blob: 5544f7d46ee52a206c7eb407dd0c60570dba34c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Transform an @ file into a file list.
# The intended use case is given an @ path passed to swift, use this script and
# bash to automagically expand the @ path by transforming:
# @/foo/bar/baz.txt
# =>
# <(at-to-filelist /foo/bar/baz.txt)
# For those unaware, <(...) causes bash to output the subshell's output into a
# file and then replace <(...) with the path to that temporary file.
# Example:
# Consider a swiftc command line that uses the @ symbol.
# swiftc @/foo/bar/baz.txt
# When this is run, the @ command is expanded into a filelist in a temporary
# file. This doesn't work with -### since -### outputs the command line with a
# temporary file for the filelist, but uses a path to a temporary file that
# doesn't exist, e.g.:
# swift -frontend -filelist /tmp/tmp.filelist ...
# To run this command, you use the at-to-filelist command as follows:
# swift -frontend -filelist <(at-to-filelist /foo/bar/baz.txt)
cat ${1} | tr -s ";" "\n"