blob: 21197bba10c18736212cac2797cc0744bcfe6409 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-parse-verify-swift
//===--- Helper types used in this file.
protocol FooProtocol {}
//===--- Tests.
func garbage() -> () {
var a : Int
] this line is invalid, but we will stop at the keyword below... // expected-error{{expected expression}}
return a + "a" // expected-error{{no '+' candidates produce the expected contextual result type '()'}} expected-note {{overloads for '+' exist with these result types: UInt8, Int8, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, UInt, Int, Float, Double}}
func moreGarbage() -> () {
) this line is invalid, but we will stop at the declaration... // expected-error{{expected expression}}
func a() -> Int { return 4 }
return a() + "a" // expected-error{{no '+' candidates produce the expected contextual result type '()'}} expected-note {{overloads for '+' exist with these result types: UInt8, Int8, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, UInt64, Int64, UInt, Int, Float, Double}}
class Container<T> {
func exists() -> Bool { return true }
func useContainer() -> () {
var a : Container<not a type [skip this greater: >] >, b : Int // expected-error{{expected '>' to complete generic argument list}} expected-note{{to match this opening '<'}}
b = 5 // no-warning
@xyz class BadAttributes { // expected-error{{unknown attribute 'xyz'}}
func exists() -> Bool { return true }
func test(a: BadAttributes) -> () {
a.exists() // no-warning
// Here is an extra random close-brace!
} // expected-error{{extraneous '}' at top level}} {{1-3=}}
//===--- Recovery for braced blocks.
func braceStmt1() {
{ braceStmt1(); } // expected-error {{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
func braceStmt2() {
{ () in braceStmt2(); } // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
func braceStmt3() {
{ // expected-error {{braced block of statements is an unused closure}}
undefinedIdentifier {} // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'undefinedIdentifier'}}
//===--- Recovery for misplaced 'static'.
static func toplevelStaticFunc() {} // expected-error {{static methods may only be declared on a type}} {{1-8=}}
static struct StaticStruct {} // expected-error {{declaration cannot be marked 'static'}} {{1-8=}}
static class StaticClass {} // expected-error {{declaration cannot be marked 'static'}} {{1-8=}}
static protocol StaticProtocol {} // expected-error {{declaration cannot be marked 'static'}} {{1-8=}}
static typealias StaticTypealias = Int // expected-error {{declaration cannot be marked 'static'}} {{1-8=}}
class ClassWithStaticDecls {
class var a = 42 // expected-error {{class stored properties not yet supported}}
//===--- Recovery for missing controlling expression in statements.
func missingControllingExprInIf() {
if // expected-error {{expected expression, var, or let in 'if' condition}}
if { // expected-error {{missing condition in an 'if' statement}}
if // expected-error {{missing condition in an 'if' statement}}
if true {
} else if { // expected-error {{missing condition in an 'if' statement}}
// It is debatable if we should do recovery here and parse { true } as the
// body, but the error message should be sensible.
if { true } { // expected-error {{missing condition in an 'if' statement}} expected-error {{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error{{expression resolves to an unused function}} expected-error{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{14-14=;}}
if { true }() { // expected-error {{missing condition in an 'if' statement}} expected-error{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{14-14=;}} expected-error{{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
// <rdar://problem/18940198>
if { { } } // expected-error{{missing condition in an 'if' statement}} expected-error{{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
func missingControllingExprInWhile() {
while // expected-error {{expected expression, var, or let in 'while' condition}}
while { // expected-error {{missing condition in a 'while' statement}}
while // expected-error {{missing condition in a 'while' statement}}
// It is debatable if we should do recovery here and parse { true } as the
// body, but the error message should be sensible.
while { true } { // expected-error {{missing condition in a 'while' statement}} expected-error {{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error{{expression resolves to an unused function}} expected-error{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{17-17=;}}
while { true }() { // expected-error {{missing condition in a 'while' statement}} expected-error{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{17-17=;}} expected-error{{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
// <rdar://problem/18940198>
while { { } } // expected-error{{missing condition in a 'while' statement}} expected-error{{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
func missingControllingExprInRepeatWhile() {
repeat {
} while // expected-error {{missing condition in a 'while' statement}}
{ // expected-error {{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
repeat {
} while { true }() // expected-error{{missing condition in a 'while' statement}} expected-error{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{10-10=;}}
// expected-note @+1 {{in call to function 'acceptsClosure'}}
func acceptsClosure<T>(t: T) -> Bool { return true }
func missingControllingExprInFor() {
for // expected-error {{expected initialization in a 'for' statement}}
for { // expected-error {{missing initialization in a 'for' statement}}
for // expected-error {{missing initialization in a 'for' statement}}
for var i { // expected-error 2{{expected ';' in 'for' statement}} expected-error {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
for ; { // expected-error {{expected ';' in 'for' statement}}
// FIXME: it would be better if this diagnostic appeared on the previous line.
for ;
{ // expected-error {{expected ';' in 'for' statement}}
for ; true { // expected-error {{expected ';' in 'for' statement}}
for var i = 0; true { // expected-error {{expected ';' in 'for' statement}}
// Ensure that we don't do recovery in the following cases.
for ; ; { // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for { true }(); ; { // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for ; { true }() ; { // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
for acceptsClosure { 42 }; ; { // expected-warning {{C-style for statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Swift}}
// A trailing closure is not accepted for the condition.
for ; acceptsClosure { 42 }; { // expected-error{{generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred}} expected-error{{expression resolves to an unused function}}
// expected-error@-1{{expected ';' in 'for' statement}}
// expected-error@-2{{braced block}}
// The #if block is used to provide a scope for the for stmt to force it to end
// where necessary to provoke the crash.
#if true // <rdar://problem/21679557> compiler crashes on "for{{"
// expected-error @+2 {{missing initialization in a 'for' statement}}
// expected-note @+1 2 {{to match this opening '{'}}
for{{ // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
#endif // expected-error 2 {{expected '}' at end of closure}}
#if true
// expected-error @+1 {{missing initialization in a 'for' statement}}
var x = 42
func missingControllingExprInForEach() {
for in { // expected-error {{expected pattern}} expected-error {{expected SequenceType expression for for-each loop}}
// expected-error @+4 {{expected 'in' after for-each pattern}}
// expected-error @+3 {{expected '{' to start the body of for-each loop}}
// expected-error @+2 {{expected pattern}}
// expected-error @+1 {{expected SequenceType expression for for-each loop}}
for for in { // expected-error {{expected pattern}} expected-error {{expected SequenceType expression for for-each loop}}
for i in { // expected-error {{expected SequenceType expression for for-each loop}}
func missingControllingExprInSwitch() {
switch // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}} expected-error {{expected '{' after 'switch' subject expression}}
switch { // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}}
} // expected-error {{'switch' statement body must have at least one 'case' or 'default' block}}
switch // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}}
} // expected-error {{'switch' statement body must have at least one 'case' or 'default' block}}
switch { // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}}
case _: return
switch { // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}}
case Int: return // expected-error {{'is' keyword required to pattern match against type name}} {{10-10=is }}
case _: return
switch { 42 } { // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}} expected-error{{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}} expected-error{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{16-16=;}} expected-error{{braced block of statements is an unused closure}} expected-error{{expression resolves to an unused function}}
case _: return // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
switch { 42 }() { // expected-error {{expected expression in 'switch' statement}} expected-error {{all statements inside a switch must be covered by a 'case' or 'default'}} expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{16-16=;}} expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type '()'}}
case _: return // expected-error{{'case' label can only appear inside a 'switch' statement}}
//===--- Recovery for missing braces in nominal type decls.
struct NoBracesStruct1() // expected-error {{expected '{' in struct}}
enum NoBracesUnion1() // expected-error {{expected '{' in enum}}
class NoBracesClass1() // expected-error {{expected '{' in class}}
protocol NoBracesProtocol1() // expected-error {{expected '{' in protocol type}}
extension NoBracesStruct1() // expected-error {{expected '{' in extension}}
struct NoBracesStruct2 // expected-error {{expected '{' in struct}}
enum NoBracesUnion2 // expected-error {{expected '{' in enum}}
class NoBracesClass2 // expected-error {{expected '{' in class}}
protocol NoBracesProtocol2 // expected-error {{expected '{' in protocol type}}
extension NoBracesStruct2 // expected-error {{expected '{' in extension}}
//===--- Recovery for parse errors in types.
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl1 {
var v1 : // expected-error {{expected type}}
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl2 {
var v1 : Int. // expected-error {{expected member name following '.'}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl3 {
var v1 : Int< // expected-error {{expected type}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl4 {
var v1 : Int<, // expected-error {{expected type}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl5 {
var v1 : Int<Int // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete generic argument list}} expected-note {{to match this opening '<'}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl6 {
var v1 : Int<Int, // expected-note {{to match this opening '<'}}
Int // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete generic argument list}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl7 {
var v1 : Int<Int, // expected-error {{expected type}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl8 {
var v1 : protocol<FooProtocol // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete protocol composition type}} expected-note {{to match this opening '<'}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl9 {
var v1 : protocol // expected-error {{expected '<' in protocol composition type}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl10 {
var v1 : protocol<FooProtocol // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete protocol composition type}} expected-note {{to match this opening '<'}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDecl11 {
var v1 : protocol<FooProtocol, // expected-error {{expected identifier for type name}}
var v2 : Int
func ErrorTypeInPattern1(_: protocol<) { } // expected-error {{expected identifier for type name}}
func ErrorTypeInPattern2(_: protocol<F) { } // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete protocol composition type}}
// expected-note@-1 {{to match this opening '<'}}
// expected-error@-2 {{use of undeclared type 'F'}}
func ErrorTypeInPattern3(_: protocol<F,) { } // expected-error {{expected identifier for type name}}
// expected-error@-1 {{use of undeclared type 'F'}}
struct ErrorGenericParameterList1< // expected-error {{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}} expected-error {{expected '{' in struct}}
struct ErrorGenericParameterList2<T // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete generic parameter list}} expected-note {{to match this opening '<'}} expected-error {{expected '{' in struct}}
struct ErrorGenericParameterList3<T, // expected-error {{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}} expected-error {{expected '{' in struct}}
// Note: Don't move braces to a different line here.
struct ErrorGenericParameterList4< // expected-error {{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}}
// Note: Don't move braces to a different line here.
struct ErrorGenericParameterList5<T // expected-error {{expected '>' to complete generic parameter list}} expected-note {{to match this opening '<'}}
// Note: Don't move braces to a different line here.
struct ErrorGenericParameterList6<T, // expected-error {{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}}
struct ErrorTypeInVarDeclFunctionType1 {
var v1 : () -> // expected-error {{expected type for function result}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDeclArrayType1 {
var v1 : Int[+] // expected-error {{expected declaration}} expected-error {{consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'}}
// expected-error @-1 {{expected expression after unary operator}}
// expected-error @-2 {{expected expression}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDeclArrayType2 {
var v1 : Int[+ // expected-error {{unary operator cannot be separated from its operand}}
var v2 : Int // expected-error {{expected expression}}
struct ErrorTypeInVarDeclArrayType3 {
var v1 : Int[
; // expected-error {{expected expression}}
var v2 : Int
struct ErrorTypeInVarDeclArrayType4 {
var v1 : Int[1 // expected-error {{expected ']' in array type}} expected-note {{to match this opening '['}}
struct ErrorInFunctionSignatureResultArrayType1 {
func foo() -> Int[ { // expected-error {{expected '{' in body of function declaration}}
return [0]
struct ErrorInFunctionSignatureResultArrayType2 {
func foo() -> Int[0 { // expected-error {{expected ']' in array type}} expected-note {{to match this opening '['}}
return [0] // expected-error {{contextual type 'Int' cannot be used with array literal}}
struct ErrorInFunctionSignatureResultArrayType3 {
func foo() -> Int[0] { // expected-error {{array types are now written with the brackets around the element type}} {{17-17=[}} {{20-21=}}
return [0]
struct ErrorInFunctionSignatureResultArrayType4 {
func foo() -> Int[0_1] { // expected-error {{array types are now written with the brackets around the element type}} {{17-17=[}} {{20-21=}}
return [0]
struct ErrorInFunctionSignatureResultArrayType5 {
func foo() -> Int[0b1] { // expected-error {{array types are now written with the brackets around the element type}} {{17-17=[}} {{20-21=}}
return [0]
struct ErrorInFunctionSignatureResultArrayType11 {
func foo() -> Int[(a){a++}] { // expected-error {{consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{29-29=;}} expected-error {{expected ']' in array type}} expected-note {{to match this opening '['}} expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'a'}} expected-error {{expected declaration}}
//===--- Recovery for missing initial value in var decls.
struct MissingInitializer1 {
var v1 : Int = // expected-error {{expected initial value after '='}}
//===--- Recovery for expr-postfix.
func exprPostfix1(x : Int) {
x. // expected-error {{expected member name following '.'}}
func exprPostfix2() {
_ = .42 // expected-error {{'.42' is not a valid floating point literal; it must be written '0.42'}} {{7-7=0}}
//===--- Recovery for expr-super.
class Base {}
class ExprSuper1 {
init() {
super // expected-error {{expected '.' or '[' after 'super'}}
class ExprSuper2 {
init() {
super. // expected-error {{expected member name following '.'}} expected-error {{expected '.' or '[' after 'super'}}
//===--- Recovery for braces inside a nominal decl.
struct BracesInsideNominalDecl1 {
{ // expected-error {{expected declaration}}
typealias A = Int
func use_BracesInsideNominalDecl1() {
// Ensure that the typealias decl is not skipped.
var _ : BracesInsideNominalDecl1.A // no-error
//===--- Recovery for wrong decl introducer keyword.
class WrongDeclIntroducerKeyword1 {
notAKeyword() {} // expected-error {{expected declaration}}
func foo() {}
class func bar() {}
// <rdar://problem/18502220> [swift-crashes 078] parser crash on invalid cast in sequence expr
Base=1 as Base=1 // expected-error {{cannot assign to immutable expression of type 'Base'}}
// <rdar://problem/18634543> Parser hangs at swift::Parser::parseType
public enum TestA {
public static func convertFromExtenndition(
// expected-error@+6{{unnamed parameters must be written}} {{5-5=_: }}
// expected-error@+5 2{{expected parameter type following ':'}}
// expected-error@+4 {{expected ',' separator}} {{18-18=,}}
// expected-error@+3 {{expected ',' separator}} {{18-18=,}}
// expected-error@+2 {{expected ',' separator}} {{24-24=,}}
// expected-error@+1{{use of undeclared type 's'}}
s._core.count != 0, "Can't form a Character from an empty String")
public enum TestB {
public static func convertFromExtenndition(
// expected-error@+6{{unnamed parameters must be written}} {{5-5=_: }}
// expected-error@+5 2{{expected parameter type following ':'}}
// expected-error@+4 {{expected ',' separator}} {{18-18=,}}
// expected-error@+3 {{expected ',' separator}} {{18-18=,}}
// expected-error@+2 {{expected ',' separator}} {{24-24=,}}
// expected-error@+1{{use of undeclared type 's'}}
s._core.count ?= 0, "Can't form a Character from an empty String")
// <rdar://problem/18634543> Infinite loop and unbounded memory consumption in parser
class bar {}
var baz: bar
// expected-error@+1{{unnamed parameters must be written}} {{11-11=_: }}
func foo1(bar!=baz) {}
// expected-error@+1{{unnamed parameters must be written}} {{11-11=_: }}
func foo2(bar! = baz) {}
// <rdar://problem/18662272> Infinite loop and unbounded memory consumption in parser
class Baz {}
class Bar<T> {}
func f1(a: Bar<Baz!>) {}
func f2(a: Bar<Baz /* some comment */!>) {}
// rdar://19605567
// expected-error@+1{{use of unresolved identifier 'esp'}}
switch esp {
case let (jeb):
// expected-error@+5{{operator with postfix spacing cannot start a subexpression}}
// expected-error@+4{{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{15-15=;}}
// expected-error@+3{{'>' is not a prefix unary operator}}
// expected-error@+2{{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}}
// expected-error@+1{{expected '{' in class}}
class Ceac<}> {}
// expected-error@+1{{extraneous '}' at top level}} {{1-2=}}
// rdar://19605164
// expected-note@+3{{to match this opening '('}}
// expected-error@+2{{use of undeclared type 'S'}}
struct Foo19605164 {
func a(s: S[{{g) -> Int {}
// expected-error@+4{{expected parameter type following ':'}}
// expected-error@+3{{expected ')' in parameter}}
// expected-error@+2{{expected ',' separator}} {{3-3=,}}
// expected-error@+1{{expected ',' separator}} {{3-3=,}}
// rdar://19605567
// expected-error@+3{{expected '(' for initializer parameters}}
// expected-error@+2{{initializers may only be declared within a type}}
// expected-error@+1{{expected an identifier to name generic parameter}}
func F() { init<( } )}
// rdar://20337695
func f1() {
// expected-error @+5 {{use of unresolved identifier 'C'}}
// expected-error @+4 {{unary operator cannot be separated from its operand}} {{11-12=}}
// expected-error @+3 {{'==' is not a prefix unary operator}}
// expected-error @+2 {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
// expected-error@+1 {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
let n == C { get {} // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'get'}}
// <rdar://problem/20489838> QoI: Nonsensical error and fixit if "let" is missing between 'if let ... where' clauses
func testMultiPatternConditionRecovery(x: Int?) {
// expected-error@+1 {{binding ended by previous 'where' clause; use 'let' to introduce a new one}} {{30-30=let }}
if let y = x where y == 0, z = x {
_ = y
_ = z
// expected-error@+1 {{binding ended by previous 'where' clause; use 'var' to introduce a new one}} {{30-30=var }}
if var y = x where y == 0, z = x {
z = y; y = z
// <rdar://problem/20883210> QoI: Following a "let" condition with boolean condition spouts nonsensical errors
guard let x: Int? = 1, x == 1 else { } // expected-error {{boolean condition requires 'where' to separate it from variable binding}} {{24-25= where}}
// rdar://20866942
func testRefutableLet() {
var e : Int?
let x? = e // expected-error {{consecutive statements on a line must be separated by ';'}} {{8-8=;}}
// expected-error @-1 {{expected expression}}
// expected-error @-2 {{type annotation missing in pattern}}
// <rdar://problem/19833424> QoI: Bad error message when using Objective-C literals (@"Hello") in Swift files
let myString = @"foo" // expected-error {{string literals in Swift are not preceded by an '@' sign}} {{16-17=}}
// <rdar://problem/16990885> support curly quotes for string literals
// expected-error @+1 {{unicode curly quote found, replace with '"'}} {{35-38="}}
let curlyQuotes1 = hello world!” // expected-error {{unicode curly quote found, replace with '"'}} {{20-23="}}
// expected-error @+1 {{unicode curly quote found, replace with '"'}} {{20-23="}}
let curlyQuotes2 = hello world!"
// <rdar://problem/21196171> compiler should recover better from "unicode Specials" characters
let tryx = 123 // expected-error 2 {{invalid character in source file}} {{5-8= }}
// <rdar://problem/21369926> Malformed Swift Enums crash playground service
enum Rank: Int {
case Ace = 1
case Two = 2.1 // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to raw type 'Int'}}
// rdar://22240342 - Crash in diagRecursivePropertyAccess
class r22240342 {
lazy var xx: Int = {
foo { // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'foo'}}
let issueView = 42
issueView.delegate = 12
return 42
// <rdar://problem/22387625> QoI: Common errors: 'let x= 5' and 'let x =5' could use Fix-its
func r22387625() {
let _= 5 // expected-error{{'=' must have consistent whitespace on both sides}} {{8-8= }}
let _ =5 // expected-error{{'=' must have consistent whitespace on both sides}} {{10-10= }}
// <rdar://problem/23086402> Swift compiler crash in CSDiag
protocol A23086402 {
var b: B23086402 { get }
protocol B23086402 {
var c: [String] { get }
// <rdar://problem/23550816> QoI: Poor diagnostic in argument list of "print" (varargs related)
func test23086402(a: A23086402) {
print(a.b.c + "") // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '[String]' to expected argument type 'String'}}
// <rdar://problem/23719432> [practicalswift] Compiler crashes on &(Int:_)
func test23719432() {
var x = 42
&(Int:x) // expected-error {{'&' can only appear immediately in a call argument list}}
// <rdar://problem/19911096> QoI: terrible recovery when using '·' for an operator
infix operator · { // expected-error {{'·' is considered to be an identifier, not an operator}}
associativity none precedence 150
// <rdar://problem/21712891> Swift Compiler bug: String subscripts with range should require closing bracket.
func r21712891(s : String) -> String {
let a = s.startIndex..<s.startIndex
// The specific errors produced don't actually matter, but we need to reject this.
return "\(s[a)" // expected-error 3 {{}}
// <rdar://problem/24029542> "Postfix '.' is reserved" error message" isn't helpful
func postfixDot(a : String) {
_ = a.utf8
_ = a. utf8 // expected-error {{extraneous whitespace after '.' is not permitted}} {{9-12=}}
_ = a. // expected-error {{expected member name following '.'}}
a. // expected-error {{expected member name following '.'}}