blob: 5356c1a89f573f0911f6107790e7596bccf6febc [file] [log] [blame]
sil_stage raw // CHECK: sil_stage raw
import Builtin
import Swift
// Test SIL Global variable.
// TODO: Handling of global variables has changed: the globalinit_* symbols are now mangled.
// The test passes but probably it is not testing global variables as it should.
// CHECK-NOT: sil_global private @globalinit_token0 : $Builtin.Word
sil_global private @globalinit_token0 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK-NOT: sil_global public @public_global : $Builtin.Word
sil_global public @public_global : $Builtin.Word
sil_global @staticProp : $Int
sil [serialized] @globalinit_func0 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// We should not serialize this.
// CHECK-NOT: sil public_external @_TV18lazy_global_access4Type10staticPropySia : $@convention(thin) () -> Builtin.RawPointer {
sil @_TV18lazy_global_access4Type10staticPropySia : $@convention(thin) () -> Builtin.RawPointer {
%1 = global_addr @globalinit_token0 : $*Builtin.Word
%2 = address_to_pointer %1 : $*Builtin.Word to $Builtin.RawPointer
%3 = function_ref @globalinit_func0 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%5 = builtin "once"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %3 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()) : $()
%6 = global_addr @staticProp : $*Int
%7 = address_to_pointer %6 : $*Int to $Builtin.RawPointer
return %7 : $Builtin.RawPointer
// This references a public global so we *SHOULD* deserialize this.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @_TV18lazy_global_access4Type10staticPropySia_public : $@convention(thin) () -> Builtin.RawPointer {
sil [serialized] @_TV18lazy_global_access4Type10staticPropySia_public : $@convention(thin) () -> Builtin.RawPointer {
// CHECK: alloc_global @public_global
alloc_global @public_global
// CHECK: global_addr @public_global : $*Builtin.Word
%1 = global_addr @public_global : $*Builtin.Word
// CHECK: unchecked_addr_cast {{%.*}} : $*Builtin.Word to $*Builtin.RawPointer
%a = unchecked_addr_cast %1 : $*Builtin.Word to $*Builtin.RawPointer
%2 = address_to_pointer %a : $*Builtin.RawPointer to $Builtin.RawPointer
%3 = function_ref @globalinit_func0 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = builtin "once"({{%.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer, {{%.*}} : $@convention(thin) () -> ()) : $()
%5 = builtin "once"(%2 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %3 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()) : $()
%6 = global_addr @staticProp : $*Int
%7 = address_to_pointer %6 : $*Int to $Builtin.RawPointer
return %7 : $Builtin.RawPointer
// Type references
// Some cyclic type references between SIL function bodies.
class Class1 {
var a : Class2
class Class2 {
var b : Class1
// Instructions
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test1 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] @test1 : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
bb0: // CHECK: bb0:
%0 = tuple () // CHECK: %0 = tuple ()
br bb1 // CHECK: br bb1
%b = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
%c = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
return %0 : $() // CHECK: return %0 : $()
// Forward referenced values.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test2 : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> ()
sil [serialized] @test2 : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> () {
// CHECK: bb1:
// CHECK: %[[VAL:[0-9]+]] = tuple ()
// CHECK: br bb2
// CHECK: bb2:
// CHECK: return %[[VAL]] : $()
bb0(%0 : $Int):
br bb2
// Forward reference MRVs.
store %0 to %7 : $*Int
strong_release %6 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
return %5 : $()
%5 = tuple ()
%6 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
%7 = project_box %6 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
br bb1
// CHECK-LABEL: @named_tuple : $@convention(thin) () -> (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word)
sil [serialized] @named_tuple : $@convention(thin) () -> (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word) {
%0 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 42
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 42
%9 = tuple $(Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word) (%0, %0)
return %9 : $(Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word)
sil [serialized] @return_int : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int { // CHECK-LABEL: $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : $Int): // CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Int):
// CHECK: alloc_stack $Int
// CHECK: store
%1 = alloc_stack $Int
store %0 to %1 : $*Int
%3 = load %1 : $*Int
dealloc_stack %1 : $*Int
return %3 : $Int // CHECK: return {{.*}} : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @call_fn_pointer : $@convention(thin) (() -> Int) -> Int {
sil [serialized] @call_fn_pointer : $@convention(thin) (() -> Int) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : $() -> Int):
%1 = alloc_stack $() -> Int
store %0 to %1 : $*() -> Int
%3 = load %1 : $*() -> Int
strong_retain %3 : $() -> Int
// CHECK: strong_retain %{{.*}} : $() -> Int
%5 = apply %3() : $() -> Int
// CHECK: apply %{{.*}}() : $() -> Int
%6 = load %1 : $*() -> Int
strong_release %3 : $() -> Int
// CHECK: strong_release {{.*}} : $() -> Int
dealloc_stack %1 : $*() -> Int
return %5 : $Int // CHECK: return %{{.*}} : $Int
sil [serialized] @return_constant : $@convention(thin) () -> Int { // CHECK-LABEL: @return_constant
bb0: // CHECK: bb0:
// CHECK: function_ref @$SSi25convertFromIntegerLiteralySiBi64_3val_tcSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
%1 = function_ref @$SSi25convertFromIntegerLiteralySiBi64_3val_tcSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: metatype $@thin Int.Type
%2 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
// CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
// CHECK: apply
%4 = apply %1(%3, %2) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK: return
return %4 : $Int
sil [serialized] @$SSi25convertFromIntegerLiteralySiBi64_3val_tcSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// Parse SIL generated from the following swift program:
// func x(_ a : Bool) -> Int { if a { return 4 } else {return 5} }
sil [serialized] @$SSb13getLogicValueyBi1_ycSbzF : $@convention(method) (@inout Bool) -> Builtin.Int1
sil [serialized] @$SSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralySiBi128_3val_tcSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int128, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
protocol P {
func doIt()
// CHECK-LABEL: @existentials : $@convention(thin) (@in P) -> () {
sil [serialized] @existentials : $@convention(thin) (@in P) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*P):
%1 = open_existential_addr mutable_access %0 : $*P to $*@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") P // CHECK: open_existential_addr mutable_access %0
%imm = open_existential_addr immutable_access %0 : $*P to $*@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-100000000000") P // CHECK: open_existential_addr immutable_access %0
%meth = witness_method $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-100000000000") P, #P.doIt!1, %imm : $*@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-100000000000") P : $@convention(witness_method: P) <T: P> (@in_guaranteed T) -> ()
%call = apply %meth<@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-100000000000") P>(%imm) : $@convention(witness_method: P) <T: P> (@in_guaranteed T) -> ()
// CHECK: witness_method ${{.*}}, #P.doIt!1
%2 = witness_method $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") P, #P.doIt!1, %1 : $*@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") P : $@convention(witness_method: P) <T: P> (@inout T) -> ()
// Make sure we have the correct scope for generic parameters.
// CHECK: witness_method $@opened("{{.*}}") P, #P.doIt!1
%7 = witness_method $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") P, #P.doIt!1, %1 : $*@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") P : $@convention(witness_method: P) <T: P> (@inout T) -> ()
// CHECK: apply
%3 = apply %2<@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-000000000000") P>(%1) : $@convention(witness_method: P) <T: P> (@inout T) -> ()
%4 = tuple () // CHECK: tuple ()
destroy_addr %0 : $*P // CHECK: destroy_addr %0 : $*P
return %4 : $() // CHECK: return
class C {
func doIt() {}
class D : C {
override func doIt() {
// CHECK-LABEL: @classes : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
sil [serialized] @classes : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: %0 = alloc_ref $C
%C = alloc_ref $C
// CHECK: unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $C to $Builtin.NativeObject
%1 = unchecked_ref_cast %C : $C to $Builtin.NativeObject
// CHECK: unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $C to $Builtin.UnknownObject
%O = unchecked_ref_cast %C : $C to $Builtin.UnknownObject
// CHECK: class_method {{.*}} : $C, #C.doIt!1
%2 = class_method %C : $C, #C.doIt!1 : (C) -> () -> (), $@convention(method) (@guaranteed C) -> ()
// CHECK: alloc_ref $D
%D = alloc_ref $D
// CHECK: upcast {{.*}} : $D to $C
%a = upcast %D : $D to $C
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast {{.*}} : $C to $D
%5 = unconditional_checked_cast %C : $C to $D
%6 = tuple ()
return %6 : $()
// Generated from:
// func archetype_member_ref<T : Runcible>(_ x: T) {
// x.free_method()
// var u = x.associated_method()
// T.static_method()
// }
protocol Runcible {
var free:Int { get }
func free_method() -> Int
static func static_method()
//sil @_TF4arch20archetype_member_refUS_8Runcible___FT1xQ__T_ : $@convention(thin) <T : Runcible> (T) -> () {
//bb0(%0 : $*T):
//%1 = witness_method $*T, #Runcible.free_method!1 : $@cc(method) (@inout T) -> Int
//%2 = apply %1(%0) : $@cc(method) ((), @inout T) -> Int
//%3 = alloc_stack $@thick T.U.Type
//%4 = witness_method $*T, #Runcible.associated_method!1 : $@cc(method) (@inout T) -> @thick T.U.Type
//%5 = apply %4(%0) : $@cc(method) ((), @inout T) -> @thick T.U.Type
//store %5 to %3#1 : $*@thick T.U.Type
//%7 = metatype $@thick T.Type
//%8 = objc_method %7 : $*T, #Runcible.static_method!1 : $(@thick T.Type) -> ()
//%9 = apply %8(%7) : $((), @thick T.Type) -> ()
//dealloc_stack %3#0 : $*@thick T.U.Type
//%11 = tuple ()
//destroy_addr %0 : $*T
//return %11 : $()
protocol Bendable { }
// CHECK-LABEL: $@convention(thin) (@in Bendable & Runcible) -> @out Runcible
sil [serialized] @$S4todo18erasure_from_proto1xAA8Runcible_pAaD_AA8Bendablep_tF : $@convention(thin) (@in Bendable & Runcible) -> (@out Runcible) {
bb0(%0 : $*Runcible, %1 : $*Bendable & Runcible):
// CHECK: alloc_box
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <(Bendable & Runcible)>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Bendable & Runcible>, 0
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] {{.*}} to [initialization] {{.*}} : $*Bendable & Runcible
copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %2a : $*Bendable & Runcible
// CHECK: alloc_stack
%4 = alloc_stack $Bendable & Runcible
// CHECK: copy_addr {{.*}} to [initialization] {{.*}} : $*Bendable & Runcible
copy_addr %2a to [initialization] %4 : $*Bendable & Runcible
%7 = tuple ()
// CHECK: destroy_addr
destroy_addr %4 : $*Bendable & Runcible
// CHECK: dealloc_stack
dealloc_stack %4 : $*Bendable & Runcible
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Bendable & Runcible>
// CHECK: return
return %7 : $()
protocol ClassBound : class {
func classBoundMethod()
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S4todo18class_bound_method1xyAA10ClassBound_p_tF : $@convention(thin) (@owned ClassBound) -> ()
sil [serialized] @$S4todo18class_bound_method1xyAA10ClassBound_p_tF : $@convention(thin) (@owned ClassBound) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $ClassBound):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <ClassBound>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <ClassBound>, 0
store %0 to %1a : $*ClassBound
%3 = load %1a : $*ClassBound
strong_retain %3 : $ClassBound // CHECK: strong_retain
// CHECK: open_existential_ref {{%.*}} : $ClassBound to $@opened({{.*}}) ClassBound
%5 = open_existential_ref %3 : $ClassBound to $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") ClassBound
// CHECK: witness_method
%6 = witness_method $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") ClassBound, #ClassBound.classBoundMethod!1, %5 : $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") ClassBound : $@convention(witness_method: ClassBound) <T: ClassBound> (T) -> ()
%7 = apply %6<@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-111111111111") ClassBound>(%5) : $@convention(witness_method: ClassBound) <T: ClassBound> (T) -> ()
%8 = tuple ()
strong_release %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <ClassBound>
return %8 : $()
struct Val {
//sil @$S4todo3ValVyACycACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (@thin Val.Type) -> Val {
//bb0(%0 : $@thin Val.Type):
//%1 = alloc_stack $Val
//%3 = load %1#1 : $*Val
//return %3 : $Val
class Ref {
struct Aleph {
var a:Ref
var b:Val
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S6struct5AlephVyAcA3RefC1a_AA3ValV1btcACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (Ref, Val, @thin Aleph.Type) -> Aleph
sil [serialized] @$S6struct5AlephVyAcA3RefC1a_AA3ValV1btcACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (Ref, Val, @thin Aleph.Type) -> Aleph {
bb0(%0 : $Ref, %1 : $Val, %2 : $@thin Aleph.Type):
// CHECK: struct $Aleph ({{%.*}} : $Ref, {{%.*}} : $Val)
%3 = struct $Aleph (%0 : $Ref, %1 : $Val)
return %3 : $Aleph // CHECK: return
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S6struct5AlephVyACycACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (@thin Aleph.Type) -> Aleph
sil [serialized] @$S6struct5AlephVyACycACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (@thin Aleph.Type) -> Aleph {
bb0(%0 : $@thin Aleph.Type):
%1 = tuple ()
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Aleph> // CHECK: alloc_box
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Aleph>, 0
// CHECK: struct_element_addr {{.*}} : $*Aleph, #Aleph.a
%5 = struct_element_addr %2a : $*Aleph, #Aleph.a
%6 = load %5 : $*Ref
strong_release %6 : $Ref
%14 = load %2a : $*Aleph
// CHECK: struct_extract {{%.*}} : $Aleph, #Aleph.a
%15 = struct_extract %14 : $Aleph, #Aleph.a
strong_retain %15 : $Ref
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Aleph>
return %14 : $Aleph
enum Beth {
case EmptyCase
case DataCase(Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_union_empty_case : $@convention(thin) () -> Beth {
sil [serialized] @test_union_empty_case : $@convention(thin) () -> Beth {
// CHECK: %0 = enum $Beth, #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt
%0 = enum $Beth, #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt
return %0 : $Beth
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_union_data_case : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Beth {
sil [serialized] @test_union_data_case : $@convention(thin) Int -> Beth {
bb0(%0 : $Int):
// CHECK: %1 = enum $Beth, #Beth.DataCase!enumelt.1, %0 : $Int
%1 = enum $Beth, #Beth.DataCase!enumelt.1, %0 : $Int
return %1 : $Beth
protocol Q {}
enum Gimel {
case EmptyCase
case DataCase(Q)
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_union_addr_empty_case : $@convention(thin) () -> @out Gimel {
sil [serialized] @test_union_addr_empty_case : $@convention(thin) () -> @out Gimel {
bb0(%0 : $*Gimel):
// CHECK: inject_enum_addr {{%.*}} : $*Gimel, #Gimel.EmptyCase!enumelt
inject_enum_addr %0 : $*Gimel, #Gimel.EmptyCase!enumelt
%t = tuple ()
return %t : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_union_addr_data_case : $@convention(thin) (@in Q) -> @out Gimel {
sil [serialized] @test_union_addr_data_case : $@convention(thin) (@in Q) -> @out Gimel {
bb0(%0 : $*Gimel, %1 : $*Q):
// CHECK: {{%.*}} = init_enum_data_addr {{%.*}} : $*Gimel, #Gimel.DataCase!enumelt.1
%p = init_enum_data_addr %0 : $*Gimel, #Gimel.DataCase!enumelt.1
copy_addr [take] %1 to [initialization] %p : $*Q
inject_enum_addr %0 : $*Gimel, #Gimel.DataCase!enumelt.1
%t = tuple ()
return %t : $()
sil [serialized] @$S5tuple5float1xySf_tF : $@convention(thin) (Float32) -> ()
sil [serialized] @$S5tupleAASi_SftyF : $@convention(thin) () -> (Int, Float32)
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S5tuple0A8_element1xySi_Sft_tF : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float) -> ()
sil [serialized] @$S5tuple0A8_element1xySi_Sft_tF : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $Float32):
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <(Int, Float32)>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <(Int, Float32)>, 0
%3 = tuple (%0 : $Int, %1 : $Float32)
store %3 to %2a : $*(Int, Float32)
// CHECK: tuple_element_addr {{%.*}} : $*(Int, Float), 0
%6 = tuple_element_addr %2a : $*(Int, Float), 0
%7 = load %6 : $*Int
// CHECK: tuple_element_addr {{%.*}} : $*(Int, Float), 1
%10 = tuple_element_addr %2a : $*(Int, Float), 1
%11 = load %10 : $*Float32
// CHECK: function_ref
%14 = function_ref @$S5tupleAASi_SftyF : $@convention(thin) () -> (Int, Float32)
// CHECK: apply
%15 = apply %14() : $@convention(thin) () -> (Int, Float32)
// CHECK: function_ref
%19 = function_ref @$S5tuple5float1xySf_tF : $@convention(thin) (Float32) -> ()
// CHECK: tuple_extract {{%.*}} : $(Int, Float), 1
%17 = tuple_extract %15 : $(Int, Float), 1
// CHECK: apply
%24 = apply %19(%17) : $@convention(thin) (Float32) -> ()
%25 = tuple ()
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <(Int, Float32)>
return %25 : $()
class M {
var member : Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S3ref1CC3fooyySi1x_tcACF : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed M) -> ()
sil [serialized] @$S3ref1CC3fooyySi1x_tcACF : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed M) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $M):
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
store %0 to %2a : $*Int
%4 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <M>
%4a = project_box %4 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <M>, 0
store %1 to %4a : $*M
%6 = load %2a : $*Int
%7 = load %4a : $*M
strong_retain %7 : $M
// CHECK: ref_element_addr {{%.*}} : $M, #M.member
%9 = ref_element_addr %7 : $M, #M.member
store %6 to %9 : $*Int
strong_release %7 : $M
%12 = tuple ()
strong_release %4 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <M>
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
return %12 : $()
class B { }
class E : B { }
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S4null3isa1bSbAA1BC_tF : $@convention(thin) (B) -> Builtin.Int1
sil [serialized] @$S4null3isa1bSbAA1BC_tF : $@convention(thin) (B) -> Builtin.Int1 {
bb0(%0 : $B):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <B>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <B>, 0
store %0 to %1a : $*B
%3 = load %1a : $*B
strong_retain %3 : $B
checked_cast_br %3 : $B to $E, yes, no // CHECK: checked_cast_br
yes(%5 : $E):
%y = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 1
br isa(%y : $Builtin.Int1)
%n = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, 0
br isa(%n : $Builtin.Int1)
isa(%6 : $Builtin.Int1):
strong_release %3 : $B
strong_release %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <B>
return %6 : $Builtin.Int1
sil [serialized] @$S7literal8literalsyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] @$SSd31_convertFromBuiltinFloatLiteralySdBf64_5value_tcSdmF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.FPIEEE64, @thin Float64.Type) -> Float64
sil [serialized] @$SSS32_convertFromBuiltinStringLiteralySSBp5value_Bi64_17utf8CodeUnitCountBi1_7isASCIItcSSmF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin String.Type) -> String
// CHECK-LABEL: @$S5index5gep641p1iBpBp_Bi64_tF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> Builtin.RawPointer {
sil [serialized] @$S5index5gep641p1iBpBp_Bi64_tF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> Builtin.RawPointer {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word):
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.RawPointer>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.RawPointer>, 0
%3 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Word>
%3a = project_box %3 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Word>, 0
store %0 to %2a : $*Builtin.RawPointer
store %1 to %3a : $*Builtin.Word
%7 = load %2a : $*Builtin.RawPointer
%8 = load %3a : $*Builtin.Word
// CHECK: index_raw_pointer {{%.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer, {{%.*}} : $Builtin.Word
%9 = index_raw_pointer %7 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %8 : $Builtin.Word
strong_release %3 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Word>
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.RawPointer>
return %9 : $Builtin.RawPointer
sil_global @x : $Int
sil [serialized] @global_callee : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int128, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: @global_code : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] @global_code : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: global_addr @x : $*Int
%0 = global_addr @x : $*Int
%1 = function_ref @global_callee : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int128, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
%2 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int128, 0 // CHECK: integer_literal $Builtin.Int128, 0
%4 = apply %1(%3, %2) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int128, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
store %4 to %0 : $*Int
%6 = tuple ()
return %6 : $()
class GlobalObject { }
sil_global @static_global_object : $GlobalObject = {
%initval = object $GlobalObject ()
// CHECK-LABEL: @global_object : $@convention(thin) () -> GlobalObject {
sil [serialized] @global_object : $@convention(thin) () -> GlobalObject {
// CHECK: %0 = global_value @static_global_object : $GlobalObject
%0 = global_value @static_global_object : $GlobalObject
return %0 : $GlobalObject
protocol SomeProtocol {
class SomeClass : SomeProtocol {
class SomeSubclass : SomeClass {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_class_metatype : $@convention(thin) (SomeClass, SomeSubclass) -> (@thick SomeClass.Type, @thick SomeClass.Type) {
sil [serialized] @test_class_metatype : $@convention(thin) (SomeClass, SomeSubclass) -> (@thick SomeClass.Type, @thick SomeClass.Type) {
bb0(%0 : $SomeClass, %1 : $SomeSubclass):
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeClass>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeClass>, 0
%3 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeSubclass>
%3a = project_box %3 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeSubclass>, 0
store %0 to %2a : $*SomeClass
store %1 to %3a : $*SomeSubclass
%7 = load %2a : $*SomeClass
// CHECK: strong_retain %{{.*}} : $SomeClass
strong_retain %7 : $SomeClass
// CHECK: value_metatype $@thick SomeClass.Type, {{%.*}} : $SomeClass
%9 = value_metatype $@thick SomeClass.Type, %7 : $SomeClass
%11 = load %3a : $*SomeSubclass
strong_retain %11 : $SomeSubclass
// CHECK: value_metatype $@thick SomeSubclass.Type, {{%.*}} : $SomeSubclass
%13 = value_metatype $@thick SomeSubclass.Type, %11 : $SomeSubclass
// CHECK: upcast %{{.*}} : $@thick SomeSubclass.Type to $@thick SomeClass.Type
%14 = upcast %13 : $@thick SomeSubclass.Type to $@thick SomeClass.Type
// CHECK: tuple (%{{.*}} : $@thick SomeClass.Type, %{{.*}} : $@thick SomeClass.Type)
%15 = tuple (%9 : $@thick SomeClass.Type, %14 : $@thick SomeClass.Type)
strong_release %11 : $SomeSubclass
strong_release %7 : $SomeClass
strong_release %3 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeSubclass>
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeClass>
return %15 : $(@thick SomeClass.Type, @thick SomeClass.Type)
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_existential_metatype : $@convention(thin) (@in SomeProtocol) -> @thick SomeProtocol.Type {
sil [serialized] @test_existential_metatype : $@convention(thin) (@in SomeProtocol) -> @thick SomeProtocol.Type {
bb0(%0 : $*SomeProtocol):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeProtocol>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeProtocol>, 0
// CHECK: copy_addr [take] %0 to [initialization] %{{.*}} : $*SomeProtocol
copy_addr [take] %0 to [initialization] %1a : $*SomeProtocol
// CHECK: alloc_stack
%4 = alloc_stack $SomeProtocol
// CHECK: copy_addr %{{.*}} to [initialization] %{{.*}} : $*SomeProtocol
copy_addr %1a to [initialization] %4 : $*SomeProtocol
// CHECK: existential_metatype $@thick SomeProtocol.Type, {{%.*}} : $*SomeProtocol
%6 = existential_metatype $@thick SomeProtocol.Type, %4 : $*SomeProtocol
destroy_addr %4 : $*SomeProtocol
dealloc_stack %4 : $*SomeProtocol
strong_release %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <SomeProtocol>
return %6 : $@thick SomeProtocol.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_unreachable
sil [serialized] @test_unreachable : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: unreachable
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_unowned_retain : $@convention(thin) (SomeClass) -> () {
sil [serialized] @test_unowned_retain : $@convention(thin) (SomeClass) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $SomeClass):
%1 = ref_to_unowned %0 : $SomeClass to $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK: ref_to_unowned %0 : $SomeClass to $@sil_unowned SomeClass
unowned_retain %1 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK: unowned_retain %1 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass
unowned_release %1 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass
// CHECK: unowned_release %1 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass
%4 = unowned_to_ref %1 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass to $SomeClass
// CHECK: unowned_to_ref %1 : $@sil_unowned SomeClass to $SomeClass
%5 = tuple ()
return %5 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_basic_block_arguments
sil [serialized] @test_basic_block_arguments : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1) -> Builtin.Word {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1):
// CHECK: cond_br
cond_br %0, bb1, bb2
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 5
br bb3(%2 : $Builtin.Word)
//CHECK: br bb3(%2 : $Builtin.Word)
%4 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 6
br bb3(%4 : $Builtin.Word)
//CHECK: br bb3(%4 : $Builtin.Word)
bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Word):
//CHECK: bb3(%6 : $Builtin.Word)
return %6 : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_cond_branch_basic_block_args
sil [serialized] @test_cond_branch_basic_block_args : $@convention(thin) (Int, Builtin.Int1) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $Builtin.Int1):
cond_br %1, bb1(%0 : $Int), bb2(%0 : $Int)
// CHECK: cond_br %1, bb2(%0 : $Int), bb1(%0 : $Int)
bb1(%3 : $Int):
br bb3 (%3 : $Int)
bb2(%2 : $Int):
br bb3(%2 : $Int)
bb3(%4 : $Int):
return %4 : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_builtin_func_ref
sil [serialized] @test_builtin_func_ref : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1, Builtin.Int1) -> Builtin.Int1 {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Int1, %1 : $Builtin.Int1):
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Int1>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Int1>, 0
%3 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Int1>
%3a = project_box %3 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Int1>, 0
store %0 to %2a : $*Builtin.Int1
store %1 to %3a : $*Builtin.Int1
%8 = load %2a : $*Builtin.Int1
%9 = load %3a : $*Builtin.Int1
// CHECK: builtin "cmp_eq_Int1"({{%.*}} : $Builtin.Int1, {{%.*}} : $Builtin.Int1) : $Builtin.Int1
%10 = builtin "cmp_eq_Int1"(%8 : $Builtin.Int1, %9 : $Builtin.Int1) : $Builtin.Int1
strong_release %3 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Int1>
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Builtin.Int1>
return %10 : $Builtin.Int1
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_dealloc_ref
sil [serialized] @test_dealloc_ref : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = alloc_ref $Class1
dealloc_ref %0 : $Class1
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_dealloc_partial_ref
sil [serialized] @test_dealloc_partial_ref : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = alloc_ref $Class1
%1 = metatype $@thick Class1.Type
dealloc_partial_ref %0 : $Class1, %1 : $@thick Class1.Type
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_dealloc_box
sil [serialized] @test_dealloc_box : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Class1>
dealloc_box %0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Class1>
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_stack_flag
sil [serialized] @test_stack_flag : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: alloc_ref [stack] $Class1
%0 = alloc_ref [stack] $Class1
// CHECK: dealloc_ref [stack] %0 : $Class1
dealloc_ref [stack] %0 : $Class1
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_tail_elems
sil [serialized] @test_tail_elems : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word):
// CHECK: alloc_ref [tail_elems $Val * %0 : $Builtin.Word] [tail_elems $Aleph * %1 : $Builtin.Word] $Class1
%2 = alloc_ref [tail_elems $Val * %0 : $Builtin.Word] [tail_elems $Aleph * %1 : $Builtin.Word] $Class1
// CHECK: dealloc_ref %2 : $Class1
dealloc_ref %2 : $Class1
%3 = tuple ()
return %3 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_tail_elems_dynamic
sil [serialized] @test_tail_elems_dynamic : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word, @thick Class1.Type) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Word, %1 : $Builtin.Word, %2 : $@thick Class1.Type):
// CHECK: alloc_ref_dynamic [tail_elems $Val * %0 : $Builtin.Word] [tail_elems $Aleph * %1 : $Builtin.Word] %2 : $@thick Class1
%3 = alloc_ref_dynamic [tail_elems $Val * %0 : $Builtin.Word] [tail_elems $Aleph * %1 : $Builtin.Word] %2 : $@thick Class1.Type, $Class1
// CHECK: dealloc_ref %3 : $Class1
dealloc_ref %3 : $Class1
%4 = tuple ()
return %4 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_tail_addr
sil [serialized] @test_tail_addr : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1, Builtin.Word) -> @owned Class1 {
bb0(%0 : $Class1, %1 : $Builtin.Word):
// CHECK: [[T:%[0-9]+]] = ref_tail_addr %0 : $Class1, $Val
%2 = ref_tail_addr %0 : $Class1, $Val
// CHECK: tail_addr [[T]] : $*Val, %1 : $Builtin.Word, $Aleph
%3 = tail_addr %2 : $*Val, %1 : $Builtin.Word, $Aleph
return %0 : $Class1
// CHECK-LABEL: @closure_test
sil [serialized] @takes_closure : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> ()) -> ()
sil [serialized] @closure0 : $@convention(thin) (<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, @inout Int) -> ()
sil [serialized] @closure_test : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int> // users: %10, %8, %8, %7, %4
%0a = project_box %0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
%5 = function_ref @takes_closure : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> ()) -> ()
%6 = function_ref @closure0 : $@convention(thin) (<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, @inout Int) -> ()
strong_retain %0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
//%8 = partial_apply %6(%0, %0a) : $@convention(thin) (<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, @inout Int) -> ()
//%9 = apply %5(%8) : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> ()) -> ()
//strong_release %0 : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
%11 = tuple ()
return %11 : $()
protocol ClassP : class {}
enum MaybePair {
case Neither
case Left(Int)
sil [serialized] @$S6switch1ayyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] @$S6switch1byyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] @$S6switch1cyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_switch_union : $@convention(thin) (MaybePair) -> ()
sil [serialized] @test_switch_union : $@convention(thin) (MaybePair) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $MaybePair):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <MaybePair>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <MaybePair>, 0
store %0 to %1a : $*MaybePair
%3 = load %1a : $*MaybePair
%4 = tuple ()
// CHECK: switch_enum %{{.*}} : $MaybePair, case #MaybePair.Neither!enumelt: bb{{.*}}, case #MaybePair.Left!enumelt.1: bb
switch_enum %3 : $MaybePair, case #MaybePair.Neither!enumelt: bb1, case #MaybePair.Left!enumelt.1: bb3
br bb2
%7 = function_ref @$S6switch1ayyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%8 = apply %7() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb5
bb3(%10 : $Int):
// CHECK: unchecked_enum_data {{%.*}} : $MaybePair, #MaybePair.Left!enumelt.1
%x = unchecked_enum_data %3 : $MaybePair, #MaybePair.Left!enumelt.1
br bb4(%x : $Int)
// CHECK: br
bb4(%y : $Int):
%12 = function_ref @$S6switch1byyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%13 = apply %12() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb5 // CHECK: br
%15 = function_ref @$S6switch1cyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%16 = apply %15() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
strong_release %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <MaybePair>
%18 = tuple ()
return %18 : $() // CHECK: return
enum MaybeAddressOnlyPair {
case Neither
case Left(Q)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_switch_union_addr : $@convention(thin) (@in MaybeAddressOnlyPair) -> ()
sil [serialized] @test_switch_union_addr : $@convention(thin) (@in MaybeAddressOnlyPair) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*MaybeAddressOnlyPair):
// CHECK: switch_enum_addr [[ENUM:%.*]] : $*MaybeAddressOnlyPair, case #MaybeAddressOnlyPair.Neither!enumelt: bb{{.*}}, case #MaybeAddressOnlyPair.Left!enumelt.1: bb
switch_enum_addr %0 : $*MaybeAddressOnlyPair, case #MaybeAddressOnlyPair.Neither!enumelt: bb1, case #MaybeAddressOnlyPair.Left!enumelt.1: bb2
br bb3
// CHECK: unchecked_take_enum_data_addr [[ENUM]] : $*MaybeAddressOnlyPair, #MaybeAddressOnlyPair.Left!enumelt.1
%q = unchecked_take_enum_data_addr %0 : $*MaybeAddressOnlyPair, #MaybeAddressOnlyPair.Left!enumelt.1
br bb3
%t = tuple ()
return %t : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_switch_value : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word) -> ()
sil [serialized] @test_switch_value : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.Word):
// CHECK: switch_value %{{.*}} : $Builtin.Word, case %1: bb2, case %2: bb1
%1 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 2
switch_value %0 : $Builtin.Word, case %1: bb1, case %2: bb2
%7 = function_ref @$S6switch1ayyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () // CHECK: function_ref
%8 = apply %7() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb3
%12 = function_ref @$S6switch1byyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () // CHECK: function_ref
%13 = apply %12() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
br bb3
%18 = tuple ()
return %18 : $() // CHECK: return
class ConcreteClass : ClassP {
struct Spoon : Bendable {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_init_existential : $@convention(thin) (Spoon) -> @out Bendable
sil [serialized] @test_init_existential : $@convention(thin) (Spoon) -> @out Bendable {
bb0(%0 : $*Bendable, %1 : $Spoon):
%2 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Spoon>
%2a = project_box %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Spoon>, 0
store %1 to %2a : $*Spoon
// CHECK: init_existential_addr %{{.*}} : $*Bendable, $Spoon
%4 = init_existential_addr %0 : $*Bendable, $Spoon
// CHECK: deinit_existential_addr %{{.*}} : $*Bendable
deinit_existential_addr %0 : $*Bendable
%5 = load %2a : $*Spoon
store %5 to %4 : $*Spoon
strong_release %2 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Spoon>
%8 = tuple ()
return %8 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_existential_ref : $@convention(thin) (ConcreteClass) -> ClassP
sil [serialized] @test_existential_ref : $@convention(thin) (ConcreteClass) -> ClassP {
bb0(%0 : $ConcreteClass):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <ConcreteClass>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <ConcreteClass>, 0
store %0 to %1a : $*ConcreteClass
%3 = load %1a : $*ConcreteClass
strong_retain %3 : $ConcreteClass
// CHECK: init_existential_ref %{{.*}} : $ConcreteClass : $ConcreteClass, $ClassP
%5 = init_existential_ref %3 : $ConcreteClass : $ConcreteClass, $ClassP
strong_release %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <ConcreteClass>
return %5 : $ClassP
sil [serialized] @test_assign : $@convention(thin) (Int, @inout Int) -> () { // CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_assign
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $*Int):
assign %0 to %1 : $*Int // CHECK: assign
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_transparent : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
sil [serialized] @test_transparent : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK: function_ref
// CHECK: apply
%0 = function_ref @classes : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%1 = apply %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] [thunk] @test_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
sil [serialized] [thunk] @test_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = tuple ()
return %0 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: [noinline] @noinline_callee
sil [serialized] [noinline] @noinline_callee : $@convention(thin) () -> Int {
%0 = function_ref @$SSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralySiBi2048_cSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int2048, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
%1 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int2048, 0
%3 = apply %0(%2, %1) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int2048, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
return %3 : $Int
// CHECK-LABEL: [always_inline] @always_inline_callee
sil [serialized] [always_inline] @always_inline_callee : $@convention(thin) () -> Int {
%0 = function_ref @$SSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralySiBi2048_cSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int2048, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
%1 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int2048, 0
%3 = apply %0(%2, %1) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int2048, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
return %3 : $Int
sil [serialized] [transparent] @$SSi33_convertFromBuiltinIntegerLiteralySiBi2048_cSimF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int2048, @thin Int.Type) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: [_semantics "foo"] @test_semantics : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] [_semantics "foo"] @test_semantics : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: [Onone] @test_onone : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] [Onone] @test_onone : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: [Ospeed] @test_ospeed : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] [Ospeed] @test_ospeed : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: [Osize] @test_osize : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [serialized] [Osize] @test_osize : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
sil [serialized] @takes_unnamed_closure : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned () -> Int) -> @callee_owned () -> @callee_owned () -> Int
sil [serialized] @takes_int64_float32 : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float32) -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) (Float) -> @callee_owned (Int) -> () {
sil [serialized] @test_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) Float32 -> @callee_owned Int -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Float32):
%1 = function_ref @takes_int64_float32 : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float) -> ()
// CHECK: partial_apply %{{.*}}(%{{.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float) -> ()
%2 = partial_apply %1(%0) : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float) -> ()
return %2 : $@callee_owned Int -> ()
class X {
@objc func f() { }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_dynamic_lookup_br : $@convention(thin) (AnyObject) -> ()
sil [serialized] @test_dynamic_lookup_br : $@convention(thin) (AnyObject) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $AnyObject):
%1 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <AnyObject>
%1a = project_box %1 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <AnyObject>, 0
store %0 to %1a : $*AnyObject
%3 = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Optional<() -> ()>>
%4 = load %1a : $*AnyObject
strong_retain %4 : $AnyObject
// CHECK: open_existential_ref %{{.*}} : $AnyObject to $@opened({{.*}}) AnyObject
%6 = open_existential_ref %4 : $AnyObject to $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-222222222222") AnyObject
%7 = unchecked_ref_cast %6 : $@opened("01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-222222222222") AnyObject to $Builtin.UnknownObject
// CHECK: dynamic_method_br %{{.*}} : $Builtin.UnknownObject, #X.f!1.foreign, bb{{.*}}, bb{{.*}}
dynamic_method_br %7 : $Builtin.UnknownObject, #X.f!1.foreign, bb1, bb2
bb1(%z : $@convention(objc_method) (Builtin.UnknownObject) -> ()):
br bb3
br bb3
%28 = tuple ()
return %28 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_mark_fn_escape
sil [serialized] @test_mark_fn_escape : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%b = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
%ba = project_box %b : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
%c = alloc_box $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
%ca = project_box %c : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
//mark_function_escape %ba : $*Int
//mark_function_escape %ba : $*Int, %ca : $*Int
%28 = tuple ()
return %28 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_copy_release_value
sil [serialized] @test_copy_release_value : $@convention(thin) (X) -> (X) {
bb0(%0 : $X):
retain_value %0 : $X
release_value %0 : $X
autorelease_value %0 : $X
return %0 : $X
// CHECK: retain_value [[T0:%.*]] : $X
// CHECK-NEXT: release_value [[T0]] : $X
// CHECK-NEXT: autorelease_value [[T0]] : $X
// CHECK-NEXT: return [[T0]] : $X
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_set_deallocating
sil [serialized] @test_set_deallocating : $@convention(thin) (X) -> (X) {
bb0(%0 : $X):
set_deallocating %0 : $X
return %0 : $X
// CHECK: set_deallocating [[T0:%.*]] : $X
// CHECK-NEXT: return [[T0]] : $X
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_pointer_to_address
sil [serialized] @test_pointer_to_address : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, X) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $X):
%2 = pointer_to_address %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer to $*X
store %1 to %2 : $*X
// CHECK: [[T2:%.*]] = pointer_to_address {{%.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer to $*X
// CHECK-NEXT: store %1 to [[T2]] : $*X
%3 = pointer_to_address %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*X
store %1 to %3 : $*X
// CHECK: [[T3:%.*]] = pointer_to_address {{%.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*X
// CHECK-NEXT: store %1 to [[T3]] : $*X
%28 = tuple ()
return %28 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_bind_memory
sil [serialized] @test_bind_memory : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word):
bind_memory %0 : $Builtin.RawPointer, %1 : $Builtin.Word to $*X
// CHECK: bind_memory {{%.*}} : $Builtin.RawPointer, {{%.*}} : $Builtin.Word to $*X
%28 = tuple ()
return %28 : $()
public func serialize_all() {
// CHECK: sil public_external [serialized] @cond_fail_test : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1) -> () {
sil [serialized] @cond_fail_test : $@convention(thin) Builtin.Int1 -> () {
entry(%0 : $Builtin.Int1):
// CHECK: cond_fail %0 : $Builtin.Int1
cond_fail %0 : $Builtin.Int1
%1 = tuple ()
return %1 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @block_storage_type
sil [serialized] @block_storage_type : $@convention(thin) Int -> @convention(block) () -> () {
entry(%0 : $Int):
// CHECK: [[STORAGE:%.*]] = alloc_stack $@block_storage Int
%s = alloc_stack $@block_storage Int
// CHECK: [[PROJECT:%.*]] = project_block_storage [[STORAGE]] : $*@block_storage Int
%c = project_block_storage %s : $*@block_storage Int
// CHECK: store %0 to [[PROJECT]]
store %0 to %c : $*Int
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref
%f = function_ref @block_invoke : $@convention(c) (@inout_aliasable @block_storage Int) -> ()
// CHECK: [[BLOCK:%.*]] = init_block_storage_header [[STORAGE]] : $*@block_storage Int, invoke [[FUNC]] : $@convention(c) (@inout_aliasable @block_storage Int) -> (), type $@convention(block) () -> ()
%b = init_block_storage_header %s : $*@block_storage Int, invoke %f : $@convention(c) (@inout_aliasable @block_storage Int) -> (), type $@convention(block) () -> ()
// CHECK: dealloc_stack [[STORAGE]] : $*@block_storage Int
dealloc_stack %s : $*@block_storage Int
// CHECK: return [[BLOCK]] : $@convention(block) () -> ()
return %b : $@convention(block) () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @bitcasts : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1) -> @owned (Class2, Int) {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $Class1):
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $Class1 to $Class2
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast %0 : $Class1 to $Int
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = tuple (%1 : $Class2, %2 : $Int)
// CHECK-NEXT: return %3 : $(Class2, Int)
sil [serialized] @bitcasts : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1) -> @owned (Class2, Int) {
entry(%0 : $Class1):
%1 = unchecked_ref_cast %0 : $Class1 to $Class2
%2 = unchecked_trivial_bit_cast %0 : $Class1 to $Int
%3 = tuple (%1 : $Class2, %2 : $Int)
return %3 : $(Class2, Int)
sil [serialized] @block_invoke : $@convention(c) (@inout_aliasable @block_storage Int) -> ()
// Test try_apply and throws
// rdar://20925014
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_try_apply : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) () -> @error Error) -> @error Error {
sil [serialized] @test_try_apply : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) () -> @error Error) -> @error Error {
bb0(%0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @error Error):
// CHECK: try_apply %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> @error Error, normal bb2, error bb1
try_apply %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> @error Error, normal bb1, error bb2
bb1(%1 : $()):
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
bb2(%3 : $Error):
throw %3 : $Error
// Test apply with the nothrow attribute
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @test_try_nothrow : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) () -> @error Error) -> () {
sil [serialized] @test_try_nothrow : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) () -> @error Error) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@convention(thin) () -> @error Error):
// CHECK: apply [nothrow] %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> @error Error
apply [nothrow] %0() : $@convention(thin) () -> @error Error
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @box_type : $@convention(thin) (<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, Int) -> () {
sil [serialized] @box_type : $@convention(thin) (<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, Int) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, %1 : $Int):
bb0(%0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, %1 : $Int):
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_retain %0 : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
strong_retain %0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = project_box %0 : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
%3 = project_box %0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, 0
// CHECK-NEXT: store %1 to %3 : $*Int
store %1 to %3 : $*Int
// CHECK-NEXT: strong_release %0 : $<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
strong_release %0 : $_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>
return undef : $()
// rdar://15351123
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_forward_ref
sil [serialized] @test_forward_ref : $@convention(thin) (UInt8, UInt8) -> UInt8
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @partial_apply : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) (Int) -> @out Int, Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: [[PA:%.*]] = partial_apply {{%.*}}({{%.*}}) : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> @out Int
// CHECK: apply [[PA]]({{%.*}}) : $@callee_owned () -> @out Int
sil [serialized] @partial_apply : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) (Int) -> @out Int, Int) -> Int {
entry(%f : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> @out Int, %x : $Int):
%p = partial_apply %f(%x) : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> @out Int
%i = alloc_stack $Int
%z = apply %p(%i) : $@callee_owned () -> @out Int
%y = load %i : $*Int
dealloc_stack %i : $*Int
return %y : $Int
// Make sure we serialize the body of closure even without -sil-serialize-all.
// CHECK_DECL-LABEL: @partial_apply_with_closure
sil [serialized] [transparent] @partial_apply_with_closure : $@convention(thin) (@owned @callee_owned () -> Bool, @owned String, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@callee_owned () -> Bool, %1 : $String, %2 : $UnsafePointer<Int8>, %3 : $Int64):
%17 = function_ref @closure_body : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> ()
// CHECK_DECL: function_ref @closure_body
%18 = partial_apply %17(%2, %3) : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> ()
// CHECK_DECL: partial_apply
%30 = tuple ()
return %30 : $()
sil shared [serialized] @closure_body : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $UnsafePointer<Int8>, %1 : $UnsafePointer<Int8>, %2 : $Int64):
%3 = function_ref @assert_fail : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> ()
%4 = apply %3(%0, %1, %2) : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> ()
%5 = tuple ()
return %5 : $()
// CHECK_DECL-LABEL: @closure_body : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> () {
// CHECK_DECL: function_ref @assert_fail
sil [serialized] @assert_fail : $@convention(thin) (UnsafePointer<Int8>, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> ()
// rdar: 15893086
struct GenericStruct<T> {
var x : T
// CHECK-LABEL: @extract_generic_struct
sil [serialized] @extract_generic_struct : $@convention(thin) GenericStruct<Int64> -> Int64 {
entry(%0 : $GenericStruct<Int64>):
// CHECK: %1 = struct_extract %0 : $GenericStruct<Int64>, #GenericStruct.x
%1 = struct_extract %0 : $GenericStruct<Int64>, #GenericStruct.x
// CHECK: return %1 : $Int64
return %1 : $Int64
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @select_enum : $@convention(thin) (@in Beth) -> () {
sil [serialized] @select_enum : $@convention(thin) (@in Beth) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*Beth):
%1 = load %0 : $*Beth
%2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 2
%3 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 3
// CHECK: %4 = select_enum %1 : $Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, case #Beth.DataCase!enumelt.1: %3 : $Builtin.Int32
%4 = select_enum %1 : $Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, case #Beth.DataCase!enumelt.1: %3 : $Builtin.Int32
// CHECK: %5 = select_enum_addr %0 : $*Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, case #Beth.DataCase!enumelt.1: %3 : $Builtin.Int32
%5 = select_enum_addr %0 : $*Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, case #Beth.DataCase!enumelt.1: %3 : $Builtin.Int32
// CHECK: %6 = select_enum %1 : $Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, default %3 : $Builtin.Int32
%6 = select_enum %1 : $Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, default %3 : $Builtin.Int32
// CHECK: %7 = select_enum_addr %0 : $*Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, default %3 : $Builtin.Int32
%7 = select_enum_addr %0 : $*Beth, case #Beth.EmptyCase!enumelt: %2, default %3 : $Builtin.Int32
return undef : $()
struct SomeError: Error {
var _domain: String { get }
var _code: Int { get }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @existential_box : $@convention(thin) (SomeError) -> () {
sil [serialized] @existential_box : $@convention(thin) (SomeError) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $SomeError):
// CHECK: %1 = alloc_existential_box $Error, $SomeError
%1 = alloc_existential_box $Error, $SomeError
// CHECK: %2 = project_existential_box $SomeError in %1 : $Error
%2 = project_existential_box $SomeError in %1 : $Error
// CHECK: store %0 to %2 : $*SomeError
store %0 to %2 : $*SomeError
// CHECK: %4 = open_existential_box %1 : $Error to $*[[OPENED:@opened\(".*"\)]] Error
%4 = open_existential_box %1 : $Error to $*@opened("01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-333333333333") Error
// CHECK: destroy_addr %4 : $*[[OPENED]] Error
destroy_addr %4 : $*@opened("01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-333333333333") Error
// CHECK: dealloc_existential_box %1 : $Error, $SomeError
dealloc_existential_box %1 : $Error, $SomeError
return undef : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @bridge_object : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1, Builtin.Word) -> () {
// CHECK: bb0([[X:%.*]] : $Class1, [[W:%.*]] : $Builtin.Word):
// CHECK-NEXT: [[A:%.*]] = ref_to_bridge_object [[X]] : $Class1, [[W]] : $Builtin.Word
// CHECK-NEXT: [[B:%.*]] = bridge_object_to_ref [[A]] : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $Class1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[C:%.*]] = bridge_object_to_word [[A]] : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $Builtin.Word
// CHECK-NEXT: return undef : $()
sil [serialized] @bridge_object : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1, Builtin.Word) -> () {
entry(%x : $Class1, %w : $Builtin.Word):
%a = ref_to_bridge_object %x : $Class1, %w : $Builtin.Word
%b = bridge_object_to_ref %a : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $Class1
%c = bridge_object_to_word %a : $Builtin.BridgeObject to $Builtin.Word
return undef : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil {{.*}}[reabstraction_thunk] @a_reabstraction_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
sil [reabstraction_thunk] @a_reabstraction_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%1 = tuple()
return %1 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil {{.*}}[thunk] @a_regular_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
sil [serialized] [thunk] @a_regular_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%1 = tuple()
return %1 : $()
public class WeakUnownedTest {
@sil_stored public unowned var unownedVal: @sil_unowned AnyObject { get set }
@sil_stored public weak var weakVal: @sil_weak AnyObject? { get set }
public init(protoVal: AnyObject)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil public_external [serialized] @weak_unowned : $@convention(thin) (@owned WeakUnownedTest, @owned AnyObject) -> ()
sil [serialized] @weak_unowned : $@convention(thin) (@owned WeakUnownedTest, @owned AnyObject) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $WeakUnownedTest, %1 : $AnyObject):
%2 = ref_element_addr %0 : $WeakUnownedTest, #WeakUnownedTest.unownedVal
// CHECK: store_unowned
store_unowned %1 to %2 : $*@sil_unowned AnyObject
%3 = enum $Optional<AnyObject>, #Optional.some!enumelt.1, %1 : $AnyObject
%4 = ref_element_addr %0 : $WeakUnownedTest, #WeakUnownedTest.weakVal
// CHECK: store_weak
store_weak %3 to %4 : $*@sil_weak AnyObject?
%r = tuple ()
// CHECK: return
return %r : $()
public class Foo {
subscript (x: Int, y: Int) -> Int32 { get set }
var x: Int
var y: Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [serialized] @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfg : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @guaranteed Foo) -> Int32
// CHECK_DECL-LABEL: sil [serialized] @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfg : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @guaranteed Foo) -> Int32{{$}}
sil [serialized] @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfg : $@convention(method) (Int, Int, @guaranteed Foo) -> Int32 {
bb0(%0 : $Int, %1 : $Int, %2 : $Foo):
%3 = tuple ()
%4 = alloc_stack $Int // var x // users: %17, %6
%5 = alloc_stack $Int // var y // users: %16, %7
store %0 to %4 : $*Int
store %1 to %5 : $*Int
%8 = alloc_stack $Foo // var self // users: %15, %14, %9
store %2 to %8 : $*Foo
%10 = metatype $@thin Int.Type
%12 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int32, 0 // user: %13
%13 = struct $Int32 (%12 : $Builtin.Int32) // user: %18
destroy_addr %8 : $*Foo
dealloc_stack %8 : $*Foo
dealloc_stack %5 : $*Int
dealloc_stack %4 : $*Int
return %13 : $Int32
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [serialized] @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfs : $@convention(method) (Int32, Int, Int, @guaranteed Foo) -> ()
// CHECK_DECL-LABEL: sil [serialized] @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfs : $@convention(method) (Int32, Int, Int, @guaranteed Foo) -> (){{$}}
sil [serialized] @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfs : $@convention(method) (Int32, Int, Int, @guaranteed Foo) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $Int32, %1 : $Int, %2 : $Int, %3 : $Foo):
%4 = alloc_stack $Int32 // var value // users: %16, %5
store %0 to %4 : $*Int32
%6 = alloc_stack $Int // var x // users: %15, %8
%7 = alloc_stack $Int // var y // users: %14, %9
store %1 to %6 : $*Int
store %2 to %7 : $*Int
%10 = alloc_stack $Foo // var self // users: %13, %12, %11
store %3 to %10 : $*Foo
destroy_addr %10 : $*Foo
dealloc_stack %10 : $*Foo
dealloc_stack %7 : $*Int
dealloc_stack %6 : $*Int
dealloc_stack %4 : $*Int32
%17 = tuple () // user: %18
return %17 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_vtable [serialized] Foo {
// CHECK: #Foo.subscript!getter.1: {{.*}} : @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfg
// CHECK: #Foo.subscript!setter.1: {{.*}} : @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfs
// CHECK: }
// CHECK_DECL-LABEL: sil_vtable [serialized] Foo {
// CHECK_DECL: #Foo.subscript!getter.1: {{.*}} : @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfg
// CHECK_DECL: #Foo.subscript!setter.1: {{.*}} : @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfs
sil_vtable [serialized] Foo {
#Foo.subscript!getter.1: @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfg
#Foo.subscript!setter.1: @$S3tmp3FooC9subscriptSiSi1x_Si1ytcfs
protocol AssocReqt {
func requiredMethod()
struct ConformingAssoc : AssocReqt {
func requiredMethod()
sil [serialized] @$S14witness_tables15ConformingAssocV14requiredMethodyyycACF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed ConformingAssoc) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $ConformingAssoc):
debug_value %0 : $ConformingAssoc
%2 = tuple ()
return %2 : $()
sil [serialized] @_TTWV14witness_tables15ConformingAssocS_9AssocReqtS_FS1_14requiredMethodU_fRQPS1_FT_T_ : $@convention(witness_method: AssocReqt) (@inout ConformingAssoc) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $*ConformingAssoc):
%1 = load %0 : $*ConformingAssoc
%2 = function_ref @$S14witness_tables15ConformingAssocV14requiredMethodyyycACF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed ConformingAssoc) -> ()
%3 = apply %2(%1) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed ConformingAssoc) -> ()
return %3 : $()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table public_external [serialized] ConformingAssoc: AssocReqt module
// CHECK: #AssocReqt.requiredMethod!1: {{.*}} : @_TTWV14witness_tables15ConformingAssocS_9AssocReqtS_FS1_14requiredMethodU_fRQPS1_FT_T_
// CHECK: }
sil_witness_table [serialized] ConformingAssoc: AssocReqt module def_basic {
method #AssocReqt.requiredMethod!1: @_TTWV14witness_tables15ConformingAssocS_9AssocReqtS_FS1_14requiredMethodU_fRQPS1_FT_T_
protocol AnyProtocol {
associatedtype AssocType
associatedtype AssocWithReqt : AssocReqt
func assocTypesMethod(_ x: AssocType, y: AssocWithReqt)
static func staticMethod(_ x: Self)
class SomeAssoc {
protocol InheritedProtocol1 : AnyProtocol {
func inheritedMethod()
struct InheritedConformance : InheritedProtocol1 {
typealias AssocType = SomeAssoc
typealias AssocWithReqt = ConformingAssoc
func assocTypesMethod(_ x: SomeAssoc, y: ConformingAssoc)
static func staticMethod(_ x: InheritedConformance)
func inheritedMethod()
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table public_external [serialized] InheritedConformance: InheritedProtocol1 module
// CHECK: base_protocol AnyProtocol: InheritedConformance: AnyProtocol module
// CHECK: }
sil_witness_table [serialized] InheritedConformance: InheritedProtocol1 module witness_tables {
base_protocol AnyProtocol: InheritedConformance: AnyProtocol module witness_tables
// CHECK-LABEL: sil_witness_table public_external [serialized] InheritedConformance: AnyProtocol module
// CHECK: associated_type AssocType: SomeAssoc
// CHECK: associated_type_protocol (AssocWithReqt: AssocReqt): ConformingAssoc: AssocReqt module
// CHECK: }
sil_witness_table [serialized] InheritedConformance: AnyProtocol module witness_tables {
associated_type AssocType: SomeAssoc
associated_type_protocol (AssocWithReqt: AssocReqt): ConformingAssoc: AssocReqt module witness_tables
sil [serialized] [transparent] @$S9def_basic13serialize_allyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = function_ref @_TV18lazy_global_access4Type10staticPropySia_public : $@convention(thin) () -> Builtin.RawPointer
%1 = function_ref @_TV18lazy_global_access4Type10staticPropySia : $@convention(thin) () -> Builtin.RawPointer
%2 = function_ref @test1 : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%4 = function_ref @test2 : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> ()
%6 = function_ref @named_tuple : $@convention(thin) () -> (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word)
%9 = function_ref @return_int : $@convention(thin) (Int) -> Int
%11 = function_ref @call_fn_pointer : $@convention(thin) (() -> Int) -> Int
%13 = function_ref @return_constant : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
%23 = function_ref @existentials : $@convention(thin) (@in P) -> ()
%25 = function_ref @classes : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%27 = function_ref @$S4todo18erasure_from_proto1xAA8Runcible_pAaD_AA8Bendablep_tF : $@convention(thin) (@in Bendable & Runcible) -> @out Runcible
%29 = function_ref @$S4todo18class_bound_method1xyAA10ClassBound_p_tF : $@convention(thin) (@owned ClassBound) -> ()
%31 = function_ref @$S6struct5AlephVyAcA3RefC1a_AA3ValV1btcACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (Ref, Val, @thin Aleph.Type) -> Aleph
%33 = function_ref @$S6struct5AlephVyACycACmcfC : $@convention(thin) (@thin Aleph.Type) -> Aleph
%35 = function_ref @test_union_empty_case : $@convention(thin) () -> Beth
%37 = function_ref @test_union_data_case : $@convention(thin) Int -> Beth
%39 = function_ref @test_union_addr_empty_case : $@convention(thin) () -> @out Gimel
%41 = function_ref @test_union_addr_data_case : $@convention(thin) (@in Q) -> @out Gimel
%43 = function_ref @$S5tuple5float1xySf_tF : $@convention(thin) (Float32) -> ()
%45 = function_ref @$S5tupleAASi_SftyF : $@convention(thin) () -> (Int, Float32)
%47 = function_ref @$S5tuple0A8_element1xySi_Sft_tF : $@convention(thin) (Int, Float32) -> ()
%49 = function_ref @$S3ref1CC3fooyySi1x_tcACF : $@convention(method) (Int, @guaranteed M) -> ()
%51 = function_ref @$S4null3isa1bSbAA1BC_tF : $@convention(thin) (B) -> Builtin.Int1
%53 = function_ref @$SSd31_convertFromBuiltinFloatLiteralySdBf64_5value_tcSdmF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.FPIEEE64, @thin Float64.Type) -> Float64
%55 = function_ref @$SSS32_convertFromBuiltinStringLiteralySSBp5value_Bi64_17utf8CodeUnitCountBi1_7isASCIItcSSmF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin String.Type) -> String
%57 = function_ref @$S7literal8literalsyyF : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%59 = function_ref @$S5index5gep641p1iBpBp_Bi64_tF : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> Builtin.RawPointer
%60 = function_ref @global_code : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%61 = function_ref @global_object : $@convention(thin) () -> GlobalObject
%63 = function_ref @test_class_metatype : $@convention(thin) (SomeClass, SomeSubclass) -> (@thick SomeClass.Type, @thick SomeClass.Type)
%67 = function_ref @test_existential_metatype : $@convention(thin) (@in SomeProtocol) -> @thick SomeProtocol.Type
%69 = function_ref @test_unreachable : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%71 = function_ref @test_unowned_retain : $@convention(thin) (SomeClass) -> ()
%73 = function_ref @test_basic_block_arguments : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1) -> Builtin.Word
%75 = function_ref @test_cond_branch_basic_block_args : $@convention(thin) (Int, Builtin.Int1) -> Int
%81 = function_ref @test_builtin_func_ref : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int1, Builtin.Int1) -> Builtin.Int1
%83 = function_ref @test_dealloc_ref : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%84 = function_ref @test_dealloc_partial_ref : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%85 = function_ref @test_dealloc_box : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%86 = function_ref @test_stack_flag : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%87 = function_ref @test_tail_elems : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word) -> ()
%88 = function_ref @test_tail_elems_dynamic : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word, @thick Class1.Type) -> ()
%89 = function_ref @test_tail_addr : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1, Builtin.Word) -> @owned Class1
%90 = function_ref @closure_test : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%97 = function_ref @test_switch_union : $@convention(thin) (MaybePair) -> ()
%99 = function_ref @test_switch_union_addr : $@convention(thin) (@in MaybeAddressOnlyPair) -> ()
%101 = function_ref @test_switch_value : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Word) -> ()
%103 = function_ref @test_init_existential : $@convention(thin) (Spoon) -> @out Bendable
%105 = function_ref @test_existential_ref : $@convention(thin) (ConcreteClass) -> ClassP
%107 = function_ref @test_assign : $@convention(thin) (Int, @inout Int) -> ()
%109 = function_ref @test_transparent : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%110 = function_ref @test_thunk : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%130 = function_ref @noinline_callee : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
%132 = function_ref @always_inline_callee : $@convention(thin) () -> Int
%131 = function_ref @test_semantics : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%136 = function_ref @test_onone : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%137 = function_ref @test_ospeed : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%138 = function_ref @test_osize : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%111 = function_ref @test_partial_apply : $@convention(thin) Float32 -> @callee_owned Int -> ()
%113 = function_ref @test_dynamic_lookup_br : $@convention(thin) (AnyObject) -> ()
%115 = function_ref @test_mark_fn_escape : $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%117 = function_ref @test_copy_release_value : $@convention(thin) (X) -> (X)
%118 = function_ref @test_set_deallocating : $@convention(thin) (X) -> (X)
%119 = function_ref @test_pointer_to_address : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, X) -> ()
%120 = function_ref @test_bind_memory : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word) -> ()
%121 = function_ref @cond_fail_test : $@convention(thin) Builtin.Int1 -> ()
%124 = function_ref @block_storage_type : $@convention(thin) Int -> @convention(block) () -> ()
%127 = function_ref @bitcasts : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1) -> @owned (Class2, Int)
%133 = function_ref @test_try_apply : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) () -> @error Error) -> @error Error
%135 = function_ref @test_try_nothrow : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) () -> @error Error) -> ()
%134 = function_ref @box_type : $@convention(thin) (<τ_0_0> { var τ_0_0 } <Int>, Int) -> ()
%140 = function_ref @test_forward_ref : $@convention(thin) (UInt8, UInt8) -> UInt8
%141 = function_ref @partial_apply : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) (Int) -> @out Int, Int) -> Int
%142 = function_ref @partial_apply_with_closure : $@convention(thin) (@owned @callee_owned () -> Bool, @owned String, UnsafePointer<Int8>, Int64) -> ()
%143 = function_ref @extract_generic_struct : $@convention(thin) GenericStruct<Int64> -> Int64
%148 = function_ref @select_enum : $@convention(thin) (@in Beth) -> ()
%149 = function_ref @existential_box : $@convention(thin) (SomeError) -> ()
%150 = function_ref @bridge_object : $@convention(thin) (@owned Class1, Builtin.Word) -> ()
%151 = function_ref @a_reabstraction_thunk: $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%152 = function_ref @a_regular_thunk: $@convention(thin) () -> ()
%153 = function_ref @weak_unowned: $@convention(thin) (@owned WeakUnownedTest, @owned AnyObject) -> ()
%r = tuple ()
return %r : $()