blob: f7aae300927e80f23cdf6e7b1012c1fb394504fa [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ConstraintSystem.cpp - Constraint-based Type Checking ------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the constraint-based type checker, anchored by the
// \c ConstraintSystem class, which provides type checking and type
// inference for expressions.
#include "ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "ConstraintGraph.h"
#include "CSDiagnostics.h"
#include "CSFix.h"
#include "SolutionResult.h"
#include "TypeCheckType.h"
#include "swift/AST/Initializer.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace constraints;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "ConstraintSystem"
ExpressionTimer::ExpressionTimer(Expr *E, ConstraintSystem &CS)
: E(E),
PrintWarning(true) {
ExpressionTimer::~ExpressionTimer() {
auto elapsed = getElapsedProcessTimeInFractionalSeconds();
unsigned elapsedMS = static_cast<unsigned>(elapsed * 1000);
if (PrintDebugTiming) {
// Round up to the nearest 100th of a millisecond.
llvm::errs() << llvm::format("%0.2f", ceil(elapsed * 100000) / 100)
<< "ms\t";
E->getLoc().print(llvm::errs(), Context.SourceMgr);
llvm::errs() << "\n";
if (!PrintWarning)
const auto WarnLimit = getWarnLimit();
if (WarnLimit != 0 && elapsedMS >= WarnLimit && E->getLoc().isValid())
Context.Diags.diagnose(E->getLoc(), diag::debug_long_expression,
elapsedMS, WarnLimit)
ConstraintSystem::ConstraintSystem(DeclContext *dc,
ConstraintSystemOptions options)
: Context(dc->getASTContext()), DC(dc), Options(options),
Arena(dc->getASTContext(), Allocator),
CG(*new ConstraintGraph(*this))
assert(DC && "context required");
// Respect the global debugging flag, but turn off debugging while
// parsing and loading other modules.
if (Context.TypeCheckerOpts.DebugConstraintSolver &&
DC->getParentModule()->isMainModule()) {
Options |= ConstraintSystemFlags::DebugConstraints;
ConstraintSystem::~ConstraintSystem() {
delete &CG;
void ConstraintSystem::incrementScopeCounter() {
// FIXME: (transitional) increment the redundant "always-on" counter.
if (auto *Stats = getASTContext().Stats)
void ConstraintSystem::incrementLeafScopes() {
if (auto *Stats = getASTContext().Stats)
bool ConstraintSystem::hasFreeTypeVariables() {
// Look for any free type variables.
return llvm::any_of(TypeVariables, [](const TypeVariableType *typeVar) {
return !typeVar->getImpl().hasRepresentativeOrFixed();
void ConstraintSystem::addTypeVariable(TypeVariableType *typeVar) {
// Notify the constraint graph.
void ConstraintSystem::mergeEquivalenceClasses(TypeVariableType *typeVar1,
TypeVariableType *typeVar2,
bool updateWorkList) {
assert(typeVar1 == getRepresentative(typeVar1) &&
"typeVar1 is not the representative");
assert(typeVar2 == getRepresentative(typeVar2) &&
"typeVar2 is not the representative");
assert(typeVar1 != typeVar2 && "cannot merge type with itself");
typeVar1->getImpl().mergeEquivalenceClasses(typeVar2, getSavedBindings());
// Merge nodes in the constraint graph.
CG.mergeNodes(typeVar1, typeVar2);
if (updateWorkList) {
/// Determine whether the given type variables occurs in the given type.
bool ConstraintSystem::typeVarOccursInType(TypeVariableType *typeVar,
Type type,
bool *involvesOtherTypeVariables) {
SmallVector<TypeVariableType *, 4> typeVars;
bool result = false;
for (auto referencedTypeVar : typeVars) {
if (referencedTypeVar == typeVar) {
result = true;
if (!involvesOtherTypeVariables || *involvesOtherTypeVariables)
if (involvesOtherTypeVariables)
*involvesOtherTypeVariables = true;
return result;
void ConstraintSystem::assignFixedType(TypeVariableType *typeVar, Type type,
bool updateState) {
assert(!type->hasError() &&
"Should not be assigning a type involving ErrorType!");
typeVar->getImpl().assignFixedType(type, getSavedBindings());
if (!updateState)
if (!type->isTypeVariableOrMember()) {
// If this type variable represents a literal, check whether we picked the
// default literal type. First, find the corresponding protocol.
ProtocolDecl *literalProtocol = nullptr;
// If we have the constraint graph, we can check all type variables in
// the equivalence class. This is the More Correct path.
// FIXME: Eliminate the less-correct path.
auto typeVarRep = getRepresentative(typeVar);
for (auto tv : CG[typeVarRep].getEquivalenceClass()) {
auto locator = tv->getImpl().getLocator();
if (!locator || !locator->getPath().empty())
auto *anchor = getAsExpr(locator->getAnchor());
if (!anchor)
literalProtocol =
TypeChecker::getLiteralProtocol(getASTContext(), anchor);
if (literalProtocol)
// If the protocol has a default type, check it.
if (literalProtocol) {
if (auto defaultType = TypeChecker::getDefaultType(literalProtocol, DC)) {
// Check whether the nominal types match. This makes sure that we
// properly handle Array vs. Array<T>.
if (defaultType->getAnyNominal() != type->getAnyNominal())
// Notify the constraint graph.
CG.bindTypeVariable(typeVar, type);
void ConstraintSystem::addTypeVariableConstraintsToWorkList(
TypeVariableType *typeVar) {
// Activate the constraints affected by a change to this type variable.
auto gatheringKind = ConstraintGraph::GatheringKind::AllMentions;
for (auto *constraint : CG.gatherConstraints(typeVar, gatheringKind))
if (!constraint->isActive())
/// Retrieve a dynamic result signature for the given declaration.
static std::tuple<char, ObjCSelector, CanType>
getDynamicResultSignature(ValueDecl *decl) {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)) {
// Handle functions.
auto type = func->getMethodInterfaceType();
return std::make_tuple(func->isStatic(), func->getObjCSelector(),
if (auto asd = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(decl)) {
auto ty = asd->getInterfaceType();
// Strip off a generic signature if we have one. This matches the logic
// for methods, and ensures that we don't take a protocol's generic
// signature into account for a subscript requirement.
if (auto *genericFn = ty->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
ty = FunctionType::get(genericFn->getParams(), genericFn->getResult(),
// Handle properties and subscripts, anchored by the getter's selector.
return std::make_tuple(asd->isStatic(), asd->getObjCGetterSelector(),
llvm_unreachable("Not a valid @objc member");
LookupResult &ConstraintSystem::lookupMember(Type base, DeclNameRef name) {
// Check whether we've already performed this lookup.
auto &result = MemberLookups[{base, name}];
if (result) return *result;
// Lookup the member.
NameLookupOptions lookupOptions = defaultMemberLookupOptions;
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(DC))
lookupOptions |= NameLookupFlags::KnownPrivate;
result = TypeChecker::lookupMember(DC, base, name, lookupOptions);
// If we aren't performing dynamic lookup, we're done.
if (!*result || !base->isAnyObject())
return *result;
// We are performing dynamic lookup. Filter out redundant results early.
llvm::DenseMap<std::tuple<char, ObjCSelector, CanType>, ValueDecl *> known;
bool anyRemovals = false;
for (const auto &entry : *result) {
auto *decl = entry.getValueDecl();
// Remove invalid declarations so the constraint solver doesn't need to
// cope with them.
if (decl->isInvalid()) {
anyRemovals = true;
// If this is the first entry with the signature, record it.
auto &uniqueEntry = known[getDynamicResultSignature(decl)];
if (!uniqueEntry) {
uniqueEntry = decl;
// We have duplication; note that we'll need to remove something,
anyRemovals = true;
// If the entry we recorded was unavailable but this new entry is not,
// replace the recorded entry with this one.
if (isDeclUnavailable(uniqueEntry) && !isDeclUnavailable(decl)) {
uniqueEntry = decl;
// If there's anything to remove, filter it out now.
if (anyRemovals) {
result->filter([&](LookupResultEntry entry, bool isOuter) -> bool {
auto *decl = entry.getValueDecl();
// Remove invalid declarations so the constraint solver doesn't need to
// cope with them.
if (decl->isInvalid())
return false;
return known[getDynamicResultSignature(decl)] == decl;
return *result;
ArrayRef<Type> ConstraintSystem::
getAlternativeLiteralTypes(KnownProtocolKind kind) {
unsigned index;
switch (kind) {
#define PROTOCOL_WITH_NAME(Id, Name) \
case KnownProtocolKind::Id: llvm_unreachable("Not a literal protocol");
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByArrayLiteral: index = 0; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral:index = 1; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral: index = 2;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFloatLiteral: index = 3; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral: index = 4; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByStringInterpolation: index = 5; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByStringLiteral: index = 6; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByNilLiteral: index = 7; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral: index = 8; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral: index = 9; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByColorLiteral: index = 10; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByImageLiteral: index = 11; break;
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFileReferenceLiteral: index = 12; break;
static_assert(NumAlternativeLiteralTypes == 13, "Wrong # of literal types");
// If we already looked for alternative literal types, return those results.
if (AlternativeLiteralTypes[index])
return *AlternativeLiteralTypes[index];
SmallVector<Type, 4> types;
// Some literal kinds are related.
switch (kind) {
#define PROTOCOL_WITH_NAME(Id, Name) \
case KnownProtocolKind::Id: llvm_unreachable("Not a literal protocol");
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByArrayLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByStringInterpolation:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByStringLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral:
// Integer literals can be treated as floating point literals.
if (auto floatProto = getASTContext().getProtocol(
KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFloatLiteral)) {
if (auto defaultType = TypeChecker::getDefaultType(floatProto, DC)) {
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFloatLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByNilLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByBooleanLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByColorLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByImageLiteral:
case KnownProtocolKind::ExpressibleByFileReferenceLiteral:
AlternativeLiteralTypes[index] = allocateCopy(types);
return *AlternativeLiteralTypes[index];
ConstraintLocator *ConstraintSystem::getConstraintLocator(
ASTNode anchor, ArrayRef<ConstraintLocator::PathElement> path) {
auto summaryFlags = ConstraintLocator::getSummaryFlagsForPath(path);
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, path, summaryFlags);
ConstraintLocator *ConstraintSystem::getConstraintLocator(
ASTNode anchor, ArrayRef<ConstraintLocator::PathElement> path,
unsigned summaryFlags) {
assert(summaryFlags == ConstraintLocator::getSummaryFlagsForPath(path));
// Check whether a locator with this anchor + path already exists.
llvm::FoldingSetNodeID id;
ConstraintLocator::Profile(id, anchor, path);
void *insertPos = nullptr;
auto locator = ConstraintLocators.FindNodeOrInsertPos(id, insertPos);
if (locator)
return locator;
// Allocate a new locator and add it to the set.
locator = ConstraintLocator::create(getAllocator(), anchor, path,
ConstraintLocators.InsertNode(locator, insertPos);
return locator;
ConstraintLocator *ConstraintSystem::getConstraintLocator(
const ConstraintLocatorBuilder &builder) {
// If the builder has an empty path, just extract its base locator.
if (builder.hasEmptyPath()) {
return builder.getBaseLocator();
// We have to build a new locator. Extract the paths from the builder.
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 4> path;
auto anchor = builder.getLocatorParts(path);
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, path, builder.getSummaryFlags());
ConstraintLocator *ConstraintSystem::getConstraintLocator(
ConstraintLocator *locator,
ArrayRef<ConstraintLocator::PathElement> newElts) {
auto oldPath = locator->getPath();
SmallVector<ConstraintLocator::PathElement, 4> newPath;
newPath.append(oldPath.begin(), oldPath.end());
newPath.append(newElts.begin(), newElts.end());
return getConstraintLocator(locator->getAnchor(), newPath);
ConstraintLocator *ConstraintSystem::getConstraintLocator(
const ConstraintLocatorBuilder &builder,
ArrayRef<ConstraintLocator::PathElement> newElts) {
SmallVector<ConstraintLocator::PathElement, 4> newPath;
auto anchor = builder.getLocatorParts(newPath);
newPath.append(newElts.begin(), newElts.end());
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, newPath);
ConstraintLocator *ConstraintSystem::getCalleeLocator(
ConstraintLocator *locator, bool lookThroughApply,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Type)> simplifyType,
llvm::function_ref<Optional<SelectedOverload>(ConstraintLocator *)>
getOverloadFor) {
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
assert(bool(anchor) && "Expected an anchor!");
auto path = locator->getPath();
// If we have a locator for a member found through key path dynamic member
// lookup, then we need to chop off the elements after the
// KeyPathDynamicMember element to get the callee locator.
auto iter = path.rbegin();
if (locator->findLast<LocatorPathElt::KeyPathDynamicMember>(iter)) {
auto newPath = path.drop_back(iter - path.rbegin());
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, newPath);
if (locator->findLast<LocatorPathElt::DynamicCallable>()) {
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, LocatorPathElt::ApplyFunction());
if (locator->isLastElement<LocatorPathElt::ArgumentAttribute>()) {
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, path.drop_back());
// If we have a locator that starts with a key path component element, we
// may have a callee given by a property or subscript component.
if (auto componentElt =
locator->getFirstElementAs<LocatorPathElt::KeyPathComponent>()) {
auto *kpExpr = castToExpr<KeyPathExpr>(anchor);
auto component = kpExpr->getComponents()[componentElt->getIndex()];
using ComponentKind = KeyPathExpr::Component::Kind;
switch (component.getKind()) {
case ComponentKind::UnresolvedSubscript:
case ComponentKind::Subscript:
// For a subscript the callee is given by 'component -> subscript member'.
return getConstraintLocator(
anchor, {*componentElt, ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember});
case ComponentKind::UnresolvedProperty:
case ComponentKind::Property:
// For a property, the choice is just given by the component.
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, *componentElt);
case ComponentKind::TupleElement:
llvm_unreachable("Not implemented by CSGen");
case ComponentKind::Invalid:
case ComponentKind::OptionalForce:
case ComponentKind::OptionalChain:
case ComponentKind::OptionalWrap:
case ComponentKind::Identity:
case ComponentKind::DictionaryKey:
// These components don't have any callee associated, so just continue.
// Make sure we handle subscripts before looking at apply exprs. We don't
// want to return a subscript member locator for an expression such as x[](y),
// as its callee is not the subscript, but rather the function it returns.
if (isExpr<SubscriptExpr>(anchor))
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember);
auto getSpecialFnCalleeLoc = [&](Type fnTy) -> ConstraintLocator * {
fnTy = simplifyType(fnTy);
// It's okay for function type to contain type variable(s) e.g.
// opened generic function types, but not to be one.
// For an apply of a metatype, we have a short-form constructor. Unlike
// other locators to callees, these are anchored on the apply expression
// rather than the function expr.
if (fnTy->is<AnyMetatypeType>()) {
return getConstraintLocator(anchor,
// Handle an apply of a nominal type which supports callAsFunction.
if (fnTy->isCallableNominalType(DC)) {
return getConstraintLocator(anchor,
// Handling an apply for a nominal type that supports @dynamicCallable.
if (fnTy->hasDynamicCallableAttribute()) {
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, LocatorPathElt::ApplyFunction());
return nullptr;
if (lookThroughApply) {
if (auto *applyExpr = getAsExpr<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
auto *fnExpr = applyExpr->getFn();
// Handle special cases for applies of non-function types.
if (auto *loc = getSpecialFnCalleeLoc(getType(fnExpr)))
return loc;
// Otherwise fall through and look for locators anchored on the function
// expr. For CallExprs, this can look through things like parens and
// optional chaining.
if (auto *callExpr = getAsExpr<CallExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = callExpr->getDirectCallee();
} else {
anchor = fnExpr;
if (auto *UDE = getAsExpr<UnresolvedDotExpr>(anchor)) {
return getConstraintLocator(
anchor, TypeChecker::getSelfForInitDelegationInConstructor(DC, UDE)
? ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember
: ConstraintLocator::Member);
if (auto *UME = getAsExpr<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(anchor)) {
return getConstraintLocator(UME, ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMember);
if (isExpr<MemberRefExpr>(anchor))
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, ConstraintLocator::Member);
if (isExpr<ObjectLiteralExpr>(anchor))
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember);
return getConstraintLocator(anchor);
/// Extend the given depth map by adding depths for all of the subexpressions
/// of the given expression.
static void extendDepthMap(
Expr *expr,
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, std::pair<unsigned, Expr *>> &depthMap) {
class RecordingTraversal : public ASTWalker {
SmallVector<ClosureExpr *, 4> Closures;
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, std::pair<unsigned, Expr *>> &DepthMap;
unsigned Depth = 0;
explicit RecordingTraversal(
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, std::pair<unsigned, Expr *>> &depthMap)
: DepthMap(depthMap) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
DepthMap[E] = {Depth, Parent.getAsExpr()};
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E))
return { true, E };
Expr *walkToExprPost(Expr *E) override {
if (auto CE = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(E)) {
assert(Closures.back() == CE);
return E;
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
if (auto RS = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(S)) {
// For return statements, treat the parent of the return expression
// as the closure itself.
if (RS->hasResult() && !Closures.empty()) {
llvm::SaveAndRestore<ParentTy> SavedParent(Parent, Closures.back());
auto E = RS->getResult();
return { false, S };
return { true, S };
RecordingTraversal traversal(depthMap);
Optional<std::pair<unsigned, Expr *>> ConstraintSystem::getExprDepthAndParent(
Expr *expr) {
// Bring the set of expression weights up to date.
while (NumInputExprsInWeights < InputExprs.size()) {
extendDepthMap(InputExprs[NumInputExprsInWeights], ExprWeights);
auto e = ExprWeights.find(expr);
if (e != ExprWeights.end())
return e->second;
return None;
Type ConstraintSystem::openUnboundGenericType(
GenericTypeDecl *decl, Type parentTy, ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
if (parentTy) {
parentTy = openUnboundGenericTypes(parentTy, locator);
// Open up the generic type.
OpenedTypeMap replacements;
openGeneric(decl->getDeclContext(), decl->getGenericSignature(), locator,
recordOpenedTypes(locator, replacements);
if (parentTy) {
auto subs = parentTy->getContextSubstitutions(decl->getDeclContext());
for (auto pair : subs) {
auto found = replacements.find(
if (found == replacements.end()) {
// Can happen with invalid generic code.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, found->second, pair.second,
// Map the generic parameters to their corresponding type variables.
llvm::SmallVector<Type, 2> arguments;
for (auto gp : decl->getInnermostGenericParamTypes()) {
auto found = replacements.find(
assert(found != replacements.end() &&
"Missing generic parameter?");
// FIXME: For some reason we can end up with unbound->getDecl()
// pointing at a generic TypeAliasDecl here. If we find a way to
// handle generic TypeAliases elsewhere, this can just become a
// call to BoundGenericType::get().
return TypeChecker::applyUnboundGenericArguments(
decl, parentTy, SourceLoc(),
TypeResolution::forContextual(DC, None, /*unboundTyOpener*/ nullptr),
static void checkNestedTypeConstraints(ConstraintSystem &cs, Type type,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// If this is a type defined inside of constrainted extension, let's add all
// of the generic requirements to the constraint system to make sure that it's
// something we can use.
GenericTypeDecl *decl = nullptr;
Type parentTy;
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (auto *NAT = dyn_cast<TypeAliasType>(type.getPointer())) {
decl = NAT->getDecl();
parentTy = NAT->getParent();
subMap = NAT->getSubstitutionMap();
} else if (auto *AGT = type->getAs<AnyGenericType>()) {
decl = AGT->getDecl();
parentTy = AGT->getParent();
// the context substitution map is fine here, since we can't be adding more
// info than that, unlike a typealias
if (!parentTy)
// If this decl is generic, the constraints are handled when the generic
// parameters are applied, so we don't have to handle them here (which makes
// getting the right substitution maps easier).
if (!decl || decl->isGeneric())
// struct A<T> {
// let foo: [T]
// }
// extension A : Codable where T: Codable {
// enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
// case foo = "foo"
// }
// }
// Reference to `` would point to `A` as an
// unbound generic type. Conditional requirements would be
// added when `A` is "opened". Les delay this check until then.
if (parentTy->hasUnboundGenericType())
auto extension = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(decl->getDeclContext());
if (extension && extension->isConstrainedExtension()) {
auto contextSubMap = parentTy->getContextSubstitutionMap(
extension->getParentModule(), extension->getSelfNominalTypeDecl());
if (!subMap) {
// The substitution map wasn't set above, meaning we should grab the map
// for the extension itself.
subMap = parentTy->getContextSubstitutionMap(extension->getParentModule(),
if (auto signature = decl->getGenericSignature()) {
extension, signature, /*skipProtocolSelfConstraint*/ true, locator,
[&](Type type) {
// Why do we look in two substitution maps? We have to use the
// context substitution map to find types, because we need to
// avoid thinking about them when handling the constraints, or all
// the requirements in the signature become tautologies (if the
// extension has 'T == Int', subMap will map T -> Int, so the
// requirement becomes Int == Int no matter what the actual types
// are here). However, we need the conformances for the extension
// because the requirements might look like `T: P, T.U: Q`, where
// U is an associated type of protocol P.
return type.subst(QuerySubstitutionMap{contextSubMap},
// And now make sure sure the parent is okay, for things like X<T>.Y.Z.
checkNestedTypeConstraints(cs, parentTy, locator);
Type ConstraintSystem::openUnboundGenericTypes(
Type type, ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
if (!type->hasUnboundGenericType())
return type;
type = type.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (auto unbound = type->getAs<UnboundGenericType>()) {
return openUnboundGenericType(unbound->getDecl(), unbound->getParent(),
return type;
if (!type)
return ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return type;
Type ConstraintSystem::openType(Type type, OpenedTypeMap &replacements) {
if (!type->hasTypeParameter())
return type;
return type.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
// Replace a generic type parameter with its corresponding type variable.
if (auto genericParam = type->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>()) {
auto known = replacements.find(
// FIXME: This should be an assert, however protocol generic signatures
// drop outer generic parameters.
// assert(known != replacements.end());
if (known == replacements.end())
return ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return known->second;
return type;
FunctionType *ConstraintSystem::openFunctionType(
AnyFunctionType *funcType,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
OpenedTypeMap &replacements,
DeclContext *outerDC) {
if (auto *genericFn = funcType->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
auto signature = genericFn->getGenericSignature();
openGenericParameters(outerDC, signature, replacements, locator);
outerDC, signature, /*skipProtocolSelfConstraint=*/false, locator,
[&](Type type) -> Type { return openType(type, replacements); });
funcType = genericFn->substGenericArgs(
[&](Type type) { return openType(type, replacements); });
return funcType->castTo<FunctionType>();
Optional<Type> ConstraintSystem::isArrayType(Type type) {
if (auto boundStruct = type->getAs<BoundGenericStructType>()) {
if (boundStruct->getDecl() == type->getASTContext().getArrayDecl())
return boundStruct->getGenericArgs()[0];
return None;
Optional<std::pair<Type, Type>> ConstraintSystem::isDictionaryType(Type type) {
if (auto boundStruct = type->getAs<BoundGenericStructType>()) {
if (boundStruct->getDecl() == type->getASTContext().getDictionaryDecl()) {
auto genericArgs = boundStruct->getGenericArgs();
return std::make_pair(genericArgs[0], genericArgs[1]);
return None;
Optional<Type> ConstraintSystem::isSetType(Type type) {
if (auto boundStruct = type->getAs<BoundGenericStructType>()) {
if (boundStruct->getDecl() == type->getASTContext().getSetDecl())
return boundStruct->getGenericArgs()[0];
return None;
bool ConstraintSystem::isAnyHashableType(Type type) {
if (auto st = type->getAs<StructType>()) {
auto &ctx = type->getASTContext();
return st->getDecl() == ctx.getAnyHashableDecl();
return false;
Type ConstraintSystem::getFixedTypeRecursive(Type type,
TypeMatchOptions &flags,
bool wantRValue) const {
if (wantRValue)
type = type->getRValueType();
if (auto depMemType = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
if (!depMemType->getBase()->isTypeVariableOrMember()) return type;
// FIXME: Perform a more limited simplification?
Type newType = simplifyType(type);
if (newType.getPointer() == type.getPointer()) return type;
// Once we've simplified a dependent member type, we need to generate a
// new constraint.
flags |= TMF_GenerateConstraints;
return getFixedTypeRecursive(newType, flags, wantRValue);
if (auto typeVar = type->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
if (auto fixed = getFixedType(typeVar))
return getFixedTypeRecursive(fixed, flags, wantRValue);
return getRepresentative(typeVar);
return type;
TypeVariableType *ConstraintSystem::isRepresentativeFor(
TypeVariableType *typeVar, ConstraintLocator::PathElementKind kind) const {
// We only attempt to look for this if type variable is
// a representative.
if (getRepresentative(typeVar) != typeVar)
return nullptr;
auto &CG = getConstraintGraph();
auto result = CG.lookupNode(typeVar);
auto equivalence = result.first.getEquivalenceClass();
auto member = llvm::find_if(equivalence, [=](TypeVariableType *eq) {
auto *loc = eq->getImpl().getLocator();
if (!loc)
return false;
auto path = loc->getPath();
return !path.empty() && path.back().getKind() == kind;
if (member == equivalence.end())
return nullptr;
return *member;
static Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>>
SelectedOverload resolvedOverload, DeclContext *DC,
llvm::function_ref<Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>>(VarDecl *)>
getInformation) {
if (auto *decl =
dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(resolvedOverload.choice.getDeclOrNull())) {
if (auto declInformation = getInformation(decl)) {
Type type;
VarDecl *memberDecl;
std::tie(memberDecl, type) = *declInformation;
if (Type baseType = resolvedOverload.choice.getBaseType()) {
type =
baseType->getTypeOfMember(DC->getParentModule(), memberDecl, type);
return std::make_pair(decl, type);
return None;
Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>>
SelectedOverload resolvedOverload) {
return getPropertyWrapperInformationFromOverload(
resolvedOverload, DC,
[](VarDecl *decl) -> Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>> {
if (!decl->hasAttachedPropertyWrapper())
return None;
auto projectionVar = decl->getPropertyWrapperProjectionVar();
if (!projectionVar)
return None;
return std::make_pair(projectionVar,
Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>>
SelectedOverload resolvedOverload) {
return getPropertyWrapperInformationFromOverload(
resolvedOverload, DC,
[](VarDecl *decl) -> Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>> {
if (!decl->hasAttachedPropertyWrapper())
return None;
return std::make_pair(decl,
Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>>
SelectedOverload resolvedOverload) {
return getPropertyWrapperInformationFromOverload(
resolvedOverload, DC,
[](VarDecl *decl) -> Optional<std::pair<VarDecl *, Type>> {
if (auto wrapped = decl->getOriginalWrappedProperty())
return std::make_pair(decl, wrapped->getInterfaceType());
return None;
/// Does a var or subscript produce an l-value?
/// \param baseType - the type of the base on which this object
/// is being accessed; must be null if and only if this is not
/// a type member
static bool doesStorageProduceLValue(AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
Type baseType, DeclContext *useDC,
const DeclRefExpr *base = nullptr) {
// Unsettable storage decls always produce rvalues.
if (!storage->isSettable(useDC, base))
return false;
if (!storage->isSetterAccessibleFrom(useDC))
return false;
// If there is no base, or if the base isn't being used, it is settable.
// This is only possible for vars.
if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(storage)) {
if (!baseType || var->isStatic())
return true;
// If the base is an lvalue, then a reference produces an lvalue.
if (baseType->is<LValueType>())
return true;
// Stored properties of reference types produce lvalues.
if (baseType->hasReferenceSemantics() && storage->hasStorage())
return true;
// So the base is an rvalue type. The only way an accessor can
// produce an lvalue is if we have a property where both the
// getter and setter are nonmutating.
return !storage->hasStorage() &&
!storage->isGetterMutating() &&
Type ConstraintSystem::getUnopenedTypeOfReference(VarDecl *value, Type baseType,
DeclContext *UseDC,
const DeclRefExpr *base,
bool wantInterfaceType) {
return ConstraintSystem::getUnopenedTypeOfReference(
value, baseType, UseDC,
[&](VarDecl *var) -> Type {
if (Type type = getTypeIfAvailable(var))
return type;
if (!var->hasInterfaceType()) {
return ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return wantInterfaceType ? var->getInterfaceType() : var->getType();
base, wantInterfaceType);
Type ConstraintSystem::getUnopenedTypeOfReference(
VarDecl *value, Type baseType, DeclContext *UseDC,
llvm::function_ref<Type(VarDecl *)> getType, const DeclRefExpr *base,
bool wantInterfaceType) {
Type requestedType =
// If we're dealing with contextual types, and we referenced this type from
// a different context, map the type.
if (!wantInterfaceType && requestedType->hasArchetype()) {
auto valueDC = value->getDeclContext();
if (valueDC != UseDC) {
Type mapped = requestedType->mapTypeOutOfContext();
requestedType = UseDC->mapTypeIntoContext(mapped);
// Qualify storage declarations with an lvalue when appropriate.
// Otherwise, they yield rvalues (and the access must be a load).
if (doesStorageProduceLValue(value, baseType, UseDC, base) &&
!requestedType->hasError()) {
return LValueType::get(requestedType);
return requestedType;
void ConstraintSystem::recordOpenedTypes(
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
const OpenedTypeMap &replacements) {
if (replacements.empty())
// If the last path element is an archetype or associated type, ignore it.
SmallVector<LocatorPathElt, 2> pathElts;
auto anchor = locator.getLocatorParts(pathElts);
if (!pathElts.empty() &&
pathElts.back().getKind() == ConstraintLocator::GenericParameter)
// If the locator is empty, ignore it.
if (!anchor && pathElts.empty())
ConstraintLocator *locatorPtr = getConstraintLocator(locator);
assert(locatorPtr && "No locator for opened types?");
#if false
assert(std::find_if(OpenedTypes.begin(), OpenedTypes.end(),
[&](const std::pair<ConstraintLocator *,
ArrayRef<OpenedType>> &entry) {
return entry.first == locatorPtr;
}) == OpenedTypes.end() &&
"already registered opened types for this locator");
OpenedType* openedTypes
= Allocator.Allocate<OpenedType>(replacements.size());
std::copy(replacements.begin(), replacements.end(), openedTypes);
OpenedTypes.push_back({ locatorPtr,
replacements.size()) });
/// Determine how many levels of argument labels should be removed from the
/// function type when referencing the given declaration.
static unsigned getNumRemovedArgumentLabels(ValueDecl *decl,
bool isCurriedInstanceReference,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind) {
unsigned numParameterLists = decl->getNumCurryLevels();
switch (functionRefKind) {
case FunctionRefKind::Unapplied:
case FunctionRefKind::Compound:
// Always remove argument labels from unapplied references and references
// that use a compound name.
return numParameterLists;
case FunctionRefKind::SingleApply:
// If we have fewer than two parameter lists, leave the labels.
if (numParameterLists < 2)
return 0;
// If this is a curried reference to an instance method, where 'self' is
// being applied, e.g., "ClassName.instanceMethod(self)", remove the
// argument labels from the resulting function type. The 'self' parameter is
// always unlabeled, so this operation is a no-op for the actual application.
return isCurriedInstanceReference ? numParameterLists : 1;
case FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply:
// Never remove argument labels from a double application.
return 0;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled FunctionRefKind in switch.");
std::pair<Type, Type>
ConstraintSystem::getTypeOfReference(ValueDecl *value,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
DeclContext *useDC) {
if (value->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext() && isa<FuncDecl>(value)) {
// Unqualified lookup can find operator names within nominal types.
auto func = cast<FuncDecl>(value);
assert(func->isOperator() && "Lookup should only find operators");
OpenedTypeMap replacements;
auto openedType =
locator, replacements, func->getDeclContext());
// If we opened up any type variables, record the replacements.
recordOpenedTypes(locator, replacements);
// If this is a method whose result type is dynamic Self, replace
// DynamicSelf with the actual object type.
if (func->getResultInterfaceType()->hasDynamicSelfType()) {
auto params = openedType->getParams();
assert(params.size() == 1);
Type selfTy = params.front().getPlainType()->getMetatypeInstanceType();
openedType = openedType->replaceCovariantResultType(selfTy, 2)
// The reference implicitly binds 'self'.
return {openedType, openedType->getResult()};
// Unqualified reference to a local or global function.
if (auto funcDecl = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value)) {
OpenedTypeMap replacements;
auto funcType = funcDecl->getInterfaceType()->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
auto numLabelsToRemove = getNumRemovedArgumentLabels(
funcDecl, /*isCurriedInstanceReference=*/false, functionRefKind);
auto openedType = openFunctionType(funcType, locator, replacements,
// If we opened up any type variables, record the replacements.
recordOpenedTypes(locator, replacements);
return { openedType, openedType };
// Unqualified reference to a type.
if (auto typeDecl = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(value)) {
// Resolve the reference to this type declaration in our current context.
auto type = TypeChecker::resolveTypeInContext(
typeDecl, nullptr,
TypeResolution::forContextual(useDC, TypeResolverContext::InExpression,
/*unboundTyOpener*/ nullptr),
checkNestedTypeConstraints(*this, type, locator);
// Open the type.
type = openUnboundGenericTypes(type, locator);
// Module types are not wrapped in metatypes.
if (type->is<ModuleType>())
return { type, type };
// If it's a value reference, refer to the metatype.
type = MetatypeType::get(type);
return { type, type };
// Only remaining case: unqualified reference to a property.
auto *varDecl = cast<VarDecl>(value);
// Determine the type of the value, opening up that type if necessary.
bool wantInterfaceType = !varDecl->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext();
Type valueType =
getUnopenedTypeOfReference(varDecl, Type(), useDC, /*base=*/nullptr,
assert(!valueType->hasUnboundGenericType() &&
return { valueType, valueType };
/// Bind type variables for archetypes that are determined from
/// context.
/// For example, if we are opening a generic function type
/// nested inside another function, we must bind the outer
/// generic parameters to context archetypes, because the
/// nested function can "capture" these outer generic parameters.
/// Another case where this comes up is if a generic type is
/// nested inside a function. We don't support codegen for this
/// yet, but again we need to bind any outer generic parameters
/// to context archetypes, because they're not free.
/// A final case we have to handle, even though it is invalid, is
/// when a type is nested inside another protocol. We bind the
/// protocol type variable for the protocol Self to an unresolved
/// type, since it will conform to anything. This of course makes
/// no sense, but we can't leave the type variable dangling,
/// because then we crash later.
/// If we ever do want to allow nominal types to be nested inside
/// protocols, the key is to set their declared type to a
/// NominalType whose parent is the 'Self' generic parameter, and
/// not the ProtocolType. Then, within a conforming type context,
/// we can 'reparent' the NominalType to that concrete type, and
/// resolve references to associated types inside that NominalType
/// relative to this concrete 'Self' type.
/// Also, of course IRGen would have to know to store the 'Self'
/// metadata as an extra hidden generic parameter in the metadata
/// of such a type, etc.
static void bindArchetypesFromContext(
ConstraintSystem &cs,
DeclContext *outerDC,
ConstraintLocator *locatorPtr,
const OpenedTypeMap &replacements) {
auto bindPrimaryArchetype = [&](Type paramTy, Type contextTy) {
auto found = replacements.find(cast<GenericTypeParamType>(
// We might not have a type variable for this generic parameter
// because either we're opening up an UnboundGenericType,
// in which case we only want to infer the innermost generic
// parameters, or because this generic parameter was constrained
// away into a concrete type.
if (found != replacements.end()) {
auto typeVar = found->second;
cs.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, typeVar, contextTy,
// Find the innermost non-type context.
for (const auto *parentDC = outerDC;
parentDC = parentDC->getParent()) {
if (parentDC->isTypeContext()) {
if (parentDC != outerDC && parentDC->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
auto selfTy = parentDC->getSelfInterfaceType();
auto contextTy = cs.getASTContext().TheUnresolvedType;
bindPrimaryArchetype(selfTy, contextTy);
// If it's not generic, there's nothing to do.
auto genericSig = parentDC->getGenericSignatureOfContext();
if (!genericSig)
for (auto *paramTy : genericSig->getGenericParams()) {
Type contextTy = cs.DC->mapTypeIntoContext(paramTy);
bindPrimaryArchetype(paramTy, contextTy);
void ConstraintSystem::openGeneric(
DeclContext *outerDC,
GenericSignature sig,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
OpenedTypeMap &replacements) {
if (!sig)
openGenericParameters(outerDC, sig, replacements, locator);
// Add the requirements as constraints.
outerDC, sig, /*skipProtocolSelfConstraint=*/false, locator,
[&](Type type) { return openType(type, replacements); });
void ConstraintSystem::openGenericParameters(DeclContext *outerDC,
GenericSignature sig,
OpenedTypeMap &replacements,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
// Create the type variables for the generic parameters.
for (auto gp : sig->getGenericParams()) {
auto *paramLocator = getConstraintLocator(
auto typeVar = createTypeVariable(paramLocator, TVO_PrefersSubtypeBinding |
auto result = replacements.insert(std::make_pair(
cast<GenericTypeParamType>(gp->getCanonicalType()), typeVar));
auto *baseLocator = getConstraintLocator(
bindArchetypesFromContext(*this, outerDC, baseLocator, replacements);
void ConstraintSystem::openGenericRequirements(
DeclContext *outerDC, GenericSignature signature,
bool skipProtocolSelfConstraint, ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Type)> substFn) {
auto requirements = signature->getRequirements();
for (unsigned pos = 0, n = requirements.size(); pos != n; ++pos) {
const auto &req = requirements[pos];
Optional<Requirement> openedReq;
auto openedFirst = substFn(req.getFirstType());
auto kind = req.getKind();
switch (kind) {
case RequirementKind::Conformance: {
auto proto = req.getSecondType()->castTo<ProtocolType>();
auto protoDecl = proto->getDecl();
// Determine whether this is the protocol 'Self' constraint we should
// skip.
if (skipProtocolSelfConstraint && protoDecl == outerDC &&
openedReq = Requirement(kind, openedFirst, proto);
case RequirementKind::Superclass:
case RequirementKind::SameType:
openedReq = Requirement(kind, openedFirst, substFn(req.getSecondType()));
case RequirementKind::Layout:
openedReq = Requirement(kind, openedFirst, req.getLayoutConstraint());
auto openedGenericLoc =
LocatorPathElt::TypeParameterRequirement(pos, kind)));
/// Add the constraint on the type used for the 'Self' type for a member
/// reference.
/// \param cs The constraint system.
/// \param objectTy The type of the object that we're using to access the
/// member.
/// \param selfTy The instance type of the context in which the member is
/// declared.
static void addSelfConstraint(ConstraintSystem &cs, Type objectTy, Type selfTy,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator){
// Otherwise, use a subtype constraint for classes to cope with inheritance.
if (selfTy->getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
cs.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Subtype, objectTy, selfTy,
// Otherwise, the types must be equivalent.
cs.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, objectTy, selfTy,
/// Determine whether the given locator is for a witness or requirement.
static bool isRequirementOrWitness(const ConstraintLocatorBuilder &locator) {
if (auto last = locator.last()) {
return last->getKind() == ConstraintLocator::ProtocolRequirement ||
last->getKind() == ConstraintLocator::Witness;
return false;
std::pair<Type, Type>
Type baseTy, ValueDecl *value, DeclContext *useDC,
bool isDynamicResult,
FunctionRefKind functionRefKind,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator,
const DeclRefExpr *base,
OpenedTypeMap *replacementsPtr) {
// Figure out the instance type used for the base.
Type baseObjTy = getFixedTypeRecursive(baseTy, /*wantRValue=*/true);
// If the base is a module type, just use the type of the decl.
if (baseObjTy->is<ModuleType>()) {
return getTypeOfReference(value, functionRefKind, locator, useDC);
// Check to see if the self parameter is applied, in which case we'll want to
// strip it off later.
auto hasAppliedSelf = doesMemberRefApplyCurriedSelf(baseObjTy, value);
baseObjTy = baseObjTy->getMetatypeInstanceType();
FunctionType::Param baseObjParam(
baseObjTy->getInOutObjectType(), Identifier(),
if (auto *typeDecl = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(value)) {
assert(!isa<ModuleDecl>(typeDecl) && "Nested module?");
auto memberTy = TypeChecker::substMemberTypeWithBase(DC->getParentModule(),
typeDecl, baseObjTy);
checkNestedTypeConstraints(*this, memberTy, locator);
// Open the type if it was a reference to a generic type.
memberTy = openUnboundGenericTypes(memberTy, locator);
// Wrap it in a metatype.
memberTy = MetatypeType::get(memberTy);
auto openedType = FunctionType::get({baseObjParam}, memberTy);
return { openedType, memberTy };
// Figure out the declaration context to use when opening this type.
DeclContext *innerDC = value->getInnermostDeclContext();
DeclContext *outerDC = value->getDeclContext();
// Open the type of the generic function or member of a generic type.
Type openedType;
OpenedTypeMap localReplacements;
auto &replacements = replacementsPtr ? *replacementsPtr : localReplacements;
unsigned numRemovedArgumentLabels = getNumRemovedArgumentLabels(
value, /*isCurriedInstanceReference*/ !hasAppliedSelf, functionRefKind);
AnyFunctionType *funcType;
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value) ||
isa<EnumElementDecl>(value)) {
// This is the easy case.
funcType = value->getInterfaceType()->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
} else {
// For a property, build a type (Self) -> PropType.
// For a subscript, build a type (Self) -> (Indices...) -> ElementType.
// If the access is mutating, wrap the storage type in an lvalue type.
Type refType;
if (auto *subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(value)) {
auto elementTy = subscript->getElementInterfaceType();
if (doesStorageProduceLValue(subscript, baseTy, useDC, base))
elementTy = LValueType::get(elementTy);
// See ConstraintSystem::resolveOverload() -- optional and dynamic
// subscripts are a special case, because the optionality is
// applied to the result type and not the type of the reference.
if (!isRequirementOrWitness(locator)) {
if (subscript->getAttrs().hasAttribute<OptionalAttr>() ||
elementTy = OptionalType::get(elementTy->getRValueType());
auto indices = subscript->getInterfaceType()
refType = FunctionType::get(indices, elementTy);
} else {
refType =
getUnopenedTypeOfReference(cast<VarDecl>(value), baseTy, useDC, base,
auto selfTy = outerDC->getSelfInterfaceType();
// If this is a reference to an instance member that applies self,
// where self is a value type and the base type is an lvalue, wrap it in an
// inout type.
auto selfFlags = ParameterTypeFlags();
if (value->isInstanceMember() && hasAppliedSelf &&
!outerDC->getDeclaredInterfaceType()->hasReferenceSemantics() &&
baseTy->is<LValueType>() &&
selfFlags = selfFlags.withInOut(true);
// If the storage is generic, add a generic signature.
FunctionType::Param selfParam(selfTy, Identifier(), selfFlags);
if (auto sig = innerDC->getGenericSignatureOfContext()) {
funcType = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, {selfParam}, refType);
} else {
funcType = FunctionType::get({selfParam}, refType);
// While opening member function type, let's delay opening requirements
// to allow contextual types to affect the situation.
if (auto *genericFn = funcType->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
openGenericParameters(outerDC, genericFn->getGenericSignature(),
replacements, locator);
openedType = genericFn->substGenericArgs(
[&](Type type) { return openType(type, replacements); });
} else {
openedType = funcType;
openedType = openedType->removeArgumentLabels(numRemovedArgumentLabels);
// If we are looking at a member of an existential, open the existential.
Type baseOpenedTy = baseObjTy;
if (baseObjTy->isExistentialType()) {
auto openedArchetype = OpenedArchetypeType::get(baseObjTy);
OpenedExistentialTypes.push_back({ getConstraintLocator(locator),
openedArchetype });
baseOpenedTy = openedArchetype;
// Constrain the 'self' object type.
auto openedParams = openedType->castTo<FunctionType>()->getParams();
assert(openedParams.size() == 1);
Type selfObjTy = openedParams.front().getPlainType()->getMetatypeInstanceType();
if (outerDC->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
// For a protocol, substitute the base object directly. We don't need a
// conformance constraint because we wouldn't have found the declaration
// if it didn't conform.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, baseOpenedTy, selfObjTy,
} else if (!isDynamicResult) {
addSelfConstraint(*this, baseOpenedTy, selfObjTy, locator);
// Open generic requirements after self constraint has been
// applied and contextual types have been propagated. This
// helps diagnostics because instead of self type conversion
// failing we'll get a generic requirement constraint failure
// if mismatch is related to generic parameters which is much
// easier to diagnose.
if (auto *genericFn = funcType->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
outerDC, genericFn->getGenericSignature(),
/*skipProtocolSelfConstraint=*/true, locator,
[&](Type type) { return openType(type, replacements); });
// Compute the type of the reference.
Type type = openedType;
if (!outerDC->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
// Class methods returning Self as well as constructors get the
// result replaced with the base object type.
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value)) {
if (func->hasDynamicSelfResult() &&
!baseObjTy->getOptionalObjectType()) {
type = type->replaceCovariantResultType(baseObjTy, 2);
} else if (auto *decl = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(value)) {
if (decl->getElementInterfaceType()->hasDynamicSelfType()) {
type = type->replaceCovariantResultType(baseObjTy, 2);
} else if (auto *decl = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(value)) {
if (decl->getValueInterfaceType()->hasDynamicSelfType()) {
type = type->replaceCovariantResultType(baseObjTy, 1);
if (hasAppliedSelf) {
// For a static member referenced through a metatype or an instance
// member referenced through an instance, strip off the 'self'.
type = type->castTo<FunctionType>()->getResult();
} else {
// For an unbound instance method reference, replace the 'Self'
// parameter with the base type.
type = type->replaceSelfParameterType(baseObjTy);
// When accessing protocol members with an existential base, replace
// the 'Self' type parameter with the existential type, since formally
// the access will operate on existentials and not type parameters.
if (!isDynamicResult &&
baseObjTy->isExistentialType() &&
outerDC->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
auto selfTy = replacements[
type = type.transform([&](Type t) -> Type {
if (t->is<TypeVariableType>())
if (t->isEqual(selfTy))
return baseObjTy;
if (auto *metatypeTy = t->getAs<MetatypeType>())
if (metatypeTy->getInstanceType()->isEqual(selfTy))
return ExistentialMetatypeType::get(baseObjTy);
return t;
// Construct an idealized parameter type of the initializer associated
// with object literal, which generally simplifies the first label
// (e.g. "colorLiteralRed:") by stripping all the redundant stuff about
// literals (leaving e.g. "red:").
auto anchor = locator.getAnchor();
if (auto *OLE = getAsExpr<ObjectLiteralExpr>(anchor)) {
auto fnType = type->castTo<FunctionType>();
SmallVector<AnyFunctionType::Param, 4> params(fnType->getParams().begin(),
switch (OLE->getLiteralKind()) {
case ObjectLiteralExpr::colorLiteral:
params[0] = params[0].withLabel(Context.getIdentifier("red"));
case ObjectLiteralExpr::fileLiteral:
case ObjectLiteralExpr::imageLiteral:
params[0] = params[0].withLabel(Context.getIdentifier("resourceName"));
type =
FunctionType::get(params, fnType->getResult(), fnType->getExtInfo());
// If we opened up any type variables, record the replacements.
recordOpenedTypes(locator, replacements);
return { openedType, type };
Type ConstraintSystem::getEffectiveOverloadType(const OverloadChoice &overload,
bool allowMembers,
DeclContext *useDC) {
switch (overload.getKind()) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
// Declaration choices are handled below.
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DynamicMemberLookup:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathDynamicMemberLookup:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication:
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
return Type();
auto decl = overload.getDecl();
// Ignore type declarations.
if (isa<TypeDecl>(decl))
return Type();
// Declarations returning unwrapped optionals don't have a single effective
// type.
if (decl->isImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional())
return Type();
// In a pattern binding initializer, all of its bound variables have no
// effective overload type.
if (auto *PBI = dyn_cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(useDC)) {
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(decl)) {
if (PBI->getBinding() == VD->getParentPatternBinding()) {
return Type();
// Retrieve the interface type.
auto type = decl->getInterfaceType();
if (type->hasError()) {
return Type();
// If we have a generic function type, drop the generic signature; we don't
// need it for this comparison.
if (auto genericFn = type->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
type = FunctionType::get(genericFn->getParams(),
// If this declaration is within a type context, we might not be able
// to handle it.
if (decl->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext()) {
if (!allowMembers)
return Type();
if (auto subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(decl)) {
auto elementTy = subscript->getElementInterfaceType();
if (doesStorageProduceLValue(subscript, overload.getBaseType(), useDC))
elementTy = LValueType::get(elementTy);
else if (elementTy->hasDynamicSelfType()) {
Type selfType = overload.getBaseType()->getRValueType()
elementTy = elementTy->replaceCovariantResultType(selfType, 0);
// See ConstraintSystem::resolveOverload() -- optional and dynamic
// subscripts are a special case, because the optionality is
// applied to the result type and not the type of the reference.
if (subscript->getAttrs().hasAttribute<OptionalAttr>())
elementTy = OptionalType::get(elementTy->getRValueType());
auto indices = subscript->getInterfaceType()
type = FunctionType::get(indices, elementTy);
} else if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(decl)) {
type = var->getValueInterfaceType();
if (doesStorageProduceLValue(var, overload.getBaseType(), useDC))
type = LValueType::get(type);
} else if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl) || isa<EnumElementDecl>(decl)) {
if (decl->isInstanceMember() &&
(!overload.getBaseType() ||
return Type();
// Cope with 'Self' returns.
if (!decl->getDeclContext()->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl) &&
cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)->hasDynamicSelfResult()) {
if (!overload.getBaseType())
return Type();
if (!overload.getBaseType()->getOptionalObjectType()) {
Type selfType = overload.getBaseType()
// `Int??(0)` if we look through all optional types for `Self`
// we'll end up with incorrect type `Int?` for result because
// the actual result type is `Int??`.
if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(decl) && selfType->getOptionalObjectType())
return Type();
type = type->replaceCovariantResultType(
selfType->lookThroughAllOptionalTypes(), 2);
type = type->castTo<FunctionType>()->getResult();
// Handle "@objc optional" for non-subscripts; subscripts are handled above.
if (decl->getAttrs().hasAttribute<OptionalAttr>() &&
type = OptionalType::get(type->getRValueType());
return type;
void ConstraintSystem::addOverloadSet(Type boundType,
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices,
DeclContext *useDC,
ConstraintLocator *locator,
Optional<unsigned> favoredIndex) {
// If there is a single choice, add the bind overload directly.
if (choices.size() == 1) {
addBindOverloadConstraint(boundType, choices.front(), locator, useDC);
SmallVector<Constraint *, 4> candidates;
generateConstraints(candidates, boundType, choices, useDC, locator,
// For an overload set (disjunction) from newly generated candidates.
addOverloadSet(candidates, locator);
void ConstraintSystem::addOverloadSet(ArrayRef<Constraint *> choices,
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
assert(!choices.empty() && "Empty overload set");
// If there is a single choice, attempt it right away.
if (choices.size() == 1) {
auto *disjunction =
Constraint::createDisjunction(*this, choices, locator, ForgetChoice);
if (simplifyAppliedOverloads(disjunction, locator))
/// If we're resolving an overload set with a decl that has special type
/// checking semantics, compute the type of the reference. For now, follow
/// the lead of \c getTypeOfMemberReference and return a pair of
/// the full opened type and the reference's type.
static std::pair<Type, Type> getTypeOfReferenceWithSpecialTypeCheckingSemantics(
ConstraintSystem &CS, ConstraintLocator *locator,
DeclTypeCheckingSemantics semantics) {
switch (semantics) {
case DeclTypeCheckingSemantics::Normal:
llvm_unreachable("Decl does not have special type checking semantics!");
case DeclTypeCheckingSemantics::TypeOf: {
// Proceed with a "DynamicType" operation. This produces an existential
// metatype from existentials, or a concrete metatype from non-
// existentials (as seen from the current abstraction level), which can't
// be expressed in the type system currently.
auto input = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
auto output = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionResult),
FunctionType::Param inputArg(input,
CS.addConstraint(ConstraintKind::DynamicTypeOf, output, input,
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::RValueAdjustment));
auto refType = FunctionType::get({inputArg}, output);
return {refType, refType};
case DeclTypeCheckingSemantics::WithoutActuallyEscaping: {
// Proceed with a "WithoutActuallyEscaping" operation. The body closure
// receives a copy of the argument closure that is temporarily made
// @escaping.
auto noescapeClosure = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
auto escapeClosure = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
escapeClosure, noescapeClosure,
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::RValueAdjustment));
auto result = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionResult),
FunctionType::Param arg(escapeClosure);
auto bodyClosure = FunctionType::get(
arg, result,
/*noescape*/ true,
/*throws*/ true,
/*clangFunctionType*/ nullptr)
FunctionType::Param args[] = {
FunctionType::Param(bodyClosure, CS.getASTContext().getIdentifier("do")),
auto refType = FunctionType::get(
args, result,
/*noescape*/ false,
/*throws*/ true,
/*clangFunctionType*/ nullptr)
return {refType, refType};
case DeclTypeCheckingSemantics::OpenExistential: {
// The body closure receives a freshly-opened archetype constrained by the
// existential type as its input.
auto openedTy = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
auto existentialTy = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
openedTy, existentialTy,
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::RValueAdjustment));
auto result = CS.createTypeVariable(
CS.getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionResult),
FunctionType::Param bodyArgs[] = {FunctionType::Param(openedTy)};
auto bodyClosure = FunctionType::get(
bodyArgs, result,
/*noescape*/ true,
/*throws*/ true,
/*clangFunctionType*/ nullptr)
FunctionType::Param args[] = {
FunctionType::Param(bodyClosure, CS.getASTContext().getIdentifier("do")),
auto refType = FunctionType::get(
args, result,
/*noescape*/ false,
/*throws*/ true,
/*clangFunctionType*/ nullptr)
return {refType, refType};
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled DeclTypeCheckingSemantics in switch.");
/// Try to identify and fix failures related to partial function application
/// e.g. partial application of `init` or 'mutating' instance methods.
static std::pair<bool, unsigned>
isInvalidPartialApplication(ConstraintSystem &cs,
const AbstractFunctionDecl *member,
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
auto *UDE = getAsExpr<UnresolvedDotExpr>(locator->getAnchor());
if (UDE == nullptr)
return {false,0};
auto baseTy =
auto isInvalidIfPartiallyApplied = [&]() {
if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(member)) {
// 'mutating' instance methods cannot be partially applied.
if (FD->isMutating())
return true;
// Instance methods cannot be referenced on 'super' from a static
// context.
if (UDE->getBase()->isSuperExpr() &&
baseTy->is<MetatypeType>() &&
return true;
// Another unsupported partial application is related
// to constructor delegation via 'self.init' or 'super.init'.
// Note that you can also write 'self.init' or 'super.init'
// inside a static context -- since 'self' is a metatype there
// it doesn't have the special delegation meaning that it does
// in the body of a constructor.
if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(member) && !baseTy->is<MetatypeType>()) {
// Check for a `super.init` delegation...
if (UDE->getBase()->isSuperExpr())
return true;
// ... and `self.init` delegation. Note that in a static context,
// `self.init` is just an ordinary partial application; it's OK
// because there's no associated instance for delegation.
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(UDE->getBase())) {
if (auto *baseDecl = DRE->getDecl()) {
if (baseDecl->getBaseName() == cs.getASTContext().Id_self)
return true;
return false;
if (!isInvalidIfPartiallyApplied())
return {false,0};
// If base is a metatype it would be ignored (unless this is an initializer
// call), but if it is some other type it means that we have a single
// application level already.
unsigned level = 0;
if (!baseTy->is<MetatypeType>())
if (auto *call = dyn_cast_or_null<CallExpr>(cs.getParentExpr(UDE))) {
level += 1;
return {true, level};
std::pair<Type, bool> ConstraintSystem::adjustTypeOfOverloadReference(
const OverloadChoice &choice, ConstraintLocator *locator,
Type boundType, Type refType) {
// If the declaration is unavailable, note that in the score.
if (isDeclUnavailable(choice.getDecl(), locator))
bool bindConstraintCreated = false;
const auto kind = choice.getKind();
if (kind != OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic &&
!isRequirementOrWitness(locator) &&
choice.getDecl()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<OptionalAttr>() &&
!isa<SubscriptDecl>(choice.getDecl())) {
// For a non-subscript declaration that is an optional
// requirement in a protocol, strip off the lvalue-ness (FIXME:
// one cannot assign to such declarations for now) and make a
// reference to that declaration be optional.
// Subscript declarations are handled within
// getTypeOfMemberReference(); their result types are optional.
// Deal with values declared as implicitly unwrapped, or
// functions with return types that are implicitly unwrapped.
// TODO: Move this logic to bindOverloadType.
if (choice.isImplicitlyUnwrappedValueOrReturnValue()) {
// Build the disjunction to attempt binding both T? and T (or
// function returning T? and function returning T).
Type ty = createTypeVariable(locator,
TVO_CanBindToLValue | TVO_CanBindToNoEscape);
buildDisjunctionForImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional(ty, refType, locator);
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, boundType,
OptionalType::get(ty->getRValueType()), locator);
bindConstraintCreated = true;
// TODO: Move this to getTypeOfMemberReference.
refType = OptionalType::get(refType->getRValueType());
switch (kind) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication:
return {refType, bindConstraintCreated};
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic: {
// TODO: Move the IUO handling logic here to bindOverloadType.
if (isa<SubscriptDecl>(choice.getDecl())) {
// We always expect function type for subscripts.
auto fnTy = refType->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
if (choice.isImplicitlyUnwrappedValueOrReturnValue()) {
auto resultTy = fnTy->getResult();
// We expect the element type to be a double-optional.
auto optTy = resultTy->getOptionalObjectType();
// For our original type T -> U?? we will generate:
// A disjunction V = { U?, U }
// and a disjunction boundType = { T -> V?, T -> V }
Type ty = createTypeVariable(locator, TVO_CanBindToNoEscape);
buildDisjunctionForImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional(ty, optTy, locator);
// Create a new function type with an optional of this type
// variable as the result type.
if (auto *genFnTy = fnTy->getAs<GenericFunctionType>()) {
fnTy = GenericFunctionType::get(
genFnTy->getGenericSignature(), genFnTy->getParams(),
OptionalType::get(ty), genFnTy->getExtInfo());
} else {
fnTy = FunctionType::get(fnTy->getParams(), OptionalType::get(ty),
buildDisjunctionForDynamicLookupResult(boundType, fnTy, locator);
} else {
Type ty = refType;
// If this is something we need to implicitly unwrap, set up a
// new type variable and disjunction that will allow us to make
// the choice of whether to do so.
if (choice.isImplicitlyUnwrappedValueOrReturnValue()) {
// Duplicate the structure of boundType, with fresh type
// variables. We'll create a binding disjunction using this,
// selecting between options for refType, which is either
// Optional or a function type returning Optional.
ty = boundType.transform([this](Type elTy) -> Type {
if (auto *tv = dyn_cast<TypeVariableType>(elTy.getPointer())) {
return createTypeVariable(tv->getImpl().getLocator(),
return elTy;
ty, refType->getRValueType(), locator);
// Build the disjunction to attempt binding both T? and T (or
// function returning T? and function returning T).
boundType, OptionalType::get(ty->getRValueType()), locator);
// We store an Optional of the originally resolved type in the
// overload set.
// TODO: Move this to getTypeOfMemberReference.
refType = OptionalType::get(refType->getRValueType());
return {refType, /*bindConstraintCreated*/ true};
case OverloadChoiceKind::DynamicMemberLookup:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathDynamicMemberLookup:
return {refType, bindConstraintCreated};
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled OverloadChoiceKind in switch.");
/// Whether the declaration is considered 'async'.
static bool isDeclAsync(ValueDecl *value) {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value))
return func->isAsyncContext();
return false;
/// Walk a closure AST to determine its effects.
/// \returns a function's extended info describing the effects, as
/// determined syntactically.
FunctionType::ExtInfo ConstraintSystem::closureEffects(ClosureExpr *expr) {
auto known = closureEffectsCache.find(expr);
if (known != closureEffectsCache.end())
return known->second;
// A walker that looks for 'try' and 'throw' expressions
// that aren't nested within closures, nested declarations,
// or exhaustive catches.
class FindInnerThrows : public ASTWalker {
ConstraintSystem &CS;
DeclContext *DC;
bool FoundThrow = false;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// If we've found a 'try', record it and terminate the traversal.
if (isa<TryExpr>(expr)) {
FoundThrow = true;
return { false, nullptr };
// Don't walk into a 'try!' or 'try?'.
if (isa<ForceTryExpr>(expr) || isa<OptionalTryExpr>(expr)) {
return { false, expr };
// Do not recurse into other closures.
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(expr))
return { false, expr };
return { true, expr };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override {
// Do not walk into function or type declarations.
if (!isa<PatternBindingDecl>(decl))
return false;
return true;
bool isSyntacticallyExhaustive(DoCatchStmt *stmt) {
for (auto catchClause : stmt->getCatches()) {
for (auto &LabelItem : catchClause->getMutableCaseLabelItems()) {
if (isSyntacticallyExhaustive(catchClause->getStartLoc(),
return true;
return false;
bool isSyntacticallyExhaustive(SourceLoc CatchLoc,
CaseLabelItem &LabelItem) {
// If it's obviously non-exhaustive, great.
if (LabelItem.getGuardExpr())
return false;
// If we can show that it's exhaustive without full
// type-checking, great.
if (LabelItem.isSyntacticallyExhaustive())
return true;
// Okay, resolve the pattern.
Pattern *pattern = LabelItem.getPattern();
if (!LabelItem.isPatternResolved()) {
pattern = TypeChecker::resolvePattern(pattern, CS.DC,
if (!pattern) return false;
// Save that aside while we explore the type.
LabelItem.setPattern(pattern, /*resolved=*/true);
// Require the pattern to have a particular shape: a number
// of is-patterns applied to an irrefutable pattern.
pattern = pattern->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
while (auto isp = dyn_cast<IsPattern>(pattern)) {
Type castType;
if (auto castTypeRepr = isp->getCastTypeRepr()) {
castType = TypeResolution::forContextual(
CS.DC, TypeResolverContext::InExpression,
/*unboundTyOpener*/ nullptr)
} else {
castType = isp->getCastType();
if (castType->hasError()) {
return false;
if (!isp->hasSubPattern()) {
pattern = nullptr;
} else {
pattern = isp->getSubPattern()->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
if (pattern && pattern->isRefutablePattern()) {
return false;
// Okay, now it should be safe to coerce the pattern.
// Pull the top-level pattern back out.
pattern = LabelItem.getPattern();
Type exnType = CS.getASTContext().getErrorDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
if (!exnType)
return false;
auto contextualPattern =
ContextualPattern::forRawPattern(pattern, DC);
pattern = TypeChecker::coercePatternToType(
contextualPattern, exnType, TypeResolverContext::InExpression);
if (!pattern)
return false;
LabelItem.setPattern(pattern, /*resolved=*/true);
return LabelItem.isSyntacticallyExhaustive();
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *stmt) override {
// If we've found a 'throw', record it and terminate the traversal.
if (isa<ThrowStmt>(stmt)) {
FoundThrow = true;
return { false, nullptr };
// Handle do/catch differently.
if (auto doCatch = dyn_cast<DoCatchStmt>(stmt)) {
// Only walk into the 'do' clause of a do/catch statement
// if the catch isn't syntactically exhaustive.
if (!isSyntacticallyExhaustive(doCatch)) {
if (!doCatch->getBody()->walk(*this))
return { false, nullptr };
// Walk into all the catch clauses.
for (auto catchClause : doCatch->getCatches()) {
if (!catchClause->walk(*this))
return { false, nullptr };
// We've already walked all the children we care about.
return { false, stmt };
return { true, stmt };
FindInnerThrows(ConstraintSystem &cs, DeclContext *dc)
: CS(cs), DC(dc) {}
bool foundThrow() { return FoundThrow; }
// A walker that looks for 'async' and 'await' expressions
// that aren't nested within closures or nested declarations.
class FindInnerAsync : public ASTWalker {
bool FoundAsync = false;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *expr) override {
// If we've found an 'await', record it and terminate the traversal.
if (isa<AwaitExpr>(expr)) {
FoundAsync = true;
return { false, nullptr };
// Do not recurse into other closures.
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(expr))
return { false, expr };
return { true, expr };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *decl) override {
// Do not walk into function or type declarations.
if (!isa<PatternBindingDecl>(decl))
return false;
return true;
bool foundAsync() { return FoundAsync; }
// If either 'throws' or 'async' was explicitly specified, use that
// set of effects.
bool throws = expr->getThrowsLoc().isValid();
bool async = expr->getAsyncLoc().isValid();
if (throws || async) {
return ASTExtInfoBuilder()
// Scan the body to determine the effects.
auto body = expr->getBody();
if (!body)
return FunctionType::ExtInfo();
auto throwFinder = FindInnerThrows(*this, expr);
auto asyncFinder = FindInnerAsync();
auto result = ASTExtInfoBuilder()
closureEffectsCache[expr] = result;
return result;
bool ConstraintSystem::isAsynchronousContext(DeclContext *dc) {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(dc))
return isDeclAsync(func);
if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(dc))
return closureEffects(closure).isAsync();
return false;
void ConstraintSystem::bindOverloadType(
const SelectedOverload &overload, Type boundType,
ConstraintLocator *locator, DeclContext *useDC,
llvm::function_ref<void(unsigned int, Type, ConstraintLocator *)>
verifyThatArgumentIsHashable) {
auto choice = overload.choice;
auto openedType = overload.openedType;
auto bindTypeOrIUO = [&](Type ty) {
if (choice.isImplicitlyUnwrappedValueOrReturnValue()) {
// Build the disjunction to attempt binding both T? and T (or
// function returning T? and function returning T).
buildDisjunctionForImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional(boundType, ty, locator);
} else {
// Add the type binding constraint.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, boundType, ty, locator);
switch (choice.getKind()) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DynamicMemberLookup: {
// DynamicMemberLookup results are always a (dynamicMember:T1)->T2
// subscript.
auto refFnType = openedType->castTo<FunctionType>();
// Before we drop the argument type on the floor, we need to constrain it
// to having a literal conformance to ExpressibleByStringLiteral. This
// makes the index default to String if otherwise unconstrained.
assert(refFnType->getParams().size() == 1 &&
"subscript always has one arg");
auto argType = refFnType->getParams()[0].getPlainType();
auto stringLiteral =
TypeChecker::getProtocol(getASTContext(), choice.getDecl()->getLoc(),
if (!stringLiteral)
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::LiteralConformsTo, argType,
stringLiteral->getDeclaredInterfaceType(), locator);
// If this is used inside of the keypath expression, we need to make
// sure that argument is Hashable.
if (isExpr<KeyPathExpr>(locator->getAnchor()))
verifyThatArgumentIsHashable(0, argType, locator);
// The resolved decl is for subscript(dynamicMember:), however the original
// member constraint was for a property. Therefore we need to bind to the
// result type.
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathDynamicMemberLookup: {
auto *fnType = openedType->castTo<FunctionType>();
assert(fnType->getParams().size() == 1 &&
"subscript always has one argument");
// Parameter type is KeyPath<T, U> where `T` is a root type
// and U is a leaf type (aka member type).
auto keyPathTy =
auto *keyPathDecl = keyPathTy->getAnyNominal();
assert(isKnownKeyPathDecl(getASTContext(), keyPathDecl) &&
"parameter is supposed to be a keypath");
auto *keyPathLoc = getConstraintLocator(
locator, LocatorPathElt::KeyPathDynamicMember(keyPathDecl));
auto rootTy = keyPathTy->getGenericArgs()[0];
auto leafTy = keyPathTy->getGenericArgs()[1];
// Member would either point to mutable or immutable property, we
// don't which at the moment, so let's allow its type to be l-value.
auto memberTy = createTypeVariable(keyPathLoc, TVO_CanBindToLValue |
// Attempt to lookup a member with a give name in the root type and
// assign result to the leaf type of the keypath.
bool isSubscriptRef = locator->isSubscriptMemberRef();
DeclNameRef memberName = isSubscriptRef
? DeclNameRef::createSubscript()
// FIXME: Should propagate name-as-written through.
: DeclNameRef(choice.getName());
addValueMemberConstraint(LValueType::get(rootTy), memberName, memberTy,
isSubscriptRef ? FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply
: FunctionRefKind::Unapplied,
/*outerAlternatives=*/{}, keyPathLoc);
// In case of subscript things are more compicated comparing to "dot"
// syntax, because we have to get "applicable function" constraint
// associated with index expression and re-bind it to match "member type"
// looked up by dynamically.
if (isSubscriptRef) {
// Make sure that regular subscript declarations (if any) are
// preferred over key path dynamic member lookup.
auto dynamicResultTy = boundType->castTo<TypeVariableType>();
auto constraints = getConstraintGraph().gatherConstraints(
dynamicResultTy, ConstraintGraph::GatheringKind::EquivalenceClass,
[](Constraint *constraint) {
return constraint->getKind() == ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction;
assert(constraints.size() == 1);
auto *applicableFn = constraints.front();
// Original subscript expression e.g. `<base>[0]` generated following
// constraint `($T_A0, [$T_A1], ...) -> $T_R applicable fn $T_S` where
// `$T_S` is supposed to be bound to each subscript choice e.g.
// `(Int) -> Int`.
// Here is what we need to do to make this work as-if expression was
// `<base>[dynamicMember: \.[0]]`:
// - Right-hand side function type would have to get a new result type
// since it would have to point to result type of `\.[0]`, arguments
// though should stay the same.
// - Left-hand side `$T_S` is going to point to a new "member type"
// we are looking up based on the root type of the key path.
// - Original result type `$T_R` is going to represent result of
// the `[dynamicMember: \.[0]]` invocation.
// Result of the `WritableKeyPath` is going to be l-value type,
// let's adjust l-valueness of the result type to accommodate that.
// This is required because we are binding result of the subscript
// to its "member type" which becomes dynamic result type. We could
// form additional `applicable fn` constraint here and bind it to a
// function type, but it would create inconsistency with how properties
// are handled, which means more special handling in CSApply.
if (keyPathDecl == getASTContext().getWritableKeyPathDecl() ||
keyPathDecl == getASTContext().getReferenceWritableKeyPathDecl())
auto fnType = applicableFn->getFirstType()->castTo<FunctionType>();
auto subscriptResultTy = createTypeVariable(
TVO_CanBindToLValue | TVO_CanBindToNoEscape);
auto adjustedFnTy =
FunctionType::get(fnType->getParams(), subscriptResultTy);
ConstraintLocatorBuilder kpLocBuilder(keyPathLoc);
ConstraintKind::ApplicableFunction, adjustedFnTy, memberTy,
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Bind, dynamicResultTy, fnType->getResult(),
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Equal, subscriptResultTy, leafTy,
} else {
// Since member type is going to be bound to "leaf" generic parameter
// of the keypath, it has to be an r-value always, so let's add a new
// constraint to represent that conversion instead of loading member
// type into "leaf" directly.
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Equal, memberTy, leafTy, keyPathLoc);
if (isExpr<KeyPathExpr>(locator->getAnchor()))
verifyThatArgumentIsHashable(0, keyPathTy, locator);
// The resolved decl is for subscript(dynamicMember:), however the
// original member constraint was either for a property, or we've
// re-purposed the overload type variable to represent the result type of
// the subscript. In both cases, we need to bind to the result type.
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled OverloadChoiceKind in switch.");
void ConstraintSystem::resolveOverload(ConstraintLocator *locator,
Type boundType,
OverloadChoice choice,
DeclContext *useDC) {
// Add a conformance constraint to make sure that given type conforms
// to Hashable protocol, which is important for key path subscript
// components.
auto verifyThatArgumentIsHashable = [&](unsigned index, Type argType,
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
if (auto *hashable = TypeChecker::getProtocol(
argType->getASTContext(), choice.getDecl()->getLoc(),
KnownProtocolKind::Hashable)) {
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::ConformsTo, argType,
locator, LocatorPathElt::TupleElement(index)));
// Determine the type to which we'll bind the overload set's type.
Type refType;
Type openedFullType;
bool bindConstraintCreated = false;
switch (auto kind = choice.getKind()) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DynamicMemberLookup:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathDynamicMemberLookup: {
// If we refer to a top-level decl with special type-checking semantics,
// handle it now.
const auto semantics =
if (semantics != DeclTypeCheckingSemantics::Normal) {
std::tie(openedFullType, refType) =
getTypeOfReferenceWithSpecialTypeCheckingSemantics(*this, locator,
// Declarations with special type checking semantics do not require
// any further adjustments to the constraint system. Break out of
// here so we don't do any more work.
} else if (auto baseTy = choice.getBaseType()) {
// Retrieve the type of a reference to the specific declaration choice.
auto getDotBase = [](const Expr *E) -> const DeclRefExpr * {
if (E == nullptr) return nullptr;
switch (E->getKind()) {
case ExprKind::MemberRef: {
auto Base = cast<MemberRefExpr>(E)->getBase();
return dyn_cast<const DeclRefExpr>(Base);
case ExprKind::UnresolvedDot: {
auto Base = cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(E)->getBase();
return dyn_cast<const DeclRefExpr>(Base);
return nullptr;
auto *anchor = locator ? getAsExpr(locator->getAnchor()) : nullptr;
auto base = getDotBase(anchor);
std::tie(openedFullType, refType)
= getTypeOfMemberReference(baseTy, choice.getDecl(), useDC,
(kind == OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic),
locator, base, nullptr);
} else {
std::tie(openedFullType, refType)
= getTypeOfReference(choice.getDecl(),
choice.getFunctionRefKind(), locator, useDC);
// For a non-subscript declaration found via dynamic lookup, strip
// off the lvalue-ness (FIXME: as a temporary hack. We eventually
// want this to work) and make a reference to that declaration be
// an implicitly unwrapped optional.
// Subscript declarations are handled within
// getTypeOfMemberReference(); their result types are unchecked
// optional.
std::tie(refType, bindConstraintCreated) =
adjustTypeOfOverloadReference(choice, locator, boundType, refType);
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
if (auto lvalueTy = choice.getBaseType()->getAs<LValueType>()) {
// When the base of a tuple lvalue, the member is always an lvalue.
auto tuple = lvalueTy->getObjectType()->castTo<TupleType>();
refType = tuple->getElementType(choice.getTupleIndex())->getRValueType();
refType = LValueType::get(refType);
} else {
// When the base is a tuple rvalue, the member is always an rvalue.
auto tuple = choice.getBaseType()->castTo<TupleType>();
refType = tuple->getElementType(choice.getTupleIndex())->getRValueType();
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication: {
// Key path application looks like a subscript(keyPath: KeyPath<Base, T>).
// The element type is T or @lvalue T based on the key path subtype and
// the mutability of the base.
auto keyPathIndexTy = createTypeVariable(
getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
auto elementTy = createTypeVariable(
getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
TVO_CanBindToLValue | TVO_CanBindToNoEscape);
auto elementObjTy = createTypeVariable(
getConstraintLocator(locator, ConstraintLocator::FunctionArgument),
addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Equal, elementTy, elementObjTy, locator);
// The element result is an lvalue or rvalue based on the key path class.
keyPathIndexTy, choice.getBaseType(), elementTy, locator);
FunctionType::Param indices[] = {
FunctionType::Param(keyPathIndexTy, getASTContext().Id_keyPath),
auto subscriptTy = FunctionType::get(indices, elementTy);
FunctionType::Param baseParam(choice.getBaseType());
auto fullTy = FunctionType::get({baseParam}, subscriptTy);
openedFullType = fullTy;
refType = subscriptTy;
// Increase the score so that actual subscripts get preference.
assert(!refType->hasTypeParameter() && "Cannot have a dependent type here");
if (auto *decl = choice.getDeclOrNull()) {
// If we're choosing an asynchronous declaration within a synchronous
// context, or vice-versa, increase the async/async mismatch score.
if (isAsynchronousContext(useDC) != isDeclAsync(decl))
// If we're binding to an init member, the 'throws' need to line up
// between the bound and reference types.
if (auto CD = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(decl)) {
auto boundFunctionType = boundType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (boundFunctionType &&
CD->hasThrows() != boundFunctionType->isThrowing()) {
boundType = boundFunctionType->withExtInfo(
if (isa<SubscriptDecl>(decl)) {
if (locator->isResultOfKeyPathDynamicMemberLookup() ||
locator->isKeyPathSubscriptComponent()) {
// Subscript type has a format of (Self[.Type) -> (Arg...) -> Result
auto declTy = openedFullType->castTo<FunctionType>();
auto subscriptTy = declTy->getResult()->castTo<FunctionType>();
// If we have subscript, each of the arguments has to conform to
// Hashable, because it would be used as a component inside key path.
for (auto index : indices(subscriptTy->getParams())) {
const auto &param = subscriptTy->getParams()[index];
verifyThatArgumentIsHashable(index, param.getParameterType(), locator);
if (auto *afd = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(decl)) {
// Check whether applying this overload would result in invalid
// partial function application e.g. partial application of
// mutating method or initializer.
// This check is supposed to be performed without
// `shouldAttemptFixes` because name lookup can't
// detect that particular partial application is
// invalid, so it has to return all of the candidates.
bool isInvalidPartialApply;
unsigned level;
std::tie(isInvalidPartialApply, level) =
isInvalidPartialApplication(*this, afd, locator);
if (isInvalidPartialApply) {
// No application at all e.g. ``.
if (level == 0) {
// Swift 4 and earlier failed to diagnose a reference to a mutating
// method without any applications at all, which would get
// miscompiled into a function with undefined behavior. Warn for
// source compatibility.
bool isWarning = !getASTContext().isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5);
AllowInvalidPartialApplication::create(isWarning, *this, locator));
} else if (level == 1) {
// `Self` parameter is applied, e.g. `` or ``
/*isWarning=*/false, *this, locator));
// Otherwise both `Self` and arguments are applied,
// e.g. `` or ``, and there is nothing to do.
// Note that we have resolved this overload.
auto overload = SelectedOverload{choice, openedFullType, refType, boundType};
auto result = ResolvedOverloads.insert({locator, overload});
assert(result.second && "Already resolved this overload?");
// In some cases we already created the appropriate bind constraints.
if (!bindConstraintCreated) {
bindOverloadType(overload, boundType, locator, useDC,
if (isDebugMode()) {
PrintOptions PO;
PO.PrintTypesForDebugging = true;
llvm::errs().indent(solverState ? solverState->depth * 2 : 2)
<< "(overload set choice binding "
<< boundType->getString(PO) << " := "
<< refType->getString(PO) << ")\n";
// If this overload is disfavored, note that.
if (choice.isDecl() &&
choice.getDecl()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DisfavoredOverloadAttr>()) {
Type ConstraintSystem::simplifyTypeImpl(Type type,
llvm::function_ref<Type(TypeVariableType *)> getFixedTypeFn) const {
return type.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (auto tvt = dyn_cast<TypeVariableType>(type.getPointer()))
return getFixedTypeFn(tvt);
// If this is a dependent member type for which we end up simplifying
// the base to a non-type-variable, perform lookup.
if (auto depMemTy = dyn_cast<DependentMemberType>(type.getPointer())) {
// Simplify the base.
Type newBase = simplifyTypeImpl(depMemTy->getBase(), getFixedTypeFn);
// If nothing changed, we're done.
if (newBase.getPointer() == depMemTy->getBase().getPointer())
return type;
// Dependent member types should only be created for associated types.
auto assocType = depMemTy->getAssocType();
assert(depMemTy->getAssocType() && "Expected associated type!");
// FIXME: It's kind of weird in general that we have to look
// through lvalue, inout and IUO types here
Type lookupBaseType = newBase->getWithoutSpecifierType();
if (auto selfType = lookupBaseType->getAs<DynamicSelfType>())
lookupBaseType = selfType->getSelfType();
if (lookupBaseType->mayHaveMembers()) {
auto *proto = assocType->getProtocol();
auto conformance = DC->getParentModule()->lookupConformance(
lookupBaseType, proto);
if (!conformance) {
// If the base type doesn't conform to the associatedtype's protocol,
// there will be a missing conformance fix applied in diagnostic mode,
// so the concrete dependent member type is considered a "hole" in
// order to continue solving.
auto memberTy = DependentMemberType::get(lookupBaseType, assocType);
if (shouldAttemptFixes() &&
getPhase() == ConstraintSystemPhase::Solving) {
return HoleType::get(getASTContext(), memberTy);
return memberTy;
auto subs = SubstitutionMap::getProtocolSubstitutions(
proto, lookupBaseType, conformance);
auto result = assocType->getDeclaredInterfaceType().subst(subs);
if (!result->hasError())
return result;
return DependentMemberType::get(lookupBaseType, assocType);
return type;
Type ConstraintSystem::simplifyType(Type type) const {
if (!type->hasTypeVariable())
return type;
// Map type variables down to the fixed types of their representatives.
return simplifyTypeImpl(type,
[&](TypeVariableType *tvt) -> Type {
if (auto fixed = getFixedType(tvt))
return simplifyType(fixed);
return getRepresentative(tvt);
Type Solution::simplifyType(Type type) const {
if (!(type->hasTypeVariable() || type->hasHole()))
return type;
// Map type variables to fixed types from bindings.
auto &cs = getConstraintSystem();
auto resolvedType = cs.simplifyTypeImpl(
type, [&](TypeVariableType *tvt) -> Type { return getFixedType(tvt); });
// Holes shouldn't be reachable through a solution, they are only
// useful to determine what went wrong exactly.
if (resolvedType->hasHole()) {
return resolvedType.transform([&](Type type) {
return type->isHole() ? Type(cs.getASTContext().TheUnresolvedType) : type;
return resolvedType;
size_t Solution::getTotalMemory() const {
return sizeof(*this) + typeBindings.getMemorySize() +
overloadChoices.getMemorySize() +
ConstraintRestrictions.getMemorySize() +
llvm::capacity_in_bytes(Fixes) + DisjunctionChoices.getMemorySize() +
OpenedTypes.getMemorySize() + OpenedExistentialTypes.getMemorySize() +
(DefaultedConstraints.size() * sizeof(void *)) +
Conformances.size() * sizeof(std::pair<ConstraintLocator *, ProtocolConformanceRef>);
DeclContext *Solution::getDC() const { return constraintSystem->DC; }
DeclName OverloadChoice::getName() const {
switch (getKind()) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
return getDecl()->getName();
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication:
// TODO: This should probably produce subscript(keyPath:), but we
// don't currently pre-filter subscript overload sets by argument
// keywords, so "subscript" is still the name that keypath subscripts
// are looked up by.
return DeclBaseName::createSubscript();
case OverloadChoiceKind::DynamicMemberLookup:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathDynamicMemberLookup:
return DeclName(DynamicMember.getPointer());
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
llvm_unreachable("no name!");
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled OverloadChoiceKind in switch.");
bool OverloadChoice::isImplicitlyUnwrappedValueOrReturnValue() const {
if (!isDecl())
return false;
auto *decl = getDecl();
if (!decl->isImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional())
return false;
auto itfType = decl->getInterfaceType();
if (!itfType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>())
return true;
switch (getFunctionRefKind()) {
case FunctionRefKind::Unapplied:
case FunctionRefKind::Compound:
return false;
case FunctionRefKind::SingleApply:
case FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("unhandled kind");
SolutionResult ConstraintSystem::salvage() {
if (isDebugMode()) {
llvm::errs() << "---Attempting to salvage and emit diagnostics---\n";
// Attempt to solve again, capturing all states that come from our attempts to
// select overloads or bind type variables.
// FIXME: can this be removed? We need to arrange for recordFixes to be
// eliminated.
SmallVector<Solution, 2> viable;
// Set up solver state.
SolverState state(*this, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow);
state.recordFixes = true;
// Solve the system.
// Before removing any "fixed" solutions, let's check
// if ambiguity is caused by fixes and diagnose if possible.
if (diagnoseAmbiguityWithFixes(viable))
return SolutionResult::forAmbiguous(viable);
// Check whether we have a best solution; this can happen if we found
// a series of fixes that worked.
if (auto best = findBestSolution(viable, /*minimize=*/true)) {
if (*best != 0)
viable[0] = std::move(viable[*best]);
viable.erase(viable.begin() + 1, viable.end());
return SolutionResult::forSolved(std::move(viable[0]));
// FIXME: If we were able to actually fix things along the way,
// we may have to hunt for the best solution. For now, we don't care.
// Remove solutions that require fixes; the fixes in those systems should
// be diagnosed rather than any ambiguity.
auto hasFixes = [](const Solution &sol) { return !sol.Fixes.empty(); };
auto newEnd = std::remove_if(viable.begin(), viable.end(), hasFixes);
viable.erase(newEnd, viable.end());
// If there are multiple solutions, try to diagnose an ambiguity.
if (viable.size() > 1) {
if (DC->getParentModule()->getNameStr().startswith("__lldb_expr")) {
// TODO(
// If in LLDB repl mode, patch up the solution if we have ambiguity.
// This is a *temporary* short-term hack that simply returns the last
// solution. It seems to work for now and returns the lastly added
// definition during the repl session. However, this is extremely brittle and
// is not expected to work correctly all the time.
viable[0] = std::move(viable.back());
viable.erase(viable.begin() + 1, viable.end());
return SolutionResult::forSolved(std::move(viable[0]));
if (isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = llvm::errs();
log << "---Ambiguity error: " << viable.size()
<< " solutions found---\n";
int i = 0;
for (auto &solution : viable) {
log << "---Ambiguous solution #" << i++ << "---\n";
log << "\n";
if (diagnoseAmbiguity(viable)) {
return SolutionResult::forAmbiguous(viable);
// Fall through to produce diagnostics.
if (getExpressionTooComplex(viable))
return SolutionResult::forTooComplex();
// Could not produce a specific diagnostic; punt to the client.
return SolutionResult::forUndiagnosedError();
static void diagnoseOperatorAmbiguity(ConstraintSystem &cs,
Identifier operatorName,
ArrayRef<Solution> solutions,
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
auto &ctx = cs.getASTContext();
auto &DE = ctx.Diags;
auto *anchor = castToExpr(locator->getAnchor());
auto *applyExpr = cast<ApplyExpr>(cs.getParentExpr(anchor));
auto isEnumWithAssociatedValues = [](Type type) -> bool {
if (auto *enumType = type->getAs<EnumType>())
return !enumType->getDecl()->hasOnlyCasesWithoutAssociatedValues();
return false;
const auto &solution = solutions.front();
if (auto *binaryOp = dyn_cast<BinaryExpr>(applyExpr)) {
auto *lhs = binaryOp->getArg()->getElement(0);
auto *rhs = binaryOp->getArg()->getElement(1);
auto lhsType =
auto rhsType =
if (lhsType->isEqual(rhsType)) {
DE.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::cannot_apply_binop_to_same_args,
operatorName.str(), lhsType)
if (isStandardComparisonOperator(binaryOp->getFn()) &&
isEnumWithAssociatedValues(lhsType)) {
} else if (operatorName == ctx.Id_MatchOperator) {
DE.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::cannot_match_expr_pattern_with_value,
lhsType, rhsType);
} else {
DE.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::cannot_apply_binop_to_args,
operatorName.str(), lhsType, rhsType)
} else {
auto argType = solution.simplifyType(solution.getType(applyExpr->getArg()));
DE.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::cannot_apply_unop_to_arg,
operatorName.str(), argType->getRValueType());
std::set<std::string> parameters;
for (const auto &solution : solutions) {
auto overload = solution.getOverloadChoice(locator);
auto overloadType = overload.openedType;
// Let's suggest only concrete overloads here.
// Notes are going to take care of the rest,
// since printing types like `(Self, Self)` is not
// really useful.
if (overloadType->hasTypeVariable())
if (auto *fnType = overloadType->getAs<FunctionType>())
// All of the overload choices had generic parameters like `Self`.
if (parameters.empty())
DE.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::suggest_partial_overloads,
/*isResult=*/false, operatorName.str(),
llvm::join(parameters, ", "));
std::string swift::describeGenericType(ValueDecl *GP, bool includeName) {
if (!GP)
return "";
Decl *parent = nullptr;
if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(GP)) {
parent = AT->getProtocol();
} else {
auto *dc = GP->getDeclContext();
parent = dc->getInnermostDeclarationDeclContext();
if (!parent)
return "";
llvm::SmallString<64> result;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(result);
OS << Decl::getDescriptiveKindName(GP->getDescriptiveKind());
if (includeName && GP->hasName())
OS << " '" << GP->getBaseName() << "'";
OS << " of ";
OS << Decl::getDescriptiveKindName(parent->getDescriptiveKind());
if (auto *decl = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(parent)) {
if (decl->hasName())
OS << " '" << decl->getName() << "'";
return OS.str().str();
/// Special handling of conflicts associated with generic arguments.
/// func foo<T>(_: T, _: T) {}
/// func bar(x: Int, y: Float) {
/// foo(x, y)
/// }
/// It's done by first retrieving all generic parameters from each solution,
/// filtering bindings into a distinct set and diagnosing any differences.
static bool diagnoseConflictingGenericArguments(ConstraintSystem &cs,
const SolutionDiff &diff,
ArrayRef<Solution> solutions) {
if (!diff.overloads.empty())
return false;
bool noFixes = llvm::all_of(solutions, [](const Solution &solution) -> bool {
const auto score = solution.getFixedScore();
return score.Data[SK_Fix] == 0 && solution.Fixes.empty();
bool allMismatches =
llvm::all_of(solutions, [](const Solution &solution) -> bool {
return llvm::all_of(
solution.Fixes, [](const ConstraintFix *fix) -> bool {
return fix->getKind() == FixKind::AllowArgumentTypeMismatch ||
fix->getKind() == FixKind::AllowFunctionTypeMismatch ||
fix->getKind() == FixKind::AllowTupleTypeMismatch;
if (!noFixes && !allMismatches)
return false;
auto &DE = cs.getASTContext().Diags;
llvm::SmallDenseMap<TypeVariableType *,
std::pair<GenericTypeParamType *, SourceLoc>, 4>
// Consider only representative type variables shared across
// all of the solutions.
for (auto *typeVar : cs.getTypeVariables()) {
if (auto *GP = typeVar->getImpl().getGenericParameter()) {
auto *locator = typeVar->getImpl().getLocator();
auto *repr = cs.getRepresentative(typeVar);
// If representative is another generic parameter let's
// use its generic parameter type instead of originator's,
// but it's possible that generic parameter is equated to
// some other type e.g.
// func foo<T>(_: T) -> T {}
// In this case when reference to function `foo` is "opened"
// type variable representing `T` would be equated to
// type variable representing a result type of the reference.
if (auto *reprGP = repr->getImpl().getGenericParameter())
GP = reprGP;
genericParams[repr] = {GP, getLoc(locator->getAnchor())};
llvm::SmallDenseMap<std::pair<GenericTypeParamType *, SourceLoc>,
SmallVector<Type, 4>>
for (const auto &entry : genericParams) {
auto *typeVar = entry.first;
auto GP = entry.second;
llvm::SmallSetVector<Type, 4> arguments;
for (const auto &solution : solutions) {
auto type = solution.typeBindings.lookup(typeVar);
// Contextual opaque result type is uniquely identified by
// declaration it's associated with, so we have to compare
// declarations instead of using pointer equality on such types.
if (auto *opaque = type->getAs<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>()) {
auto *decl = opaque->getDecl();
arguments.remove_if([&](Type argType) -> bool {
if (auto *otherOpaque = argType->getAs<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>()) {
return decl == otherOpaque->getDecl();
return false;
if (arguments.size() > 1)
conflicts[GP].append(arguments.begin(), arguments.end());
auto getGenericTypeDecl = [&](ArchetypeType *archetype) -> ValueDecl * {
auto type = archetype->getInterfaceType();
if (auto *GTPT = type->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>())
return GTPT->getDecl();
if (auto *DMT = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>())
return DMT->getAssocType();
return nullptr;
bool diagnosed = false;
for (auto &conflict : conflicts) {
SourceLoc loc;
GenericTypeParamType *GP;
std::tie(GP, loc) = conflict.first;
auto conflictingArguments = conflict.second;
llvm::SmallString<64> arguments;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(arguments);
[&](Type argType) {
OS << "'" << argType << "'";
if (auto *opaque = argType->getAs<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>()) {
auto *decl = opaque->getDecl()->getNamingDecl();
OS << " (result type of '" << decl->getBaseName().userFacingName()
<< "')";
if (auto archetype = argType->getAs<ArchetypeType>()) {
if (auto *GTD = getGenericTypeDecl(archetype))
OS << " (" << describeGenericType(GTD) << ")";
[&OS] { OS << " vs. "; });
DE.diagnose(loc, diag::conflicting_arguments_for_generic_parameter, GP,
diagnosed = true;
return diagnosed;
/// Diagnose ambiguity related to overloaded declarations where only
/// *some* of the overload choices have ephemeral pointer warnings/errors
/// associated with them. Such situations have be handled specifically
/// because ephemeral fixes do not affect the score.
/// If all of the overloads have ephemeral fixes associated with them
/// it's much easier to diagnose through notes associated with each fix.
static bool
diagnoseAmbiguityWithEphemeralPointers(ConstraintSystem &cs,
ArrayRef<Solution> solutions) {
unsigned numSolutionsWithFixes = 0;
for (const auto &solution : solutions) {
if (solution.Fixes.empty()) {
if (!llvm::all_of(solution.Fixes, [](const ConstraintFix *fix) {
return fix->getKind() == FixKind::TreatEphemeralAsNonEphemeral;
return false;
numSolutionsWithFixes += 1;
// If all or no solutions have fixes for ephemeral pointers, let's
// let `diagnoseAmbiguityWithFixes` diagnose the problem.
if (numSolutionsWithFixes == 0 ||
numSolutionsWithFixes == solutions.size())
return false;
// If only some of the solutions have ephemeral pointer fixes
// let's let `diagnoseAmbiguity` diagnose the problem either
// with affected argument or related declaration e.g. function ref.
return cs.diagnoseAmbiguity(solutions);
static bool diagnoseAmbiguityWithContextualType(
ConstraintSystem &cs, SolutionDiff &solutionDiff,
ArrayRef<std::pair<const Solution *, const ConstraintFix *>> aggregateFix,
ArrayRef<Solution> solutions) {
// Diagnose only if contextual failure is associated with every solution.
if (aggregateFix.size() < solutions.size())
return false;
auto getResultType =
[](const std::pair<const Solution *, const ConstraintFix *> &entry)
-> Type {
auto &solution = *entry.first;
auto anchor = entry.second->getLocator()->getAnchor();
return solution.simplifyType(solution.getType(anchor));
auto resultType = getResultType(aggregateFix.front());
// If right-hand side of the conversion (result of the the AST node)
// is the same across all of the solutions let's diagnose it as if
// it it as a single failure.
if (llvm::all_of(
[&](const std::pair<const Solution *, const ConstraintFix *> &entry) {
return resultType->isEqual(getResultType(entry));
})) {
auto &fix = aggregateFix.front();
return fix.second->diagnose(*fix.first, /*asNote=*/false);
// If result types are different it could only mean that this is an attempt
// to convert a reference to, or call of overloaded declaration to a
// particular type.
auto &solution = *aggregateFix.front().first;
auto *locator = aggregateFix.front().second->getLocator();
auto *calleeLocator = solution.getCalleeLocator(locator);
auto result =
[&calleeLocator](const SolutionDiff::OverloadDiff &entry) {
return entry.locator == calleeLocator;
if (result == solutionDiff.overloads.end())
return false;
auto &DE = cs.getASTContext().Diags;
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
auto name = result->choices.front().getName();
DE.diagnose(getLoc(anchor), diag::no_candidates_match_result_type,
for (const auto &solution : solutions) {
auto overload = solution.getOverloadChoice(calleeLocator);
if (auto *decl = overload.choice.getDeclOrNull()) {
auto loc = decl->getLoc();
if (loc.isInvalid())
auto type = solution.simplifyType(overload.boundType);
if (isExpr<ApplyExpr>(anchor) || isExpr<SubscriptExpr>(anchor)) {
auto fnType = type->castTo<FunctionType>();
loc, diag::cannot_convert_candidate_result_to_contextual_type,
decl->getName(), fnType->getResult(), cs.getContextualType(anchor));
} else {
DE.diagnose(loc, diag::found_candidate_type, type);
return true;
static bool diagnoseAmbiguity(
ConstraintSystem &cs, const SolutionDiff::OverloadDiff &ambiguity,
ArrayRef<std::pair<const Solution *, const ConstraintFix *>> aggregateFix,
ArrayRef<Solution> solutions) {
auto *locator = aggregateFix.front().second->getLocator();
auto anchor = aggregateFix.front().second->getAnchor();
auto &DE = cs.getASTContext().Diags;
auto fixKind = aggregateFix.front().second->getKind();
if (llvm::all_of(
aggregateFix, [&](const std::pair<const Solution *,
const ConstraintFix *> &entry) {
auto &fix = entry.second;
return fix->getKind() == fixKind && fix->getLocator() == locator;
})) {
auto *primaryFix = aggregateFix.front().second;
if (primaryFix->diagnoseForAmbiguity(aggregateFix))
return true;
auto *decl = ambiguity.choices.front().getDeclOrNull();
if (!decl)
return false;
auto *commonCalleeLocator = ambiguity.locator;
bool diagnosed = true;
DiagnosticTransaction transaction(DE);
auto commonAnchor = commonCalleeLocator->getAnchor();
if (auto *callExpr = getAsExpr<CallExpr>(commonAnchor))
commonAnchor = callExpr->getDirectCallee();
const auto name = decl->getName();
// Emit an error message for the ambiguity.
if (locator->isForContextualType()) {
auto baseName = name.getBaseName();
DE.diagnose(getLoc(commonAnchor), diag::no_candidates_match_result_type,
baseName.userFacingName(), cs.getContextualType(anchor));
} else if (name.isOperator()) {
auto *anchor = castToExpr(commonCalleeLocator->getAnchor());
// If operator is "applied" e.g. `1 + 2` there are tailored
// diagnostics in case of ambiguity, but if it's referenced
// e.g. `arr.sort(by: <)` it's better to produce generic error
// and a note per candidate.
if (auto *parentExpr = cs.getParentExpr(anchor)) {
if (isa<ApplyExpr>(parentExpr)) {
diagnoseOperatorAmbiguity(cs, name.getBaseIdentifier(), solutions,
return true;
DE.diagnose(anchor->getLoc(), diag::no_overloads_match_exactly_in_call,
/*isApplication=*/false, decl->getDescriptiveKind(),
name.isSpecial(), name.getBaseName());
} else {
bool isApplication =
llvm::any_of(cs.ArgumentInfos, [&](const auto &argInfo) {
return argInfo.first->getAnchor() == commonAnchor;
diag::no_overloads_match_exactly_in_call, isApplication,
decl->getDescriptiveKind(), name.isSpecial(),
// Produce candidate notes
SmallPtrSet<ValueDecl *, 4> distinctChoices;
llvm::SmallSet<CanType, 4> candidateTypes;
for (const auto &solution : solutions) {
auto overload = solution.getOverloadChoice(commonCalleeLocator);
auto *decl = overload.choice.getDecl();
auto type = solution.simplifyType(overload.openedType);
// Skip if we've already produced a note for this overload
if (!distinctChoices.insert(decl).second)
auto noteLoc =
decl->getLoc().isInvalid() ? getLoc(commonAnchor) : decl->getLoc();
if (solution.Fixes.size() == 1) {
diagnosed &=
solution.Fixes.front()->diagnose(solution, /*asNote*/ true);
} else if (llvm::all_of(solution.Fixes, [&](ConstraintFix *fix) {
return fix->getLocator()
})) {
// All fixes have to do with arguments, so let's show the parameter
// lists.
auto *fn = type->getAs<AnyFunctionType>();
if (fn->getNumParams() == 1) {
const auto &param = fn->getParams()[0];
DE.diagnose(noteLoc, diag::candidate_has_invalid_argument_at_position,
/*position=*/1, param.isInOut());
} else {
DE.diagnose(noteLoc, diag::candidate_partial_match,
} else {
// Emit a general "found candidate" note
if (decl->getLoc().isInvalid()) {
if (candidateTypes.insert(type->getCanonicalType()).second)
DE.diagnose(getLoc(commonAnchor), diag::found_candidate_type, type);
} else {
DE.diagnose(noteLoc, diag::found_candidate);
// If not all of the fixes produced a note, we can't diagnose this.
if (!diagnosed)
return diagnosed;
bool ConstraintSystem::diagnoseAmbiguityWithFixes(
SmallVectorImpl<Solution> &solutions) {
if (solutions.empty())
return false;
SolutionDiff solutionDiff(solutions);
if (diagnoseConflictingGenericArguments(*this, solutionDiff, solutions))
return true;
if (auto bestScore = solverState->BestScore) {
[&](const Solution &solution) {
return solution.getFixedScore() >
if (llvm::all_of(solutions, [&](const Solution &solution) {
auto score = solution.getFixedScore();
return score.Data[SK_Fix] == 0 && solution.Fixes.empty();
return false;
if (solutions.size() < 2)
return false;
if (diagnoseAmbiguityWithEphemeralPointers(*this, solutions))
return true;
if (isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = llvm::errs();
log << "--- Ambiguity: Considering #" << solutions.size()
<< " solutions with fixes ---\n";
int i = 0;
for (auto &solution : solutions) {
log << "--- Solution #" << i++ << "---\n";
log << "\n";
// Algorithm is as follows:
// a. Aggregate all of the available fixes based on callee locator;
// b. For each ambiguous overload match aggregated fixes and diagnose;
// c. Discard all of the fixes which have been already considered
// as part of overload diagnostics;
// d. Diagnose remaining (uniqued based on kind + locator) fixes
// iff they appear in all of the solutions.
using Fix = std::pair<const Solution *, const ConstraintFix *>;
llvm::SmallSetVector<Fix, 4> fixes;
for (auto &solution : solutions) {
for (auto *fix : solution.Fixes)
fixes.insert({&solution, fix});
llvm::MapVector<ConstraintLocator *, SmallVector<Fix, 4>> fixesByCallee;
llvm::SmallVector<Fix, 4> contextualFixes;
for (const auto &entry : fixes) {
const auto &solution = *entry.first;
const auto *fix = entry.second;
if (fix->getLocator()->isForContextualType()) {
contextualFixes.push_back({&solution, fix});
auto *calleeLocator = solution.getCalleeLocator(fix->getLocator());
fixesByCallee[calleeLocator].push_back({&solution, fix});
bool diagnosed = false;
// All of the fixes which have been considered already.
llvm::SmallSetVector<Fix, 4> consideredFixes;
for (const auto &ambiguity : solutionDiff.overloads) {
auto fixes = fixesByCallee.find(ambiguity.locator);
if (fixes == fixesByCallee.end())
auto aggregate = fixes->second;
diagnosed |= ::diagnoseAmbiguity(*this, ambiguity, aggregate, solutions);
consideredFixes.insert(aggregate.begin(), aggregate.end());
if (diagnoseAmbiguityWithContextualType(*this, solutionDiff, contextualFixes,
solutions)) {
consideredFixes.insert(contextualFixes.begin(), contextualFixes.end());
diagnosed |= true;
// Remove all of the fixes which have been attached to ambiguous
// overload choices.
llvm::MapVector<std::pair<FixKind, ConstraintLocator *>, SmallVector<Fix, 4>>
for (const auto &entry : fixes) {
const auto *fix = entry.second;
fixesByKind[{fix->getKind(), fix->getLocator()}].push_back(
{entry.first, fix});
// If leftover fix is contained in all of the solutions let's
// diagnose it as ambiguity.
for (const auto &entry : fixesByKind) {
if (llvm::all_of(solutions, [&](const Solution &solution) -> bool {
return llvm::any_of(
solution.Fixes, [&](const ConstraintFix *fix) -> bool {
return std::make_pair(fix->getKind(), fix->getLocator()) ==
})) {
auto &aggregate = entry.second;
diagnosed |= aggregate.front().second->diagnoseForAmbiguity(aggregate);
return diagnosed;
/// Determine the number of distinct overload choices in the
/// provided set.
static unsigned countDistinctOverloads(ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices) {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<void *, 4> uniqueChoices;
unsigned result = 0;
for (auto choice : choices) {
if (uniqueChoices.insert(choice.getOpaqueChoiceSimple()).second)
return result;
/// Determine the name of the overload in a set of overload choices.
static DeclName getOverloadChoiceName(ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices) {
DeclName name;
for (auto choice : choices) {
if (!choice.isDecl())
const DeclName nextName = choice.getDecl()->getName();
if (!name) {
name = nextName;
if (name != nextName) {
// Assume all choices have the same base name and only differ in
// argument labels. This may not be a great assumption, but we don't
// really have a way to recover for diagnostics otherwise.
return name.getBaseName();
return name;
/// Extend the given index map with all of the subexpressions in the given
/// expression.
static void extendPreorderIndexMap(
Expr *expr, llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, unsigned> &indexMap) {
class RecordingTraversal : public ASTWalker {
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, unsigned> &IndexMap;
unsigned Index = 0;
explicit RecordingTraversal(llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, unsigned> &indexMap)
: IndexMap(indexMap) { }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
IndexMap[E] = Index;
return { true, E };
RecordingTraversal traversal(indexMap);
bool ConstraintSystem::diagnoseAmbiguity(ArrayRef<Solution> solutions) {
// Produce a diff of the solutions.
SolutionDiff diff(solutions);
// Find the locators which have the largest numbers of distinct overloads.
Optional<unsigned> bestOverload;
// Overloads are scored by lexicographical comparison of (# of distinct
// overloads, depth, *reverse* of the index). N.B. - cannot be used for the
// reversing: the score version of index == 0 should be > than that of 1, but
// -0 == 0 < UINT_MAX == -1, whereas ~0 == UINT_MAX > UINT_MAX - 1 == ~1.
auto score = [](unsigned distinctOverloads, unsigned depth, unsigned index) {
return std::make_tuple(distinctOverloads, depth, ~index);
auto bestScore = score(0, 0, std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max());
// Get a map of expressions to their depths and post-order traversal indices.
// Heuristically, all other things being equal, we should complain about the
// ambiguous expression that (1) has the most overloads, (2) is deepest, or
// (3) comes earliest in the expression.
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, unsigned> indexMap;
for (auto expr : InputExprs) {
extendPreorderIndexMap(expr, indexMap);
for (unsigned i = 0, n = diff.overloads.size(); i != n; ++i) {
auto &overload = diff.overloads[i];
// If we can't resolve the locator to an anchor expression with no path,
// we can't diagnose this well.
auto *anchor = getAsExpr(simplifyLocatorToAnchor(overload.locator));
if (!anchor)
auto it = indexMap.find(castToExpr(anchor));
if (it == indexMap.end())
unsigned index = it->second;
auto optDepth = getExprDepth(castToExpr(anchor));
if (!optDepth)
unsigned depth = *optDepth;
// If we don't have a name to hang on to, it'll be hard to diagnose this
// overload.
if (!getOverloadChoiceName(overload.choices))
unsigned distinctOverloads = countDistinctOverloads(overload.choices);
// We need at least two overloads to make this interesting.
if (distinctOverloads < 2)
// If we have more distinct overload choices for this locator than for
// prior locators, just keep this locator.
auto thisScore = score(distinctOverloads, depth, index);
if (thisScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = thisScore;
bestOverload = i;
// We have better results. Ignore this one.
// FIXME: Should be able to pick the best locator, e.g., based on some
// depth-first numbering of expressions.
if (bestOverload) {
auto &overload = diff.overloads[*bestOverload];
// FIXME: We would prefer to emit the name as written, but that information
// is not sufficiently centralized in the AST.
DeclNameRef name(getOverloadChoiceName(overload.choices));
auto anchor = simplifyLocatorToAnchor(overload.locator);
// Emit the ambiguity diagnostic.
auto &DE = getASTContext().Diags;
name.isOperator() ? diag::ambiguous_operator_ref
: diag::ambiguous_decl_ref,
TrailingClosureAmbiguityFailure failure(solutions, anchor,
if (failure.diagnoseAsNote())
return true;
// Emit candidates. Use a SmallPtrSet to make sure only emit a particular
// candidate once. FIXME: Why is one candidate getting into the overload
// set multiple times? (See also tryDiagnoseTrailingClosureAmbiguity.)
SmallPtrSet<Decl *, 8> EmittedDecls;
for (auto choice : overload.choices) {
switch (choice.getKind()) {
case OverloadChoiceKind::Decl:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaDynamic:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaBridge:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DeclViaUnwrappedOptional:
// FIXME: show deduced types, etc, etc.
if (EmittedDecls.insert(choice.getDecl()).second)
DE.diagnose(choice.getDecl(), diag::found_candidate);
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathApplication:
case OverloadChoiceKind::DynamicMemberLookup:
case OverloadChoiceKind::KeyPathDynamicMemberLookup:
// Skip key path applications and dynamic member lookups, since we don't
// want them to noise up unrelated subscript diagnostics.
case OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex:
// FIXME: Actually diagnose something here.
return true;
// FIXME: If we inferred different types for literals (for example),
// could diagnose ambiguity that way as well.
return false;
ConstraintLocator *
constraints::simplifyLocator(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocator *locator,
SourceRange &range) {
auto path = locator->getPath();
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
simplifyLocator(anchor, path, range);
// If we didn't simplify anything, just return the input.
if (anchor == locator->getAnchor() &&
path.size() == locator->getPath().size()) {
return locator;
// If the old locator didn't have any summary flags, neither will the
// simplified version, as it must contain a subset of the path elements.
if (locator->getSummaryFlags() == 0)
return cs.getConstraintLocator(anchor, path, /*summaryFlags*/ 0);
return cs.getConstraintLocator(anchor, path);
void constraints::simplifyLocator(ASTNode &anchor,
ArrayRef<LocatorPathElt> &path,
SourceRange &range) {
range = SourceRange();
while (!path.empty()) {
switch (path[0].getKind()) {
case ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgument: {
// Extract application argument.
if (auto applyExpr = getAsExpr<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = applyExpr->getArg();
path = path.slice(1);
if (auto subscriptExpr = getAsExpr<SubscriptExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = subscriptExpr->getIndex();
path = path.slice(1);
// TODO: It would be better if the index expression was always wrapped
// in a ParenExpr (if there is no label).
if (!(isExpr<TupleExpr>(anchor) || isExpr<ParenExpr>(anchor)) &&
!path.empty() && path[0].is<LocatorPathElt::ApplyArgToParam>()) {
path = path.slice(1);
if (auto objectLiteralExpr = getAsExpr<ObjectLiteralExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = objectLiteralExpr->getArg();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::DynamicCallable: {
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ApplyFunction:
case ConstraintLocator::FunctionResult:
// Extract application function.
if (auto applyExpr = getAsExpr<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = applyExpr->getFn();
path = path.slice(1);
// The subscript itself is the function.
if (auto subscriptExpr = getAsExpr<SubscriptExpr>(anchor)) {
anchor = subscriptExpr;
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::AutoclosureResult:
case ConstraintLocator::LValueConversion:
case ConstraintLocator::RValueAdjustment:
case ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMember:
case ConstraintLocator::ImplicitCallAsFunction:
// Arguments in autoclosure positions, lvalue and rvalue adjustments,
// unresolved members, and implicit callAsFunction references are
// implicit.
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::NamedTupleElement:
case ConstraintLocator::TupleElement: {
// Extract tuple element.
auto elt = path[0].castTo<LocatorPathElt::AnyTupleElement>();
unsigned index = elt.getIndex();
if (auto tupleExpr = getAsExpr<TupleExpr>(anchor)) {
if (index < tupleExpr->getNumElements()) {
anchor = tupleExpr->getElement(index);
path = path.slice(1);
if (auto *CE = getAsExpr<CollectionExpr>(anchor)) {
if (index < CE->getNumElements()) {
anchor = CE->getElement(index);
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgToParam: {
auto elt = path[0].castTo<LocatorPathElt::ApplyArgToParam>();
// Extract tuple element.
if (auto tupleExpr = getAsExpr<TupleExpr>(anchor)) {
unsigned index = elt.getArgIdx();
if (index < tupleExpr->getNumElements()) {
anchor = tupleExpr->getElement(index);
path = path.slice(1);
// Extract subexpression in parentheses.
if (auto parenExpr = getAsExpr<ParenExpr>(anchor)) {
// This simplication request could be for a synthesized argument.
if (elt.getArgIdx() == 0) {
anchor = parenExpr->getSubExpr();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ConstructorMember:
if (auto typeExpr = getAsExpr<TypeExpr>(anchor)) {
// This is really an implicit 'init' MemberRef, so point at the base,
// i.e. the TypeExpr.
range = SourceRange();
anchor = typeExpr;
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::Member:
case ConstraintLocator::MemberRefBase:
if (auto UDE = getAsExpr<UnresolvedDotExpr>(anchor)) {
range = UDE->getNameLoc().getSourceRange();
anchor = UDE->getBase();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::SubscriptMember:
if (isExpr<SubscriptExpr>(anchor)) {
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ClosureBody:
case ConstraintLocator::ClosureResult:
if (auto CE = getAsExpr<ClosureExpr>(anchor)) {
if (CE->hasSingleExpressionBody()) {
anchor = CE->getSingleExpressionBody();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ContextualType:
// This was just for identifying purposes, strip it off.
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::KeyPathComponent: {
auto elt = path[0].castTo<LocatorPathElt::KeyPathComponent>();
// If the next element is an ApplyArgument, we can simplify by looking
// into the index expression.
if (path.size() < 2 ||
path[1].getKind() != ConstraintLocator::ApplyArgument)
if (auto *kpe = getAsExpr<KeyPathExpr>(anchor)) {
auto component = kpe->getComponents()[elt.getIndex()];
auto indexExpr = component.getIndexExpr();
assert(indexExpr && "Trying to apply a component without an index?");
anchor = indexExpr;
path = path.slice(2);
case ConstraintLocator::Condition: {
anchor = castToExpr<IfExpr>(anchor)->getCondExpr();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::TernaryBranch: {
auto branch = path[0].castTo<LocatorPathElt::TernaryBranch>();
auto *ifExpr = castToExpr<IfExpr>(anchor);
anchor = branch.forThen() ? ifExpr->getThenExpr() : ifExpr->getElseExpr();
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::KeyPathDynamicMember: {
// Key path dynamic member lookup should be completely transparent.
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::ArgumentAttribute: {
// At this point we should have already found argument expression
// this attribute belogs to, so we can leave this element in place
// because it points out exact location useful for diagnostics.
case ConstraintLocator::FunctionBuilderBodyResult: {
path = path.slice(1);
case ConstraintLocator::UnresolvedMemberChainResult: {
auto *resultExpr = castToExpr<UnresolvedMemberChainResultExpr>(anchor);
anchor = resultExpr->getSubExpr();
path = path.slice(1);
// FIXME: Lots of other cases to handle.
// If we get here, we couldn't simplify the path further.
ASTNode constraints::simplifyLocatorToAnchor(ConstraintLocator *locator) {
if (!locator)
return nullptr;
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
if (!anchor)
return {};
SourceRange range;
auto path = locator->getPath();
simplifyLocator(anchor, path, range);
// We only want the new anchor if all the path elements have been simplified
// away.
return path.empty() ? anchor : nullptr;
Expr *constraints::getArgumentExpr(ASTNode node, unsigned index) {
auto *expr = castToExpr(node);
Expr *argExpr = nullptr;
if (auto *AE = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(expr))
argExpr = AE->getArg();
else if (auto *SE = dyn_cast<SubscriptExpr>(expr))
argExpr = SE->getIndex();
return nullptr;
if (auto *PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(argExpr)) {
assert(index == 0);
return PE->getSubExpr();
if (auto *tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(argExpr)) {
return (tuple->getNumElements() > index) ? tuple->getElement(index)
: nullptr;
return nullptr;
bool constraints::isAutoClosureArgument(Expr *argExpr) {
if (!argExpr)
return false;
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(argExpr)) {
if (auto *param = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(DRE->getDecl()))
return param->isAutoClosure();
return false;
bool constraints::hasAppliedSelf(ConstraintSystem &cs,
const OverloadChoice &choice) {
return hasAppliedSelf(choice, [&cs](Type type) -> Type {
return cs.getFixedTypeRecursive(type, /*wantRValue=*/true);
bool constraints::hasAppliedSelf(const OverloadChoice &choice,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Type)> getFixedType) {
auto *decl = choice.getDeclOrNull();
if (!decl)
return false;
auto baseType = choice.getBaseType();
if (baseType)
baseType = getFixedType(baseType)->getRValueType();
// In most cases where we reference a declaration with a curried self
// parameter, it gets dropped from the type of the reference.
return decl->hasCurriedSelf() &&
doesMemberRefApplyCurriedSelf(baseType, decl);
bool constraints::conformsToKnownProtocol(DeclContext *dc, Type type,
KnownProtocolKind protocol) {
if (auto *proto =
TypeChecker::getProtocol(dc->getASTContext(), SourceLoc(), protocol))
return (bool)TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(type, proto, dc);
return false;
/// Check whether given type conforms to `RawPepresentable` protocol
/// and return the witness type.
Type constraints::isRawRepresentable(ConstraintSystem &cs, Type type) {
auto *DC = cs.DC;
auto rawReprType = TypeChecker::getProtocol(
cs.getASTContext(), SourceLoc(), KnownProtocolKind::RawRepresentable);
if (!rawReprType)
return Type();
auto conformance = TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(type, rawReprType, DC);
if (conformance.isInvalid())
return Type();
return conformance.getTypeWitnessByName(type, cs.getASTContext().Id_RawValue);
Type constraints::isRawRepresentable(
ConstraintSystem &cs, Type type,
KnownProtocolKind rawRepresentableProtocol) {
Type rawTy = isRawRepresentable(cs, type);
if (!rawTy ||
!conformsToKnownProtocol(cs.DC, rawTy, rawRepresentableProtocol))
return Type();
return rawTy;
void ConstraintSystem::generateConstraints(
SmallVectorImpl<Constraint *> &constraints, Type type,
ArrayRef<OverloadChoice> choices, DeclContext *useDC,
ConstraintLocator *locator, Optional<unsigned> favoredIndex,
bool requiresFix,
llvm::function_ref<ConstraintFix *(unsigned, const OverloadChoice &)>
getFix) {
auto recordChoice = [&](SmallVectorImpl<Constraint *> &choices,
unsigned index, const OverloadChoice &overload,
bool isFavored = false) {
auto *fix = getFix(index, overload);
// If fix is required but it couldn't be determined, this
// choice has be filtered out.
if (requiresFix && !fix)
auto *choice = fix ? Constraint::createFixedChoice(*this, type, overload,
useDC, fix, locator)
: Constraint::createBindOverload(*this, type, overload,
useDC, locator);
if (isFavored)
if (favoredIndex) {
const auto &choice = choices[*favoredIndex];
(!choice.isDecl() || !isDeclUnavailable(choice.getDecl(), locator)) &&
"Cannot make unavailable decl favored!");
recordChoice(constraints, *favoredIndex, choice, /*isFavored=*/true);
for (auto index : indices(choices)) {
if (favoredIndex && (*favoredIndex == index))
recordChoice(constraints, index, choices[index]);
ConstraintLocator *
ConstraintSystem::getArgumentInfoLocator(ConstraintLocator *locator) {
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
if (!anchor)
return nullptr;
// Applies and unresolved member exprs can have callee locators that are
// dependent on the type of their function, which may not have been resolved
// yet. Therefore we need to handle them specially.
if (auto *apply = getAsExpr<ApplyExpr>(anchor)) {
auto *fnExpr = getArgumentLabelTargetExpr(apply->getFn());
return getConstraintLocator(fnExpr);
if (auto *UME = getAsExpr<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(anchor))
return getConstraintLocator(UME);
auto path = locator->getPath();
// If this is for a dynamic member reference, the argument info is for the
// original call-site, which we can get by stripping away the
// KeyPathDynamicMember elements.
auto iter = path.begin();
if (locator->findFirst<LocatorPathElt::KeyPathDynamicMember>(iter)) {
ArrayRef<LocatorPathElt> newPath(path.begin(), iter);
return getConstraintLocator(anchor, newPath);
return getCalleeLocator(locator);
ConstraintSystem::getArgumentInfo(ConstraintLocator *locator) {
if (!locator)
return None;
if (auto *infoLocator = getArgumentInfoLocator(locator)) {
auto known = ArgumentInfos.find(infoLocator);
if (known != ArgumentInfos.end())
return known->second;
return None;
/// Given an apply expr, returns true if it is expected to have a direct callee
/// overload, resolvable using `getChoiceFor`. Otherwise, returns false.
static bool shouldHaveDirectCalleeOverload(const CallExpr *callExpr) {
auto *fnExpr = callExpr->getDirectCallee();
// An apply of an apply/subscript doesn't have a direct callee.
if (isa<ApplyExpr>(fnExpr) || isa<SubscriptExpr>(fnExpr))
return false;
// Applies of closures don't have callee overloads.
if (isa<ClosureExpr>(fnExpr))
return false;
// No direct callee for a try!/try?.
if (isa<ForceTryExpr>(fnExpr) || isa<OptionalTryExpr>(fnExpr))
return false;
// If we have an intermediate cast, there's no direct callee.
if (isa<ExplicitCastExpr>(fnExpr))
return false;
// No direct callee for an if expr.
if (isa<IfExpr>(fnExpr))
return false;
// Assume that anything else would have a direct callee.
return true;
Type Solution::resolveInterfaceType(Type type) const {
auto resolvedType = type.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (auto *tvt = type->getAs<TypeVariableType>()) {
// If this type variable is for a generic parameter, return that.
if (auto *gp = tvt->getImpl().getGenericParameter())
return gp;
// Otherwise resolve its fixed type, mapped out of context.
auto fixed = simplifyType(tvt);
return resolveInterfaceType(fixed->mapTypeOutOfContext());
if (auto *dmt = type->getAs<DependentMemberType>()) {
// For a dependent member, first resolve the base.
auto newBase = resolveInterfaceType(dmt->getBase());
// Then reconstruct using its associated type.
return DependentMemberType::get(newBase, dmt->getAssocType());
return type;
return resolvedType;
Solution::getFunctionArgApplyInfo(ConstraintLocator *locator) const {
auto anchor = locator->getAnchor();
auto path = locator->getPath();
// Look for the apply-arg-to-param element in the locator's path. We may
// have to look through other elements that are generated from an argument
// conversion such as GenericArgument for an optional-to-optional conversion,
// and OptionalPayload for a value-to-optional conversion.
auto iter = path.rbegin();
auto applyArgElt = locator->findLast<LocatorPathElt::ApplyArgToParam>(iter);
if (!applyArgElt)
return None;
auto nextIter = iter + 1;
assert(!locator->findLast<LocatorPathElt::ApplyArgToParam>(nextIter) &&
"Multiple ApplyArgToParam components?");
// Form a new locator that ends at the apply-arg-to-param element, and
// simplify it to get the full argument expression.
auto argPath = path.drop_back(iter - path.rbegin());
auto *argLocator = getConstraintLocator(anchor, argPath);
auto *argExpr = castToExpr(simplifyLocatorToAnchor(argLocator));
// If we were unable to simplify down to the argument expression, we don't
// know what this is.
if (!argExpr)
return None;
Optional<OverloadChoice> choice;
Type rawFnType;
auto *calleeLocator = getCalleeLocator(argLocator);
if (auto overload = getOverloadChoiceIfAvailable(calleeLocator)) {
// If we have resolved an overload for the callee, then use that to get the
// function type and callee.
choice = overload->choice;
rawFnType = overload->openedType;
} else {
// If we didn't resolve an overload for the callee, we should be dealing
// with a call of an arbitrary function expr.
auto *call = castToExpr<CallExpr>(anchor);
assert(!shouldHaveDirectCalleeOverload(call) &&
"Should we have resolved a callee for this?");
rawFnType = getType(call->getFn());
// Try to resolve the function type by loading lvalues and looking through
// optional types, which can occur for expressions like `fn?(5)`.
auto *fnType = simplifyType(rawFnType)
if (!fnType)
return None;
// Resolve the interface type for the function. Note that this may not be a
// function type, for example it could be a generic parameter.
Type fnInterfaceType;
auto *callee = choice ? choice->getDeclOrNull() : nullptr;
if (callee && callee->hasInterfaceType()) {
// If we have a callee with an interface type, we can use it. This is
// preferable to resolveInterfaceType, as this will allow us to get a
// GenericFunctionType for generic decls.
// Note that it's possible to find a callee without an interface type. This
// can happen for example with closure parameters, where the interface type
// isn't set until the solution is applied. In that case, use
// resolveInterfaceType.
fnInterfaceType = callee->getInterfaceType();
// Strip off the curried self parameter if necessary.
if (hasAppliedSelf(
*choice, [this](Type type) -> Type { return simplifyType(type); }))
fnInterfaceType = fnInterfaceType->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult();
if (auto *fn = fnInterfaceType->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
assert(fn->getNumParams() == fnType->getNumParams() &&
"Parameter mismatch?");
} else {
fnInterfaceType = resolveInterfaceType(rawFnType);
auto argIdx = applyArgElt->getArgIdx();
auto paramIdx = applyArgElt->getParamIdx();
auto &cs = getConstraintSystem();
return FunctionArgApplyInfo(cs.getParentExpr(argExpr), argExpr, argIdx,
simplifyType(getType(argExpr)), paramIdx,
fnInterfaceType, fnType, callee);
bool constraints::isKnownKeyPathType(Type type) {
if (auto *BGT = type->getAs<BoundGenericType>())
return isKnownKeyPathDecl(type->getASTContext(), BGT->getDecl());
return false;
bool constraints::isKnownKeyPathDecl(ASTContext &ctx, ValueDecl *decl) {
return decl == ctx.getKeyPathDecl() || decl == ctx.getWritableKeyPathDecl() ||
decl == ctx.getReferenceWritableKeyPathDecl() ||
decl == ctx.getPartialKeyPathDecl() || decl == ctx.getAnyKeyPathDecl();
bool constraints::hasExplicitResult(ClosureExpr *closure) {
auto &ctx = closure->getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
ClosureHasExplicitResultRequest{closure}, false);
static bool isOperator(Expr *expr, StringRef expectedName) {
auto name = getOperatorName(expr);
return name ? name->is(expectedName) : false;
Optional<Identifier> constraints::getOperatorName(Expr *expr) {
ValueDecl *choice = nullptr;
if (auto *ODRE = dyn_cast_or_null<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(expr)) {
choice = ODRE->getDecls().front();
} else if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast_or_null<DeclRefExpr>(expr)) {
choice = DRE->getDecl();
} else {
return None;
if (auto *FD = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(choice))
return FD->getBaseIdentifier();
return None;
bool constraints::isPatternMatchingOperator(ASTNode node) {
auto *expr = getAsExpr(node);
if (!expr) return false;
return isOperator(expr, "~=");
bool constraints::isStandardComparisonOperator(ASTNode node) {
auto *expr = getAsExpr(node);
if (!expr) return false;
if (auto opName = getOperatorName(expr)) {
return opName->isStandardComparisonOperator();
return false;
bool constraints::isOperatorArgument(ConstraintLocator *locator,
StringRef expectedOperator) {
if (!locator->findLast<LocatorPathElt::ApplyArgToParam>())
return false;
if (auto *AE = getAsExpr<ApplyExpr>(locator->getAnchor())) {
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(AE) || isa<BinaryExpr>(AE) ||
return expectedOperator.empty() ||
isOperator(AE->getFn(), expectedOperator);
return false;
bool constraints::isArgumentOfPatternMatchingOperator(
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
auto *binaryOp = getAsExpr<BinaryExpr>(locator->getAnchor());
if (!(binaryOp && binaryOp->isImplicit()))
return false;
return isPatternMatchingOperator(binaryOp->getFn());
bool constraints::isArgumentOfReferenceEqualityOperator(
ConstraintLocator *locator) {
return isOperatorArgument(locator, "===") ||
isOperatorArgument(locator, "!==");
ConstraintSystem::isConversionEphemeral(ConversionRestrictionKind conversion,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
switch (conversion) {
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ArrayToPointer:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::StringToPointer:
// Always ephemeral.
return ConversionEphemeralness::Ephemeral;
case ConversionRestrictionKind::InoutToPointer: {
// Ephemeral, except if the expression is a reference to a global or
// static stored variable, or a directly accessed stored property on such a
// variable.
auto isDirectlyAccessedStoredVar = [&](ValueDecl *decl) -> bool {
auto *asd = dyn_cast_or_null<AbstractStorageDecl>(decl);
if (!asd)
return false;
// Check what access strategy is used for a read-write access. It must be
// direct-to-storage in order for the conversion to be non-ephemeral.
auto access = asd->getAccessStrategy(
AccessSemantics::Ordinary, AccessKind::ReadWrite,
DC->getParentModule(), DC->getResilienceExpansion());
return access.getKind() == AccessStrategy::Storage;
SourceRange range;
auto *argLoc = simplifyLocator(*this, getConstraintLocator(locator), range);
auto *subExpr =
// Look through an InOutExpr if we have one. This is usually the case, but
// might not be if e.g we're applying an 'add missing &' fix.
if (auto *ioe = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(subExpr))
subExpr = ioe->getSubExpr();
while (true) {
subExpr = subExpr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
// Look through force unwraps, which can be modelled as physical lvalue
// components.
if (auto *fve = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(subExpr)) {
subExpr = fve->getSubExpr();
// Look through a member reference if it's directly accessed.
if (auto *ude = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(subExpr)) {
auto overload = findSelectedOverloadFor(ude);
// If we didn't find an overload, it hasn't been resolved yet.
if (!overload)
return ConversionEphemeralness::Unresolved;
// Tuple indices are always non-ephemeral.
auto *base = ude->getBase();
if (overload->choice.getKind() == OverloadChoiceKind::TupleIndex) {
subExpr = base;
// If we don't have a directly accessed declaration associated with the
// choice, it's ephemeral.
auto *member = overload->choice.getDeclOrNull();
if (!isDirectlyAccessedStoredVar(member))
return ConversionEphemeralness::Ephemeral;
// If we found a static member, the conversion is non-ephemeral. We can
// stop iterating as there's nothing interesting about the base.
if (member->isStatic())
return ConversionEphemeralness::NonEphemeral;
// For an instance member, the base must be an @lvalue struct type.
if (auto *lvt = simplifyType(getType(base))->getAs<LValueType>()) {
auto *nominal = lvt->getObjectType()->getAnyNominal();
if (nominal && isa<StructDecl>(nominal)) {
subExpr = base;
return ConversionEphemeralness::Ephemeral;
auto getBaseEphemeralness =
[&](ValueDecl *base) -> ConversionEphemeralness {
// We must have a base decl that's directly accessed.
if (!isDirectlyAccessedStoredVar(base))
return ConversionEphemeralness::Ephemeral;
// The base decl must either be static or global in order for it to be
// non-ephemeral.
if (base->isStatic() || base->getDeclContext()->isModuleScopeContext()) {
return ConversionEphemeralness::NonEphemeral;
} else {
return ConversionEphemeralness::Ephemeral;
// Fast path: We have a direct decl ref.
if (auto *dre = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(subExpr))
return getBaseEphemeralness(dre->getDecl());
// Otherwise, try to find an overload for the base.
if (auto baseOverload = findSelectedOverloadFor(subExpr))
return getBaseEphemeralness(baseOverload->choice.getDeclOrNull());
// If we didn't find a base overload for a unresolved member or overloaded
// decl, it hasn't been resolved yet.
if (isa<UnresolvedMemberExpr>(subExpr) ||
return ConversionEphemeralness::Unresolved;
// Otherwise, we don't know what we're dealing with. Default to ephemeral.
return ConversionEphemeralness::Ephemeral;
case ConversionRestrictionKind::DeepEquality:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::Superclass:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::Existential:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::MetatypeToExistentialMetatype:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ExistentialMetatypeToMetatype:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ValueToOptional:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::OptionalToOptional:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ClassMetatypeToAnyObject:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ExistentialMetatypeToAnyObject:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ProtocolMetatypeToProtocolClass:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::PointerToPointer:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ArrayUpcast:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::DictionaryUpcast:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::SetUpcast:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::HashableToAnyHashable:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::CFTollFreeBridgeToObjC:
case ConversionRestrictionKind::ObjCTollFreeBridgeToCF:
// @_nonEphemeral has no effect on these conversions, so treat them as all
// being non-ephemeral in order to allow their passing to an @_nonEphemeral
// parameter.
return ConversionEphemeralness::NonEphemeral;
llvm_unreachable("invalid conversion restriction kind");
Expr *ConstraintSystem::buildAutoClosureExpr(Expr *expr,
FunctionType *closureType,
bool isDefaultWrappedValue) {
auto &Context = DC->getASTContext();
bool isInDefaultArgumentContext = false;
if (auto *init = dyn_cast<Initializer>(DC)) {
auto initKind = init->getInitializerKind();
isInDefaultArgumentContext =
initKind == InitializerKind::DefaultArgument ||
(initKind == InitializerKind::PatternBinding && isDefaultWrappedValue);
auto info = closureType->getExtInfo();
auto newClosureType = closureType;
if (isInDefaultArgumentContext && info.isNoEscape())
newClosureType = closureType->withExtInfo(info.withNoEscape(false))
auto *closure = new (Context) AutoClosureExpr(
expr, newClosureType, AutoClosureExpr::InvalidDiscriminator, DC);
Expr *result = closure;
if (!newClosureType->isEqual(closureType)) {
result = new (Context) FunctionConversionExpr(closure, closureType);
return result;
Expr *ConstraintSystem::buildTypeErasedExpr(Expr *expr, DeclContext *dc,
Type contextualType,
ContextualTypePurpose purpose) {
if (!(purpose == CTP_ReturnStmt || purpose == CTP_ReturnSingleExpr))
return expr;
auto *decl = dyn_cast_or_null<ValueDecl>(dc->getAsDecl());
if (!decl ||
!(decl->isDynamic() || decl->getDynamicallyReplacedDecl()))
return expr;
auto *opaque = contextualType->getAs<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>();
if (!opaque)
return expr;
auto protocols = opaque->getConformsTo();
if (protocols.size() != 1)
return expr;
auto *PD = protocols.front();
auto *attr = PD->getAttrs().getAttribute<TypeEraserAttr>();
if (!attr)
return expr;
auto typeEraser = attr->getResolvedType(PD);
assert(typeEraser && "Failed to resolve eraser type!");
auto &ctx = dc->getASTContext();
return CallExpr::createImplicit(ctx,
TypeExpr::createImplicit(typeEraser, ctx),
{expr}, {ctx.Id_erasing});
/// If an UnresolvedDotExpr, SubscriptMember, etc has been resolved by the
/// constraint system, return the decl that it references.
ValueDecl *ConstraintSystem::findResolvedMemberRef(ConstraintLocator *locator) {
// See if we have a resolution for this member.
auto overload = findSelectedOverloadFor(locator);
if (!overload)
return nullptr;
// We only want to handle the simplest decl binding.
auto choice = overload->choice;
if (choice.getKind() != OverloadChoiceKind::Decl)
return nullptr;
return choice.getDecl();
Expr *expr, DeclContext *dc, ContextualTypePurpose contextualPurpose,
TypeLoc convertType, bool isDiscarded) {
// Verify that a purpose was specified if a convertType was. Note that it is
// ok to have a purpose without a convertType (which is used for call
// return types).
assert((!convertType.getType() || contextualPurpose != CTP_Unused) &&
"Purpose for conversion type was not specified");
// Take a look at the conversion type to check to make sure it is sensible.
if (auto type = convertType.getType()) {
// If we're asked to convert to an UnresolvedType, then ignore the request.
// This happens when CSDiags nukes a type.
if (type->is<UnresolvedType>() ||
(type->is<MetatypeType>() && type->hasUnresolvedType())) {
convertType = TypeLoc();
contextualPurpose = CTP_Unused;
kind = Kind::expression;
expression.expression = expr;
expression.dc = dc;
expression.contextualPurpose = contextualPurpose;
expression.convertType = convertType;
expression.pattern = nullptr;
expression.propertyWrapper.wrappedVar = nullptr;
expression.propertyWrapper.innermostWrappedValueInit = nullptr;
expression.propertyWrapper.hasInitialWrappedValue = false;
expression.isDiscarded = isDiscarded;
expression.bindPatternVarsOneWay = false;
expression.initialization.patternBinding = nullptr;
expression.initialization.patternBindingIndex = 0;
void SolutionApplicationTarget::maybeApplyPropertyWrapper() {
assert(kind == Kind::expression);
assert(expression.contextualPurpose == CTP_Initialization);
auto singleVar = expression.pattern->getSingleVar();
if (!singleVar)
auto wrapperAttrs = singleVar->getAttachedPropertyWrappers();
if (wrapperAttrs.empty())
// If the outermost property wrapper is directly initialized, form the
// call.
auto &ctx = singleVar->getASTContext();
auto outermostWrapperAttr = wrapperAttrs.front();
Expr *backingInitializer;
if (Expr *initializer = expression.expression) {
if (!isa<PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr>(initializer)) {
expression.propertyWrapper.hasInitialWrappedValue = true;
// Form init(wrappedValue:) call(s).
Expr *wrappedInitializer = buildPropertyWrapperWrappedValueCall(
singleVar, Type(), initializer, /*ignoreAttributeArgs=*/false,
[&](ApplyExpr *innermostInit) {
expression.propertyWrapper.innermostWrappedValueInit = innermostInit;
if (!wrappedInitializer)
backingInitializer = wrappedInitializer;
} else {
Type outermostWrapperType =
if (!outermostWrapperType)
bool isImplicit = false;
// Retrieve the outermost wrapper argument. If there isn't one, we're
// performing default initialization.
auto outermostArg = outermostWrapperAttr->getArg();
if (!outermostArg) {
SourceLoc fakeParenLoc = outermostWrapperAttr->getRange().End;
outermostArg = TupleExpr::createEmpty(
ctx, fakeParenLoc, fakeParenLoc, /*Implicit=*/true);
isImplicit = true;
SourceLoc typeLoc;
if (auto *repr = outermostWrapperAttr->getTypeRepr()) {
typeLoc = repr->getLoc();
auto typeExpr =
TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(typeLoc, outermostWrapperType, ctx);
backingInitializer = CallExpr::create(
ctx, typeExpr, outermostArg,
// Note that we have applied to property wrapper, so we can adjust
// the initializer type later.
expression.propertyWrapper.wrappedVar = singleVar;
expression.expression = backingInitializer;
expression.convertType = {outermostWrapperAttr->getTypeRepr(),
SolutionApplicationTarget SolutionApplicationTarget::forInitialization(
Expr *initializer, DeclContext *dc, Type patternType, Pattern *pattern,
bool bindPatternVarsOneWay) {
// Determine the contextual type for the initialization.
TypeLoc contextualType;
if (!(isa<OptionalSomePattern>(pattern) && !pattern->isImplicit()) &&
patternType && !patternType->is<UnresolvedType>()) {
contextualType = TypeLoc::withoutLoc(patternType);
// Only provide a TypeLoc if it makes sense to allow diagnostics.
if (auto *typedPattern = dyn_cast<TypedPattern>(pattern)) {
const Pattern *inner = typedPattern->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
if (isa<NamedPattern>(inner) || isa<AnyPattern>(inner)) {
contextualType = TypeLoc(typedPattern->getTypeRepr());
if (typedPattern->hasType())
SolutionApplicationTarget target(
initializer, dc, CTP_Initialization, contextualType,
target.expression.pattern = pattern;
target.expression.bindPatternVarsOneWay = bindPatternVarsOneWay;
return target;
SolutionApplicationTarget SolutionApplicationTarget::forInitialization(
Expr *initializer, DeclContext *dc, Type patternType,
PatternBindingDecl *patternBinding, unsigned patternBindingIndex,
bool bindPatternVarsOneWay) {
auto result = forInitialization(
initializer, dc, patternType,
patternBinding->getPattern(patternBindingIndex), bindPatternVarsOneWay);
result.expression.initialization.patternBinding = patternBinding;
result.expression.initialization.patternBindingIndex = patternBindingIndex;
return result;
SolutionApplicationTarget SolutionApplicationTarget::forForEachStmt(
ForEachStmt *stmt, ProtocolDecl *sequenceProto, DeclContext *dc,
bool bindPatternVarsOneWay) {
SolutionApplicationTarget target(
stmt->getSequence(), dc, CTP_ForEachStmt,
sequenceProto->getDeclaredInterfaceType(), /*isDiscarded=*/false);
target.expression.pattern = stmt->getPattern();
target.expression.bindPatternVarsOneWay =
bindPatternVarsOneWay || (stmt->getWhere() != nullptr);
target.expression.forEachStmt.stmt = stmt;
target.expression.forEachStmt.whereExpr = stmt->getWhere();
return target;
SolutionApplicationTarget::forUninitializedWrappedVar(VarDecl *wrappedVar) {
return SolutionApplicationTarget(wrappedVar);
SolutionApplicationTarget::getContextualPattern() const {
assert(kind == Kind::expression);
assert(expression.contextualPurpose == CTP_Initialization ||
expression.contextualPurpose == CTP_ForEachStmt);
if (expression.contextualPurpose == CTP_Initialization &&
expression.initialization.patternBinding) {
return ContextualPattern::forPatternBindingDecl(
return ContextualPattern::forRawPattern(expression.pattern, expression.dc);
bool SolutionApplicationTarget::infersOpaqueReturnType() const {
assert(kind == Kind::expression);
switch (expression.contextualPurpose) {
case CTP_Initialization:
if (Type convertType = expression.convertType.getType()) {
return convertType->is<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>();
return false;
case CTP_ReturnStmt:
case CTP_ReturnSingleExpr:
if (Type convertType = expression.convertType.getType()) {
if (auto opaqueType = convertType->getAs<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>()) {
auto dc = getDeclContext();
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(dc)) {
return opaqueType->getDecl()->isOpaqueReturnTypeOfFunction(func);
return false;
return false;
bool SolutionApplicationTarget::contextualTypeIsOnlyAHint() const {
assert(kind == Kind::expression);
switch (expression.contextualPurpose) {
case CTP_Initialization:
return !infersOpaqueReturnType() && !isOptionalSomePatternInit();
case CTP_ForEachStmt:
return true;
case CTP_Unused:
case CTP_ReturnStmt:
case CTP_ReturnSingleExpr:
case CTP_YieldByValue:
case CTP_YieldByReference:
case CTP_ThrowStmt:
case CTP_EnumCaseRawValue:
case CTP_DefaultParameter:
case CTP_AutoclosureDefaultParameter:
case CTP_CalleeResult:
case CTP_CallArgument:
case CTP_ClosureResult:
case CTP_ArrayElement:
case CTP_DictionaryKey:
case CTP_DictionaryValue:
case CTP_CoerceOperand:
case CTP_AssignSource:
case CTP_SubscriptAssignSource:
case CTP_Condition:
case CTP_WrappedProperty:
case CTP_ComposedPropertyWrapper:
case CTP_CannotFail:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("invalid contextual type");
/// Given a specific expression and the remnants of the failed constraint
/// system, produce a specific diagnostic.
/// This is guaranteed to always emit an error message.
void ConstraintSystem::diagnoseFailureFor(SolutionApplicationTarget target) {
SWIFT_DEFER { setPhase(ConstraintSystemPhase::Finalization); };
auto &DE = getASTContext().Diags;
if (auto expr = target.getAsExpr()) {
if (auto *assignment = dyn_cast<AssignExpr>(expr)) {
if (isa<DiscardAssignmentExpr>(assignment->getDest()))
expr = assignment->getSrc();
// Look through RebindSelfInConstructorExpr to avoid weird Sema issues.
if (auto *RB = dyn_cast<RebindSelfInConstructorExpr>(expr))
expr = RB->getSubExpr();
// Unresolved/Anonymous ClosureExprs are common enough that we should give
// them tailored diagnostics.
if (auto *closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(expr->getValueProvidingExpr())) {
DE.diagnose(closure->getLoc(), diag::cannot_infer_closure_type)
// If no one could find a problem with this expression or constraint system,
// then it must be well-formed... but is ambiguous. Handle this by
// diagnostic various cases that come up.
DE.diagnose(expr->getLoc(), diag::type_of_expression_is_ambiguous)
} else if (auto *wrappedVar = target.getAsUninitializedWrappedVar()) {
auto *wrapper = wrappedVar->getAttachedPropertyWrappers().back();
Type propertyType = wrappedVar->getInterfaceType();
Type wrapperType = wrapper->getType();
// Emit the property wrapper fallback diagnostic
propertyType, wrapperType);
if (auto nominal = wrapperType->getAnyNominal()) {
} else {
// Emit a poor fallback message.
bool ConstraintSystem::isDeclUnavailable(const Decl *D,
ConstraintLocator *locator) const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
// First check whether this declaration is universally unavailable.
if (D->getAttrs().isUnavailable(ctx))
return true;
SourceLoc loc;
if (locator) {
if (auto anchor = locator->getAnchor())
loc = getLoc(anchor);
// If not, let's check contextual unavailability.
auto result = TypeChecker::checkDeclarationAvailability(D, loc, DC);
return result.hasValue();
/// If we aren't certain that we've emitted a diagnostic, emit a fallback
/// diagnostic.
void ConstraintSystem::maybeProduceFallbackDiagnostic(
SolutionApplicationTarget target) const {
if (Options.contains(ConstraintSystemFlags::SuppressDiagnostics))
// Before producing fatal error here, let's check if there are any "error"
// diagnostics already emitted or waiting to be emitted. Because they are
// a better indication of the problem.
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
if (ctx.Diags.hadAnyError() || ctx.hasDelayedConformanceErrors())
ctx.Diags.diagnose(target.getLoc(), diag::failed_to_produce_diagnostic);
SourceLoc constraints::getLoc(ASTNode anchor) {
if (auto *E = anchor.dyn_cast<Expr *>()) {
return E->getLoc();
} else if (auto *T = anchor.dyn_cast<TypeRepr *>()) {
return T->getLoc();
} else if (auto *V = anchor.dyn_cast<Decl *>()) {
if (auto VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(V))
return VD->getNameLoc();
return anchor.getStartLoc();
} else if (auto *S = anchor.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
return S->getStartLoc();
} else {
return anchor.get<Pattern *>()->getLoc();
SourceRange constraints::getSourceRange(ASTNode anchor) {
return anchor.getSourceRange();
static Optional<Requirement> getRequirement(ConstraintSystem &cs,
ConstraintLocator *reqLocator) {
auto reqLoc = reqLocator->getLastElementAs<LocatorPathElt::AnyRequirement>();
if (!reqLoc)
return None;
if (reqLoc->isConditionalRequirement()) {
auto path = reqLocator->getPath();
auto *typeReqLoc =
cs.getConstraintLocator(reqLocator->getAnchor(), path.drop_back());
auto conformances = cs.getCheckedConformances();
auto result = llvm::find_if(
const std::pair<ConstraintLocator *, ProtocolConformanceRef>
&conformance) { return conformance.first == typeReqLoc; });
assert(result != conformances.end());
auto conformance = result->second;
return conformance.getConditionalRequirements()[reqLoc->getIndex()];
if (auto openedGeneric =
reqLocator->findLast<LocatorPathElt::OpenedGeneric>()) {
auto signature = openedGeneric->getSignature();
return signature->getRequirements()[reqLoc->getIndex()];
return None;
static Optional<std::pair<GenericTypeParamType *, RequirementKind>>
getRequirementInfo(ConstraintSystem &cs, ConstraintLocator *reqLocator) {
auto requirement = getRequirement(cs, reqLocator);
if (!requirement)
return None;
auto *GP = requirement->getFirstType()->getAs<GenericTypeParamType>();
if (!GP)
return None;
auto path = reqLocator->getPath();
auto iter = path.rbegin();
auto openedGeneric =
auto newPath = path.drop_back(iter - path.rbegin() + 1);
auto *baseLoc = cs.getConstraintLocator(reqLocator->getAnchor(), newPath);
auto openedTypes = cs.getOpenedTypes();
auto substitutions = llvm::find_if(
const std::pair<ConstraintLocator *, ArrayRef<OpenedType>> &entry) {
return entry.first == baseLoc;
if (substitutions == openedTypes.end())
return None;
auto replacement =
llvm::find_if(substitutions->second, [&GP](const OpenedType &entry) {
auto *typeVar = entry.second;
return typeVar->getImpl().getGenericParameter() == GP;
if (replacement == substitutions->second.end())
return None;
auto *repr = cs.getRepresentative(replacement->second);
return std::make_pair(repr->getImpl().getGenericParameter(),
bool ConstraintSystem::isFixedRequirement(ConstraintLocator *reqLocator,
Type requirementTy) {
if (auto reqInfo = getRequirementInfo(*this, reqLocator)) {
auto *GP = reqInfo->first;
auto reqKind = static_cast<unsigned>(reqInfo->second);
return FixedRequirements.count(
std::make_tuple(GP, reqKind, requirementTy.getPointer()));
return false;
void ConstraintSystem::recordFixedRequirement(ConstraintLocator *reqLocator,
Type requirementTy) {
if (auto reqInfo = getRequirementInfo(*this, reqLocator)) {
auto *GP = reqInfo->first;
auto reqKind = static_cast<unsigned>(reqInfo->second);
std::make_tuple(GP, reqKind, requirementTy.getPointer()));