blob: a4e39a3e9a333b7e00b0ccd6b4983d39c92df0fa [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
@_exported import NaturalLanguage
import Foundation
@available(macOS 10.14, iOS 12.0, watchOS 5.0, tvOS 12.0, *)
extension NLTagger {
public func tokenRange(at index: String.Index, unit: NLTokenUnit) -> Range<String.Index> {
let str = self.string ?? ""
let characterIndex = index.encodedOffset
let nsrange = self.__tokenRange(at: characterIndex, unit: unit)
return Range(nsrange, in: str)!
public func tag(at index: String.Index, unit: NLTokenUnit, scheme: NLTagScheme) -> (NLTag?, Range<String.Index>) {
let str = self.string ?? ""
let characterIndex = index.encodedOffset
let rangePointer = NSRangePointer.allocate(capacity: 1)
rangePointer.initialize(to: NSMakeRange(0, 0))
let tag = self.__tag(at: characterIndex, unit: unit, scheme: scheme, tokenRange: rangePointer)
let range = Range(rangePointer.pointee, in: str)!
return (tag, range)
public func enumerateTags(in range: Range<String.Index>, unit: NLTokenUnit, scheme: NLTagScheme, options: NLTagger.Options = [], using block: (NLTag?, Range<String.Index>) -> Bool) {
guard let str = self.string else { return }
let nsrange = NSRange(range, in:str)
self.__enumerateTags(in: nsrange, unit: unit, scheme: scheme, options: options) { (tag, tokenNSRange, stop) in
if let tokenRange = Range(tokenNSRange, in: str) {
let keepGoing = block(tag, tokenRange)
if (!keepGoing) {
stop.pointee = true
public func tags(in range: Range<String.Index>, unit: NLTokenUnit, scheme: NLTagScheme, options: NLTagger.Options = []) -> [(NLTag?, Range<String.Index>)] {
var array:[(NLTag?, Range<String.Index>)] = []
self.enumerateTags(in: range, unit: unit, scheme: scheme, options: options) { (tag, tokenRange) -> Bool in
array.append((tag, tokenRange))
return true
return array
public func setLanguage(_ language: NLLanguage, range: Range<String.Index>) {
guard let str = self.string else { return }
let nsrange = NSRange(range, in: str)
self.__setLanguage(language, range: nsrange)
public func setOrthography(_ orthography: NSOrthography, range: Range<String.Index>) {
guard let str = self.string else { return }
let nsrange = NSRange(range, in: str)
self.__setOrthography(orthography, range: nsrange)