blob: c02908b5b4d178eba6127376d18ab51cd66833f6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Fulfillment.cpp - Static metadata search ------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements routines for searching for ways to find metadata
// from other metadata.
#include "Fulfillment.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
/// Is metadata for the given type kind a "leaf", or does it possibly
/// store any other type metadata that we can statically extract?
/// It's okay to conservatively answer "no". It's more important for this
/// to be quick than for it to be accurate; don't recurse.
static bool isLeafTypeMetadata(CanType type) {
switch (type->getKind()) {
case TypeKind::ID:
case TypeKind::ID:
#define TYPE(ID, SUPER)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("kind is invalid for a canonical type");
case TypeKind::ID:
#define TYPE(ID, SUPER)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
case TypeKind::LValue:
case TypeKind::InOut:
case TypeKind::DynamicSelf:
llvm_unreachable("these types do not have metadata");
// All the builtin types are leaves.
case TypeKind::ID:
#define TYPE(ID, SUPER)
#include "swift/AST/TypeNodes.def"
case TypeKind::Module:
return true;
// Type parameters are statically opaque.
case TypeKind::Archetype:
case TypeKind::GenericTypeParam:
case TypeKind::DependentMember:
return true;
// Only the empty tuple is a leaf.
case TypeKind::Tuple:
return cast<TupleType>(type)->getNumElements() == 0;
// Nominal types might have parents.
case TypeKind::Class:
case TypeKind::Enum:
case TypeKind::Protocol:
case TypeKind::Struct:
return !cast<NominalType>(type)->getParent();
// Bound generic types have type arguments.
case TypeKind::BoundGenericClass:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericEnum:
case TypeKind::BoundGenericStruct:
return false;
// Functions have component types.
case TypeKind::Function:
case TypeKind::PolymorphicFunction:
case TypeKind::GenericFunction: // included for future-proofing
return false;
// Protocol compositions have component types.
case TypeKind::ProtocolComposition:
return false;
// Metatypes have instance types.
case TypeKind::Metatype:
case TypeKind::ExistentialMetatype:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("bad type kind");
/// Given that we have a source for metadata of the given type, check
/// to see if it fulfills anything.
/// \param isExact - true if the metadata is known to be exactly the
/// metadata for the given type, false if it might be a subtype
bool FulfillmentMap::searchTypeMetadata(ModuleDecl &M, CanType type,
IsExact_t isExact,
unsigned source, MetadataPath &&path,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys) {
// If this is an exact source, and it's an interesting type, add this
// as a fulfillment.
if (isExact && keys.isInterestingType(type)) {
// If the type isn't a leaf type, also check it as an inexact match.
bool hadFulfillment = false;
if (!isLeafTypeMetadata(type)) {
hadFulfillment |= searchTypeMetadata(M, type, IsInexact, source,
MetadataPath(path), keys);
// Add the fulfillment.
hadFulfillment |= addFulfillment({type, nullptr}, source, std::move(path));
return hadFulfillment;
// Inexact metadata will be a problem if we ever try to use this
// to remember that we already have the metadata for something.
if (auto nomTy = dyn_cast<NominalType>(type)) {
return searchNominalTypeMetadata(M, nomTy, source, std::move(path), keys);
if (auto boundTy = dyn_cast<BoundGenericType>(type)) {
return searchBoundGenericTypeMetadata(M, boundTy, source, std::move(path),
// TODO: tuples
// TODO: functions
// TODO: metatypes
return false;
/// Given that we have a source for a witness table that the given type
/// conforms to the given protocol, check to see if it fulfills anything.
bool FulfillmentMap::searchWitnessTable(ModuleDecl &M,
CanType type, ProtocolDecl *protocol,
unsigned source, MetadataPath &&path,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys) {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<ProtocolDecl*, 4> interestingConformancesBuffer;
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl*> *interestingConformances = nullptr;
// If the interesting-keys set is limiting the set of interesting
// conformances, collect that filter.
if (keys.isInterestingType(type) &&
keys.hasLimitedInterestingConformances(type)) {
// Bail out immediately if the set is empty.
// This only makes sense because we're not trying to fulfill
// associated types this way.
auto requiredConformances = keys.getInterestingConformances(type);
if (requiredConformances.empty()) return false;
interestingConformances = &interestingConformancesBuffer;
return searchWitnessTable(M, type, protocol, source, std::move(path), keys,
bool FulfillmentMap::searchWitnessTable(ModuleDecl &M,
CanType type, ProtocolDecl *protocol,
unsigned source, MetadataPath &&path,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys,
const llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl*> *
interestingConformances) {
bool hadFulfillment = false;
auto nextInheritedIndex = 0;
for (auto inherited : protocol->getInheritedProtocols(nullptr)) {
auto index = nextInheritedIndex++;
// Ignore protocols that don't have witness tables.
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(inherited))
MetadataPath inheritedPath = path;
hadFulfillment |= searchWitnessTable(M, type, inherited,
source, std::move(inheritedPath),
keys, interestingConformances);
// If we're not limited the set of interesting conformances, or if
// this is an interesting conformance, record it.
if (!interestingConformances || interestingConformances->count(protocol)) {
hadFulfillment |= addFulfillment({type, protocol}, source, std::move(path));
return hadFulfillment;
bool FulfillmentMap::searchParentTypeMetadata(ModuleDecl &M, CanType parent,
unsigned source,
MetadataPath &&path,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys) {
// We might not have a parent type.
if (!parent) return false;
// If we do, it has to be nominal one way or another.
return searchTypeMetadata(M, parent, IsExact, source, std::move(path), keys);
bool FulfillmentMap::searchNominalTypeMetadata(ModuleDecl &M,
CanNominalType type,
unsigned source,
MetadataPath &&path,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys) {
// Nominal types add no generic arguments themselves, but they
// may have the arguments of their parents.
return searchParentTypeMetadata(M, type.getParent(),
source, std::move(path), keys);
bool FulfillmentMap::searchBoundGenericTypeMetadata(ModuleDecl &M,
CanBoundGenericType type,
unsigned source,
MetadataPath &&path,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys) {
auto params = type->getDecl()->getGenericParams()->getAllArchetypes();
auto substitutions = type->getSubstitutions(&M, nullptr);
assert(params.size() >= substitutions.size() &&
"generic decl archetypes should parallel generic type subs");
bool hadFulfillment = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = substitutions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
auto sub = substitutions[i];
CanType arg = sub.getReplacement()->getCanonicalType();
// Skip uninteresting type arguments.
if (!keys.hasInterestingType(arg))
// If the argument is a type parameter, fulfill conformances for it.
if (keys.isInterestingType(arg)) {
hadFulfillment |=
searchTypeArgConformances(M, arg, params[i], source, path, i, keys);
// Refine the path.
MetadataPath argPath = path;
hadFulfillment |=
searchTypeMetadata(M, arg, IsExact, source, std::move(argPath), keys);
// Also match against the parent. The polymorphic type
// will start with any arguments from the parent.
hadFulfillment |= searchParentTypeMetadata(M, type.getParent(),
source, std::move(path), keys);
return hadFulfillment;
bool FulfillmentMap::searchTypeArgConformances(ModuleDecl &M, CanType arg,
ArchetypeType *param,
unsigned source,
const MetadataPath &path,
unsigned argIndex,
const InterestingKeysCallback &keys) {
// Our sources are the protocol conformances that are recorded in
// the generic metadata.
auto storedConformances = param->getConformsTo();
if (storedConformances.empty()) return false;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<ProtocolDecl*, 4> interestingConformancesBuffer;
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl*> *interestingConformances = nullptr;
// If the interesting-keys set is limiting the set of interesting
// conformances, collect that filter.
if (keys.hasLimitedInterestingConformances(arg)) {
// Bail out immediately if the set is empty.
auto requiredConformances = keys.getInterestingConformances(arg);
if (requiredConformances.empty()) return false;
interestingConformances = &interestingConformancesBuffer;
bool hadFulfillment = false;
for (size_t confIndex : indices(storedConformances)) {
auto storedProtocol = storedConformances[confIndex];
if (!Lowering::TypeConverter::protocolRequiresWitnessTable(storedProtocol))
MetadataPath confPath = path;
confPath.addNominalTypeArgumentConformanceComponent(argIndex, confIndex);
hadFulfillment |=
searchWitnessTable(M, arg, storedProtocol, source, std::move(confPath),
keys, interestingConformances);
return hadFulfillment;
/// Testify that there's a fulfillment at the given path.
bool FulfillmentMap::addFulfillment(FulfillmentKey key,
unsigned source, MetadataPath &&path) {
// Only add a fulfillment if we don't have any previous
// fulfillment for that value or if it 's cheaper than the existing
// fulfillment.
auto it = Fulfillments.find(key);
if (it != Fulfillments.end()) {
if (path.cost() >= it->second.Path.cost()) {
return false;
it->second.SourceIndex = source;
it->second.Path = std::move(path);
return true;
} else {
Fulfillments.insert({ key, Fulfillment(source, std::move(path)) });
return true;
bool FulfillmentMap::Everything::isInterestingType(CanType type) const {
return true;
bool FulfillmentMap::Everything::hasInterestingType(CanType type) const {
return true;
bool FulfillmentMap::Everything
::hasLimitedInterestingConformances(CanType type) const {
return false;
FulfillmentMap::Everything::getInterestingConformances(CanType type) const{
return {};