blob: 1fa1df17e8f3534bdff379b254ba189de2326674 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -parse-as-library -enable-objc-interop -swift-version 3
class A {
func ret_sametype() -> Int { return 0 }
func ret_subclass() -> A { return self }
func ret_subclass_rev() -> B { return B() }
func ret_nonclass_optional() -> Int? { return .none }
func ret_nonclass_optional_rev() -> Int { return 0 }
func ret_class_optional() -> B? { return .none }
func ret_class_optional_rev() -> A { return self }
func ret_class_uoptional() -> B! { return B() }
func ret_class_uoptional_rev() -> A { return self }
func ret_class_optional_uoptional() -> B? { return .none }
func ret_class_optional_uoptional_rev() -> A! { return self }
func param_sametype(_ x : Int) {}
func param_subclass(_ x : B) {}
func param_subclass_rev(_ x : A) {}
func param_nonclass_optional(_ x : Int) {}
func param_nonclass_optional_rev(_ x : Int?) {}
func param_class_optional(_ x : B) {}
func param_class_optional_rev(_ x : B?) {}
func param_class_uoptional(_ x : B) {}
func param_class_uoptional_rev(_ x : B!) {}
func param_class_optional_uoptional(_ x : B!) {}
func param_class_optional_uoptional_rev(_ x : B?) {}
class B : A {
override func ret_sametype() -> Int { return 1 }
override func ret_subclass() -> B { return self }
func ret_subclass_rev() -> A { return self }
override func ret_nonclass_optional() -> Int { return 0 }
func ret_nonclass_optional_rev() -> Int? { return 0 }
override func ret_class_optional() -> B { return self }
func ret_class_optional_rev() -> A? { return self }
override func ret_class_uoptional() -> B { return self }
func ret_class_uoptional_rev() -> A! { return self }
override func ret_class_optional_uoptional() -> B! { return self }
override func ret_class_optional_uoptional_rev() -> A? { return self }
override func param_sametype(_ x : Int) {}
override func param_subclass(_ x : A) {}
func param_subclass_rev(_ x : B) {}
override func param_nonclass_optional(_ x : Int?) {}
func param_nonclass_optional_rev(_ x : Int) {}
override func param_class_optional(_ x : B?) {}
func param_class_optional_rev(_ x : B) {}
override func param_class_uoptional(_ x : B!) {}
func param_class_uoptional_rev(_ x : B) {}
override func param_class_optional_uoptional(_ x : B?) {}
override func param_class_optional_uoptional_rev(_ x : B!) {}
class C<T> {
func ret_T() -> T {}
class D<T> : C<[T]> {
override func ret_T() -> [T] {}
class E {
var var_sametype: Int { get { return 0 } set {} }
var var_subclass: E { get { return self } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_subclass_rev: F { get { return F() } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_nonclass_optional: Int? { get { return .none } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_nonclass_optional_rev: Int { get { return 0 } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_class_optional: F? { get { return .none } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_class_optional_rev: E { get { return self } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_class_uoptional: F! { get { return F() } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_class_uoptional_rev: E { get { return self } set {} } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var var_class_optional_uoptional: F? { get { return .none } set {} }
var var_class_optional_uoptional_rev: E! { get { return self } set {} }
var ro_sametype: Int { return 0 }
var ro_subclass: E { return self }
var ro_subclass_rev: F { return F() }
var ro_nonclass_optional: Int? { return 0 }
var ro_nonclass_optional_rev: Int { return 0 } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var ro_class_optional: F? { return .none }
var ro_class_optional_rev: E { return self } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var ro_class_uoptional: F! { return F() }
var ro_class_uoptional_rev: E { return self } // expected-note{{attempt to override property here}}
var ro_class_optional_uoptional: F? { return .none }
var ro_class_optional_uoptional_rev: E! { return self }
class F : E {
override var var_sametype: Int { get { return 0 } set {} }
override var var_subclass: F { get { return self } set {} } // expected-error{{cannot override mutable property 'var_subclass' of type 'E' with covariant type 'F'}}
override var var_subclass_rev: E { get { return F() } set {} } // expected-error{{property 'var_subclass_rev' with type 'E' cannot override a property with type 'F}}
override var var_nonclass_optional: Int { get { return 0 } set {} } // expected-error{{cannot override mutable property 'var_nonclass_optional' of type 'Int?' with covariant type 'Int'}}
override var var_nonclass_optional_rev: Int? { get { return 0 } set {} } // expected-error{{property 'var_nonclass_optional_rev' with type 'Int?' cannot override a property with type 'Int'}}
override var var_class_optional: F { get { return self } set {} } // expected-error{{cannot override mutable property 'var_class_optional' of type 'F?' with covariant type 'F'}}
override var var_class_optional_rev: E? { get { return self } set {} } // expected-error{{property 'var_class_optional_rev' with type 'E?' cannot override a property with type 'E'}}
override var var_class_uoptional: F { get { return F() } set {} } // expected-error{{cannot override mutable property 'var_class_uoptional' of type 'F?' with covariant type 'F'}}
override var var_class_uoptional_rev: E! { get { return self } set {} } // expected-error{{property 'var_class_uoptional_rev' with type 'E?' cannot override a property with type 'E'}}
override var var_class_optional_uoptional: F! { get { return .none } set {} }
override var var_class_optional_uoptional_rev: E? { get { return self } set {} }
override var ro_sametype: Int { return 0 }
override var ro_subclass: E { return self }
override var ro_subclass_rev: F { return F() }
override var ro_nonclass_optional: Int { return 0 }
override var ro_nonclass_optional_rev: Int? { return 0 } // expected-error{{property 'ro_nonclass_optional_rev' with type 'Int?' cannot override a property with type 'Int'}}
override var ro_class_optional: F { return self }
override var ro_class_optional_rev: E? { return self } // expected-error{{property 'ro_class_optional_rev' with type 'E?' cannot override a property with type 'E'}}
override var ro_class_uoptional: F { return F() }
override var ro_class_uoptional_rev: E! { return self } // expected-error{{property 'ro_class_uoptional_rev' with type 'E?' cannot override a property with type 'E'}}
override var ro_class_optional_uoptional: F! { return .none }
override var ro_class_optional_uoptional_rev: E? { return self }
class G {
func f1(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func f2(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func f3(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func f4(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func f5(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func f6(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func f7(_: Int, int: Int) { }
func g1(_: Int, string: String) { } // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'g1(_:string:)' here}} {{28-28=string }}
func g1(_: Int, path: String) { } // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'g1(_:path:)' here}} {{28-28=path }}
func g2(_: Int, string: String) { } // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'g2(_:string:)' here}} {{none}}
func g2(_: Int, path: String) { }
func g3(_: Int, _ another: Int) { }
func g3(_: Int, path: String) { } // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'g3(_:path:)' here}} {{none}}
func g4(_: Int, _ another: Int) { }
func g4(_: Int, path: String) { }
init(a: Int) {} // expected-note {{potential overridden initializer 'init(a:)' here}} {{none}}
init(a: String) {} // expected-note {{potential overridden initializer 'init(a:)' here}} {{17-17=a }} expected-note {{potential overridden initializer 'init(a:)' here}} {{none}}
init(b: String) {} // expected-note {{potential overridden initializer 'init(b:)' here}} {{17-17=b }} expected-note {{potential overridden initializer 'init(b:)' here}} {{none}}
class H : G {
override func f1(_: Int, _: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'f1' do not match those of overridden method 'f1(_:int:)'}}{{28-28=int }}
override func f2(_: Int, value: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'f2(_:value:)' do not match those of overridden method 'f2(_:int:)'}}{{28-28=int }}
override func f3(_: Int, value int: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'f3(_:value:)' do not match those of overridden method 'f3(_:int:)'}}{{28-34=}}
override func f4(_: Int, _ int: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'f4' do not match those of overridden method 'f4(_:int:)'}}{{28-30=}}
override func f5(_: Int, value inValue: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'f5(_:value:)' do not match those of overridden method 'f5(_:int:)'}}{{28-33=int}}
override func f6(_: Int, _ inValue: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'f6' do not match those of overridden method 'f6(_:int:)'}}{{28-29=int}}
override func f7(_: Int, int value: Int) { } // okay
override func g1(_: Int, s: String) { } // expected-error{{declaration 'g1(_:s:)' has different argument labels from any potential overrides}}{{none}}
override func g2(_: Int, string: Int) { } // expected-error{{method does not override any method from its superclass}} {{none}}
override func g3(_: Int, path: Int) { } // expected-error{{method does not override any method from its superclass}} {{none}}
override func g4(_: Int, string: Int) { } // expected-error{{argument labels for method 'g4(_:string:)' do not match those of overridden method 'g4'}} {{28-28=_ }}
override init(x: Int) {} // expected-error{{argument labels for initializer 'init(x:)' do not match those of overridden initializer 'init(a:)'}} {{17-17=a }}
override init(x: String) {} // expected-error{{declaration 'init(x:)' has different argument labels from any potential overrides}} {{none}}
override init(a: Double) {} // expected-error{{initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass}} {{none}}
override init(b: Double) {} // expected-error{{initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass}} {{none}}
@objc class IUOTestBaseClass {
func none() {}
func oneA(_: AnyObject) {}
func oneB(x: AnyObject) {}
func oneC(_ x: AnyObject) {}
func manyA(_: AnyObject, _: AnyObject) {}
func manyB(_ a: AnyObject, b: AnyObject) {}
func manyC(var a: AnyObject, // expected-error {{'var' as a parameter attribute is not allowed}}
var b: AnyObject) {} // expected-error {{'var' as a parameter attribute is not allowed}}
func result() -> AnyObject? { return nil }
func both(_ x: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? { return x }
init(_: AnyObject) {}
init(one: AnyObject) {}
init(a: AnyObject, b: AnyObject) {}
class IUOTestSubclass : IUOTestBaseClass {
override func oneA(_: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{34-35=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{25-25=(}} {{35-35=)}}
override func oneB(x: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{34-35=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{25-25=(}} {{35-35=)}}
override func oneC(_ x: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{36-37=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{27-27=(}} {{37-37=)}}
override func manyA(_: AnyObject!, _: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning 2 {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 2 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}}
// expected-note@-2 2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}}
override func manyB(_ a: AnyObject!, b: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning 2 {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 2 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}}
// expected-note@-2 2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}}
override func result() -> AnyObject! { return nil } // expected-warning {{overriding instance method optional result type 'AnyObject?' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use '?' to make the result optional}} {{38-39=?}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{29-29=(}} {{39-39=)}}
override func both(_ x: AnyObject!) -> AnyObject! { return x } // expected-warning {{overriding instance method optional result type 'AnyObject?' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}} expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{use '?' to make the result optional}} {{51-52=?}} expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{36-37=}}
// expected-note@-2 2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}}
override init(_: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding initializer parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{29-30=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{20-20=(}} {{30-30=)}}
override init(one: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding initializer parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{31-32=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{22-22=(}} {{32-32=)}}
override init(a: AnyObject!, b: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning 2 {{overriding initializer parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 2 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}}
// expected-note@-2 2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}}
class IUOTestSubclass2 : IUOTestBaseClass {
override func oneA(_ x: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{36-37=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{27-27=(}} {{37-37=)}}
override func oneB(x: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{34-35=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{25-25=(}} {{35-35=)}}
override func oneC(_: AnyObject!) {} // expected-warning {{overriding instance method parameter of type 'AnyObject' with implicitly unwrapped optional type 'AnyObject?'}}
// expected-note@-1 {{remove '!' to make the parameter required}} {{34-35=}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add parentheses to silence this warning}} {{25-25=(}} {{35-35=)}}
class IUOTestSubclassOkay : IUOTestBaseClass {
override func oneA(_: AnyObject?) {}
override func oneC(_ x: AnyObject) {}
class GenericBase<T> {}
class ConcreteDerived: GenericBase<Int> {}
class OverriddenWithConcreteDerived<T> {
func foo() -> GenericBase<T> {} // expected-note{{potential overridden instance method 'foo()' here}}
class OverridesWithMismatchedConcreteDerived<T>:
OverriddenWithConcreteDerived<T> {
override func foo() -> ConcreteDerived {} //expected-error{{does not override}}
class OverridesWithConcreteDerived:
OverriddenWithConcreteDerived<Int> {
override func foo() -> ConcreteDerived {}
// <rdar://problem/24646184>
class Ty {}
class SubTy : Ty {}
class Base24646184 {
init(_: SubTy) { }
func foo(_: SubTy) { }
init(ok: Ty) { }
init(ok: SubTy) { }
func foo(ok: Ty) { }
func foo(ok: SubTy) { }
class Derived24646184 : Base24646184 {
override init(_: Ty) { } // expected-note {{'init' previously overridden here}}
override init(_: SubTy) { } // expected-error {{'init' has already been overridden}}
override func foo(_: Ty) { } // expected-note {{'foo' previously overridden here}}
override func foo(_: SubTy) { } // expected-error {{'foo' has already been overridden}}
override init(ok: Ty) { }
override init(ok: SubTy) { }
override func foo(ok: Ty) { }
override func foo(ok: SubTy) { }
// Generic subscripts
class GenericSubscriptBase {
var dict: [AnyHashable : Any] = [:]
subscript<T : Hashable, U>(t: T) -> U {
get {
return dict[t] as! U
set {
dict[t] = newValue
class GenericSubscriptDerived : GenericSubscriptBase {
override subscript<K : Hashable, V>(t: K) -> V {
get {
return super[t]
set {
super[t] = newValue
// @escaping
class CallbackBase {
func perform(handler: @escaping () -> Void) {} // expected-note * {{here}}
func perform(optHandler: (() -> Void)?) {} // expected-note * {{here}}
func perform(nonescapingHandler: () -> Void) {} // expected-note * {{here}}
class CallbackSubA: CallbackBase {
override func perform(handler: () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
// expected-note@-1 {{type does not match superclass instance method with type '(@escaping () -> Void) -> ()'}}
override func perform(optHandler: () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
override func perform(nonescapingHandler: () -> Void) {}
class CallbackSubB : CallbackBase {
override func perform(handler: (() -> Void)?) {}
override func perform(optHandler: (() -> Void)?) {}
override func perform(nonescapingHandler: (() -> Void)?) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
class CallbackSubC : CallbackBase {
override func perform(handler: @escaping () -> Void) {}
override func perform(optHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{cannot override instance method parameter of type '(() -> Void)?' with non-optional type '() -> Void'}}
override func perform(nonescapingHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {} // expected-error {{method does not override any method from its superclass}}
// Issues with overrides of internal(set) and fileprivate(set) members
public class BaseWithInternalSetter {
public internal(set) var someValue: Int = 0
public class DerivedWithInternalSetter: BaseWithInternalSetter {
override public internal(set) var someValue: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { }
class BaseWithFilePrivateSetter {
fileprivate(set) var someValue: Int = 0
class DerivedWithFilePrivateSetter: BaseWithFilePrivateSetter {
override fileprivate(set) var someValue: Int {
get { return 0 }
set { }