blob: 38300df10da77e75535040d410dab04c8f5a89ca [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Tests and samples.
// Comment. With unicode characters: ¡ç®åz¥!
func markUsed<T>(_: T) {}
// Various function types.
var func1 : () -> () // No input, no output.
var func2 : (Int) -> Int
var func3 : () -> () -> () // Takes nothing, returns a fn.
var func3a : () -> (() -> ()) // same as func3
var func6 : (_ fn : (Int,Int) -> Int) -> () // Takes a fn, returns nothing.
var func7 : () -> (Int,Int,Int) // Takes nothing, returns tuple.
// Top-Level expressions. These are 'main' content.
_ = 4+7
var bind_test1 : () -> () = func1
var bind_test2 : Int = 4; func1 // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused variable}}
(func1, func2) // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused variable}}
func basictest() {
// Simple integer variables.
var x : Int
var x2 = 4 // Simple Type inference.
var x3 = 4+x*(4+x2)/97 // Basic Expressions.
// Declaring a variable Void, aka (), is fine too.
var v : Void
var x4 : Bool = true
var x5 : Bool =
4 // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'Bool'}}
//var x6 : Float = 4+5
var x7 = 4; 5 // expected-warning {{integer literal is unused}}
// Test implicit conversion of integer literal to non-Int64 type.
var x8 : Int8 = 4
x8 = x8 + 1
_ = x8 + 1
_ = 0 + x8
1.0 + x8 // expected-error{{binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Double' and 'Int8'}}
// expected-note @-1 {{overloads for '+' exist with these partially matching parameter lists:}}
var x9 : Int16 = x8 + 1 // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int8' to specified type 'Int16'}}
// Various tuple types.
var tuple1 : ()
var tuple2 : (Int)
var tuple3 : (Int, Int, ())
var tuple2a : (a : Int) // expected-error{{cannot create a single-element tuple with an element label}}{{18-22=}}
var tuple3a : (a : Int, b : Int, c : ())
var tuple4 = (1, 2) // Tuple literal.
var tuple5 = (1, 2, 3, 4) // Tuple literal.
var tuple6 = (1 2) // expected-error {{expected ',' separator}} {{18-18=,}}
// Brace expressions.
var brace3 = {
var brace2 = 42 // variable shadowing.
_ = brace2+7
// Function calls.
var call1 : () = func1()
var call2 = func2(1)
var call3 : () = func3()()
// Cannot call an integer.
bind_test2() // expected-error {{cannot call value of non-function type 'Int'}}{{13-15=}}
// <>
func testUnusedLiterals_SR3522() {
42 // expected-warning {{integer literal is unused}}
2.71828 // expected-warning {{floating-point literal is unused}}
true // expected-warning {{boolean literal is unused}}
false // expected-warning {{boolean literal is unused}}
"Hello" // expected-warning {{string literal is unused}}
"Hello \(42)" // expected-warning {{string literal is unused}}
#file // expected-warning {{#file literal is unused}}
(#line) // expected-warning {{#line literal is unused}}
#column // expected-warning {{#column literal is unused}}
#function // expected-warning {{#function literal is unused}}
#dsohandle // expected-warning {{#dsohandle literal is unused}}
__FILE__ // expected-error {{__FILE__ has been replaced with #file in Swift 3}} expected-warning {{#file literal is unused}}
__LINE__ // expected-error {{__LINE__ has been replaced with #line in Swift 3}} expected-warning {{#line literal is unused}}
__COLUMN__ // expected-error {{__COLUMN__ has been replaced with #column in Swift 3}} expected-warning {{#column literal is unused}}
__FUNCTION__ // expected-error {{__FUNCTION__ has been replaced with #function in Swift 3}} expected-warning {{#function literal is unused}}
__DSO_HANDLE__ // expected-error {{__DSO_HANDLE__ has been replaced with #dsohandle in Swift 3}} expected-warning {{#dsohandle literal is unused}}
nil // expected-error {{'nil' requires a contextual type}}
#fileLiteral(resourceName: "what.txt") // expected-error {{could not infer type of file reference literal}} expected-note * {{}}
#imageLiteral(resourceName: "hello.png") // expected-error {{could not infer type of image literal}} expected-note * {{}}
#colorLiteral(red: 1, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1) // expected-error {{could not infer type of color literal}} expected-note * {{}}
// Infix operators and attribute lists.
infix operator %% : MinPrecedence
precedencegroup MinPrecedence {
associativity: left
lowerThan: AssignmentPrecedence
func %%(a: Int, b: Int) -> () {}
var infixtest : () = 4 % 2 + 27 %% 123
// The 'func' keyword gives a nice simplification for function definitions.
func funcdecl1(_ a: Int, _ y: Int) {}
func funcdecl2() {
return funcdecl1(4, 2)
func funcdecl3() -> Int {
return 12
func funcdecl4(_ a: ((Int) -> Int), b: Int) {}
func signal(_ sig: Int, f: (Int) -> Void) -> (Int) -> Void {}
// Doing fun things with named arguments. Basic stuff first.
func funcdecl6(_ a: Int, b: Int) -> Int { return a+b }
// Can dive into tuples, 'b' is a reference to a whole tuple, c and d are
// fields in one. Cannot dive into functions or through aliases.
func funcdecl7(_ a: Int, b: (c: Int, d: Int), third: (c: Int, d: Int)) -> Int {
_ = a + b.0 + b.c + third.0 + third.1 // expected-error {{value of tuple type '(c: Int, d: Int)' has no member 'foo'}}
// Error recovery.
func testfunc2 (_: ((), Int) -> Int) -> Int {}
func errorRecovery() {
testfunc2({ $0 + 1 }) // expected-error {{contextual closure type '((), Int) -> Int' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body}}
enum union1 {
case bar
case baz
var a: Int = .hello // expected-error {{type 'Int' has no member 'hello'}}
var b: union1 = .bar // ok
var c: union1 = .xyz // expected-error {{type 'union1' has no member 'xyz'}}
var d: (Int,Int,Int) = (1,2) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(Int, Int)' to specified type '(Int, Int, Int)'}}
var e: (Int,Int) = (1, 2, 3) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(Int, Int, Int)' to specified type '(Int, Int)'}}
var f: (Int,Int) = (1, 2, f : 3) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(Int, Int, f: Int)' to specified type '(Int, Int)'}}
// <rdar://problem/22426860> CrashTracer: [USER] swift at …mous_namespace::ConstraintGenerator::getTypeForPattern + 698
var (g1, g2, g3) = (1, 2) // expected-error {{'(Int, Int)' is not convertible to '(_, _, _)', tuples have a different number of elements}}
func acceptsInt(_ x: Int) {}
acceptsInt(unknown_var) // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'unknown_var'}}
var test1a: (Int) -> (Int) -> Int = { { $0 } } // expected-error{{contextual type for closure argument list expects 1 argument, which cannot be implicitly ignored}} {{38-38= _ in}}
var test1b = { 42 }
var test1c = { { 42 } }
var test1d = { { { 42 } } }
func test2(_ a: Int, b: Int) -> (c: Int) { // expected-error{{cannot create a single-element tuple with an element label}} {{34-37=}} expected-note {{did you mean 'a'?}} expected-note {{did you mean 'b'?}}
_ = a+b
a+b+c // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'c'}}
return a+b
func test3(_ arg1: Int, arg2: Int) -> Int {
return 4
func test4() -> ((_ arg1: Int, _ arg2: Int) -> Int) {
return test3
func test5() {
let a: (Int, Int) = (1,2)
_: ((Int) -> Int, Int) = a // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(Int, Int)' to specified type '((Int) -> Int, Int)'}}
let c: (a: Int, b: Int) = (1,2)
let _: (b: Int, a: Int) = c // Ok, reshuffle tuple.
// Functions can obviously take and return values.
func w3(_ a: Int) -> Int { return a }
func w4(_: Int) -> Int { return 4 }
func b1() {}
func foo1(_ a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {}
func foo2(_ a: Int) -> (_ b: Int) -> Int {}
func foo3(_ a: Int = 2, b: Int = 3) {}
prefix operator ^^
prefix func ^^(a: Int) -> Int {
return a + 1
func test_unary1() {
var x: Int
x = ^^(^^x)
x = *x // expected-error {{'*' is not a prefix unary operator}}
x = x* // expected-error {{'*' is not a postfix unary operator}}
x = +(-x)
x = + -x // expected-error {{unary operator cannot be separated from its operand}} {{8-9=}}
func test_unary2() {
var x: Int
// FIXME: second diagnostic is redundant.
x = &; // expected-error {{expected expression after unary operator}} expected-error {{expected expression in assignment}}
func test_unary3() {
var x: Int
// FIXME: second diagnostic is redundant.
x = &, // expected-error {{expected expression after unary operator}} expected-error {{expected expression in assignment}}
func test_as_1() {
var _: Int
func test_as_2() {
let x: Int = 1
x as [] // expected-error {{expected element type}} {{9-9= <#type#>}}
func test_lambda() {
// A simple closure.
var a = { (value: Int) -> () in markUsed(value+1) }
// A recursive lambda.
// FIXME: This should definitely be accepted.
var fib = { (n: Int) -> Int in
if (n < 2) {
return n
return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) // expected-error 2 {{variable used within its own initial value}}
func test_lambda2() {
{ () -> protocol<Int> in
// expected-warning @-1 {{'protocol<...>' composition syntax is deprecated and not needed here}} {{11-24=Int}}
// expected-error @-2 {{non-protocol, non-class type 'Int' cannot be used within a protocol-constrained type}}
// expected-warning @-3 {{result of call is unused}}
return 1
func test_floating_point() {
_ = 0.0
_ = 100.1
var _: Float = 0.0
var _: Double = 0.0
func test_nonassoc(_ x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool {
// FIXME: the second error and note here should arguably disappear
return x == y == x // expected-error {{adjacent operators are in non-associative precedence group 'ComparisonPrecedence'}} expected-error {{binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Bool' and 'Int'}} expected-note {{overloads for '==' exist with these partially matching parameter lists:}}
// More realistic examples.
func fib(_ n: Int) -> Int {
if (n < 2) {
return n
return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1)
// Integer Literals
// FIXME: Should warn about integer constants being too large <rdar://problem/14070127>
il_a: Bool = 4 // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to specified type 'Bool'}}
var il_b: Int8
= 123123
var il_c: Int8 = 4 // ok
struct int_test4 : ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int
init(integerLiteral value: Int) {} // user type.
var il_g: int_test4 = 4
// This just barely fits in Int64.
var il_i: Int64 = 18446744073709551615
// This constant is too large to fit in an Int64, but it is fine for Int128.
// FIXME: Should warn about the first. <rdar://problem/14070127>
var il_j: Int64 = 18446744073709551616
// var il_k: Int128 = 18446744073709551616
var bin_literal: Int64 = 0b100101
var hex_literal: Int64 = 0x100101
var oct_literal: Int64 = 0o100101
// verify that we're not using C rules
var oct_literal_test: Int64 = 0123
assert(oct_literal_test == 123)
// ensure that we swallow random invalid chars after the first invalid char
var invalid_num_literal: Int64 = 0QWERTY // expected-error{{'Q' is not a valid digit in integer literal}}
var invalid_bin_literal: Int64 = 0bQWERTY // expected-error{{'Q' is not a valid binary digit (0 or 1) in integer literal}}
var invalid_hex_literal: Int64 = 0xQWERTY // expected-error{{'Q' is not a valid hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) in integer literal}}
var invalid_oct_literal: Int64 = 0oQWERTY // expected-error{{'Q' is not a valid octal digit (0-7) in integer literal}}
var invalid_exp_literal: Double = 1.0e+QWERTY // expected-error{{'Q' is not a valid digit in floating point exponent}}
var invalid_fp_exp_literal: Double = 0x1p+QWERTY // expected-error{{'Q' is not a valid digit in floating point exponent}}
// don't emit a partial integer literal if the invalid char is valid for identifiers.
var invalid_num_literal_prefix: Int64 = 0a1234567 // expected-error{{'a' is not a valid digit in integer literal}}
var invalid_num_literal_middle: Int64 = 0123A5678 // expected-error{{'A' is not a valid digit in integer literal}}
var invalid_bin_literal_middle: Int64 = 0b1020101 // expected-error{{'2' is not a valid binary digit (0 or 1) in integer literal}}
var invalid_oct_literal_middle: Int64 = 0o1357864 // expected-error{{'8' is not a valid octal digit (0-7) in integer literal}}
var invalid_hex_literal_middle: Int64 = 0x147ADG0 // expected-error{{'G' is not a valid hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) in integer literal}}
var invalid_hex_literal_exponent_ = 0xffp+12abc // expected-error{{'a' is not a valid digit in floating point exponent}}
var invalid_float_literal_exponent = 12e1abc // expected-error{{'a' is not a valid digit in floating point exponent}}
// rdar://11088443
var negative_int32: Int32 = -1
// <rdar://problem/11287167>
var tupleelemvar = 1
markUsed((tupleelemvar, tupleelemvar).1)
func int_literals() {
// Fits exactly in 64-bits - rdar://11297273
_ = 1239123123123123
// Overly large integer.
// FIXME: Should warn about it. <rdar://problem/14070127>
_ = 123912312312312312312
// <rdar://problem/12830375>
func tuple_of_rvalues(_ a:Int, b:Int) -> Int {
return (a, b).1
extension Int {
func testLexingMethodAfterIntLiteral() {}
func _0() {}
// Hex letters
func ffa() {}
// Hex letters + non hex.
func describe() {}
// Hex letters + 'p'.
func eap() {}
// Hex letters + 'p' + non hex.
func fpValue() {}
var separator1: Int = 1_
var separator2: Int = 1_000
var separator4: Int = 0b1111_0000_
var separator5: Int = 0b1111_0000
var separator6: Int = 0o127_777_
var separator7: Int = 0o127_777
var separator8: Int = 0x12FF_FFFF
var separator9: Int = 0x12FF_FFFF_
// Float Literals
var fl_a = 0.0
var fl_b: Double = 1.0
var fl_c: Float = 2.0
// FIXME: crummy diagnostic
var fl_d: Float = 2.0.0 // expected-error {{expected named member of numeric literal}}
var fl_e: Float = 1.0e42
var fl_f: Float = 1.0e+ // expected-error {{expected a digit in floating point exponent}}
var fl_g: Float = 1.0E+42
var fl_h: Float = 2e-42
var vl_i: Float = -.45 // expected-error {{'.45' is not a valid floating point literal; it must be written '0.45'}} {{20-20=0}}
var fl_j: Float = 0x1p0
var fl_k: Float = 0x1.0p0
var fl_l: Float = 0x1.0 // expected-error {{hexadecimal floating point literal must end with an exponent}}
var fl_m: Float = 0x1.FFFFFEP-2
var fl_n: Float = 0x1.fffffep+2
var fl_o: Float = 0x1.fffffep+ // expected-error {{expected a digit in floating point exponent}}
var fl_p: Float = 0x1p // expected-error {{expected a digit in floating point exponent}}
var fl_q: Float = 0x1p+ // expected-error {{expected a digit in floating point exponent}}
var fl_r: Float = 0x1.0fp // expected-error {{expected a digit in floating point exponent}}
var fl_s: Float = 0x1.0fp+ // expected-error {{expected a digit in floating point exponent}}
var fl_t: Float = 0x1.p // expected-error {{value of type 'Int' has no member 'p'}}
var fl_u: Float = 0x1.p2 // expected-error {{value of type 'Int' has no member 'p2'}}
var fl_v: Float = 0x1.p+ // expected-error {{'+' is not a postfix unary operator}}
var fl_w: Float = 0x1.p+2 // expected-error {{value of type 'Int' has no member 'p'}}
var if1: Double = 1.0 + 4 // integer literal ok as double.
var if2: Float = 1.0 + 4 // integer literal ok as float.
var fl_separator1: Double = 1_.2_
var fl_separator2: Double = 1_000.2_
var fl_separator3: Double = 1_000.200_001
var fl_separator4: Double = 1_000.200_001e1_
var fl_separator5: Double = 1_000.200_001e1_000
var fl_separator6: Double = 1_000.200_001e1_000
var fl_separator7: Double = 0x1_.0FFF_p1_
var fl_separator8: Double = 0x1_0000.0FFF_ABCDp10_001
var fl_bad_separator1: Double = 1e_ // expected-error {{'_' is not a valid first character in floating point exponent}}
var fl_bad_separator2: Double = 0x1p_ // expected-error {{'_' is not a valid first character in floating point exponent}}
// String Literals
var st_a = ""
var st_b: String = ""
var st_c = "asdfasd // expected-error {{unterminated string literal}}
var st_d = " \t\n\r\"\'\\ " // Valid simple escapes
var st_e = " \u{12}\u{0012}\u{00000078} " // Valid unicode escapes
var st_u1 = " \u{1} "
var st_u2 = " \u{123} "
var st_u3 = " \u{1234567} " // expected-error {{invalid unicode scalar}}
var st_u4 = " \q " // expected-error {{invalid escape sequence in literal}}
var st_u5 = " \u{FFFFFFFF} " // expected-error {{invalid unicode scalar}}
var st_u6 = " \u{D7FF} \u{E000} " // Fencepost UTF-16 surrogate pairs.
var st_u7 = " \u{D800} " // expected-error {{invalid unicode scalar}}
var st_u8 = " \u{DFFF} " // expected-error {{invalid unicode scalar}}
var st_u10 = " \u{0010FFFD} " // Last valid codepoint, 0xFFFE and 0xFFFF are reserved in each plane
var st_u11 = " \u{00110000} " // expected-error {{invalid unicode scalar}}
func stringliterals(_ d: [String: Int]) {
// rdar://11385385
let x = 4
"Hello \(x+1) world" // expected-warning {{string literal is unused}}
"Error: \(x+1"; // expected-error {{unterminated string literal}}
"Error: \(x+1 // expected-error {{unterminated string literal}}
; // expected-error {{';' statements are not allowed}}
// rdar://14050788 [DF] String Interpolations can't contain quotes
"test \("nested")"
"test \("\("doubly nested")")"
"test \(d["hi"])"
"test \("quoted-paren )")"
"test \("quoted-paren (")"
"test \("\\")"
"test \("\n")"
"test \("\")" // expected-error {{unterminated string literal}}
"test \
// expected-error @-1 {{unterminated string literal}} expected-error @-1 {{invalid escape sequence in literal}}
"test \("\
// expected-error @-1 {{unterminated string literal}}
"test newline \("something" +
"something else")"
// expected-error @-2 {{unterminated string literal}} expected-error @-1 {{unterminated string literal}}
// expected-warning @+2 {{variable 'x2' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
// expected-error @+1 {{unterminated string literal}}
var x2 : () = ("hello" + "
func testSingleQuoteStringLiterals() {
_ = 'abc' // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-12="abc"}}
_ = 'abc' + "def" // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-12="abc"}}
_ = 'ab\nc' // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-14="ab\\nc"}}
_ = "abc\('def')" // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{13-18="def"}}
_ = "abc' // expected-error{{unterminated string literal}}
_ = 'abc" // expected-error{{unterminated string literal}}
_ = "a'c"
_ = 'ab\'c' // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-14="ab'c"}}
_ = 'ab"c' // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-13="ab\\"c"}}
_ = 'ab\"c' // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-14="ab\\"c"}}
_ = 'ab\\"c' // expected-error{{single-quoted string literal found, use '"'}}{{7-15="ab\\\\\\"c"}}
// <rdar://problem/17128913>
var s = ""
s.append(contentsOf: ["x"])
// InOut arguments
func takesInt(_ x: Int) {}
func takesExplicitInt(_ x: inout Int) { }
func testInOut(_ arg: inout Int) {
var x: Int
takesExplicitInt(x) // expected-error{{passing value of type 'Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{20-20=&}}
takesInt(&x) // expected-error{{'&' used with non-inout argument of type 'Int'}}
var y = &x //expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
var z = &arg //expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
takesExplicitInt(5) // expected-error {{cannot pass immutable value as inout argument: literals are not mutable}}
// Conversions
var pi_f: Float
var pi_d: Double
struct SpecialPi {} // Type with no implicit construction.
var pi_s: SpecialPi
func getPi() -> Float {} // expected-note 3 {{found this candidate}}
func getPi() -> Double {} // expected-note 3 {{found this candidate}}
func getPi() -> SpecialPi {}
enum Empty { }
extension Empty {
init(_ f: Float) { }
func conversionTest(_ a: inout Double, b: inout Int) {
var f: Float
var d: Double
a = Double(b)
a = Double(f)
a = Double(d) // no-warning
b = Int(a)
f = Float(b)
var pi_f1 = Float(pi_f)
var pi_d1 = Double(pi_d)
var pi_s1 = SpecialPi(pi_s) // expected-error {{argument passed to call that takes no arguments}}
var pi_f2 = Float(getPi()) // expected-error {{ambiguous use of 'getPi()'}}
var pi_d2 = Double(getPi()) // expected-error {{ambiguous use of 'getPi()'}}
var pi_s2: SpecialPi = getPi() // no-warning
var float = Float.self
var pi_f3 = float.init(getPi()) // expected-error {{ambiguous use of 'getPi()'}}
var pi_f4 = float.init(pi_f)
var e = Empty(f)
var e2 = Empty(d) // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Double' to expected argument type 'Float'}}
var e3 = Empty(Float(d))
struct Rule { // expected-note {{'init(target:dependencies:)' declared here}}
var target: String
var dependencies: String
var ruleVar: Rule
ruleVar = Rule("a") // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter 'dependencies' in call}}
class C {
var x: C?
init(other: C?) { x = other }
func method() {}
_ = C(3) // expected-error {{missing argument label 'other:' in call}}
_ = C(other: 3) // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'C?'}}
// Unary Operators
func unaryOps(_ i8: inout Int8, i64: inout Int64) {
i8 = ~i8
i64 += 1
i8 -= 1
Int64(5) += 1 // expected-error{{left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: function call returns immutable value}}
// <rdar://problem/17691565> attempt to modify a 'let' variable with ++ results in typecheck error not being able to apply ++ to Float
let a = i8 // expected-note {{change 'let' to 'var' to make it mutable}} {{3-6=var}}
a += 1 // expected-error {{left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: 'a' is a 'let' constant}}
var b : Int { get { }}
b += 1 // expected-error {{left side of mutating operator isn't mutable: 'b' is a get-only property}}
// Iteration
func..<(x: Double, y: Double) -> Double {
return x + y
func iterators() {
_ = 0..<42
_ = 0.0..<42.0
// Magic literal expressions
func magic_literals() {
_ = __FILE__ // expected-error {{__FILE__ has been replaced with #file in Swift 3}}
_ = __LINE__ // expected-error {{__LINE__ has been replaced with #line in Swift 3}}
_ = __COLUMN__ // expected-error {{__COLUMN__ has been replaced with #column in Swift 3}}
_ = __DSO_HANDLE__ // expected-error {{__DSO_HANDLE__ has been replaced with #dsohandle in Swift 3}}
_ = #file
_ = #line + #column
var _: UInt8 = #line + #column
// lvalue processing
infix operator +-+=
func +-+= (x: inout Int, y: Int) -> Int { return 0}
func lvalue_processing() {
var i = 0
i += 1 // obviously ok
var fn = (+-+=)
var n = 42
fn(n, 12) // expected-error {{passing value of type 'Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{6-6=&}}
fn(&n, 12) // expected-warning {{result of call is unused, but produces 'Int'}}
n +-+= 12
(+-+=)(&n, 12) // ok.
(+-+=)(n, 12) // expected-error {{passing value of type 'Int' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{10-10=&}}
struct Foo {
func method() {}
mutating func mutatingMethod() {}
func test() {
var x = Foo()
let y = Foo()
// rdar://15708430
(&x).method() // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
(&x).mutatingMethod() // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
// Unused results.
func unusedExpressionResults() {
// Unused l-value
_ // expected-error{{'_' can only appear in a pattern or on the left side of an assignment}}
// <rdar://problem/20749592> Conditional Optional binding hides compiler error
let optionalc:C? = nil
optionalc?.method() // ok
optionalc?.method // expected-error {{expression resolves to an unused function}}
// Collection Literals
func arrayLiterals() {
let _ = [1,2,3]
let _ : [Int] = []
let _ = [] // expected-error {{empty collection literal requires an explicit type}}
func dictionaryLiterals() {
let _ = [1 : "foo",2 : "bar",3 : "baz"]
let _: Dictionary<Int, String> = [:]
let _ = [:] // expected-error {{empty collection literal requires an explicit type}}
func invalidDictionaryLiteral() {
// FIXME: lots of unnecessary diagnostics.
var a = [1: ; // expected-error {{expected value in dictionary literal}}
var b = [1: ;] // expected-error {{expected value in dictionary literal}}
var c = [1: "one" ;] // expected-error {{expected key expression in dictionary literal}} expected-error {{expected ',' separator}} {{20-20=,}}
var d = [1: "one", ;] // expected-error {{expected key expression in dictionary literal}}
var e = [1: "one", 2] // expected-error {{expected ':' in dictionary literal}}
var f = [1: "one", 2 ;] // expected-error {{expected ':' in dictionary literal}}
var g = [1: "one", 2: ;] // expected-error {{expected value in dictionary literal}}
// FIXME: The issue here is a type compatibility problem, there is no ambiguity.
[4].joined(separator: [1]) // expected-error {{type of expression is ambiguous without more context}}
[4].joined(separator: [[[1]]]) // expected-error {{type of expression is ambiguous without more context}}
// nil/metatype comparisons
_ = Int.self == nil // expected-warning {{comparing non-optional value of type 'Any.Type' to nil always returns false}}
_ = nil == Int.self // expected-warning {{comparing non-optional value of type 'Any.Type' to nil always returns false}}
_ = Int.self != nil // expected-warning {{comparing non-optional value of type 'Any.Type' to nil always returns true}}
_ = nil != Int.self // expected-warning {{comparing non-optional value of type 'Any.Type' to nil always returns true}}
// <rdar://problem/19032294> Disallow postfix ? when not chaining
func testOptionalChaining(_ a : Int?, b : Int!, c : Int??) {
_ = a? // expected-error {{optional chain has no effect, expression already produces 'Int?'}} {{8-9=}}
_ = a?.customMirror
_ = b? // expected-error {{optional chain has no effect, expression already produces 'Int?'}}
_ = b?.customMirror
var _: Int? = c? // expected-error {{'?' must be followed by a call, member lookup, or subscript}}
// <rdar://problem/19657458> Nil Coalescing operator (??) should have a higher precedence
func testNilCoalescePrecedence(cond: Bool, a: Int?, r: ClosedRange<Int>?) {
// ?? should have higher precedence than logical operators like || and comparisons.
if cond || (a ?? 42 > 0) {} // Ok.
if (cond || a) ?? 42 > 0 {} // expected-error {{cannot be used as a boolean}} {{15-15=(}} {{16-16= != nil)}}
if (cond || a) ?? (42 > 0) {} // expected-error {{cannot be used as a boolean}} {{15-15=(}} {{16-16= != nil)}}
if cond || a ?? 42 > 0 {} // Parses as the first one, not the others.
// ?? should have lower precedence than range and arithmetic operators.
let r1 = r ?? (0...42) // ok
let r2 = (r ?? 0)...42 // not ok: expected-error {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type 'ClosedRange<Int>'}}
let r3 = r ?? 0...42 // parses as the first one, not the second.
// <rdar://problem/27457457> [Type checker] Diagnose unsavory optional injections
// Accidental optional injection for ??.
let i = 42
_ = i ?? 17 // expected-warning {{left side of nil coalescing operator '??' has non-optional type 'Int', so the right side is never used}} {{9-15=}}
// <rdar://problem/19772570> Parsing of as and ?? regressed
func testOptionalTypeParsing(_ a : AnyObject) -> String {
return a as? String ?? "default name string here"
func testParenExprInTheWay() {
let x = 42
if x & 4.0 {} // expected-error {{binary operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'}} expected-note {{expected an argument list of type '(Int, Int)'}}
if (x & 4.0) {} // expected-error {{binary operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'}} expected-note {{expected an argument list of type '(Int, Int)'}}
if !(x & 4.0) {} // expected-error {{binary operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Int' and 'Double'}}
//expected-note @-1 {{expected an argument list of type '(Int, Int)'}}
if x & x {} // expected-error {{'Int' is not convertible to 'Bool'}}
// <rdar://problem/21352576> Mixed method/property overload groups can cause a crash during constraint optimization
public struct TestPropMethodOverloadGroup {
public typealias Hello = String
public let apply:(Hello) -> Int
public func apply(_ input:Hello) -> Int {
return apply(input)
// <rdar://problem/18496742> Passing ternary operator expression as inout crashes Swift compiler
func inoutTests(_ arr: inout Int) {
var x = 1, y = 2
(true ? &x : &y) // expected-error 2 {{use of extraneous '&'}}
let a = (true ? &x : &y) // expected-error 2 {{use of extraneous '&'}}
inoutTests(true ? &x : &y) // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
&_ // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
inoutTests((&x, 24).0) // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
inoutTests((&x)) // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
// <rdar://problem/17489894> inout not rejected as operand to assignment operator
&x += y // expected-error {{'&' can only appear immediately in a call argument list}}}
// <rdar://problem/23249098>
func takeAny(_ x: Any) {}
takeAny(&x) // expected-error{{'&' used with non-inout argument of type 'Any'}}
func takeManyAny(_ x: Any...) {}
takeManyAny(&x) // expected-error{{'&' used with non-inout argument of type 'Any'}}
takeManyAny(1, &x) // expected-error{{'&' used with non-inout argument of type 'Any'}}
func takeIntAndAny(_ x: Int, _ y: Any) {}
takeIntAndAny(1, &x) // expected-error{{'&' used with non-inout argument of type 'Any'}}
// <rdar://problem/20802757> Compiler crash in default argument & inout expr
var g20802757 = 2
func r20802757(_ z: inout Int = &g20802757) { // expected-error {{use of extraneous '&'}}
_ = // expected-error {{type of expression is ambiguous without more context}}
// <rdar://problem/22211854> wrong arg list crashing sourcekit
func r22211854() {
func f(_ x: Int, _ y: Int, _ z: String = "") {} // expected-note 2 {{'f' declared here}}
func g<T>(_ x: T, _ y: T, _ z: String = "") {} // expected-note 2 {{'g' declared here}}
f(1) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
g(1) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
func h() -> Int { return 1 }
f(h() == 1) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
g(h() == 1) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter #2 in call}}
// <rdar://problem/22348394> Compiler crash on invoking function with labeled defaulted param with non-labeled argument
func r22348394() {
func f(x: Int = 0) { }
f(Int(3)) // expected-error{{missing argument label 'x:' in call}}
// <rdar://problem/23185177> Compiler crashes in Assertion failed: ((AllowOverwrite || !E->hasLValueAccessKind()) && "l-value access kind has already been set"), function visit
protocol P { var y: String? { get } }
func r23185177(_ x: P?) -> [String] {
return x?.y // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'String?' to return type '[String]'}}
// <rdar://problem/22913570> Miscompile: wrong argument parsing when calling a function in swift2.0
func r22913570() {
func f(_ from: Int = 0, to: Int) {} // expected-note {{'f(_:to:)' declared here}}
f(1 + 1) // expected-error{{missing argument for parameter 'to' in call}}
// SR-628 mixing lvalues and rvalues in tuple expression
var x = 0
var y = 1
let _ = (x, x + 1).0
let _ = (x, 3).1
(x,y) = (2,3)
(x,4) = (1,2) // expected-error {{cannot assign to value: literals are not mutable}}
(x,y).1 = 7 // expected-error {{cannot assign to immutable expression of type 'Int'}}
x = (x,(3,y)).1.1
// SR-3439 subscript with pound exprssions.
Sr3439: do {
class B {
init() {}
subscript(x: Int) -> Int { return x }
subscript(x: String) -> String { return x }
func foo() {
_ = self[#line] // Ok.
class C : B {
func bar() {
_ = super[#file] // Ok.
let obj = C();
_ = obj[#column] // Ok.