blob: 7c20c868c38b79e2d5864df0cb0bf09d17c9ecbe [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -O -module-name Swift -module-link-name swiftCore -parse-as-library -parse-stdlib -emit-module -sil-serialize-witness-tables -sil-serialize-vtables %s -o %t/Swift.swiftmodule
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %t/Swift.swiftmodule -o - | %FileCheck %s
// Test that early serialization works as expected:
// - it happens before the performance inlining and thus preserves @_semantics functions
// - it happens after generic specialization
public struct Int {
public init() {}
public struct Array<T> {
public init() {}
// Check that the generic version of a @_semantics function is preserved.
// CHECK: sil [serialized] [_semantics "array.get_capacity"] @_T0Sa12_getCapacitySiyF : $@convention(method) <T> (Array<T>) -> Int
// Check that a specialized version of a function is produced
// CHECK: sil shared [serializable] [_semantics "array.get_capacity"] @_T0Sa12_getCapacitySiyFSi_Tgq5 : $@convention(method) (Array<Int>) -> Int
internal func _getCapacity() -> Int {
return Int()
// Check that a call of a @_semantics function was not inlined if early-serialization is enabled.
// CHECK: sil [serialized] @_T0s28userOfSemanticsAnnotatedFuncSiSaySiGF
// CHECK: function_ref
// CHECK: apply
public func userOfSemanticsAnnotatedFunc(_ a: Array<Int>) -> Int {
return a._getCapacity()