blob: 2fa5fc429cab5e02ea30f398e664a01d0138d58b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -primary-file %s -emit-ir > %t.ll
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GLOBAL < %t.ll
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.ll
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -primary-file %s -emit-ir -wmo -num-threads 1 > %t.ll.wmo
// RUN: %FileCheck %s -check-prefix=GLOBAL < %t.ll.wmo
// RUN: %FileCheck %s < %t.ll.wmo
// REQUIRES: CPU=x86_64
protocol P {}
protocol Q {}
protocol Assocked {
associatedtype Assoc : P, Q
struct Universal : P, Q {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @"symbolic _____ 23associated_type_witness12OuterPrivate{{.*}}InnermostV" = linkonce_odr hidden constant
// CHECK-SAME: @"$s23associated_type_witness12OuterPrivate{{.*}}5InnerE0V9InnermostVMn"
private struct OuterPrivate {
struct InnerPrivate: HasSimpleAssoc {
struct Innermost { }
typealias Assoc = Innermost
// CHECK: [[ASSOC_TYPE_NAMES:@.*]] = private constant [29 x i8] c"OneAssoc TwoAssoc ThreeAssoc\00"
// CHECK: @"$s23associated_type_witness18HasThreeAssocTypesMp" =
protocol HasThreeAssocTypes {
associatedtype OneAssoc
associatedtype TwoAssoc
associatedtype ThreeAssoc
// Witness table for WithUniversal : Assocked.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness13WithUniversalVAA8AssockedAAWP" = hidden global [4 x i8*] [
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"$s23associated_type_witness13WithUniversalVAA8AssockedAAMc"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness13WithUniversalVAA8AssockedAA5AssocAaDP_AA1P",
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness13WithUniversalVAA8AssockedAA5AssocAaDP_AA1Q"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"symbolic{{.*}}23associated_type_witness9UniversalV"
struct WithUniversal : Assocked {
typealias Assoc = Universal
// Witness table for GenericWithUniversal : Assocked.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness20GenericWithUniversalVyxGAA8AssockedAAWP" = hidden global [4 x i8*] [
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"$s23associated_type_witness20GenericWithUniversalVyxGAA8AssockedAAMc"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness20GenericWithUniversalVyxGAA8AssockedAA5Assoc_AA1P"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness20GenericWithUniversalVyxGAA8AssockedAA5Assoc_AA1Q"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"symbolic{{.*}}23associated_type_witness9UniversalV"
struct GenericWithUniversal<T> : Assocked {
typealias Assoc = Universal
// Witness table for Fulfilled : Assocked.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness9FulfilledVyxGAA8AssockedAAWp" = internal global [4 x i8*] [
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"$s23associated_type_witness9FulfilledVyxGAA8AssockedAAMc"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness9FulfilledVyxGAA8AssockedAA5AssocAaEP_AA1P"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness9FulfilledVyxGAA8AssockedAA5AssocAaEP_AA1Q"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"symbolic x"
struct Fulfilled<T : P & Q> : Assocked {
typealias Assoc = T
// Associated type witness table access function for Fulfilled.Assoc : P.
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal swiftcc i8** @"$s23associated_type_witness9FulfilledVyxGAA8AssockedAA5AssocAaEP_AA1PPWT"(%swift.type* %"Fulfilled<T>.Assoc", %swift.type* %"Fulfilled<T>", i8** %"Fulfilled<T>.Assocked")
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = bitcast %swift.type* %"Fulfilled<T>" to i8***
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8**, i8*** [[T0]], i64 3
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T2:%.*]] = load i8**, i8*** [[T1]], align 8, !invariant.load
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i8** [[T2]]
// Associated type witness table access function for Fulfilled.Assoc : Q.
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal swiftcc i8** @"$s23associated_type_witness9FulfilledVyxGAA8AssockedAA5AssocAaEP_AA1QPWT"(%swift.type* %"Fulfilled<T>.Assoc", %swift.type* %"Fulfilled<T>", i8** %"Fulfilled<T>.Assocked")
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = bitcast %swift.type* %"Fulfilled<T>" to i8***
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8**, i8*** [[T0]], i64 4
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T2:%.*]] = load i8**, i8*** [[T1]], align 8, !invariant.load
// CHECK-NEXT: ret i8** [[T2]]
struct Pair<T, U> : P, Q {}
// Generic witness table pattern for Computed : Assocked.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness8ComputedVyxq_GAA8AssockedAAWp" = internal global [4 x i8*] [
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"$s23associated_type_witness8ComputedVyxq_GAA8AssockedAAMc"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness8ComputedVyxq_GAA8AssockedAA5Assoc_AA1P"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"associated conformance 23associated_type_witness8ComputedVyxq_GAA8AssockedAA5Assoc_AA1Q"
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"symbolic{{.*}}23associated_type_witness4PairV{{.*}}"
// Protocol conformance descriptor for Computed : Assocked.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness8ComputedVyxq_GAA8AssockedAAMc" = hidden constant
// GLOBAL-SAME: i16 4,
// GLOBAL-SAME: i16 1,
// No instantiator function
// GLOBAL-SAME: i32 0,
// GLOBAL-SAME: i32 trunc (i64 sub (i64 ptrtoint ([16 x i8*]* [[PRIVATE:@.*]] to i64), i64 ptrtoint
struct Computed<T, U> : Assocked {
typealias Assoc = Pair<T, U>
// Instantiation function for GenericComputed : DerivedFromSimpleAssoc.
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @"$s23associated_type_witness15GenericComputedVyxGAA22DerivedFromSimpleAssocAAWI"(i8** %0, %swift.type* %"GenericComputed<T>", i8** %1)
// CHECK: [[T0:%.*]] = call i8** @swift_getWitnessTable({{.*}}@"$s23associated_type_witness15GenericComputedVyxGAA14HasSimpleAssocAAMc"
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T1:%.*]] = bitcast i8** [[T0]] to i8*
// CHECK-NEXT: [[T2:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** %0, i32 1
// CHECK-NEXT: store i8* [[T1]], i8** [[T2]], align 8
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void
struct PBox<T: P> {}
protocol HasSimpleAssoc {
associatedtype Assoc
protocol DerivedFromSimpleAssoc : HasSimpleAssoc {}
// Generic witness table pattern for GenericComputed : DerivedFromSimpleAssoc.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness15GenericComputedVyxGAA22DerivedFromSimpleAssocAAWp" = internal constant [2 x i8*]
// GLOBAL-SAME: @"$s23associated_type_witness15GenericComputedVyxGAA22DerivedFromSimpleAssocAAMc"
// GLOBAL-SAME: i8* null
// Protocol conformance descriptor for GenericComputed : DerivedFromSimpleAssoc.
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"$s23associated_type_witness15GenericComputedVyxGAA22DerivedFromSimpleAssocAAMc" = hidden constant
// GLOBAL-SAME: i16 2,
// GLOBAL-SAME: i16 1,
// Relative reference to instantiator function
// GLOBAL-SAME: i32 trunc (i64 sub (i64 ptrtoint (void (i8**, %swift.type*, i8**)* @"$s23associated_type_witness15GenericComputedVyxGAA22DerivedFromSimpleAssocAAWI" to i64),
// Relative reference to private data
struct GenericComputed<T: P> : DerivedFromSimpleAssoc {
typealias Assoc = PBox<T>
protocol HasAssocked {
associatedtype Contents : Assocked
struct FulfilledFromAssociatedType<T : HasAssocked> : HasSimpleAssoc {
typealias Assoc = PBox<T.Contents.Assoc>
struct UsesVoid : HasSimpleAssoc {
typealias Assoc = ()
// SR-11642: Failure to canonicalize type in associated type witness.
struct Validator<T> {
let validatorFailureType: Any.Type
protocol ValidatorType {
associatedtype Data
associatedtype Failure
func validator() -> Validator<Data>
extension ValidatorType {
func validator() -> Validator<Data> {
.init(validatorFailureType: Failure.self)
// MARK: Failing example
extension Validator where T == String {
struct V: ValidatorType {
typealias Data = T // or String
struct Failure {}
// GLOBAL-LABEL: @"symbolic _____ySS__G 23associated_type_witness9ValidatorVAASSRszlE1VV7FailureV"