blob: d948ffe623ea1c0b02a018a8a24b0bba8ac41c9b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -parse-as-library -module-name=test -O %s -emit-ir > %t.ll
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.ll
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=CHECK-DEAD %s < %t.ll
// protocol descriptor for test.Proto
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test5ProtoMp" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test12PrivateProto{{[_A-Z0-9]*}}Mp" =
// reflection metadata field descriptors
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructAVMF" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructBVMF" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructCVMF" =
// CHECK-DEAD-NOT: @"$s4test7StructDVMF" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructEVMF" =
// nominal type descriptors
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructAVMn" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructBVMn" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructCVMn" =
// CHECK-DEAD-NOT: @"$s4test7StructDVMn"
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructEVMn" =
// full type metadata
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructAVMf" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructBVMf" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructCVMf" =
// CHECK-DEAD-NOT: @"$s4test7StructDVMf"
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructEVMf" =
// protocol witness tables
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructAVAA5ProtoAAWP" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructBVAA5ProtoAAWP" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructCVAA5ProtoAAWP" =
// CHECK-DEAD-NOT: @"$s4test7StructDVAA5ProtoAAWP" =
// CHECK-DAG: @"$s4test7StructEVAA12PrivateProto{{[_A-Z0-9]*}}AAWP" =
public protocol Proto {
func abc()
struct StructA : Proto {
func abc() {
struct StructB : Proto {
func abc() {
struct StructC : Proto {
func abc() {
// This is the only struct for which no metadata and conformances are needed.
struct StructD : Proto {
func abc() {
private protocol PrivateProto {
func xyz()
public struct StructE : PrivateProto {
func xyz() {
public func needPrivateConformance(_ x: Any) -> Bool {
return x is PrivateProto
func consume1<T>(_ t: T) {
func consume2<T: Proto>(_ t: T) {
func consume3(_ p: Proto) {
func consume4(_ t: StructD) {
var a = StructA()
var b = StructB()
var c = StructC()
var d = StructD()
public func callfuncA() {
public func callfuncB() {
public func callfuncC() {
public func callfuncD() {