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//===--- SILGenFunction.h - Function Specific AST lower context -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "FormalEvaluation.h"
#include "Initialization.h"
#include "JumpDest.h"
#include "RValue.h"
#include "SILGen.h"
#include "SILGenBuilder.h"
#include "swift/AST/AnyFunctionRef.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
namespace swift {
class ParameterList;
namespace Lowering {
class ArgumentSource;
class Condition;
class ConsumableManagedValue;
class Initialization;
class LogicalPathComponent;
class LValue;
class ManagedValue;
class RValue;
class TemporaryInitialization;
class CalleeTypeInfo;
class ResultPlan;
using ResultPlanPtr = std::unique_ptr<ResultPlan>;
class ArgumentScope;
/// Internal context information for the SILGenFunction visitor.
/// In general, emission methods which take an SGFContext indicate
/// that they've initialized the emit-into buffer (if they have) by
/// returning a "isInContext()" ManagedValue of whatever type. Callers who
/// propagate down an SGFContext that might have an emit-into buffer must be
/// aware of this.
/// Clients of emission routines that take an SGFContext can also specify that
/// they are ok getting back an RValue at +0 instead of requiring it to be at
/// +1. The client is then responsible for checking the ManagedValue to see if
/// it got back a ManagedValue at +0 or +1.
class SGFContext {
enum DesiredTransfer {
llvm::PointerIntPair<Initialization *, 2, DesiredTransfer> state;
SGFContext() = default;
enum AllowImmediatePlusZero_t {
/// The client is okay with getting a +0 value and plans to use it
/// immediately.
/// For example, in this context, it would be okay to return +0
/// even for a load from a mutable variable, because the only way
/// the value could be invalidated before it's used is a race
/// condition.
enum AllowGuaranteedPlusZero_t {
/// The client is okay with getting a +0 value as long as it's
/// guaranteed to last at least as long as the current evaluation.
/// (For expression evaluation, this generally means at least
/// until the end of the current statement.)
/// For example, in this context, it would be okay to return +0
/// for a reference to a local 'let' because that will last until
/// the 'let' goes out of scope. However, it would not be okay to
/// return +0 for a load from a mutable 'var', because that could
/// be mutated before the end of the statement.
/// Creates an emitInto context that will store the result of the visited expr
/// into the given Initialization.
explicit SGFContext(Initialization *emitInto) : state(emitInto, PlusOne) {
SGFContext(AllowImmediatePlusZero_t) : state(nullptr, ImmediatePlusZero) {
SGFContext(AllowGuaranteedPlusZero_t) : state(nullptr, GuaranteedPlusZero) {
/// Returns a pointer to the Initialization that the current expression should
/// store its result to, or null if the expression should allocate temporary
/// storage for its result.
Initialization *getEmitInto() const {
return state.getPointer();
/// Try to get the address of the emit-into initialization if we can.
/// Otherwise, return an empty SILValue.
/// Note that, if this returns a non-empty address, the caller must
/// finish the emit-into initialization.
SILValue getAddressForInPlaceInitialization(SILGenFunction &SGF,
SILLocation loc) const {
if (auto *init = getEmitInto()) {
if (init->canPerformInPlaceInitialization())
return init->getAddressForInPlaceInitialization(SGF, loc);
return SILValue();
/// If getAddressForInPlaceInitialization did (or would have)
/// returned a non-null address, finish the initialization and
/// return true. Otherwise, return false.
bool finishInPlaceInitialization(SILGenFunction &SGF) const {
if (auto *init = getEmitInto()) {
if (init->canPerformInPlaceInitialization()) {
return true;
return false;
/// Return true if a ManagedValue producer is allowed to return at
/// +0, given that it cannot guarantee that the value will be valid
/// until the end of the current evaluation.
bool isImmediatePlusZeroOk() const {
return state.getInt() == ImmediatePlusZero;
/// Return true if a ManagedValue producer is allowed to return at
/// +0 if it can guarantee that the value will be valid until the
/// end of the current evaluation.
bool isGuaranteedPlusZeroOk() const {
// Either ImmediatePlusZero or GuaranteedPlusZero is fine.
return state.getInt() >= ImmediatePlusZero;
/// Get a context for a sub-expression given that arbitrary side
/// effects may follow the subevaluation.
SGFContext withFollowingSideEffects() const {
SGFContext copy = *this;
if (copy.state.getInt() == ImmediatePlusZero) {
return copy;
/// Get a context for a sub-expression where we plan to project out
/// a value. The Initialization is not okay to propagate down, but
/// the +0/+1-ness is.
SGFContext withFollowingProjection() const {
SGFContext copy;
return copy;
enum class ApplyOptions : unsigned {
/// No special treatment is required.
None = 0,
/// Suppress the error-handling edge out of the call. This should
/// be used carefully; it's used to implement features like 'rethrows'.
DoesNotThrow = 0x1,
inline ApplyOptions operator|(ApplyOptions lhs, ApplyOptions rhs) {
return ApplyOptions(unsigned(lhs) | unsigned(rhs));
inline ApplyOptions &operator|=(ApplyOptions &lhs, ApplyOptions rhs) {
return (lhs = (lhs | rhs));
inline bool operator&(ApplyOptions lhs, ApplyOptions rhs) {
return ((unsigned(lhs) & unsigned(rhs)) != 0);
inline ApplyOptions operator-(ApplyOptions lhs, ApplyOptions rhs) {
return ApplyOptions(unsigned(lhs) & ~unsigned(rhs));
inline ApplyOptions &operator-=(ApplyOptions &lhs, ApplyOptions rhs) {
return (lhs = (lhs - rhs));
class PatternMatchContext;
/// A formal section of the function. This is a SILGen-only concept,
/// meant to improve locality. It's only reflected in the generated
/// SIL implicitly.
enum class FunctionSection : bool {
/// The section of the function dedicated to ordinary control flow.
/// The section of the function dedicated to error-handling and
/// similar things.
/// Parameter to \c SILGenFunction::emitCaptures that indicates what the
/// capture parameters are being emitted for.
enum class CaptureEmission {
/// Captures are being emitted for immediate application to a local function.
/// Captures are being emitted for partial application to form a closure
/// value.
/// Parameter to \c SILGenFunction::emitAddressOfLValue that indicates
/// what kind of instrumentation should be emitted when compiling under
/// Thread Sanitizer.
enum class TSanKind : bool {
None = 0,
/// Instrument the LValue access as an inout access.
/// Represents an LValue opened for mutating access.
/// This is used by LogicalPathComponent::getMaterialized() and
/// SILGenFunction::emitMaterializeForSetAccessor().
struct MaterializedLValue {
ManagedValue temporary;
// Only set if a callback is required
CanType origSelfType;
CanGenericSignature genericSig;
SILValue callback;
SILValue callbackStorage;
MaterializedLValue() {}
explicit MaterializedLValue(ManagedValue temporary)
: temporary(temporary) {}
MaterializedLValue(ManagedValue temporary,
CanType origSelfType,
CanGenericSignature genericSig,
SILValue callback,
SILValue callbackStorage)
: temporary(temporary),
callbackStorage(callbackStorage) {}
/// SILGenFunction - an ASTVisitor for producing SIL from function bodies.
: public ASTVisitor<SILGenFunction>
{ // style violation because Xcode <rdar://problem/13065676>
/// The SILGenModule this function belongs to.
SILGenModule &SGM;
/// The SILFunction being constructed.
SILFunction &F;
/// The SILModuleConventions for this SIL module.
SILModuleConventions silConv;
/// The name of the function currently being emitted, as presented to user
/// code by #function.
DeclName MagicFunctionName;
std::string MagicFunctionString;
ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return SGM.M.getASTContext(); }
/// The first block in the postmatter section of the function, if
/// anything has been built there.
/// (This field must precede B because B's initializer calls
/// createBasicBlock().)
SILFunction::iterator StartOfPostmatter;
/// The current section of the function that we're emitting code in.
/// The postmatter section is a part of the function intended for
/// things like error-handling that don't need to be mixed into the
/// normal code sequence.
/// If the current function section is Ordinary, and
/// StartOfPostmatter does not point to the function end, the current
/// insertion block should be ordered before that.
/// If the current function section is Postmatter, StartOfPostmatter
/// does not point to the function end and the current insertion block is
/// ordered after that (inclusive).
/// (This field must precede B because B's initializer calls
/// createBasicBlock().)
FunctionSection CurFunctionSection = FunctionSection::Ordinary;
/// \brief Does this function require a non-void direct return?
bool NeedsReturn = false;
/// \brief Is emission currently within a formal modification?
bool InWritebackScope = false;
/// \brief Is emission currently within an inout conversion?
bool InInOutConversionScope = false;
/// The SILGenBuilder used to construct the SILFunction. It is what maintains
/// the notion of the current block being emitted into.
SILGenBuilder B;
SILOpenedArchetypesTracker OpenedArchetypesTracker;
struct BreakContinueDest {
LabeledStmt *Target;
JumpDest BreakDest;
JumpDest ContinueDest;
std::vector<BreakContinueDest> BreakContinueDestStack;
std::vector<PatternMatchContext*> SwitchStack;
/// Keep track of our current nested scope.
std::vector<SILDebugScope*> DebugScopeStack;
/// The cleanup depth and BB for when the operand of a
/// BindOptionalExpr is a missing value.
SmallVector<JumpDest, 2> BindOptionalFailureDests;
/// The cleanup depth and epilog BB for "return" statements.
JumpDest ReturnDest = JumpDest::invalid();
/// The cleanup depth and epilog BB for "fail" statements.
JumpDest FailDest = JumpDest::invalid();
/// The destination for throws. The block will always be in the
/// postmatter and takes a BB argument of the exception type.
JumpDest ThrowDest = JumpDest::invalid();
/// \brief The SIL location corresponding to the AST node being processed.
SILLocation CurrentSILLoc;
/// \brief This records information about the currently active cleanups.
CleanupManager Cleanups;
/// \brief The current context where formal evaluation cleanups are managed.
FormalEvaluationContext FormalEvalContext;
/// \brief Values to end dynamic access enforcement on. A hack for
/// materializeForSet.
struct UnpairedAccesses {
SILValue Buffer;
unsigned NumAccesses = 0; // Values besides 0 and 1 are unsupported.
explicit UnpairedAccesses(SILValue buffer) : Buffer(buffer) {}
UnpairedAccesses *UnpairedAccessesForMaterializeForSet = nullptr;
/// VarLoc - representation of an emitted local variable or constant. There
/// are three scenarios here:
/// 1) This could be a simple "var" or "let" emitted into an alloc_box. In
/// this case, 'value' contains a pointer (it is always an address) to the
/// value, and 'box' contains a pointer to the retain count for the box.
/// 2) This could be a simple non-address-only "let" represented directly. In
/// this case, 'value' is the value of the let and is never of address
/// type. 'box' is always nil.
/// 3) This could be an address-only "let" emitted into an alloc_stack, or
/// passed in from somewhere else that has guaranteed lifetime (e.g. an
/// incoming argument of 'in_guaranteed' convention). In this case,
/// 'value' is a pointer to the memory (and thus, its type is always an
/// address) and the 'box' is nil.
/// Generally, code shouldn't be written to enumerate these three cases, it
/// should just handle the case of "box or not" or "address or not", depending
/// on what the code cares about.
struct VarLoc {
/// value - the value of the variable, or the address the variable is
/// stored at (if "value.getType().isAddress()" is true).
SILValue value;
/// box - This is the retainable box for something emitted to an alloc_box.
/// It may be invalid if no box was made for the value (e.g., because it was
/// an inout value, or constant emitted to an alloc_stack).
SILValue box;
static VarLoc get(SILValue value, SILValue box = SILValue()) {
VarLoc Result;
Result.value = value; = box;
return Result;
/// VarLocs - Entries in this map are generated when a PatternBindingDecl is
/// emitted. The map is queried to produce the lvalue for a DeclRefExpr to
/// a local variable.
llvm::DenseMap<ValueDecl*, VarLoc> VarLocs;
/// When rebinding 'self' during an initializer delegation, we have to be
/// careful to preserve the object at 1 retain count during the delegation
/// because of assumptions in framework code. This enum tracks the state of
/// 'self' during the delegation.
enum SelfInitDelegationStates {
// 'self' is a normal variable.
/// 'self' needs to be shared borrowed next time self is used.
/// At this point we do not know if:
/// 1. 'self' is used at all. In such a case, the borrow scope for self will
/// end before the delegating init call and we will overwrite the value
/// in
/// the self box.
/// 2. If there is a consuming self use, will self be borrowed in an
/// exclusive manner or a shared manner. If we need to perform an
/// exclusive borrow, we will transition to WillExclusiveBorrowSelf in
/// SILGenApply.
/// 'self' needs to be exclusively borrowed next time self is used.
/// We only advance to this state in SILGenApply when we know that we are
/// going to be passing self to a delegating initializer that will consume
/// it. We will always evaluate self before any other uses of self in the
/// self.init call, so we know that we will never move from
/// WillExclusiveBorrowSelf to WillSharedBorrowSelf.
/// Once we are in this point, all other uses of self must be borrows until
/// we use self in the delegating init call. All of the borrow scopes /must/
/// end before the delegating init call.
/// 'self' was shared borrowed to compute the self argument of the
/// delegating init call.
/// This means that the delegating init uses a metatype or the like as its
/// self argument instead of 'self'. Thus we are able to perform a shared
/// borrow of self to compute that value and end the shared borrow scope
/// before the delegating initializer apply.
// 'self' was exclusively borrowed for the delegating init call. All further
// uses of self until the actual delegating init must be done via shared
// borrows that end strictly before the delegating init call.
SelfInitDelegationStates SelfInitDelegationState = NormalSelf;
ManagedValue InitDelegationSelf;
SILValue InitDelegationSelfBox;
Optional<SILLocation> InitDelegationLoc;
ManagedValue SuperInitDelegationSelf;
RValue emitRValueForSelfInDelegationInit(SILLocation loc, CanType refType,
SILValue result, SGFContext C);
/// The metatype argument to an allocating constructor, if we're emitting one.
SILValue AllocatorMetatype;
/// True if 'return' without an operand or falling off the end of the current
/// function is valid.
bool allowsVoidReturn() const { return ReturnDest.getBlock()->args_empty(); }
/// Emit code to increment a counter for profiling.
void emitProfilerIncrement(ASTNode N) {
if (SGM.Profiler && SGM.Profiler->hasRegionCounters())
SGM.Profiler->emitCounterIncrement(B, N);
SILGenFunction(SILGenModule &SGM, SILFunction &F);
/// Return a stable reference to the current cleanup.
CleanupsDepth getCleanupsDepth() const {
return Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth();
CleanupHandle getTopCleanup() const {
return Cleanups.getTopCleanup();
SILFunction &getFunction() { return F; }
SILModule &getModule() { return F.getModule(); }
SILGenBuilder &getBuilder() { return B; }
SILOptions &getOptions() { return getModule().getOptions(); }
const TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(AbstractionPattern orig, Type subst) {
return SGM.Types.getTypeLowering(orig, subst);
const TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(Type t) {
return SGM.Types.getTypeLowering(t);
CanSILFunctionType getSILFunctionType(AbstractionPattern orig,
CanFunctionType substFnType,
unsigned uncurryLevel) {
return SGM.Types.getSILFunctionType(orig, substFnType, uncurryLevel);
SILType getLoweredType(AbstractionPattern orig, Type subst) {
return SGM.Types.getLoweredType(orig, subst);
SILType getLoweredType(Type t) {
return SGM.Types.getLoweredType(t);
SILType getLoweredLoadableType(Type t) {
return SGM.Types.getLoweredLoadableType(t);
const TypeLowering &getTypeLowering(SILType type) {
return SGM.Types.getTypeLowering(type);
SILType getSILType(SILParameterInfo param) const {
return silConv.getSILType(param);
SILType getSILType(SILResultInfo result) const {
return silConv.getSILType(result);
SILConstantInfo getConstantInfo(SILDeclRef constant) {
return SGM.Types.getConstantInfo(constant);
Optional<SILAccessEnforcement> getStaticEnforcement(VarDecl *var = nullptr);
Optional<SILAccessEnforcement> getDynamicEnforcement(VarDecl *var = nullptr);
Optional<SILAccessEnforcement> getUnknownEnforcement(VarDecl *var = nullptr);
SourceManager &getSourceManager() { return SGM.M.getASTContext().SourceMgr; }
/// Push a new debug scope and set its parent pointer.
void enterDebugScope(SILLocation Loc) {
auto *Parent =
DebugScopeStack.size() ? DebugScopeStack.back() : F.getDebugScope();
auto *DS = new (SGM.M) SILDebugScope(Loc, &getFunction(), Parent);
/// Return to the previous debug scope.
void leaveDebugScope() {
if (DebugScopeStack.size())
// Don't reset the debug scope after leaving the outermost scope,
// because the debugger is not expecting the function epilogue to
// be in a different scope.
// Entry points for codegen
/// \brief Generates code for a FuncDecl.
void emitFunction(FuncDecl *fd);
/// \brief Emits code for a ClosureExpr.
void emitClosure(AbstractClosureExpr *ce);
/// Generates code for a class destroying destructor. This
/// emits the body code from the DestructorDecl, calls the base class
/// destructor, then implicitly releases the elements of the class.
void emitDestroyingDestructor(DestructorDecl *dd);
/// Generates code for an artificial top-level function that starts an
/// application based on a main class.
void emitArtificialTopLevel(ClassDecl *mainClass);
/// Generates code for a class deallocating destructor. This
/// calls the destroying destructor and then deallocates 'self'.
void emitDeallocatingDestructor(DestructorDecl *dd);
/// Generates code for a struct constructor.
/// This allocates the new 'self' value, emits the
/// body code, then returns the final initialized 'self'.
void emitValueConstructor(ConstructorDecl *ctor);
/// Generates code for an enum case constructor.
/// This allocates the new 'self' value, injects the enum case,
/// then returns the final initialized 'self'.
void emitEnumConstructor(EnumElementDecl *element);
/// Generates code for a class constructor's
/// allocating entry point. This allocates the new 'self' value, passes it to
/// the initializer entry point, then returns the initialized 'self'.
void emitClassConstructorAllocator(ConstructorDecl *ctor);
/// Generates code for a class constructor's
/// initializing entry point. This takes 'self' and the constructor arguments
/// as parameters and executes the constructor body to initialize 'self'.
void emitClassConstructorInitializer(ConstructorDecl *ctor);
/// Generates code to initialize instance variables from their
/// initializers.
/// \param dc The DeclContext containing the current function.
/// \param selfDecl The 'self' declaration within the current function.
/// \param nominal The type whose members are being initialized.
void emitMemberInitializers(DeclContext *dc, VarDecl *selfDecl,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal);
/// Emit a method that initializes the ivars of a class.
void emitIVarInitializer(SILDeclRef ivarInitializer);
/// Emit a method that destroys the ivars of a class.
void emitIVarDestroyer(SILDeclRef ivarDestroyer);
/// Generates code to destroy the instance variables of a class.
/// \param selfValue The 'self' value.
/// \param cd The class declaration whose members are being destroyed.
void emitClassMemberDestruction(SILValue selfValue, ClassDecl *cd,
CleanupLocation cleanupLoc);
/// Generates code for a curry thunk from one uncurry level
/// of a function to another.
void emitCurryThunk(SILDeclRef thunk);
/// Generates a thunk from a foreign function to the native Swift convention.
void emitForeignToNativeThunk(SILDeclRef thunk);
/// Generates a thunk from a native function to the conventions.
void emitNativeToForeignThunk(SILDeclRef thunk);
/// Generate a nullary function that returns the given value.
void emitGeneratorFunction(SILDeclRef function, Expr *value);
/// Generate an ObjC-compatible destructor (-dealloc).
void emitObjCDestructor(SILDeclRef dtor);
ManagedValue emitGlobalVariableRef(SILLocation loc, VarDecl *var);
/// Generate a lazy global initializer.
void emitLazyGlobalInitializer(PatternBindingDecl *binding,
unsigned pbdEntry);
/// Generate a global accessor, using the given initializer token and
/// function
void emitGlobalAccessor(VarDecl *global,
SILGlobalVariable *onceToken,
SILFunction *onceFunc);
void emitGlobalGetter(VarDecl *global,
SILGlobalVariable *onceToken,
SILFunction *onceFunc);
/// Generate a protocol witness entry point, invoking 'witness' at the
/// abstraction level of 'requirement'.
/// This is used for both concrete witness thunks and default witness
/// thunks.
void emitProtocolWitness(Type selfType,
AbstractionPattern reqtOrigTy,
CanAnyFunctionType reqtSubstTy,
SILDeclRef requirement,
SILDeclRef witness,
SubstitutionList witnessSubs,
IsFreeFunctionWitness_t isFree);
/// Convert a block to a native function with a thunk.
ManagedValue emitBlockToFunc(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue block,
CanSILFunctionType funcTy);
/// Convert a native function to a block with a thunk.
ManagedValue emitFuncToBlock(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue block,
CanSILFunctionType funcTy);
/// Thunk with the signature of a base class method calling a derived class
/// method.
/// \param inputOrigType Abstraction pattern of base class method
/// \param inputSubstType Formal AST type of base class method
/// \param outputSubstType Formal AST type of derived class method
void emitVTableThunk(SILDeclRef derived,
SILFunction *implFn,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanAnyFunctionType inputSubstType,
CanAnyFunctionType outputSubstType);
// Control flow
/// emitCondition - Emit a boolean expression as a control-flow condition.
/// \param E - The expression to be evaluated as a condition.
/// \param hasFalseCode - true if the false branch doesn't just lead
/// to the fallthrough.
/// \param invertValue - true if this routine should invert the value before
/// testing true/false.
/// \param contArgs - the types of the arguments to the continuation BB.
/// Matching argument values must be passed to exitTrue and exitFalse
/// of the resulting Condition object.
Condition emitCondition(Expr *E,
bool hasFalseCode = true, bool invertValue = false,
ArrayRef<SILType> contArgs = {});
Condition emitCondition(SILValue V, SILLocation Loc,
bool hasFalseCode = true, bool invertValue = false,
ArrayRef<SILType> contArgs = {});
/// Create a new basic block.
/// The block can be explicitly placed after a particular block.
/// Otherwise, if the current insertion point is valid, it will be
/// placed immediately after it. Otherwise, it will be placed at the
/// end of the current function section.
/// Because basic blocks are generally constructed with an insertion
/// point active, users should be aware that this behavior leads to
/// an emergent LIFO ordering: if code generation requires multiple
/// blocks, the second block created will be positioned before the
/// first block. (This is clearly desirable behavior when blocks
/// are created by different emissions; it's just a little
/// counter-intuitive within a single emission.)
SILBasicBlock *createBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *afterBB = nullptr);
/// Create a new basic block at the end of the given function
/// section.
SILBasicBlock *createBasicBlock(FunctionSection section);
/// Erase a basic block that was speculatively created and turned
/// out to be unneeded.
/// This should be called instead of eraseFromParent() in order to
/// keep SILGen's internal bookkeeping consistent.
/// The block should be empty and have no predecessors.
void eraseBasicBlock(SILBasicBlock *block);
// Memory management
/// Emit debug info for the artificial error inout argument.
void emitErrorArgument(SILLocation Loc, unsigned ArgNo);
/// emitProlog - Generates prolog code to allocate and clean up mutable
/// storage for closure captures and local arguments.
void emitProlog(AnyFunctionRef TheClosure,
ArrayRef<ParameterList *> paramPatterns, Type resultType,
bool throws);
/// returns the number of variables in paramPatterns.
unsigned emitProlog(ArrayRef<ParameterList *> paramPatterns, Type resultType,
DeclContext *DeclCtx, bool throws);
/// Create SILArguments in the entry block that bind all the values
/// of the given pattern suitably for being forwarded.
void bindParametersForForwarding(const ParameterList *params,
SmallVectorImpl<SILValue> &parameters);
/// \brief Create (but do not emit) the epilog branch, and save the
/// current cleanups depth as the destination for return statement branches.
/// \param returnType If non-null, the epilog block will be created with an
/// argument of this type to receive the return value for
/// the function.
/// \param isThrowing If true, create an error epilog block.
/// \param L The SILLocation which should be associated with
/// cleanup instructions.
void prepareEpilog(Type returnType, bool isThrowing, CleanupLocation L);
void prepareRethrowEpilog(CleanupLocation l);
/// \brief Branch to and emit the epilog basic block. This will fuse
/// the epilog to the current basic block if the epilog bb has no predecessor.
/// The insertion point will be moved into the epilog block if it is
/// reachable.
/// \param TopLevelLoc The location of the top level AST node for which we are
/// constructing the epilog, such as a AbstractClosureExpr.
/// \returns None if the epilog block is unreachable. Otherwise, returns
/// the epilog block's return value argument, or a null SILValue if
/// the epilog doesn't take a return value. Also returns the location
/// of the return instruction if the epilog block is supposed to host
/// the ReturnLocation (This happens in case the predecessor block is
/// merged with the epilog block.)
std::pair<Optional<SILValue>, SILLocation>
emitEpilogBB(SILLocation TopLevelLoc);
/// \brief Emits a standard epilog which runs top-level cleanups then returns
/// the function return value, if any. This can be customized by clients, who
/// set UsesCustomEpilog to true, and optionally inject their own code into
/// the epilog block before calling this. If they do this, their code is run
/// before the top-level cleanups, and the epilog block to continue is
/// returned as the insertion point of this function. They must provide the
/// final exit sequence for the block as well.
/// \param TopLevelLoc The location of the top-level expression during whose
/// evaluation the epilog is being produced, for example, the
/// AbstractClosureExpr.
/// \param UsesCustomEpilog True if the client wants to manage its own epilog
/// logic.
SILLocation emitEpilog(SILLocation TopLevelLoc,bool UsesCustomEpilog = false);
/// \brief Emits the standard rethrow epilog using a Swift error result.
void emitRethrowEpilog(SILLocation topLevelLoc);
/// emitSelfDecl - Emit a SILArgument for 'self', register it in varlocs, set
/// up debug info, etc. This returns the 'self' value.
SILValue emitSelfDecl(VarDecl *selfDecl);
/// Emits a temporary allocation that will be deallocated automatically at the
/// end of the current scope. Returns the address of the allocation.
SILValue emitTemporaryAllocation(SILLocation loc, SILType ty);
/// Prepares a buffer to receive the result of an expression, either using the
/// 'emit into' initialization buffer if available, or allocating a temporary
/// allocation if not.
/// The caller should call manageBufferForExprResult at the instant
/// that the buffer has been initialized.
SILValue getBufferForExprResult(SILLocation loc, SILType ty, SGFContext C);
/// Flag that the buffer for an expression result has been properly
/// initialized.
/// Returns an empty value if the buffer was taken from the context.
ManagedValue manageBufferForExprResult(SILValue buffer,
const TypeLowering &bufferTL,
SGFContext C);
// Type conversions for expr emission and thunks
ManagedValue emitInjectEnum(SILLocation loc,
ArgumentSource payload,
SILType enumTy,
EnumElementDecl *element,
SGFContext C);
ManagedValue emitInjectOptional(SILLocation loc,
const TypeLowering &expectedTL,
SGFContext ctxt,
llvm::function_ref<ManagedValue(SGFContext)> generator);
/// Initialize a memory location with an optional value.
/// \param loc The location to use for the resulting optional.
/// \param value The value to inject into an optional.
/// \param dest The uninitialized memory in which to store the result value.
/// \param optTL Type lowering information for the optional to create.
void emitInjectOptionalValueInto(SILLocation loc,
ArgumentSource &&value,
SILValue dest,
const TypeLowering &optTL);
/// Initialize a memory location with an optional "nothing"
/// value.
/// \param loc The location to use for the resulting optional.
/// \param dest The uninitialized memory in which to store the result value.
/// \param optTL Type lowering information for the optional to create.
void emitInjectOptionalNothingInto(SILLocation loc,
SILValue dest,
const TypeLowering &optTL);
/// Return a value for an optional ".None" of the specified type. This only
/// works for loadable enum types.
SILValue getOptionalNoneValue(SILLocation loc, const TypeLowering &optTL);
/// Return a value for an optional ".Some(x)" of the specified type. This only
/// works for loadable enum types.
ManagedValue getOptionalSomeValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue value,
const TypeLowering &optTL);
struct SourceLocArgs {
ManagedValue filenameStartPointer,
/// Emit raw lowered arguments for a runtime diagnostic to report the given
/// source location:
/// - The first three arguments are the components necessary to construct
/// a StaticString for the filename: start pointer, length, and
/// "is ascii" bit.
/// - The fourth argument is the line number.
emitSourceLocationArgs(SourceLoc loc, SILLocation emitLoc);
/// \brief Emit a call to the library intrinsic _doesOptionalHaveValue.
/// The result is a Builtin.Int1.
SILValue emitDoesOptionalHaveValue(SILLocation loc, SILValue addrOrValue);
/// \brief Emit a switch_enum to call the library intrinsic
/// _diagnoseUnexpectedNilOptional if the optional has no value. Return the
/// MangedValue resulting from the success case.
ManagedValue emitPreconditionOptionalHasValue(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue optional);
/// \brief Emit a call to the library intrinsic _getOptionalValue
/// given the address of the optional, which checks that an optional contains
/// some value and either returns the value or traps if there is none.
ManagedValue emitCheckedGetOptionalValueFrom(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue addr,
const TypeLowering &optTL,
SGFContext C);
/// \brief Extract the value from an optional, which must be known to contain
/// a value.
ManagedValue emitUncheckedGetOptionalValueFrom(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue addrOrValue,
const TypeLowering &optTL,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
typedef llvm::function_ref<ManagedValue(SILGenFunction &gen,
SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue input,
SILType loweredResultTy,
SGFContext context)> ValueTransformRef;
/// Emit a transformation on the value of an optional type.
ManagedValue emitOptionalToOptional(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue input,
SILType loweredResultTy,
ValueTransformRef transform,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Emit a reinterpret-cast from one pointer type to another, using a library
/// intrinsic.
RValue emitPointerToPointer(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue input,
CanType inputTy,
CanType outputTy,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
ManagedValue emitClassMetatypeToObject(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue v,
SILType resultTy);
ManagedValue emitExistentialMetatypeToObject(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue v,
SILType resultTy);
ManagedValue emitProtocolMetatypeToObject(SILLocation loc,
CanType inputTy,
SILType resultTy);
struct OpaqueValueState {
ManagedValue Value;
bool IsConsumable;
bool HasBeenConsumed;
ManagedValue manageOpaqueValue(OpaqueValueState &entry,
SILLocation loc,
SGFContext C);
/// Open up the given existential value and project its payload.
/// \param existentialValue The existential value.
/// \param openedArchetype The opened existential archetype.
/// \param loweredOpenedType The lowered type of the projection, which in
/// practice will be the openedArchetype, possibly wrapped in a metatype.
emitOpenExistential(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue existentialValue,
ArchetypeType *openedArchetype,
SILType loweredOpenedType,
AccessKind accessKind);
/// \brief Wrap the given value in an existential container.
/// \param concreteFormalType AST type of value.
/// \param concreteTL Type lowering of value.
/// \param existentialTL Type lowering of existential type.
/// \param F Function reference to emit the existential contents with the
/// given context.
ManagedValue emitExistentialErasure(
SILLocation loc,
CanType concreteFormalType,
const TypeLowering &concreteTL,
const TypeLowering &existentialTL,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances,
SGFContext C,
llvm::function_ref<ManagedValue (SGFContext)> F,
bool allowEmbeddedNSError = true);
RValue emitCollectionConversion(SILLocation loc,
FuncDecl *fn,
CanType fromCollection,
CanType toCollection,
ManagedValue mv,
SGFContext C);
// Recursive entry points
using ASTVisitorType::visit;
// Statements
void visit(Stmt *S) = delete;
void emitStmt(Stmt *S);
void emitBreakOutOf(SILLocation loc, Stmt *S);
void emitCatchDispatch(DoCatchStmt *S, ManagedValue exn,
ArrayRef<CatchStmt*> clauses,
JumpDest catchFallthroughDest);
/// Emit code for the throw expr. If \p emitWillThrow is set then emit a
/// call to swift_willThrow, that will allow the debugger to place a
/// breakpoint on throw sites.
void emitThrow(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue exn, bool emitWillThrow = false);
// Patterns
SILValue emitOSVersionRangeCheck(SILLocation loc, const VersionRange &range);
void emitStmtCondition(StmtCondition Cond, JumpDest FailDest,
SILLocation loc);
void emitConditionalPBD(PatternBindingDecl *PBD, SILBasicBlock *FailBB);
void usingImplicitVariablesForPattern(Pattern *pattern, CaseStmt *stmt,
const llvm::function_ref<void(void)> &f);
void emitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *S);
void emitSwitchFallthrough(FallthroughStmt *S);
// Expressions
RValue visit(Expr *E) = delete;
/// Generate SIL for the given expression, storing the final result into the
/// specified Initialization buffer(s). This avoids an allocation and copy if
/// the result would be allocated into temporary memory normally.
void emitExprInto(Expr *E, Initialization *I);
/// Emit the given expression as an r-value.
RValue emitRValue(Expr *E, SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Emit the given expression as an r-value that follows the
/// abstraction patterns of the original type.
ManagedValue emitRValueAsOrig(Expr *E, AbstractionPattern origPattern,
const TypeLowering &origTL,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Emit an r-value into temporary memory and return the managed address.
emitMaterializedRValueAsOrig(Expr *E, AbstractionPattern origPattern);
/// Emit the given expression, ignoring its result.
void emitIgnoredExpr(Expr *E);
/// Emit the given expression as an r-value, then (if it is a tuple), combine
/// it together into a single ManagedValue.
ManagedValue emitRValueAsSingleValue(Expr *E, SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Emit 'undef' in a particular formal type.
ManagedValue emitUndef(SILLocation loc, Type type);
ManagedValue emitUndef(SILLocation loc, SILType type);
RValue emitUndefRValue(SILLocation loc, Type type);
std::pair<ManagedValue, SILValue>
emitUninitializedArrayAllocation(Type ArrayTy,
SILValue Length,
SILLocation Loc);
CleanupHandle enterDeallocateUninitializedArrayCleanup(SILValue array);
void emitUninitializedArrayDeallocation(SILLocation loc, SILValue array);
CleanupHandle enterDelegateInitSelfWritebackCleanup(SILLocation loc,
SILValue address,
SILValue newValue);
SILValue emitConversionToSemanticRValue(SILLocation loc, SILValue value,
const TypeLowering &valueTL);
ManagedValue emitConversionToSemanticRValue(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value,
const TypeLowering &valueTL);
/// Emit the empty tuple value by emitting
SILValue emitEmptyTuple(SILLocation loc);
/// "Emit" an RValue representing an empty tuple.
RValue emitEmptyTupleRValue(SILLocation loc, SGFContext C);
/// Returns a reference to a constant in global context. For local func decls
/// this returns the function constant with unapplied closure context.
SILValue emitGlobalFunctionRef(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef constant) {
return emitGlobalFunctionRef(loc, constant, getConstantInfo(constant));
SILValue emitGlobalFunctionRef(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef constant,
SILConstantInfo constantInfo);
/// Returns a reference to a function value that dynamically dispatches
/// the function in a runtime-modifiable way.
SILValue emitDynamicMethodRef(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef constant,
SILConstantInfo constantInfo);
/// Emit the specified VarDecl as an LValue if possible, otherwise return
/// null.
ManagedValue emitLValueForDecl(SILLocation loc, VarDecl *var,
CanType formalRValueType,
AccessKind accessKind,
AccessSemantics semantics
= AccessSemantics::Ordinary);
/// Produce an RValue for a reference to the specified declaration,
/// with the given type and in response to the specified expression. Try to
/// emit into the specified SGFContext to avoid copies (when provided).
RValue emitRValueForDecl(SILLocation loc, ConcreteDeclRef decl, Type ty,
AccessSemantics semantics,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Produce an RValue for a load from the specified property.
RValue emitRValueForPropertyLoad(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue base,
CanType baseFormalType,
bool isSuper, VarDecl *property,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
AccessSemantics semantics, Type propTy,
SGFContext C,
bool isGuaranteedValid = false);
void emitCaptures(SILLocation loc,
AnyFunctionRef TheClosure,
CaptureEmission purpose,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &captures);
/// Produce a reference to a function, which may be a local function
/// with captures. If the function is generic, substitutions must be
/// given. The result is re-abstracted to the given expected type.
ManagedValue emitClosureValue(SILLocation loc,
SILDeclRef function,
CanType expectedType,
SubstitutionList subs);
ArgumentSource prepareAccessorBaseArg(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue base,
CanType baseFormalType,
SILDeclRef accessor);
SILDeclRef getGetterDeclRef(AbstractStorageDecl *decl,
bool isDirectAccessorUse);
RValue emitGetAccessor(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef getter,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArgumentSource &&optionalSelfValue,
bool isSuper, bool isDirectAccessorUse,
RValue &&optionalSubscripts, SGFContext C);
SILDeclRef getSetterDeclRef(AbstractStorageDecl *decl,
bool isDirectAccessorUse);
void emitSetAccessor(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef setter,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArgumentSource &&optionalSelfValue,
bool isSuper, bool isDirectAccessorUse,
RValue &&optionalSubscripts, RValue &&value);
SILDeclRef getMaterializeForSetDeclRef(AbstractStorageDecl *decl,
bool isDirectAccessorUse);
emitMaterializeForSetAccessor(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef materializeForSet,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArgumentSource &&optionalSelfValue,
bool isSuper, bool isDirectAccessorUse,
RValue &&optionalSubscripts,
SILValue buffer, SILValue callbackStorage);
bool maybeEmitMaterializeForSetThunk(ProtocolConformance *conformance,
SILLinkage linkage,
Type selfInterfaceType,
Type selfType,
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv,
FuncDecl *requirement,
FuncDecl *witness,
SubstitutionList witnessSubs);
void emitMaterializeForSet(FuncDecl *decl);
SILDeclRef getAddressorDeclRef(AbstractStorageDecl *decl,
AccessKind accessKind,
bool isDirectAccessorUse);
emitAddressorAccessor(SILLocation loc, SILDeclRef addressor,
SubstitutionList substitutions,
ArgumentSource &&optionalSelfValue,
bool isSuper, bool isDirectAccessorUse,
RValue &&optionalSubscripts,
SILType addressType);
RValue emitApplyConversionFunction(SILLocation loc,
Expr *funcExpr,
Type resultType,
RValue &&operand);
ManagedValue emitManagedRetain(SILLocation loc, SILValue v);
ManagedValue emitManagedRetain(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedLoadCopy(SILLocation loc, SILValue v);
ManagedValue emitManagedLoadCopy(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedStoreBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
SILValue addr);
ManagedValue emitManagedStoreBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
SILValue addr,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedLoadBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v);
ManagedValue emitManagedLoadBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedBeginBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedBeginBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v);
ManagedValue emitManagedBorrowedRValueWithCleanup(SILValue original,
SILValue borrowedValue);
ManagedValue emitManagedBorrowedRValueWithCleanup(
SILValue original, SILValue borrowedValue, const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitFormalEvaluationManagedBorrowedRValueWithCleanup(
SILLocation loc, SILValue original, SILValue borrowedValue);
ManagedValue emitFormalEvaluationManagedBorrowedRValueWithCleanup(
SILLocation loc, SILValue original, SILValue borrowedValue,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitFormalEvaluationManagedBeginBorrow(SILLocation loc,
SILValue v);
emitFormalEvaluationManagedBeginBorrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue v,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(SILValue v);
ManagedValue emitManagedRValueWithCleanup(SILValue v,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(SILValue addr);
ManagedValue emitManagedBufferWithCleanup(SILValue addr,
const TypeLowering &lowering);
ManagedValue emitFormalAccessManagedRValueWithCleanup(SILLocation loc,
SILValue value);
ManagedValue emitFormalAccessManagedBufferWithCleanup(SILLocation loc,
SILValue addr);
void emitSemanticLoadInto(SILLocation loc, SILValue src,
const TypeLowering &srcLowering,
SILValue dest,
const TypeLowering &destLowering,
IsTake_t isTake, IsInitialization_t isInit);
SILValue emitSemanticLoad(SILLocation loc, SILValue src,
const TypeLowering &srcLowering,
const TypeLowering &rvalueLowering,
IsTake_t isTake);
void emitSemanticStore(SILLocation loc, SILValue value,
SILValue dest, const TypeLowering &destTL,
IsInitialization_t isInit);
SILValue emitConversionFromSemanticValue(SILLocation loc,
SILValue semanticValue,
SILType storageType);
ManagedValue emitLoad(SILLocation loc, SILValue addr,
const TypeLowering &rvalueTL,
SGFContext C, IsTake_t isTake,
bool isGuaranteedValid = false);
ManagedValue emitFormalAccessLoad(SILLocation loc, SILValue addr,
const TypeLowering &rvalueTL, SGFContext C,
IsTake_t isTake,
bool isGuaranteedValid = false);
void emitAssignToLValue(SILLocation loc, RValue &&src,
LValue &&dest);
void emitAssignLValueToLValue(SILLocation loc,
LValue &&src, LValue &&dest);
void emitCopyLValueInto(SILLocation loc, LValue &&src,
Initialization *dest);
ManagedValue emitAddressOfLValue(SILLocation loc, LValue &&src,
AccessKind accessKind,
TSanKind tsanKind = TSanKind::None);
LValue emitOpenExistentialLValue(SILLocation loc,
LValue &&existentialLV,
CanArchetypeType openedArchetype,
CanType formalRValueType,
AccessKind accessKind);
RValue emitLoadOfLValue(SILLocation loc, LValue &&src, SGFContext C,
bool isGuaranteedValid = false);
/// Emit a reference to a method from within another method of the type.
std::tuple<ManagedValue, SILType>
emitSiblingMethodRef(SILLocation loc,
SILValue selfValue,
SILDeclRef methodConstant,
const SubstitutionMap &subMap);
SILValue emitMetatypeOfValue(SILLocation loc, Expr *baseExpr);
void emitReturnExpr(SILLocation loc, Expr *ret);
RValue emitAnyHashableErasure(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue value,
Type type,
ProtocolConformanceRef conformance,
SGFContext C);
/// Turn a consumable managed value into a +1 managed value.
ManagedValue getManagedValue(SILLocation loc,
ConsumableManagedValue value);
// Helpers for emitting ApplyExpr chains.
RValue emitApplyExpr(Expr *e, SGFContext c);
/// Emit a function application, assuming that the arguments have been
/// lowered appropriately for the abstraction level but that the
/// result does need to be turned back into something matching a
/// formal type.
RValue emitApply(ResultPlanPtr &&resultPlan, ArgumentScope &&argScope,
SILLocation loc, ManagedValue fn, SubstitutionList subs,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
const CalleeTypeInfo &calleeTypeInfo, ApplyOptions options,
SGFContext evalContext);
RValue emitApplyOfDefaultArgGenerator(SILLocation loc,
ConcreteDeclRef defaultArgsOwner,
unsigned destIndex,
CanType resultType,
AbstractionPattern origResultType,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
RValue emitApplyOfStoredPropertyInitializer(
SILLocation loc,
const PatternBindingEntry &entry,
SubstitutionList subs,
CanType resultType,
AbstractionPattern origResultType,
SGFContext C);
/// A convenience method for emitApply that just handles monomorphic
/// applications.
RValue emitMonomorphicApply(SILLocation loc,
ManagedValue fn,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
CanType resultType,
ApplyOptions options,
Optional<SILFunctionTypeRepresentation> overrideRep,
const Optional<ForeignErrorConvention> &foreignError);
RValue emitApplyOfLibraryIntrinsic(SILLocation loc,
FuncDecl *fn,
const SubstitutionMap &subMap,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
SGFContext ctx);
RValue emitApplyOfLibraryIntrinsic(SILLocation loc,
FuncDecl *fn,
const SubstitutionList &subs,
ArrayRef<ManagedValue> args,
SGFContext ctx);
SILValue emitApplyWithRethrow(SILLocation loc, SILValue fn,
SILType substFnType,
SubstitutionList subs,
ArrayRef<SILValue> args);
/// Emit a literal that applies the various initializers.
RValue emitLiteral(LiteralExpr *literal, SGFContext C);
SILBasicBlock *getTryApplyErrorDest(SILLocation loc,
SILResultInfo exnResult,
bool isSuppressed);
/// Emit a dynamic member reference.
RValue emitDynamicMemberRefExpr(DynamicMemberRefExpr *e, SGFContext c);
/// Emit a dynamic subscript.
RValue emitDynamicSubscriptExpr(DynamicSubscriptExpr *e, SGFContext c);
/// Open up the given existential expression and emit its
/// subexpression in a caller-specified manner.
/// \param e The expression.
/// \param emitSubExpr A function to call to emit the subexpression
/// (which will be passed in).
void emitOpenExistentialExprImpl(OpenExistentialExpr *e,
llvm::function_ref<void(Expr *)> emitSubExpr);
/// Open up the given existential expression and emit its
/// subexpression in a caller-specified manner.
/// \param e The expression.
/// \param emitSubExpr A function to call to emit the subexpression
/// (which will be passed in).
template<typename R, typename F>
R emitOpenExistentialExpr(OpenExistentialExpr *e, F emitSubExpr) {
Optional<R> result;
[&](Expr *subExpr) {
return std::move(*result);
/// Open up the given existential expression and emit its
/// subexpression in a caller-specified manner.
/// \param e The expression.
/// \param emitSubExpr A function to call to emit the subexpression
/// (which will be passed in).
template<typename F>
void emitOpenExistentialExpr(OpenExistentialExpr *e, F emitSubExpr) {
emitOpenExistentialExprImpl(e, emitSubExpr);
/// Mapping from active opaque value expressions to their values,
/// along with a bit for each indicating whether it has been consumed yet.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<OpaqueValueExpr *, OpaqueValueState>
/// A mapping from opaque value expressions to the open-existential
/// expression that determines them, used while lowering lvalues.
llvm::SmallDenseMap<OpaqueValueExpr *, OpenExistentialExpr *>
/// RAII object that introduces a temporary binding for an opaque value.
/// Each time the opaque value expression is referenced, it will be
/// retained/released separately. When this RAII object goes out of
/// scope, the value will be destroyed if requested.
class OpaqueValueRAII {
SILGenFunction &Self;
OpaqueValueExpr *OpaqueValue;
OpaqueValueRAII(const OpaqueValueRAII &) = delete;
OpaqueValueRAII &operator=(const OpaqueValueRAII &) = delete;
OpaqueValueRAII(SILGenFunction &self, OpaqueValueExpr *opaqueValue,
OpaqueValueState state)
: Self(self), OpaqueValue(opaqueValue) {
assert(Self.OpaqueValues.count(OpaqueValue) == 0 &&
"Opaque value already has a binding");
Self.OpaqueValues[OpaqueValue] = state;
/// \brief Emit a conditional checked cast branch. Does not
/// re-abstract the argument to the success branch. Terminates the
/// current BB.
/// \param loc The AST location associated with the operation.
/// \param src The abstract value to cast.
/// \param sourceType The formal source type.
/// \param targetType The formal target type.
/// \param C Information about the result of the cast.
/// \param handleTrue A callback to invoke with the result of the cast
/// in the success path. The current BB should be
/// terminated.
/// \param handleFalse A callback to invoke in the failure path. The
/// current BB should be terminated.
void emitCheckedCastBranch(
SILLocation loc, ConsumableManagedValue src, Type sourceType,
CanType targetType, SGFContext C,
std::function<void(ManagedValue)> handleTrue,
std::function<void(Optional<ManagedValue>)> handleFalse);
/// A form of checked cast branch that uses the old non-ownership preserving
/// semantics.
/// The main difference is that this code does not pass the old argument as a
/// block argument in the failure case. This causes values to be double
/// consumed.
void emitCheckedCastBranchOld(SILLocation loc, Expr *source, Type targetType,
SGFContext ctx,
std::function<void(ManagedValue)> handleTrue,
std::function<void()> handleFalse);
/// \brief Emit a conditional checked cast branch, starting from an
/// expression. Terminates the current BB.
/// \param loc The AST location associated with the operation.
/// \param src An expression which will generate the value to cast.
/// \param targetType The formal target type.
/// \param C Information about the result of the cast.
/// \param handleTrue A callback to invoke with the result of the cast
/// in the success path. The current BB should be
/// terminated.
/// \param handleFalse A callback to invoke in the failure path. The
/// current BB should be terminated.
void emitCheckedCastBranch(
SILLocation loc, Expr *src, Type targetType, SGFContext C,
std::function<void(ManagedValue)> handleTrue,
std::function<void(Optional<ManagedValue>)> handleFalse);
/// A form of checked cast branch that uses the old non-ownership preserving
/// semantics.
/// The main difference is that this code does not pass the old argument as a
/// block argument in the failure case. This causes values to be double
/// consumed.
void emitCheckedCastBranchOld(SILLocation loc, ConsumableManagedValue src,
Type sourceType, CanType targetType,
SGFContext ctx,
std::function<void(ManagedValue)> handleTrue,
std::function<void()> handleFalse);
/// Emit the control flow for an optional 'bind' operation, branching to the
/// active failure destination if the optional value addressed by optionalAddr
/// is nil, and leaving the insertion point on the success branch.
/// NOTE: This operation does *not* consume the managed value.
void emitBindOptional(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue optionalAddrOrValue,
unsigned depth);
void emitOptionalEvaluation(SILLocation loc, Type optionalType,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &results,
SGFContext C,
llvm::function_ref<void(SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &,
SGFContext primaryC)>
// Bridging thunks
/// Convert a native Swift value to a value that can be passed as an argument
/// to or returned as the result of a function with the given calling
/// convention.
ManagedValue emitNativeToBridgedValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue v,
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation destRep,
CanType bridgedTy,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Convert a value received as the result or argument of a function with
/// the given calling convention to a native Swift value of the given type.
ManagedValue emitBridgedToNativeValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue v,
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation srcRep,
CanType nativeTy,
SGFContext C = SGFContext());
/// Convert a bridged error type to the native Swift Error
/// representation. The value may be optional.
ManagedValue emitBridgedToNativeError(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue v);
/// Convert a value in the native Swift Error representation to
/// a bridged error type representation.
ManagedValue emitNativeToBridgedError(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue v,
CanType bridgedType);
SILValue emitBridgeErrorForForeignError(SILLocation loc,
SILValue nativeError,
SILType bridgedResultType,
SILValue foreignErrorSlot,
const ForeignErrorConvention &foreignError);
emitBridgeReturnValueForForeignError(SILLocation loc,
SILValue result,
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation repr,
SILType bridgedResultType,
SILValue foreignErrorSlot,
const ForeignErrorConvention &foreignError);
void emitForeignErrorBlock(SILLocation loc, SILBasicBlock *errorBB,
Optional<ManagedValue> errorSlot);
void emitForeignErrorCheck(SILLocation loc,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &directResults,
ManagedValue errorSlot,
bool suppressErrorCheck,
const ForeignErrorConvention &foreignError);
// Re-abstraction thunks
/// Convert a value with the abstraction patterns of the original type
/// to a value with the abstraction patterns of the substituted type.
ManagedValue emitOrigToSubstValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue input,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanType substType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
RValue emitOrigToSubstValue(SILLocation loc, RValue &&input,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanType substType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
/// Convert a value with the abstraction patterns of the substituted
/// type to a value with the abstraction patterns of the original type.
ManagedValue emitSubstToOrigValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue input,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanType substType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
RValue emitSubstToOrigValue(SILLocation loc, RValue &&input,
AbstractionPattern origType,
CanType substType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
/// Transform the AST-level types in the function signature without an
/// abstraction or representation change.
ManagedValue emitTransformedValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue input,
CanType inputType,
CanType outputType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
/// Most general form of the above.
ManagedValue emitTransformedValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue input,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
RValue emitTransformedValue(SILLocation loc, RValue &&input,
AbstractionPattern inputOrigType,
CanType inputSubstType,
AbstractionPattern outputOrigType,
CanType outputSubstType,
SGFContext ctx = SGFContext());
/// Used for emitting SILArguments of bare functions, such as thunks and
/// open-coded materializeForSet.
void collectThunkParams(SILLocation loc,
SmallVectorImpl<ManagedValue> &params,
bool allowPlusZero);
/// Build the type of a function transformation thunk.
CanSILFunctionType buildThunkType(CanSILFunctionType &sourceType,
CanSILFunctionType &expectedType,
CanType &inputSubstType,
CanType &outputSubstType,
GenericEnvironment *&genericEnv,
SubstitutionMap &interfaceSubs);
// Declarations
void visitDecl(Decl *D) {
llvm_unreachable("Not yet implemented");
void visitFuncDecl(FuncDecl *D);
void visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *D);
void emitPatternBinding(PatternBindingDecl *D, unsigned entry);
emitPatternBindingInitialization(Pattern *P, JumpDest failureDest);
void visitNominalTypeDecl(NominalTypeDecl *D) {
// No lowering support needed.
void visitTypeAliasDecl(TypeAliasDecl *D) {
// No lowering support needed.
void visitGenericTypeParamDecl(GenericTypeParamDecl *D) {
// No lowering support needed.
void visitAssociatedTypeDecl(AssociatedTypeDecl *D) {
// No lowering support needed.
void visitVarDecl(VarDecl *D);
/// Emit an Initialization for a 'var' or 'let' decl in a pattern.
std::unique_ptr<Initialization> emitInitializationForVarDecl(VarDecl *vd);
/// Emit the allocation for a local variable, provides an Initialization
/// that can be used to initialize it, and registers cleanups in the active
/// scope.
/// \param ArgNo optionally describes this function argument's
/// position for debug info.
emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(VarDecl *D,
Optional<MarkUninitializedInst::Kind> kind,
unsigned ArgNo = 0);
/// Emit the allocation for a local temporary, provides an
/// Initialization that can be used to initialize it, and registers
/// cleanups in the active scope.
/// The initialization is guaranteed to be a single buffer.
emitTemporary(SILLocation loc, const TypeLowering &tempTL);
/// Emit the allocation for a local temporary, provides an
/// Initialization that can be used to initialize it, and registers
/// cleanups in the current active formal evaluation scope.
/// The initialization is guaranteed to be a single buffer.
emitFormalAccessTemporary(SILLocation loc, const TypeLowering &tempTL);
/// Provides an Initialization that can be used to initialize an already-
/// allocated temporary, and registers cleanups in the active scope.
/// The initialization is guaranteed to be a single buffer.
useBufferAsTemporary(SILValue addr, const TypeLowering &tempTL);
/// Enter a currently-dormant cleanup to destroy the value in the
/// given address.
CleanupHandle enterDormantTemporaryCleanup(SILValue temp,
const TypeLowering &tempTL);
/// Enter a currently-dormant cleanup to destroy the value in the
/// given address.
enterDormantFormalAccessTemporaryCleanup(SILValue temp, SILLocation loc,
const TypeLowering &tempTL);
/// Destroy and deallocate an initialized local variable.
void destroyLocalVariable(SILLocation L, VarDecl *D);
/// Deallocate an uninitialized local variable.
void deallocateUninitializedLocalVariable(SILLocation L, VarDecl *D);
/// Enter a cleanup to deallocate a stack variable.
CleanupHandle enterDeallocStackCleanup(SILValue address);
/// Enter a cleanup to emit a ReleaseValue/DestroyAddr of the specified value.
CleanupHandle enterDestroyCleanup(SILValue valueOrAddr);
/// Enter a cleanup to emit a DeinitExistentialAddr or DeinitExistentialBox
/// of the specified value.
CleanupHandle enterDeinitExistentialCleanup(SILValue valueOrAddr,
CanType concreteFormalType,
ExistentialRepresentation repr);
/// Evaluate an Expr as an lvalue.
LValue emitLValue(Expr *E, AccessKind accessKind);
/// Emit a reference to a variable as an lvalue.
LValue emitLValueForAddressedNonMemberVarDecl(SILLocation loc, VarDecl *var,
CanType formalRValueType,
AccessKind accessKind,
AccessSemantics semantics);
/// Emit an lvalue that directly refers to the given instance variable
/// (without going through getters or setters).
LValue emitPropertyLValue(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue base,
CanType baseFormalType, VarDecl *var,
AccessKind accessKind, AccessSemantics semantics);
struct PointerAccessInfo {
CanType PointerType;
PointerTypeKind PointerKind;
swift::AccessKind AccessKind;
PointerAccessInfo getPointerAccessInfo(Type pointerType);
ManagedValue emitLValueToPointer(SILLocation loc, LValue &&lvalue,
PointerAccessInfo accessInfo);
struct ArrayAccessInfo {
Type PointerType;
Type ArrayType;
swift::AccessKind AccessKind;
ArrayAccessInfo getArrayAccessInfo(Type pointerType, Type arrayType);
emitArrayToPointer(SILLocation loc, LValue &&lvalue,
ArrayAccessInfo accessInfo);
emitArrayToPointer(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue arrayValue,
ArrayAccessInfo accessInfo);
emitStringToPointer(SILLocation loc, ManagedValue stringValue,
Type pointerType);
class ForceTryEmission {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
Expr *Loc;
JumpDest OldThrowDest;
ForceTryEmission(SILGenFunction &SGF, Expr *loc);
ForceTryEmission(const ForceTryEmission &) = delete;
ForceTryEmission &operator=(const ForceTryEmission &) = delete;
void finish();
~ForceTryEmission() {
if (Loc) finish();
/// Return forwarding substitutions for the archetypes in the current
/// function.
SubstitutionList getForwardingSubstitutions();
/// Get the _Pointer protocol used for pointer argument operations.
ProtocolDecl *getPointerProtocol();
/// A utility class for saving and restoring the insertion point.
class SavedInsertionPoint {
SILGenFunction &SGF;
SILBasicBlock *SavedIP;
FunctionSection SavedSection;
SavedInsertionPoint(SILGenFunction &SGF, SILBasicBlock *newIP,
Optional<FunctionSection> optSection = None)
: SGF(SGF), SavedIP(SGF.B.getInsertionBB()),
SavedSection(SGF.CurFunctionSection) {
FunctionSection section = (optSection ? *optSection : SavedSection);
assert((section != FunctionSection::Postmatter ||
SGF.StartOfPostmatter != SGF.F.end()) &&
"trying to move to postmatter without a registered start "
"of postmatter?");
SGF.CurFunctionSection = section;
SavedInsertionPoint(const SavedInsertionPoint &) = delete;
SavedInsertionPoint &operator=(const SavedInsertionPoint &) = delete;
~SavedInsertionPoint() {
if (SavedIP) {
} else {
SGF.CurFunctionSection = SavedSection;
} // end namespace Lowering
} // end namespace swift