blob: 0e49d67d66670c3c56d1e81658dd2e3de0e08298 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
typealias _HeapObject = SwiftShims.HeapObject
internal func _swift_bufferAllocate(
bufferType type: AnyClass,
size: Int,
alignmentMask: Int
) -> AnyObject
/// A class containing an ivar "value" of type Value, and
/// containing storage for an array of Element whose size is
/// determined at create time.
/// The analogous C++-ish class template would be:
/// template <class Value, class Element>
/// struct _HeapBuffer {
/// Value value;
/// Element baseAddress[]; // length determined at creation time
/// _HeapBuffer() = delete
/// static shared_ptr<_HeapBuffer> create(Value init, int capacity);
/// }
/// Note that the Element array is RAW MEMORY. You are expected to
/// construct and---if necessary---destroy Elements there yourself,
/// either in a derived class, or it can be in some manager object
/// that owns the _HeapBuffer.
public // @testable (test/Prototypes/MutableIndexableDict.swift)
class _HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element> {
public init() {}
/// The type used to actually manage instances of
/// `_HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>`.
typealias Buffer = _HeapBuffer<Value, Element>
deinit {
final func __getInstanceSizeAndAlignMask() -> (Int, Int) {
return Buffer(self)._allocatedSizeAndAlignMask()
/// Management API for `_HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>`
public // @testable
struct _HeapBuffer<Value, Element> : Equatable {
/// A default type to use as a backing store.
typealias Storage = _HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>
// _storage is passed inout to _isUnique. Although its value
// is unchanged, it must appear mutable to the optimizer.
internal var _storage: Builtin.NativeObject?
public // @testable
var storage: AnyObject? {
return { Builtin.castFromNativeObject($0) }
internal static func _valueOffset() -> Int {
return _roundUp(
toAlignment: MemoryLayout<Value>.alignment)
internal static func _elementOffset() -> Int {
return _roundUp(
_valueOffset() + MemoryLayout<Value>.size,
toAlignment: MemoryLayout<Element>.alignment)
internal static func _requiredAlignMask() -> Int {
// We can't use max here because it can allocate an array.
let heapAlign = MemoryLayout<_HeapObject>.alignment &- 1
let valueAlign = MemoryLayout<Value>.alignment &- 1
let elementAlign = MemoryLayout<Element>.alignment &- 1
return (heapAlign < valueAlign
? (valueAlign < elementAlign ? elementAlign : valueAlign)
: (heapAlign < elementAlign ? elementAlign : heapAlign))
internal var _address: UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(
internal var _value: UnsafeMutablePointer<Value> {
return (_HeapBuffer._valueOffset() + _address).assumingMemoryBound(
to: Value.self)
public // @testable
var baseAddress: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element> {
return (_HeapBuffer._elementOffset() + _address).assumingMemoryBound(
to: Element.self)
internal func _allocatedSize() -> Int {
return _swift_stdlib_malloc_size(_address)
internal func _allocatedAlignMask() -> Int {
return _HeapBuffer._requiredAlignMask()
internal func _allocatedSizeAndAlignMask() -> (Int, Int) {
return (_allocatedSize(), _allocatedAlignMask())
/// Returns the actual number of `Elements` we can possibly store.
internal func _capacity() -> Int {
return (_allocatedSize() - _HeapBuffer._elementOffset())
/ MemoryLayout<Element>.stride
internal init() {
self._storage = nil
public // @testable
init(_ storage: _HeapBufferStorage<Value, Element>) {
self._storage = Builtin.castToNativeObject(storage)
internal init(_ storage: AnyObject) {
_usesNativeSwiftReferenceCounting(type(of: storage)),
"HeapBuffer manages only native objects"
self._storage = Builtin.castToNativeObject(storage)
internal init<T : AnyObject>(_ storage: T?) {
self = { _HeapBuffer($0) } ?? _HeapBuffer()
internal init(nativeStorage: Builtin.NativeObject?) {
self._storage = nativeStorage
/// Create a `_HeapBuffer` with `self.value = initializer` and
/// `self._capacity() >= capacity`.
public // @testable
_ storageClass: AnyClass,
_ initializer: Value, _ capacity: Int
) {
_sanityCheck(capacity >= 0, "creating a _HeapBuffer with negative capacity")
"HeapBuffer can only create native objects"
let totalSize = _HeapBuffer._elementOffset() +
capacity * MemoryLayout<Element>.stride
let alignMask = _HeapBuffer._requiredAlignMask()
let object: AnyObject = _swift_bufferAllocate(
bufferType: storageClass,
size: totalSize,
alignmentMask: alignMask)
self._storage = Builtin.castToNativeObject(object)
self._value.initialize(to: initializer)
public // @testable
var value: Value {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer(_value)
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return _value
/// `true` if storage is non-`nil`.
internal var hasStorage: Bool {
return _storage != nil
internal subscript(i: Int) -> Element {
unsafeAddress {
return UnsafePointer(baseAddress + i)
nonmutating unsafeMutableAddress {
return baseAddress + i
internal var _nativeObject: Builtin.NativeObject {
return _storage!
internal static func fromNativeObject(_ x: Builtin.NativeObject) -> _HeapBuffer {
return _HeapBuffer(nativeStorage: x)
public // @testable
mutating func isUniquelyReferenced() -> Bool {
return _isUnique(&_storage)
public // @testable
mutating func isUniquelyReferencedOrPinned() -> Bool {
return _isUniqueOrPinned(&_storage)
// HeapBuffers are equal when they reference the same buffer
public // @testable
func == <Value, Element>(
lhs: _HeapBuffer<Value, Element>,
rhs: _HeapBuffer<Value, Element>) -> Bool {
return lhs._nativeObject == rhs._nativeObject