blob: dd50be7c665c5f7766bad9909a364b0ad63fec9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Fixed-layout struct
@frozen public struct Point {
public var x: Int // read-write stored property
public let y: Int // read-only stored property
public init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
public func method() {}
public mutating func mutantMethod() {}
// Resilient-layout struct
public struct Size {
public var w: Int // should have getter and setter
public let h: Int // getter only
public init(w: Int, h: Int) {
self.w = w
self.h = h
public func method() {}
public mutating func mutantMethod() {}
// Fixed-layout struct with resilient members
@frozen public struct Rectangle {
public let p: Point
public let s: Size
public let color: Int
public init(p: Point, s: Size, color: Int) {
self.p = p
self.s = s
self.color = color
// More complicated resilient structs for runtime tests
public struct ResilientBool {
public let b: Bool
public init(b: Bool) {
self.b = b
public struct ResilientInt {
public let i: Int
public init(i: Int) {
self.i = i
public struct ResilientDouble {
public let d: Double
public init(d: Double) {
self.d = d
@frozen public struct ResilientLayoutRuntimeTest {
public let b1: ResilientBool
public let i: ResilientInt
public let b2: ResilientBool
public let d: ResilientDouble
public init(b1: ResilientBool, i: ResilientInt, b2: ResilientBool, d: ResilientDouble) {
self.b1 = b1
self.i = i
self.b2 = b2
self.d = d
public class Referent {
public init() {}
public struct ResilientWeakRef {
public weak var ref: Referent?
public init (_ r: Referent) {
ref = r
public struct ResilientRef {
public var r: Referent
public init(r: Referent) { self.r = r }
public struct ResilientWithInternalField {
var x: Int
// Tuple parameters with resilient structs
public class Subject {}
public struct Container {
public var s: Subject
public struct PairContainer {
public var pair : (Container, Container)