blob: c2be9352b131ddda97ebb5a7c56d8d1aaed62171 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Swift
@_exported import Accelerate
@_exported import Accelerate.vecLib.BNNS
bnns2016 = [
('OSX','10.12'), ('iOS','10.0'), ('tvOS','10.0'), ('watchOS','3.0')
bnns2017 = [
('OSX','10.13'), ('iOS','11.0'), ('tvOS','11.0'), ('watchOS','4.0')
def relString(releases):
if not releases:
return '*'
return ', '.join([
r[0] + ' ' + r[1] for r in releases
] + ['*'])
def available(releases):
return '@available(' + relString(releases) + ')'
def renamed(name, rel=None):
return '\n'.join([
'@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "' + name + '")'
def newEnumValue(base, new, old, rel):
decl = ' public static var ' + new + ': ' + base + ' {\n'
impl = ' return __' + base + old + '\n }'
return ' ' + available(rel) + '\n' + decl + impl
def oldEnumValue(base, new, old, oldRel):
return renamed(base + '.' + new, oldRel) + '\n' + \
'public var ' + base + old + ' = __' + base + old
def renameEnumMembers(base, baseRel, names):
return available(baseRel) + \
'\nextension ' + base + ' {\n' + \
'\n'.join([newEnumValue(base, new, old, rel) for new, old, rel in names]) + '\n}\n' + \
'\n'.join([oldEnumValue(base, new, old, rel) for new, old, rel in names if rel != bnns2017])
${renameEnumMembers('BNNSDataType', bnns2016, [
('float16', 'Float16', bnns2016),
('float', 'Float32', bnns2016),
('int8', 'Int8', bnns2016),
('int16', 'Int16', bnns2016),
('int32', 'Int32', bnns2016),
('uint8', 'UInt8', bnns2017),
('uint16', 'UInt16', bnns2017),
('uint32', 'UInt32', bnns2017),
${renameEnumMembers('BNNSPoolingFunction', bnns2016, [
('max', 'Max', bnns2016),
('average', 'Average', bnns2016),
${renameEnumMembers('BNNSActivationFunction', bnns2016, [
('identity', 'Identity', bnns2016),
('rectifiedLinear', 'RectifiedLinear', bnns2016),
('leakyRectifiedLinear', 'LeakyRectifiedLinear', bnns2016),
('sigmoid', 'Sigmoid', bnns2016),
('tanh', 'Tanh', bnns2016),
('scaledTanh', 'ScaledTanh', bnns2016),
('abs', 'Abs', bnns2016),
('linear', 'Linear', bnns2017),
('clamp', 'Clamp', bnns2017),
('integerLinearSaturate', 'IntegerLinearSaturate', bnns2017),
('integerLinearSaturatePerChannel', 'IntegerLinearSaturatePerChannel', bnns2017),
('softmax', 'Softmax', bnns2017),
${renameEnumMembers('BNNSFlags', bnns2016, [('useClientPointer', 'UseClientPtr', bnns2016)])}
extension BNNSImageStackDescriptor {
public init(width: Int,
height: Int,
channels: Int,
row_stride: Int,
image_stride: Int,
data_type: BNNSDataType) {
_precondition(data_type != .indexed8,
"Image stacks cannot use the indexed8 data type.")
self.init(width: width,
height: height,
channels: channels,
row_stride: row_stride,
image_stride: image_stride,
data_type: data_type,
data_scale: 1,
data_bias: 0)
extension BNNSVectorDescriptor {
public init(size: Int,
data_type: BNNSDataType) {
_precondition(data_type != .indexed8,
"Vectors cannot use the indexed8 data type.")
self.init(size: size,
data_type: data_type,
data_scale: 1,
data_bias: 0)
extension BNNSLayerData {
public init(data: UnsafeRawPointer?,
data_type: BNNSDataType,
data_scale: Float = 1,
data_bias: Float = 0) {
_precondition(data_type != .indexed8,
"This initializer cannot be used with the indexed8 data type; use BNNSLayerData.indexed8 instead.")
self.init(data: data,
data_type: data_type,
data_scale: data_scale,
data_bias: data_bias,
data_table: nil)
public static var zero: BNNSLayerData {
return BNNSLayerData()
/// A BNNSLayerData object with the indexed8 data type.
public static func indexed8(data: UnsafePointer<Int8>?,
data_table: UnsafePointer<Float>)
-> BNNSLayerData {
return BNNSLayerData(data: data,
data_type: .indexed8,
data_scale: 1, // unused
data_bias: 0, // unused
data_table: data_table)
extension BNNSActivation {
public init(function: BNNSActivationFunction,
alpha: Float = .nan,
beta: Float = .nan) {
if #available(OSX 10.13, iOS 11.0, tvOS 11.0, watchOS 4.0, *) {
_precondition(function != .integerLinearSaturate,
"This initializer cannot be used with the integerLinearSaturate activation function; use BNNSActivation.integerLinearSaturate(scale:Int32, offset:Int32, shift:Int32) instead.")
_precondition(function != .integerLinearSaturatePerChannel,
"This initializer cannot be used with the integerLinearSaturatePerChannel activation function; use BNNSActivation.integerLinearSaturatePerChannel(scale:UnsafePointer<Int32>, offset:UnsafePointer<Int32>, shift:UnsafePointer<Int32>) instead.")
self.init(function: function,
alpha: alpha,
beta: beta,
iscale: 1, // unused
ioffset: 0, // unused
ishift: 0, // unused
iscale_per_channel: nil, // unused
ioffset_per_channel: nil, // unused
ishift_per_channel: nil) // unused
/// A BNNSActivation object that uses the identity activation function.
public static var identity: BNNSActivation {
return BNNSActivation(function: .identity)
/// A BNNSActivation object that uses the integerLinearSaturate
/// activation function.
public static func integerLinearSaturate(
scale: Int32 = 1,
offset: Int32 = 0,
shift: Int32 = 0)
-> BNNSActivation {
return BNNSActivation(function: .integerLinearSaturate,
alpha: .nan, // unused
beta: .nan, // unused
iscale: scale,
ioffset: offset,
ishift: shift,
iscale_per_channel: nil, // unused
ioffset_per_channel: nil,// unused
ishift_per_channel: nil) // unused
/// A BNNSActivation object that uses the integerLinearSaturatePerChannel
/// activation function.
/// `scale`, `offset`, and `shift` must each point to a buffer with count
/// equal to the number of channels on which this activation object operates.
public static func integerLinearSaturatePerChannel(
scale: UnsafePointer<Int32>,
offset: UnsafePointer<Int32>,
shift: UnsafePointer<Int32>)
-> BNNSActivation {
return BNNSActivation(function: .integerLinearSaturatePerChannel,
alpha: .nan, // unused
beta: .nan, // unused
iscale: 1, // unused
ioffset: 0, // unused
ishift: 0, // unused
iscale_per_channel: scale,
ioffset_per_channel: offset,
ishift_per_channel: shift)
extension BNNSConvolutionLayerParameters {
public init(x_stride: Int,
y_stride: Int,
x_padding: Int,
y_padding: Int,
k_width: Int,
k_height: Int,
in_channels: Int,
out_channels: Int,
weights: BNNSLayerData) {
self.init(x_stride: x_stride,
y_stride: y_stride,
x_padding: x_padding,
y_padding: y_padding,
k_width: k_width,
k_height: k_height,
in_channels: in_channels,
out_channels: out_channels,
weights: weights,
bias: .zero,
activation: .identity)
extension BNNSPoolingLayerParameters {
public init(x_stride: Int,
y_stride: Int,
x_padding: Int,
y_padding: Int,
k_width: Int,
k_height: Int,
in_channels: Int,
out_channels: Int,
pooling_function: BNNSPoolingFunction) {
self.init(x_stride: x_stride,
y_stride: y_stride,
x_padding: x_padding,
y_padding: y_padding,
k_width: k_width,
k_height: k_height,
in_channels: in_channels,
out_channels: out_channels,
pooling_function: pooling_function,
bias: .zero,
activation: .identity)
extension BNNSFullyConnectedLayerParameters {
public init(in_size: Int,
out_size: Int,
weights: BNNSLayerData) {
self.init(in_size: in_size,
out_size: out_size,
weights: weights,
bias: .zero,
activation: .identity)