Raw stage. The provided AST module
/// should contain source files.
/// If a source file is provided, SIL will only be emitted for decls in that
/// source file, starting from the specified element number.
static std::unique_ptr<SILModule>
constructSIL(ModuleDecl *M, SILOptions &Options, FileUnit *sf = nullptr,
Optional<unsigned> startElem = None,
bool isWholeModule = false);
/// \brief Create and return an empty SIL module that we can
/// later parse SIL bodies directly into, without converting from an AST.
static std::unique_ptr<SILModule>
createEmptyModule(ModuleDecl *M, SILOptions &Options,
bool WholeModule = false) {
return std::unique_ptr<SILModule>(
new SILModule(M, Options, M, WholeModule));
/// Get the Swift module associated with this SIL module.
ModuleDecl *getSwiftModule() const { return TheSwiftModule; }
/// Get the AST context used for type uniquing etc. by this SIL module.
ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return TheSwiftModule->getASTContext(); }
SourceManager &getSourceManager() const { return getASTContext().SourceMgr; }
/// Get the Swift DeclContext associated with this SIL module.
/// All AST declarations within this context are assumed to have been fully
/// processed as part of generating this module. This allows certain passes
/// to make additional assumptions about these declarations.
/// If this is the same as TheSwiftModule, the entire module is being
/// compiled as a single unit. If this is null, no context-based assumptions
/// can be made.
const DeclContext *getAssociatedContext() const {
return AssociatedDeclContext;
/// Returns true if this SILModule really contains the whole module, i.e.
/// optimizations can assume that they see the whole module.
bool isWholeModule() const {
return wholeModule;
/// Returns true if everything in this SILModule is being serialized.
bool isWholeModuleSerialized() const { return Options.SILSerializeAll; }
SILOptions &getOptions() const { return Options; }
using iterator = FunctionListType::iterator;
using const_iterator = FunctionListType::const_iterator;
FunctionListType &getFunctionList() { return functions; }
const FunctionListType &getFunctionList() const { return functions; }
iterator begin() { return functions.begin(); }
iterator end() { return functions.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return functions.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return functions.end(); }
iterator_range<iterator> getFunctions() {
return {functions.begin(), functions.end()};
iterator_range<const_iterator> getFunctions() const {
return {functions.begin(), functions.end()};
const_iterator zombies_begin() const { return zombieFunctions.begin(); }
const_iterator zombies_end() const { return zombieFunctions.end(); }
using vtable_iterator = VTableListType::iterator;
using vtable_const_iterator = VTableListType::const_iterator;
VTableListType &getVTableList() { return vtables; }
const VTableListType &getVTableList() const { return vtables; }
vtable_iterator vtable_begin() { return vtables.begin(); }
vtable_iterator vtable_end() { return vtables.end(); }
vtable_const_iterator vtable_begin() const { return vtables.begin(); }
vtable_const_iterator vtable_end() const { return vtables.end(); }
iterator_range<vtable_iterator> getVTables() {
return {vtables.begin(), vtables.end()};
iterator_range<vtable_const_iterator> getVTables() const {
return {vtables.begin(), vtables.end()};
using witness_table_iterator = WitnessTableListType::iterator;
using witness_table_const_iterator = WitnessTableListType::const_iterator;
WitnessTableListType &getWitnessTableList() { return witnessTables; }
const WitnessTableListType &getWitnessTableList() const { return witnessTables; }
witness_table_iterator witness_table_begin() { return witnessTables.begin(); }
witness_table_iterator witness_table_end() { return witnessTables.end(); }
witness_table_const_iterator witness_table_begin() const { return witnessTables.begin(); }
witness_table_const_iterator witness_table_end() const { return witnessTables.end(); }
iterator_range<witness_table_iterator> getWitnessTables() {
return {witnessTables.begin(), witnessTables.end()};
iterator_range<witness_table_const_iterator> getWitnessTables() const {
return {witnessTables.begin(), witnessTables.end()};
using default_witness_table_iterator = DefaultWitnessTableListType::iterator;
using default_witness_table_const_iterator = DefaultWitnessTableListType::const_iterator;
DefaultWitnessTableListType &getDefaultWitnessTableList() { return defaultWitnessTables; }
const DefaultWitnessTableListType &getDefaultWitnessTableList() const { return defaultWitnessTables; }
default_witness_table_iterator default_witness_table_begin() { return defaultWitnessTables.begin(); }
default_witness_table_iterator default_witness_table_end() { return defaultWitnessTables.end(); }
default_witness_table_const_iterator default_witness_table_begin() const { return defaultWitnessTables.begin(); }
default_witness_table_const_iterator default_witness_table_end() const { return defaultWitnessTables.end(); }
iterator_range<default_witness_table_iterator> getDefaultWitnessTables() {
return {defaultWitnessTables.begin(), defaultWitnessTables.end()};
iterator_range<default_witness_table_const_iterator> getDefaultWitnessTables() const {
return {defaultWitnessTables.begin(), defaultWitnessTables.end()};
using sil_global_iterator = GlobalListType::iterator;
using sil_global_const_iterator = GlobalListType::const_iterator;
GlobalListType &getSILGlobalList() { return silGlobals; }
const GlobalListType &getSILGlobalList() const { return silGlobals; }
sil_global_iterator sil_global_begin() { return silGlobals.begin(); }
sil_global_iterator sil_global_end() { return silGlobals.end(); }
sil_global_const_iterator sil_global_begin() const {
return silGlobals.begin();
sil_global_const_iterator sil_global_end() const {
return silGlobals.end();
iterator_range<sil_global_iterator> getSILGlobals() {
return {silGlobals.begin(), silGlobals.end()};
iterator_range<sil_global_const_iterator> getSILGlobals() const {
return {silGlobals.begin(), silGlobals.end()};
using coverage_map_iterator = CoverageMapListType::iterator;
using coverage_map_const_iterator = CoverageMapListType::const_iterator;
CoverageMapListType &getCoverageMapList() { return coverageMaps; }
const CoverageMapListType &getCoverageMapList() const { return coverageMaps; }
coverage_map_iterator coverage_map_begin() { return coverageMaps.begin(); }
coverage_map_iterator coverage_map_end() { return coverageMaps.end(); }
coverage_map_const_iterator coverage_map_begin() const {
return coverageMaps.begin();
coverage_map_const_iterator coverage_map_end() const {
return coverageMaps.end();
iterator_range<coverage_map_iterator> getCoverageMaps() {
return {coverageMaps.begin(), coverageMaps.end()};
iterator_range<coverage_map_const_iterator> getCoverageMaps() const {
return {coverageMaps.begin(), coverageMaps.end()};
/// Look for a global variable by name.
/// \return null if this module has no such global variable
SILGlobalVariable *lookUpGlobalVariable(StringRef name) const {
return GlobalVariableMap.lookup(name);
/// Look for a function by name.
/// \return null if this module has no such function
SILFunction *lookUpFunction(StringRef name) const {
return FunctionTable.lookup(name);
/// Look for a function by declaration.
/// \return null if this module has no such function
SILFunction *lookUpFunction(SILDeclRef fnRef);
/// Attempt to link the SILFunction. Returns true if linking succeeded, false
/// otherwise.
/// \return false if the linking failed.
bool linkFunction(SILFunction *Fun,
LinkingMode LinkAll = LinkingMode::LinkNormal);
/// Attempt to link a function by mangled name. Returns true if linking
/// succeeded, false otherwise.
/// \return false if the linking failed.
bool linkFunction(StringRef Name,
LinkingMode LinkAll = LinkingMode::LinkNormal);
/// Check if a given function exists in any of the modules with a
/// required linkage, i.e. it can be linked by linkFunction.
/// \return null if this module has no such function. Otherwise
/// the declaration of a function.
SILFunction *findFunction(StringRef Name, SILLinkage Linkage);
/// Check if a given function exists in any of the modules.
/// i.e. it can be linked by linkFunction.
bool hasFunction(StringRef Name);
/// Link in all Witness Tables in the module.
void linkAllWitnessTables();
/// Link in all VTables in the module.
void linkAllVTables();
/// Link all definitions in all segments that are logically part of
/// the same AST module.
void linkAllFromCurrentModule();
/// \brief Return the declaration of a utility function that can,
/// but needn't, be shared between modules.
SILFunction *getOrCreateSharedFunction(SILLocation loc,
StringRef name,
CanSILFunctionType type,
IsBare_t isBareSILFunction,
IsTransparent_t isTransparent,
IsSerialized_t isSerialized,
IsThunk_t isThunk);
/// \brief Return the declaration of a function, or create it if it doesn't
/// exist.
SILFunction *getOrCreateFunction(
SILLocation loc, StringRef name, SILLinkage linkage,
CanSILFunctionType type, IsBare_t isBareSILFunction,
IsTransparent_t isTransparent, IsSerialized_t isSerialized,
IsThunk_t isThunk = IsNotThunk,
SubclassScope subclassScope = SubclassScope::NotApplicable);
/// \brief Return the declaration of a function, or create it if it doesn't
/// exist.
SILFunction *getOrCreateFunction(SILLocation loc,
SILDeclRef constant,
ForDefinition_t forDefinition);
/// \brief Create a function declaration.
/// This signature is a direct copy of the signature of SILFunction::create()
/// in order to simplify refactoring all SILFunction creation use-sites to use
/// SILModule. Eventually the uses should probably be refactored.
SILFunction *createFunction(
SILLinkage linkage, StringRef name, CanSILFunctionType loweredType,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv, Optional<SILLocation> loc,
IsBare_t isBareSILFunction, IsTransparent_t isTrans,
IsSerialized_t isSerialized, IsThunk_t isThunk = IsNotThunk,
SubclassScope subclassScope = SubclassScope::NotApplicable,
Inline_t inlineStrategy = InlineDefault,
EffectsKind EK = EffectsKind::Unspecified,
SILFunction *InsertBefore = nullptr,
const SILDebugScope *DebugScope = nullptr);
/// Look up the SILWitnessTable representing the lowering of a protocol
/// conformance, and collect the substitutions to apply to the referenced
/// witnesses, if any.
/// \arg C The protocol conformance mapped key to use to lookup the witness
/// table.
/// \arg deserializeLazily If we cannot find the witness table should we
/// attempt to lazily deserialize it.
SILWitnessTable *
lookUpWitnessTable(ProtocolConformanceRef C, bool deserializeLazily=true);
SILWitnessTable *
lookUpWitnessTable(const ProtocolConformance *C, bool deserializeLazily=true);
/// Attempt to lookup \p Member in the witness table for \p C.
std::pair<SILFunction *, SILWitnessTable *>
lookUpFunctionInWitnessTable(ProtocolConformanceRef C,
SILDeclRef Requirement);
/// Look up the SILDefaultWitnessTable representing the default witnesses
/// of a resilient protocol, if any.
SILDefaultWitnessTable *lookUpDefaultWitnessTable(const ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
bool deserializeLazily=true);
/// Attempt to lookup \p Member in the default witness table for \p Protocol.
std::pair<SILFunction *, SILDefaultWitnessTable *>
lookUpFunctionInDefaultWitnessTable(const ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
SILDeclRef Requirement,
bool deserializeLazily=true);
/// Look up the VTable mapped to the given ClassDecl. Returns null on failure.
SILVTable *lookUpVTable(const ClassDecl *C);
/// Attempt to lookup the function corresponding to \p Member in the class
/// hierarchy of \p Class.
SILFunction *lookUpFunctionInVTable(ClassDecl *Class, SILDeclRef Member);
// Given a protocol conformance, attempt to create a witness table declaration
// for it.
SILWitnessTable *
createWitnessTableDeclaration(ProtocolConformance *C, SILLinkage linkage);
// Given a protocol, attempt to create a default witness table declaration
// for it.
SILDefaultWitnessTable *
createDefaultWitnessTableDeclaration(const ProtocolDecl *Protocol,
SILLinkage Linkage);
/// Deletes a dead witness table.
void deleteWitnessTable(SILWitnessTable *Wt);
/// \brief Return the stage of processing this module is at.
SILStage getStage() const { return Stage; }
/// \brief Advance the module to a further stage of processing.
void setStage(SILStage s) {
assert(s >= Stage && "regressing stage?!");
Stage = s;
/// \brief Run the SIL verifier to make sure that all Functions follow
/// invariants.
void verify() const;
/// Pretty-print the module.
void dump(bool Verbose = false) const;
/// Pretty-print the module to a file.
/// Useful for dumping the module when running in a debugger.
/// Warning: no error handling is done. Fails with an assert if the file
/// cannot be opened.
void dump(const char *FileName, bool Verbose = false,
bool PrintASTDecls = false) const;
/// Pretty-print the module to the designated stream.
/// \param Verbose Dump SIL location information in verbose mode.
/// \param M If present, the types and declarations from this module will be
/// printed. The module would usually contain the types and Decls that
/// the SIL module depends on.
/// \param ShouldSort If set to true sorts functions, vtables, sil global
/// variables, and witness tables by name to ease diffing.
/// \param PrintASTDecls If set to true print AST decls.
void print(raw_ostream &OS, bool Verbose = false,
ModuleDecl *M = nullptr, bool ShouldSort = false,
bool PrintASTDecls = true) const {
SILPrintContext PrintCtx(OS, Verbose, ShouldSort);
print(PrintCtx, M, PrintASTDecls);
/// Pretty-print the module with the context \p PrintCtx.
/// \param M If present, the types and declarations from this module will be
/// printed. The module would usually contain the types and Decls that
/// the SIL module depends on.
/// \param PrintASTDecls If set to true print AST decls.
void print(SILPrintContext &PrintCtx, ModuleDecl *M = nullptr,
bool PrintASTDecls = true) const;
/// Allocate memory using the module's internal allocator.
void *allocate(unsigned Size, unsigned Align) const;
template <typename T> T *allocate(unsigned Count) const {
return static_cast<T *>(allocate(sizeof(T) * Count, alignof(T)));
template <typename T>
MutableArrayRef<T> allocateCopy(ArrayRef<T> Array) const {
MutableArrayRef<T> result(allocate<T>(Array.size()), Array.size());
std::uninitialized_copy(Array.begin(), Array.end(), result.begin());
return result;
StringRef allocateCopy(StringRef Str) const {
auto result = allocateCopy<char>({, Str.size()});
return {, result.size()};
/// Allocate memory for an instruction using the module's internal allocator.
void *allocateInst(unsigned Size, unsigned Align) const;
/// Deallocate memory of an instruction.
void deallocateInst(SILInstruction *I);
/// \brief Looks up the llvm intrinsic ID and type for the builtin function.
/// \returns Returns llvm::Intrinsic::not_intrinsic if the function is not an
/// intrinsic. The particular intrinsic functions which correspond to the
/// returned value are defined in llvm/Intrinsics.h.
const IntrinsicInfo &getIntrinsicInfo(Identifier ID);
/// \brief Looks up the lazily cached identification for the builtin function.
/// \returns Returns builtin info of BuiltinValueKind::None kind if the
/// declaration is not a builtin.
const BuiltinInfo &getBuiltinInfo(Identifier ID);
/// Returns true if the builtin or intrinsic is no-return.
bool isNoReturnBuiltinOrIntrinsic(Identifier Name);
/// Returns true if the default atomicity of the module is Atomic.
bool isDefaultAtomic() const {
return ! getOptions().AssumeSingleThreaded;
inline llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const SILModule &M){
return OS;
namespace Lowering {
/// Determine whether the given class will be allocated/deallocated
/// using the Objective-C runtime, i.e., +alloc and -dealloc.
LLVM_LIBRARY_VISIBILITY bool usesObjCAllocator(ClassDecl *theClass);
} // end swift namespace