blob: d6aef4f7847889419b972bc05dfb4ad99a391390 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenericSignatureBuilder.h - Generic signature builder --*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Support for collecting a set of generic requirements, whether they are
// explicitly stated, inferred from a type signature, or implied by other
// requirements, and computing the canonicalized, minimized generic signature
// from those requirements.
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FoldingSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TinyPtrVector.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace swift {
class DeclContext;
class DependentMemberType;
class GenericParamList;
class GenericSignature;
class GenericSignatureBuilder;
class GenericTypeParamType;
class LazyResolver;
class ModuleDecl;
class Pattern;
class ProtocolConformance;
class Requirement;
class RequirementRepr;
class SILModule;
class SourceLoc;
class Type;
class TypeRepr;
class ASTContext;
class DiagnosticEngine;
/// Describes how a generic signature determines a requirement, from its origin
/// in some requirement written in the source, inferred through a path of
/// other implications (e.g., introduced by a particular protocol).
/// Requirement sources are uniqued within a generic signature builder.
class RequirementSource : public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
enum Kind : uint8_t {
/// A requirement stated explicitly, e.g., in a where clause or type
/// parameter declaration.
/// Explicitly-stated requirement can be tied to a specific requirement
/// in a 'where' clause (which stores a \c RequirementRepr), a type in an
/// 'inheritance' clause (which stores a \c TypeRepr), or can be 'abstract',
/// , e.g., due to canonicalization, deserialization, or other
/// source-independent formulation.
/// This is a root requirement source.
/// A requirement inferred from part of the signature of a declaration,
/// e.g., the type of a generic function. For example:
/// func f<T>(_: Set<T>) { } // infers T: Hashable
/// This is a root requirement source, which can be described by a
/// \c TypeRepr.
/// A requirement for the creation of the requirement signature of a
/// protocol.
/// This is a root requirement source, which is described by the protocol
/// whose requirement signature is being computed.
/// The requirement came from two nested types of the equivalent types whose
/// names match.
/// This is a root requirement source.
/// The requirement is a protocol requirement.
/// This stores the protocol that introduced the requirement.
/// A requirement that was resolved via a superclass requirement.
/// This stores the \c ProtocolConformance* used to resolve the
/// requirement.
/// A requirement that was resolved for a nested type via its parent
/// type.
/// A requirement that was resolved for a nested type via a same-type-to-
/// concrete constraint.
/// This stores the \c ProtocolConformance* used to resolve the
/// requirement.
/// The kind of requirement source.
const Kind kind;
/// The kind of storage we have.
enum class StorageKind : uint8_t {
/// The kind of storage we have.
const StorageKind storageKind;
/// The actual storage, described by \c storageKind.
union {
/// The type representation describing where the requirement came from.
const TypeRepr *typeRepr;
/// Where a requirement came from.
const RequirementRepr *requirementRepr;
/// The protocol being described.
ProtocolDecl *protocol;
/// A protocol conformance used to satisfy the requirement.
ProtocolConformance *conformance;
} storage;
/// Determines whether we have been provided with an acceptable storage kind
/// for the given requirement source kind.
static bool isAcceptableStorageKind(Kind kind, StorageKind storageKind);
/// Retrieve the opaque storage as a single pointer, for use in uniquing.
const void *getOpaqueStorage() const;
/// Whether this kind of requirement source is a root.
static bool isRootKind(Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Explicit:
case Inferred:
case RequirementSignatureSelf:
case NestedTypeNameMatch:
return true;
case ProtocolRequirement:
case Superclass:
case Parent:
case Concrete:
return false;
/// The "parent" of this requirement source.
/// The chain of parent requirement sources will eventually terminate in a
/// requirement source with one of the "root" kinds.
const RequirementSource * const parent;
RequirementSource(Kind kind, const RequirementSource *parent)
: kind(kind), storageKind(StorageKind::None), parent(parent) {
assert((static_cast<bool>(parent) != isRootKind(kind)) &&
"Root RequirementSource should not have parent (or vice versa)");
assert(isAcceptableStorageKind(kind, storageKind) &&
"RequirementSource kind/storageKind mismatch");
// Prevent uninitialized memory.
storage.typeRepr = nullptr;
RequirementSource(Kind kind, const RequirementSource *parent,
const TypeRepr *typeRepr)
: kind(kind), storageKind(StorageKind::TypeRepr), parent(parent) {
assert((static_cast<bool>(parent) != isRootKind(kind)) &&
"Root RequirementSource should not have parent (or vice versa)");
assert(isAcceptableStorageKind(kind, storageKind) &&
"RequirementSource kind/storageKind mismatch");
storage.typeRepr = typeRepr;
RequirementSource(Kind kind, const RequirementSource *parent,
const RequirementRepr *requirementRepr)
: kind(kind), storageKind(StorageKind::RequirementRepr), parent(parent) {
assert((static_cast<bool>(parent) != isRootKind(kind)) &&
"Root RequirementSource should not have parent (or vice versa)");
assert(isAcceptableStorageKind(kind, storageKind) &&
"RequirementSource kind/storageKind mismatch");
storage.requirementRepr = requirementRepr;
RequirementSource(Kind kind, const RequirementSource *parent,
ProtocolDecl *protocol)
: kind(kind), storageKind(StorageKind::ProtocolDecl), parent(parent) {
assert((static_cast<bool>(parent) != isRootKind(kind)) &&
"Root RequirementSource should not have parent (or vice versa)");
assert(isAcceptableStorageKind(kind, storageKind) &&
"RequirementSource kind/storageKind mismatch");
storage.protocol = protocol;
RequirementSource(Kind kind, const RequirementSource *parent,
ProtocolConformance *conformance)
: kind(kind), storageKind(StorageKind::ProtocolConformance),
parent(parent) {
assert((static_cast<bool>(parent) != isRootKind(kind)) &&
"Root RequirementSource should not have parent (or vice versa)");
assert(isAcceptableStorageKind(kind, storageKind) &&
"RequirementSource kind/storageKind mismatch");
storage.conformance = conformance;
/// Retrieve an abstract requirement source.
static const RequirementSource *forAbstract(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Retrieve a requirement source representing an explicit requirement
/// stated in an 'inheritance' clause.
static const RequirementSource *forExplicit(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
const TypeRepr *typeRepr);
/// Retrieve a requirement source representing an explicit requirement
/// stated in an 'where' clause.
static const RequirementSource *forExplicit(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
const RequirementRepr *requirementRepr);
/// Retrieve a requirement source representing a requirement that is
/// inferred from some part of a generic declaration's signature, e.g., the
/// parameter or result type of a generic function.
static const RequirementSource *forInferred(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
const TypeRepr *typeRepr);
/// Retrieve a requirement source representing the requirement signature
/// computation for a protocol.
static const RequirementSource *forRequirementSignature(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Retrieve an requirement source for nested type name matches.
static const RequirementSource *forNestedTypeNameMatch(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// A requirement source that describes that a requirement comes from a
/// requirement of the given protocol described by the parent.
const RequirementSource *viaAbstractProtocolRequirement(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolDecl *protocol) const;
/// A requirement source that describes that a requirement that is resolved
/// via a superclass requirement.
const RequirementSource *viaSuperclass(
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolConformance *conformance) const;
/// A requirement source that describes that a requirement that is resolved
/// via a same-type-to-concrete requirement.
const RequirementSource *viaConcrete(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
ProtocolConformance *conformance) const;
/// A constraint source that describes that a constraint that is resolved
/// for a nested type via a constraint on its parent.
const RequirementSource *viaParent(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder) const;
/// Whether the requirement can be derived from something in its path.
/// Derived requirements will not be recorded in a minimized generic
/// signature, because the information can be re-derived by following the
/// path.
bool isDerivedRequirement() const;
/// Whether the requirement is derived via some concrete conformance, e.g.,
/// a concrete type's conformance to a protocol or a superclass's conformance
/// to a protocol.
bool isDerivedViaConcreteConformance() const;
/// Retrieve a source location that corresponds to the requirement.
SourceLoc getLoc() const;
/// Compare two requirement sources to determine which has the more
/// optimal path.
/// \returns -1 if the \c this is better, 1 if the \c other is better, and 0
/// if they are equivalent in length.
int compare(const RequirementSource *other) const;
/// Retrieve the type representation for this requirement, if there is one.
const TypeRepr *getTypeRepr() const {
if (storageKind != StorageKind::TypeRepr) return nullptr;
return storage.typeRepr;
/// Retrieve the requirement representation for this requirement, if there is
/// one.
const RequirementRepr *getRequirementRepr() const {
if (storageKind != StorageKind::RequirementRepr) return nullptr;
return storage.requirementRepr;
/// Retrieve the protocol for this requirement, if there is one.
ProtocolDecl *getProtocolDecl() const;
/// Retrieve the protocol conformance for this requirement, if there is one.
ProtocolConformance *getProtocolConformance() const {
if (storageKind != StorageKind::ProtocolConformance) return nullptr;
return storage.conformance;
/// Profiling support for \c FoldingSet.
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) {
Profile(ID, kind, parent, getOpaqueStorage());
/// Profiling support for \c FoldingSet.
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, Kind kind,
const RequirementSource *parent, const void *storage) {
void dump() const,
"only for use within the debugger");
/// Dump the requirement source.
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out, SourceManager *SrcMgr,
unsigned indent) const;
void print() const,
"only for use within the debugger");
/// Print the requirement source (shorter form)
void print(llvm::raw_ostream &out, SourceManager *SrcMgr) const;
/// \brief Collects a set of requirements of generic parameters, both explicitly
/// stated and inferred, and determines the set of archetypes for each of
/// the generic parameters.
class GenericSignatureBuilder {
/// Describes a potential archetype, which stands in for a generic parameter
/// type or some type derived from it.
class PotentialArchetype;
using UnresolvedType = llvm::PointerUnion<PotentialArchetype *, Type>;
struct ResolvedType;
using RequirementRHS =
llvm::PointerUnion3<Type, PotentialArchetype *, LayoutConstraint>;
/// Describes an equivalence class of potential archetypes.
struct EquivalenceClass {
/// Concrete type to which this equivalence class is equal.
Type concreteType;
/// The members of the equivalence class.
TinyPtrVector<PotentialArchetype *> members;
/// Construct a new equivalence class containing only the given
/// potential archetype (which represents itself).
EquivalenceClass(PotentialArchetype *representative);
friend class RequirementSource;
class InferRequirementsWalker;
friend class InferRequirementsWalker;
friend class GenericSignature;
ASTContext &Context;
DiagnosticEngine &Diags;
struct Implementation;
std::unique_ptr<Implementation> Impl;
GenericSignatureBuilder(const GenericSignatureBuilder &) = delete;
GenericSignatureBuilder &operator=(const GenericSignatureBuilder &) = delete;
/// Update an existing constraint source reference when another constraint
/// source was found to produce the same constraint. Only the better
/// constraint source will be kept.
/// \returns true if the new constraint source was better, false otherwise.
bool updateRequirementSource(const RequirementSource *&existingSource,
const RequirementSource *newSource);
/// Retrieve the constraint source conformance for the superclass constraint
/// of the given potential archetype (if present) to the given protocol.
/// \param pa The potential archetype whose superclass constraint is being
/// queried.
/// \param proto The protocol to which we are establishing conformance.
/// \param protoSource The requirement source for the conformance to the
/// given protocol.
const RequirementSource *resolveSuperConformance(
GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype *pa,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
const RequirementSource *&protoSource);
/// \brief Add a new conformance requirement specifying that the given
/// potential archetype conforms to the given protocol.
bool addConformanceRequirement(PotentialArchetype *T,
ProtocolDecl *Proto,
const RequirementSource *Source);
bool addConformanceRequirement(PotentialArchetype *T,
ProtocolDecl *Proto,
const RequirementSource *Source,
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &Visited);
/// \brief Add a new same-type requirement between two fully resolved types
/// (output of \c GenericSignatureBuilder::resolve).
/// If the types refer to two concrete types that are fundamentally
/// incompatible (e.g. \c Foo<Bar<T>> and \c Foo<Baz>), \c diagnoseMismatch is
/// called with the two types that don't match (\c Bar<T> and \c Baz for the
/// previous example).
addSameTypeRequirement(ResolvedType paOrT1, ResolvedType paOrT2,
const RequirementSource *Source,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch);
/// \brief Add a new same-type requirement between two fully resolved types
/// (output of GenericSignatureBuilder::resolve).
/// The two types must not be incompatible concrete types.
bool addSameTypeRequirement(ResolvedType paOrT1, ResolvedType paOrT2,
const RequirementSource *Source);
/// \brief Add a new same-type requirement between two unresolved types.
/// The types are resolved with \c GenericSignatureBuilder::resolve, and must
/// not be incompatible concrete types.
bool addSameTypeRequirement(UnresolvedType paOrT1, UnresolvedType paOrT2,
const RequirementSource *Source);
/// \brief Add a new same-type requirement between two unresolved types.
/// The types are resolved with \c GenericSignatureBuilder::resolve. \c
/// diagnoseMismatch is called if the two types refer to incompatible concrete
/// types.
addSameTypeRequirement(UnresolvedType paOrT1, UnresolvedType paOrT2,
const RequirementSource *Source,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch);
/// \brief Add a new superclass requirement specifying that the given
/// potential archetype has the given type as an ancestor.
bool addSuperclassRequirement(PotentialArchetype *T,
Type Superclass,
const RequirementSource *Source);
/// \brief Add a new conformance requirement specifying that the given
/// potential archetypes are equivalent.
bool addSameTypeRequirementBetweenArchetypes(PotentialArchetype *T1,
PotentialArchetype *T2,
const RequirementSource *Source);
/// \brief Add a new conformance requirement specifying that the given
/// potential archetype is bound to a concrete type.
bool addSameTypeRequirementToConcrete(PotentialArchetype *T,
Type Concrete,
const RequirementSource *Source);
/// \brief Add a new same-type requirement specifying that the given two
/// types should be the same.
/// \param diagnoseMismatch Callback invoked when the types in the same-type
/// requirement mismatch.
bool addSameTypeRequirementBetweenConcrete(
Type T1, Type T2, const RequirementSource *Source,
llvm::function_ref<void(Type, Type)> diagnoseMismatch);
/// Add the requirements placed on the given type parameter
/// to the given potential archetype.
bool addInheritedRequirements(TypeDecl *decl, PotentialArchetype *pa,
const RequirementSource *parentSource,
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &visited);
/// Visit all of the potential archetypes.
template<typename F>
void visitPotentialArchetypes(F f);
void markPotentialArchetypeRecursive(PotentialArchetype *pa,
ProtocolDecl *proto,
const RequirementSource *source);
/// Construct a new generic signature builder.
/// \param lookupConformance Conformance-lookup routine that will be used
/// to satisfy conformance requirements for concrete types.
explicit GenericSignatureBuilder(ASTContext &ctx,
std::function<GenericFunction> lookupConformance);
GenericSignatureBuilder(GenericSignatureBuilder &&);
/// Retrieve the AST context.
ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return Context; }
/// Retrieve the conformance-lookup function used by this generic signature builder.
std::function<GenericFunction> getLookupConformanceFn() const;
/// Retrieve the lazy resolver, if there is one.
LazyResolver *getLazyResolver() const;
/// Enumerate the requirements that describe the signature of this
/// generic signature builder.
/// \param f A function object that will be passed each requirement
/// and requirement source.
void enumerateRequirements(llvm::function_ref<
void (RequirementKind kind,
PotentialArchetype *archetype,
RequirementRHS constraint,
const RequirementSource *source)> f);
/// \brief Add a new generic parameter for which there may be requirements.
void addGenericParameter(GenericTypeParamDecl *GenericParam);
/// Add the requirements placed on the given abstract type parameter
/// to the given potential archetype.
/// \returns true if an error occurred, false otherwise.
bool addGenericParameterRequirements(GenericTypeParamDecl *GenericParam);
/// \brief Add a new generic parameter for which there may be requirements.
void addGenericParameter(GenericTypeParamType *GenericParam);
/// \brief Add a new requirement.
/// \returns true if this requirement makes the set of requirements
/// inconsistent, in which case a diagnostic will have been issued.
bool addRequirement(const RequirementRepr *Req);
/// \brief Add an already-checked requirement.
/// Adding an already-checked requirement cannot fail. This is used to
/// re-inject requirements from outer contexts.
/// \returns true if this requirement makes the set of requirements
/// inconsistent, in which case a diagnostic will have been issued.
bool addRequirement(const Requirement &req, const RequirementSource *source);
bool addRequirement(const Requirement &req, const RequirementSource *source,
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &Visited);
bool addLayoutRequirement(PotentialArchetype *PAT,
LayoutConstraint Layout,
const RequirementSource *Source);
/// \brief Add all of a generic signature's parameters and requirements.
void addGenericSignature(GenericSignature *sig);
/// \brief Build the generic signature.
GenericSignature *getGenericSignature();
/// Infer requirements from the given type, recursively.
/// This routine infers requirements from a type that occurs within the
/// signature of a generic function. For example, given:
/// \code
/// func f<K, V>(dict : Dictionary<K, V>) { ... }
/// \endcode
/// where \c Dictionary requires that its key type be \c Hashable,
/// the requirement \c K : Hashable is inferred from the parameter type,
/// because the type \c Dictionary<K,V> cannot be formed without it.
void inferRequirements(TypeLoc type, unsigned minDepth, unsigned maxDepth);
/// Infer requirements from the given pattern, recursively.
/// This routine infers requirements from a type that occurs within the
/// signature of a generic function. For example, given:
/// \code
/// func f<K, V>(dict : Dictionary<K, V>) { ... }
/// \endcode
/// where \c Dictionary requires that its key type be \c Hashable,
/// the requirement \c K : Hashable is inferred from the parameter type,
/// because the type \c Dictionary<K,V> cannot be formed without it.
void inferRequirements(ParameterList *params,GenericParamList *genericParams);
/// Finalize the set of requirements, performing any remaining checking
/// required before generating archetypes.
/// \param allowConcreteGenericParams If true, allow generic parameters to
/// be made concrete.
void finalize(SourceLoc loc,
ArrayRef<GenericTypeParamType *> genericParams,
bool allowConcreteGenericParams=false);
/// Diagnose any remaining renames.
/// \returns \c true if there were any remaining renames to diagnose.
bool diagnoseRemainingRenames(SourceLoc loc,
ArrayRef<GenericTypeParamType *> genericParams);
/// Check for redundant concrete type constraints within the equivalence
/// class of the given potential archetype.
void checkRedundantConcreteTypeConstraints(
ArrayRef<GenericTypeParamType *> genericParams,
PotentialArchetype *pa);
/// \brief Resolve the given type to the potential archetype it names.
/// This routine will synthesize nested types as required to refer to a
/// potential archetype, even in cases where no requirement specifies the
/// requirement for such an archetype. FIXME: The failure to include such a
/// requirement will be diagnosed at some point later (when the types in the
/// signature are fully resolved).
/// For any type that cannot refer to an archetype, this routine returns null.
PotentialArchetype *resolveArchetype(Type type);
/// \brief Resolve the given type as far as this Builder knows how.
/// This returns either a non-typealias potential archetype or a Type, if \c
/// type is concrete.
// FIXME: the hackTypeFromGenericTypeAlias is just temporarily patching over
// problems with generic typealiases (see the comment on the ResolvedType
// function)
ResolvedType resolve(UnresolvedType type,
bool hackTypeFromGenericTypeAlias = false);
/// \brief Dump all of the requirements, both specified and inferred.
void dump(),
"only for use within the debugger");
/// Dump all of the requirements to the given output stream.
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &out);
class GenericSignatureBuilder::PotentialArchetype {
/// The parent of this potential archetype (for a nested type) or the
/// generic signature builder in which this root resides.
llvm::PointerUnion<PotentialArchetype*, GenericSignatureBuilder*> parentOrBuilder;
/// The identifier describing this particular archetype.
/// \c parentOrBuilder determines whether we have a nested type vs. a root,
/// while `isUnresolvedNestedType` determines whether we have an unresolved
/// nested type (vs. a resolved one);
union PAIdentifier {
/// The name of an unresolved, nested type.
Identifier name;
/// The associated type or typealias for a resolved nested type.
TypeDecl *assocTypeOrAlias;
/// The generic parameter key for a root.
GenericParamKey genericParam;
PAIdentifier(Identifier name) : name(name) { }
PAIdentifier(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType)
: assocTypeOrAlias(assocType) { }
PAIdentifier(TypeAliasDecl *typeAlias)
: assocTypeOrAlias(typeAlias) { }
PAIdentifier(GenericParamKey genericParam) : genericParam(genericParam) { }
} identifier;
/// \brief The representative of the equivalence class of potential archetypes
/// to which this potential archetype belongs, or (for the representative)
/// the equivalence class itself.
mutable llvm::PointerUnion<PotentialArchetype *, EquivalenceClass *>
/// Same-type constraints between this potential archetype and any other
/// archetype in its equivalence class.
llvm::MapVector<PotentialArchetype *, const RequirementSource *>
/// \brief The superclass of this archetype, if specified.
Type Superclass;
/// The source of the superclass requirement.
const RequirementSource *SuperclassSource = nullptr;
/// \brief The list of protocols to which this archetype will conform.
llvm::MapVector<ProtocolDecl *, const RequirementSource *> ConformsTo;
/// \brief The layout constraint of this archetype, if specified.
LayoutConstraint Layout;
/// The source of the layout constraint requirement.
const RequirementSource *LayoutSource = nullptr;
/// \brief The set of nested types of this archetype.
/// For a given nested type name, there may be multiple potential archetypes
/// corresponding to different associated types (from different protocols)
/// that share a name.
llvm::MapVector<Identifier, llvm::TinyPtrVector<PotentialArchetype *>>
/// The concrete types to which this potential archetype has been
/// constrained.
/// This vector runs parallel to ConcreteTypeSources.
llvm::TinyPtrVector<Type> concreteTypes;
/// The source of the concrete type requirements that were written on
/// this potential archetype.
llvm::TinyPtrVector<const RequirementSource *> concreteTypeSources;
/// Whether this is an unresolved nested type.
unsigned isUnresolvedNestedType : 1;
/// \brief Recursively conforms to itself.
unsigned IsRecursive : 1;
/// Whether this potential archetype is invalid, e.g., because it could not
/// be resolved.
unsigned Invalid : 1;
/// Whether we have detected recursion during the substitution of
/// the concrete type.
unsigned RecursiveConcreteType : 1;
/// Whether we have detected recursion during the substitution of
/// the superclass type.
unsigned RecursiveSuperclassType : 1;
/// Whether we have diagnosed a rename.
unsigned DiagnosedRename : 1;
/// If we have renamed this (nested) type due to typo correction,
/// the old name.
Identifier OrigName;
/// \brief Construct a new potential archetype for an unresolved
/// associated type.
PotentialArchetype(PotentialArchetype *parent, Identifier name)
: parentOrBuilder(parent), identifier(name), isUnresolvedNestedType(true),
IsRecursive(false), Invalid(false),
RecursiveConcreteType(false), RecursiveSuperclassType(false),
assert(parent != nullptr && "Not an associated type?");
/// \brief Construct a new potential archetype for an associated type.
PotentialArchetype(PotentialArchetype *parent, AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType)
: parentOrBuilder(parent), identifier(assocType),
isUnresolvedNestedType(false), IsRecursive(false), Invalid(false),
RecursiveSuperclassType(false), DiagnosedRename(false)
assert(parent != nullptr && "Not an associated type?");
/// \brief Construct a new potential archetype for a type alias.
PotentialArchetype(PotentialArchetype *parent, TypeAliasDecl *typeAlias)
: parentOrBuilder(parent), identifier(typeAlias),
IsRecursive(false), Invalid(false),
RecursiveSuperclassType(false), DiagnosedRename(false)
assert(parent != nullptr && "Not an associated type?");
/// \brief Construct a new potential archetype for a generic parameter.
PotentialArchetype(GenericSignatureBuilder *builder, GenericParamKey genericParam)
: parentOrBuilder(builder), identifier(genericParam),
IsRecursive(false), Invalid(false),
RecursiveConcreteType(false), RecursiveSuperclassType(false),
/// \brief Retrieve the representative for this archetype, performing
/// path compression on the way.
PotentialArchetype *getRepresentative() const;
/// Retrieve the generic signature builder with which this archetype is
/// associated.
GenericSignatureBuilder *getBuilder() const {
const PotentialArchetype *pa = this;
while (auto parent = pa->getParent())
pa = parent;
return pa->parentOrBuilder.get<GenericSignatureBuilder *>();
friend class GenericSignatureBuilder;
friend class GenericSignature;
/// \brief Retrieve the debug name of this potential archetype.
std::string getDebugName() const;
/// Retrieve the parent of this potential archetype, which will be non-null
/// when this potential archetype is an associated type.
PotentialArchetype *getParent() const {
return parentOrBuilder.dyn_cast<PotentialArchetype *>();
/// Retrieve the associated type to which this potential archetype
/// has been resolved.
AssociatedTypeDecl *getResolvedAssociatedType() const {
assert(getParent() && "Not an associated type");
if (isUnresolvedNestedType)
return nullptr;
return dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(identifier.assocTypeOrAlias);
/// Resolve the potential archetype to the given associated type.
void resolveAssociatedType(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Determine whether this is a generic parameter.
bool isGenericParam() const {
return<GenericSignatureBuilder *>();
/// Retrieve the generic parameter key for a potential archetype that
/// represents this potential archetype.
/// \pre \c isGenericParam()
GenericParamKey getGenericParamKey() const {
assert(isGenericParam() && "Not a generic parameter");
return identifier.genericParam;
/// Retrieve the generic parameter key for the generic parameter at the
/// root of this potential archetype.
GenericParamKey getRootGenericParamKey() const {
if (auto parent = getParent())
return parent->getRootGenericParamKey();
return getGenericParamKey();
/// Retrieve the name of a nested potential archetype.
Identifier getNestedName() const {
assert(getParent() && "Not a nested type");
if (isUnresolvedNestedType)
return identifier.assocTypeOrAlias->getName();
/// Retrieve the type alias.
TypeAliasDecl *getTypeAliasDecl() const {
assert(getParent() && "not a nested type");
if (isUnresolvedNestedType)
return nullptr;
return dyn_cast<TypeAliasDecl>(identifier.assocTypeOrAlias);
/// Retrieve the set of protocols to which this type conforms.
llvm::MapVector<ProtocolDecl *, const RequirementSource *> &
getConformsTo() {
return ConformsTo;
/// Add a conformance to this potential archetype.
/// \returns true if the conformance was new, false if it already existed.
bool addConformance(ProtocolDecl *proto, bool updateExistingSource,
const RequirementSource *source,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Retrieve the superclass of this archetype.
Type getSuperclass() const { return Superclass; }
/// Retrieve the requirement source for the superclass requirement.
const RequirementSource *getSuperclassSource() const {
return SuperclassSource;
/// Retrieve the layout constraint of this archetype.
LayoutConstraint getLayout() const { return Layout; }
/// Retrieve the requirement source for the layout constraint requirement.
const RequirementSource *getLayoutSource() const {
return LayoutSource;
/// Retrieve the set of nested types.
const llvm::MapVector<Identifier, llvm::TinyPtrVector<PotentialArchetype *>> &
getNestedTypes() const{
return NestedTypes;
/// \brief Determine the nesting depth of this potential archetype, e.g.,
/// the number of associated type references.
unsigned getNestingDepth() const;
/// Retrieve the equivalence class, if it's already present.
/// Otherwise, return null.
EquivalenceClass *getEquivalenceClassIfPresent() const {
return getRepresentative()->representativeOrEquivClass
.dyn_cast<EquivalenceClass *>();
/// Retrieve or create the equivalence class.
EquivalenceClass *getOrCreateEquivalenceClass() const;
/// Retrieve the equivalence class containing this potential archetype.
TinyPtrVector<PotentialArchetype *> getEquivalenceClassMembers() const {
if (auto equivClass = getEquivalenceClassIfPresent())
return equivClass->members;
return TinyPtrVector<PotentialArchetype *>(
const_cast<PotentialArchetype *>(this));
/// \brief Retrieve the potential archetype to be used as the anchor for
/// potential archetype computations.
PotentialArchetype *getArchetypeAnchor(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// Add a same-type constraint between this archetype and the given
/// other archetype.
void addSameTypeConstraint(PotentialArchetype *otherPA,
const RequirementSource *source);
/// Retrieve the same-type constraints.
std::vector<std::pair<PotentialArchetype *, const RequirementSource *>>
getSameTypeConstraints() const {
return llvm::make_range(SameTypeConstraints.begin(),
/// Retrieve the concrete types as written on this potential archetype.
const llvm::TinyPtrVector<Type>& getConcreteTypesAsWritten() const {
return concreteTypes;
/// Retrieve the concrete type sources as written on this potential archetype.
ArrayRef<const RequirementSource *> getConcreteTypeSourcesAsWritten() const {
return concreteTypeSources;
/// Find a source of the same-type constraint that maps this potential
/// archetype to a concrete type somewhere in the equivalence class of this
/// type along with the concrete type that was written there.
Optional<std::pair<Type, const RequirementSource *>>
findAnyConcreteTypeSourceAsWritten() const;
/// \brief Retrieve (or create) a nested type with the given name.
PotentialArchetype *getNestedType(Identifier Name,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// \brief Retrieve (or create) a nested type with a known associated type.
PotentialArchetype *getNestedType(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType,
GenericSignatureBuilder &builder);
/// \brief Retrieve (or build) the type corresponding to the potential
/// archetype within the given generic environment.
Type getTypeInContext(GenericSignatureBuilder &builder,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv);
/// Retrieve the dependent type that describes this potential
/// archetype.
/// \param genericParams The set of generic parameters to use in the resulting
/// dependent type.
/// \param allowUnresolved If true, allow the result to contain
/// \c DependentMemberType types with a name but no specific associated
/// type.
Type getDependentType(ArrayRef<GenericTypeParamType *> genericParams,
bool allowUnresolved);
/// True if the potential archetype has been bound by a concrete type
/// constraint.
bool isConcreteType() const {
if (auto equivClass = getEquivalenceClassIfPresent())
return static_cast<bool>(equivClass->concreteType);
return false;
/// Get the concrete type this potential archetype is constrained to.
Type getConcreteType() const {
if (auto equivClass = getEquivalenceClassIfPresent())
return equivClass->concreteType;
return Type();
void setIsRecursive() { IsRecursive = true; }
bool isRecursive() const { return IsRecursive; }
bool isInvalid() const { return Invalid; }
void setInvalid() { Invalid = true; }
/// Determine whether this archetype was renamed due to typo
/// correction. If so, \c getName() retrieves the new name.
bool wasRenamed() const { return !OrigName.empty(); }
/// Note that this potential archetype was is going to be renamed (due to typo
/// correction), saving the old name.
void saveNameForRenaming() {
OrigName = getNestedName();
/// For a renamed potential archetype, retrieve the original name.
Identifier getOriginalName() const {
return OrigName;
/// Whether we already diagnosed this rename.
bool alreadyDiagnosedRename() const { return DiagnosedRename; }
/// Note that we already diagnosed this rename.
void setAlreadyDiagnosedRename() { DiagnosedRename = true; }
void dump() const,
"only for use within the debugger");
void dump(llvm::raw_ostream &Out, SourceManager *SrcMgr,
unsigned Indent) const;
friend class GenericSignatureBuilder;
} // end namespace swift