blob: 08f5fe77b3e29079544d67d55f84261e1d500776 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FloatingPoint.swift.gyb ------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
# Utility code for later in this template
# // Bit counts for all floating point types.
# // 80-bit floating point types are only permitted on x86 architectures. This
# // restriction is handled via #if's in the generated code.
allFloatBits = [32, 64, 80]
# Bit counts for all int types
allIntBits = [8, 16, 32, 64, 'Int']
# Number of bits in the Builtin.Word type
word_bits = int(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) * 8
# Number of bits in integer literals.
builtinIntLiteralBits = 2048
def allInts():
for bits in allIntBits:
for signed in False, True:
yield bits,signed
def baseIntName(name):
return 'Int' if name == 'Int' else 'Int' + str(name)
def builtinIntName(name):
return 'Int' + str(word_bits) if name == 'Int' else 'Int' + str(name)
def intName(name, signed):
return ('' if signed else 'U') + baseIntName(name)
def floatName(bits):
if bits == 32:
return 'Float'
if bits == 64:
return 'Double'
if bits == 80:
return 'Float80'
def cFuncSuffix(bits):
if bits == 32:
return 'f'
if bits == 64:
return ''
if bits == 80:
return 'l'
def llvmIntrinsicSuffix(bits):
if bits == 32:
return 'f32'
if bits == 64:
return 'f64'
if bits == 80:
return 'f80'
def getInfBitPattern(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '0x7f800000'
if bits == 64:
return '0x7ff0000000000000'
return 'error'
def getQuietNaNBitPattern(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '0x7fc00000'
if bits == 64:
return '0x7ff8000000000000'
return 'error'
def getSignalingNanBitPattern(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '0x7fa00000'
if bits == 64:
return '0x7ff4000000000000'
return 'error'
def getMinNormalBitPattern(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '0x00800000'
if bits == 64:
return '0x0010000000000000'
return 'error'
def getExponentBitCount(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '8'
if bits == 64:
return '11'
return 'error'
def getSignificantBitCount(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '23'
if bits == 64:
return '52'
return 'error'
def getInfinityExponent(bits):
if bits == 32:
return '0xff'
if bits == 64:
return '0x7ff'
return 'error'
def mantissaOffset(floatBits):
if floatBits == 32:
return 23
if floatBits == 64:
return 52
if floatBits == 80:
return 63
def intFormatFix(bits):
if bits == 'Int':
return int(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P) * 8
return bits
def positivePrefix(floatBits):
return 0b1 << (floatBits - 2)
def positiveExponent(floatBits, intBits):
return ((intBits - 3) << mantissaOffset(floatBits))
def mantissaBits(floatBits, intBits):
offset = mantissaOffset(floatBits)
if intBits > offset:
return ((1 << intBits) - 4) >> (intBits - offset)
return ((1 << intBits) - 4) << (offset - intBits)
def getMaxFloat(floatBits, intBits):
maxFloat = (positivePrefix(floatBits) +
positiveExponent(floatBits, intBits) + mantissaBits(floatBits, intBits))
return "0x%0.x" % maxFloat
def negativePrefix(floatBits):
return 0b11 << (floatBits - 2)
def negativeExponent(floatBits, intBits):
return ((intBits - 2) << mantissaOffset(floatBits))
def getMinFloat(floatBits, intBits):
minFloat = negativePrefix(floatBits) + negativeExponent(floatBits, intBits)
return "0x%0.x" % minFloat
def incIfSigned(bits, signed):
if not(signed):
return bits + 1
return bits
% for bits in allFloatBits:
% Self = floatName(bits)
% if bits == 80:
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
% end
public struct ${Self} {
public // @testable
var _value: Builtin.FPIEEE${bits}
/// Create an instance initialized to zero.
@_transparent public
init() {
let zero: Int64 = 0
self._value = Builtin.sitofp_Int64_FPIEEE${bits}(zero._value)
public // @testable
init(_bits v: Builtin.FPIEEE${bits}) {
self._value = v
/// Create an instance initialized to `value`.
@_transparent public
init(_ value: ${Self}) { self = value }
extension ${Self} : CustomStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of `self`.
public var description: String {
return _float${bits}ToString(self, debug: false)
extension ${Self} : CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of `self`.
public var debugDescription: String {
return _float${bits}ToString(self, debug: true)
% if bits in allIntBits:
// Not transparent because the compiler crashes in that case.
extension ${Self} : FloatingPointType {
public typealias _BitsType = UInt${bits}
public static func _fromBitPattern(bits: _BitsType) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.bitcast_Int${bits}_FPIEEE${bits}(bits._value))
public func _toBitPattern() -> _BitsType {
return _BitsType(Builtin.bitcast_FPIEEE${bits}_Int${bits}(_value))
func __getSignBit() -> Int {
return Int(_toBitPattern() >> ${bits - 1}) & 1
func __getBiasedExponent() -> _BitsType {
return (_toBitPattern() >> ${getSignificantBitCount(bits)}) & ${getInfinityExponent(bits)}
func __getSignificand() -> _BitsType {
let mask: _BitsType = (1 << ${getSignificantBitCount(bits)}) - 1
return _toBitPattern() & mask
/// The positive infinity.
public static var infinity: ${Self} {
return _fromBitPattern(${getInfBitPattern(bits)})
/// A quiet NaN.
public static var NaN: ${Self} {
return quietNaN
/// A quiet NaN.
public static var quietNaN: ${Self} {
return _fromBitPattern(${getQuietNaNBitPattern(bits)})
/// `true` iff `self` is negative.
public var isSignMinus: Bool {
return __getSignBit() == 1
/// `true` iff `self` is normal (not zero, subnormal, infinity, or
/// NaN).
public var isNormal: Bool {
let biasedExponent = __getBiasedExponent()
return biasedExponent != ${getInfinityExponent(bits)} &&
biasedExponent != 0
/// `true` iff `self` is zero, subnormal, or normal (not infinity
/// or NaN).
public var isFinite: Bool {
return __getBiasedExponent() != ${getInfinityExponent(bits)}
/// `true` iff `self` is +0.0 or -0.0.
public var isZero: Bool {
// Mask out the sign bit.
let mask: _BitsType = (1 << (${bits} - 1)) - 1
return (_toBitPattern() & mask) == 0
/// `true` iff `self` is subnormal.
public var isSubnormal: Bool {
if __getBiasedExponent() == 0 {
return __getSignificand() != 0
return false
// Alternative implementation:
// return !isNan() &&
// abs(self) < ${Self}._fromBitPattern(${getMinNormalBitPattern(bits)})
// But because we need to check for !isNan(), and do it safely in case of
// SNaN, we need to go down to the bit level, so open-coding the combined
// condition is going to be faster.
/// `true` iff `self` is infinity.
public var isInfinite: Bool {
if __getBiasedExponent() == ${getInfinityExponent(bits)} {
return __getSignificand() == 0
return false
// Alternative implementation that is not safe in case of SNaN:
// return abs(self) == ${Self}.infinity()
/// `true` iff `self` is NaN.
public var isNaN: Bool {
if __getBiasedExponent() == ${getInfinityExponent(bits)} {
return __getSignificand() != 0
return false
// Alternative implementation that is not safe in case of SNaN:
// return self != self
/// `true` iff `self` is a signaling NaN.
public var isSignaling: Bool {
if __getBiasedExponent() == ${getInfinityExponent(bits)} {
// IEEE-754R 2008 6.2.1: A signaling NaN bit string should be encoded
// with the first bit of the trailing significand being 0. If the first
// bit of the trailing significand field is 0, some other bit of the
// trailing significand field must be non-zero to distinguish the NaN
// from infinity.
let significand = __getSignificand()
if significand != 0 {
return (significand >> (${getSignificantBitCount(bits)} - 1)) == 0
return false
// Not @_transparent because the function is too complex.
extension ${Self} /* : FloatingPointType */ {
/// The IEEE 754 "class" of this type.
public var floatingPointClass: FloatingPointClassification {
get {
let biasedExponent = __getBiasedExponent()
if biasedExponent == ${getInfinityExponent(bits)} {
let significand = __getSignificand()
// This is either +/-inf or NaN.
if significand == 0 {
return isSignMinus ? .NegativeInfinity : .PositiveInfinity
let isQNaN = (significand >> (${getSignificantBitCount(bits)} - 1)) == 1
return isQNaN ? .QuietNaN : .SignalingNaN
// OK, the number is finite.
let isMinus = isSignMinus
if biasedExponent != 0 {
return isMinus ? .NegativeNormal : .PositiveNormal
// Exponent is zero.
if __getSignificand() == 0 {
return isMinus ? .NegativeZero : .PositiveZero
return isMinus ? .NegativeSubnormal : .PositiveSubnormal
% end
extension ${Self} : _BuiltinIntegerLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible {
init(_builtinIntegerLiteral value: Builtin.Int${builtinIntLiteralBits}){
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.itofp_with_overflow_Int${builtinIntLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
/// Create an instance initialized to `value`.
public init(integerLiteral value: Int64) {
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.sitofp_Int64_FPIEEE${bits}(value._value))
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
% builtinFloatLiteralBits = 80
extension ${Self} : _BuiltinFloatLiteralConvertible {
init(_builtinFloatLiteral value: Builtin.FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}) {
% if bits == builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: value)
% elif bits < builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.fptrunc_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% else:
// FIXME: This is actually losing precision <rdar://problem/14073102>.
self = ${Self}(Builtin.fpext_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% end
% builtinFloatLiteralBits = 64
extension ${Self} : _BuiltinFloatLiteralConvertible {
init(_builtinFloatLiteral value: Builtin.FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}) {
% if bits == builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: value)
% elif bits < builtinFloatLiteralBits:
self = ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.fptrunc_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% else:
// FIXME: This is actually losing precision <rdar://problem/14073102>.
self = ${Self}(Builtin.fpext_FPIEEE${builtinFloatLiteralBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(value))
% end
extension ${Self} : FloatLiteralConvertible {
/// Create an instance initialized to `value`.
public init(floatLiteral value: ${Self}) {
self = value
public func ==(lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_oeq_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
public func != (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_une_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
public func <(lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_olt_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
public func > (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_ogt_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
public func <= (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_ole_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
public func >= (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> Bool {
return Bool(Builtin.fcmp_oge_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
extension ${Self} : Comparable, Equatable {
extension ${Self} : Hashable {
/// The hash value.
/// **Axiom:** `x == y` implies `x.hashValue == y.hashValue`.
/// - Note: The hash value is not guaranteed to be stable across
/// different invocations of the same program. Do not persist the
/// hash value across program runs.
public var hashValue: Int {
// FIXME: Float80 does not have _toBitPattern.
% if bits != 80:
// -0.0.hashValue must == 0.0.hashValue. So we need to check for -0.0.
% if bits == 32:
if self._toBitPattern() == 0x8000_0000 {
% elif bits == 64:
if self._toBitPattern() == 0x8000_0000_0000_0000 {
% else:
error unhandled float size ${bits}
% end
return 0.0.hashValue
} else {
% end
let asBuiltinInt = Builtin.bitcast_FPIEEE${bits}_Int${bits}(_value)
% if bits >= 64:
return Int(Builtin.truncOrBitCast_Int${bits}_Word(asBuiltinInt))
% elif bits <= 32:
return Int(Builtin.sextOrBitCast_Int${bits}_Word(asBuiltinInt))
% else:
error unhandled float size ${bits}
% end
% if bits != 80:
% end
extension ${Self} : AbsoluteValuable {
/// Returns the absolute value of `x`.
public static func abs(x: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.int_fabs_FPIEEE${bits}(x._value))
public prefix func +(x: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return x
public prefix func -(x: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.fneg_FPIEEE${bits}(x._value))
// Explicit conversions between types.
// Construction from integers.
extension ${Self} {
% for (srcBits, srcSigned) in allInts():
% That = intName(srcBits, srcSigned)
% ThatBuiltinName = builtinIntName(srcBits)
% sign = 's' if srcSigned else 'u'
public init(_ v: ${That}) {
_value = Builtin.${sign}itofp_${ThatBuiltinName}_FPIEEE${bits}(v._value)
% end
// Construction from other floating point numbers.
extension ${Self} {
% for srcBits in allFloatBits:
% That = floatName(srcBits)
% if Self != That:
% if srcBits == 80:
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
% end
/// Construct an instance that approximates `other`.
public init(_ other: ${That}) {
% if srcBits > bits:
_value = Builtin.fptrunc_FPIEEE${srcBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(other._value)
% else:
_value = Builtin.fpext_FPIEEE${srcBits}_FPIEEE${bits}(other._value)
% end
% if srcBits == 80:
% end
% end
% end
// Standard Operator Table
@available(*, deprecated, message="it will be removed in Swift 3")
public prefix func ++ (inout rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} { rhs += 1.0; return rhs }
@available(*, deprecated, message="it will be removed in Swift 3")
public prefix func -- (inout rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} { rhs -= 1.0; return rhs }
@available(*, deprecated, message="it will be removed in Swift 3")
public postfix func ++ (inout lhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} { let tmp = lhs; lhs += 1.0; return tmp }
@available(*, deprecated, message="it will be removed in Swift 3")
public postfix func -- (inout lhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} { let tmp = lhs; lhs -= 1.0; return tmp }
extension ${Self} : Strideable {
/// Returns a stride `x` such that `self.advancedBy(x)` approximates
/// `other`.
/// - Complexity: O(1).
@_transparent public
func distanceTo(other: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return other - self
/// Returns a `Self` `x` such that `self.distanceTo(x)` approximates
/// `n`.
/// - Complexity: O(1).
@_transparent public
func advancedBy(amount: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return self + amount
% for op, name in ('+','fadd'), ('-','fsub'),('*','fmul'), ('/','fdiv'):
public func ${op} (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self} {
return ${Self}(_bits: Builtin.${name}_FPIEEE${bits}(lhs._value, rhs._value))
% end
// Binary Remainder.
// The sign of the result matches the sign of the dividend.
// 1) This is consistent with '%' in C#, D, Java, and JavaScript
// 2) C99 requires this behavior for fmod*()
// 3) C++11 requires this behavior for std::fmod*()
public func % (lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) -> ${Self}
// See Bool.swift for && and ||
// In C, 120 is &&
// In C, 110 is ||
// In C, 100 is ?:
// In C, 90 is =, *=, += etc.
% for op in '+', '-', '*', '/', '%':
public func ${op}= (inout lhs: ${Self}, rhs: ${Self}) { lhs = lhs ${op} rhs }
% end
% if bits == 80:
% end
% end # for bits in allFloatBits
// Construction of integers from floating point numbers.
% for (bits, signed) in allInts():
% sign = 's' if signed else 'u'
% Self = intName(bits, signed)
% BuiltinName = builtinIntName(bits)
extension ${Self} {
% for srcBits in allFloatBits:
% That = floatName(srcBits)
% if srcBits == 80:
#if arch(i386) || arch(x86_64)
% end
/// Construct an instance that approximates `other`.
public init(_ other: ${That}) {
% if srcBits != 80:
// FIXME: Float80 does not have 'isFinite' property.
// <rdar://problem/17958458> Int(Float80.quietNaN) is garbage
// <rdar://problem/17959546> Float80.isFinite is missing
"floating point value cannot be converted to ${Self} because it is either infinite or NaN")
% if signed:
// FIXME: Float80 doesn't have a _fromBitPattern
// ${That}(roundTowardsZero: ${Self}.min)
// > ${getMinFloat(srcBits, incIfSigned(intFormatFix(bits), signed))}
_precondition(other >= ${That}._fromBitPattern(${getMinFloat(srcBits,
incIfSigned(intFormatFix(bits), signed))}),
"floating point value cannot be converted to ${Self} because it is less than ${Self}.min")
% else:
_precondition(other >= (0.0 as ${That}),
"floating point value cannot be converted to ${Self} because it is less than ${Self}.min")
% end
// ${That}(roundTowardsZero: ${Self}.max)
// > ${getMaxFloat(srcBits, incIfSigned(intFormatFix(bits), signed))}
_precondition(other <= ${That}._fromBitPattern(${getMaxFloat(srcBits,
incIfSigned(intFormatFix(bits), signed))}),
"floating point value cannot be converted to ${Self} because it is greater than ${Self}.max")
% end
self._value =
% if srcBits == 80:
% end
% end
% end
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: