blob: 478e55ea995095f6779e942ec5b667a42c4afb2a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -gnone -emit-ir -disable-objc-attr-requires-foundation-module -enable-objc-interop | %FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-ptrsize --check-prefix=CHECK-%target-ptrsize-simulator-%target-is-simulator
// REQUIRES: CPU=i386 || CPU=x86_64
// We have to claim this is raw SIL because there are critical edges from non
// cond_br instructions.
sil_stage raw
import Builtin
import Swift
@objc class OC {}
sil_vtable OC {}
sil hidden @$s9enum_objc2OCCACycfcTo : $@convention(thin) (OC) -> OC {
entry(%x : $OC):
return %x : $OC
protocol PC : class {}
@objc protocol PO {}
enum SinglePayloadClassProtocol {
case x(PC)
case y, z, w
enum SinglePayloadObjCProtocol {
case x(PO)
case y, z, w
// CHECK-64: define{{( dllexport)?}}{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @single_payload_class_protocol_switch(i64 %0, i64 %1) {{.*}} {
// CHECK-64: switch i64 %0, label {{%.*}} [
// CHECK-64: i64 0, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-false: i64 2, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-false: i64 4, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-true: i64 1, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-true: i64 2, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64: ]
// CHECK-64: inttoptr i64 %0 to %objc_object*
// CHECK-64: inttoptr i64 %1 to i8**
// CHECK-32: define{{( dllexport)?}}{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @single_payload_class_protocol_switch(i32 %0, i32 %1) {{.*}} {
// CHECK-32: switch i32 %0, label {{%.*}} [
// CHECK-32: i32 0, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: i32 1, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: i32 2, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: ]
// CHECK-32: inttoptr i32 %0 to %objc_object*
// CHECK-32: inttoptr i32 %1 to i8**
sil @single_payload_class_protocol_switch : $(SinglePayloadClassProtocol) -> () {
entry(%c : $SinglePayloadClassProtocol):
switch_enum %c : $SinglePayloadClassProtocol, case #SinglePayloadClassProtocol.x!enumelt: x_dest, case #SinglePayloadClassProtocol.y!enumelt: y_dest, case #SinglePayloadClassProtocol.z!enumelt: z_dest, case #SinglePayloadClassProtocol.w!enumelt: w_dest
x_dest(%d : $PC):
br end
br end
br end
br end
return undef : $()
// CHECK-64: define{{( dllexport)?}}{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @single_payload_objc_protocol_switch(i64 %0) {{.*}} {
// CHECK-64: switch i64 %0, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64: i64 0, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-false: i64 2, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-false: i64 4, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-true: i64 1, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64-simulator-true: i64 2, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-64: ]
// CHECK-64: inttoptr i64 %0 to %objc_object*
// CHECK-32: define{{( dllexport)?}}{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @single_payload_objc_protocol_switch(i32 %0) {{.*}} {
// CHECK-32: switch i32 %0, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: i32 0, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: i32 1, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: i32 2, label {{%.*}}
// CHECK-32: ]
// CHECK-32: inttoptr i32 %0 to %objc_object*
sil @single_payload_objc_protocol_switch : $(SinglePayloadObjCProtocol) -> () {
entry(%c : $SinglePayloadObjCProtocol):
switch_enum %c : $SinglePayloadObjCProtocol, case #SinglePayloadObjCProtocol.x!enumelt: x_dest, case #SinglePayloadObjCProtocol.y!enumelt: y_dest, case #SinglePayloadObjCProtocol.z!enumelt: z_dest, case #SinglePayloadObjCProtocol.w!enumelt: w_dest
x_dest(%d : $PO):
br end
br end
br end
br end
return undef : $()
protocol delegateProtocol : AnyObject { }
struct StructWithWeakVar {
weak var delegate: delegateProtocol?
// CHECK-LABEL: define{{( dllexport)?}}{{( protected)?}} swiftcc void @weak_optional(%T9enum_objc17StructWithWeakVarVSg* noalias nocapture dereferenceable({{.*}}) %0)
sil @weak_optional : $@convention(thin) (@in StructWithWeakVar?) -> () {
entry(%x : $*StructWithWeakVar?):
// CHECK: icmp eq [[WORD:i32|i64]] {{%.*}}, 0
switch_enum_addr %x : $*StructWithWeakVar?,
case #Optional.some!enumelt: a,
case #Optional.none!enumelt: b
br x
// CHECK: store [[WORD]] 0
// CHECK: store [[WORD]] 1
inject_enum_addr %x : $*StructWithWeakVar?, #Optional.none!enumelt
br x
return undef : $()