blob: 52e6a651aa0bb8efb98baa0c51f8405bf3edc141 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %swift -swift-version 4 -target arm64e-apple-ios12.0 -parse-stdlib -parse-as-library %s -emit-ir -module-name test -Xcc -Xclang -Xcc -fptrauth-calls | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK
// REQUIRES: CPU=arm64e
import Builtin
// CHECK: @"$sTA.ptrauth" = private constant { i8*, i32, i64, i64 } { i8* bitcast (void (%swift.refcounted*)* @"$sTA" to i8*), i32 0, i64 0, i64 {{.*}} }, section "llvm.ptrauth"
sil @test_thin_indirect : $@convention(thin) (@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, Builtin.Int32) -> (), Builtin.Int32) -> @owned @callee_owned () -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, Builtin.Int32) -> (), %1 : $Builtin.Int32):
%2 = partial_apply %0(%1, %1) : $@convention(thin) (Builtin.Int32, Builtin.Int32) -> ()
return %2 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: define swiftcc { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } @test_thin_indirect(i8* %0, i32 %1)
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* %0 to void (i32, i32)*
// CHECK: [[ALLOC:%.*]] = call {{.*}}swift_allocObject(
// CHECK: [[CTXT:%.*]] = bitcast %swift.refcounted* [[ALLOC]] to [[CTXT_TY:<{ %swift.refcounted, i32, i32, i8\* }>]]*
// CHECK: [[SLOT:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[CTXT_TY]], [[CTXT_TY]]* [[CTXT]], i32 0, i32 3
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8** [[SLOT]] to i64
// CHECK: [[DISC:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.ptrauth.blend.i64(i64 [[T0]], i64 7185)
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = ptrtoint void (i32, i32)* [[FN]] to i64
// CHECK: [[T1:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.ptrauth.resign.i64(i64 [[T0]], i32 0, i64 {{.*}}, i32 1, i64 [[DISC]])
// CHECK: [[T2:%.*]] = inttoptr i64 [[T1]] to void (i32, i32)*
// CHECK: [[T3:%.*]] = bitcast void (i32, i32)* [[T2]] to i8*
// CHECK: store i8* [[T3]], i8** [[SLOT]], align 8
// CHECK: insertvalue { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } { i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i32, i64, i64 }* @"$sTA.ptrauth" to i8*), %swift.refcounted* undef }, %swift.refcounted* {{.*}}, 1
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal swiftcc void @"$sTA"(%swift.refcounted* swiftself %0)
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = bitcast %swift.refcounted* %0 to [[CTXT_TY:<{ %swift.refcounted, i32, i32, i8\* }>]]*
// CHECK: [[SLOT:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[CTXT_TY]], [[CTXT_TY]]* [[T0]], i32 0, i32 3
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = load i8*, i8** [[SLOT]], align 8
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[T0]] to void (i32, i32)*
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8** [[SLOT]] to i64
// CHECK: [[DISC:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.ptrauth.blend.i64(i64 [[T0]], i64 7185)
// CHECK: call swiftcc void [[FN]](i32 {{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}) [ "ptrauth"(i32 1, i64 [[DISC]]) ]
sil @test_thick_indirect : $@convention(thin) (@callee_owned (Builtin.Int32, Builtin.Int32) -> (), Builtin.Int32) -> @owned @callee_owned () -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@callee_owned (Builtin.Int32, Builtin.Int32) -> (), %1 : $Builtin.Int32):
%2 = partial_apply %0(%1, %1) : $@callee_owned (Builtin.Int32, Builtin.Int32) -> ()
return %2 : $@callee_owned () -> ()
// CHECK-LABEL: define swiftcc { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } @test_thick_indirect(i8* %0, %swift.refcounted* %1, i32 %2)
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* %0 to void (i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*)*
// CHECK: [[ALLOC:%.*]] = call {{.*}}swift_allocObject(
// CHECK: [[CTXT:%.*]] = bitcast %swift.refcounted* [[ALLOC]] to [[CTXT_TY:<{ %swift.refcounted, i32, i32, %swift.refcounted\*, i8\* }>]]*
// CHECK: [[SLOT:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[CTXT_TY]], [[CTXT_TY]]* {{%.*}}, i32 0, i32 4
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8** [[SLOT]] to i64
// CHECK: [[DISC:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.ptrauth.blend.i64(i64 [[T0]], i64 7185)
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = ptrtoint void (i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*)* [[FN]] to i64
// CHECK: [[T1:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.ptrauth.resign.i64(i64 [[T0]], i32 0, i64 {{.*}}, i32 1, i64 [[DISC]])
// CHECK: [[T2:%.*]] = inttoptr i64 [[T1]] to void (i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*)*
// CHECK: [[T3:%.*]] = bitcast void (i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*)* [[T2]] to i8*
// CHECK: store i8* [[T3]], i8** [[SLOT]], align 8
// CHECK: insertvalue { i8*, %swift.refcounted* } { i8* bitcast ({ i8*, i32, i64, i64 }* @"$sTA{{.*}}.ptrauth" to i8*), %swift.refcounted* undef }, %swift.refcounted* {{.*}}, 1
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal swiftcc void @"$sTA{{.*}}"(%swift.refcounted* swiftself %0)
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = bitcast %swift.refcounted* %0 to <{ %swift.refcounted, i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*, i8* }>*
// CHECK: [[SLOT:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds <{ %swift.refcounted, i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*, i8* }>, <{ %swift.refcounted, i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*, i8* }>* [[T0]], i32 0, i32 4
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = load i8*, i8** [[SLOT]], align 8
// CHECK: [[FN:%.*]] = bitcast i8* [[T0]] to void (i32, i32, %swift.refcounted*)*
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8** [[SLOT]] to i64
// CHECK: [[DISC:%.*]] = call i64 @llvm.ptrauth.blend.i64(i64 [[T0]], i64 7185)
// CHECK: call swiftcc void [[FN]](i32 {{.*}}, i32 {{.*}}, %swift.refcounted* {{.*}}) [ "ptrauth"(i32 1, i64 [[DISC]]) ]