blob: eb1b36f1a5aed8b42aaffe9ebfabd58a649dfd1a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
from collections import defaultdict
filenames = sys.argv[1:]
if len(filenames) == 0:
print "-- CBC table generation tool -- "
print "Usage: ./ file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt ..."
hist = defaultdict(int)
def collect_top_entries(val):
Collect the most frequent substrings and organize them in a table.
# sort items by hit rate.
lst = sorted(hist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1] * len(x[0]) , reverse=True)[0:val]
# Strip out entries with a small number of hits.
# These entries are not likely to help the compressor and can extend the compile
# time of the mangler unnecessarily.
lst = filter(lambda p: p[1] > 500, lst)
return lst
def addLine(line):
Extract all of the possible substrings from \p line and insert them into
the substring dictionary. This method knows to ignore the _T swift prefix.
if not line.startswith("__T"): return
# strip the "__T" for the prefix calculations
line = line[3:]
max_string_length = 9
string_len = len(line)
for seg_len in xrange(3, max_string_length):
for start_idx in xrange(string_len - seg_len):
substr = line[start_idx:start_idx+seg_len]
hist[substr] += 1
# Read all of the input files and add the substrings into the table.
for f in filenames:
for line in open(f):
# Use these characters as escape chars.
escape_char0 = 'Y'
escape_char1 = 'J'
# notice that Y and J are missing because they are escape chars:
charset = r"0123456789_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ$"
encoders = [c for c in charset] # alphabet without the escape chars.
enc_len = len(encoders)
# Take the most frequent entries from the table.
table = collect_top_entries(enc_len * enc_len)
# Calculate the reverse mapping between the char to its index.
index_of_char = ["-1"] * 256
idx = 0
for c in charset:
index_of_char[ord(c)] = str(idx)
class Trie:
This Trie data structure can generate C code for searching if a string is stored in the tree
and what is the TableIdx that is associated with that string.
def __init__(self):
self.TableIdx = None
self.children = {}
def add(self, word, TableIdx):
# Place the table index at the end of strings.
if len(word) == 0:
self.TableIdx = TableIdx
first_letter = word[0]
# Create a new entry in the Trie node if needed.
if first_letter not in self.children:
self.children[first_letter] = Trie()
# Insert the rest of the string recursively.
self.children[first_letter].add(word[1:], TableIdx)
def generateHeader(self):
return "// Returns the index of the longest substring in \p str that's shorter than \p n.\n" +\
"int matchStringSuffix(const char* str, int n) {"
def generateFooter(self):
return "return -1; \n}"
def generate(self, depth):
Generate a search procedure for the Trie datastructure.
sb = ""
space = " " * depth
for opt,node in self.children.iteritems():
sb += space + "if ((%d < n) && (str[%d] == '%s')) {\n" % (depth, depth, opt)
sb += space + node.generate(depth + 1)
sb += space + "}\n"
if self.TableIdx:
sb += space + "return " + str(self.TableIdx) + ";\n"
return sb
# Take only the key values, not the hit count
key_values = [p[0] for p in table]
# Array of string lengths.
string_length_table = map(lambda x: str(len(x)), key_values)
# Stringify the list of words that we use as substrings.
string_key_list = map(lambda x: "\""+ x + "\"", key_values)
# Add all of the substrings that we'll use for compression into the Trie.
TrieHead = Trie()
for i in xrange(len(key_values)): TrieHead.add(key_values[i], i)
# Generate the header file.
print "// This file is autogenerated. Do not modify this file."
print "// Processing text files:", " ".join([os.path.basename(f) for f in filenames])
print "namespace CBC {"
print "// The charset that the fragment indices can use:"
print "const unsigned CharsetLength = %d;" % len(charset)
print "const char *Charset = \"%s\";" % charset
print "const int IndexOfChar[] = {", ",".join(index_of_char),"};"
print "const char EscapeChar0 = '%s';" % escape_char0
print "const char EscapeChar1 = '%s';" % escape_char1
print "// The Fragments:"
print "const unsigned NumFragments = ", len(string_key_list), ";"
print "const char* CodeBook[] = {", ",".join(string_key_list),"};"
print "const unsigned CodeBookLen[] = {", ",".join(string_length_table),"};"
print TrieHead.generateHeader()
print TrieHead.generate(0)
print TrieHead.generateFooter()
print "} // namespace"
print "#endif /* SWIFT_MANGLER_CBC_TABLE_H */"