blob: 5afb0ed79f29674ea98846d7ec65750e3ca29b79 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TypeSyntax.h - Swift Type Syntax Interface -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the interface for type syntax nodes,
// such as for type representations for tuple types (Int, Int), or
// function types () -> (), for example.
#include "swift/Syntax/References.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Syntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxData.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenSyntax.h"
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
class GenericArgumentClauseSyntax;
class GenericArgumentClauseSyntaxData;
class GenericParameterClauseSyntax;
class GenericParameterClauseSyntaxData;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark balanced-tokens Data
class BalancedTokensSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
BalancedTokensSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<BalancedTokensSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<BalancedTokensSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::BalancedTokens;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark balanced-tokens API
/// balanced-tokens -> Any identifier, keyword, literal, or operator
/// | Any punctuation except (, ), [, ], {, or }
class BalancedTokensSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = BalancedTokensSyntaxData;
BalancedTokensSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const BalancedTokensSyntaxData *Data);
// TODO: TODO: BalancedTokensSyntax::getBalancedToken
addBalancedToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewBalancedToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::BalancedTokens;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-attribute Data
class TypeAttributeSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
RC<BalancedTokensSyntaxData> CachedBalancedTokens;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
TypeAttributeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeAttributeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeAttributeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeAttribute;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-attribute API
/// type-attribute -> '@' identifier attribute-argument-clause?
/// attribute-argument-clause -> '(' balanced-tokens ')'
class TypeAttributeSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TypeAttributeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = TypeAttributeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
TypeAttributeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root, const TypeAttributeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the '@' token associated with the type attribute.
RC<TokenSyntax> getAtSignToken() const;
/// Return a new TypeAttributeSyntax with the given '@' token.
TypeAttributeSyntax withAtSignToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewAtSignToken) const;
/// Return the name of the type attribute.
RC<TokenSyntax> getIdentifier() const;
/// Return a new TypeAttributeSyntax with the given name.
TypeAttributeSyntax withIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
/// Return the left parenthesis '(' token attached to the type attribute.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftParenToken() const;
/// Return a TypeAttributeSyntax with the given left parenthesis '(' token.
withLeftParenToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParenToken) const;
/// Return the "balanced tokens" of the type attributes; the arguments.
BalancedTokensSyntax getBalancedTokens() const;
/// Return a TypeAttributeSyntax with the given balanced tokens as arguments
/// to the type attribute.
withBalancedTokens(BalancedTokensSyntax NewBalancedTokens) const;
/// Return the right parenthesis ')' token attached to the type attribute.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightParenToken() const;
/// Return a TypeAttributeSyntax with the given right parenthesis ')' token.
withRightParenToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightParenToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeAttribute;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-attributes Data
class TypeAttributesSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class TypeAttributesSyntax;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
TypeAttributesSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeAttributesSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeAttributesSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeAttributes;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-attributes API
/// type-attributes -> type-attribute
/// | type-attribute type-attributes
class TypeAttributesSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TypeAttributesSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = TypeAttributesSyntaxData;
TypeAttributesSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const TypeAttributesSyntaxData *Data);
// TODO: TODO: TypeAttributesSyntax::getAttribute
addTypeAttribute(TypeAttributeSyntax NewTypeAttribute) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeAttributes;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-syntax Data
class TypeSyntaxData : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class TypeSyntax;
TypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->isType();
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-syntax API
/// type -> array-type
/// | dictionary-type
/// | function-type
/// | type-identifier
/// | tuple-type
/// | optional-type
/// | implicitly-unwrapped-optional-type
/// | protocol-composition-type
/// | metatype-type
/// | 'Any'
/// | 'Self'
class TypeSyntax : public Syntax {
using DataType = TypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
TypeSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const TypeSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->isType();
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-identifier Data
class TypeIdentifierSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TypeIdentifierSyntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
RC<GenericArgumentClauseSyntaxData> CachedGenericArgumentClause;
RC<TypeIdentifierSyntaxData> CachedChildTypeIdentifier;
TypeIdentifierSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeIdentifierSyntaxData> make (RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeIdentifierSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeIdentifier;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-identifier API
/// type-identifier -> type-name generic-argument-clause?
/// | type-name generic-argument-clause '.' type-identifier
class TypeIdentifierSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TypeIdentifierSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = TypeIdentifierSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor {
TypeIdentifierSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const TypeIdentifierSyntaxData *Data);
RC<TokenSyntax> getIdentifier() const;
withIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
GenericArgumentClauseSyntax getGenericArgumentClause() const;
withGenericArgumentClause(GenericArgumentClauseSyntax NewGenericArgs) const;
RC<TokenSyntax> getDotToken() const;
TypeIdentifierSyntax withDotToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
TypeIdentifierSyntax getChildType() const;
TypeIdentifierSyntax addChildType(TypeIdentifierSyntax ChildType) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeIdentifier;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-argument-list Data
class TypeArgumentListSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
TypeArgumentListSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeArgumentListSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeArgumentListSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeArgumentList;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark tuple-type-element Data
class TupleTypeElementSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
TupleTypeElementSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TupleTypeElementSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TupleTypeElementSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TupleTypeElement;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark tuple-type-element API
/// tuple-type-element -> (identifier ':')? type-attributes? 'inout'? type
/// Used for tuple elements and function argument types. This can simply be
/// a type without a label.
class TupleTypeElementSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TupleTypeElementSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = TupleTypeElementSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
TupleTypeElementSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const TupleTypeElementSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the label of the tuple type element.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLabel() const;
/// Return a new named tuple type element with the specified identifier.
TupleTypeElementSyntax withLabel(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
/// Return the colon token of the tuple type element.
RC<TokenSyntax> getColonToken() const;
/// Return a new named tuple type element with a colon token replacement
/// using the specified leading and trailing trivia.
withColonToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewColonToken) const;
/// Return the type attributes for the tuple type element.
TypeAttributesSyntax getTypeAttributes() const;
/// Return a new named tuple type element with the specified attributes.
withTypeAttributes(TypeAttributesSyntax NewTypeAttributes) const;
/// Return the 'inout' token of the tuple type element.
RC<TokenSyntax> getInoutToken() const;
/// Return a new named tuple type element with the 'inout' keyword added.
TupleTypeElementSyntax withInoutToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewInoutToken) const;
TypeSyntax getTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new named tuple type element with the specified type.
TupleTypeElementSyntax withTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewType) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TupleTypeElement;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark type-argument-list API
/// type-argument-list
/// -> function-type-argument
/// | function-type-argument ',' function-type-argument-list
class TypeArgumentListSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = TypeArgumentListSyntaxData;
TypeArgumentListSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const TypeArgumentListSyntaxData *Data);
// TODO: TODO: getType
addType(llvm::Optional<RC<TokenSyntax>> MaybeComma,
TupleTypeElementSyntax NewTypeArgument) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeArgumentList;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark tuple-type Data
class TupleTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TupleTypeSyntaxBuilder;
TupleTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TupleTypeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TupleTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TupleType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark tuple-type API
/// tuple-type -> '(' tuple-type-element-list ')'
class TupleTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TupleTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class TupleTypeSyntaxBuilder;
using DataType = TupleTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
TupleTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root, const TupleTypeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the left paren '(' token surrounding the tuple type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftParen() const;
TupleTypeSyntax withLeftParen(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParen) const;
/// Get the type argument list inside the tuple type syntax.
TypeArgumentListSyntax getTypeArgumentList() const;
/// Return a new tuple type syntax with the given type argument list.
withTypeArgumentList(TypeArgumentListSyntax NewTypeArgumentList) const;
/// Return the right paren ')' token surrounding the tuple type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightParen() const;
TupleTypeSyntax withRightParen(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightParen) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TupleType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark tuple-type Builder
/// Incrementally builds tuple type syntax.
class TupleTypeSyntaxBuilder final {
RC<RawSyntax> LeftParenToken;
RawSyntax::LayoutList ElementTypeLayout;
RC<RawSyntax> RightParenToken;
/// Use the given left paren '(' token when building the tuple type syntax.
TupleTypeSyntaxBuilder &useLeftParen(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen);
/// Add an element type to the eventual tuple type syntax.
TupleTypeSyntaxBuilder &
addElementTypeSyntax(llvm::Optional<RC<TokenSyntax>> MaybeComma,
TupleTypeElementSyntax ElementTypeSyntax);
/// Use the given left paren '(' token when building the tuple type syntax.
TupleTypeSyntaxBuilder &useRightParen(RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen);
/// Build a TupleTypeSyntax from the elements seen so far.
/// This method is stateless and can be called multiple times to get
/// new tuple type syntax nodes.
TupleTypeSyntax build() const;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark metatype-type Data
class MetatypeTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
MetatypeTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<MetatypeTypeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<MetatypeTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::MetatypeType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark metatype-type API
/// metatype-type -> type '.' 'Type'
/// | type '.' 'Protocol'
class MetatypeTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class MetatypeTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = MetatypeTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
MetatypeTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root, const MetatypeTypeSyntaxData *Data);
TypeSyntax getBaseTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new metatype type with the given base type - the `A` in `A.Type`.
MetatypeTypeSyntax withBaseTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewBaseType) const;
/// Return the dot token.
RC<TokenSyntax> getDotToken() const;
/// Return a new metatype type with the given dot token.
MetatypeTypeSyntax withDotToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewDotToken) const;
/// Return the child type - either the identifiers `Type` or `Protocol`.
RC<TokenSyntax> getTypeToken() const;
/// Return a new metatype type with the given child type - either the
/// identifiers: `Type` or `Protocol`.
MetatypeTypeSyntax withTypeToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewTypeToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::MetatypeType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark optional-type Data
class OptionalTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
OptionalTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<OptionalTypeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<OptionalTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::OptionalType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark optional-type API
/// optional-type -> type '?'
class OptionalTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class OptionalTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = OptionalTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
OptionalTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root, const OptionalTypeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the syntax of the type to which this optional type refers.
TypeSyntax getBaseTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new optional type with the given base type.
OptionalTypeSyntax withBaseTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewBaseType) const;
/// Return the question-mark '?' token attached to this optional type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getQuestionToken() const;
/// Return a new optional type with the given question-mark token.
withQuestionToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewQuestionToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::OptionalType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark implicitly-unwrapped-optional-type Data
class ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark implicitly-unwrapped-optional-type API
/// implicitly-unwrapped-optional-type -> type '!'
class ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex { Type, ExclaimToken };
ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the syntax for the base type to which this implicitly unwrapped
/// optional type refers.
TypeSyntax getBaseTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new implicitly unwrapped optional type syntax with the given base
/// type syntax
withBaseTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewBaseTypeSyntax) const;
/// Return the exclamation-mark '!' token attached to the end of this
/// implicitly unwrapped optional type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getExclaimToken() const;
/// Return a new implicitly unwrapped optional type with the given
/// exclamation-mark '!' token.
withExclaimToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewExclaimToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::OptionalType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark array-type Data
class ArrayTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
ArrayTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<ArrayTypeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<ArrayTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::OptionalType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark array-type API
// array-type -> '[' type ']'
class ArrayTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class ArrayTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = ArrayTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
ArrayTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root, const ArrayTypeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the left square bracket '[' token surrounding the array
/// type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftSquareBracketToken() const;
/// Return a new array type with the given left square bracket token.
withLeftSquareBracketToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftSquareBracketToken) const;
/// Return a new array type with the given element type.
ArrayTypeSyntax withType(TypeSyntax NewType) const;
/// Return the right square bracket ']' token surrounding the array
/// type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightSquareBracketToken() const;
/// Return a new array type with the given right square bracket token.
withRightSquareBracketToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightSquareBracketToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::ArrayType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark dictionary-type Data
class DictionaryTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class DictionaryTypeSyntax;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
RC<TypeSyntaxData> CachedKeyTypeSyntax;
RC<TypeSyntaxData> CachedValueTypeSyntax;
DictionaryTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<DictionaryTypeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<DictionaryTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::ArrayType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark dictionary-type API
// dictionary-type -> '[' type ':' type ']'
class DictionaryTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class DictionaryTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = DictionaryTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
DictionaryTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const DictionaryTypeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the left square bracket '[' token surrounding the dictionary
/// type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftSquareBracketToken() const;
/// Return a new dictionary type with the given left square bracket token.
withLeftSquareBracketToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftSquareBracketToken) const;
/// Return the key type syntax for this dictionary type.
TypeSyntax getKeyTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new dictionary type with the given key type.
DictionaryTypeSyntax withKeyTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewKeyType) const;
/// Get the colon token in the dictionary type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getColonToken() const;
/// Return a new dictionary type with the given colon token.
DictionaryTypeSyntax withColon(RC<TokenSyntax> NewColonToken) const;
/// Return the value type syntax for this dictionary type.
TypeSyntax getValueTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new dictionary type with the given value type.
DictionaryTypeSyntax withValueTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewTypeSyntax) const;
/// Return the right square bracket ']' token surrounding the dictionary
/// type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightSquareBracketToken() const;
/// Return a new dictionary type with the given right square bracket token.
withRightSquareBracketToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightSquareBracketToken) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DictionaryType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark function-type-argument Data
class FunctionTypeArgumentSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
FunctionTypeArgumentSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionTypeArgumentSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionTypeArgumentSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *SD) {
return SD->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionTypeArgument;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark function-type-argument API
class FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = FunctionTypeArgumentSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const FunctionTypeArgumentSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionTypeArgument;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark function-type Data
class FunctionTypeSyntaxData final : public TypeSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionTypeSyntax;
friend class FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
FunctionTypeSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionTypeSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionTypeSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DictionaryType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark function-type API
/// function-type ->
/// type-attributes? function-type-argument-clause 'throws'? '->' type
/// | type-attributes? function-type-argument-clause 'rethrows' '->' type
class FunctionTypeSyntax final : public TypeSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder;
friend class FunctionTypeSyntaxData;
friend class SyntaxData;
using DataType = FunctionTypeSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
FunctionTypeSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const FunctionTypeSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the type attributes for the function type.
TypeAttributesSyntax getAttributes() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given type attributes.
withTypeAttributes(TypeAttributesSyntax NewAttributes) const;
/// Return the left parenthesis '(' token surrounding the argument type.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftArgumentsParen() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given left parenthesis on the type
/// argument list.
withLeftArgumentsParen(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParen) const;
/// Return a new function type with the additional argument type and
/// optionally a preceding comma token.
addTypeArgument(llvm::Optional<RC<TokenSyntax>> MaybeComma,
FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax NewArgument) const;
/// Return the type arguments list for this function type syntax.
TypeArgumentListSyntax getTypeArgumentList() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given type argument list.
/// This replaces all of the argument types.
withTypeArgumentList(TypeArgumentListSyntax NewArgumentList) const;
/// Return the right parenthesis ')' token surrounding the argument type.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightArgumentsParen() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given right parenthesis ')'
/// on the type argument list.
withRightArgumentsParen(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightParen) const;
/// Return the 'throws' or 'rethrows' keyword on the function type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getThrowsOrRethrowsKeyword() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given `throws` keyword.
/// This fills the same slot held by the `rethrows` keyword.
FunctionTypeSyntax withThrowsKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> NewThrowsKeyword) const;
/// Return a new function type with the given `rethrows` keyword.
/// This fills the same slot held by the `throws` keyword.
withRethrowsKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> NewThrowsKeyword) const;
/// Return the arrow token in the function type syntax.
RC<TokenSyntax> getArrow() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given arrow token.
FunctionTypeSyntax withArrow(RC<TokenSyntax> NewArrow) const;
// Return the return type syntax for the function type.
TypeSyntax getReturnTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a new function type with the given return type.
FunctionTypeSyntax withReturnTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewReturnType) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionType;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark function-type Builder
/// Incrementally builds function type syntax.
class FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder final {
RawSyntax::LayoutList FunctionTypeLayout;
/// Use the given type attributes when building the eventual function
/// syntax.
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &
useTypeAttributes(TypeAttributeSyntax NewAttributes);
/// Use the given left paren '(' token on the argument type syntax.
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &useLeftArgumentsParen(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen);
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &
addArgumentTypeSyntax(llvm::Optional<RC<TokenSyntax>> MaybeComma,
FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax Argument);
/// Use the given right paren ')' token on the argument type syntax.
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &useRightArgumentsParen(RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen);
/// Use the given 'throws' keyword in the function type syntax.
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &useThrowsKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> ThrowsKeyword);
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &
useRethrowsKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> RethrowsKeyword);
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &useArrow(RC<TokenSyntax> Arrow);
FunctionTypeSyntaxBuilder &useReturnTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax ReturnType);
FunctionTypeSyntax build() const;
} // end namespace syntax
} // end namespace swift